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Oshawa Times (1958-), 2 Sep 1964, p. 8

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Q THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 2, 1964 HAPPY FAMILY GROUPS MAKE CHARMING MARK WILLIAM Keigan is four years old and his little sister, Leslie Ann, is one year old. They are the children of Mr. and Mrs. James Keigan, Baldwin street. Their. grand- parents are Mr. and, Mrs. Wil- liam Gamble, Oshawa, and son, Wilson road north, and the grandsons of Mr. and Mrs. Alex White, Glasgow, Scot- land. THESE TWO boys are Brian Donald Wilson, two-year-old, and Bruce Gavin Wilson, age one year. They are the sons of Mr. and Mrs. Gavin Wil- --Ireland Studio ents are Mr. and Mrs. George Findlay, Oshawa, and Mr. and Mrs. John Murray, Aintree, England. --Aldsworth Photography na and Ann Margaret. They are the two, three and four- year-old children of Mr. and Mrs, George Findlay, Leslie street, Their proud grandpar- GEORGE GERALD Findlay doesn't seem .to appreciate having his picture taken with his two sisters, Elizabeth Ed- Lynda M. J. Smyth, John F. Heino social NOTICES Wed In St: Paul's Church, Ajax St. Paul's United Church,)was the best man and the ush-) Ajax, was the setting for the}ers were Mr. Robert Smyth, marriage of Lynda Mae Janet|Ajax, brother of the bride and 'Smyth, to John Francis Heino, Mr. Ross Earl, Toronto. : r Sudbury, last Saturday after-| For the reception at the "ig igd tt tggee 8 - tie na noon. The bride is the daughter! annandale Country Club, Pick-\Qctober 10, 1964, at 11.00 a.m. of Mr: and Mrs. Elwin Smyth,| Rony : \ ) r Ajax, and the bridegroom is the ering, the bride's mother re-jin Holy Cross Roman Catholic yearing a green silk Church, Oshawa. son_of Mr. and Mrs.. Frank) ceive Heino, Sudbury. sheath with matching accessor- ENGAGEMENT The officiating clergyman was jes and a corsage of gold and! wy, _ : Ne lan Mr, and Mrs. Bruce Powell the Reverend Melville Buttars pronze carnations. The bride-jannounce the engagement of groom's mother assisted wear-|their younger daughter, Nancy and the soloist, Mrs. Howard " Pick o St ; ; | Macniets Wedding Hyran'™ py ing a sandalwood sheath, match-|Louise, to Mr. David Robin) "Gounod's "Song ~ Ruth", ac-| "8 hat and accessories and a|Anderson, son of Mr. and Mrs. companied sGy Mrs. Richard corsage of similar flowers. Clifford D. (Tip) Anderson, all) Moses. : | Before the couple left for iE oe sg: _--s is to ee ; {honeymoon in Huntsville, the|take place on Friday, Septem- Wathen the bilde wore i hoe bride donned, for travelling, ajber 25, 1964, at 7.00 (p.m. in white 'peau ce ale aheath with teal blue two-piece wool dress Albert Street United Church. i vi eg ehanned| With dark brown accessories. On SN CACEMEN a cathedral train and enhanced They vette, Mr and Mies: ENGAGEMENT n{Heino will live at. 1264 York| Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd T with lace at the waist. Her pearl Mills road, Don Mills, Ontario. |Saunders wish to announce the crown held her elbow-lengt bouffant veil of tulle and she} --l\engagement of their eldest daughter, Judith Irene,. to Mr. carried a basket of fall flowers. The matron of honor was Mrs. HOW SALTY IS BRINE? Garry Dennis Boddy, son - of John Westwater, Toronto, and , Have you ever wondered just yy 'and Mrs. Worinaa Boddy the bridesmaid was Miss Cathy how much salt to add to 4/4); of Oshawa, The wedding is Burton, also of Toronto. They weak brine? The Foods De-itg take place on Saturday Sep- were dressed alike in white|partment at Macdgnald Insti-\t,mber 26, 1964 at 2.00 p.m in semi-formal eyelet dresses with|tute, Guelph, gives the following) ¢; George's Memorial Church green velvet waistbands. Their) quantities for brines: Weak: %| (Anglican) | headdresses were of matching to 1% cup salt to 5 cups water; " . green tulle and they carried bas- Medium: % cup salt to 5 cups FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE kets of mixed fall flowers. water; Strong: 1 cup salt to 5 wr. and Mrs. S. D. Hyman, Mr. Paul Patterson, Toronto, cups water. Oshawa, wish to announce the ee forthcoming marriage of their niece, Miss Gail Priscilla A:m- strong, to.-Mr. John Robb Alex- ander, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. R- Alexander, -Scarborough. The wedding will take place on Saj- urday, October 10, 1964, at 3.00 p.m. in St. George's :Memorial Church (Anglican), Oshawa. Barbecued hot dogs are | summer favorite, > especially with children. The next time you serve hot dogs, try some-| thing just a little different and ja whole lot better. For ebb four hot dogs combine 1 tomato, ifinely chopped, 2 tablespoons) grated parmesan cheese; 2 ltablespoons grated Ontario) cheddar cheese, 1 tablespoon lchopped onion, 4% teaspoon loregano and salt and pepper to jtaste. Slit heated hot dogs and stuff with tomate mixture. Placé on buns in oven or broiler} just long enough for cheese to melt, These pizza flavored hot dogs are also delicious cooked outdoors on the barbecue. | LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Susan 'Lynn, only daughter of Mr, Richard Barriage, Osh- awa, and the late Mrs. Barriage,| to Mr. Lawrence Ronald Dupuis, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon FANCY FRANKS ae HELLO, PICKERING ! Jason Charles Fallaise hag a special "Hello" for all his Pickering friends. JC is the Oshawa, afid is the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Baker, Pickering -and of -Dr. and Mrs. H. T.Fallaise, Whitby --AldsWorth Photography | son of Mr. and. Mrs, John Fallaise, / Keewatin ~ street, h London Faces Costly Problem Of Abandoned, Deserted Babies By ALAN WALKER adoption. If that LONDON (CP)--"It breaks|abandons them, my heart to do this," says the The difficulty of finding foster pencilleq note left beside two|parents causes more problems abandoned babies. ithan anything else. There 1s a "Please don't think I' don't)large floating population of ch'l- love them. But I have no money|dren under care of the. council. for bed or food." Parents temporarily distressed Thus two more toddlers are|jften turn their young over to added to. the list of homeless the council until the family can children cared for by the Lon- retrench, when the children re- don County Council. turn home. STUDIES fails she } | Fresh Cucumbers Available Now Best For, Pickles The warm, spicy fragrance of freshly made pickles is one of the- most inviting smells of late summer. During August, Ontario grown cucumbers are plentiful and just right for pick- ing. For firm, crisp pickles use| 7 freshly picked cucumbers and|- keep them chilled until they are put in the brine. Crisp, colorful appetizing In cases of abandonment, APPEAL ON TV there's nearly always a note.| These youngsters can't be put| Anguished mothers seem self-jup for adoption but must be| compelled to apologize before|kept in homes unless fosler| dumping a child. Some notes|/parents can be found. But, are sad, Some are desperate.|many people who love children) pickles ar@ the delight of every homemaker. Here are some hints from the Foods Depart- ment at Macdonald Institute, Guelph for making prize-win- ning pickles: Some are. cynical: "You wanted me to have your child," says\one message left with a 10-month-old girl in an apartment building hallway. "Well, I've had two--so here's one of them." HUGE PROBLEM What does a vast city like| London do about its homeless children? London has one of the worst child care problems in the western world. The har: Mr. James Keigan, Sydney |assed county council and its how much, if anything, pareats| some 300 child welfare workers lnormally have about 10,000 chil- dren "in care." It spends nearly £5,000,000 a year on them. In the last year for which gures are available, 1,341 ba- Mines, Nova Scotia. --Hornsby Studio THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA F | | |doned, deserted or lost in Lon- FOR TOMORROW don, 'Abandoned' means left Prevailing planetary influ-iglone in public places, "De- ences ate somewhat on the/serted'" refers to children left lmild side. Routine matters|by parents in the care of others, |should have priority over nev hae peoaget work Sriee 5 se e n , 8,835 illegitimate ba- Ven Cures uence ue latter ies were born in London. Many could be launched if they have! o¢ them ended up at the county {been carefully pre-planned and/council offices. Others coine studied. from families in which the hus- A good period for making band has died or deserted his necessary revisions in projects/ wife. Occasionally an oppressed which seem to have slowed up.jmother with a large famity ; lfinds--like the old woman wno FOR THE BIRTHDAY ; lived in a shoe--that she can't If tomorrow is your birthday, | cone with her brood and tries to your horoscope indicates that) out one or two children up for while this new year in your i pti nie aie life may not be a highly spec-| tacular one, you can, by cap- italizing on every available op- portunity 'to advance worth- while goals, make considerable progress along many lines. Financially speaking, good| breaks in November, the first three months of 1965 and next June and September should please you a great deal, but for} you, as well as all Virgoans, it will be highly important that you follow the cautious and con- servative path along these lines| 7 for Ahe next 12 months. ag Be especially careful between) } now and mid-October, in mid-| | : December and next April. Job) © interests should show a definite) © ~ uptrend this month, between mid-December and late March; also next May and September Except: for brief periods in mid-December, late March and) iiaé early April, when there may be some tension in close circles-- which you, yourself, could) avoid--domestic and social in-| ¥ terests should run smoothly. | Mr. and Mrs.'S. D, Hyman, It single, look for new rou Oshawa, have today announced mance during the next three| the forthcoming marriage weeks, in late December, April,| plans of their niece, Miss May and - or August of next) Gail Priscilla Armstrong, to year. 5 Mr. John Robb Alexander. The travel-bound will be gov- ---- ' . 'i ah "a. 'gether. are unwilling to become foster parents because the real par- lents can at any time demand their children back. So now ithere are television commer- cials begging childless couples |to take babies into their homes \for short. periods. |} It is not as simple as it may seem for parents to put children linto the care of the council. |Officers visit the homes to see whether any alternative can be found. The officer also decides lean contribute to the cost of their children's upkeep. Somewhere in the midle -of the bureaucratic whirl a dis- \traught mother may scribble a Inote, pin it to the clothing of jbies 'and children were aban-\in. 'paby she genuinely loves: |g and then furtively leave chiid and apology where both 'vill be quickly found, Public sentiment usually is \directed 'towards children thus abandoned. The image of a squalling tot left in a phone booth sticks in the newspaper readers' minds. The council feels, however, that more stress should besplaced on the parents' problems. \ Greater magnanimity and concern for them could help them do what is usually best for all--keep the family to- OCTOBER 10 IS THEIR DAY The wedding is to take place on Saturday, October 10, at 3.00 p.m. in St. George's Me- | Mr. Alexan- | « der is the son of Mr. and Mrs. | morial- Church. J. R. Alexander, Scarborough. --Ireland Studio | Do not use free-flowing iodized salt in place of pickling salt. Free-flowing salt contains starch which makes pickle! brine cloudy and helps the| © growth of unwanted micro- organisms, Alum is used for crispness.| ° Add about 1 teaspoon aium for every four quarts of liquid.) Copper kettles should notn be) used for pickling. The green} color which copper gives to, pickles is harmful. Binoy recipe tale crisp; tes me He) inly sliced pickles with a {spicy sweet flavor. And it is so! CUTTING THE CAKE. easy; there is no overnight wait-| nes : : jing. Just slice the cucumbers, | King Street United Church Versluis, to David Gordon soak for three hours, simmer! was the setting recently for Reeson, son of Mr. and Mrs. oat Hab minutes and then! the wedding of Maria Jacoba, pen Baware seeon, ab a ' D> quart basket of cucumbers, a ee a8 sia 2 about 1 inch or smaller :n| f | diameter. | |10 small white onions '4 cups sugar Ze --Photo by Stannett DEVELOPMENT DRIVE {part of Alberta. The work, un- | LETHBRIDGE, Alta. (CP) --|der edhe onan non Rehabilita- innin) eay,|On an evelopment / inis- | % cup coarse salt re canal and provincial gov: tration, in sole es sdad eae, 5 cups white wine vinegar, ernments have launched a $150,- drainage and irrigation. All the diluted with water {o taste|000-a-year farm land develop-jjand is located in irrigation dis- (approx. 244 cups vinegar,|ment program in the southern'tricts. : and 2% cups water) Perr | '1% teaspoons turmeric | % teaspoon cloves 2 teaspoons mustard seed 1 teaspoon celery seed Slice unpeeled cucumbers and onions wafer thin. Sprinkle with 1% cup salt and cover with cold} water which has ice cubes in it | | Let stand for 3 hours and drain | well. Blend sugar, vinegar and spices. Heat to boiling point,} \then add vegetables, Reduce} heat and simmer 3 minutes. Be} jcareful not to overcook these} |pickles or they will become} |soft. Pack at once in jars and | Seal. Ancus-GRavDoN CARPET COMPANY [aes 4 | fl . . lq | Hatratyling. | TWO EXPERT STYLISTS (( |Rosemery Veenhof Judy Nash 4 @ TINTING |@ PERMING le STYLING |@ CUTTING 1188 Simcoe | St, Ss, '(et Ritsen Rd.) | z Wi sy NEW PHONE 723-6711 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum erned by propitious influences next January, May, July and§ August.: , 5 A child born on this day will be intelligent and well-poised: '§ would make an_ excellent teacher or scientist. LILLIAN M D.E.A., Ballet, Tap, T: 4 When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 'Home-Nursing Care for EVERYONE" 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Maso SCHOOL OF DANCING Pre-School, Kinderance, Character Registration: SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 INFORMATION 723-7253 AE MARSH M.D.A. oe, Acrobatic, nic Temple 91 Centre St. BLACK'S LADIES WEAR LTD. 725-1912 Open Friday till 9 Seek out snappy separates from our swift selections ond make the autumn scene in active styles. Assemble all the short-cut coats, the sleek tops and slick slacks you'll need to be in the * know with fashion on-the-go. | 72 SIMCOE NORTH P.M. a Shoe In The Shop Sells for more than $10.00| casH DISCOUNT On Every Pair of Leather Shoes and Handbags Come In And Get Your FREE MEMBERSHIP CARD -- No Obligation -- 79 Simcoe N. OSHAWA -- 728-2491 FASHION SHOES. Open Friday Till 9 P.M. Air. Conditioned for Your Shopping Pleasure. jh

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