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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1964, p. 22

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22 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 5, 1964 IN MEMORIAM ']29--Automobiles For Sale 32--Articles for Sale ELTO Saxophone. Call 728-315) after five bg Friday and after 12 noon on Satur- FOR SALE WHITBY PERSONALS 1964 Plymouth, 2-door, V-8, automatic transmission, with dded 33--Market Basket ORGANICALLYP grown tomatoes, | Mrs. Percy King of Bristol, Mr. and Mrs, Wayne Dier and Strike Picture \ non - | operating railway unions scheduled for Sept. 6 was averted when a special presi- dential emergency board took jover. The group will report its: Tension Mounts 'indings to President Johnson fi Sept. 18. The emergency board con. vened after negotiations hefore the national mediation board . collapsed. With plants getting into full production of 1965 models, aute son Greg of Ottawa were guests at the home of their sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Frank Woodman, 605 Athol St. Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. George McLellan and baby Heather of Sudbury, other sister England, is spending a week with her sister and brother-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Wynne» 918 McCullough drive. Mrs. King arrived six weeks ago and has travelled all over Canada. She is returning to England on dash, seat belts, heavy duty suspension, etc. Here is o real buy! $1995 Color Lagoon Aqua with blue beans, 5 honey now available. Bring containers. Pick your own. Open weekends. Moore- croft Organic Gardens, Sprucehill Road,' Dunbarton. CORN 25c dozen; tomatoes, red or green, 25¢ six quart, $1 bushel; Spanish onions 5c each. Pick your own corn, tomatoes, onions. Bring containers. Carrots, 25c six SPENCER -- In loving memory. of z : jSo far there has been any progress reported, ' The union picked Chrysler as its No. 1 target. That means if there is no agreement a strike NEW YORK (AP)--Suspense mounted this week with Chrys- ler Corp. and the United Auto Workers Union deadlocked over a new labor contract. little if Sweetest rest Sf We who loved them, sadly miss them, jem- Etheline floor. First grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Heydon and 4th grandchild for Mr. and Mrs. Peter Srokosz, al! of Windsor. WATSON -- FrankY and Marie (ree Foley) are happy to announce the safe arrival of a 7 Ib. 13 oz. boy, Francis Leo, "|nusband Bill Nancy and Terry. -|---Lovingly But trust in God to meet again. missed by granddaughter Betty, and great-grandchildren SPENCER -- In loving memory of a dear father, George Lorne, who passed | away August 30, 1953; also a dear mother, Spencer, who passed away Sep- jtember 5, 1963. | Dear parents, you are not forgotten, Though on earth you are no more; Still in memory you are with us, As you always were before. remembered Marjorie and Meta and families. SPENCER -- In loving memory of a deai mother, and grandmother, Ethe' Spencer, who passed away September 5, 1963. Your presence is ever near us, Your love remains with us yet, You were the kind of a movher. Your loved ones would never forge, --Ever remembered by son Alvin anc family. | by daughters) quart, $1 bushel. W. Eymann, 4 mile east of Nichols Garage, Courtice. Go north to first 'corner. TOMATOES, pick your own, S50c per bas- ket, Anderson Street, just north of Taun- ton Road, Whitby. BARTLETT PEARS. W. T. Cox, mile and north of BTS, Bowmanville. Dial interior. Roy W. Nichols Used Car Lot Courtice and Bowmanville | 728-6206 623-2556 fa Baby's lemon silk coat, treasured gift, vicinity Athol and Simcoe Streets. Open 9 a.m. till 9 p.m. Ati person' who. found oat kindly call 728-5648, KELLY DISNEY -- LOST in Normandy and Dean Street USED CAR LTD. area, case containing TV tubes and tools. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST Liberal reward for return of same. Tele- WHITBY -- 668-5891 {phone 728-5154. Cars bought and sold 36 Legal ' NOTICE TO September. 11. Miss Mary Jane Wallace, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Wallace, Byron street north is celebrating her 11th birthday today. Her friends wish her many happy returns of the day. Mr, and Mrs. William Rowley and their daughter Anne of Sarnia spent their holidays with their parents Mr. and Mrs, Harold D, Rowley, 1000 Byron street south. They also visited Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sevcik and their son Paul... Mr. and Mrs. Bonar Wilt and) Gary and 34--Lost and Found Trade up or down | Always top quolity | of Mrs. Woodman. convalescing at her home after undergoing surgery at the Osh-! awa General Hospital. friends wish her a prompt re-' covery. children Allison, Michael and Gregory spent last week at a cottage at Coboconk. a from Toronto International jin England visiting relatives. However, the threat of a rail- way strike was deferred. Next: Wednesday is the dead- line for agreement or strike in the Chrysler-UAW negotiations. Mrs. Elmer Archer is now, will be called against Chrysler. But General Motors Corp. and Ford Motor Co. will be able to go on turning out 1965 models. The automakers contended Her Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wood and daughters Janis -and Mari- ' lyn spent last Sunday the guests Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weir and| of Mr. and Mrs. Sam McClure of |Bramtpon. Donald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Marvin Wood celebrated his second birthday Wednesda y, September 2. Belated birthday wishes are extended to Donald |from friends of the family. Mr. and Mrs. Jack MoMahon,| Christopher Dennett and Max Mr. and Mrs. Frank Smith irport for a month's vacation their original offer of a pay raise of 18 ta 36 cents an hour, earlier retirement and im- proved fringe benefits was the |best they had ever made. The union said it was completely unacceptable in view of the auto firms' record profits. LITTLE PROGRESS MADE All UAW Presid Walter output this week climbed to an estimated 126,900 ger cars from 92,098 last week and 66,949 a year ago. Steel production posted its fourth consecutive weekly gain, going to 2,414,000 tons last week, up nearly one per cent from the previous week. . 'In the first seven months of this year, the sensitive eco- nomic barometer -- new ma- chine tool orders -- totalled $51,100,000, up 66 per cent from the like period of 1963. Reuther would say about the négotiations was that there had been "a little progress in a cou- COLLECTS PAINTINGS Raymond Burr 'of the Perry Mason TV series has one of jchildren Darlene, | Terry recently spent two weeks in New Brunswick visiting rela- tives. Miss Marilyn Archer left Sept- 'ember 2 for her first year in jnursing at Peterborough Civic Nursing school. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Archer, 114 St. John street east. Also starting her first year at school is Miss Gerry Alexander, | daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.! Alexander, 904 McCullough Dr. | on Wednesday, September. 2, 1964 at Osh- awa General Hospital. Special thanks to Dr. Beckett and 4th: floor staff. A grand- child for Mr. and Mrs. J. Wiley of Kirk- field, Ontario, and Mr. and Mrs. Doug Courtice, of Courtice, Ontario. Deo Gratias. + WILBAND -- Mr. and Mrs. Edward Wilband announce the arrival of a son, born Wednesday, September 2, 1964, at the Oshawa Genera! Hospital, Brent Ed- ward, 7 |bs. 1 oz. Mother and son both well. ple of areas but nothing earth- shaking." The threat of a strike by 11 the largest collections of paint- - ings by the impressionist artist, Pierre Picard. SPENCER -- in loving memory of 8/1958 PONTIAC four door, automatic. Good dear grandmother, Ethelina Spencer, whojcondition. Must sefi 'immediately asking passed away lle mk eae ot goid,| Sos relephone 775-4398. | We lost a grandma with hear' gold, ~ ~ Eurand ati ee h aith untoid,| 1955 PLYMOUTH, highest cash offer or Who was more fo us than we . trade for table saw. Telephone 728-0939 Lindsay, were visitors at the|Wickens were in Jarvis Tuesday jhome of Mr. and Mrs. Fred/where they attended the 1965 White, Centre street north. Ford preview of cars. CREDITORS AND OTHERS Creditors and others having claims against the estate of VERNON ROSS EDWARDS, late of the City of Oshawa, ore requested to send full particulars of such claims to the undersigned, on or before the 25th day of September, A.D., 1964, after which dote the Estate's assets will be distributed having regard only to claims that have been received, GLADYS _ EDWARDS; Executrix, 71 Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa | | Without farewell she fell asleep, : With only memories for us fo keep. after 7 p.m. We have lost but God has gained One of the best grandmas' .he wor! contained. --Lovingly remembered by Bruce, wife May and family. VASELESK! -- in loving memory of a dear sister, Mrs. Lena Vaseleski, who |passed away September 5, 1962 |. Years of striving, little of play, | Loving, giving the whole of the way. | A cherished smile, a heart of gold, To the dearest sister the wor'd coud hold. Happy memories, fond and true, From us, who thought the world of you.) --éver remembered by brother Joe, aid sisters Mary, Helen, Soph, and Ann. 30---Automebiles Wanted ieesicel CARS WANTED Buying a New Car? Sell' your used car to "Ted" Talk. "Cash" to the New Car Dealer and "SAVE" TED CAMPIN MOTORS __723-4494 __ Res. 725-5574 S$. Atl CASH = § | For*clean cars or trucks we gent up or down. Liens paid oO NICOLS MOTORS LTD 146 BROCK ST. NORTH Ac-oss from Rovoi Hntel WHITBY 668-3331 DEATHS BELL, Ethel Victoria j At Oshawa Genera! Hospita! on Saturday,| September 5 1964, Ethel Victoria Young,| dearly beloved wife of Reginald W Beil (300 Mary Street North). The late Mrs. Beil is resting at Mcintosh Funeral Home, 152 King Street East. Ser-|waimsiey, who passed vice in the chapel on Tuesday, September Senember 5, 1959. § at 2 p.m. Intermeit Mount Lawn Ceme-)" the blow was great, ine shock severe, We little knew the end was near, | And only those who have lost can tell f i - § The pain of parting without farewei!. LAKESHORE Auto Wreckers want cars More each day we miss you, for wrecking. Highest prices paid. Friends may think the wound is healed, Wentworth East, 725-1181, But they little know the sorrow OSHAWA Auto Parts and Auto | 7 r s and Auto Wreckers, widow of Leslie Burden, and mother of| That lies within CoOL TS era IE 1175 Nelson. Street, want cars. for wreck- Mrs. Edward Allen (Gloria) of [eee TO aid ing. Telephone 725-2162 or 723- Toronto, Douglas L. and Donald R. Bur-|daughter, Vida, son-in-law Buc. apis den, both of Oshawa; in her 67th year.) -- MARKERS Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home,| MONUMENTS Oshawa, with funeral service in. the RIMAR chapel on Monday, September 7, at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa Union Cemetery. | MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST. S. OSHAWA EVENINGS 728-6627 | 26----Legal |WILL anyone knowina the whereabouts of ew C. Campbell, please telephone | collect, Cobourg 372-9997 after 5 p.m. OBITUARIES HENRY W. WARREN IMR. RUSSELL T. DAVIDSON | The death of Henry W. War-| The death of Mr. Russell T.| ren, 85, occurred in Oshawa|Davidson occurred in Oshawa] General Hospital, Friday, Sep-|General Hospital, today follow- ; , tember 4. Last residence was|ing a short illness. Last resi- Phone 728-7339 wes 1038 Simcoe North.'157 College avenue, and he hadidence was 316 Walnut street OSHAWA tune-up Centre offers expert een in failing health for a year.|west, Whitby, and he was in Can Wey and. auto electric service, 22' Born near London, England,|his 84th year. EXPERT brake Ni ee rae he was educated there and| Born in Pickering Township a suspension alignment, 226 Celina. Street, moved to Canada and Cobourg/son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Call 723-4233, : lin 1997, He moved to Oshawa in|George Davidson, he was edu- ay aus. pela 11918 and in 1909 he married the|cated at Stouffville Public and 32--Articles for Sale iormer Miss Mary' Elizabeth|High Schools and married the | HAVE A SECRET | Christian, in Kenda', Ont, \former Miss Annie L. Cowie in 5 CARD OF THANK | WE PAY MORE | A bricklayer by trade, Mr, |Claremount in 1907. j | Union Cemetery. (Friends are asked not| | | any | The. couple' have lived in) to call af the funera) home before $un)| CALLISON -- We wish to express our) ; SELL FOR LESS | Warren was for many years! whitby 16 years. He was al day.) [thanks and appreciation to relatives), Buying and selling used fur- | custodian of various public ; | : riers aid sdinae'in sending cards, flow. niture and appliances. Call . |schools and more recently was|member of St. Andrew's Pres- al luiness i" A , 2 : t ee ee lars. and gifts during a tong. iliness, and, Valley Creek Furniture |¢mployed by the Parks Board. /byterian Church, Whitby. After a 'short Iliness at the Oshawa Gen-!for donations to the cancer fund, flowers 16Y RB WwW 4 'He retired in 1960. | Mr. Davidson is survived by eral Hospital on Saturday, September 5,\and cards received on the passing of «| '0/2 Bond W ---- 728-4401; his widow, a sister, Mrs. A. L. 1964, Russell T. Davidson of 316 Wainut|beloved wife and mother, Alice Callison. ~~ 5-1; a5 25 --| Mr, Warren was an adherent| a4; f Whitby, and was pre- Street West, Whitby, beloved igsbend of|Special thanks to Dr. Maroosis and the io Stones, Screen Blocks, of St. George's Memorial Angli- Ollins 0} y, a pr Annie Cowie and dear father, the late|nurses in Oshawa Genera! Hospital, Dr. Sand, gravel, top soil, stone, |. Ch y he is ; deceased by a daughter, Jessie. Jessie Davidson and William, dear broth-|Beale and nurses in Princess Margaret! Plastering materials. wall. C2" Cc urch, and he is survived nore are three grandchildren. er of Mrs, A. L. Collins (Lucilla), Whitby;|Hospital, Toronto, Dr. Tilley and Dr. poorge Brive ' iby his widow, a son Albert H.,| : dear grandfather of Mrs. J. Salter (Lois),|Bryce and nurses in Wellesley Hospital, D s, Cement, Roof- let Port Pavry. ants daughter | Resting at the W. C. Town) of Oshawa and Dorren and Blaine of Pic-| Toronto, and Or. Briant and Dr. McLeen| ng, Tile 668-3524. y. an g 'lwuneral Home: for a service in! kering; In his 84th year. Resting at theland nurses in Toronto General Hospital SAWDONS' (Whitb )Mrs. Robert Bailie of Oshawa. the Ch 1 Mo dak: Genk 7 at! pf Fusl nd th ia me LIMITED |There are two grandchildren ae 4 ys at cia ail Dea Brock SS Wi upplies and one great-grandchild. | 2 Die HOV. 38 8. aM CUIARE WITT "44 Brock St. S WHITBY, Ont. | Resti t- the MeIntosh-|COnduct the service and inter- OLD GUN WANTED. Telephone 7258183.,, "CoUNS _ 2 e Mcintosn-| ment will be in Erskine Cem- a Anderson Funeral Home for a od ote etery, Dunbarton. service in the chapel, Monday, | . C. Town Funeral Chapel, Whitby for|and ail others who contributed to her care --Richard Callison and family. WE BUY, sel September 7, at 2 p.m. Rev. R./ HARRY CHOPIK | service in the chapel on Monday, Sep-|and comfort. Also special thanks to Rev. tember 7, at 2 p.m. Interment Erskine|G. Brett for his many visits and con- Mr ah Dunbarton. Minister the Rev.|soling words and to the Mcintosh Funeral . J. S$. MeClure. Home. |G. Brooks, minister of St. Harry Chopik, of 502 Front cinnamon brown, almost new, $175. "apply| COT8e's, will conduct the Serv- street, Oshawa, died at the Osh-| 746 Phillip Murray Avenue. _ jice and interment will be in St.\awa General Hospital _ today! TELEVISION tower special, 40-f, struc-|Peter's Cemetery, Cobourg. The} after an illness of six months.) stalled Sod Suatakingt te Bolded gt family al egy seg ye et has | 10 years' experience, $50. Trio Television, |Home, Sunday, September 6.! 'The son of the late Mr. and Telephone 7 from 2 to 4 p.m. and from 7)Mrs, Michael Chopik, he was| BICYCLE -- repairs, winter storage,|to 9 p.m. i i | Sis tak City ihe Chie Meee Pp ed in the pe pd = 1894. re Whitby. Call 668-5685, me E BURDEN as been a resident of Oshawa Say ane See ee |MIRS: EDITH ALIC -,/and Canada for 50 years. He was| au AND SELL, good used furniture! An Oshawa resident for 60) eit es httaby dy Ga appliances. One location _ only. a ; jan employee of Fitting's Limited| Pretty's Furniture, 444 Simcoe South,,years, Mrs. Edith Alice Burden |, 36 vears. | aavineg ----_______|died suddenly Friday at the) "He is survived by his wife,, or sellin if ily i ne, 5 i % a) ances. Call' Bimer, Hampton 262291 or| {amily residence, 59 Highland| the former Mary Pylpiw, four! 263-2695. javenue. She was in her 67th daughters, Mrs. L. Dunn (Ann)| 1987 "CHEVROLET, "automatic transmis-| YEA. of Oshawa, Mrs. J. Roiko fon: ik Ae : k i : . | _ etme! and Enoanre retfgeaior®raw|, Bom in London, England, the| (Rose) of 'Toronto, Miss Steph- phone 723-1839 : former Edith Alice erick | anie Chopik of Toronto and Mrs $5 DOWN buys any "aaer Canadion:| was an ag pes JarelR. McPhee (Sylvia) of Scar- nade bicycle sizes, al! models. From|Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Witterick.|porough, one son Paul Chopik $34.95, | ; A in| 3 P! rely Dominion Tire, 48 Bond Street She married Leslie Burden injof Oshawa and a_ brother, UPRIGHT (reezer, 21 cubic foot. Perfeci|OShawa in September, 1919; he/Michael in the Ukraine.Eleven condition. 2. years old, will sell half price,| prededeased her in 1950, grandchildren also survive. i ¥ ; : raieibalea electric range and refri ep RAs Ot SS ices a dea p r ni - , ; | j erator, console radio, fnantel radi. 'an-| St. Matthew's Anglican Church Armstrong Funeral Home for --jtenna with rotor, antique pictures. Priced|and a member of the Ladies'|memorial service in the chapel |for quick sale. Apply between § and 6! Auxiliary of that church, | Tuesday, Sept. 8 at 2 p.m. Rev- |p.m. $06 Dundas Street Whitby, D |Apt. 4. Surviving are a daughter, erend R. A., Sharp of St. Mat- TYPEWRITERS, adders, cashiers, dupli-| Mrs, Edward Allen (Gloria) of| thew's Anglican Church will cators, - cheque writers, "comptometers./mononio, and two sons,Dougias|conduct the service. Interment files, turniture, We buy, sell, rent, serv-| i i j ice. Largest stock, budget terms. New| and Donald, both of Oshawa. aca in Oshawa Union one lene ued Pit Nea gad low price. Bill A son, Robert Thomas | CANVAS auningn curtains, caroples. [Tne killed in action overseas MRS. ELIZABETH J. BRYENS Complete service, Free estimates, No} 1943. ' The death of Mrs. Elizabeth waiting. Mil Jelinek, 728-1993 anytime, Also surviving are two sisters,|J. Bryens occurred in Fairview Lodge, Whitby, Wednesday, WALMSLEY -- Ih loving memory of 4) Anderson igear husband and father, Willlam F.| away suddenly " A VERY HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR COMPLIMENTS OF: TONY'S REFRESHMENTS LIMITED Rosh Hashanah BASSETT'S JEWELLERS TO OUR MANY JEWISH OSHAWA LTD. FRIENDS AND PATRONS 'WE WISH BURNS SHOE STORE BURDEN, Edith Alice | Entered into rest at the family residence,| 59 Highland Avenue, Oshawa, on Friday,/| September 4, 1964, Edith Alice Witterick,! 22 4245, 31---Automobile Repair TRANSMISSION specialists, transmissions CHOPIK, Harry Entered into rest in the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, September £, 1964,| Harry Chopik, beloved husband of Mary! Pyipiw, and father of Mrs. L. Dunn (Ann); Oshawa, Mrs. J. Rolko (Rose), Toronto, Miss Stephanie Chopik, Toronto, Mrs. R. MePhee (Sylvia), Scarborough, Paui of Oshawa; in his 70th year. Resting at the Armstrong Funeral Home, Oshawa, with OFFICE 723-1002 OUR JEWISH FRIENDS _A Blessed Year At Home A Happy Year in Personal Life A Prosperous Year in Business { funeral service in the chapel on Tete | September 8 at 2 p.m. Interment Oshawa | BRAEMOR BEAUTY SALON New. Location at: 381 STEVENSON ROAD in BRAEMOR PLAZA" 728-3781 Manager: GEORGINA MARSH Wish Jewish Friends and Customers a Very Prosperous and Happy New Year! AMPLE PARKING -- OPEN EVENINGS Creative Hair Styling BY JOHN Extends Best Wishes To All Our Jewish Customers and Friends For A Prosperous New Year | /ANTED. Telepl 25 6183.| | I! and exchange used furni-| 16 oF ine you have. The City rading Pos tore, 446 Sim fi | | South, 723-1671. sae ees RUG, Peterboro Brinton wool, 12" x 17" SHILLING, Albert L. | Entered into rest at Sunnynrook Hospital, Toronto on Friday, September 4, 1964,/ Albert L. Shilling) beloved husband of Letitia Taylor, of 61 Lincoln Avenue, Pickering, and dear father of Lore'ta (Mrs. Bruce Palmateer) of Pickering. Eleanor (Mrs. Leo McCue), of Pickering. Also surviving are five grandchildren; dear brother of Garfield Shilling of To} ronte. Mr. Shilling will rest at McEachnie| Funeral Home, 28 Kingston Road West,| Pickering, after 2 p:m. Sunday. Funeral service in the chapel on Monday evening, September 7 at 8.30 p.m. Further service in Rama United Church on Tuesday, Sep-| & at 2 p.m. Interment Rama Cemetery. (Casket will be ooen'in church, from 1 p.m. until time of service.) CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING (Continued From Page 21) Compliments Of HOME APPLIANCES FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR 90 Simcoe St. South 725-5332 or 725-6335 29--Automobiles For Sale BUYING OR SELLING TED CAMPIN MOTORS 607 KING ST. -- OSHAWA Gust East of Wilson Road) 723-4494 Res. 725-5574 VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair ond Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshowa 728-0921 SPOT CASH -- PAID FOR Good clean cars. Trode up or down, Liens. pid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH . 723-9421 1960 VOLKSWAGEN deluxe, $690. cash. Excellent condition, good tires. No | trades. No bargaining. No triflers, please,| Owner needs cash for business, Tele- Compliments Of A. & W. DRIVE-IN For A Very Prosperous and Happy New Year WARREN, Henry W. In Oshawa General Hospital on Friday, September 4, 1964, Henry W. Warren, in his 82nd year, beloved husband of Mary Elizabeth Christian (157 College Avenue, Oshawa) and dear father of Mrs. Robert Bailie (irene) of Oshawa, and Albert H, Warren of Port Hope. Mr. Warren is rest- ing at Mcintosh - Anderson Funeral Hoi with service in the chapel on Monday 2 o'clock. Interment St. Peter's Cemetery, Cobourg. The family will be at the funeral home on Sunday from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. R. B. REED & SONS FLORISTS WISH ALL Their Many Friends and Patrons A "HAPPY NEW YEAR" Within reach of all GERROW | FUNERAL HOME | 390 KING STRET WEST | TELEPHONE 728-6226 LOCKE'S FLORISTS | Funeral arrangements ond floral requirements for all occasions. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE 728-6555 HEARTY GREETINGS and Compliments of the Season To Our Many Jewish Friends RUNDLE GARDEN CENTRE Ltd. A HAPPY NEW YEAR DAVIDSON SHOE STORE West, HONEST CAL'S Furniture and aa Elizabeth Kelch {T ances, Name brands at biggest ¢'scounts| Mrs, Elizabe' elcher 0 '0- ° phone Whitby 668-5228. anywhere. \ve curry Restonic and Reverly| A Sept. 2, following a prolonged ponte hla Aaa _|matiress furniture lines. Your author-\ronto and Mrs. Sophie Male of illness "Mrs Bryens wae in her 1957 PONTIAC 6 cylinder, needs work, ized GE dealer. Contact Honest Cal's on Cooksville, and two brothers Fé : é $125. Telephone Whitby 668-2497. 424 King Street West,' 728-9191, shi Be »/82nd year and was a resident of 1985 CHEVROLET, A-1 condition, radio, 24" MOFFAT electric range, nearly new; |Harry Witterick, of Oshawa, and/ Goodwood, Ont. | $250. Telephone " Whitby| 2/8 Hered Easy! frostiree retriger®.| Arthur Witterick, of Brantford.) A daughter of the late Mr. IN MEMORIAM "= i | Flt ober ag |was born in avenciiffe, int., iin radia $05, Jos 130k Push-but-!tion, Reasonable price. Whitby 668-8956. ! jand married the late William J. FORRESTER -- In loving memory of/ aca _ |WRINGER washer, 'Coronad2', good run-| -|Bryens, in Stouffville, Ont., my dear husband, John (Jack) L. For-|1964 PONTIAC Laurentian, V-8, standard ning condition, $45, Apply 438 Matison oF Armatrone Foe set IMarch 16, 1912 : rester, who passed away Ssptember 7,|Shift, 4door, radio, rear speaker, 4 seatijeleshone 728-6873 vice will be held in the chapel! , : 1963. belts, undercoated, many extras. nena Pet Tr me Seren ae | Mond Keot 7 at2 Re | Mrs, Bryens was an adherent He bade no one his last farewell, |1988 AUSTIN, in good condition, $75. Diallgood condition Beat celer 725-8038. ld aloe ick ci de eons BE ey, jof the United Church but wor- 9 said good-bye to none, Whitby 668-5756. | peeaaabese : jerend R. A, Sharp of St./shipped at Goodwood Baptist |REFRIGERATOR, Finley electric stove,| -- Y The heavenly gates were onened, 1963 CORVAIR Mo -- A Ch h A loving voice said 'Come' lonza, 4 door automatic, a ¢ j o i . ' often sit and think of you, Positraction with' warranty, private. Terms! chine Phi iy Gee men vena te Matthew ¢ Anwicen a | She. is survived b Wal The things you used to say; arranged if desired. Telephone 725-3804. |hoid articles. Telephone 668-4303 Whitby. {conduct the service. Interment} i. ; "4 e h Af Aa' be 1 wonder why you had to die USED car parts, spindles to | 7 - a Bae ; . ; er of scarborough and a ugh- Without s chance to say gond-oye, [ane cat Darts spindies 10 rmake traller/ POWER mower, two cycle; heavy duiy| Will be in Oshawa Union ceme-ii.. wee w Hubbard of Osh: Though out of sight, vou'-e ever after 4, 723-2281 ai [range, older model. Bath good condition... : bre" i Still missed, loved, still ines ee tt da $10. each. 800 ceramic bathroom tile, tery. awa. There are 11 grandchil-; You will live with me in memory. |19587 PONTIAC sedan, well equipped, good assorted colors. $10. Dis! 668-8682. dren, and 12 great-grandchil-| condition. Can be seen at 43° Nassau 2 a ldren. | Resting at the W. C. Town Funeral Home, Whitby, for a Until the end of time. --Lovingly remembered by his wife Mary./Street or phone 725-5617. | jservice in the chapel today. Rev. J. Smith, minister, of St. 1961 PONTIAC Laurentian, 6, aulomaiic,| Mark's United Church, Whitby, snow tires, HEARTY GREETINGS and Telephone| |There are 12 grandchildren. 1964 ALL STATE Scooter, In good condi- * i 4 Scooter itty eoccasr | The body is resting at. the 6 months |1957 DODGE, Custom Royal, v4, push-/ button controls, power brakes, Compliments of the Season To our many Jewish Friends GILLARD CLEANIT SERVICES © 36--Legol 36--Legal THE CORPORATION OF THE CITY OF OSHAWA NOTICE OF STREET CLOSING SPENCER -- in loving memory of a dear grandfather, George Lorne, who passed away August 30, 1953 and a won- dertul grandmother, Etheline Spencer, who passed away September 5, 1963. power brakes, new tires, ex-eilent condi jtion. Will accept trade. Call 725-5077 1953 INTERNATIONAL '4-10n, good ru ning condition. Trade for car or $150 cas {Apply 118 Barrie Avenue. We extend n h. tn bur hearts your memory lingers, Always tender, fond and true; There is not a day, dear grandfainer, We do not think of you A wonderful grandmother has gone to rest, For all of us, she did hér best. 1964 CHEVROLET Impala, 2-door hard- top, automatic transmission, V-8, power Steering and brakes, radio, padded dash, jetc. 728-2784. as |1956 BUICK hardtop, coach, excelient Her life was true, her heart was kind, | shape, new paint job; tires and parts, A better grandmother none could find. | radio, whitewalls. Telephone 728-3928 Lovingly remembered and beau oreo Li PARISIENNE hardtop, 8, power, low by granddaughter Joyce ~ mileage, immaculate. Telephone 723-1702 Harvey, areat-grandchildren Randy, BOn-| sip gj, Ricky ~ -- wee . nile and Rick) 8 191 FORD FALCON, A-) shape, fully MEMORIALS equipped, two-tone paint, Low down pay- For edurteous, qualified mem- ment and take over payments. Must sel! 728-1206, n, col or | -- orial weyleoeleia MOUNT. {94 IMPALA Super sport, bucket seats, see Wm. MORIA DIV. ot FM radio, 5000 miles. Like new. 728-5738 é : : LAWN ME ety 1957 CHEVROLET, good condition, radio the Mount Lawn Office in" |tour good tires. Must be sold immediate the centre of Oshawo"s \'y Best offer. Telephone Whitby 668-8379 reen areo. King St. West. |1987 BORD, two-door, six-cylinder, stand TELEPHONE 723-2633 jard shift, A-) 'condition. Must be sold Office Hours {$485 or best offer. Private. Dial 668-5126. paneer <----~|1964 PONTIAC, custom sport convertible, " = fully equipped, red with top, i VACANT apartment costa you) iy eauinpee: ite. Tulane bd Had 1932 CHEVROLET coupe, partially re fored new battery, licence, $550. and rive away. Apply Howard Motors, Kent Street North, Whitby, A money! Fill that vacancy quickly with a low cost Oshawa limes,Classified Ad Just dial 723-3492 today to reach the re Mable tenants you want. Vas | | | will conduct the service and in- terment will be in Stouffville cemetery. NATHAN DRUMM High Requiem Mass was sung in St. Gregory's Roman Catholic Chureh, Friday, at 10 a.m. for |Nathan Drumm, who died in Our Lady of Mercy Hospital in} Toronto, Wednesday, Sept* 2. The mass for the deceased, |who was in his 88th year, was 'sung by Monsignor P. Dwyer of St. Gregory's. The body rested at the Armstrong Funeral Home prior to the mass, Interment was in Resur- rection Cemetery. Pallbearers were Sylvester Drumm, John Drumm, Ray Drumm, Edward Drimm, Ger TAKE NOTICE that the Council of The Corporation of the City of Oshawa at its meeting to be held on Tuesday the 8th day of September, 1964, at 7.30 p.m. at the Council Chambers, City Hall, Oshawa, intends to pass by-lows-to close up the following parts of highways: That part of Loring Street which lies south of Shokespeare Avenue as: shown on Registered Plan 674. That part 6f Dunkirk Avenue Plan 167 which lies between Dean Avenue and Lomond Street. That port of. Dunkirk Avenue Plan 167 which lies bet ween Normandy Street and Lamond Street. : AND TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that at the said meeting the Council shall hear in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land wil be preduically affected by the by-law and who applies to be heard DATED AT OSHAWA THIS 15th DAY OF AUGUST, A.D. 1964 L. R. Barrand, Esq., City Clerk, 50 Centre Street, sincere Greetings «> + 1O ALL OUR JEWISH FRIENDS FOR A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR Mercury Taxi TILDEN rent-a-car Sor > vt eae, a jald Drumm and Eugenc OSHAWA, Ontario. Drumm, + Compliments of the Season | FUTURE SUCCESS AND HAPPINESS TO ALL OUR JEWISH FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS S.D. HYMAN REAL ESTATE LIMITED

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