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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1964, p. 25

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fs a 11 Net Net Stock Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge Brovl Reet 1000 43 42 43 1000 «12--«2 Brunswk 600 10% 10% 10% + Ve 9 Buf RL 500 $s -- SS Bunker H 2500 19 18 1B --% Camflo 1100 148. 148 «41148 2 Camp Chib 3400 420, 415 420 +15 a Cam Mines 500. 21% 21% 21% xokene ae C Austral 100 74 7 Ta--l Zenmac 2000 € Dyno 200 154 154 154 6000 4S Zulapa 2000 17% 2600 Stock Sales High West Mines 200 465 Willroy 200 155 Wiltsey 1000 «13% Winch 2500 11% Windfall 2700 35 Wr Harg 91000 #33 geonezgé & g BoRezce & = 3 1 s ches rk Sales fe 11 a.m eskirk ° 1000 954/000, Chester Chimo ike FOREIGN TRADING yet peng need 200 405 40S OB +8 so) 9) 69)! Coniagas ' 970 955 970 $597 5976 597% +24. BB 1 1% 29h Wis ie er Braiorne. Rothman 1705 $15¥%@ 1514 15% + % Royal Bank 239 $77 77¥2 77\2 Royalite pr 25 $25%4 25% 25% Be Lap tu "oy Toa Ae 'ar corp 4 5% Salada 150 $12%4 12% 12% 5 5 Siscoe 500 194 194 194 Seven Arts 400 $16% 16% i6% 3 me Stanrck 170 170 «+170 Shell | wis 200 620 620 420 - Starratt 6 6 6 Shop Save 286 $145 14/2 l4'/2-- Va Steeloy 4 freee | ERE | HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS 435 435 (435 16% 16a 16Va 90 9 2 $1648 16% 16% -- Y% \550 Va 13% 13% 13% 13/4 va 2 +) ee ea) 16 CPR 2312 +1¥2 C Ind Gas p 50 CPR Chemcell $16 16 (OU Clairtone $6 6 6 Con MS 634 $37% 37% 37% Con Paper xd 125 $42 42 42 Con Gas n 310 $12% 12% 12% Cosmos 100 $12 12«12 Crestbrk 225 410 410 .410 Crush int 150 $11%'° 11% 1%-- Cygnus A 100 430 430 430 --10 500 Cygnus B 3324 440 1200 ygnus pr xd 200 $22V2 ---%* eee 'This is a new type of ground station for receiving pictures from weather satellites. It is different because it requires no moving. parts to track a NEWS ANALYSIS - Russians Print US. Bestseller By WILLIAM L. RYAN FEE aah 8 8 8 214 21% 2"-- va 1" i" Wat ve New Zealand -% -- ema a aa Nace | ks which began in August, | Canadian Press Correspondent tae vs 8 ee oe at gasted by the Soviet defence! ,ycKLAND (CP) -- For the! But on Sept. 3, 1939, the AP Correspondent swig wed Pe ge gece ge and/ second time New Zealand has|sirens had walled a false glarm. Moscow's military brass. is Ld deh aphel Reale Cait decided that the basic unit in| The popular story--never of- publishing Seven Days in May|some tne ago in Washington oun currency will be the' ficially confirmed--was that the and the Soviet press says it por-jhe had been approached by a tice : jcause of the alert, an unidenti- trays "a real political situation'Soviet correspondent who had| New Zealand is due to change|fied aircraft approaching the which could easily be ima-|jread the book. |from pounds, shillings and|English south coast, was 8 gined" in the United States of) «jy es | pence to decimal currency 'in|plane chartered by the Duke of the -1960s. e seemed to be trying to| July, 1967. The government an-|Windsor to fly from his exile in Seven Days in May, a best- acy gel ew. on hed nounced a firm decision, after|France to offer his services to selling novel by Washington) vor really Wroncued oF sult me (examining scores of sugges-|his brother, King George VI, y itions, last March in favor of/and the government. newspaper man Fletcher Kne- a " n.| bel and Charles Bailey, is a fan- ~magery oe ae ee yn Kne-| dollar. tasy set in the future, built ange P '; Bees ' But when Parliament opened, around. what. might, happen: .t ice tes posnieiry. = oy: the Labor opposition raised such| Brokers Ask there were an attempt by U-S./tning like' it would happen aif an outcry for further consideva-| salary leaders to seize theloxtremely remote." Fcopened and the auestin was) Another Group The Soviet reporter may havejreferred to a parliamentary G Dynam 100 $36% 3614 36% + Ye GMC 380$105 105 105 -+1% GL Pap xd 3200 $26 26 2% Gr Weg G xd 820 $17¥2 17% | Hardee $00 90 «990 -s Hawker-S 325 $7% 7% Ti--Ve Hayes Stl 740 $18¥2 18¥2 18¥2 Home A 110 $17% 17% 17% Horne Pf 370 315 310 315 +10 Husky 220 $10¥2 10% 10' Husky Ww 120 (12 2 Husky C w 100 17 1 VW = _ Imp Tob 2130 $135 13% 13% Imp Tob pr 100 $6%4 6% 6% Ind Accep 250 $23. 23 - ALL Ind Accep 250 $23 .23 3 Ind Wire 600 135 135 135 --S COLOR Inland Gas 1630 $8% 8% 8% + Ye) Inland G w 100 75 75 Int Nickel 333 $8444 842 84¥2 Int Util 200 $28 2% 2% --VY Inter PL 150 $89 89 «689 + Int Stl P 105 320 320 320 | Inv Syn A 425 $13 13:13 | Jefferson 200 $82 8% B8la-- "| Jeff Bw 200 310 310. 310 Jockey C 1000 435 415 415 Labatt 235 $20% 20% Lafarge A 200 $11% 1156 Laura Sec 100 $20% 20%! First Time TORONTO 11 A.M, STOCKS " 2--Odd lot, xd--Ex-dividend,. xr--Ex-| Mass-F 960 $28% 26% 28% + Ye ailing ch : r- wailing chorus of London's air. se pee bade ie years ago still echoes in the Ocean Cem 200 $ ' Pow Corp 460 $12%@ 12% 12% + '% 7 16 QN Gas 63w 220 515 515 515 Minister Neville Chamberlain boa iame-- 840 840 840 ond time in the 20th century. ob bow 375 375 ler that he withdraw his troops Slater Steel 300 $1858 1856 18% + Y2! Sud Cont Brazil 350. 350 350 ¢ : ' 300 300 p jexpired at iV a.m. $13% 13% 13% th 4 Ye] Torbrit ; 7 oth 20% + Ye i y Asbestos 277 broadcast when London's sirens FA } tag +? 55 Burns 400 $13 13 7 +2 485 485 485 $15) Yo ca, i 38% 8% B As the sirens sounded the} Can Bread. ie oo) oo on 2 a $30Y2 30Ya 20¥a Westfair pr 1000 a 97% --"Ve| -E1 Sol pg Fs into the sky, raising a network C Br Ap xd 25 $51 51 I Wstn 4a pr zi0 7 Gaitwin 5000 deter low-flying enemy bomb- q Woodwd A 225 CBAIBwW 20 10 140 14 8 F Mining 1000 41 00 C Ind Gas 2575 $10% 10% 10% Headway 500 17 Most people had expected an Arsh bes High-Bell. 1350 845 840.845 ; ies Se ee tae " 204 Hollinger 150 S250 2504 24 '. Int Helium 200 143 143° 143 9 : e y Bata 3000 Y air force to knock out the Brit 1735 $47% 47¥a 47% + Ve) Ba Int Kenville 2000 32 32 32 4, ai " ' Calvert 1000 8 Iso 80 2 satellite moving across the veloped. The company hopes |went to ground after the first K Anacon 4500 120 (122 ' ; still, Anti - aircraft gunners 3 the RCA Victor Laboratories about $40,000 each. L Dufault 280 $11% 11% 11% Ten anxious minutes ticked) 5 "prisge $201 202 | 1000 70 70 LL Lac 00 180 180 180 +4 : : 8 again, with the steady note of] Denis. $16%4 166 16% 'Sarces 500 225 205 Lynghst 000 WH A ain Picl Pant ee beet oe nemihe- a0 Bom Tar $237 23% 23% + Ve Union Ol! 786 $15Ve 15¥e 15Ve Marchant 700 185 180 185 g Dom Text MINES i ,500,000 of their ' die and nearly 1 f Falcon 25 $747 7A%e 747 Moneta 100 Ansil 12000 i" ns 10 Ford Cda 215$183° 183 163 New Hosco 600 A Arc B w 1000 New Rouyn 500 N Sirens He ard f THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 2, 1964 25 | . Today's Toronto Stock Market Listi g ; aot A 5 Years Ago PRS. 4 ian a 2 Soctk Sales High Low a.m. Cli'ge lo 'xchange--' (Quotations in cents uniess marked $. Magna, €1 400.290. 290. 90. 5 LONDON (Reuters) --. The} rights, xw--Ex-warrants. Net change Is) MEPC 100 325. 325 225 from previous board-lot closing sale.)! Met Stores p 225 raid sirens sounding their first Moore i alarm on a fateful morning 25 Nat Contain 247 $5 Sve ' 1 fet Noranda 189 ag ay memories of thousancs of Lon- Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge) Ogilvie xd 275 $14% 14% doners, ' 385 $1514 154 15%4--¥e| Oshawa A 25 $28 It was the fine, mild Sunday 735 400 390 400 Price Bros 900 $47. 46% 47 + 2 morning of Sept. 3, 1939. Peo- $35 "ry : +%) @N Gas 400 $10% 10% 10% -- ve ple gathered around their radios 55 $30% 30% 30% Ys! Rockowr pr 100 at 11:15 a.m. to hear Prime $16¥a 16% 162+ 4! Rockwell 300 announce that Britain was at $7 67 war with Germany for the sec- $68 868 The British government's sec- $14 14 14 ond and final ultimatum to Hit- yg Soe 56% + Ve Bow 56 pr xd 75 $51% 51% 51% Simpsons 210 $24%4 24% 244 + V4 Steep R from Poland, which he had at-| Bow-M.pr 5 $53" 53.53: + Va ate Tass e+ Ys s 4 00 18a 13 j $102 10%2 i0'2 'exmont 2B 6" j|tacked two days earlier, had 300, 30 Sina gag: 9546 -- Wl Tombiit a ee $34% ne - 1000 Most Britons were still sitting S31 30% $694 674 + Ve i 000 13+«13:«w3s = Ma} tag WS 174 r Spohr ; Sugai 240 $19% 19% 1994 ? \ ' |quietly considering the historic Be esta as 4 4 407% + Ya 8 8 Trin Chib 13 13 BCPh 4-56 25$100 100 100). + % 844+ Vo Me 161 Un Buffad began to scream, with the ris-| SCPR."# pr 25 siz 1 124 Si ig tate Dicknsn on a UCL Mine "0 4 ing and falling note of the alert.| cai Pow 200 $24¥e 2440 24% $36 6 a ay tar Pees Vevie Can Bread =z 6'4 13 " Violam first alert, silvery, sausage-like| Can perm 25 $70 70 70 + A ae ie = Ano ' barrage balloons rose silently] cst 30) uv! can Wire 5 AG pes ue 8. W Pacific 250 VWie+ %) F Mar 215 . Brew x West ~< of steel wires over London to aston 8 ae 18 --¥e| Frncoeur 5000 18 CBA Aw 170 140 140 140 a Genex 34700 Py ers. C Chem w 100 835 835 835 ' G EXPECTED BLOW C Imp Bk C 210 $68 68% 68% OILS aur es C_ ind Gas p 100 $13% 13% T+ ve) Anchor | ine 16 : t : lev immediate attempt by the Nazi $13% 13% 15+ Ve| Bailey S pr ish capital with one terrific Bronk re 0 185 183 } ' GROUND STATION blow. Comerina 9 Jacobus 1000 v 1 ae " : . 2 4 Y ¥ All over London civilians Soe is ; Bie Ba 1 Cc Ex Gas 500 6 Jonsmth 157500 23 21 /: ¥ sky. This one is located atop to sell about 500 abroad. at alert. Traffic came to a stand- Cont Del 17178 Kerr Add = 712 710 710 See i ; Lab Min us $33 «33 = 3. moved to battle stations at 200 4 ress Egil P j i j i I 31 in Montreal where it was de- --(CP_ Wirephoto) !their all too few batteries. Yee ee aos salve. 61Vs TIS $55 5 M4] Leitch 24150 610 560 600 --85 2 7 i i 12% 12% 2500 55 5 Lorado 700 145 145 145 by, and then the sirens wailed Dom Elect Tiga OS Os Meee Lauviet 1000 18 «18 «18 "all clear.' London began $16% 1658 16%+ %| Teck Corp 5630 550 535 Macdon 3000 ; hg agin , one Stores $20 228 22%e+ Ye] Triad Oi) 8600 230 225 230 Magnet 1000 ; Dom Tar pr z5 $224 2% W Decalta. 600 213 212 213 +3 | Marcon 2000 12) 12) 12) +1 ve % ra Cer Mattgmi 350 $15%4 15% 15% + Ve ite casualties, no damage--though Mahe' Uren: 22000 102 10 : 5 Dollar Unit nearly 30,000 Londoners were to Eeatee fa ae 'Metal Mines 100 125. 125 +1 j 7, 1 Midrim 500 2 iy | Acad U 8500 6%2 6% 6 y homes were to be destroyed or] Fanny Fin 25 $37 39 9 Se a ee Mee ur Mean, a0 By J. C. GRAHAM damaged in the major air at-| Fed Grath 25 $89¥a 892 892 A 00 New Cal _ 10150 rea 0 Bite tat pr 50 $53% 53% 53% -- % Arion 500 N Kelore 4000 Atl ¢ Cop 2000 N Mylama 3000 Aunor 100 360 360 New Taku 3000 Nick Rim 3000. pols "| Bankfield 1000 12+ «12 Barnat 1000 72 «72 Baska 1000 Bethim 750 750 74 750 +5 Bibis 5 234 23%2 232+ Ye Black Bay 12000 16 15% 16 Bounty Exp 1000 31 31 31 Bralorne 100 395 395 395 Nisto 1000 Norbeau 12300 Norgold 2500 3 3 Norlex 500 132 13¥a 134+ Norpax 25000 23%a 24 N Goldert 1500 3 8 +% Northgate 600 460 465 +5 '3 NOW FLAMING: <xi6x LAUGH DEAL IN TOWN! THE "WHEELER 20th Century-Fox presents ' AND ROBERT 'MITCHUM AND PAUL IT'S A MILE HI-LARIOUS ROUND-THE-WORLD MANHUNT! "COME FLY WITH ME" Izvestia, the government \ newspaper, published a Russian been unable to fathom all this.) committee. } translation of one of the d he couldn't see the) Jp the committee the issue de- book last week, along with an announcement that the Soviet defence ministry is putting out the complete work. Izvestia noted the book is fantasy but) added the situation was easily conceivable, As soon as the book was pub- reason for the book unless something like an attempt at seizing the U.S. government had at least been in the works. INTEREST UNUSUAL It is not unusual for Soviet authorities to lift foreign books lishe in the United States, says co-author Knebel, Soviet journ- without permission, but it is un- veloped into a contest betweén dollar, favored by the govern- ment, and zeal, advocated' by Labor members. Zeal is a made-up word formed from the central syllable of New Zealand. The most authoritative body to support the zeal was the Re- serve Bank, New Zealand's cen- usual for the defence ministry's tral bank, but it agreed that dol- TORONTO (CP)--The Broker- Dealers' Association of Ontario has a solution for the Ontario government committee studying securities legislation--set up an- other committee. Lav Fin 137 $16% 16% Levy 100 $16% 16% Levy"B pr 225° $22%4 22% LobCo A 120 Ye 8h LobCo B 500 $82 8¥2 LobG 1 pr 600 $32% 32% Loeb M 2766 $10¥2: 10% MB' PR 250 $31%2 31% 314+ % In a brief to the committee, made public today, the asgocia- tion says a study should be con- FIRST 'BURGER An enterprising chef at thé DEALERS" -- with -- LEE REMICK JAMES GARNER -- with -- DOLORES HART HUGH O'BRIEN SAT. & SUN. jy Continuous AND DEAN MARTIN From i is : ducted by. an expert group,/1904 St. Louis World's Fair in- 1:30 P.M. AND GENE - Doll 2 z working without external con-|troduced a new delicacy--ham- _§ 4 ollar was favored by the) tro} but financed by a govern-/burger on a bun. The publications could serve|treasury, the majority of the) ment grant alists perked up their ears. Thejpublications department appro-|lar would be acceptable. Soviet press, he said, seemed to|priate a work of fiction. | want "to make a federal case) " 1 }, | of it" and confuse fact with fic-) more than one purpose. It could|New Zealand Society of Ac-| tion, |be used to implant the idea that countants, the Bankers' Asso- Reached at his Florida home,|+he military in the United States|ciation, education department, Knebel said he was flabber- Orono Water Survey Plan Is Underway ORONO -- The Orono Police Trustees met recently when i was reported by the Chairman that the engineering survey for the water project was 40 per cent completed. It was expect- ed that the plans will be com- pleted on schedule around the middle of September. At. this time tenders will be called for the installation of the system. A letter was received from the Department of Highways in which the Department stated they had completed plans for new entrances into Orono and that they would be contacting the trustees to view the plans. A letter was received from Russell. C, Honey, MP for Durham, outlining the, progress made by the Department of Public Works in connection with obtaining a site for a new Post Office in Orono. Negotiations have been made with Miss M. E. Waddell for property at Centre and Church street. No. progress has heen made in obtaining the property and the department advised against expropriation of the property at this time. Negotiations are however to continue. The trustees decided to let the project rest with the Department, A letter was received from the| by Soviet propaganda--are cap- able of staging a coup. At the same time, publication under defence ministry auspices could serve as a warming to So- viet military men, More than mie Uhrushchev was pressure from the military--not- ably in the instances of the U-2 spy plane in 1960 and the Cuban missile crisis in 1962. "I -don't care' who publishes the book or condenses or serial izes it so long as they pay for it," Knebel said, adding he in- tended to inquire into the mat- ter when he goes to Washing- ton; =: It is doubtful the inquiry will bear any fruit. The Soviet gov- ernment has ignored interna- \tional copyrights. | The American Book Publish- ling Council has been collecting arguments to present the Rus- jsians on a copyright agreement, |but without much hope the ei- \fort will get anywhere. Adlai E. {Stevenson tried unsuccessfully \to collect royalties for U.S. au- |thors on a trip to Moscow be- fore he became U.S. ambassa- dor to the United Nations. | Harper and Row, publisher of iSeven Days in May, said there jhad been no Soviet request for permission to publish a Soviet jedition. Brooklin Club Plans Program BROOKLIN--The Brooklin 4-H Department of Labor who hadicjyy will resume activities. for inspected the Orono Fire Hall and who have asked that further work be done in the stair well by adding two layers of half inch gypsum. The matter was turned over to-D. Simpson to investigate and. obtain prices on having the work done. The Trustees discussed the possibility of having a proper plan of the Village compiled, In this the 'Trustees are proach the firm of Marshall, Macklin and Monaghan who are the fall and winter season Sept. 12, in the Township Hall, The next unit for considera- tion will be, "The Club Girl Entertains." { So that the leaders can order supplies in good time .all those girls between the ages of 12 years and 26 years in the Broak- lin area are invited to register to ap-with Mrs. A. Cooper, 655-4783 or Mrs. R. Humphreys, 655-4943, The members of the club held presently making \a survey of}a combined reunion and shower, Orono for the water system. The Trustees wish to have proper plans noting the installa- recently at the home of Mrs. Mervyn Bird. Many former leadérs and members were tion of underground projects|present. Table lamps were pre- which would include not only sented to Marilyn and Lois water mains but also" hydro|Downey on behalf of the 4-H ufderground installations. Club members. once it has appeared that Pre-| under|wnder way for the changeover) The primary distrbutoni is a | the government printer. |BACKS DECISION The committee, voting on} party lines, has upheld . the] |choice of dollar. | Preparations already are well] to the decimal currency, though the actual. switch is some three years away. Half crowns (two shillings The association also suggests that creation of a mining and oil divison on thei Toronto Stock --called 'Pentagon wildmen"|several trade associations and Exchange could: resolve criti- cisms of primary distribution of stock. This would give the public a better chance to distinguish be- tween speculative and mofe es- tablished new stock issues, the association says. method of raising risk capital by selling newly created stock through' the stock exchange. and sixpence) will be withdrawn} rom circulation during the next jyear. There is to' be no equiva- lent of the half crown in. the decimal series and it is de- sired to have them effectively jout of circulation before the} |change is made. | The government some months) |ago called for suggestions on} ithe designs of the new decimal] jcoins and about 150 ideas were| | forwarded by artists, designers} |and members of the public. The government has not re-| leased selections but says that |the fern leaf, a New Zealand 'national symbol, seems to have |been popular and also maps of New Zealand and such native |birds as the fantail and kiwi. |Maori carvings and motifs are jalso featured on some of the | proposed designs. | Judy's Pension Block. Blast "OSHAWA | DRIVE-IN THEATRE 723-4972 NOW PLAYING ELVIS Pensiry i WALLIS' PROCUCTION Box Office Opens 7.30 First Show at Dusk Draws Hoots OTTAWA (CP) -- Hoots from Conservative benches greeted Health Minister Judy LaMarsh Tuesday when she told. the Com- mons that introduction of legis- lation for the Canada Pension Plan is being held up "by the actions of honorable gentlemen opposite." The minister said the opposi- tion had brought. the govern- ment's legisLative program "virtually to a halt'--a refer- ence to the protracted ficz de- bate. Stanley Knowles (NDP--W'in- nipeg North Centre) aske? whether the government wou'? place the pension plan resolu tion on the order paper as evi- ite Pee , gur.voor (eddie He owned half the West.,. and she wanted to own him! JohnWAYNE § Maureen O'HARA je "McLINTOG "ses dence of its intention to go} ahead with the proposal, | Miss LaMarsh said she would have to discuss this with th: house leader. A |Y-after Grandstand Show NO DRIVING WORRIES aaa eel NO PARKING. PROBLEMS Soi ieiiciiianiaealieell NO L-O-N-G WALKS SSE WHEN YOU GO BY BUS TO THE CANADIAN NATIONAL DIRECT INTO' THE | GROUNDS Aug. 21st to Sept. 7th EXCURSION FARE $2.60 Round Trip Includes Admission For special low children's fares see your ADULT ENTERTAINMENT FEATURE TIMES -- 1:05 -- 3:10 -- 5:20 -- 7:25 -- 9:40 Agent Leave Oshows Buses Leove Whitby 9 minutes later X-Sat. & Labour Day Only Z-Starts St. Aug. 22nd. Leave Exhibition X3.30 p.m. 7.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m. 24.30 p.m. 8.30 p.m. 10.30 p.m. Z5.30 p.m. ¥11.00 p.m. 26.30 p.m. X-Set. & Labour Day only. Z-Starts Sat. Aug. 22nd. DAYLIGHT TIME Exhibition passengers: travelling on reg~ t ular buses ---will-transfer~ at -T: Bus Terminal to buses running into the grounds. Tickets and Information at OSHAWA BUS TERMINAL 18 Prince Street - 723-2241 Whitby -- Harry Donald Ltd., 300 Dundes St. Eost, Phone 668-3675 Starring YOGI | BEAR BLUS ADDED FEATURE ,.. Last Times --- TONIGHT! "THE WHEELER DEALERS" --plus-- "COME FLY WITH ME". Both in COLOR PHONE 725-5833 RELLY IND BOB AND DIGK | VAN DYKE /@ FEATURE; ' 1:30 3:30 , COLOR By DELU: CINEMASCOPE Come look at a new look, See how the camera can work in a new way~ for color and style and images that have never been done before! It really brings a new kind of fun and entertainment to the screen! adv Eateriainment

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