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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Aug 1964, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, August 26, 1964 7 _ PERSONALS i PAYMENTS: - : : as low as Miss Gertrude Moore, ART,|avenue. Guests were members daughter of Mrs. James Moore "oF Boed tuturé -- and) po W e . 2.00 . : se "\bridegroom's families. Assisting i é rin er Bruce street, ta visiting. hers. fostess were the prospec: g : per week mother while on vacation, Miss|tive bridegroom's mother, Mrs. Moore is bacteriologist at the|William Pipher and Mrs. Wil- Royal Columbia Hospital, New|jiam DeLong. BRIDE-ELECT WITH 12 YEARS ONLY : Westminster, B.C. : Mr, and Mrs. Ira McNaughton, ' OF GUARANTEES : Mrs. D. K. Stiles, Oshawa|Chadburn street, have had as| _ Miss Margaret Anne Hop. f 4 > voor Parts and Labor Guarantee PLUS and district UNICEF committee] their guests, their son, Corporal kins will beconie the bride of |§ gdditional 19-yeor guarantee on main operet- 4 chairman and secretary of thely G McNaughton, RCAF. Mrs.| Mr. James B. Topping, in St. f ing mechanism. In every way this wosher is | Oshawa Folk Festival, has been McNaughton and children' for a| George's Memorial Church, on | built = give you excellent washing results and invited to attend a_ special/few~days before they left for| saturday, September 19 at 5.30 trouble-free service, Beautiful Chrome top... luncheon and tea at the Cana-icold Lake, Alberta, where they| pin. according 0 an. an- | Avromatic. Purp"... Lifectime. Porcelala dian National Exhibition on/yjij be stationed for the next i by | iy ; : : nouncement made today by |§ Finished tub 11-lb. capacity. Alumi Agita- roe a couple of years. Corporal and Miss Hopkins' parents, Mr. | tor , ... Double-tub construction keeps wate? Guests from a distance at-|MTs. McNaughton and. family! and Mrs. Sydney T, Hopkins. |] hot longer. tending the Stouck - Quick wed-|have recently returned fro) 'phe prospective bridegroom is | ding last Saturday included spending four and one-half] the son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- | : ENTER ROGER'S SENSATIONAL LUCKY DRAW CONTEST IMr. and. Mrs, Leonard Mandel|Years at the 4F Wing, Baden-| jiam Markus, Oshawa. " q|/Baden, Germany. | LE eT a ae eam Puime| Soevwarr cauzer | | Other WRINGER 8. AUTOMATIC 9 4 50 a New York; Mr. and Mrs. Allan et raits of well-known ladies lLett and Stephen of Pond Inlet,|°% Stanley, Co. Durham, Eng-|, ein cree hat! This is WAS H ERS iN W,T.; Mr. and Mrs, Georgejland, who have been visiting] first for the Women's Division en \Salt, Montreal; Supt, and Mrs.|their daughter, Mrs. Peter Heth-|this year. Twenty portraits by | ROM |E J. Lydall, Dianne and San- erington and Mr. Hetherington| Joan Hamilton-Smith hang in a " G ira. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Houck,/of Whitby, and their son Mr.| special exhibition in the Queen : \Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Lett, all ¢ -- Palmer and Mrs. Palmer, Elizabeth Building at the CNE. MING " ch TOGETHE Ottawa: Mr. and Mrs, Raymond|Oshawa, were guests of honor}; (44; si- CUTTING THE CAKE TOGETHER oct Trenton; Mr. and Mrs.|at a farewell party on Saturday) ee to ein" port a --Ireland Studio /17 Yowey, London, Ontario./night. The surprise 'party was} medicine are represented. Guests were also present fromjarranged by and held at the|--___ a =e - ® : . /Toronto, "Hamilton, Beamsville|/home of Mr. and Mrs William) i ; a - ectric Recipes Ma -Ann Quick Becomes and St. Catharines, \Fulletton, Baldwin street, and| the Canadian National Exhibi- : ¢ : lthe host, playing the saxophone|tion on Friday, August 28 from | Miss Barbara Patterson,|anq banjo, accompanied by Mrs.| 12.30 to 1.00 p.m. in the West Model KR-310: Kelvinator's Stan- Bride of David H Stouck |whose marriage to Mr. JameS|jfreq Barassin, soon had_the| Music Auditorium, under the " pen rok uauas foamacney Av ' * Pipher takes place on Saturday,|oompany singing and dancing|grandstand. Miss Wescott is Hi : tomatic Oven 'Timer, Clock and in| cream r hi j _ September 12, in Simcoe Street|t) oid favorites. Also contri-/the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. | ' 4 Laberge eA Wg) ht Last Saturday afterncon in|cream roses and white gladiolus 7) * soy | es. Also : mostet, wi ermostatic contro! Obrist M a nel (A ldots erranwed<t é nt | United Church, was the guest Of puting to the: musical evening| Ralph Wescott, Mary street i | of boke fend bral Temperatures '@ > Shur Ang-|flore rranged in a crescent. i | : | ; ' 2 : . : rist Memorial Church (Ang sa 4 a |honor at a. miscellaneous and). c Me Arthur O'Hare. Mr.{and is a pupil of Mrs. L. W. : ware fapt furtere Semects W.T. ican), Mary-Ann, daughter of| The maid of honor was Miss) personal shower, at the home of! William Barry and Mr, Alfred|Parrott, Oshawa. This past : and Surface Elements Signai Lights tye -- gate 3. Lift- 7 | i CSD -- + : * : ff wi indow ar my be eages the Seen Soe ta fet pk ageeh said lrefreshments and the guests of/ARCT examinations with hon- Oven Light o. Full-wiath Rol. ont ide of David Hamilton Stouck, ; ; Ait K adelaide House. The bride's|honor were presented with sev-|Ors. rage, Drawer @ Adjustable Lev- son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry ane td mans Pink oe mother received in a pale pinkleral souvenirs of their visit.| elling Screws on all four corners Tiohisetn te clan flower girls were Miss Karen bel carga ae paved ead i ers} Seren and family, Gibbon street and leetrie Range officiated and the organist. was| Mandel of Rochester, N.Y., an er uatacian iE sua > we paion Mrs. Howard Brown, RR 1, Mrs. Ronald Scott, Bowman-|Miss Kimberly Hollis of Beams-| oream roses. The bridegroom's| Don't wait until it is too late|Oshawa, have returned from a ENTER ROGER'S SENSATIONAL LUCKY. DRAW CONTEST ville. ville. They wore full - length! other, assisting, chose ajto let your friends know that|three-week molor trip to te The bride who was given in| dresses of white dotted Swiss! vowder blue sheath with floating|you are back from your vaca-/West Coast. They visited rela- marriage by her father, wore a|With pink sashes and carried| '4, panel and corsage of pinkjtion. It is a pleasure for us tojtives in Calgary and Ponoka, Mr. and Mrs. George B. C,| lene Sawchuk of St. Catharines.|Mrs. Thomas Wilson, Annapolis) 5 arassin. The hostess. served|June, Miss Wescott passed the i | plus the 9 additional feotures Mr. and Mrs. Allan Hutcheon ne will find en every Kelvinator sheath style nylon gown of white] Nasegays pe fe ree A toe tell them through the column,|Alberta, and returned by way ete ae, ope mith pe ombire tee ae Hod ao The honeymoon is being meen aunt dial 723-3473, extension 18,/of the United States. ce rench ribbon lace.) ¥' H eprry in western Ontario and Mr. andjand your item of news will ap- . : ? The back was enhanced. by a/Pink circlets with white flowers.) +. ° stouck will reside at 110/pear without charge. | Mrs. Frank began ee | Ee oe ~ gathered panel of peau de soie,| Mr. Kenneth Dawe, Beams-| Broadway avenue, Toronto. was the honored guest at a din a TV attached at the waist with aiville, was best man and the! For the wedding trip the bride| Miss Eleanor Wescott, Osh-|ner party held at the Guild Inn, AA bow. Her headdress of white| ushers were Mr, Hans Schlech-| wore a -sheath of tink silk withjawa pianist, will present a/Scarborough, given by her Co gS - you COULD satin embroidered with lace andjta,. Hamilton; and Mr. Hans|matching three-quarter lengthjrecital of classical music, in-|workers at Fittings Limited: A Sood Fs held her fingertip! Dickie of Brantford. jcoat and pink and black acces-|Cluding selections from Beeth-|presentation ing ecg to ser | \ vei pure silk. She carried' The reception was held atisories. oven, Brahms and Chopin, at|Walter by Miss Molly Sinclair. j W [ x . FLEETWOOD YoU CAN THOUSANDS OF SHOPPERS HAVE WON | \ m_ this: masterfully styled TV A, ose No. 19-18 $198.2 ZA CASH PRIZES IN OUR -- ff} ) SS hos ronan < The lightweight champ! Includes 14 tubes (plus crystel ae Ae With every maior appliance purchase diode) powér-packed chassis with frame-grid 1.F,. stages, a , : you become eligible to take part in 19" picture tube, illuminated ch 1 ind , built-in i? \w Roger's sensational LUCKY DRAW personal listening jack and telescoping ontenna. Slim-lined : | CONTEST . . . drop in at ROGER AP- silhouette. PLIANCES today .. . ask for full de- 2nd & 3rd LUCKY DRAW PRIZES tails . . . contest starts tomorrow, GET YOUR FREE "CIRCLE 5" GAME Today! Te Se Mesebitipioinyzeem PLAY IT_LIKE 'BINGO' T watch for winning numbers tn next Wednesday's ad and at all New gare each week for 10 weeks _-- ----= SUNSHINE FRESH Ss rss Il Cu, Ft, Net GAME NO. TEN Specially Selected - Value Check'd - Boneless - FOR ROASTING |] FRUITS and VEGETABLES SS REFRIGERATOR 3.00 NUMBERS TO PLAY . 2/8/10). y SS i HAN Model KS41_ Refrigerator Fractal 9 2/4 20 Bac (895 ee || ees 50 98 | » --= "| a P| ei ok ae rae 8 PORK | ri : = 5 rely ob Peg provides Au- FUN | 38 | | lb | | s 42 | 48 | 50 7 2 | se tomatic Defrosting @ Four Shelves » im = ~ oo & Portable Egg Box @ Twin Porcelain w.T, Good Size C Ash 2 SS : ! Crispers @ Two Door Shelves and o Doz ) 4 VA aN J Dairy Compartment. : = ia /. ENTER ROGER'S SENSATIONAL LUCKY DRAW CONTEST 5? | 5A 60 I] MAPLE LEAF - TENDER - SMOKED 2Y4-LB. AVERAGE " PY nL, na Ui i is A 2 2 | | | COTTAGE ROLLS sled tl fb. 65¢ No. 1 GARDEN FRESH : ae 62 64 ef, SPECIALLY SELECTED LOIN TRIMMED JUST RIGHT! CABBAGE 2 Heods 25° 68 | 70. PORK CHOPS tb. 69° ONTARIO No. 1 RED RIPE 82 88 | 90 our | MILD SEASONED PURE PORK RED & WHITE - LEAN - WELL-TRIMMED | TOMATOES basket 89° 92 94 100 tive Trend Sausage Ib. 55¢ Trend Bacon tb. 65° | No. 1 MILD WHITE Seige el tian ied ah z)| ONIONS % 33° mae TORK Payments es low es Kelvin- CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- Regular 2 for 41c! CIRCLE S BEST BUY! -- Regular 27¢! -- SAVE-ALL AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC PAYMENTS CATSUP rouse 2's 39" | WAX PAPER 3's" 79° instant Coftee '2' 79"! CLOTHES DRYER| 2.00 CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- Regular 89! --- LIQUID PER WEEK PRE-SWEETENED Model CDE-301. Fully automatic CIRCLE $ BEST BUY! -- Regular 27¢! --- White or Colored . | 10¢ Off 128-Oz. + : ; Javex Bleac naek pang 69¢ TOILET TWIN ¢ Kool-Aid 2 kgs, SI° MY with 120 minute timer. Includes TISSUE PACK Rolls x swkiy sciy Gh Sha such features as . . . porcelain DEAN SOY = # y drying drum © triple safe drying CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- Reguler 37! -- LIBBY's FANCY Cranberries isos, 3] © wrinkle-free drying @ concealed TOMATO JUI E a 33° CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- Regular 3 for 34e! -- lint trap © vent from beck or side " HEINZ STRAINED OR - om © Capacity: 18 tbs. of wet clothes, aay $ Frozen Food Features ~~ ENTER ROGERS SENSATIONAL LUCKY DRAW CONTEST CIRCLE 5 BEST BUY! -- Regular 42c! For ak : f f $3e! -- SUNKIST - White or Pink MACARONI 'rscuern case' 37 * Lemonade 4," 49° ff ) : REG. 93c! sibuisa FRAND FANGY SEONDAY Wk OPEN THURS, & FRI. TILL 9 P.M. WHY YOU ALWAYS REG. 45¢! -- DEL MONTE 32-Ox ne . Pineapple-Grapefruit 48-0z, ¢ MAZOLA OIL Bri. 83° Green Peas 2 Ibs. 49° : Z Take @. store slightly out of the rl S Pineopple-Orenge Tins : heart of the downtown oree , . add small space . . . ondper : | ssoallent service by @ limited sales bik ins ciep ue sacy REG. 35c! -- PLANTER'S BLANCHED Bere Et eee ee eae Sen ae Soa S A ON Va's 5 9 y 10-0z. Ps aunt Srey e. abs : ; dise et MUCH LOWER PRICtS na RED SALM 5 PEANUTS 25° | Frui nr @ lise . ae : Fruit Loaf Pica 35° a - ag ae pace The SHOP ROGER APPLIANCES' .", 5 BEFORE YOU MAKE ANY DECI SPROULE'S BROWN'S MARKETERIA WAPLE GROV be SION 'ON A NeW CORNER SIMCOE AT MILL eee BROOKLIN, ONTAPIC ' MAPLF GROVE MARKET APPLIANCES met aug Weil pe. you balan : : 155 SIMCOE SOUTH 728-2151 erential ~

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