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Oshawa Times (1958-), 5 Sep 1964, p. 8

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i ) ried a cascade of pink rosebuds| North, the bride was wearing a } J Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 § THE OSHAWA TIMES, Saturday, September 5, 1964 Sylvia Barrett, Edward Griffin Exchange Vows In St. Gregory's sweetheart roses and white car- nations. The flower girls, Miss Christine Collins and Miss Catherine Campbell wore white Swiss eyelet dresses featuring shallow scoop necklines and flared skirts. The deep scoops at the backs of the bodices were The Roman Catholic Church of St. Gregory the Great was the setting for the marriage of Sylvia Aletha, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. George C. Barrett, to Edward Thomas Griffin, son of Mr. and Mrs. James P. Grif- fin, all of Oshawa. The officiating clergyman was) Monsignor Paul Dwyer and' the soloist, Mr. Paul Formosa, sang "Ave Maria," "Panis Angelicus and 'Mother = All Beautiful" accompanied by Mr. Jack Dris-|" phe pest man was Mr. John coll. ; Collins and the ushers were Mr. Given in marriage by her\teo Barrett and Mr. Ronald father, the bride wore a pUure/Gorycki, all of Oshawa, isilk organza over taffeta gown.| Wor the reception at St. Greg- |The Chantilly lace bodice fea-9,y's auditorium, the bride's jtured long sleeves and a scal-\mother received wearing a tur- jloped neckline trimmed with) quoise silk organza over taffeta tiny brilliants, The floor-length| dress with' matching hat and full skirt fell into a chapel black accessories. The bride- train. Her headdress was a |groom's mother assisted wear- gown of brilliants holding ajing an aqua linen dress and finger-tip veil of tulle illusion|matching three-quarter coat and she carried a prayer book| with white accessories. Both pink headdresses matched those of the senior attendants and they carried miniature nose- gays of. similar flowers. MARRIED LAST SATURDAY Aldsworth Photography Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Peter Lamers, Loretta Pearson ot rosettes and white carnations tions and roses. full skirts were accented at the|with a matching red rosary en-| As the couple left for their urday morning in St. Ger-|front with A-line gathered panels|twined in the flowers. honeymoon in Montreal, the e's Roman Catholic Church,|centered with a waistline bow.) The. maid of honor was Miss bride was wearing a yellow retta Jacqueline Pearson,|Their small veils were held by|Marilyn Barrett, and the brides-|serrano suit with a yellow and , paughter of Mr. and Mrs.|headdresses of pink velvet bows|/maids were Miss Margrit Uebele| white hat, mocha accessories harles S. Pearson, became the} and matching rosettes dotted) and Miss Catherine Duquette.|and a corsage of yellow roses. . bride of Peter Anthony Lamers,|with pearls, and they carried|They were gowned alike in semi-|Mr. and Mrs. Griffin will reside / son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry|tear-drop bouquets of white and/formal dresses of petal-pink in Oshawa Lamers, all of Oshawa. pink chrysanthemums. shantastik, complemented by) Out - of - town guests were The Reverend John Myers; Mr. Martin Lamers attended! short jackets of*matching pink present at. the wedding from performed the ceremony and thejhis brother as best man, andijace. Their headdresses were Whitby, Tweed, Buffalo' New Reverend Norbert Gignac was/Mr. Herbert Lamers and Mr. cojf wedding rings and they car- York; and Merritt, British present. in the Sanctuary. Miss| Walter Lamers, also brothers Of rieq colonial bouquets of pink! Columbi : Connie Lucas, Oshawa, played! the bridegroom, were ushers. |-- res hs fcsneoaieen the wedding music. For the reception held at St. The bride, given in marriage|Mary's Hall, Oshawa, the by her father, wore a carnation] bride's mother chose a horizon white floor-length gown of silk|blue sheath lace dress with) organza over taffeta with a/ white accessories anda corsage) scoop neckline and lily-point|of baby white carnations tinted) sleeves. The neckline, waist and|blue. The bridegroom's mother} bouffant skirt were enhanced by! assisted, wearing a brocaded| appliques of imported guipure/ sheath dress of pink and green) lace. A reef rose adorned the/tones on beige, with pink and back waist which fell into a|brown accessories, and a cor- chapel train.. Her. shoulder-|sage of baby white carnations! length veil of tulle illusion was| tinted pink. | held by tiny rosettes accented! As the couple left for a motor- with pearl drops, and she car-jing trip to points East and tn a double-ring ceremony last} and stephanotis. pink linen boucle suit with white] f Attending the bride were her accessores and a corsage of sisters, Miss Sylvia Pearson, white and pink carnations. On)/ maid of honor, Mrs. Edward|their return the couple will re- Buzminski, and Miss Ruth Pear-| side in Oshawa. son, junior bridesmaid, all of} Out of town guests were pres-| £. Oshawa. They wore identical) ent from Camp __s Borden, street-length dresses of pink or-/Chatham, Kitchener, Lindsay, accented' by pink bows. Their} + } | | | sitive Be Saturday, September 26, is the date set for the wedding | of Miss Barbara §. Workman | and Dr, Stanley B. Cassin. | Daughter of Mr, and Mrs. C. | Lloyd Workman of Oshawa, | the bride-elect is a graduate | of St. Michael's Hospital | School of Nursing, Toronto, and is a member of the nurs- EDDING DATE ing staff of Calgary General Hospital. Son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cassin of Corunna, Ontario, Dr. Stanley Cassin B.Sc., graduated in medicine from the University of Toronto and is now in general practice in Calgary, The ceremony is to take place in Oshawa' in the Roman Catholic Chureh of | St. Gregory the Great, Showers, Parties | Fete Today's Bride Elaine Bailie Prior to her marriage today to Mr. Ronald Starr, Miss Elaine Bailie has been enter- and presentations. Mrs. Robert Wright, matron of honor, and Mrs. Douglas Farr, an attendant ,were host- esses ata miscellaneous shower) held at the home of Mrs. Martin Bulkowski, Elm street, Oshawa,}| for_friends of the future bride.) Mrs. Jo-Anne Smith, a bridesmaid, arranged a pantry shower at their home,. Bend street, Osh-) awa, for relatives oft he pros- pective. bridegroom. Mrs. Carl Starr and Mrs. Wil- liam Popovich were hostesses at a miscellaneous shower held at Mrs. Starr's home, Colborne street, Oshawa, for friends and relatives of the future bride-) groom. | Mrs. Joseph Parson and Mrs,| | Harry Williams assisted by Mrs.| Clyde Béaton and Mrs. Peter Muzik entertained at a miscel-| shower held at the Park Clubhouse for friends of the bride-elect. The co-workers of the bride- elect in the Engineering Depart- ment of General Motors pre- sented her with a sani-can and a hammered aluminum butter dish at a supper shower held at the Central Hotel. The staff of the Engineering Department of General Motors presented the future bride with a pyroceram fry pan. ganza over taffeta with scoop| London, Peterborough, Toronto, necklines and short sleeves. The! and Whitby. | TO MARY IN GUELPH Saturday, October 3, at: 3,00 p.m. in Dublin Street United Church, Guelph. Miss Dough- erty is a graduate, class of 63 of the Nightingale School of Nursing, Toronto. Mr. Allen is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence T. J, Allen, Oshawa. --Ballard and Jarrett Boil syrup until thick. Cool peaches in cold water. Skins oe tee in singsot Pour Miss Jo-Ann Barge, _Wood-)Griffin poe tea at a table can then easily be. removed.|ucberry sauce carefully overicrest avenue, has returned. from centered with a cake, decorated Since peaches yl in an peach halves. Chill well before|viigria, British Columbia, |#° @ bride, made by Mrs. James they should be peeled just Dele ae This ao but pinion where she spent the month of|COM70r; Mrs. Arthur Hopkins fore serving. Sprinkle peeled att gesders: would be ae ee'\August with Mr. and Mrs, |27d her daughter, Mrs. Michael peaches with sugar and they] °"dine for a hearty meal. Thomas Druse and their daugh-| Vorena, a china shower at Mrs. will form their own syrup. Or : fer. Penny. Mr. Druse is the|Wrona's home on Dymond cover peaches with fruit juice to FOLLY WINS coach of the Victoria Sham- drive; Mrs. James Griffin, a prevent them from turning) CLEARWATER, Man. (CP)\rocks' Junior Lacrosse team personal shower at her home on brown. The home economics 4-H club) who were guests of the Oshawa Banting avenue, assisted by "This fresh peach dessert can in this southwestern Manitoba Green Gaels last fall. Mrs. John Collins; a neighbor- be prepared well in advance, community has won the inter- hood shower at the home of even the day before, and chill-|provincial 4-H educational dis- Among the guests at the Don- Mrs, Harold Duquette, Agnes ed until serving time. Frozen|play competition for the sec- Swiader wedding was Mr. Ken-|Street with Miss Catharine Due unsweetened blueberries are ond consecutive year, topping neth Foster of Lenzie, Scotland,|quette assisting; following good substitutes for fresh entries from Alberta, Saskatch-|who brought with him sprigs of berries ewan and Manitoba. The win-|white heather as boutonnieres : ning display, entitled "They/for the bridegroom, Mr. Clyde FRESH PEACH ROYALE (Don't Mix," depicted the folly;Don and the best man, Mr. Wil- 1 cup sugar of combining-drinking and driv-Jiam Don, his cousins. Others **t , cup water ling + from out of town were Mr, and EE -'Mrs. Archibald Don and family, Fresh Peach Royal!' 7.0 2 som ; September Special 1 peaches, peeled and halved pint of fresh or frozen Mus- koka blueberries Peach season is in full swing.| Boil sugar and water, stirring Ontario grown freestone varie-|until sugar is dissolved. Then ties, such as Red Havens, Jubi-| boil syrup five minutes more. lees and Jerseylands are plenti-/Add peach halves and vanilla. ful on most markets now. Cook over low heat abput five Peaches should be firm, but ripe minutes, until peaches are ten- enough to yield to pressure and der. peel easily. Refrigerate ripe emove peaches from syr peaches until they are needed. If Fs aint sate ste pol in ee peaches are difficult to peel, dip) jarge serving dish. in boiling water for about one : minute then immedately plunge Mr. Lawrence Cole Allen, Oshawa, will take, as his bride, Miss Judith Ann Dougherty according to an announcement made today by Miss Dougherty's parents, Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dough- erty, Guelph, Ontario. The marriage is to take place on | entertained at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs George Barrett, Agnes street. _Mr. and Mrs. Norman Her- ring, | Weyburn, Saskatchewan, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. David are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Don and family, Mr. David Allman, Oshawa boulevard Baldwin and Mr. Hamilton Mc- south, | de gp of ng ene = Don't wait until it 1s too late! icnar Sarnegie, or erry; ft ie nt ee! : \Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Creczylo, o let your friends know that Mr. and Mrs. Roman Kirkus and Mr, and Mrs. J. Greczylo, all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs: Victor Story, JUSt dial 723-3473, extension 18,| - |Ppontiac, Michigan, spent Satur-2"4 your item of news will : appear without charge. day evening visiting with their/"t*"* nieces, Mrs, Rae Crossman and \Mrs. William J. Ogden. Mrs. Story has spent the past week |visiting friends and relatives in MONEY FOR MUSIC WINNIPEG (CP) -- Winnipeg committee donated $26,267 to the 3 rehearsal, the bridal party was! <, : os i jat 11.00 a.m. clade are back from your vaca-|Catholic Church of St. Gregory tion. It is a pleasure for us to) the Great. tell them through the column.|~-- (CP)--An ice cream cone trav- ~\elled 3,231 miles across the At- lantic. by ship from New York|$ to Mrs, E, Waweliffe of Black- Symphony Orchestra's women's | P09. Following the rehearsal last night the bridal party was bridegroom's parents, Mr.} Mrs. Roy Starr, Lloyd! street, Oshawa. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT The engagement is announced of Patricia Briggs, daughter of Mr. E. W. Briggs, Oshawa,| formerly of Wallingborough'| future a Northamptonshire, England and) were Miss Joanne Lackey and| Miss Judith Simmons, brides-|- the late Mrs. Briggs, to Mr. Robert. John Debosky, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Debosky,| Whitby. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, Sep-| tember 19, 1964, at 11.00°a.m. in St. -John the Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Whitby. } ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs. William M. Dougherty, Guelph, announce the engagement of their daugh- ter, Judith Ann, to Mr. Law-| rence Cole Allen, son of Mr.| and Mrs.' Lawrence T. J, Allen, Oshawa. The marriage is to take place on Saturday, October} 1964, at 3.00 p.m. in Dublin arrangement of miniature red|wore corsages of white carna- tained at a number of showers} Fred Smith and Mies SEPTEMBER BRIDE Miss Patricia Briggs will be- come the bride of Mr. Robert J. Debosky on Saturday, Sep- | tember 19. The bride-to-be is the daughter of Mr. E. W. Briggs, Oshawa, formerly of Wellingborough, Northamp- ton, England, and the. late Mrs. Briggs. The prospective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Debosky, Whitby. The ceremony take place in St. John Evangelist Roman Catholic Church, Sheila Hoy Feted Prior To Wedding Miss Sheila Hoy whose mar- riage to Mr. James William lentertained at the home of the Torok took place last evening, has been entertained during the past weeks. Mrs. J; F. Norton, Bllor street east, arranged a_mis- | cellaneous shower at her home| polish with kitchen wax. and was assisted by Mrs. Au- brey McConkey, Mrs. Warner Lynde, Mrs. Clifford Barton and Mrs. Ralph Hanna. Toronto East General Hospital classmates (Class of '64) held a miscellaneous shower in the nurses' lounge. The hostesses maids, and Miss Ruth-Ellen Smale. A miscellaneous. shower at Cedardale United Church was arranged by Mrs. William Hen- ning who was assisted by mem- bers of the UCW. Mrs. Ellis Matyi, Grenfell street, was hostess at a shower at her home and the co-nost- esses were Mrs. Anthony Las-; kowsky and Mrs, Edward Ka- mondy. Following the rehearsal on Thursday evening, the bridal party was entertained by Mrs. J. F. Norton, Bloor street east. ------|But not to. a church supper, will | 4 the | Whitby, at 11.00 a.m. | --Ireland Studio | Song Rinstmapenageeaae ANN LANDERS -- His Dump Truck -Embarrasses. Her Dear Ann: I want to make it clear that I am not a teen- ager. I'm a 33-year-old widow and the mother of three. yT've been going with a man who owns a sand and gravel f ? where you are, and with whom business. Last night we had a at all times. date to attend a church sup- } per. I had my hair done in a Bg should honor a strict | Shop and dressed up rather PS fy Vv |special for the occasion. I wore]. pag goog oh you. "st My favor parole rather than soli- tary confinement--with the fol-| 4. lowing rules; g be 1. You should be permitttd limited outside activities. 2. Your parents should know 1 i) imy fox cape and satin shoes. Dear Ain Laaderi: When I got outside and saw his | dump truck I was shocked. He ~ ggg i ie gathe co said; "I sold my car and don't |plan "to get another. one until nage her home with me. I am ithe new models come out." widow, too, and have no in- | come except I am not a snob, Ann, but I| For years Te loned' tier don't think a dump truck is/nice vacation but could never | proper fencers Phos atford eae | dle-age : you § i lis, then rt ride in it and eep| aad ambient Scout (une ood |quiet. Yes or no?--Not, Ready|cial security. She buys grocer-| |To Be Dumped Yet ' jes occasionally, but has never| Dear Not Ready: For a pic-| offered to help defray house-' nic or to the beach--maybe.|hold expenses. My evenings are spent chauf-| ferring mother and my car ex-| penses have tripled. But how "FOR THE FINEST IN "Custom Made 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 with satin shoes and a fox cape - yet. Tell your friend that for so- cial evenings you'd prefer to) take the bus or perhaps double} with friends who have a sedan --until the new models come out. | Dear Ann Landers: I am a 15- year-old girl who let a boy go! too far. I felt so guilty I told my mother. She promised not) to say anything to my father) but she broke her word and told) SCHOOL OF DANCING BURNS C.D. T. AL BALLET / TAP / TOE BATON / JAZZ Registration--Saturdoy, Sept. 12th lace but to church and to) : ' ahaa! for three months. | 10 A.M. till 1 P.M, Knights of Columbus Hall ' iNext to Ontario Motor Sales) Believe me, Ann, I've learned 728-7902 would not have been s0 thoughtless about my future. Please help me. If I am penned up for three months, I will lose my mind--The Ghost. | Dear Ghost: Keeping a teen- ager locked up for three months only makes him or her resent- | ful and determined to get even) when he is sprung. Teen-agers who are madeé to feel they are no good and not to be trusted, will behave in a 184 BOND WEST my lesson, I realize how lucky) I was not to have got into ser-| ious trouble. I will never be so) Heidi's Modern Hair Styling foolish again. I also know the| boy didn't care about me or he| ~ In Windsor Plaza - Wilson Rd. South WATCH. FOR THE OPENING! peebeewn ec esecteeres ocecnbebeeedeet 5050608 0c 66560 b0nbe nest eeebeneLeereeeeseesbecseeeeresesieseiset sneaky, unworthy manner. I Simcoe Hall CRIPPLED CHILDREN'S SCHOOL and TREATMENT CENTRE | Will Re-open on Tuesday, Sept. 8th FOR INFORMATION TELEPHONE 728-7525 in | WIFE PRESERVER | Remove "yellow" from enam- eled appliances by washing with strong bleach suds. Wipe dry, PIANO CLASSICAL @ THEORY 74 Burk St. PHONE OSHAWA 725-4587 "LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD |} Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist STOP ANsus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY APPOINTMENTS PHONE ASTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Street United Church, Guelph. FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd. C. Work- man, Oshawa, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Barbara Susan, to Dr. Stanley Bernard Cassin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cassin of Corunna, Ontario. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, September 26, 1964, in the Roman Fall Fashions For Boys & Girls Choose from rack after rack of. the latest styles from -in- fants to size 14, Charge ond Budget Accounts Invited. JOURNEYED ICE "The Best Costs Less At" v[O|UNIGIAIGIE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum y Rug Cleaning BLACKPOOL, England She said she always) wanted to sample an American y THEY FAST ! GROW BLACK'S LADIES' & MEN'S WEAR WILL BE | Oshawa. Miss Sandra Lynn McFeeters, |daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- lliam . McFeeters, Aberdeen |street, and Miss Dorothy Fish, \daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Gra- |hame Fish, Taunton road east, are enjoying a European holi- day. They are at present in England and will visit Belgium, 4. |Germany, Switzerland, Austria, ' {Italy and France. Prior to her marriage to Mr. Edward Griffin recently, Miss Sylvia Barrett was honoed at iseveal showers. Those enter- taining were: Mrs. Clifford p Roesch, a miscellaneous shower Sie at her home on Cunningham settee immense ica: pimgistesimenmt eT, avenue with Mrs. Fred Dally as MISCHIEVIOUS IMP the co-hostess; Mrs. Wilfred : \Hanley, Mrs. William Clarke, Smith, RR 2, Oshawa. Linda's |Mrs. Bernard McAllister and grandparents are r. and |Mrs. Charles Plews, at a pre- Mrs. Walter Dowse,.Graven- |sentation and shower in St. hurst, Ontario Gregory's auditorium with Mrs --lIreland Studio |George Barrett apd Mrs. James 'The roguish smile belongs to Linda Marion, one - year - old daughter and youngest child of Mr, and Mrs. Frank T. " the orchestra here raised from|cone, so her daughter brought their 1963 activities. The grant|her one back in the ship's re-)g was the largest in the commit. |frigerator. tee's history. : Rae B ust WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, fun loving couples to learn the new modern style of square dancing. Every Wednesday | night through the Fell and Winter (shift work no problem). If interested call 725-2744 or NOTICE} -- HOviE sinha SERVICE 27 Celina on TITLES & EDITING FOR 728-0662 . . . 728-0662 YOUR HOME MOVIES ' FREE BROCHURE WRITE Is now open Daily} VERDREY PICTURES including MONDAY BOX 66, ISLINGTON, ONT, 4 4 « Q 4 Portraits Now Will Be Treasures Later hy 723-3680 LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A. Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character Registration: SATURDAY, SEPT. 12 9 a.m, to 1 p.m. at Masonic Temple 91 Centre St. INFORMATION 723-7253 din CLOSED ALL DAY TUESDAY, SEPT: 8th & OPEN WEDNESDAY, SEPT.9-9 A.M. BLACK' LADIES' -- 725-1912 MEN'S -- 723-3611 72-74 SIMCOE WN, enue eT eae 2% sobeebe rere ieee Pees ( ieeee state 1 * PEPCK TAS OR SELL CEOS KEEN ees CHE EEE PELE HE EEO EESETE EET OEHCOE ETS ee eee RE EER TPR E SES He

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