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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Sep 1964, p. 4

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"4 ™ OSHAWA TIMBS, Tussdey, September 8, 1964 a jal te Ei le tall v4 OO rt TELLS OF Leona McQuade, Niagara Falls, Ont., only woman work- ing on the sunken ore carrier carrier Leescliffe Hall, tells of the St. Lawrence collision that led tothe tragedy. Three of the crew drowned later At Crisis By KEN KELLY : OTTAWA (CP)--In the' view 'of many MPs in all parties, the deadlocked flag debate has en- tered a new crisis stage. This stage is being described as the last chance -to find a solution before a general elec- tion becomes inevitable, And all parties say they don't want lanother election now, that if one comes over the flag Can- ada will be divided for genera- tions. The party leaders, including Prime Minister Pearson and Opposition Leader Diefenbaker, lare agreed in principle that a committee of MPs is the way out, But they haven't yet froned out the degree of unanimity necessary for such @ design to be presented to the Commons with a "ia chance of winning approval, They seem agreed on @ 15-| member committee--seven Lib-| New Democratic, Social Credit and Creditiste parties. Conservatives are sald to in-| igist that whatever flag the com-| mittee proposes must be en- ldorsed by 13 committee mem- bers. Liberals are said to holding out for a simple major- lity--eight members. | Because the party leaders seem reasonably close together two moves were COLLISION when the ship sank during /0" this point, efforts to beach it northeast | ' of St. Joseph-de-la-Rive, Que., | P . F where the St, Lawrence colli- riest reea sion occurred, More Ex Thomson Asserts. the) The Catholic diocese of Ver- France, announced Sun- LONDON (AP)--Lord Thom- son, the Canadian-born press magnate, has warned competi- tors everywhere that he is out to buy more newspapers and magazines, radio and television stations until the day he dies. And the 70-year-old 'Thomson did it ina most disarming way. Although: he is being fought in a $15,000,000 bid to take over another section of the press of Scotland, Thomson went on the BBC radio network to tell any- body who would listen that he "reads thriller novels by the dozens but also likes balance sheets most of all." At the same time, Thomson appeared Saturday on a re- corded program called Desert Island Discs. On -- the yo viewed son pic a half- dozen slevode and. one book (other than the Bible and |would continue this not only man Catholic priest from his lvow of perpetual chastity |what appears to be the fore- pansion, -| canon law, lin a legislative way for lcountry which gave me my) sailles, |title,"" |day night that 'Father Maurice | Thomson told his interviewer|W," 44, was given permission lthat he owns more than 100|last April to leave the priest- |newspapers and more than 100) hood after 20 years. It said he | magazines. |was allowed in May to marry | "But why do you keep on: ' |said the interviewer. 'You don't|were married in Versailles, need more money." | The Vatican made no an- Inouncement of the case, but WANTS TO EDUCATE |Vatican sources said it was Thomson. replied that he did|/handled by the Vatican Holy it because he was in business) Office and that' such a serious land also because "I want to ed-| decision must have been made ucate people about the world|by the pontiff himself. they live in." And he said he| The sources were quick to point out that the suspension of the prohibition on marriage for an ex-priest implied no likeli- hood of modification of the celibacy required of the Roman Catholic priesthood. Vatican sources said they un- through his publications but through television, of which he owns a considerable slice in Britain, because he considers this medium more than a waste- land and a really worthwhile means to reach the people. Widower Thomson said he Shakespeare) that he would choose if cast away on a des- ert island. For his ultimate choices Thomson picked a record of the Blue Danube waltz and the En-| eyclopedia Britannica. DOESN'T WANT JAZZ | No jazz.or jump stuff for) Thomson, And this from a man of whom the late Canadian-born press magnate Lord Beaver-| brook once said: } "We were all agreeably placed until he came to disturb) the waters of tranquility." Thomson, who set British journalism on its ear with the colot magazine that helped build up his "London Sunday Times, told his BBC _inter- viewer: "We have plans to expand, We are not standing still. We will start as well as buy news- Maurice' was to prevent him sti Ss is still missed his wife and, for turning to a sinful life because her, asked the recordings of " The Only Girl of the World| of the church's 'prohibition and A Pretty Girl is Like a) against his breaking his vow of Melody." |celibacy, He told his interviewer: He was told that he must " | 1 ae : |never disclose that he had been am not religious but believe in|, priest, living a decent life, according|--~ died to the golden rule." ~ PPI NOTICE The While Thomson was on the Mayfair Salon air, his organization's business 27 Celina Street department warned that he still 728-0662 . +» 728-0662 was in the fight to gain Scot- land's Outram Press group and to take on Beaverbrook's heirs in the battle The Thomson statement de-|¢ nied that monopoly was the aim § and said that good journalism and financial strength was the idea, including. MONDAY PPA Say Flag Debate VATICAN CITY (AP)--Pope Paul has freed a former Ro- in runner of a similar modifica- jtion of the church's code of | "Annette R," 42, and that they derstood the thought behind the/------ " decision in the case of "Father | Is now open Daily? Stage made in the Commons last week aimed at getting the flag issue off the Commons floor, where it has been debated for 20 days, and into a committee, URGES MEETING Social Credit Leader Thomp- son urged a new party leaders' conference for Tuesday, a 15- member committee with a one- month time limit and, if the committee fails to reach agree- ment, further leaders' discus- sions and Commons debate, North America Act. The federal Parliament has the exclusive power to make such an amend- ment on the question of a na- tional flag. The theory of this require- ment is that a flag adopted by simple resolution of the present house of commons could be reversed or altered too easily by a similar resolution in succeeding Parliaments, A con stitutional change might provide ia greater degree of perma- nence, it is argued. Mr, Pearson has said repeat- edly that he is not irrevocably wedded to the government's proposed design, although it is a personal reference. He has said any design acceptable to the majority of MPs would be agreeable to the Liberals, The New Democrats used the procedural device of moving ad- journment of the flag debate-- a motion which isn't"debatable --and lost by 15 votes only, They served notice they will repeat the attempt until they are able to get the Commons back to other important legisia- ive business, Some Conservative sources \say that, if the flag debate isn't! turned over to a committee by the month's end, a general elec- erals, five Progressive Conserv-lii4n is certain, They hi 4 : ' . They have! atives and one each from the threatened to withhold approval | for any spending, including the authority for the government to pay its bills early in November. Some Liberal MPs feel the \Conservatives don't really mean jwhat they say. The Conservatives have dem- onstrated they have the ability to prevent any decision being jreached on the government's flag design, Opposition sources say at jleast 50 MPs will keep the de- \bate going to prevent adoption of the government's design. | They say none of the four principles, enunciated Aug. 20 |by Alvin Hamilton (PC--Qu'ap- pelle) on behalf of the opposi-) tion, is incompatible with a flag \design which includes a maple leaf, But Mr. Hamilton said the Conservatives insist on a sub- stantial majority of MPs ac- cepting the design so that the flag could not be identified as the product. of any one political party, That was his first prin- | ciple, His second principle was that) it should include symbols of the past, symbols of English- and French - speaking Canada, Con- servatives say this doesn't mean the Union Jack must be part of the design, 'The third principle was that there should be something of re- ligious significance on the flag --that a cross be one element of it, There have been numer- ous designs exchanged privately among members on all sides with different kinds of crosses --the Cross of St. George, St.! Louis or St, Andrew, The fourth principle involved lembedding the flag design in |the basic constitutional docu- EX-MINISTER DIES CORTINA (AP)--Guido Cor- ese, 56, former industry and commefce minister and a mem- ber of the Italian Parliament,| \died here Thursday after a brief! Hardly an MP disagrees that \at least one element of any flag |which emerges will be a maple leaf or leaves--displayed in a lprominent position, And many \Conservatives say that, as one jamong other elements, this More Children Enter School 'cou! In Far North OTTAWA (CP) -- A record 6,280 children will answer the school bell in Canada's north department reports with a touch of pride. From Fort Smith near the Alberta - Northwest Territories border to tiny Grise Fiord about 800 miles from the North Pole, the rush to the northern class- rooms has been going on weil in advance,. of today's tradi- tional school opening in south- ern Canada, For several weeks planes have heen carrying children from remote outposts to schools in the larger centres, This has to be done while weather con- iditions are favorable, About 1,300 of the children this month, the northern affairs) 'them will be put upi nm large hostels at Yellowknife, Fort sterfield Inlet, I As well, smaller hostels car- ing for eight or more children each are dotted throughout the north as part of the northern af- fairs department's aim of hav- ing every northerm youngster of -- age in the classroom by | But the population explosion in the north--fed by welfare benefits and a higher standard of health care--is one reason why there are doubts within the department that it can at- tain its goal, A large number of children still remain. outside the northern school system, | SUPER VALUES! | SHORTER WORK WEEK COPENHAGEN (Reuters) --| Danish soldiers will work only) la 45-hour week, a reduction of] three hours, after Nov, 1, the larmy command announced Fri- iday. Officers complained the jwould not violate their four|will live away from home dur-\troops were not getting enough principles, ling the school year. Most ofjsleep. { | | Plan Now to Attend The Oustanding FALL FAIR at ORONO THURSDAY - FRIDAY - SATURDAY SEPT. 10-11-12 FRIDAY ' OFFICIAL OPENING 1:30 P.M. SCHOOL PARADE 1.00 P.M. Training School Band, Bowmanville NORTH OSHAWA RODEAO SHOW -- 2:30 P.M. HOLSTEIN SHOW -- 4-H CLUBS School Grendstond Performance $25.00 Wm. Riddell Memorial Spelling Bee Fot Calf Show----2:00 P.M. Fat Celf Auction Sele -- 6:30 P.M. TUG OF WAR -- sponsored by Russell Honey, M.P. OLD TIME FIDDLING CONTEST TOBACCO CONTEST TOBACCO QUEEN ond TIEING CONTEST 8.00 P.M. TOWN HALL SATURDAY 1:30 OFFICIAL WELCOME BIG 4 GUERNSEY CLUB REGIONAL SHOW LIGHT HORSE SHOW HEAVY HORSE SHOW BEEF CATTLE SHOW HORSESHOE PITCHING HARNESS HORSE RACING AMATEUR SHOW SATURDAY NIGHT DANCE Jim Fisher & Orchestra -- 9:30 P.M. MAMMOTH MIDWAY @ FARM IMPLEMENT DISPLAY @ NEEDLE WORK @ ART CRAFTS @ @ BAKING @ LIVESTOCK @ HAY & GRAIN @ Something of Interest to Everyone Radio Station CKLB Will Broadcast Live from the Fair Grounds FRIDAY AND SATURDAY illness, | TIMELY ITEMS AT BIG SAVINGS! Boys', Girls' Pace-Setting PULLOVERS Any mother will recognize the Super Value buy of these hard wearing, oe sleeved combed cotton pullovers for boys and girls: The Zeller Super Value label stresses the fact that they are the best quality and value you can buy at the price, anywhere! Extra cute, too, in assorted colours and stripes, Sizes | to 6x, 1 .00 SUPER KNITTERS TAKE NOTE! VALUE PRICE ZTELLeRsS 4 KNITTING YARN You'll easily recognize this knitting yorn os @ Super Value. Own 'Zeller Crest" Virgin Wool worsted thot's shrink and moth-proof , . . in @ wonderful selection of no less thon 32 foshion colours for all your knitting needs! SUPER VALUE 2 oz, PRICE skein In Brief: e e papers and magazines § any: edical Mirror where, We will do this as long| aie as we can... I am not re- tiring, but I hope after election this fall to find time to take my seat in the House of Lords and' do something there | | GYSTIC MASTITIS Q. | heave heard that cystic mastitis (my friend has it) is @ form of cancer, Is this true? A. No, Cystic mastitis (cyst formation in the ducts of the breast) is a non-cancerous disease, This is not to say, however, that the condition should be ignored, In fact, frequent, periodic examinations are advisable for those who- hove cystic mastitis. Very often the doctor will choose to withdraw (aspirate) the contents of larger cysts. It's a At, AN EXCEPTIONAL BUY ! CANADIAN SAILOR DROWNS CLEVELAND (AP)----Eugene A, Baker, a Canadian seaman, | was drowned Friday night when he apparently slipped from a ladder while going from the pier to his ship docked here. The U.S, Coast Guard: recov- ered the body of Baker from Cuyahoga River. He was an Fly Ganadian Pacific : to Vancouver engineer aboard the Ralph §. Misener, a cargo boat, Speedwriting ABC SHORTHAND Want to quickly step into a glam- orous, well-paid secretarial posi- tion? Only at our school can you learn Speedwriting -- the natural, easy shorthand that uses the familiar abc's, not strange sym- bols. Day or evening classes. Nationwide FREE Lifetime Piace- ment Service. Visit, phone or rite REGISTER NOW 728-7081 THE CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Head Office for all Divisions 52'4 SIMCOE ST, N. OSHAWA simple procedure that can be done in the office. LOSS OF BALANCE Q. My sister, who is 65, hes no sense of bolence, Would you please explain whet causes this and whet medication te toke? A. Extreme dizziness or loss of balance may be due to ony of several disorders, oll of which ore serious and must be dealt with by a phy- sician. Unsteadiness may be the result of o stroke or of damage to the orgen of balance located within the inner eor, Persistent dizziness may also be due to chronic inflammation ond fluid ac- cumulation in the inner ear. Persons offected in this way should receive o complete evaluation by @ physicion, Remember ---- the diagnosis and treatment of di- sease is the function of the potient's personal physicion. ad Today's drugs, in terms of relief from pain and swift recovery from iliness, ere priceless... yet their cost is mere pennies per dose. Karn DAugs @ FREE DELIVERY e 723-4621 OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL 9 P.M. Canadian Pacific's jet economy fare to Vancouver is $20 less than any other airline. $10 less to Winnipeg, $6 less to Montreal, ® Only Canadian Pacific has daily all jet service across Canada = never settle for less than Super DC-8 speed and comfort. * Money-saving First Class Family Plan Fares = members of your. family fly at % fare, © Superior Empress service too = the best for less! Money talks! Save $20 over any other airline Toronto - Winnipeg Toronto - Vancouver 198 Toronto » Montreal 40 $ 94 Canadian Pacific Round Trip Jet Economy Fares YOU SAVE $10 YOU SAVE 20 YOU SAVE 6 See your Travel Agent or Canadian FLY, 4. Pacific, EM 6-7531 >. TRAINS / TRUCKS / BHIPS 7 PLANED / HOTELS / TELECOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM 300 DUNDAS. ST. DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE OSHAWA--WHITBY--BROOKLIN EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 Like to feel oll woman , , . and value plus? We knew you did! Result; our ultra-feminine "'Rendevous" briefs in a pro- fusion of frilly or toilored styles and soft golours in easy-core Trousseau Tricot or 'Arnel', Made expressly for Zeller's they ore THE BEST VALUE AND QUALITY YOU CAN BUY. ANY- WHERE AT THE PRICE... @ Zeller Super Value. SUPER VALUE € ZL MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH PHONE 723-9441 PRICE each OSHAWA SHOPPING DOWNTOWN CENTRE OSHAWA -

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