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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1964, p. 5

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ee -- if see a _ Manager: John Gault haan THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 2,1964 5] 'Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West mec To Rid Him Magistrate Harry Jermyn put his school-teaching experience to work here yesterday in finding a protective father guilty of assault, A teacher and sttivetpal here HARRIS GETS TWO YEARS Robinson's 'Friend te a Beat And Robbed Him""n. anhandling a 13-year-old boy (She had about 10 drafts, plus |in the Sinclair school yard. Will Robin thou ht of} "We pulled into a roadway, Pes ow. in son, the "rote south off the Third. When I/liquor. She estimated Harris' The boy, Ruben Terlecki, was bever: as a friend'. |stepped out of the cab, I step-|consumption at about 15 strangling Joey Doleje Jr., the Ronald ens ° wasn't. Helped into a hole and down|draughts, plus pints plus liquor.) elder Doleje of R.R. 2 Legend bashed the 45-year-old hired'{ went." | Out on the roadway, after they|told the ge pga 4 er- hand bloody and stole $100. | Robinson rose as quickly, he) Passed tht liquor bottle around, myn placed him Ta $200 two- Magistrate Crawford Guest)said, He insisted to grat Thompson had to 'go to|year bond to keep the peace. wasn't too friendly toward Har-|counsel John Humphreys .that,|the washroom". 4 Ruben claimed that, on that ris either. He seni him to King-| despite all his drinking, he was| While she was leaving the twolday in question--June 23--he ston Penitentiary for two years| not drunk at the time. men, she "heard someone yell". on the robbery with violence| "I asked Ron: 'Where's the| "I came back, and there was|around with my bicycle." e|Ron leaning over top of Robin-| He admitted to grabbing Joey conviction here yesterda |house?', because I couldn't se Harris, 29, a 1010." Byron! hanya: He said: 'Over there!',| Son, who was just.lying there. /and "knuckle-rubbing his head." street, Whitby, requested and and pointed. "T asked: 'What happened?',, 'He was giggling and laugh- was granted the two years, "Then the lights went out. i] and Ron said: 'Now, don't getling all the time. Mr. Doleje, rather than the two-years-less-a| don't remember anything until excited'!"" who was nearby, thought I was| day sentence that would have! the next morning.' Then Ron handed her a wallet choking him. I wasn't. put him in reformatory. He came to under a tree.) land told her to "'look in it", she) «He grabbed me and shook| Robinson's picture following) There was blood on his face and| claimed. me and knocked off my hat. the beating he received in aon the grass. His pants were, Because of the darkness sheyMy_ tee-shirt was torn a little! lonely, midnight country road,/ripped, and the wallet and| could see nothing. She and Ron)bit." was submitted by Crown Attor-| money were missing. His parcel,| went back down the road and| Then, he added, Doleje yanked ney Bruce. Affleck. He was containing the clothes, was also hid in a field as two cars cam@jhim into the school to see the covered with dried blood. | gone, ; wiinl | by. re they pera and/ principal, and slapped him . On his hike back to 1itby,) moved the unconscious Robin-\across the face. es ace an OPP cruiser picked him up'son off the roadway and under Ruben, now weeping openly in| clothing under his arm, and $106| aNd took him to the detachment, | a tree. the witness box, described, in his pocket. where he told them his story. | 5) gony HANDS scratches on his neck and a sore| At the Royal Hotel he met an prcKED OUT HARRIS They went to a nearby house . Ny as the result of the old friend -- Stan Leach. The' when a lineup was arranged|to call a taxi, she explained. wand Chaltice, foriee aie: two men split about 20 ounces on Aug. 13, he picked out Ronald) The owner, Arthur Smith drove) oo yi mount a ~ of rye, Robinson said. After this) Harris as his attacker. them to Oshawa. In the Genosha yer ite e ga ta i py : he made his way down to the! Constable Harold Hockins of; Hotel Coffee Shop, Mrs. Thomp -| Sal yo ad a "0 a' 0 beverage room to drink beer. | {he OPP Crime Investigations|son said, she saw blood on Har- a am Ru ger t fh ool. CONVERSATION WITH 'RON' Branch told the Court that Rob-| ris' hands, ie a gee ae en's descrip- In th , hroom he inson had five bruises on his) Smith also saw the blood, he} Det ij | avplin itl i if hg babar tion was face, and that his left eye was| testified. e aca the -- 1 struck up 'with a man who intro-| Partially closed. He had several] 'she and Harris went to her|™&@" a@ske if the grounds were uts. : |supervised at the time of duced himself as 'Ron'. home Gr -- pidbggeregg tall. = s alleged attack on Joey. Mrs. Thompson verified Rob- coffee "nat ab' that "Ron" invited Robinson to inson's account of the evening, The answer was cluded, Harris handed her $50) to join him and a woman, Mrs. adding that Harris had told her| and said: "This is your half". orang as the teacher was usy Linda Thompson of Oshawa, at he ' 'intended to get Robinson's/ yer husband got the clothing. a table in the: ladies - escorts, wallet'. x" i Gccve | -easeuated ey patt of the hotel. There he drank) she described the country), Dik ; gs MS Pin that\2ccused Ruben of "picking on) "three or four drafts and one' road occurrences slightly differ- a e ee +f at he held' fully|@¢ all year.' pint" of beer before closing/ently, After they got ou: of the arris 'ole', i Ve ) He said he was indeed being; time. cab, she said, they walked part- its sda ' strangled in the incident, and) Then, Robinson said, the three\way down the laneway before, Mr. Affleck did a ha . ie had cried out for his father to! of them got in a taxi and went) sitting down to drink from: the|sum up _ his the egg om help. out on the Third Concession| bottle she was carrying. Guest was of t Tyg that | road, on 'Ron's promise". of, All of them had been drinking "Harris mann tha run R more drink. Ron and Mrs. heavily throughout the evening, he was unable to form inten 'Ma istrate | Thompson assured him they had) she admitted, but she felt no He chastised Robinson for g | a bottle with them in any case.' one was "really drunk" "flashing the money around | MANN CUP, OR BUST | made a surprise visit here yes-| Brooklin Goes Two-Up Sudden-Death Victory =." \from a heavy cold, left three! full well that Brampton are ajme tell you folks, it is going to) cases, after disposing of the| much better team than the score|take a heck of a big rally by|morning portion of the long the Brooklin Sr. Lacrosse Club|Of the first game would indicate. )the Brampton team to stop them! docket. last night carried them to an 11- They knew that if you give these|now ... . The magic number for! Since the illness of Magis- 10° sudden-death overtime win|big fellows from the Rose Town) the "Good Guys" now stands atitrate Frank Ebbs last week, against the Brampton Seal Tests\t00 many breaks they will get\two, Better be there early to-\the Crown and Court offices\|= in Brampton, The win gives the|enough goals to kill you. Brook-| morrow night fans, if you expect) have been searching for some- | Brooklin team a 2-0 lead in the !in, however, were right on their'| to get a seat ... The lacrosse|one to replace him until he is best - of - seven Eastern Canada|toes and they never let the|bug has hit this area like noth-| well enough to resume. finals with the third game here|homesters get-over a two-goaljing you ever saw before ...| Magistrate Guest has offered at the Brooklin areha tomorrow|lead at any time in the ball|Brooklin, the smallest town in|to-come down to Ontario Coun-| night. game, After Brooklin got rolling/the world with a Sr. lacrosse|'y sittings whenever his dtuies, Last night's encounter was a they never let the Seal Tests get|team, is now on the threshold of in Lindsay and Minden allow] real thriller all the way. Brook-\°Ver 4 one-goal bulge. going into a Mann Cup final . . .|him to do so. oe A ; is i stage Let's be there to cheer them on.|, He was Magistrate here prior| lin fought tooth and nail for In all it should set the stage r on to. Magistrate Jermyn's ap-| Diminuitive Joey Doleje ; Guest Sits | 'Here Again Masiotenty Crawford Guest! By CLIFF GORDON A tremendous team effort by every point they got. They had for a tremendous game here on SUMMARY : to battle back from a 2-0 deficit/Thursday night when the Seal], 5 snoton: stgeanet ee ie ioe it a in goals early in the game and Tests will be forced to come up| 2. Brampton: Madyelt (Finnegan) 1.081 vel lscgatciadeses then were forced to tie the game with a win if they expect to stop % hens Heffernan 7.41 I with less than a minute to go in'these high flying Brooklin lads) beste ell G. Thompson | | regulation time. (sounds like St.;)who have the 'Mann Cup Bug'. | 5. Brocklin: Honk (Heffernan) " 16 WHITBY | Kitts.) Both teams scored twice naities -- Craggs 6.48, G, Th | Fishy d twice) JUST TALKING: It was a tre-!, fe" Rutten 1.18 Castator" 1434, W. PERSONALS Jermyn Calls On Old Job Caught young Joey, 7, "fooling | jand reported the licence num- | the boys for In Decision Joseph Doleje quoted Ruben as yelling: . gonna choke him 'cause he's "preaking my bike."' He admitted laying hands on the boy, but insisted it was only .to restrain him and save his son. Ruben kicked him in the shins, | he added, and may: have been iscratched when he tore from the grasp. He denied hitting} Ruben with his hand. Mr. Hillman argued that the! force used was necessary, and that his client was only protect- ing himself. "I am sympathetic," his Wor- ship told Doleje. "'But when your children aré at school, they are under the jurisdiction of the, |teachers. | "You had no business entering] the school ground and _§inter-| fering. "If every parent were allowed to do what you did, a school would be chaos. And besides that, you used more force than) |was necessary. "Children have a diseipline| jamong th mselves," he observed, | Failure To Remain, And To. Convince said "1 don't believe him," Magistrate Crawford Guest. The "him" was 29-year-old Jean Chapados of Pickering His Worship didn't believe Chap- ados had been unaware of side- sweeping a parked car in Whitby on June 15. So he gave him 10 days in' jail, along with the option of another 30 days or a $200-and- costs fine for failing to remain at the scene of an accident. Chapados had alleged that he had not heard the crash or felt it because of a faulty, noisy muffler. John Parikhal, 17,and John McGee, 17, saw the accident ber of the offender to Cpl. Ernie Stoneman, of Whitby PD Magistrate Guest commended "bringing this type of culprit to justice." of culprit to Justice." car behind Chapados and watch- jed him hit the auto in front of | the Dundas street west laundro- mat. They also saw him slow down, stop, look around, then take off gain. Chapados admitttd being the only driver of the car that night when he was questioned by Cpl. Stoneman. TOURISM INCREASES Yugoslavia earned -a record $14,500,000 from tourism during the first six months of 1964, | Family Monuments Individual &b/ Requirements STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 Created To in the first overtime stanza and mendous win for the Brooklin| thompson 18.4. then Brooklin, with that big manitegm who once again proved) Pat Baker, set the stage for the/that it was no: fluke when they] winner. Baker carried the ball! won the league title and then| ?: up the floor, beat two bewilder-\took the highly rated St. Kitts) 9, ed Brampton players, and then/team out of further competition| 9. fed a perfect pass to Bob Hanna'. Brooklin. now leads. the'! 1 who made no mistake as he!series 2-0 on the strength oft, scored the winner at 11.48 of the| their back-to-back wins over a: and Period 6. Brooklin: Ruttan (Craggs) Brampton: G. Thompson (Finnegan, Arthurs * Brooklin; Ruttan (Tran) a Miss Jo-Anne Underwood and) Miss Dianne Thorne have re- sao|turned from a week's vacation Setar Cee ee we spent in New York City where Brooklin: Ruttan (tran) ...... 1207| they. visited the World's Fair, Brampton: Richardson (Caruso) 1 :37| They flew from Toronto Inter- Brooklin: G. Heffernan .. 16.32) Penalties -- Castator misc. 4.24, Naylor national Airport. sudden-death period. __|very surprised Brampton crew ae weeeere 74M, Arthurs 15.27, DOD) Mire Adeline Vallee and her In a goal-scoring way, Ken|. . . Many of the experts thought Vea aes granddaughter Sally Burkart) Ruttan was the big hero as the that Brooklin did not have the|13, Brooklin: G. Lotton are now home after spending) stalwart defenceman bagged no horses. to carry on like this, but} (Heffernan) oo... sess eserseree 2.20 two weeks in Montreal visiting! less than four goals fh a winning we will just wait and see how) 1s Brampton: Wanless oii: 465) relatives. cause. Grant Heffernan, Glen|many red faces there are, aS/16. Brooklin: G. Lotton Lotton and Bob Hanna each had the fellows, a pair, while Elmer Tran man-|manager aged a lone marker. coaches Bill along with their} (Heffernan) .. vis Mrs. Mildred Cullis, Scheffer-| Penalties -- Tran 3:36, Finnegan 6.21, ville, Art Morton andi, "en . °y BN P.Q., spent two weeks! Vipond and 'Red Idnere ineton rye aes poe a | visiting her uncle and aunt, Mr. | Overtime jand Mrs. A. 0. Vaughan, 923] One-Stop DECORATING @ Wallpaper and Murals @ Custom Draperies @ Broadioom and Rugs @ C.LLL. Paints and Varnishes @ Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor. Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby | For the very' disappointed| Crawford (who have done a fab-| Brampton team "it was Jacklulous job this season) take the|i, sromnc Rote. 200 Byron street north, who have; Madgett . with three, Gord/bows from here in. We fully eX-|19. Brampton: Madgett . 733 Just returned from a week's, can win this series,|2. Brooklin: Tran (Rutan) | 8.01 holiday ; spent i in New Brunswick. | Thompson and Don Arthurs with pect they ae two each and singlés to Mike|but don't count Brampton out paca Hong cara lh fe age Finnegan, Ken Richardson, and)... The Brooklin team, after|21. Brooklin: Hanna (Baker) . Bruce Wanless losing 12 or 13 men that had| Penalty -- Castator 9.55. ad Brooklin, who had won the been with them last year and|~ | first game of the series with|the year before were rated as aj PICK UP LINEBACKER somewhat of an easy time, were second division team ... They; HAMILTON (CP)--Ed Hoer-| very careful as they started into|have not won the Eastern Can- ster, a middle linebacker cut! last night's game. They knew'ada Championship yet, but Jet by Toronto Argonauts last| 104 LUPIN DRIVE Try Our N jweek, was picked up Tuesday BROCK Evening Shows Start At 7 & 8:20 'by Hamilton Tiger-Cats of the| WHITBY Last Complete Show At 8.20 TROUGHTON MEATS Budget Freezer Plan BLAIR PARK PLAZA for the waiver price of $350.| A Ai GIVES YOU A FRONT 'Eastern Football Conference | "THE DAY THE PICTURE THAT off to°be signed by Hamilton in Nothing Down - 6 Months to Pay (the last three weeks. lege ball with Not?é Dame, be-' comes the third Argonaut cast-| JOLTING EVENTS OF E TOMORROW...TODAY! |Hoerster, who played his col-| THE EARTH SEAT TO THE MOST --6dBL% GUARANTEED INVESTMENTS 13, 4 or 5 Year Terms. Interest is left to ETO IED MAERN. FDNARD DD 59° payable half-yearly or LOOK !! Red & Blue Brand HINDS OF BEEF CUT & WRAPPED FREE accumulate and be compounded. VICTORIA RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT PLUS -- SECOND FEATURE ATTRACTION GRADE "A" FRESH 5 Doz. EGGS 1.00 -and GREY TRUST HE RIDES FALL ik | 'a. TONY YOUNG-DAN DURYEA a '308 Dundes St. W. Whitby] All Meats Government Inspected -- Fully Guaranteed -- PHONE 668-4633 GET YOUR FREE BINGO AND PLAY . . CHCH TV CHANNEL 11 HAMILTON 10:00 to 11:00 A.M. Monday thru Friday Daily Prizes... Electrical Appliances @ $25.00 Cash Prizes e@ Hundreds OF $2.00 IGA FOOD CERTIFICATES WEEKLY PRIZES GRAND PRIZE... 5 FLAVORS--SAVE 23¢ ALLENS DRINK BRIGHT'S--SAVE 17¢ APPLESAUCE CAMPBELL'S--SAVE 20c TOMATO SOUP OMO--SAVE 7c DETERGENT -- KRAFT CANADIAN CHEESE SLICES oe © © 8 8 8 Oe Ue Gresh Grade "A" Predressed FRYING or ROASTING . 214-3_Ib. Average Cuickens FRESH CHICKEN CUTS LEGS BREASTS 33! ==5-59 SPECIAL 88¢ COMBINATION OFFER! CARDS e EXPENSE PAID TRIPS FOR 2 TO SUCH EXCITING PLACES as e NEW YORK WORLDS FAIR -- AT 4 T.V. STATIONS AT END OF 13 WEEKS 1965 STUDEBAKER WAGONAIRES ; STARTING MONDAY, SEPT. 7th " 48-07. 3 TINS c 3 15-02. TINS Cc 10-02. TINS $8. GIANT SIZE C 8-02. PKGS. H lb. 49. 1-LB. PKG. TABLERITE BOTH FOR WIENERS PLUS Merion 'Slates SAUSAGES EXTRA THIS WEEK RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10 TAPE WITH .4¢ SHIRRIFFS GOOD MORNING MARMALADE = **3% COFFEE we CHARCOAL --oitn'tac RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 TAPE WITH .. WHITE OR COLOURED s * TWIN White Swan Tissue }x2x PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT, 2, 3, 4, 5. WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES TOTAL OF: $48 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WITH... Crest Toothpaste RECEIVE AN EXTRA 32,00 TAPE WITH... S00D LUCK COLOURED ~ MARGARINE DRAGON BRAND CHICKEN ~ SHRIMP Frozen Dinners TABLERITE SLICED ¥.P. SANDWICH ST COOKED HAM CANADA NO. 1 GRADE--ONTARIO POTATOES THE CHILDREN'S EN REN'S CHOICE SEEDLESs Grapes CANADA No. BRUSSEL SPROUT | CRISP ONTARIO GROWN CEE GRADE tb UCHESS APPLES HOSPITALITY (SAVE 10c) APPLE PIE «39: SAVE 14c HEINZ SPAGHETTI 5 BETTY CROCKER MUFFIN MI 15-0Z, TINS 88¢ 88¢ 14-0Z, PKGS, 6 VARIETIES SAVE 29c IGA WAX PAPER "3xi 4 "Rous 88¢ KOTEX = gecon surer or 12 88° PKG, Dempsier Kaiser Rolls 65°; 30° LEMON JELLY ROLLS cneisris 45° DAVID'S FIG BARS ,.22 "inc 37° 1-LB. PKG, FROZEN APPLE PIE... tices 3 rox *L | NO, 7 GRADE vew 2.29 'tox, 29° 2. 29° 6-QT, 5 ge BSKT, 1 GRADE 1 GRADE GAR CELE Aoi FRESH IN BONUS COLLEGE HILL IGA TAPES CUBERT ar ore BILSKY IGA ECONOMY 120 WILSON RD. 5S. OSHAWA SIZE MOTOR cITY IGA RITSON R BECKSTEAD IGA 1-LB, COURTICE, ONT. PKG, DYL'S IGA 14.02. 166 ADELAIDE ST. F. . OSHAWA oxen BRAEMOR IGA STEVENSON RD. & ANNAPOLIS AVE, OSHA' 6-02. WA PKG. SOUTH END IGA , BROCK ST. SOUTH WHITBY 10-LB. LANSDOWNE IGA BAG LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE

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