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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Sep 1964, p. 7

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'SEPTEMBER IS THE POPULAR CHOICE FOR THESE WEDDINGS RECENTLY IN St. Peter's. Anglican Church, Elizabeth Szabo, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Willam Szabo, became » the bride of Robert Norman Taylor, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Taylor, all of Oshawa. -eMary's Studo. Reception, Dinner, Parties Honor Rosmere Mr. and Mrs, Maxwell Gor- don Coleman, Rosmere street, recently celebrated their silver wedding, anniversary. They were tried in St. Joseph's parish, tawa, Ontario, and lived in Smiths Falls;'prior to coming th Oshawa eight years ago. They have five children: Brian in fourth year university, Diane at home, twins Donna and Linda and John Michael in school, Mass was attended by the family at St. Mary of the People Roman Catholic Church with the Reverend N. J. Gignac officiating, after which the bride and bridegroom of twenty-five years ago renewed their mar- riage vows, Open house was held at their home, Rosmere street, from two to six in the afternoon with _amany friends and neighbors call- ing, among a besa Father » pastor, Mary's h, also the Reverend A. Awaka of the Congo. Those pouring tea were: Mrs. Robert Knox, Mrs. George King, Mrs. Arthur Howard and Mrs, Rus- sell Springstein. Servers were: Miss Kathy Springstein, Miss ously been held Mrs. street. in honor of the anniver- sary couple with the members of the bridge club being the other guests. IN ST, GEORGE'S Ukrain-. ian Catholic Church, recently Marian Yakymchuk, Oshawa, took as his bride Mary Kady- lak, of Toronto, The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wosiew Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 15,1964 7 Forty years ago, on Septem- ber 12, 1924, English-born Mabel Fields and Carleton Graham of Scugog Island were united in marriage by the, Reverend Mr. 4 \McNeeley in Toronto. Saturday last, September 12, 1964, to mark the ruby anniversary of the wedding and as an expres- sion of, the high esteem th many friends hold for the couple, a surprise party was held in their honor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ira G. Travell, entre street. Mrs, Stewart Rodman, now. rseiding in Oshawa and former- ly of Scugog, Mrs. I. G. Travell' and Mrs. Hugh Hargrave (nee Dorothy Graham) were Co- © |hostesses. Close friends, neigh- bors and relatives gathered to '\congratulate the pair. Their 'lonly daughter, Dorothy, and her '|husband, Mr. Hugh Hargrave, and their three grandchildren, Graham, Sharon and Billy, of Toronto as well as Mrs, Gra- ham's sister, Mrs. Gordon Hope and Mr. Hope of Uxbridge, were the immediate relatives attend- ing the party. Ivan Kadylak of the Ukraine and the bri4esroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Hrehory Yakymchuk of Oshawa, --Mary's Studio Mr. and Mrs. Graham's son, St. Couple guests at the Hotel Genosha in the evening for dinner; accom- panied by their family. They were then driven to the Annan- dale Golf and Country Club, Pickering, where they were sur- prised by their family, friends and neighbors. Mr. Robert Springstein was the master of ceremonies for the evening. After dancing till midnight, a buffet supper was served and an anniversary cake was cut by the couple. The toast was proposed by Mr. Roland Nadeau of To- ronto, The couple were present- ed with a silver tree of silver dollars and a pair of silver can- delabra for which they express- ed their grateful appreciation, They received many other gifts of money and silver, an oil painting from their family, num- erous floral arrangements, tele- grams and many A barbecue had previ- Mr. and George King, Rosmere Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth John- prayer. UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES Mr. Vernon Graham, and fam- ily were unable to join the gathering as they are now liv- honor to visit her for the eve- KING STREET UCW 10 Unit 10 of King Street United Church Women met at the home of Mrs. Arthur Joness on Sep- tember: 9, for its first meeting this fall, with the members enjoying a pot-luck supper. Mrs. Brent Oldfield was wel- comed into the Unit. The Feast of the Seven Tables on Thursday, September 24, was announced, Tickets are available from the Unit Leaders. The unit is entertaining the) "Ardent Workes" Unit' 8 on October 7 at 8.00 p.m. Mrs, Glen Stevens was in charge of the worship having as her theme, "Neighbors." ST. STEPHEN'S UCW 'Mrs. David Duchemin pre- sided at the first meeting of the fall season of St, Stephen's UCW. The meeting was opened with the theme, purpose The story of the Good Samari- tan was read. by Mrs. Em- manuel Hurvid with the theme "Being a Good Neighbor', Mrs. Robert Ambrose read a poem, "Let Me Be a Little Kinder". |Hamilton Group of St. Paul's ining, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Arnold of Scugog Island, As soon as the friends Church Women held at Albert College in Belleville in July. Mrs. Charles Rundle showed Fond Friends, Neighbors Hold Surprise Party For Scugog Pair slides of her recent trip to Eng- land, The program for the October meeting will be on stewardship and recruiting with Mrs. Alex Ferries in charge. Refreshments were served /in the ladies' parlor. MARGARET HAMILTON GRP. The members of the Margaret SOCIAL NOTICES MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. ~G. Stanley McMurter, Bowmanville, wish to announce the marriage of their daughter, Sharon Eliza- beth, to Albert Harold (Har- ley) Martyn, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert R. Martyn, R.R. 3, Bowmanville. The wedding took place in Queen Street United Church, Lindsay, On- tario, at 7,00 p.m. on Friday, September 11, 1964. ENGAGEMENT Mr, and Mrs. Frank Melvin Presbyterian Church, held their first meeting of the fall season on Wednesday afternoon last, at the church. Plans were made for a rum- mage sale, September 23 -at the CRA building and to cater for a banquet. from Scugog Island, Maple Grove, Oshawa, Toronto, Ennis- killen and Uxbridge had assem- bled at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I, G. Travell, Mrs. Rod- man escorted the couple there. Though taken completely by surprise, Mr. and Mrs, Graham soon regained their usual com-' posure as they gazed into the faces of loved friends and rela- tives. In observance of the tradition- al ruby wedding anniversary a pretty corsage of deep red sweetheart roses and bouton- naire were pinned on the couple by their daughter, Dorothy, A beautiful wine colored bouquet of gladioli was a suitable back- ground for snapshots which were taken of Mr. and Mrs. Graham and family. The evening was spent in progressive euchre with high score won by Mrs. Orval Heayn and Mr. Alvin Heayn and low Roger Ward Stoneman (Ward) is the six-months-old son of Mr. and Mrs, Robert Stoneman, Dundas street east, Whitby. He is the grandson A z BY LAD of Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Has- kim, Parry Sound, and Mrs. Hilda Stoneman, Toronto. --Aldsworth -Photography i bs * aildi- ial fide z 3 i ni a? z F mF 3 Le 5 Z 3 & § Out-of-town guests the Staples . Price wedding Saturday afternoon in North- minster United Church were: points by Mrs. Alvin Heayn and Mr. Orval Heayn. Mrs. Rodman directed several LODGES AND SOCIETIES contests and the presentation of lucky prizes. Mrs. Gordon Beech read a brief congratula- tory message on behalf of the group and presented Mr. and Mrs. Graham with a colonial pole lamp and money gift, Mr. and Mrs, Graham expressed their appreciation for the gifts and pleasant evening. The dining room table was atractive with a centre-piece of} ruby-colored sweet peas, snap- dragons and candles. A delici- ous buffet supper was served. TEETH CONTROL Fluoridation of water sup- plies is in effect in 29 countries, and soon will be in several more. e Ann Holt presiding, Fourteen members were present with quite a few still on vacation. Chris Aitchison represented the Temple at the Grand Lodge in Hamilton and gave a report on the work that was being done. cessful card parties were held, convened by Sister May Rutter. Grand Chief's visit, next meet- ing and all Sisters were asked to be present. MEC Ann Holt invited the members to supper on September 30 at her home. PYTHIAN SISTERS The meeting opened with MEC Sister May Feasby and Sister prizes were Mrs, A. Swartsman, Mrs. E, Larke, Toronto; and Mrs. Jean Fitches. The meeting was preceded by a potduck supper. Mr. Peter Staples (the groom's brother), Gimli toba; Miss Belle M. Sid Quincy, Massachusetts; Miss Grace E, Siddall, Oxford, Nova Scotia. During the summer two suc. Plans were made for the The winners of the lucky SHINES TO CONTINUE VICTORIA (CP)--Two girls, Deane Stewart, 14, and Liz Bri- macombe, 16, have returned to their Vancouver Island shoe- shine business after an anonym- ous benefactor paid the $10 city licence fee which police had in formed them was required be- fore they could resume busi- ness, andj held with Mrs, Donald MacDon- An election of officers was ald, Guelph street, elected pres. ident; Mrs. Alex Brodie, vice- president; Mrs. John Gulen- chyn, secretary; Mrs. Fred Mal- loy, treasurer; Mrs. George Leaming, convener of the com- Black wish to announce the en- gagement of their daughter, Marilyn Anne, to Mr, Philip Gregory Clark, son of Mr. Lloyd Clark and the late Mrs. Clark. The marriage is to take place on Friday, October 9, 1964, at 7.30 p.m. in Simcoe Street mill offering. United Church, Oshawa. mittee for the sick; and Mrs. C. at WARD'S : WATSON'S RAYON UNDERWEAR A factory clearance of Watson's "'Courtauld's Viscose" Satin Stripe Ladies Underweor . . . The Savings are due to small imperfections in some of the gorments . . . A Once-A-Yeaor SALE STARTS WEDNESDAY AT 9 A.M. VESTS -- built-up shoulder -- Size M.L.... Reg. 1.19 .... PANTIES -- Flare or Band Leg -- Size M.L... . Reg. 1.19 - Sale Wed. & Thurs. eee eeeee "Peachy", Either Way Fresh Peach Shortcake eny- one ? Then step right this way to scrumptious hot buttered biscuit layers, filled with fresh peach slices and whipped cream. Or--cut an angel cake into layers, then fill them with whipped cream or ice cream and sliced fresh peaches! "Corn-y" Dishes Probably like us, you find that nothing beats corn-on-the- ", with gobs of butter and salt. But for variety, try cutting those golden ker- nels off the cob to use in Corn Fritters, as @ vegetable, or as @ brunch course served with BLOOMER--Elasticized Knee--Size ML... .Reg. 1.19. VESTS -- Built-up shoulder -- Size 0.5... . Rog. L2d e sc cies csw PANTIES -- Flare or Band Leg -- Size OS... Reg, 1.29 ....+%... BLOOMER -- Elasticized Knee -- Size 0.5... . Reg. 1.29 . PANTIE -- L. Leg, wide gussett -- Size M.L.... Reg. 1.45 Size O.S..., Reg, 1.55 ..... Size X.0.S.... Reg. 1.69 ....., WATSON'S FINE COTTON UNDERWEAR A limited quantity of factory subs standards in this fine cotton underwear for lodies. PANTIES -- Cuff leg -- Sizes S. to O.S. .. . Reg. to 1.29 VESTS -- Round neck, narrow straps -- Sizes S. toO.S.... Reg. to 1.35 79c BOTANY WOOL & NYLON HOSIERY... Save 1.30 Pair Rundle, yrs nine Aer OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Se a pe Eabelg ppg i li ag pia Mb 8 ge tid Hed the UCW ha een aske 0 " lis d to sli ' ¢ over 2 caler fortwo wedding Fee! 3 mae tp for Fall ond Winter wear." Medium Beige Shade mn Soee'p Tees Patel o #ock 3 pr. 4.35 son, Warren avenue, also sur- prised the couple by entertain- ing in their honor, Gail Jackson, Miss Donna and Miss Linda Coleman, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman were Mrs. Fred Lindsay, a city wel- fare worker, spoke on "Wel- fare'. She explained the differ- ent phases of welfare work, pen- sions and medical coverage for old age pensioners. A question period proved very informative. There were 16 members pres- ent and three guests. The sec- retary's and treasurer's reports were given. Mrs. Carson Heard reported on supply and social assistance. The 'Bocation has been sent and a box of clothing taken to Sim- coe Hall. Men's and children's clothes are still needed at Sim- coe Hall. | Mrs. Charles Rundle read a) letter inviting the UCW toa Thank-offering service on Oc- tober 7 at 7.30 p.m. at Albert Street United Church. It' was announced by Mrs. WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, || fun loving couples to learn the riew modern style of square dancing. Every Wednesday night through the Fall and Winter (shift work no problem). If interested call 725-2744 or 623-2237. E. Cornelius, press. Mrs. Alfred Irvine installed the new execu- tive. Mrs. Cornelius, retiring presi- dent, thanked the members for their support in the past year, Refreshments were served by Mrs. Brodie. maple syrup. Or use in Cor Waffles, fresh Corn Chowder, or Corn Omelets. Peaches, Alaska Style In the glamor dessert depart- ment, Individual Fresh Peach Alaskas rank high among September favorites. Wrap a bread board with aluminum foil and put on it the number of Maryann or tart shells de- sired. In the centre of each shell place a@ fresh, peeled peach half, hollow side up, scooping ice cream generous- ly in each peach half. Now 1.09 119 1.29 Fall Fashions For Boys & Girls Choose from rack after rack of the latest styles from in- fants to size 14, Charge and Budget Accounts Invited. ti "The Best Costs Less At' vJO|UINIG|A ions. tons for those Autumn SALE PRICE Reg. 2.79 value 1.49 pair NYLONS-A Back To School Special-- An excellent quality, these "'Lady Pompadour" Nylons . . . Seamless Mesh need 15 Denier, and refinforced heel and toe wearing points . . . Generous stretch re prise The Eva Alexander Unit will help at Hillsdale Manor on Sep- tember 25. St. Stephen's UCW has been asked to conduct the evening de- votions at the Regional meeting of the Presbyterial United Church Women to be held at Pickering on October 27. The speaker will be the Reverend) Catto. The fail bazaar. will be held on Thursday, November 26, at 8.00 p.m, \§ Mrs. Stephen Saywell gave a) report on the school for United in your Home, Church or Studio GJreland stuvio 21 ATHOL ST. W. 723-3680 4 chilled pouring cream. What's Cooking ? Plenty, we expect, if your kitchen's as busy es ours! We've just finished taste-test- ing recipes for two brand new recipe folders called "Cook with Cottage Cheese" end "Company Favorites with teesees eeeeeee err LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A. Ballet, Tap,. Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMA TION 723-7253 ju CHECKED FOR FALL Fashion writers in New --(AP Wirephoto) York for the closing ion of - _-- style previews called the American Designer series checkout this two-piece wool | costume by Geofrey Bene. Tie scarf and mannish black "and camel checked suit. The House of Flaire |; COIFFURES | 723-6901 - 9 Bond St. E. }); Prop.: BOB BUZMINSK! CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Prepared by the Home Eoonomists of THE CANADIAN DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 147 Davenport Rd. Toronto 6, Ont. O-N-12 BRAS--GIRDLES--CLEARANCE BRAS -- Bandeau, three-quarter and Long Line Styles 16 ONLY dusinch cv ea ae GIRDLES -- Pantie and Regular styles $.M.L. A group of discontiriued lines, countersoiled and some with slight defects. All ore' BRAND Ladies' Sizes 10. 12-14-20.., too . . , Shades of beige or Taupe. Sizes-measured lengths in 9 to 11. A collection of Bras and Girdles from our regular stock--discontinued bronded lines and Reg. 2.00 to 4.00... 65 ONLY GIRDLES -- Pantie and Regular styles -- Size S.M.L. 2 00 EACH &s ~ Reg to 6.00... 20 ONLY NAMES, such as, "WHITE SISTER" and "UNIFORM REGISTERED". Not aff sizes in each Reg. to 12.98 31 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH 725-1151 SALE PRICE 2 PAIR 1.00 broken size ranges ore the reasons for the big reductions. e-toc 1,00 BRAS -- Longline -- Reg. 5.00... Reg. to 4.00... 24 ONLY seeee. EACH 3.00 UNIFORMS-Drip Dry Cotton style. Most are fashioned from Drip Dry Cottons. @ Wednesday Store Hours... 9 A.M. till 12:30 Noon © Rug Cleaning

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