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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Sep 1964, p. 22

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Women "PERSONALS Toronto guests attending the Guests from a distance st- 'Wright-Patterson wedding in tending the Wright - Patterson Holy Trinity Anglican Church, 4 Ajax, recently were: Mr, and|"°dding in Ajax recently were: Mrs. Peter Gould, Mr. and Mrs,| Miss Lynda Patterson and Miss Alfred Knight, Mr. and Mrs.|Gloria Patterson, Stoughton, L. C, MeManus, Miss Gail|Saskatchewan; Mr, and Mrs, Towner, Mr. and Mrs. Chris-|William Davis, Ashburn; Mr. topher Wright and Mr, Fred/and Mrs. Dennis Furnace, Bay | greatest fighter, Lel Crodobes, |at a bill fight in Malaga. Mrs. Pat McLean has recently returned from a two-week motor trip to Moncton, New Bruns- wick, where she visited her par- ents, Mr. and Mts. Jolin Rum- sey and Mrs. McLean's sof, John. : : Mt. and Mrs. Joseph Serge, Wentworth street west, have Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 aie "Wi Gamaadles' eae ARE. Mr*, Downie Furnace, Bayi ittoed trom, & vaautiea, 2s and Miss Karol News. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Gubb, Mr,|Sliema; Malta, where they visit- Donald Moor, Mr. and Mrs. ed Mr. Serge's parents, Mr. Oshawa guests attending the| Philip Moor, Mr, and Mrs, Wil-\and Mrs. J. F. Serge, and other Wright - Patterson wedding in|liam Wahrer, and Mr, and Mrs,|felatives. -They also' spent some Ajax, recently were Mr. and|Larry all of Scarbor-|time in Paris and London, Mrs. Harvey Gabona, Miss Joanjough; and Miss Jan Metcalfe,| England. Shier, Miss Jean Tripp, Mr. andj Islington. : Mrs. Donald Wilcox and Mr. J and Mrs, Ronald Worsley. Mr. Peter O'Boyle, Gaspe ave- Whitby guests attending were|?U¢, has returned from a two- Mr. and Mrs, Edward Dawson,|months vacation in Ronda, Prov- Mr. and Mrs. Pat Neal, Miss|ince of Malaga, Southern Spain. Peggy Neal, Mr. and Mrs, Russell Powell, Mr, and Mrs. K.|t MARRY IN GUELPH Schoenstedt, Mr. and Mrs, Mr. Lawrence Cole Alle, Dougherty according to an | Ralph Stratford. announcement made today by Mr. and ag tof '7 Ling Grabko, Oshawa. Oshawa, ogg - Pon Sins Devenorer'l cadenan ike pe esneet yon ihe beidaatooth is|,.Annandale Golf and Country bride, Miss Ju 1, and Mrs. William M. Dough- the pore Mr. and Mrs. Albert Fy igre Po yd errs poe AB Soe The William Wright of Ajax, beide's mother souelved wearing 'CANADIAN WARMTH' rp eh lh sett oe j cd e ' iS : Saturday, October 3, at 3.00 ye j The Reverend A. C. Herbert a rose lace dress and matching) Officials estimate there are 36 om. ia. Dublin Breet United Kel aa aad a ' Cf ' officiated and the wedding musi!) ket with black and white|999- familiesin Seoul, Korea, who| Church, Guelph. Miss Dough- ff z Walker of Ajax, **laccensories and a corsage. Of arg in desperate need of warm| erty is a graduate, class of / ' Hurry in now for the best buys anywhere Walker of Ajax. white carnations. The bride- 63 of the Nightingale School JOIN THE CONTEST The bride's father gave her! soom's mother assisted in a|Wwinter clothing. Last year, Ca-| ¢¢ Nursing, Toronto. Mr. Allen this FLEETWOOD PORTABLE TV in marriage. Her floorlength pale pink nubby linen dress and|nadians responded to an appeal! jg jhe son of Mr. and Mrs. With every major appliance purchass : y i Ht J. Allen, | you become eligible to take part in ¥ Roger's sensational LUCKY DRAW CON- TEST . .. drop in ot ROGER APPLIANCES today .. . ask for full details . . . contest expires Sat., Sept. 26th. 7 Wallan nse TIMES, Wednesday, September 9, 1964 Eileen Patterson, Jim Wright Honeymooning in New York A trip to the World's Fair,pale yellow carnations and in New York city followed the|shasta chrysanthemums; the of Alice Eileen Patter-|seniors' in cascades and the son: of ya and James Ross} flower girl's, in a basket. Wright, Ajax, in Holy Trinity) Mr, Byron Blundell, Ajax, was Anglican Church, Ajax, recently.| the best man and ushering were e bride is the daughter of'Donald Hunt, Ajax and Victor): When you need "HOME-NURSING" Call a V.0.N, Nurse 725-2211 'Home-Ni Care for EVERYONE" ES A/S ct : Pil ¥ }] gown of white peat ae oe enaldacket with pink and beige ac- made by the Unitarian Service] Lawrence T. LYNDA. DISPLAYS TASTY WINNER fashioned with a belled skirt and chapel train topped by a back-\°essories and a corsage of pink) Committee and provided winter) Oshawa. ~ . buttoned, waist-length jacket] Sweetheart roses. wear for 10,000 people in a Seoul --Ballard and Jarrett | "Photo by Turofsky | ¥ i+, jewel neckline and sheath] As the couple left on their|sium, The USC, a non-denomi-\----------7 |sleeves. A self-rose held her|wedding trip to New Jersey,|national relief agency has jtst! | shoulder-length, bouffant veil of|New York and Detroit, the brid') announced the launching of its : }silk illusion and she cartied alwas wearing a beige bouclé/new work project, '"Canadian| . LONDON (CP) -- A Quéen Brooklin Girl's Cakes Wi jeascade of yellow rosebuds,| dress and matching cape, a tan|warmth' for the needy over-|Anne three-piece tea set from . re ' * LF Bed | ' ; rt First Prizes At Exhibition Fas ga ge ig veya' a and brown f Fmt seas along with its twentieth an-|an unnamed source was sold at! : | Miss Joan Gibbons of Ajax|accessories.eA corsage of Talis-|/niversary year appeal for $330,-| cotnoby' for £9.200. Th roses 6 her Up ei, A is". Purel* y's for ,200. 6 sét, wos Ot ee 2a, ar ss cieeaeibae reamed 008 Eriendaiip Dollats . Fur-| onsisting ofa sitll: tea Fer TEA SET SOLD Good cooks began early in| Mrs, John Petrie, RR 2, Pick- bl | { { ing de- : " deer other attendants. were Mis s}ensemble. ther information on clothing de é : sal po | Siar L oe astlering. (0k & first-with a poner Betty Ann Cannon, Atikokan,) Mr, and mrs. Wright willj/pots and their requiremen:s ig) Mille jug and covered silver and Miss Lynda Kydd, Brook-jpie and a second with mayon-| Ontario, and Mrs. Victor Grab-| reside at 33 Church street south,|available at USC headquarters,|bow!. was mede by R. Watts ™ 3 - = baa es 0 Pesta go yp veg Ri gg ot Oneave. Twins, henge ~-- Pickering. |63 Sparks Street, Ottawa 4.° 'in 1712. | "9 ee 9 "tora es ' | Alvi 'atterson,, Sister andj-~ aenannti . dent, the daughter of Mr. and|with a jar of strawberry jam an af the bride. wefe Mrs, Carl Kydd, Heberdownjand Mrs, K. Chomko, RR 1,) flower girl and ring bearer crescent, Brooklin, won two first) Whitby, took first ptize with al The attendants wore jade|* | ved orale ti " peer jar of canned raspberries. green peau de soie, the séniors| auional Exhibition. In specia .|in floor-length styles with waist- junior contests, Miss Kydd "tag gee Saneies, sane, Fatt \length jackets and elbow-length : ; dents captured twelve prizes out) " Placed first with a light layer|(¢ "competition with over| Sleeves; the flower girl's sho-1 cake filled and iced and another seven hundred entries, most|#fd fulkskirted, All wore head- first with a chocolate layer|, Pinte ie, .«| dresses of matching peau de sole ake, also filled and iced ee ae eee their fl cake, als + udged by a panel of fourteen| ts€s and eir flowers were Miss Kydd tried her hand at judges workirig in teams of two! %4 9g5° VALUE Model 19-18... 19" Portable' , { diode) 19% Whusiteted' shennal indicator, 'slimlined shoes Portable Transistor Radios -- AM/FM NEW! a Blue Bonnet package that contains 2nd & 3rd LUCKY DRAW PRIZES baking for the Brooklin Fair and won there with an apple ple. This gave her the desire to in the. East Auditorium of the| Grandstand and it took most of] 'One day to complete the jtdg- THE STARS SAY By ESTRELLITA | ceorereme VALUED AT $59.50 EACH try at the CONE. She comes by/itg. it honestly as her mother has} Although entries were received| FOR TOMORROW ye Bs in _ past -~ * age from British . Columbia, Sas-| Though not exciting, job and- - a it rize ts year with a swick,|Or businéss affairs should run| nifie nee apple, pie, and a sec- katchewan and New -$ Spentebacga TE: wal now, 'bet {t will bel | NEW WRINKLE IN DRYING ENDS WRINKLES IN CLOTHES «« it's RELVINATOR'S [A] UTOMATIC ° ond prize with a chocolate cake,|most were ffom Ofitario asi otant to use extreme cau- most entrants feel that the} t ( u dnincs Plp, ni, Fort Perry, 40d ples shouldbe baked son eed tsavagance, bai] d who captured four. prizes, "one Within 24 hours of judging time] 1, indulge it, an be fool-| - first for a loaf of brown bread,|and since they must be de-\hardy, since stars indicate that home made, and seconds in ajlivered to the CNE by 10.00'you may be faced with some F E S ' loaf of white, home made bread; !4 m, many bake through the|Uhexpected expenses. bel Knes Ge ieee évening and drive half the night FoR THE BIRTHDAY second in a special coffee cake|t0 get to the Exhibition on) If tomorrow is your birthday| competition. time. your horoscope indicates that) i | you are just entering a 12:| month cycle which will be un-| usually propitious for work fé- quiring imagination and origin- ality. This does not mean that |éreatve workers will experi- encé 4 séries of speciacular succéssés but, rather, that by) capitalizing on their talents and) trying to maintain a réasonable| pace of endeavor, they can, by! year's end, bé cértain of the «+. and here's what Kelvinator's CDE-721 dryer with A,T.D, will: do for yous (1) NEVER BAKES IN WRINKLES! fecoghition' loward which thé Kelvinator shuts off avtomatic- aim. Théir best periods, inspir-| \ ' ally when clothes are just right ationally speaking, will occur in| l : \\ never underdries, never overs November, February, March 4 driest and June, Those in other ca-) reers will be governed by good} planetary influences for the bal-| jance of this month, between jmid-December and late March, next May and September. For all:' best months for financial matters are November, the first three months of 1965, next June and September. (2) REMOVES WRINKLES FROM WASH-WEARI Special wash- wear cycle removes wear wrinkles, but keeps in preset creases! (3) FLUFFS AWAY WRINKLESI Cool tumble at end of eath Personal interests should prosper during most of the year; ahead but unless you determine} to avoid it, you may experience some stress in close circles in |mid-December, late March and- Model CDE 721 cyelé leaves clothes soft and fluffyl (4) SIGNALS WHEN DRYING IS DONE! Buzzer:sounds so you may remove clothes and ven tewrinkling! wags © 2 Timed Cycles for damp drying end "no-heat' fluffing. © Triple. Safety! Safe, smesth @rum; . safe low door! or early April. Best periods for romance and social activities: the balance of this month, laté, December, next April, May and August; for travel: January, May, July and August. KELVINATOR BRINGS YOU GREATER VALUES! Through a program of Constant ° 3 Mest! Nermel Wshoweor ond Operation. Basic Improvement, Kelvinator cons inredor tight. © Poreslath Top and Drum, centrates engineering time cand @ Essy-o-clean Lint trop. : : @ Lighted Backguard. money to bring you appliances MUST BE CLEARED that are more useful, more de- i ure pendable and more economical to SOCIAL GRACES | MONTREAL (CP) -- Sylvia Gill, a Hudson, Que., house- wife, opened a business college and finishing school with unique qualifications. "I've been mar- ried to a businessman: for 14 yeats and 1 know what irks) him," she said, Grooming,| poise, GonVersation and social gfaces are emphasized sine e} |"these thark the diffetence be-| ' ~|twen a stnographer and an 5; : eal @ | operate. jexéctilive secriary." | : ' a for new models. Was $228.00 188.50 PANSMS ben weak Mr. and Mrs. William Han- non, Maple streét, Ajax, were hénored recénitly 6n the ocea- sién of theif 25th wédding antivéefsary, when rélatives, friends and neighbors attended a party at their home. Mr. and Mrs. Hannon were mat ried on Atigust 26, 1939, in Tillsonburg, Ontatio. They have One daughter, (Joan) Mfs, Robert Géorge, Oshawa and a son Jéfry Statiéned on the HMCS Bonaventure. Mr. and Mfs. Hanrion have beéh residents of Ajax, for 20 years. Horton Studio, Ajax KELVINATOR Aulomatic DRYER Model CDE-301. Fully automatic with 120 Minute Timer . . . Porclain Enamel Drum . «. concealed Litt Trap... e@padcity 18 Ibs Of wet cléthes. KELVINATOR 30" ELECTRIC RANGE Model KR-310: Automatic Oven Tim= er, Clock afid Minute Reminder, Fast surface elernénts, Timéd Applionce Outlet, Lift-Off Oven Door with win+ The package foil-wrapped to seal in Blue Bonnet's pure 100% vegetable oil goodness! Each golden-yellow pound conveniently shaped to dow, Storage Drawer, etc, etc. .. + fit the refrigerator compartment and your setving 169 50 W.T. ; - 128. 5 6 PAYM dish. Each pound fs individually wrapped in parch« ENTS AS LOW AS arAaD A at! ld Small spate . . , ment, Use one, the fest stay fresh. The whole feational sondlized service by 4 times sites inter Regerd denetionst Lueky Draw package is overwrapped in sparkling foilyou wore" Know it's fresh when you buy it! ; APPLIANCES. | ote fc 155 SIMCOE SOUTH | iit snus She ee is to dvanti . sone a Aa NAN des: SION ON A NEW APPLIANCE for FABRICS TO CHOOSE FROM! By The Yard At HARLEIGH SUPPLIES (Oshawa Ltd.) ' Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3012 WHY YOU ALWAYS PAY LESS Take © store slightly out of the a" of the dowhtown @ré6 . . ¢ a Famous all vegetable, Yellow Quik quality! This new package contains the samé, puré vegetable ol! margarine you've always known. Blue B6Anet is made only' with 100° vegetable Oll...no matiné oils or animal fats, Enjoy the nutritional advantages and sunny-sweeét flavor of Blue Bonnet every. day! For réal package-lo-plate e6nvenience, Blue Bornet also comes in the one pound package of quarters, Unwrap one quarter, slice and servel > 728-2151 OPEN THURS, & FRI. tel Every tem POLCY ea Ane NIGHT TILL 9 P.M. Naceciablat Plate 4 large sponge in the bottom of your umbrella stand to absorb dripping water. 00 AAA 00000000000000000 088 aJeDaYsYoyoZareYs'sTasDaYadale%aladuraoteatadalalatataretetetaton

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