2 : past officers for all the work,ance prize was awarded totion and has as its slogan THE OSHAWA , 7 . anes Theatre Manager Explains dove during the previous year. |Grade 2 and 3, Miss Vermayle|Every student in . Sunday TIMES, Thuredey, September 17, 1964 3 we a yee ae oa el ee A eda om tae t,t teacning 'o the paren , Mr. F. H. and Mr. R.|is better than mending men and od eae honrte ate tations Unies tee ee - and Grading of Movies to H&S announced that -Westmount|Russel's class, women." thoy find' rest io ies Ged cri Readeel School has at present 442 stu-} Mrs Boneham reminded par-| To close the meeting Mrs./ated man in righteousness, and] Refreshments were prepared ; 4 * t meeti fjadvant th it: dents of which 75 attend the t fi tember 27 t } The season's first meeting ofjadvantage of the invitation to Mindéegdvton cass: 5 sabe ed Bnmyh hee os ? Feet Boncham read these words: Godjin His will is our peace. Godland s by the E ig the Westmount Home and School|ask questions, - Association gave its members a| Mr. F. H. Ross, Principal of sh ape, ae advised by the macs tors oneet most enjoyable evening. High-|Westmount School thanked Mr.)'10 parents that the opportunity ; light of the full and entertaining|Savage for is Intevesting/ciass has been moved to Wood- | $ A MONTH FOR LIFE rogram was a talk by the guest wee. crest School. sabe hag he levees no The members were also Beivi- a He then introduced Mr. ¥ aL FROM AGE 65 . >» Mr, VW. F, , leg o hear the beau s0-|Tredwell, a member of this be ager of the Oshawa Plaza The-/prano voice of Mrs. 'Sophie|association. It was through Mr.| [> 4 Here is a plan to provide your family if you should die, or for i, retirement ae rele pa Ng -sy auiwelrs efforts Bae Nag shop- : aay if you path . +» You make regular payment to the Sun of Canada, . 'lby Mrs, Fre ith, To thelping centre authorities per- then at age ou start receiv' mon | pre Mr. Savage explained the sys-/piano accompaniment, given by|mitted children to cross thelr $44,150 a ci Ay dies goat ing $300 a th for life, or if you prefer, tem whereby movies are graded|Mrs. Frank Ward, she present-/property on their way to school.| Wa\ , i cash, | of these amounts con be increased by leaving your ed two songs: "It's A Grand|He now asked parents to in-| |W dividents on deposit. Should you not survive to age 65, a minimum of ,000 N will be paid immediately to your family, < Paes before showing to the public. He Night For Singing" and '"'The|struct their children not to go eared sf gt ened bee Kerry Dance". Mrs, John Hinze| through the stores. They should * : > aA Piltalt : ; movies are for children andithanked her for her perform-|Stay on the side-walk at the RESE yy completin e enquiry form below, you can obtain i your which are restricted. ance, north end of the shopping centre WIFE P RVE personal dtuatien. Pcs tan be ares to provide varius Sees "After 7.30 p.m. no child is} Mrs, Ralph Boneham presided|2"% #vold possible damage to) Small terrycloth towels make] ing at age 60 or 65 allowed in the theatre," he said,lover the business part of the|*Tees- great wash-no-iron place mats, 9 ' "unless they are accompanied|evening. The new slate of offi-|, Room representatives for this)napkins and bibs for outdoor -- rn : by a parent." Mr. Savage ex-|cers were installed by Mrs.\t¢!™ were chosen. The attend-!and indoor -- meals. ae pe that je sg taghaga pre day 4 ae gg Ral bow, v ~ 4 . : SUN LIFE 30 p.m. no matron is in attend-| president, rs. Ral Bone- L2G ; cf : ance, The parents are held re-\ham; 1st vice-president, Mrs. 3 for those Autumn ' ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA sponsible for their children at|Fred Smith; 2nd vice-president, ) aN % * os AW, all times, not the management|Mrs..-Melville Coolidge; record-|@ = ap y 4 iH 'A of the theatre. He recommended|ing secretary, Mrs, William|¢ d garg) Wi dng SHOPPING CENTRE that parents phone the theatre|Langton; treasurer, Mrs. Arthur ir At € fs 'iis cade" ie : and find out whether a film is|Holdsworth; corresponding sec- "a Ad : Pol A fy , ee. ee eee suitable before sending theirjretary, Mrs. Cecil G. Step; nuts children. chairman, Mrs. gi agg om a a " Y Although this talk. dealt with|Mrs. Harold Braund, Mrs. Bay Exect Date Of Birth ...eccescsseesees . ' Charles Heath, Mrs. Roy Spratt. ? Le ' ; / { ROGER WOLFE ADDRESS aoe 33 ' U AL STUDIO : See ee ee oeeeerererereeeeeeeee Le se ererereroreesesese® s és a serious subject, it had its r shel x humorous moments, as Mr.| Mrs. Melville Coolidge thanked hy , DISTRICT. SUPERVISOR Savage recalled various inci-/Mrs. Brownlee for performing | A BONNIE LASS dents with children attending/this service and presented her ' in your Home, Church or Studio 723-2883 725-4563 OCCUPATION si One-year-old Kimberley Ann | --Aldsworth Photography |his theatre. At the end of his|with a small token of apprecia- 21 ATHOL ST. W, 723-3680 bs . VOC ENT RU OMAR UEP AS ET ODA is the daughter of. Mr. and address, the members took full'tion. Mrs. Boneham thanked Mrs. Owen MacDonald, Dy- a mond drive, Oshawa, Her grandparents, all of Yar- mouth, N.S., are Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Southern and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mac- Donald. Her great-grand- mother is Mrs. Kenneth Sol- lows, also of Yarmouth. see eS SS : - . ~~ Tre ORO eK OO 8 OO Oe em ene ss eee ee ee Anticipate Boom / : 3 be difficult In Electric Toys Bf J /, ine the fabri heck the tailori é ' "g : examine the fabrics. check the tailoring. = scape 14 ee ; one inspect the new styles, toys is electricity. ar < demand to knowwhy they're only $55. Plug-in toys have come a long way since the old model rail- ; : ot } fe > road sets. The most prominent positively insist upon an extra pair of trousers is miniature 'road racing, where i ' / f ie - (still only $55). highly refined electronic tech- niques have been put to work te help simulate the competition | i. ; ' and excitement of the real : if you are ag man who demands a high standard -- track. a . New road race sets feature a then you belong at the JACK FRASER STORES' selectronic principle whereby nn 4 : cars may switch tracks, travel : . . ANNUAL FALL SALE ! on the same track, cut one an- "4 other off or take the inside-lane while each is still completely controlled by its "driver", Electricity is important to other new toys as well. To be i released this fall is an electric 4S scissors called Snippy Scissors, : $ . : ee which will cut only paper. This } ' . \ plug-in toy, CSA-approved, will ' t not cut fingers, cats' whiskers, fabric or anything except paper, Snippy hums as it cuts. ' ; | : ge Still another electrically-pow- * " C4 ered toy is the woodburning ; . ' electric pencil, which is used to : * 7 / burn designs into basswood, A its P hobby that appeals both to grown-ups and children, Woodburning has come a long +. way from the days of its earlier wave of meting at es os a : q . + f f th tury. Today's electric H } aay - ' Pencils have fas-cooling meta id ar this is the LAST TIME this low price can be offered... wool] SO ee cavintions tn Genet \ costs and labour costs are rising. Don't miss this opportun- to produce variations in density 4 . and width of design. ity Pei ai Toy manufacturers expect the ' trend to electricity " bondage f \ to . More elec- i 4 f : tcey complex tis, and in ' ' iy Fraser's 20 stores offer you many extras ...... extra pair of the drawing boards and in , the test tae of toy producers, ay. ' trousers are included ..... extra value, » $20 saving . ... showing promise of high-power- f : ° 3 team nceealemnae i . extra selection of Fall '64 suits including new pin checks, Titled 0 i herringbones, pic an' pic, self checks, and plains ...... extra a ig 3 H i Sere attention to tailoring details ...... extra service'is traditional Lending Paintings at Fraser's ie. no charge for tailoring adjustments, To Toronto Gallery Fraser's guarantee your satisfaction or refund your Paintings from the stately money, What could be better? homes of Britain are now being assembled in London for their flight across the Atlantic, to the Art Gallery of Toronto's Cana- Jetto exhibition, opening Octo- i : g ber 17." "tg .. , | 7 5 Joining Her Majesty the 44 1 : regu car Queen's two paintings and 21 ral , drawings from the royal collec- ys tion at Windsor Castle, are 5 ] Canaletto paintings and draw- i : \ 1 ings from homes fo the Duke of Fy ao va ue aoe Bedford (Woburn Abbey), the : Duke of Beaufort (Badminton Hs : House), Lord Brownlow (Belton é 1 House), the Earl of Malmesbury 3 / ? } OW O I | "i A eee eee eh ER SESE TST ee SS | ' i i ' } | , ' + 4 } ee (Greywell Hill), Lord O'Neill (Shane's Castle), the Earl of _ Plymouth (Oakly Park), Lord Trevor (Brynkinalt), the Earl of Warwick (Warwick Castle. ' Those loaned by the Duke of ; f ; f ! 9 Bedford, the Duke of Beaufort, Lord Brownlow, Lord Trevor and the Earl of Warwick, have been owned by the same fami- i [ lies for over 200 years. Cana- tf q Tetto, who stayed in England on 'i and off for about 10 years, from ib [ea . i oe : 1746-1756, was specially commis. rd ; sioned to do the drawing of at ; Note - Warwick castle for the Earl i rE sheng and the painting of i Charge it Complete minton Park from the 7 ' ' House, for the third Duke of : if you wish. size range two suits stores Beaufort while he was there. CROCKERY AUCTIONED ; No money from portly shorts are only OSHAWA LONDON (CP)---A cup and its saucer made in 1754 at St. Pe- é down. to extra longs $105 SHOPPING CENTRE tersburg's Imperial factory in Russia was sold here by auc- tion for £780. They were two of 3 = been made Ty the aut wel Further Fraser Facts... they're all wool worsteds/ are ready-to-wear/ Fall'64 SS : i styles like natural shoulders, traditionals, executive models/ fashionable grey and ' Shop till 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday WANTED! -- Thirty, friendly, rich brown are recommended. fun loving couples to learn the new modern style of squore daticing. Every Wednesdoy night through the Fall and Winter (shift work no problem). lf interested call 725-2744 or 623-2237.