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Oshawa Times (1958-), 4 Sep 1964, p. 3

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et ag OR sigs tarp ae yy 9 OA 8 peepee cr hints CAPSULE NEWS Ottawa Ponders Grants To Fairs OTTAWA (CP) -- The gov-jconference the weapon is a tac- ernment is studying capita litical strike missile with range grants to fairs to see whether|to be measured in terms of there is merit in resuming|miles rather than hundreds of them, Agriculture Minister|/miles, It would be equipped Hays told the Commons Thurs-|with a high - explosive conven- day. The grants were suspended|tional warhead and would be in in 1962, he noted in a reply to|service by the end of the de-) 0. W. Weiche] (PC -- Water-\cade. loo North), and they would re- i main in suspension until the REJECT PRUPOSAL | GENEVA (AP)--The United doe Sse nega - |States formally rejected Thurs- BIRDS DAMAGE PLANES day a Soviet proposal for a uni- OTTAWA (CP) -- Northern\yersal treaty banning the use Affairs Minister Laing said/of nuclear weapons. U.S. dele- Thursday more than $1,000,000\gate William C. Foster told the) ; damage was caused by birds|17-nation disarmament talks' an) / to planes near Canadian air-junverified 'ban the bomb') ports last year. Replying tojtreaty as proposed by Russia's| " Robert Simpson (PC--Church-|Semyon K. Tsarapkin here two} -- ill), he said this was the rea-|weeks ago could not provide son permission had beenlany real or lasting assurance granted for killing of migratory/against nuclear warfare. birds near airports where they constituted a safety hazard. , s xvacuareo | Seven More } -- At leas' : / ACHESON ARRIVES FOR CYPRUS TALKS wtclarees ire' evinames by S Att Dean Atheson, center, Unit- retary Richard A. Butler, eft, Office in London today. Ache- uation. aerial ladder and five were uspect er ed States representative at and Colonial and Common. son, former U.S. Secretary of ; & ltaken to hospital with smoke « Cyprus discussions in Geneva, wealth Relations Secretary State, is in London for con- --(AP Wirephoto yia cable poisoning or minor injuries Gunshop Raid is met hy British Foreiga Sec. Duncan Sandys at the Foreign sultations on the Cyprus -sit- from London) after a general alarm blaze mn saernicsiepientocneie : Thursday in a four - storey) MONTREAL (CP) -- Police building being used by the fed-/said seven more men will ap- ® | s . eral department of health and| pear in court today in connec- Art Display | Confederation Speakers Pick Teacher |welfare. There were at least 400/ tion with Pe abortive gums! employees in the building when) holdup for which five men are} s a } A Ont sf the fire. broke out in sat eleva-| to hye arraigned today on cap-| shaft. Smok ured from it der charges, T men At Library (Near Clash On Views Phy eg Rog og tee tg re trapping a| One of the seven is to be ar-| 9 . . jand fourth floors, gee ; «is JEBEC (CP)--A Montrealjidea of Mr. Leger's 'minimum | ber of employees at win-/raigned on a charge of bein eis Bsn vei ill Reproductions of paintings|, @UEE | ry number of emplo) 8 of paaniaset 20th. century journals: ane te eee aee (end maximum formulas" and al TINCESS dows. Henge Fyne nl grog / THAT'S NO HAY American artists are now on|¥Ct after hearing one another Siinoucht he saw an "isolation- "TORONTO (CP) -- Elizabeth' gay ow FAR OFF (CL display at the Mchaughlin Pub-|Views on Confederation, came) ti concepts---a desire|Crawford, a pretty. 24-year-old ie hdl yh ey Rt Rev:| piracy charges. ; | High Hat, a hackney pony, month-old son Robin. Mother Ont., at which High Hat was * eee just short Thursday of making)!" e concepts--a desire| fawn'a, | y , Ne} MO! BAL (CP) . :| They were arrested in raids) i ' lie Library auditorium. : : to "get as much as possible out Niagara Falls, Ont., publicipuncan Fraser, moderator of h lifts eyebrow at human dining and son were viitors to the tit Some of the artists included ? Polite declaration of war. -- get as much as possible out school teacher, 'Thursday was|ne"Gtyrch of' Scotland, SAYs| reese) pment and early Wed-| scene as Mrs. James Wilkins fall fair at Tillsonburg, 25 rey a 'Fai: Guin ae? Cecil i - Marc Leger, editorial much th, Mr. Leger wanted «g crowned Ontario Dairy Prin-/gcottish Protestants and Roman the pate of one.of the php of Woodstock feeds her four- miles southeast of London, --(CP Wirephoto) B ri traiti {| writer for Le Devoir, and Rich- : cess at the Canadian Nationall- : ; | capture 5 the see -- ane i wane 'eng lard Abbott, a legal specialist at/"¢¥ framework. which would) pyninition p |Catholics oe ee ac | to be arraigned on capital mur-| whose n in ite" is de- : ' , sgotig a) : 2 "uni ' e n Tniversity were|Put an end to negotiated settle- _ |today than ore but "unton,| der charges. | light to look at: George Casletsn Unversity, werent But the iamger sare: RUMET-Up was Mes. Rernicejgreat big union, is 'very| fa Georges Desormeaux, 27, of CTY AND MB OV Eight -- A ~ogeige -. ihe |rederation being held by the Ca-|Writing the constitution would ee ae ees ral ote wd yee hg yg i Montreal is charged with being ppr es 'ight, a group rlists WhO) ao Tin a ae be a massive task of negotia- r Mou ilgin, Ont.,\combined meeting of. ministers)an accessory after the fact.) cultivated native realism paint-\"adian Union of Students. tion, and interpretation would|Who represented Oxfordjof the United Church of Canada) Charged with conspiracy are DISTRICT e ing the by-ways and slums of, Mr. Leger said it is time tO still be required. County. and the Presbyterian Church] Jean-Guy Lefebvre, 26, Jean- New York. "Hester Street" by|substitute "an extremely flex- 47. Abnott concluded that a Miss Crawford, representing|in Canada, This is the first visit) Francois Mataigne, 20, Claude 34 PIGS STOLEN | rojyec Tran Luks is a beautiful example of ible and open association of two doin "Wilk; be found 'through Welland County, lives at home|to Canada by a reigning moder-| Nadeau, 21, and Yvon Husse-| Pigs valued at $1200 Sa the direct way in which "Thejnations" for the "artificial and proposals and not demands. n her father's dairy farm atjator of the Scottish church. reault, all of Montreal; Louis- stolen from a ranch belonging} ORONO -- Clarke Township's|partment of education ruling Eight" painted. falsely federal union of 10 old Mi Lever replied that it Mr I I Philippe Aubert, 21, and Marc-|,, Ross Rynard of RR 1, Black- proposed centennial project, a| The new combined school area William Glockens: The influ- colonies. . . . Abbott had summed up English(swe last year's com-) WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Andre Parise, 20, of. Arvida,) 3+. last week. Brechin OPP|22-acre park and nature areajbecomes effective Jan. 1, 1965. ence of Monetand Renoir is' He suggested several formu-| canada' " ve in, Detition. Re sod and gent eoe ; iog\on the western edge of the vil-/ A bylaw was -passed settin: dathie visible in'his' paintings.|tae , Canada's position, "'we are in|" She jeaves today on a trip to U.S. Senate passed an ent) "An inquest into the killing of|S4!4 the thieves rustled 34 pigs} ; a y S iz Pp y Pi as, among them f Pp 1 g lage of Orono, has received On- in motion the first ph t Mahone Bay painted around) y' two federated stat pr Miticult tomorrows: , 'Britain, part of her prize. anak. 10... House of ones: an executive of the gunshop in|from the barn, near the inter-)1.7;, seinicipal Board approval township's 'peenteek ont 530 4 5 . Two federated states, each : ST Ma ettcee on sentatives Thursday a bill ex- yin {section of Concession 4, Brock . : ' 1911 reflects the enchantment Of paying j ' The three other finalists were : ; ciel |the attempted arms raid was ' i Proposals for the $11,847 pro- d t. Th g internal autonomy but eos anding social 'security cash! ; es mship Road ,847 pro-jroad project. The second phase, i ssionist. inti ay Sharpe, of. Peterbor-|P' ng Bok 7 held Thursday. Township and Township Road), : : an Impressions mare abbbntne an equal number of BUSINESS BRIEFS srs, "representing Peteroor. benefits but including, the 1o- "hee mat coroner's jury 17. Twenty-six of the DIgt Were ment" ot Shumpel fast, foramen 10650 a ne ve of 'o i Th members 10 a P lough County; June Korchynskijlitically. -° charged "plan 'for'sooy tess than 10 minute siready for market; the rest were is, mou id --township| 'Total t to th ee ily a painter of people, @.portional number of a federal By THE CANADIAN PRESS of Shelburne, representing Duf-(health care for the aged The Thuraday to' Hod the five crlin-| chunks 2 jits approval, 'sai ownship otal cost to the township will portrait of Juliana Force, a one|assembly. This would be an y pecans hy sade aE Reais, see Barbare Vaniroll-call vote was 60 to 28. The ioulty Feibeosihie for the deat 8. clerk Edward Millson, Wednes-| be $97,012, after the department ai -- ¢ Hh ethnic federalism." Site saith der Vaart of Oxford Mills, rep-|bill now faces a real battle in! 9+ rosie McWilliams, 56, vice- THREE ALARMS day. __. |of highways subsidy. There are udio , is inc is} 3. "A true confederation" of The Firestone Tire and Rub- resenting Grenville County, | |the House, which had passed it} president of the International) The Oshawa Fire Department) All options have been signed/niné projects slated for com- exhibition, two sovereign states, associated ber Co. said Thursday in) Thirty . eight counties sent\after fighting off all efforts tO Firearms Company. on the/reports that in the 24-hour period|for the purchase of land, and pletion with this money, includ- i nase Pin henge yt treaty, working together ae, Ps ibe tales i competitors to the competiion, |tié in any health care plan. fringes of Montreal's financial|up to 9 a.m. today three am- Clarke Township Council' gave|ing a road department garage Be eee Ses ile el icees nak "cepucier| tine months of ibe Hace! year, seen. "talis was protested! "soerpone LAUNCHING | Msttict. bulance calls were answered, final reading to a bylaw order-|costing $42,800, see s, a "'s | a yea":| with a ealf. "APE KENNE. Crown Prosecutor Jacques Three fire calls were answered|ing the project, fuesday. Se CAPE KENNEDY, Fla. (AP) q' | r | | Council passed a bylaw for} ? forced a 24 - hour|finding that Edmond Guenette,|alarm and two rubbish fires, one|ominations and elections of a ; of| 20, Marcel Tardif, 22, Cytiaque) at Tecumseh street, the other|"eeve, deputy reeve, three coun- | q| Delisle, 26, of Montreal; Gilles/near the intersection of Cedar cillors and five school trustees. | Brunet, 28, of suburban St.\and Stone streets Nominations will be held Nov.) > Francois de Sales and Francois} _ re _27 at Orono, and if required, an jj jelection Dec. 7. } sy foe . RR 1, Port Robinson. She was PASS BILL " ay?" ja-.as records set in -- sales ij x ; P ; ; ; | the Cotton" was painted from|council" rather than a Parlia-|as records were set in sales) Miss Crawford will reign @Sinrouble with ground support| Ducros said after the inquest/in the same period: one false| and earnings. Sales for the re ' ARE +1 ninth-month period ended July veel tal ps ot plait hi equipment $ me 31 were $1,057,964,672, with ihe Canadian Dairy Ditnnnas postponement Thursday night abstract painters give varied earnings of $55,129,938, or $1.92 competition at the 1965 CNE. (a2 attempt to launch the Unite and interesting pictures of the West Ma a-share of common stock. Taal seacd "Ontaes. inher 8 largest scientific satel- American art. of the period. _ y WINS CONTRACT Margaret Boyko of Port Arthur.|pscyeq ere = ee Schirm, =, Hungarian - born| Marine Pipeline and Dredg- poe Woe e Thunder sands for Orbiting Geophysical) F tench Army paratrooper, | M B A bid by school sections 7, Fili Fi d | Meet East ing Ltd., of Vancouver has been ae bts ganic Novag ao "Observatory, a. 20 experi-| Would be charged with . capital etro races 12 and 14 to have council with-| | ler rine awarded a $900,000 contract for princess sonar Pairyiments to measure radia- murder. draw these sections from the! |} I At i Work onan oil line. from the|-0Cess competition tonght. |i07 micrometeorites, magnetic), Coroner Marcel Trahan said ' proposed amalgamation of| n T1Ca Lesser Slave Lake-Hondo area, Itields ated other space pheno-|the inquest into the death of or Beatles |Clarke Township school poards| | Alfred Pinisch, 37, the other |was turned down. Public school For Sprayi or praying OTTAW: Cc oe about 130 miles north of here, 8 mena. : F ; \ ari Pedals A ( tak cn Canada| +, Redwater, Alta. The pipeline e. inister ae c store employee killed in the; linspector. for the district, C. A. Over River havea eoateantstian vot Heo! project is valued at $3,500,000. oo eo aber Pega acid ee | ae at an unspec- on ay tan |Holmes, explained that council sorts | HELSIN / -- Saka . |had no power to act on the de-} in, of all places, the United SALES {HE Ab d iy a, U Nations Cy-| The inquest was marked by . 3 seh | | SIMCOE (CP)--Spray plane Republic of Tanganyika and «¢ -- = esi an ons rhage Pe eige Rake been a heated. pies by Paul Aubut,| TORONTO (CP) -- Britain's pilot Anton Nieberg of Simcoe|Zanzibar, : oe geet ck a fag ye ays vravely ill since suffering a|counsel for Guenette, to cross- had pang Beatles arrive here OBITUARY was fined $15 and costs Thurs-| Informed sources said Thurs-\.° c : F $ P ] ] R ] Bree ein ae 6 s| examin olice witnesses be--Monday morning with thou- day for dumping highly toxic\day the government is consid: yop). RO RLED NCE CRTE o £O itica o1e SE ie inland (ee cams his eilent will tie aheused sands of teen-age fans hoping) insecticide over a creek whichlering a British request that een. Oe gig arden QUEBEC (CP) -- Georges- day. Tuomioja was taken di-|of murder. Coroner Trahan\'o get a closer look than any MRS. DAVID WARNE flows through this town's water!Canada supply a small military aa Hash Pave laa ci sed te Emile Lapalme, considered one rectly from the plane by am-/agreed with Mr. Ducros that/have so far in other North Following a short illness the| aupoly seat ma training staff for the army of the United States ship} of the more influential members! palance to hospital. only lawyers of actual. wit-|American cities, death rg ip Pan poe Nieberg pleaded guilty to althe new Commonwealth coun. , ; of the Quebec cabinet, resigned nesses have the right to cross-| In every city on the tour,|3, at the Oshawa General Hos-| clarge of unlawful spraying|try BILLS SOLD suddenly Thursday night as REPORT PROFIT examine at inquests: fans have been frustrated be-| pital of Mrs. David Warne, 368 brought under the Pesticides' president Julius K. Nyerere. Government of Canada gi-day Minister of cultural affairs, He _LONDON (Reuters) re Pub- - a cause the singing group has|Park road south. Act. of Tanganyika-Zanzibar said at'treasury bills sold this week:(9!8° Plans to resign as Liberaljlishers of The Guardian of ped switched from the previously! A lifelong resident of Osh-|Mr. James A. Macdonald B.A., A similar charge against John\a press conference in Dar es $105,000,000 for an average ee of the legislature for chester and ety ne hab Land Deal announced airport. But it awa, the deceased was the for-|LL.B. is pleased to announce that Tarr of Nixon, about eight/Salaam Monday that Red China price and yield of $99.06 and Montreal-Outremont, he said in newspapers 7 nahn Mbomcagenies should not happen here. |mer Doreen May Braund,/Gordon Oliver LL.B., has joined miles west of here, owner of has offered his country seven 3.81 per cent (last week $99.62 ser gait a eg ge Png ont on jo Edgar Morrison, Canadian|daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Har-/his Low Firm in the Commercial the spraying service, was with- arms instructors and four|and 3.80 per cent). 182-day e- was resigning "for per-ation of £253, ($761,403) Tax wer general' manager for American|0ld Braund, She .was born in Building, 286 King Street West, drawn by the Crown. translators for a period of six bills: $30,000,000, average price - reasons I do not want to/the year ending oe ye Flyers' Airline which is flying)Oshawa Feb. 7, 1944 | Oeenee -* Y rie, . - 2 Net = ».,. parade in public." The annual report said net pro-! be ' ists ee np sa f Crown Attorney D. E. W. Tis-/months. : and yield $98.069 and 3.95 per | "Never ie aie wll 1 fit. available ror appropriation \the Beatles around in a chart-|. Mrs. Warne was a member of \{te" four yeors as an R.C.AP. dale said it was the first such} He said it was decided to ac-/cent (last week $98.07 and 3.93 Never,' never: will I be in fit avabade [or app phage u ut ered Electra, told a press con-|St. G 'se Anglic shurch Pilot overseas and in Canada dur- charge brought in Norfolk mag-|cept Chinese aid becausé offers] per cent) polities again," he said. "This)was £69,522 against a loss Farstice Thursday that wecuniwied TEOIRCS eneueee Church ing World War Il, Mr. Oliver istrate's court and warned he/from Britain and some other fe was the big mistake of my life.|£94,010 in the year before. OTTAWA (CP) --" Revenuelsvransemente- made nt: Torpatplen ae Came e rede tere ee WOME studied Commerce ond. Finonae at will seek heavier penalties in\countries were unacceptable FORECASTS GROWTH I wasted 19 years in politics. I 38 FLEE CONGO | Minister Benson was pressed til nGernutionad Air tp a og 8) General MOONS. the University of Manitoba. On any subsequent cases. Britain, which put down a_ In its annual survey of elec- Wonder what I would be today ...Gur Central African Re-|the Commons Thursday to en-\ovtoncive to p an ai h Mrs. Warne is survived by completion of his studies, he de- Mr. Tisdale said Nieberg/Tanganyikan army mutiny ear-|tric power capability, the bar./#f 1 Red not played polities sublic (AP) -- A group of 48/8ure that income taxes have) ~ ensive to permit a switch. /her husband, her parents, andjvoted several yeors to the fields Mr. § I want to be free, In the/PU ' group The plane, expected from De-|a daughter, Angela Elizabeth|°f foreign trade and investments P " sa . nad- r this year ¢ Iverere's re- f statistics Thursday fore- ; ee ; BY ../been paid on income from a made two passes over the head-jlier this year at Nyerere's re-/"au O° Sa isiies Wi ae coke i aca '4 Americans, including 38 mis- s 7 i ; idni : heh and served as General Manager of waters:of Kent Creek July 27)quest, has asked Canada to cast a five-year growth rate of weekend I'll be a free man with school board land deal in 1961 troit shortly after midnight Sun-|/Warne. Also surviving are a the Amity Rehabil natiag "ston 8 a "4 ; ' sionaries d their families : ' A ; : eMpisrtih : Ged BN awkward situa.(6.4 per cent compared -withinobody bothering me. I'll 'be|"omaries an 'linvolving' Liberal MP Edmund|day, will stop almost in front! sister, Pamel d a broth : 4 with an insecticide used to com-|step into this awkward situa-/? : ' 8 : reached safety | rsday| ving' 1 cdmun Ban 2 ont'sister, Pamela, and a brother, bat mosquitoes as a favor to a'tion and supply military advis- eight rh cent over 'the a anise : aaa and especisily ri Pay the 'rebel-menacea|Aszelin (Montreal Notre-Dame- of the oe administration build-/ Douglas, both of Oshawa. mn Ole oe caked to Uni 'by motel owner. ers. ; years. le survey, carriec out ree of culture. el : ie sie 7 de-Grace). ing, well away from new trans-| The memorial service will be s z 2 nearby in co-operation with the Cana- The 57-year-old minister, who Congo province of Oubangui. Speaker Alan Macnaughton|port department facilities. "Let/peld at 1 p.m. Saturday Sent. rar agiagheon ts iano 'aa his dian Electrical Association,,had been in public life since) yay sMUGGLING CHARGE Stepped in and ruled it was il-|them (the fans) tear down thée!5 at the Armstrong Funeralcailed 0 fl Oniestelen late E 7 covers about 150 frms generat- 1945, said Premier Lesage had) i nporp (cpy'-- Two Wind-| 84! under Commons rules for/old building," said Morrison. |Home. Archdeacon H. D. Clev-lencoged in the oeness! ai ti ie ing 10,000,000 kilowatt nours a known about his intended resig-- ) -- Two Wind: Jack Horner (PC -- Acadia) to! Kept safely : eee ee ban tiie ponetor: peace: : year re nation "for some time," sor men, one a Canadian cus-| ask hi sti Kept safely back. behind ajerdon, rector of Christ Memor-law, chiefly in Toronto, and setv- SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 5 ; OF more ee r eee OMe Wk" We S-!ask his question. high steel fence topped with|ial Anglican Church. will con-/¢4 for one year as the Solicitor for poe Mr. Lesage cou'd not betoms officer, were remanded) Mr, Horner did not mention|parbed wire. teen-agers will b cates : ;;\the Labour Relations Boo , : HOLDINGS RISE reached for comment Thursday for two weeks after wali .,|barbed wire, teen-agers will be/duct the service, Interment -will ? shia aia rd FIRST RACE -- Purse $1,900,($2,500) Just Plain Lucky, Bailey 115 ; ; ae . re nent. ; 4 ; 'et/Mr, Asselin by name but said)i59 feet from their four idols be in Osh: OBA < ~ |Ontario, syearelds and up, 6 furlongs, |Misty Bandit, Hale 117 Canada's official gholdings ot} Mr. Lapalme, who has a rep-|they pleaded guilty to charges|he referred to personal profit} aie 8. \be in Oshawa Union Cemetery.| Dence Man, Fitzsimmons 116 (QUINELLA BETTING) gold and U.S. dollars rose tolutation of having as volatile a|of smuggling cheese and whisky! of $62,000 mentioned in a Que-| After clearing customs, the |g Pantoismine. No Boy 107 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,400, (¢s,000) $2.575,900,000 at Aug. 31 from 'temperament as some of thejinto the United States, Joe De-|bec royal commission report of|8TOUP will be whisked away to} Maple Jan, Parsons X105 lciaiming, 3-year-olds and up, one ard one- $2.533,900,000 a month earlier, attists his department tries to/Marco of Sandwich West Town-|its investigation into the land|@ dgwntown hotel from where > help, was leader of the provin-|ship and John Carscallen of deal. they will venture forth, again Bay Sovereign ' No ont ia sixteenth miles ihe Finke 6 depart ' Pirate King, Fitzsimmons Revistero, T tte X11] e a epartment re-/"§ " be f Agere ra evistero, Turcotte cial Liberals from 1950 to 1958.|Windsor, an employee of the; The report, made public Wed-Under massive precautions, to Jessie B. Good, Rogers 110 Reap The Wind, Gomez 118 ported Thursday. The figures) } i i lHe resigned to clear the way|Canadian customs denartment,/nesday, said Mr. Asselin made|make their two appearances \ personal experience. ment. Many others are represented) Mr, Abbott recoiled at the in this fine display. Realists and - hs se md Robdix, No Boy 116 Roman Thunder, Walsh A:113 ; ' ts i f Comb 116 ; ; are in terms of U.S. currency : By Command, McCor Credit Curb, Dittach A-115 for a convention that elected|were arrested Aug. 27 by United! $62,605 personal profit which, Monday at Maple Leaf Gar Big Native, McComb 16 Tough Kennamon, Bailey 116 . en ee 5 voiubt ; ; CE -- Purse $4,000, (42,500) | Battling Way, Fitzsimmons 110 REPORT ORE SHIPMENTS Mr. Lesage party leader and|States customs investigation of- the report said, was 'unlawful dens. oo Roveras 2nd | Pr One ad aot tn eros and 'k.-L. Victor entry,|_rb€, American Iron Ore As-|two years later was appointed ficers. and unconscionable." * one-sixteenth miles : ve Microren'"Y:| sociation said Thursday ship-jattorney-general when the Lib- SIGN MEMORANDUM Mr. Macnaughton said the NEED bid Boots, Parsee oon 18 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2,000/ment of iron ore from: the up-\erals defeated the Union Na- pestle cenit eh '™ matter took place outside the! Sit Dermllotitasimmons 116 added, "Niagara, Stakes Handicam" 3 ner Great Lakes to poris injtionale. In 1961 he was ap-| LONDON (Reuters) -- Avia-\House and, unless an MP was Mortgage Money? Mr. Yo Te, Bailey 17 |course. Canada and the United States|pointed the first minister to|jtion Minister Julian Amery|prepared to lay a charge, Mr.) CALL Our Interview, Harr Wise Command, No Boy 118 last month totalled. 9,473,879head the cultural affairs ag apa et 8 memoran-| Horner's question was out of or-| Mc i Real Estate Eniyn Lad, No Boy 116 Nardoo, Bailey 113 gross tons, up 157,35 s from/partment after its creation. Fiat or ges wre trata yee a 4 Broker 500) , Fitzsi 1 gus Thea reaXe: : resi . France of a new air-to-surface| Mr. Asselin was first eleete Nigh 28-428 a se $1,900 ($2,500)|!llustrator, Fitzsimmons A-116 August, 1963. That intreaXed to-) His resignation from the 95 2 i k 4 Day or Night - 728-4285 THIRD RACE, -- Pyise o, (division of Will | Rule, R. Turcotte 121 tal shipments this year to 41,-\seat assembly left-the standings|Suided missile, He told a pressiin the 1962 general election. y g Jgiming, s-year-olds and UP, Galindo, Lanoway. 112 care : is : " ge ee gles Albion Star, Shuk 114 760,806 tons, compared with 37,-|at 59 Liberals, 30 Union Nation- ist), 6 furlongs. = The Avenue, baevined oa Peco Ps ge a ccnp 285,327 tons for the correspond-|ale, one- independent and five Brierama, Rename He Sey #1 et cats ond Rt bl he 4 , : 8 P M KINSMEN STADIUM instniitpmalaooae s L -- : ¥ omme Brierama, Parsons X! Yancy, Leblanc idl B 3 Canebora, Gomez 124 cones oem - eset wenn ba sid got 110 Puss N Boots, No Boy 8-127 ubria, t mor " r. Giddings, Dittfach A-12) ¢ : a Bog anand May | Co-operate in currypawrge n ' Be' B. "Seedhouse and Willow Downs ; planning your insurance protection 3 , i Fog enjoy Canada's favourite SCARBORO RAMS rom si JORDAN ' Ke L Purse $7,000, ($3,500) /8--T. E. Hays, North Star Ranch, R. and a @ AUTOMOBILE @ URBAN FIRE er Pavidson 112 EIGHTH RACE -- 'Purse $3,000 aliow- e] @ FAMILY LIABILITY @ LIFE } a 'Rogers 12 pa ee aa ry" : | ACCIDENT AND SICKNESS tir ecm i | ACCIDENT AND SICKNES ; A ANVI N - fT BRANVIN | OSHAWA HAWKEYES ear-ols, 6 furiongs. W. Gian entry. ye ¢ J Mornins feng i Way en vate } Cte ny (a hn Stn =' JOHN McPHERSON Sherry Ours, anc 112 \ in i ve ot | , lg i worn ar 110 Cabot St. Phone 728-7207 SHERRY AND PORT WINE \g ADMISSION: Lip Royal Maple, Potts 116 ¥ 7 | Map CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE Adults--50c ' Children 25c iFTH RACE pune. 8 400, aliow-|Royal Maple, olds, furion : ; erring Riche Robinson 112 Bt 7 Tes. AAC. and CO-OPERATORS LIFE | 99 ster, Resor 117 |posT TIME 2.00 P.M.

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