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Oshawa Times (1958-), 11 Sep 1964, p. 13

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LIAR! SALE IS nA {eo ar THE PENTAGON IN WASHINGTON, D.C, TM RESTLESS, JIM, WANT 10 BE FREE eames | | | 3 EY... THERE MAS eae COMING 10 ABOUT. CHECK ON HIM ,. MICKEY MOUSE MY UNCA MICKEY'S PAINTING HIS BOAT! fe wi ' . ash ete THE OSHAWA TIMES, Fridey, Septeniber 41,1964 43 TELEVISION LOG CHCH-TV Channel 11--Hamilton CBLT-TV Channel 6--Toronto WGR-TV Channel '2--Buffalo WBEN-TV Channel 4--Buffalo WKBW-TV Channel 7--Buffalo WROC-TV Channel $--Rochester CFTO-TV Channel 9--~Toronto .. CKVR-TV Channel 3--Barrie FRIDAY EVENING 5:00 Pm. WFamily Theatre 9--Five O'clock Matinee @--Superman. 7--The Early Show 4--Five O'Clock Show 2--Magilla Gorilla 6:30 PLM. $--Huckleberry Hound 2--The Rifleman 6:00 P.M. é--Hollywood and the Stars 4--News With Van Miller 3~Frontier Doctor 2--Today, 1964 6:15 P.M, 4-Headline News 6:30 PLM. | 114-4-3---News; Weather) T--Highway Patrol 6--Town Cric7--Publi¢ Affairs 6:43 PLM. Ni--Family Theatre 6-2--Huntley - Brinkley 7:00 P.M. 9--The Flintstones 8--Honeymooners 7-6--News, Weather, Sports 4--People Are Funny 3--Wagon Train 2--Frectured Flickers 1:30 PAA. 9--Coaches Conference 8-2--internationai Showtime 7--Destry 6--Wendy and M 4--The Great Adventure 6:00 P.M 9--Movie 11--Combat 9--Coaches Conference' 63--A Place For Every- thing 6:30 P.M. $-2--Bob Hope 7--Burke's Law 32--News and Sports 1:20- P.M, 1-4--Lete Show 11:30. P.M, Late Show P--Arrest and Trial 6--Premiere 3--Movie SATURDAY 8:00 A.M. 43--Popeye's Piayhouse 2--Clvich Cargo 6:30 A.M, 7--Farm and Home Hour] 2--Superman 9:00 A.M, !1$chnitzel House 4--Puppet Carnival 2--Felix The Cat 9:30 AM. %--Meta Presents 1--P Popeye 4--Field Trip with Fred Hall 2--Cartoon Capers 10:00 A.M. V--Huckleberry Hound 9--Cartoon Party 8-2--Hector Heathcote 7--Heckle and Jeckle 4Quick Draw McGraw 10:30 A.M. Il--Hawkeye 9--Toastmaster Junior Auction 6-2--Firevall XL-5 7--Magic Allakazam 4~-Mighty Mouse Playhouse 11:00 A.M, 9--Cartoon Party 6-2--Dennis The Menace 7--Cartoons 6--Cousin Bill 4--Rin Tin Tin 11:30 A.M. 11--Wrestling F--Littie Theatre 7--Matty's Funnies 4--Roy Rogers 2--Fury 12:00 NOON 8-2 63--The J 4--Route 66 9:00 P.M, Ni--Jamboree 9 YEAH, ANNIE-- WHAT LICKED } BARGEVILLE THIS TIME WAS ABOUT THE WHAT'S WITH ANNIE I SAW HER RUNNING UP}! - THE STREET, AND.I'? SWEAR SHE WAS ~ CRYING Recininintsonin 9:30 P.M. 1l--No Time For Sergeants 8-2--On Parade 7--Price is Right 63--Telescope 4--Twilight Zone 10:00 P.M, N--Steve Allen 9--McHale's navy 8-2--Jack Paar | 7--Fight ot The Week | 6--Ben Casey 4--Alfred Pb ors Hour 3--The Untouchables 7--Bugs Bunny | 6Robin Hood 4--Sky King 12:30 P.M. li--John Bradshaw 9--Jungle Boy 8-2--Mr. Wizard 7--American Bandstand 6--Mr. Magoo 4--Cartoons 1:00 P.M, HakThe Buccaneers | 6-OFL Football 9--Theatre 4--Basebail 2:30 P.M, 9--HI-Time Major League Baseball 7--Top Star Bowling 3:30 P.M, Sir Lancelot 9-7--Wrestling 4:00 P.M, Hawkeye 6--Bowling 4:30 PLM. 11--Wrestling 6:00 P.M. 63-20-20 Documentary 4~Adventures of Wiltiam Telj 5:30 P.M. llThis Space Age 63--Cartoons 4--Original Amateur Hour 2--Sports Special SATURDAY EVE. 6:00 P.M. 1i--Strikes and Spares 9--Donna Reed J--Early Show 6--Countrytime 4--Wrestling 3--Mr. and Mrs, North 2--Superman 60 P.M, 11--Polka Party 9--Johnny Quest 6--Keynotes 3--Ripcord 2--Billiard Champions 6:45 P.M, 9-64-3--News) Weather) Sports 7:00 P.M, 1--Star Route rT S-gVoyage To e Spottom of The Sea 6-3--Hancock 4---UB Round Table Panel 2~Dragnet 7:30 P.M. (1--Club 11 Dance Party 8-2---The Lieutenant 7--Hootenanny 6--The Saint 4--The Lucy-Des! Comedy 3--Danger Man 6:00 P.M. 9--Academy Performance 6:30 P.M. 8-2--Joey Bishop 7-- Lawrence Welk Show 6-3--Beverly Hillbillies 4---The Defenders |l1--Hobby Time With Jane Gray | 9--~Theatre ' | 6-3~Expo, '67 4--Rural Review 2--NCAA Football 1:15 P.M, 4--Farming Tips 1:00 P.M, 11-8-7-6-4-3-2--News} Weather Sports | 18 P.M | %--Metro Final | 6--Viewpoint | 1:30 P.M, 7--Roller Derby 6--Smali Elephants 4--Film Feature 2:00 P.M, 1t--Matinee 9:00 P.M. 8-2--Movie 6-3--Great Movies 9:30 P.M. \i--Naked City 7--Hollywood Palace 4--Summer Playhouse 10:00 P.M. 9--Sports Hot Seat 4--Miss America Pageant 10:30 P.M. N--Biockbuster 9--Twilight Zone 11:09 P.M. 1-9-8-7-6-4-3-2--News) Weather; Sports 1:16 PLM. 11--Block Buster Con tinved- 9--Metro Final 6-2--Saturday Night at The Movies 6--Night Metre 3--Movie 11:20 PLM, 9-4--Late Show 6--Sports 11:30 P.M, 4--Fred Astaire Theatre 12:30 A.M. 46--Tight Rope SUNDAY 7:00 AM 4--Popeye's Playhouse 2--Cartoons 9:30 AM. 11--Itallan Journal 7--The Christophers 2--Portraits of My People 10:00 A.M, 1--Carasello 8--The Bible Answers T--Rocket Ship 7 4--Lamp Unto My Feet 2--Children's Gospel Hour 0:8 AM N--En France 4--Uncle Jerry's Club 2--This is The Life Tifte A.M, 11--Bucaneers 9--Meta Presents 8--This is The Life ote te 4--Camere Three 1:30 AM, 11--Sir Lancelot 9--Spectrum 7--Mind Over Myth 4--The Way 2--Sacred Heart &The Christophers 12:00 NOON Oral Roberts 12:18 PLM. 4~Americans At Work 12130 PMA. 2--Family Playhouse 1:00 PLM. 11--Continental Miniature | 1:30 P.M, --Spotlight 9--All Star Theatre 7--Issues and Answers 3--Country Calendar 4---NFL Football 2:00 P.M, 11--Sunday Movie 9--Twin Bilj Theatre T--MacBeth 6--World of Sport 4--Football 2:30 P.M. 7--Dialogue 3100 P.M, Jt--My Little Margie 4--World of Sport 3:30 PLM, 7--The Deputy -- 400 ©.M, N--En France 7--Bowling 63--Country Calendar 4:30 P.M. --Tiny Talent Time 9--World of Sport ' $-3--Swimming 4--Travel : By B. JAY BECKER ' (Top record-holder in Masters' 1, You are. declarer with the West hand at Three Notrump. North leads the seven of spades and South plays the jack, How would you play the hand? . AQs seis [Wels Sii03 ad 2. You are declarer the West hand at Six . North leads the jack of hearts, How would you play the hand? ' ; 743 w gate, os $i: 3 1, Whenever you are declarer, there are two other at the table who presw are trying hard to defeat the con- tract. It frequently happens that CROSSWORD AOROSS 1, Cross person: collogq, 5, Baby's carriage 9, Immense 10, Buddhist monk 11, Iroquois 13. Sign of the infinitive 14, A shade of brown 15. Chinese silk i 17, On the ocean 20, Affirma- tive reply 22, At home 23. Dangers 25. Notice 27. Constella- tion 28, Hyson 29, Fi Aati 21,4 7. Wine receptacles 8, Golf club 12,7 ina week 18. Knock ightly 16, Particle of addition 18, Epochs 19. Ventilated bundle, as of grain ISICIAIT BE S/HIAIM| eohna TLL INIE] AY ae IND MMAINITIE] isITIAIY MMe lAlVis Yesterday's Answer 39. The 45, Girl's name 46, Evening: poet, rae 31 Warning 34. Conjune- tion 35, Indistinct 37, Large, floating mass of ice 38, Exclama- tion 40. Steal 42. Biblical » city 43, Systema- tizes 47, Fibbed 48. Cherish 49. Poker stake 50. Look slyly DOWN 1. Select CHACA ! THIS JUNGLE JUNK" 16 POISON, PHIL / i) SECRET AGENT X93 PEDDLING IT TRACK. HIM DOWN lee saenuaracn ubhward in % Arumba River Paerreel takes place.,, one of these opponents poses a much greater threat to you than the other because of the particus lar circumstances that exist. This opponent is generally re- ferred to as the dangerous op- ponent. In the present hand, North is the dangerous opponent, He seems to have a long spade guit that may well prove to be | jundoing if he is allowed to cash it. To prevent this from h te ing, you try to disarm him, Witt the jack of spades with the queen and lead the ten of hearts. The purpose is to dis- - lodge North's ace of hearts, if he has it If the ten wings the trick, you then lead the jack of clubs, plan.' ning to finesse. If the ten loses the trick, you duck the spade return and then win the continu ation. Now you take the club finesse, Even if it loses to South, you are practically sure of making the contract. South may be out of spades, because North started with five of them, or he may have a spade to return, in which case, North cannot have had more than four. If it turns out that the spades are divided 4-4, you make three notrump, The possibility you have to watch out for is that North may have some such hand as: |@ K10874 MAM @Q765 BS In such case, taking the club finesse before leading a heart would be fatal. 2. Win the ace of hearts, draw trumps, and cash the ace of diamonds. If both opponents fol- low suit, you can assure the con- tract 100 per cent by leading an- other diamond and playing low from dummy. This play guards against a possible 4-1 division in diamonds and guarantees twelve tricks. If you were to go "WHEN ALL HE LEFT US WAS A MERE. MILLION APIECE! up with the queen of diamonds instead, you would go down if it turned out that the naca a | were divided 4-1 and North ha the king of spades, Tomorrow: A_ remarkable hand. Viet Talks Optimistic well D. Taylor, United States ambassador in Saigon, winds up four days of Washington talks today in an atmosphere of guarded optimism over prose pects for the anti-guerrilla war in South Viet Nam, While State Secretany Dean Rusk scheduled a late morning press conference, Taylor planned to testify before private sessions of the Senate foreign relations and House of Repre- sentatives foreign affairs com- mittees. Taylor was due to leave Washington by plane tonight te return to his Saigon post. Since Taylor's arrival here Monday the broad administra. tion review of the South Viet Nam situation has centred on political stability in the former Indochina state, In the U.S. view, South Viet Nam needs a_ strong central government under good leader- ship to: cope with the Commue nist insurgents. After more than two weeks of political turmoil, Premier Nguyen Khanh is once again emerging in control and he has U.S. backing. Wednesday President Johnson met with his senior military and diplomatic advisers and Taylor and later 14 congressional lead- ers attended a two-hour meeting at the White House to hear Tay- lor, : Later Johnson told reporters that Taylor had reported "con- tinued progress in the field of the Vietnamese army's fight against the Communist Viet Cong." ITSEEMED SUSPICIOUSLY R CASINO ail me LITTLE FOR A SUCCESSFUL COUNTRY DOCTOR" BRETT, FOLKS REGENT YOU) BECAUSE /T BRINGS ROUGHNECKS AND WILD IPS 70 OUR TOWN. BUT Vi A PLAN THAT MIGHT WIV AND A QUARTER PER CENT, WE COULD BUILD THE NEW ' SCHOOL== - CK THE LONE RANGER HE HAS NO ONE T NUTS, 19 (2) So ONT Lous BLAME THINGS ON! ARE AN ONLY CHILD HAS THE hry > A BREAK DONALD DUCK MUGGS AND SKEETER THERE'S MORE EF NO, RESPONSIBILITY. TMBAN...AS A FRIEND, NO, BLAST IT---THATS NOT TRUE, 4 KISS ME BECAUSE I WANT You 'TO AND BECAUSE YOU..:YOL : COURSE + WITH EVERY PROMOTION WATER IN DEMAND Every person in the U.S. uses 220,000 gallons of water a year through the total agricultural, industrial and domestic needs, SALLY'S SALLIES JULIET JONES NEXT TIME, LL BRING A UKULELE AND SING HAWAIIAN SONGS TO You YOU'VE N IN MY CHAIR -FOR SERONTS MINUTES) AND YOU HAVEN'T SAID A word GOODNESS, JEROME.., DON'T YOU KNOW You CAN LOSE A LOT OF TEETH FIGHTING P aN arid righta reserved. J "OKing at Let i9e4. Ww. "I did read the directiong, They say to wait till it pops up."

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