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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1964, p. 28

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28 THE OSHAWA TIMRS, Wednesday, acetal ee yen Cail The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 BUSINESS SERV CE DIRECTORY Building Trades Sardening and Supplies Mortgages HOPK: BEADLE AnD € + Charter. pg ase yo gl Sree Build- vad 167__ King Oshawa, 725-3509; $. T. Fhopkins CA; H. &, Beadle, CA; C. Lukow, CA. 'ALE, TEDLANDER. and CO, Char- YA FRIE 18 tered Accountants. Licensed Bankruptcy, 64 King Street East, 728-7371. pect chant tedden deni ta MONTEITH, RIEHL, WATERS and Co. Chartered Accountants, 728-7527; Oshawa Suite 215E, Ajax, 942 0890; Whitby, 31. ALBERT HOSMAR, Chartered Account- ant, 47 Prince Street, Suite 4, Oshawa, Ontario. 723-1221. CEMENT WORK . WALKS, STOOPS, FLOORS, CURBS, ond PATIOS B. McLEAN Phone 725-5946 CARPENTER work, new, and repairs, lay cement blocks. Telephone 728-7680. NEW AND OLD roofing and chimneys and repairs. Lakeside Contractors, tele- phone 725-0539. our specialty. New work and repairs. Large and smail ory L. and H, ore RR 725-6937. and Con LEONARD JAMES BROOKS, Char Accountant, Suite aad Oshawa Shop-' ping Centre, 725-9953. PRIVATE and corporation monies for ot mortgages; sale purchased. * |\doch and Victor. SPRAY NOW! Now is the time again for killing the weeds in your lawns. You can be sure that most of the weeds will be killed after sprayed. a Free estimate for landscaping. ¢\Harry Van Staveren Nursery and Landscaping ' 410 Perry St, Whitby 668-3007 (See Barristers'), Musical Services PIANO, reed, pipe and electronic) stv tuning and repair, instruments apari A, Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, Optometrist F, RICHARD BLACK, OD, 136 Simcoe Street North, Site 6, Oshawa, Tele phone 723-4191, Plumbing and Heating ALL PLUMBING aad heating suppilse. Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Ltd, Plumbing vi Mh and Engineering. 255 Cartage | Y and field sod, cut daily, sand, Simcoe Street South. BOB CLANCY'S pee Service. Complete bookkeeping service, 184 Bond) awa, Street West, 725-0397. Res. 723-7605, JOHN'S MOVING AND CARTAGE, Osh-| Whitby. Reasonable rates. Ful'y) Sotoed and insured, 728-3661. Barristers CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURT MURDOGH "and VICTOR; ph pg Solicitors, faries, Bank oe Street worth Oshawa, 723- K. Creighton, QC; or residences: G. 726-8554; G. L. Mur- é and Agreemen' a bought, and sold and arranged. ve fully Insured, light trucking, saan | Fag garages, etc. Reasonable! be Fh La one ai types of cartage. | Bay| Ridges, 191, Dentistry : BIALEK, DR. C. P. -- Dental surgeon,| 112 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa. For 728-5842 or Res. 728-844). THOMAS H. GREER, BA, Barrister, Solicitor, Notary, Suite 303, The Times Bullding, 86 King Street East, 728-6209. Mortgage funds available. McGIBBON and BASTEDO, mes| Drapery Service .. REPA RS and installations on - dra tracks and venetian blinds. Whitby 668-3734, drapery oot diy bd Solicitors. Clients' funds first mortgage, 37 King»Street East (rd 728-7336. Charlies C. McGibbon, . Bastedo, QC; Norman H, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, QC, Soli money to loan. Office 14% King Street East, Oshawa. 726-8232. MACKEY and BAILEY, citors, Notaries Public, available, 36% King $ Street Eas' East, 723-1 723-1107, HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, i, and HiLL- MAN, Barristers, Solicitors, 3642 King Street East, Oshawa; R. D. Humphreys, QC; G. $. Boychyn, QC, W. A. Hiliman, BA, LLB; J. D. Humphreys, BA, LLB. 4604; 'Whitby 668-1761. third mortgage funds available. MANNING F, SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries. Money to loan. Henry Block, 26 King Street East, 723-4697. Residence: Dia! 23-4029. Barristers-Soll-| Mortg: funds HYMAN AND HYMAN, Barrister, _ Soll- citors, Notaries, Sulte 305, Buliding, 86 King Street East, Clients' funds a ible for mortgages. Louis 8. Hyman, $. Hyman, BA. "| DRESSMAKING F citer, Whitby, 668. omer] PRES TO PEST CONTROL Dressmaking and alterations. Mrs. . G. Gostlin, 1302 Dundas Street East, DRESSMAKING -- Sults, coats; dresses, alterations, slip covers, drapes, Fitting Ispecialty. Mrs? Toms, Whitby, 688-2372. ye tana bie Ade santa Bate ht DRESSMAKING -- all kinds of ladies' wear. High quality work. Call 668-8463, Mrs. Voogierv, 1110 Henry Street, Whitby Exterminators Fleas, Roaches, Bed Bugs, Beetles, Moths, Mice, Rots, etc. Homes, factories, apartments, restaurants. ne Mourtieh os 9871 | | | Oshawa 728-6934 | ~ TUTORING. YORK PLUMBING and heating. Special- izing repairs, remodelling. Reasonable rates. Free estimates. 328 Simcoe South, 728-1731. CHESTERFIELDS re-upholstered and re- styled. Free estimate. See our material loam and gravel. Armstrong Sod. Tele jenene 725-5864, LEN BOWLER -- Landscaping and gar- Idening setvice, sidewalk slabs, patio slabs, flag stones, planters, dry walls, roto-tilling, asphalt, lawns seeded, sodded, SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK: 15--Agents Wanted 17--Male Help Wanted : 8 a.m. to.5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12 22--Offices, Stores, Storage By R J. SCOTT FALLS» DANO? MAS Soon Mat WAY FOR CENTURIES. 1S THE PRODUCT oF A 4IMY MITE OF AX INSECT $0 SMALL THAT A SINGLE ONE 15 ~ LESS THAN HALE HE SIZE. OF A PINHEAD. AWE INSECT 1$ CALLED "4WO-HUNDRED' IN SIAM, AND BURMA, WHERE MOST 'LAC COMES FROM, WIN A TV MAKE EXTRA MONEY Win @ portable TV set, while you « make extra money. No experience necessary. Sell exciting top-value Christmas Cards and Gifts. Earn big profits. Friends and neigh- bours buy on sight. Write for free colour catalogue and see cou on appr |. Special y 9 "plan for Chorches, Clubs, Schools. Homer-Warren Co., Dept, 24, 411 Clendenan. Ave., Toronto, 16--Female Help Wanted "SCRAPS. WHAT 15 FED PENNED TURKEYS lo GAIN WEIGHT MORE RAPIDLY 4 GRASS CLIPPINGS, tn tt, 65. -- for re-covering. Dalton ing, 75) Charles Street, 723-7212. ALL TYPES of repairs and remodeling, new and used maierials. Reasonable rate, Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, Foley. fertilized, 'power rolling, pruning, hedge | clipping, fertilizers, trees, hedging nurs- ery stock, Telephone 728-7787. Instruction J. 2--Personal 11--Articles For Rent LEN PULLAN tuq-Upholstery Service ONTARIO (ENGLISH TAILOR) CUSTOM TAILORING RE-UPHOLSTERING by experis DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control. Cors Licensed Instructor Automatic and Standard rials. Workmanship guaranteed years. Free estimates. Credit Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished, |Avenue; 725-0311. estimates. Whitby, 668-5753 or 668-5376. CHESTERFIELDS and ola chairs, covered like new, Get the best for les at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe $./ Call 728-6451, Free estimates. Sales and Service from' $19.95." Alex, Bay Ridges, Picker- ing, Whitby and Oshawa, Two-year guar-| antee on all work, 942-0637. GUARANTEED repairs ¢ washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! Announcing the opening of 728-1742. Academic Tutoring College. Estab- lished 17 years. Complete range of here ve terms. |Oshawa Uphoistering Company, 287 Déan REUPHOLSTER and refinish your furni- ture by J. and J, Custom Furniture, Free re |TV TOWERS from $39.95, Roof antennas fo all wringer |PERMANENTS on BRITISH WORSTEDS SUIT & DRESS ALTERATIONS INVISIBLE MENDING 10-12 PRINCE ST. 728-5311 | "Removal of superfluous hair, | Marig Murduff will be in Oshawa, Aug. 31st, Sept. Ist & 2nd, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723- 4641 _ la special. i. ts Halr- eae 396 Pine Avenue. Telephone Septic Service Summer school soon to com- mence. All ages, grade, sub- jects, Reading, Math., Eng- lish, Science, etc., from stu- dent's own textbooks, private jon calls. Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby, 668-2563. Gardening and Supplies GREER AND KELLY, Barristers, Soil- citors, etc. 114 King Street gg! Dial 723-2278, Residence Phones: J, M. Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, BA, BCL. 2. Building Trades ED LANGLOIS HOME BUILDER We Specialize in Concrete Foundations 173 ALBERT ST, 728-4169 Free Estimates A-| CARPENTRY, cabinets, Arborite, bathroom and kitehen remodelling. soe Cooper Smith Co. WATER SOFTENER SALT SIFTO ROCK CRYSTALS ROX. BRAND PELLETS COMMON FINE SALT "DOG FEED" PURITY DOG MEAL PURINA DOG KIBBLE PURINA DOG CHOW PURINA DOG MEAL MASTER DIET. KIBBLE DOG FOOD 16 CELINA ST. 723-2312 ing, wall and floor tiles, T lect 985-2674, YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY cleaner. Chim- neys built and repaired; gas linings In- stalled; roofs repaired. Free estimates, 723-2997. QUALITY CARPENTRY, custom bullt kitchens, and rec-rooms, floor' and cell ing files, painting, roofing, ete. Satisfac- tion guaranteed, 725-8576. HOUSEBUILDING, additions, verandes, BLUE GRASS SOD "ALL GREEN" NURSERY SOD. GROWERS Townline N. 2 Mile North of Taunton Village OSHAWA 725-9674 cupboards, framing, fooitngs, etc. A. BULLDOZING and excavating. estimates, 26 Hillcourt Drive, (668-5612, a PLASTERING, new and repairs, stucco, A. Woods, 143 Clarke Street, 728-3420. CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, roofing and repairs, sidewalks and stoops, F. Cann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061. ROOM papered, $8 and up. Bungaldws painted, Presconable prices. Also Inside work, all prices labour only. 725-7297. Geo, Golding. 7 i" For free Whitby, ALL TYPES of ns repairs, roofing, chimneys, fireplaces, stoops. Fertilized Weed Treated FIELD SODS Check sods before you buy! Picked up 14¢ and delivered 20¢ 725-9674 PRESTO . LAWN SERVICES Lawns, weeds, fertilizing, Gordon May, 728-0394. FOR TRENCHING and complete septic tank installations, all materials included. Call Frank Brink, Hampton 263-2710. HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing and eavestroughing, carpentry work, painting and genera! repairs. All work guaranteed. P, Nellis, 336 Bruce Street. 728-2061. dri ys, parking lots, and vacant lots. TELEPHONE 725-9871 TREE to trim? Call "Slim". Or cut ther down, Free estimates. 725-5118. GARDENS plowea with Gravely Roto plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3104, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 25 WORD Better describea offers get faster results. 6 Consecutive days, original copy 3 Consecutive days, original copy Count each word, initial, figure or abbreviation os one word, IF NOT PAID WITHIN 7 DAYS, CHARGE RATE Ae. CLASSIFIED BOX NUMBER FOR REPLIES: 15¢ While every endeavour will be made numbers he advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alieged to arise through either foilure or delay in forwarding such replies, however cgused whether by negligence or otherwise. Professional listings only, 3 lines per month Each additional line, pe Fr munth (Not applicable & merchandise 'advertisements). DEADLINES 5 p.m. Day Previous. Card of Thanks ...... . WORD ADS... In Memoriams ....+ Lost ond Found .... Births and Deaths . Lote Deaths . CLASSIFIED DISPLAY: 2 Column or Lorger . 1 Column Space SATURDAYS: Word Ads. Classified Displey CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9:30 A.M. DAY OF PUBLICATION Cancellations and Corrections Deodline will be. processed 'for REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be responsible for errors, in advertise- ments submitted othérwise thon in writing, not for more than one incorrect insertion of any price charge for a single insertion of the advertisement in which error occurs. The Oshawa Times reserves the right to classify advertising according to its proper classification. In the case of display advertisements, The Times wil not be held responsible for more space than that in error occupies, The publishers endeavour to reproduce all adver- tising matter correctly, but assume no liability of odvertisement if any ineccuracies in any For Classified Service. Telephone the Direct to Classified Number 723-3492 For All Other Departments, Call The Times Switchboard, . 11:00 a.m. , Day of Publicatiori (Page 3). MINIMUM CHARGE $4.13 248 to forward replies to box 5 p.m, Doy Previous 5 p.m. Day Previous - 9:30 Day of Publication, 9:30 Day of Publication. 'eee 10 @.m, Day Previous 4 p.m. Day Previous ae 12 Noon For Monday 10 A.M, For Monday received after the 9:30 A.M. the following day's paper. advertisement, nor beyond the avhich the actual ore contained therein. ~ LEARN TO. DRIVE good credit I'll lend you up to $5,000, to| Surveyors SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service RIDE REQUIRED | to "Toronto 7 Teachers |College, Carlaw Avenue, arriving 8,30 a.m. 723-7503. | GENTLEMAN going to gary August |28. Wishes nice company. Returning Sep- Ie 13, No charge. After 6, telephone 9156, or group. ACADEMIC TUTORING COLLEGE |#. Ftim, CALL 723-6701 | 725 bead DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5632. 111 Elgin Street East. au ade Schools ATTENTION MEN 17 to 49 Heavy Equipment Operators Are in demand for bull- dozers, scrapers, motor graders, draglines, back- hoes, and shovels. If you ed by top instructors right cn the equipment. Don't delay --- enquire now. Write giving name, add- ress and telephone num- ber: NATIONAL SCHOCL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION * BOX F3 Out of town enquiries invited. ot the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, standard and automatic cars, Professional Instructors. 728-0091 OSHAWA AND WHITBY EZE METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Telephone 728-0881 _Rate $3.75 P Per Hour : TUTOR --~ Qualified experienced "teacher, all subjects: Grades 1 to 8. For further Information, Please call 723-1484, LILLIAN MAE MARSH, D.E.A. Dancing School, Ballet, Tap, Acrobatic, Pre- School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays, Masonic Temple, 723- 7253. ART CLASSES -- Lessons In oll painting by Whitby artist "Carl Clark" to begin week of September l4th. Those interested write 'Clark Studio," 325 Brock Street/ North, Whitby, or call 668-4497 after) 6 p.m. Ontario Land Surveyor. Commercial blue 'and TROLLOPE, Ontario Land Phone ,|LADIES AND GENTLEMEN of Oshawa jand vicinity. Modernize ypur fal id winter wardrobe. Bring it up to d an expert tailor. 35 years in Os! Excellent work, workmanship. Guaran- teed at reasonable prices. Specializing in double-breasted suits. Remodelied to single breasted, H. Sheriff, tailor, 37 Prince Street, (upstairs over the Rose- _____. |bow!_ Restaurant), 728-6731 3--Pets & Livestock CHIHUAHUA pups, seven n weeks old, fe- jmales. Reasonable, Telephone Alax 942- | 1645. BEAUTIFUL, | healthy Dachshund Pup- pies, registered. Males and female. Cheap for quick sale. 723-1365. WELSH' pony, gelding, 5 years old, well trained; algo good Western saddle. Brook- lin, 655-2081. COMPLETE HERD of good grade goats; four young milking does; six young spring does; and one herd sire. Dial 655-4651. cozy J | RANCH K Kennels. Registered German. Shepherds, puppies. Champion bloodlines. Stud services, Quar- RENTALS OF ALL KINDS REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing mo- chines, bike exercisers -- all $6 per month. PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- ters, pipe threading dies toilet auger. : PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, Propane torches. BUJLDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water Pumps, portable heaters, steel scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, build- ing jacks, mortar mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw, electric plane, tar- Paulins, sand blaster, power post hole auger, oscillating sanders, disc sanders, belt sanders, floér sanders, acety- lene welding outfits, 200 amp, electric welders, STAN'S TOYS, FUN $$$ We are looking for ladies who want to earn extra Christ- mas money by working even- October ings, September, and November. We will train you as @ porty demonstrator to sell a full line of toys.and gifts, Commission, car essential, io investment, deliveries of llections, Call now: Oshawa 728-3608 EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canade's finest tine of, Christmas cards. Wraps, Novelties, etc. Over 350 items. For. free, baeutifully illustrated catalogue, samples on approval and the fastest service, Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King Street } East, Hamilton, ; Ontario, LOCAL A ARTIST desires models, Part- time. All ages. Please write staing par- ticulars and enclosing recent snapshots fo Clarke Studio, .325 Brock North, for general work re- quired. Good wages, permanent position, Apply in person at Vincent's Hairstyling, 110 King East. CARILLON TOWERS has openings for six ladies, part-time and full-time, Earn $20 to $30 working two or more eve nings a week. No collecting or delivery. Car a necessity. For interview call 728-7942, RELIABLE PERSON to mind two. chil- dren, live in, free room and board plus|~ small remuneration. Call after 6 Pm. 723-6414. EARN" $23 WEEKLY | plus 3 ® Free Ward- robe in your spare time, Just show Fashion Frocks to friends. No invest- ment, canvassing, experience necessary. Write: North American Fashion Frocks Lid., 3425 Industrial Lglons Dept. $-1678, Montreal 39, Quebec. WOMAN required to take charge of motherless home, 3 school-age children, 'one "fatale sea ik in, Telephone 725-8771, FEMALE bien wanted. Apply in person to Envoy Restaurant, South, Oshawa. "8 money? $50 and more, can easily be earned by showing our fabulous Christmas. cards, gifts, toys, to friends and neighbors. No experience necessary. Our exciting, full-color catalogue makes it easy to get plenty of orders. Send no money Write today for Christmas cards Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. 223 King St. W., Oshawa Enter off Burk St, during road repairs. PHONE 723-3224 Tables and Choirs Mink Stoles, Chutch Aisle Runners Dishes, Cutlery, Glasses Punch Bowls, Coffee Urns, Sargeant's Rentals 463 Ritson $, 725-3338 ter horses, foals. Trailer Ashburn, Brook- lin 655-4662, POODLE PUPS -- White miniature. One male, one female. Four months old. Reg- istered, needles, house trained. Reason- jable. Excellent breeding: Must sell. 668- 2490. BEAUTIFUL baby budgie, ready for | training, talking strain, Apply Mrs, Broad, 114 Elgin East. POODLES, miniatures and toys. Stud ser- vice and clipping. Telephone 668-4105, Whitby. BOXER -- 3 years old, registered, female, |- ITV--Radio Repairs TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to suit your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST. 728-8180 TV TOWERS and : Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 "TV SERVICE CALLS $2.95 Calls taken until 8 p.m. TV ENTERPRISES 723-3553 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS SOUTHEND TV towers and aerial ser- vice, Formerly Lake Vista TV, Montrave, 728-6879. Money To Loan PAYMENTS 700 | HIGH? "it 'you have cut payments in '4 or less for consolida-| tion or any worthwhile purpose. Telephone Toronto, 481-5289. Mortgages -- NEED MONEY? TO REFINANCE YOUR MORTGAGE? TO REMODEL YOUR HOME? TO BUY A COTTAGE OR CAR? TO REPAY HIGH COST LOANS Let's discuss, without obli- gation, your financial plans: r 10 to 15 Year long- term 2nd mortgage with low interest and small repayments may prove much easier for your budget. 'CORONATION INVESTMENT co. LTD. A Canadian Public Company In Oshawa area call SCHOFIELD-AKER LTD. 360 King St. West 723-2265 (after hours 728-3376) Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuation, Arranged RESIDENTIAL CITY AND DISTRICT SUMMER PROPERTIES VACANT LAND * Members Ontario Mortgage Brokers Association SUMMERLAND $50. Telephone 723-2194. ------| PIGEON | RIVERFRONT cottage cottage, » nearly |new furnished 5 rooms, heavy wired, In- |side toilet, large lot boathouse. $4,500, terms. |Nesbitt, Nestleton 986-4894, | Realtor. HOUND, female, Blue Tick, walker, three years old, $20. Dial 623-2881. DACHSHUND, female, 11 months old, |purebred,. brown color, has had needles, Can be registered. Telephone 728-3978. Call T. Murphy |S--Farmer's s Column ustom Farm Work -- Forage harvesting, raking and baleing and combining. Telephone Percy Davidson and Son 728-1343 | PRESTO FARM SERVICES -- Whilewash- ling, fly. control; weeds--pastures, brush, |fence rows. Don Mountloy and Lorne | Tregunna, Phone 725-9871._ CEDAR POSTS, poles all sites. Also cedar trees for hedges, etc.. Phone C. Smith, Newtonville, 2263. CASH on the spot! Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- phone collect. Hampton 263-2721, Marwiil|] Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64. '9a---Summer Properties For Sale or Rent WASAGA, housekeeping cottages located among shady evergreens, right on the beach, All conveniences, Facilities include steam-bath' and shower house, ping-pong, horseshoes, badminton, volleyball, base- |ball, small games. Openings from August }15 on, Rates reduced in September. |Write Surfside Village, New Wasaga Beach or phone Elmvale, 738-R4, FISH and vacation on Rice Lake! Re ~ | serve now at Cedar Cove, housekeeping |cottages, Safe beach, spacious grounds. \Ramily accommodation, two or three- |bedroom, with refrigerator, stove, flush toilets, ete. Reduced rates, August 22 to October 15, $40. with boat. Dally $8. - |$8, Folder. J. Frisken, Harwood, On- |tralo, Phone 4R4, nd | S8rgeant's Rentals and Sales, 725-3338, nite eee New be brond professional eq Juipm UNITED RENT-ALLS e rent most anything for most ee, or occassion, 5565 Cor. ei Rd. S. & Olive WHEEL" CHAIRS, hosplat! beds, wa'kers, reducing machines, isck room ecg Ald d Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 725-1644. BRIDES, bridesmaids gowns- Crinolines, headpieces, veils (P.S. Garters, too). For. mals, semi-formals. All new styles. ENTERTAINING -- fifty to one hundred people? Oshawa Tennis Club for ban- quets, parties, weddings, anniversaries. Facilities, bar, kitchen, parking. Rea- sonable rates, 723-2140. CHAIRS, card and banquet taples, church aisle runners, Cleve Fox Rentals, 412 Simcoe Street Norfh. Call 723-2414, 12--Articles Wanted SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, also scrap iron and metals, ete. bought, Open Saturday all day. Phone | 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. PIANO nted, repair worthy. Best price otfered. Write Sebastian Hohmann, RR 1, Oshawa, BOOKS, used, In ey clean condition. Telephone Alax 942-530! PIANO AND ORGAN winked: Condition or make not important as only for chil- dren's lessons, 1641, 13--Business Opportunities PROFITABLE BUSINESS ON RITSON RD. $10,000 dollars down and you. take over a busy concern, Excellent Catering Services Profit shows over $15,000 yearly. Recently remodelled. seating capacity 35. For more informtion call Harry Bates 725-1186, - W. T. LAMSON REAL ESTATE LTD. |AVAILABLE June, luly, August and Sep- |tember, Park Lane five-room efficiency {bungalows Good fishing. For full particu- agaiiars write C-O Erinsville P.O. or tele as jone A785. G cottages, electric, - In- CITY TV TOWERS, a sal pairs. All 'work guaranteed, ni Avenue. Telephone 725-0500. SECURITIES ghia facilities, "fishing, skiing and swim- |ming. 725-2909 or write Maijac cottages, RR 3, Burk's Falls, Well Drilling--Digging LIMITED 112 Simcoe St. North t stecoie Ontario - 725-3568 lin 30-Inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnu Hebe West, Whitby, 668-2563 or 668-3809. STURGEON LAKE, B cot. GENERAL VARIETY STORE -- Pius living quarters--plus 4% acres of land located approx. 20 minutes drive from Oshawa on good paved road. Owners st sell because of health reasons. For irther details call Bill McFeeters, Scho- field-Aker Ltd., at 723-2265, daytime; evening 725-1726. 14--Employment Wanted tages for rent from August 8th, $45 and |WELL - DIGGING by machine s specializing $55 weekly. All Inside conveniences, Dial | 623-2262 RELIABLE couple desires position as janitor for apartment building. €&x- perienced. Telephone 725-2931. Women' 's Column ( Y Fon Page | Hair- "MORTGAGE LOANS ENTS on special. | dressing, 96. Pine Avenue, 725-5363. Telephone tains, |9c----Marine Equipment ia "FOOT Peterborough cruiser, galley, |head, 50 Evinrude, convertible top, cur- Many extras, Reasonable, Tele- |phon. 728-1873, Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% e Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuations Mortgages and Agreements purchased. Moneys for second mortgages Fast Service : . F. SWARTZ 262 King St. East 2--Personal LISTLESS, IRREGULAR ? Your diet may: need . more bulk to keep you - regular! You should . try NABISCO 100% BRAN. It's the only bron cereal flavoured with fruit juices! Only NABISCO 100% BRAN offers you this good-tasting way to regular- Oshawa, Ontario ity. G NABISCO .100% 723-4697 KAN @ BRAN at your grocer's now. |14-FT. PLYWOOD boat, takes up to 20 HP motor, Also 14 HP. motor. Best joffer. After 4 p.m, 313 Windsor Street jor phone 723-3734, 14 FT. FIBREGLASS BOAT, 30 H.P. Mer- cury and an Otaco trailer, Complete with accessories. Dial 942-2386. es Saag HOUSEBOAT, 27 fi. long, 9 ft. wide, 190 H.P. Crysler Crown, fire extinguisher, life jackets. Best offer, 725-0742. 1¢FT. AL boat, , fully value $600. Can be seen at 230 Bloor Street West. FOOT cabin cruiser, fully equipped. WILL mind one or two children in my own home, Ritson and Rossland district. Telephone 723-1439. PETER PAN Day Nursery. Qualified day care, 7.30 a.m. - 5.30 p.m. 581 Simcoe North, 728-2604 WOULD like to care tor children in my home. Fenced yard. Day or week. Tele- phone 725-9843. Apply 237 Burk Street. . Smart Business People Sing the Praises 'of Oshawa Times Classified See it at Oshawa Yachthaven, Very rea- sonable. Telephone 723-1901, | Ads on approval and free catalogue. Monarch [Card Co. Dept. 16, Bi Cannon, esha |s2.00 HOURLY possible, doing light assembly work at home. Crest Mfg., 68 |421 commercial. Cathedral City, Calif. 17--Male Help Wanted | EATON'S in OSHAWA HAVE OPENINGS FOR . An experienced plumbing salesman . An experienced re- repair man for major appliances, Aen Personnel Dept. EATON'S of Canada Oshawa Shopping Centre Sporting Goods Dept. Manager Better than average salary for the right man. Experience essen- tial in merchandising, all types of sporting equipment. Must have ability to promote for volume. Apply K-Mart Hwy. No, 2 & Kendalwood 728-7331 _._ FOR APPOINTMENT. Required Immediately |: Two young aggressive sales- men to sell used cars. .Ex- perience not necessary, Ideal working conditions. For fur- ther particulars apply in person to: BILL WHITTICK MOTORS LTDx 1250 Dundas E, Whitby (No phone calls please) ~~ | NEED HELP OAA Supervisor' Imre Kay needs full or part-time men to help him meet the demand for Ontario Automobile As- sociation Memberships, Plea- sant, dignified, good paying work. No experience neces- seary but a cor is. For full information contact Lmre Kay, 356 Gibbans St., Osh- owa, Phone: 728- 0950 ~ TAXI DRIVERS _ Preferably between 25-40 Top earnings. Appy MERCURY TAXI 725-4771 WILL exchange $40, hours of your time. Write Bo 50 Osh, awa Times GROCERY CLERK, chain store, experi- ence if possible. Good starting salary, chance of advancement, Apply store man- 522 Ritson Road)" "* ___. | good LABORATORY TECHNICIAN AND SERVICE CLERK WD gears Two Positions are avail.' able in our organiza- tion. One involves the physi- cal testing of rbbiar prior to its use in pro- duction. The other is a basic starting job in our Financial Division, *~ Applicants must have a minimum of Grade 12. education, Good starting salary and company paid benefits, Please reply to: Staff Personnel Officer DUNLOP CANADA LTD. WHITBY 668-3361 PART-TIME Men over 25 with car, to call on and service, commercial accounts. Day or evening. No . selling. This is a high paying field. APPLY BOX 308 OSHAWA TIMES TOOL AND DIE MAKERS Top wages for top mon, L & B Fabco Industries Ltd, LANSDOWNE ST. E. PETERBOROUGH ONTARIO Gall Oshawa 725- )-3249 after 7 p, m. TRIM CARPENTERS STORES WINDSOR 'SHOPPING PLAZA Wilson Rd. S. at Olive 12 store Development. Now - ee secure your: store WANTED RESTAURANT OPERATOR FOOD STORE OPERATOR _ SHOE STORE OPERATOR CLOTHING STORE OPERATOR DRY CLEANING OPERATOR Call tonigh GUIDE REALTY LTD. 723-1121 FOR RENT Light Industrial buildi King Street West, 350 sq. ft. ample ee Apply 292 King St. West. he 725-2734 WHITBY -- 3 offces for rent fully equipped. Dundes Street downtown, Ample parking facilities, Apply 292 King Street West Oshawa, 725-2734 on 23--Wanted | To Rent nn WANTED HOUSE TO RENT OR BUY Immediate Possession In the Doctor Philips School area, Apply to P.O. Box 337, Oshawa, Ont. URGENT, Older house with | three or fe jour bedrooms required by quiet respectable 'amily of five. Reasonable rent. Refer ences If needed. Telephone 728- +3146, THREE § BEDROOM | HOUSE wanted, Osh awa or Whitby vicinity, Trnrrediateny, small --fallable b family. y. Telephone 723-9967, FAMILY OF FOUR + require thi three bed: ~ |ra0m igh io he next three months. refer northwest section, available, Call 728-7132. wesnear EDROOM home wanted. Couple Apply to: BUILDING ASSOCIATES..| _ 406 STEVENSON RD. N. TAXI DRIVER, neat appearance, Contact) Steven's Taxi, » Bowmanville, YOUNG MAN willing fo learn the tire trade. Apply in person to Richmond Tire} --_ Service, Oshawa, its Hee VST EA RPT ED EXPERIENCED MEN required for night jo cleaning duties. Write Box 410 Osh- THREE TO FOUR ambitious men need- ed to add to our sales staff. Training provided. Apply 299 Simcoe Street South. awa Times. REAL ESTATE SALESMAN, wanted Im- mediately, Excellent opportunity. W. Mc- Auley ol rd ad 28 Prince Street. 723-2512 or _$68-5765 BODY MEN required, full or part-time. Must be experienced. Starting wage, $2. up. Telephone 728-7781, 18--Male or Female Help Wanted Oshawa, Whitby area, Twa |school-age children. Good re ad \Telephone collect Coboconk, 454-368; TWO: OR THREE-BEDROOM | = "or apartment, unfurnished, Oshawa or Whit+ |by wanted by family of three. Reason- able.» Telephone 728-6370, URGENT. Three o or four-bedroom house _----__ |e in Whitby or Oshawa by family |with good references. Brooklin 655-4671, |SMALL + HOUSE or four-room at apartment wanted immediat yeinl Ajax-Pickering area. One child. Write § A. King, 23 Mark Stree,t Aurora, Ontario, |ELECTRICAL ENGINEER, working at General Motors would like to share apart. ment with young' gentleman. 723-4641, room 508 after 6 p.m. or 725-7301, exten- sion 3288, days. TWO BEDROOM apartment or small house by October Ist, by two adults, No Leib. Reasonable rent, Telephone 72% 24---Houses For Rent SIMCOE SOUTH -- Seven room house on bus line. References required. immediate occupancy. Telephone 725-3206. Two. house on lake, Thickson TEACHERS WANTED PART TIME Teachers earn extra money: tutoring in your spare time. Mornings during Aug. and evenings and Saturdays dur- ing school term. Phone Academic Tutoring College 723-6701 - Road. September 1. References. Apply R. Richardson, 300 Wellington Street, King- Ston, 546-9058, EIGHT-ROOM country home, nine miles east on Taunton Road, 1% baths, oil heat, garage. Suitable one or two fami- lies. Dial Hampton 263-2433 after six. GREENWOOD -- targe modern rancy home, double garage, four bedroomy large lot, seven miles from ney $150, W. Schatzmann Realtor, 668-3338. EXPERIENCED nurserymen for season, Pay, eventually room and board. Telephone Sowmanville 623-2837. Jerry Trejbal, Mearns Avenue. 20--Room and Board MILL STREET, 103--Board, single and double rooms, suit 2 or 3, willing to lee single beds, parking. Close to South G.M. SEVEN-ROOM house, oll baited. cellan three-piece bath, $7,000, Telephone 725 8602. NASH ROAD, near r Trull's | Road, three, bedroom house, garage, "a lot, off heat, 725-2539. "|25--Apartments ROOM AND BOARD in new sub avalon opposite Oshawa Shopping Centre. Young girl only. 723-3154. ROOM AND BOARD for gentiemen only, lunches packed. Centrally located. Apply 296 King Street East, near Ritson Road. st oben ROOM WITH BOARD, close to north G.M, Gentleman preferred. Apply 155 Brock Street East. ROOM AND BOARD, for one gentleman, lunches packed, Sday week., Apply 748 Gifford Street. ROOM AND BOARD for gentlemen, single beds, lunches packed, private television. Telephone 728-1721. ROOM or room and board. Very central. Apply 400 Dundas Street West, Whitby. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman in clean quiet home in Brooklin, 10 minutes from Oshawa. No drinkers, 655-4996, ROOM AND BOARD, near Duplate and bus. Quiet home. Lunches packed, Shift workers welcome. Parking. 723-1248, ROOM AND BOARD for one or two girls, willing to share, insnew home. Telephone Whitby 668-8954,» ROOM AND BOARD for two quiet gentie- men to share, five day week. Good meals, Parking. Close to South GM and Shop- ping Centre. 81 Park Road South. No drinkers please. 21--Room & Board Wanted HIGH SCHOOL TEACHER wishes room and board in private home, for coming Write Box 23 Oshawa school Times wHitsY -- "large double room, excel- lent board, lunches packed, central loca- tion, parking, Dial 668-4928. ROOM AND BOARD for gentleman, will- ing to share, single beds, five-day week, central. Apply 173 Ritson Road South, ROOM AND BOARD required iinnnatiate ly for two school children. Separate homes. Catholic preferred. Near Catholic school, Telephone 728-9643. 22--Oftices, Stores, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building . CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES year, OXFORD PARK TOWERS One Block from G.M. South Plant 86 APARTMENTS One, Two and Three Bedroom August 15th possession Balconies, Elevator Service Fully "Equipped Kitchen Broadioomed corridors Swimming Pool Take advantage of choice lo- cation by. making deposit on lease now. Exclusive Agents GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS 16 Simcoe St, S., Oshawa 723-1121 The Viscount 300 GRENFELL New: buildng, modern two _ bedroom apartments, Availe : oble. For informtion see su- perintendent Apt, 111, THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marland Ave, Anytime or on building site. after | 5 p.m. CONGENIAL gir! "to share | apartment with same:, Please write Diane Haskett, 18 Elm Avenue, Toronto, Ontario, TWO ROOM ; APARTMENT with "private bath and entrance. Near shopping centre, Telephone aft after 5.30 Pim. 728-2388. WHITBY -- Three room basement aparl- apart- ment, furnished, living room, kitchen and bedroom, private bathroém and entrance, One: child welcome. Whitby 668-3192, BOWMANVILLE -- Two bedroom spart- ment available ember 1. Dial 623-2698, Tare BEDROOM ar 'apartment, centrally with 5 room apartment above. Also office; and showroom. Can be used for ai ager, Bassins Food Market, Ajax, business or storage space. Oil heated. | Phone 728-8876, FOR sale or rent, 50 ff, x 30 ff, bul iding i located, Bg) supply own stove and re- - SIS monthly, 728-5 t tained, rivate eninance ewly decorated, laun- v facilities, TV. outlet Available Sep- ber' 1. Apply 867 Parkiane Avenue,

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