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Oshawa Times (1958-), 8 Sep 1964, p. 8

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? iran Tea, Showers Honor Eugenia Yourkevich Thaczuk, Carol Jenkins Lydia Trichuk, Elsie Trichuk and flow- girl Cathy Salmers at UNF Hall, Bloor 'street east, with approxi- mately seventy friends present. The bride was. met by her maid| of honor and presented with a corsage of roses. Hostesses were Mrs. John Hraynyk, Mrs. Jack Cooper, Mrs. Michael Yourke- vich, Mrs. Zenovi Salmers, Mrs. Ihor Salmers and Mrs. Orest Salmers. The bride received many beautiful gifts and a purse of money. The women of Albert Street United Church gave the bride another miscellaneous shower, Dainty refreshments were served by Mrs. Clayton Lee, were grandmothers, Mrs.|Mrs, Robert Bent, Mrs. Frank Stephen Salmers and Mrs.iCooper, Mrs. Joseph Wiltshire, Harry Yourkevich, .-|Mrs. Alex Maracle, Mrs. Victor .|Phair, after gifts were opened by the bride assisted by Mrs. SOCIAL NOTICES ENGAGEMENT Mr. and Mrs, Clarence Ellis of Oshawa wish to announce the engagement of their youngest daughter, Marian Elizabeth, to Jack Forbes Brown, son of Mrs. Charles Brown of Otterville, On- 'tario, and the late Mr. Brown. [The marriage is to take place' 'jon Saturday, October 3, 1964 at 2.30 o'clock in Albert Street United Church. -- : FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE) Mr. and Mrs, Allan G. Downey, Myrtle, wish to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- of their eldest daughter, Marilyn Ruth, to Mr. Dean Wil- liam Beatty, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Lloyd Beatty, Can- nington. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, October 10, 1964, at 3,00 p.m, in Myrtle )\United Church, Myrtle. ENGAGEMENT § THEOSHAWA TIMES, Tuesdey, September 8, 1964 in tving new Miss Eugenia Yourkevich, whose marriage"to Mr. Brian Gilchrist. took place recently in Albert Street United Church has been feted at many showers. 'Mrs, William Yourkevich held a trousseau tea in honor of her daughter and was assisted by Mrs. Donald Gilchrist. The bride-to-be received in a white arnel with yellow and turquoise daisies overall shift with a cor- sage of yellow roses. Her moth- er wore an over, all turquoise and beige surah shift with cor- sage of roses. In charge of the guest book was the. flower girl, Cathy Salmers, Pouring tea in the afternoon MRS. DONALD CULLEN, newly - installed president, is seen seated between Mrs. Donald Lake, ist vice-presi- dent, left, and Mrs. Morley Robinson, past sident. Standing are Mrs. Frank EII- wood, treasurer; Mrs. Edward Thomson, Bulletin editor; Mrs. Donald Fleming, regis- trar; Mrs. Lioyd Pigden, 2nd vice-president; Mrs. Steven Dyi, secretary. In the lower picture, left to right, Mrs. Kinette President Installed At Season's First Meeting The Kinette Club of Oshawa held its first dinner meeting at the Hotel Genosha, September) Lak 1. Mr, Bruce Mackey installed the new executive and directors and complimented the retiring president, Mrs. Morley Robin- son on the past year's achieve- ments. Mr, Mackey outlined the duties of each and every offi- cer, pointing out the importance of each member and her duty to the club. The following officers were installed: President, Mrs. Donald Cul- len; past president, Mrs. Mor- ley Robinson; 1st vice-president, Mrs. Donald Lake; 2nd_vice- president, Mrs. Lloyd Pigden; secretary, Mrs. Steve Dyl; treasurer, Mrs. Frank Elwood; registrar, Mrs. Donald Fleming; bulletin editor, Mrs. Ted Thom- son; cnd five directors--Mrs. Douglas Carmichael, Mrs. Ed- ward Lukow, Mrs. Boris Melch, Mrs. Paul Pautler, Mrs. William Leask. The highlight of the evening was the presentation of the "Margaret. Reed Trophy." This is presented to the mem- ber (not on the executive) who in the opinion of the executive has contributed most to the suc- cess of the elub's operation during the year; this member is judged on her initiative, re- sourcefulness and personal ser- vice. The winner was Mrs. Arthur Stone. The following members re- ceived Attendance Bars, for 100 per cent attendance. One year's attendance: Mrs. Peter John Graham, Mrs. Five year's attendance: Mrs.| Seven year's attendance: Mrs. Gordon Garrison, Mrs. Bruce Gerrow. Eight years' attendance: Mrs. Arthur Stone. Nine years' attendance: Mrs. Steve Dyl. Ten years' attendance: Mrs. Douglas Lowe, Mrs. John Mac- Lean, Mrs. Lewis Ripley. Thirteen years' attendance:| Mrs. Jack Menzies. | Sixteen years' attendance) Mrs. Jack Riseborough, Annual reports were given on the many projects undertaken by the Kinettes during the past year. These included work at Steven Dyl, last year's win- ner, and Mrs. Morley Robin- son, past president, present the silver rosebowl, the Mar- garet Reed Kinette of the Year trophy, to Mrs. Arthur Stone Jr. --Oshawa Times Photos meeting were Mrs. Robert Hobbs, and Mr. Donald Lake, | incoming president of the Kins- men Club. Mrs. joyed @ social evening. abeth street, NEWS IN BRIEF GOOD-LOOKERS LOST AYLESBURY, England (CP) A Buckinghamshire firm is ad- vertising for office girls "who are not too good-looking." The firm explains that it has lost so many pretty girls through mar- riage--"but fheir gain is our the Children's Shelter, Hillsdale Manor and Tuck Shop, Boys'| Club, scholarships, and assis-| tance to the Kinsmen Club. Bon voyage was expressed to} the following Kinettes and their} husbands, who will be attend- ing the Kinsmen National Con- loss." BIG CAKE LONDON (CP)--An "intern tional cake," nearly 20 fe long and seven feet high is major feature of the September Olympia Food Fair here, After vention, September 9, at the Banff Springs Hotel, Banff, Alberta, Mr. and Mrs. Morley Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. John) MacLean, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Lake. Guests in attendance at the} Watch... | 'TEEN TALK' ALL NEW the fair is over the cake will be sold in aid of the Oxford Famine Relief Fund. : HOUSEHOLD HINT Sheer curtains hang better and shed dust more readily if they are lightly starched. They are giving free buckets) + |petition. A. 0. Pollard won the { floral centrepiece from the head Morley Robinson, Mrs. Donald/table, and following the bust-} ness meeting, the Kinettes en- Mr, and Mrs. Francis Bourrie announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Frances, to William David Frolick, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Frolick, 'all of Oshawa. The wedding is to take place on Saturday, Oc- tober 3, 1964, at 11.00 a.m. in St. Gregory the Great Roman Cath- olic Church. BUCKETS AND SPADES BRISTOL, England (CP) -- British Railways, western re- gion, has hit on an idea to get more people to travel by train. and spades to children travel-| lable to enter a cash prize com-| | } Roll a bouffant petticoat as an umbrella and slip into a dis- carded nylon stocking. Save storage space. The executive meeting will be held September 16, at the-home of Mrs. Donald Cullen, 295 Eliz- : t Pretty as a picture is Vickie Shabatura, 244, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. William Shabatura, R.R. 1, Oshawa. Vickie's grandparents are Mrs. Carmen Stapley, Osh- SUGAR 'N' SPICE S ¢ JUST MARRIED William Yourkevich, was united in holy recently to. Brian and Mrs. Oshawa, matrimony Whitby. The ceremony took piace in Albert Street United Church officiating, assisted by the Reverend Luke Standret of Til- son, Manitoba. Mr. Steven Sal- mers sang "The Lord's Pray- er" and "The Wedding Prayer" and was accompanied by the or- ganist, Mrs, Charles Naylor. in marriage by her the bride wore a styled gown of Given father, traditionally WIFE PRESERVER lenin oer tao. Dente lily of the valley appliques fol- lowed the gown's bateau neck- line and drifted over the fitted bodice. The motif was repeated on the folds of the two pleats of --lIreland . Studio ~ Eugenia Kay Yourkevich Wed. were Mrs, Jack Cooper, Zenovi Salmers, Mrs. Salmers and Mrs. Wedding gifts were disp by Mrs. Donald Gilchrist (Mrs. Howard Willson. Co-workers of the bride a miscellaneous shower a was given by bridesmaids, In charge of the bride's. per- sonal trousseau was maid honor, Miss Irene Thaczuk, and in charge of shower gift rooms home of Mrs, John Kadwell. William Grandy. of Mrs, Thor Orest layed and son assisted the hostess. The' Albert Street Church choir presented bride with a -- white held| hamper. t the Irene'parents, Mr. and Mrs. clothes Following the rehearsal the wedding party was entertained) Another miscellaneous shower|at the home of the bridegroom's| Donald| To Brian Gilchrist of Whitby | Eugenia Kay, daughter of Mr.|the flowing skirt. A stylized bus.| |tle and chiffon bow accented the |lowered back waist and the hem- jline dipped into a short train. ling in special trains to seaside] witiiam Hugh Gilchrist, son of]A matching headdress held her 4 \resorts. Adult passengers are|Mr. and Mrs. Donald Gilchrist,|veil of silk illusion and she car- ried pink rosebuds and stepha- |notis and heather sent from the \bridegroom's relatives in Scot- lwith 'the Reverend A. E. Larke|land. | Miss Irene Thaczuk was the {maid of honor and the brides- {maids were Miss Carol Jenkins, |Miss Lydia and Miss Elsie Tri- jchuk, both of Niagara on the \Lake, Miss Cathy Salmers was the flower girl. The bridesmaids were-dressed alike in apricot satapeau, styled with fitted bodices, shallow, jscooped necklines and full, bell skirts with front panels giving a wrap-over iook. Self hats, softened with veiling completed their ensembles and they car- ried nosegays of white chrysan- themums. The flower girl car- ried her white: flowers, tinted apricot in a bridal basket. She wore a white organza dress with an apricot sash and matching bow on her hair. Mr. Wayne Brooks of Brook- lin was best man. Ushering were Mr. Wayne Willson, Bronte; Mr. David Willson, Oak- ville, and Mr. Lewis Yourke. vich, Oshawa, A reception was held in the Ukrainian National Hall. The bride's mother received in a "blue sheath of organza with matching lace coat and hat and awa, and Mrs. Irene Schab of Kamsack, Saskatchewan. Her great grandparents are Mr. and Mrs, George Butcher of Belleville. --Mary's Studio a corsage cf pink carnations. The bridegroom's mother was in a two-piece pink shantung sheath and jacket with match-' ing hat and corsage of white carnations. As the couple left on their ing a three-piece ensemble of pink linen and lace, white acces- sories and a corsage of pink rosebuds. honeymoon, the bride was wear-|f. the highly skilled ot BAKER'S. My ging or bulging: shrinkage too! Experience' The House of Flaire COIFFURES 723-6901 - 9 Bond St. E. Prop.: BOB BUZMINSKI How do | know? neighbours BAKER-CLEANED drapes. "JUST ONE CALL DOES THEM ALL"-- "Over 80 Years' Your local Agent... Co. LTD. bon SIMCOE NORTH PHONE 728-6218 ------= I Wish | Had Known Before that the BAKER people did such an excellent job cleaning draperies as well as rugs. time I'll remember that the perfect workman- ship of specialized equipment is backed by Next hands of trained personnel drapes will have accurately squared corners and even hemlines, no sag- linings . . . guaranteed no | saw my BAKE R Cleaning Co. E. MILLS A get-acquainted tea was held by Mrs. Donald Gilchrist, moth- er of the bridegroom, in Whitby. Many friends came to meet the bride-to-be. Mrs. Howard Will- United the MEL KRUGER REPRESENTATIVE SUN LIFE Assurance Company of Canada RESIDENCE: BUSINESS: 723-7900 725-4563 1 "REGISTER TODAY! Day School CAREER DIPLOMA COURSES SECRETARIAL MEDICAL/LEGAL SECRETARIAL CLERITYPE ACCOUNTING BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS EDUCATION REGISTER TODAY! Adult Education EVENING CLASS. @ TYPING = BOOKKEEPING @ BUSINESS MACHINES | @ SHORTHAND @ SPECIALIZED COMMERCIAL SUBJECTS Classes Start on Sept. 9th Melch, Mrs. Lloyd Pigden, Mrs. Douglas Carmichael,. Mrs. Don- ald Fleming, Mrs. Ted Thomson. Three year's attendance: Mrs. Dave McCann, Mrs. Boris Melch, Mrs. Archie Hubert, Mrs. Bruce Williams. Four year's attendance: Mrs. Donald Cullen, Mrs. George Thomas, Mrs. Paul Pautler. "REGISTER TODAY! STARTS Tues. Sept. 15 in the TIMES! Home Study Courses @ CLERK TYPIST @ SECRETARIAL @ ACCOUNTING @ BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION 66 the money our te loan Saved us FREE NIGHT SCHOOL TO HOME STUDY STUDENTS extra chair99 You're in love, you're engaged, and you couldn't be happier . . . until you see divinely beautiful bridal gowns from our. heavenly array for Fall and Winter weddings. Come in, choose your preference for the happiest day of all. Elegant fashions for every member of the wedding, too. The smart college girl never plays all her cards (Her second pair of Cloud Nine shoes is her surprise ace) "ACT NOW" 728-7081 THE AREA CANADIAN SCHOOL OF BUSINESS Head Office for all Divisions 52/2 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA She knows all the tricks in the fashion game if she wears Cloud, Nine Shoes. These smartly styled casuals win attention every- Rats: where you go. Play to win with Available exclusively at BATA. See Royal Bank first before you shop. Arrange for a low-cost loan. It puts buying power, bargaining power in your pocket, leaves you more dollars to spend on that new set of f furniture, or any other "big buy". Save money next time you. @ B borrow... Finance in advance at Cloud Nine from $4.99 to $5.99. ROYAL BANK OF OSHAWA 64 SIMCOE ST. NORTH DOWNTOWN; 15 SIMCOE STREET N. and OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE PHONE 725-6682

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