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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1964, p. 10

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blue eyes and gestured towhe;known to have loved: Mase-| reporter 'to leave. a Sliake my field's sea poems. - hand and then off you go--it's, Sea Fever, his most memora-| © too much ofan ordeal for me|ble poem, starts: ; ' to talk. I must down to the seas SHUNS PEOPLE ; again, to the lonely sea Always'a shy man, he nearly) 20d the sky, -- Ba lalways eschews interviews and) And all 1 ask is @ tail ship prefers to live alone, ndis-| and a star to steer her by. In 1959 the CBC commis- {HOPES TO DIE IN HARNESS : ; Royal Bard Shuns Wi Xr By ALAN WALKER | Leone only accepted the because he is a teetotaller. In- __ «wing /title on condition that fe did not'stead he gets an extra £27. Fi lesion etek Hos Taney aniiiave to write laudatory verse: villagers in Burcot, Oxtord-| wives tiede "4 praaaeliy244 Fo two poets to write odes ereth all things." ' lon state occasions, This became|shire; often see the tall, white-;Capet:, DIES Sind lowers. 5 eommemoratin a. sw ae tradition: - : ss: : |wife died in 1960 after 57 years|commemorating Queen za~ So says the scriptures and | haired poet shambling to the!ot marriage. His on'y son was|beht's opening of the St. Lawr- when James I found the quota-| "If the holder of the o ffice Post box.. He 'eans on a black' kitted in the Second World War..ence Seaway, One was Mase- tion in his own King James feels moved to compose some Cane but is surprisingly spry H ted nost 4 te| field. The other was E. J. (Ned)| Version he suddenly + realized|Piece on a-particu'ar national for his 86 years. he Cheras Ve j poet lances? lPratt, Newfoundland-born 'poet, that cash and sherry combined!9¢casion, he does so," a Buck- "Of course I am still work- ae Many. thought. Rud-/ the sea who died earlier this could ensure loyalty and zeal in|ingham Palace official said, ing," Whiting 3 he toid a reporter who|..,, fal ( 'year in Toronto and who has " i ied ; wae? yard Kipling should have got ° 'his court poet Ben Johnson. but he is under absolutely no visited him. recently, Whether ine post: Some critics said La- often been compared with | Thus began in 1617 the long obligation to do this whatso- what I write is any ood, Iipo, 'Masefield. line of men bearing the title ?? Pri Minister . yt ever. don't know. It is not for me to rrpy Mailer bronat pM coop |"poet laureate." Some. remain' An official of the royal house- \famous. Others have passed on hold, Masefield is paid £70 a ses the King to bar Kipling, who ANT SPECIES "I shall never retire. I hope)was a cousin and political sup- There are about 6,000 known ito become unread and unre- Year but passes up the tradi-to die in harness. yorter of Conservative Leader) species in the ant family For- ;membered. "The office of poet laureate is responsible for much of the, |world's worst literature," pres- ent poet laureate John Mase- field once said candidly. Men like Thomas, Shadwell and. Sir William Davenant wrote lines that cram many niches in an- thologies of bad verse. John Dryden, William Words- jworth and Lord Tennyson, on) \the other hand, produced many} great poems but they were) rarely purely "occasional" ones. | -- Royal weddings, births and so on seldom seem to excite the Liza? : E i 2 ttf He ie iM E TT zr zi tii iy H Z tional. 108-gallon cask of wine, Then he blinked his clear,'Stanley Baldwin, But George isi micidae. * SPROULE'S . . . Set The Pace For Holiday Foods! © VIEW FROM THE TOP This is Florida and the Gulf weather satellite launched by real Aug. 30 through a new of Mexico as seen through the the United States Aug. 28, The -- type of low cost ground station cameras of the Nimbus _ pictures was received in Mont- that requires no moving parts. est position in the United States|German imperialism -- "allies border on "Hitlerite absurdity." | who twice in this century have Cyrankiewicz told a rallyjhad to repudiate their light- |marking Adolf Hitler's Sept, 1,/hearted assessments of it." 11939, attack on Poland that "'it) The premier: did not mention jis time to remind our Western'the American politician by jallies of those years" abdut/name. Divided Land Remembers Start Of War muse in a poet, "The whole thing is admirably put in the national anthem al- ready," said Masefield a trifle mournfully. "It is difficult to say something new and ade- quate." ®@ Store Hours @ '§ Open Thursday, Friday and Saturday Nights 110 p.m. AMPLE FREE PARKING From AP-Reuters BERLIN (CP)--Sharply con- trasting ceremonies east and} west of the Communist wall in| Berlin Tuesday commemorated | the 25th anniversary of the start of the Second World War. In West Berlin, the three Al- lied commandants joined Mayor Willy Brandt in wreath-laying ceremonies honoring the dead of history's bloodiest and most devastating war. East Germany's Communist} ruler, Walter Ulbricht, chose | the day to blast West Germany; as a country packed with im-| perialists and militarists ready} to wreck the world again. Ulbricht spoke to the Volks- kammer, East Germany's Com-} munist-dominated Parliament. The Volkskammer building is at Luisenstrasse in East Ber- lin. Barely a mile away once stood Berlin's Kroll Opera House, where Adolf Hitler told) an emergency session of the, German Reichstag 25 years ago on Sept. 1 that his armies were invading Poland. SET OFF WAR. Germany's attack on Poland set off the Second World War As a result more than 50;000,- 000 people perished, according to figures compiled especially for the anniversary by the Ber- | lin trade union federation. In Moscow, Soviet newspaper marked the anniversary by dou- ble-edged attacks on West Ger- | man 'militarists'" and. Chinese "adventurers." In Britain and France, which with Germany and Poland were the main nations thrown into war by 'Germany's attack ©" Poland, there were no offic ( ceremonies marking the ann.- versary. Polish Premier Jozef Cyran- kiewicz declared that slogans of a politician aspirjng to the high- Criminals Face | Tougher Line MEAT SPECIALS PORK SALE Speciol Selected Boneless No Waste CHOICE TENDER PURE PORK Leg O' Pork Loin Pork Chops Breakfast Sausage C ib. 33: 37< 48-0Z,- Om Ins, 84g FIRST GRADE CREAMERY BUTTER COMPARE 43c -- MIRACLE WHIP ; SALAD DRESSING COMPARE 35¢--CLARK'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE COMPARE 2 FOR 39c 9 2 29° FREE KLEENEX TISSUE PAPERMATE BALL-POINT PEN & PENCIL SET 5.00 value .. ' 3.99 SHEAFFER'S LEVER FILL PEN Regular 1.95, REFILL 190 sheets 95¢ eee eeeeers @ SHEAFFER'S BALL POINT plus Extra Refill. ¢ 1.79 value ..-- 98 @ NORTH-RITE BALL POINT. PEN 98c value. ¢ ¢ Special, 49 each 2 for 97 Lim... Quantity 5-LBS. children's WATERMAN'S BALL POINT PEN wins GRANULATED 1.49 value. SUNBRITE COLOURED Lunch BOK yoou™ Special In Quebec se wee eat eae a 1+LB. PKG. MARGARINE 19° 4 GENERAL ELECTRIC LIGHT BULBS AT REGULAR PRICE with MONTREAL (CP) -- Claude bi Wagner, Quebec's new solictor- general, said Tuesday the war against crime has entered "a new phase' as he announced a four-point program to. improve the administration of justice. Mr, Wagner, 39, who in one year earned a reputation as a! tough Sessions Court judge who brooked no nonsense, particu- larly from repeaters, was' ap- pointed solicitor-general Mon- day by Premier Lesage Within 24 hours 0' his ap- pe'ntment he met in .Montreal with judges, provincial and mu- nicipal nolice. officers and} crown prosecutors. He emerged from. the inzs saying: From now on, Crown pros- ecutors will object to bail for ant per on with a criminal rec- ord or for any person charged with '"'a maior crime, a crime of violence." 2. Measures will be taken to vassure Crown witnesses against intimidation andcriminal ac- tion will be taken against any- one involved in obstructing jus- tice. 3. The federal justice depar'- ment will be asked to correct | "weaknesses" in the parole sys- tem, which Mr. Wagner often criticized when he was a judge 4. A new system will bo 'de- vised to speed up proceedings in the criminal] courts. 2.59 "~{ 98 wolwe - Many More Values on Display in our store "Come in to-day" BACK TO sno" VITAMINS! ; THE A-B-C's FOR GOOD HEALTH @ Jury and Lovell's Own ? 4 @ TRI-VI-SOL ea s VITAMINS and MINERALS 3 49 3 FOR LABOR DAY SUPREME BRAND CELLO BAGS FANCY BISCUITS 3» 1.00 COOKED HAMS i 1.39 TIN @ BAKERY FEATURE e SHORTCAK SUNBEAM FROST 'N SERVE REG. 39¢ ee 33: NO. 1 BARTLETT FRESH PRODUCE Prine a if eet ed 6 QUART @ INFANTOL 4 a Bem. BASKET '| ' 3.50 value ... meet- @ MALTLEVOL 2.50 value BONUS DOG FOOD LYONS TEA BAGS =" 4.25 value ... oe 6.50 value .... WOLFE RIVER -- IDEAL FOR COOKING 'ereminn al APPLES 99: 2.00 value @ HALIBUT LIVER OIL CAPS 3.88 1.29 , * Gong. NO. 1 QUALITY ONTARIO 50-LB. BAG SELECTED FOR USE BY THE 1964 CANADIAN OLYMPIC TEAM f cies" gle wes 100 capsules. 1.89 value . = REXALL SUPER PLENAMINS ge REPEAT OFFER! 25% more tablets with every bottle of Super he Plenamins. Rexall's premium quality multi-vitamin and minerals & Special $4.98 ( 144's with 36 extra tablets (you save'$2.89 , Special $7.98 ae stes os ls a 288s with 72 extra tablets (you save $4.98 Special $13.98 i ee only ; $2.98 cham Lenard ROLE Ee Te) 15-0Z, TIN 10° @ POLY-VI-SOL 5.25 value @ PARAMETTES TABLETS 6.00 value . <EpegeeReRIeN 70° Medium 1.45 1.69 SPROULE'S are big enough te serve you -- Small enough to appreciate you SPROULE'S SUPER SAVE | corner of KING at RITSON ROAD, OSHAWA Small Size Le MASON JARS tablet. 72's with 18 extra tablets (you save $1.49 Junior 144's with 36 extra tablets 'you save $1.99 Special $5.79 New low price on Suffer Plenamins Junior Liquid 8 oz. now cement se wana amon Explosives Taken During Break-in GODERICH, Ont. (CP)--Pro- > vincial police here are looking for 20 sticks of dynamite stolen from an explosives magazine at he Sifto Salt division of Dom- r Chemicals Limited Tuesday, ieves broke into the maga- zine just outside Goderich, 40 miles northwest of Stratford, and spread two cases of dyna- mite and a- number of detona- tor Caps around the area. Com- pany officials said no caps were remved from the area. JURY & LOVELL LTD. BOWMANVILLE--OSHAW A--WHITBY "For All Your Drug Store Needs" FREE CITY WIDE DELIVERY DRUG STORE

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