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Oshawa Times (1958-), 17 Sep 1964, p. 20

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(20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thumdey, September 17, 1960, Call The Direct Classified Number 723-3492 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday to Friday. Saturday 8 to 12" 16--Femaote Help Wanted ene Help Wanted tes See | | PURITURE ; a For progressive furniture store Salary > 14----Employment Wanteo youne LADY, excellent typist, 18 years pea would jike one, S07 office em- " SCOTT'S SCRAP BOOK By R. J. SCOTT HOUSEHOLD and | personal i finen repair-| ~~~ . 'A FIRM of chartered accountants re ins. Clean socks Wag Invisible mend- bires blog give motherly care for eine in ith oat own home in Kingsmere education, age, marital ag (eost End), Telephone 725-99 rene aulicipstions ane experience wares TS cheable Sanan 16--Female Help Wanted Ye Iwo! achookage gr, Nour 720 #8 PART-TIME CASHIERS Division, iene after rah '17--Male Help Wonted MARRIED WOMEN ONLY -- 18 to 40 WELDING FOREMAN Apply MR, OGDEN LOBLAW'S BUSINESS SERV Garages, sidewalks, cup- boords, doors, potios, corports, tiled walls and floors, No jobs are too small for the 'Wizard of Odds. Free esti- mates, 725-9103. YOUR LOCAL CHIMNEY. ciganer, Chim- neys built and repaired; gas lirings in stalled) roofs repaired. Free estimates, 717-7997, CE DIRECTORY] Instruction |Surveyors ne TUTOR -- Qualified experienced teacher, |DONEVAN AND FLEISCHMANN,| ta subjects Grades | to 8. For further Ontario Land Surveyor, Commercial bive information, please call 723-1484, prints, 11 Ontario Street, 725-5692, PIANO, classical and popular, for infor- ITrede S Schools Accountants Laisa CORE BEADLE ANB C0, Chiron @d Accountants, Financial Trade Build- Street Oshawa, he A Hopkins, cA; C. Lukow, CA, YALE, FRIEDLANDER AND CO. Chartered Accountants, Licensed Trustees ied 1 64 King Street East, orga ant, 47 Prince Street, 4, Oshawa, Ontario. Telephone 723-' LEOWARD Jamas saroons chia Chartered Accountant, Oshawa Shop- lpiano L ping Centre, 'asm. re) CARPENTRY, cabiner,, neato Mrs, G, Sint r-4aTt, BOB CLANCY'S ga nsning PE eugene Mar Copies Sewaients service. 306 Pend Money To Loon experience essential. "and commission, Apply BOX 336 OSHAWA TIMES CARRIER BOYS REQUIRED © , to deliver The Globe & Mail Aaa Fi WAS "TRAPPED IX A GLASS JAR BY KARRY T. BROWN, (BRADENTON, FLORIDA) mation contact Patricia Tuck, 74 Burk = Street, Oshawa, 725-4567, ATTENTION MEN HARVEY DANCE ACADEMY, Baton, 17 to 49 Tap, R.A.D. Ballet, Highiand, ret | eéeey Equipment now. Oshawa Shopping Centre, 725-61: PIANO | -- Vicinity | Operators Are in dernand for bull- Road East, Telephone 728-8695 after 6 p.m, REQUIRED with Street West, 725-0397. Res. 12-1605. io. wall' and floor tiles. Telephone col- tect 985-2674, ; Mourairn, Riel Rie eH. HL, WATERS and Co. its, 728-7527; Oshawa Suite 21SE, Ajax, 942- LEON and BURRC countants, 114 Ki Ronald R. D. Wilson, Burrows, CA, 728-7554, & ROWS, Chartered Ac- Street «% Oshawa; eg-d Edmond) } VAL CARPENTRY, tom bullt| PAYMENTS TOO HIGH? If you have oe eos rec-rooms, * floors and ceil-/good oe y) we bag? ww fated 'i eer 5 5 tistac-|cut payments in Ye or less for oe he rast re tion or any worthwhile purpose, Telephone Toronto, 481-5289, § Mortgages Li A. Woods, ug clare 'ir (TBD. ROOM papered, painted, nolo + a 'Also, inside Barristers HUMPHREYS, BOYCHYN, 3 Street 4 bet og ec; G pgs de ene BA. tie, » B. Humphreys J. walt A. 4604; Whitby 668-1761, first mortgage funds NHA and 'and WiLL. MAN, Barristers, bg "gl 4 Mr King winiman, D. LB. Office: 725-1177, snenen 793-4326, 125 work, all prices labour only. tl da Geo. ». Golding. -- ALC TYPas ~~ puliding repairs, chimneys, | new and repaired sidewalk and concrete mphreys, repairs. 7 728-0394, All type remodelling. HOME IMPROVEMENTS, roofing and gavestroughing, carpentry work, painting and genera! repairs, All work guaranteed, P, Nellis, 336 Bruce Street, 728-2061. Mortgage Money Available Low Interest Valuation, Arranged RESIDENTIAL JAMES MACDONALD, BA, | available, 725-4716 or 725-47) tis, Barrister and Solicitor and Notary Pub- lic, The Commercial Building, 266 King West, Oshawa, Ontario. ud parking ing basements, CITY: AND DISTRICT Cartage SUMMER PROPERTIES Vas | fully y insured, | light "trucking, dlean-| dozers, scrapers, rotor graders, draglines, back- hoes, and shovels. If you | ed by top instructors right cn the equipment. Don't delay --- enquire ' now. Write giving name, add- ress and telephone num- r NATIONAL SCHOCL OF HEAVY EQUIPMENT OPERATION BOX F3 Out of town enquiries invited. TV--Radio Repairs mramee G.. RADOENENNG| VACANT LAND \rates. 725-9843 MANNING F. SWARTZ and RONALD L. SWARTZ, Barristers, Solicitors, King 723-4697. Residence: D'a! Mon ey to loan. Henry Block, Street 23-4029 4 CONDE, [ fwpee of cartegs, Bay) Members Ontario A ec ee as ano" TEARTAGE, Mortgoge Brokers Association |Oshawa, Whitby. Resemnstie. r | HYMAN AND WYMAN, Barrister, citors, Notaries, Suite 305, T Building, 86 King Street East, Clients' funds available for mortgages. rad $. Hyman, QC: Herbert S$. Hyman, BA Sol- jeqvipp Matar Dentistry oe oe SUMMERLAND SECURITIES BIALEK, OR. 8. -- Dental Surgeon, st Barristers, vas GREER AND cifors, etc. 114 723-2278. Residence Phones KELLY, King hog 728-5832 MACKEY and BAILEY, Barristers, Solr Notaries Public. Mortgage funds available. 36% King Street East, 723-1107. Solicitor, to loan. Office 14% King Stree! citors, JOSEPH P. MANGAN, GC, money East, » oshawa, 728-8232, McGIBBON and BASTEDO, § Solicitors. Clients' funds Soll- Dial Greer, QC, 725-3368; Terence V. Kelly, Ba. BCL. Barristers, lor | ai. | LIMITED Sa 112 Simcoe St. North Oshawo, Ontorio - 725-3568 Ist Time 'In Pineda 15 Year 2nd Mortgages ) = Suits, coats, dresses, covers, drapes, Fitting . Toms, Whitby, 688-2372, | RESSMAKING -- all kinds of ladies') weer, oon quality work, Call 668-8463,) Mrs. Voogierv, 1110 Henry = Street, Whitby. Gardening and Supplies TV TOWERS Economy and Deluxe Priced to sui. your budget TERMS ARRANGED OSHAWA TV SUPPLY LIMITED 361 GIBBONS ST, 728-8180 TV TOWERS and DID-ME U.S, GOVERNMENT ISSUE ONE GALLON oF THE. PATENS5 10 EDISON BEST BOMOM PANT FOR, AFTER HE WAS DEAD BOATS CONTAINS ENOUGH COPPER 10 MAKE A BALL OF WIRE BIGGER. THAN THE GALLON OF PAINT: A oath 1M EAQERN DARFUR, REPUBLIC OF SUDAN, ARE USED AS WATER RESERVOIRS, HOLDING FROM 500 To 1000 GALLONS OF WATER: Eg Fenn Bee en Dee pe mer |9b--Summer Properties Wanted _ WANTED--Lakeside | coltabe. 'for "Thanks- giving weekend, October 10, 11, 12 and 13.) Telephone TAM. |\5---Farmer's Column Custom Farm Work |. Forage harvesting, raking and baleing and combining. Telephone \9c--Marine Equipment | Percy Davidson and Son BOAT, 14 fI. plywood itibregiassed), 25 | HP, '53 Johnson motor, trailer, extras, 728-1343 $250, Call after 5.30 p.m., 728-7155. CEDAR POSTS, poles, rails, sorted ac/sAiLBOAT, Talcon Keel Day Cruiser, 19 cording to size, Cedar trees for hedges, ¢1,, new dacron sails. Accommodates four- eic. C, Smith, Newtonville, 2283. five passengers. For tele- 1962 INTERNATIONAL tractor, 1800 se-/Phone 726-2212, ? | ries. Heavy duty equipment, 100 tires,/1S-FT, mahogany, 22 HP, windshield, | Uxbridge 852-3037. Hob, J lights, life-jackets and trailer, a or best offer. Telephone 728-3150; ONE REGISTERED Holstein due in pier 725-9971, October. One grade Holstein heifer, due i: Septemb: Dial « 655-3663, * x bea dda 11.--Articles For Rent Dial ED "tay rea "as RENTALS OF ALL KINDS CASH on the spot! Highest prices paid for dead and crippled farm stock. Tele- REDUCING EQUIPMENT -- massaging belts, rowing ma- phone collect. Hampton 263-2721, Marwil') Fur Farm, Licence 333-C-64, chines, bike exercisers -- all $6 per month. FOR SALE -- oats, 70 cents; per bushel, Call Jerry Tre PLUMBER'S TOOLS -- pipe cleaning rods, pipe vise tri- pod, pipe wrenches, pipe cut- information ybal, 5 Avenue, North Bowmanville, Phone 623- 2037, | 6--Auetion first mortgage. 37 King Street East (3rd floor). 728-7336, Charles C, MecGibbon, QC; Edgar F. Bastedo, QC; Norman H. CREIGHTON, DRYNAN, MURDOCH, and VICTOR, Barristers, Solicitors, No- taries, Bank of Commerce Building, 5 Simcoe Street North, Oshawa, 723-3346; T. K. Creighton, QC; or residences: G. K. Drynan, QC, 728-8554; G. L. Mur- doch, QC, 723-4758; J, C, Victor, %S- 7115. Mortgages and Agreements of Sale bought and sold, and arranged. Building Trades CEMENT WORK WALKS, STOOPS, FLOORS, CURBS and PATIOS B. McLEAN Phone 725-5946 _ ty Sone New work and repairs. Large and small jobs. L. and H. Roofing and Construction. RR 3, 725-6937. FOR TRENCHING and complete seplic | tank installations, all materials senget. Call Frank Brink, Hampton 263-27 CHIMNEYS, new and re-built, "eine and repairs, sidewalks and stoops. | Cann, RR 3, Oshawa, 655-3061. i NEW AND OLD roofing am chimneys, nd repairs. Lakeside Contractors, sce | phone 725-0530. Classified Rates WORD ADS Cash--1 insertion of 24 words $1.08 additional words 4'2c @ach; 3 con- secutive insertions of 24 words $2.88 additional words 12¢. each, 6 consecu- tive insertions of 24 words $4.32, add tional words 18¢ each "16Celina St "GRASS TIME" -- NO. | FINE GRASS MIX "PARKLAWN" GRASS MIX SUBURBAN GRASS MIX SUPERFINE GRASS MIX SHADY PLACE MIX TIMOTHY-ALSIKE INDIVIDUAL GRASS SEED SO-GREEN 7-7-7 EVERGREEN 6-9-6 TURF SPECIAL 10-6-4 PEAT MOSS POTTING SOIL COOPER SMITH TOP SOIL -- FILL SOD GRAVEL and SAND Phone 723-1161 OSHAWA GARDEN CENTRE MERION _ | KENTUCKY BLUE GRASS SODS Inspection Welcome. "All-Green" Nursery Sod Growers Townline N % mile north of Taunton Village 725-9674 Ta3-1199 |$0D, top quality, Lashed delivery. Free Ti 725-85: Charge -- 10 per | CORONATION | Investment Co. 'Ltd. | The foremost Canadian Pub- lic Co. in. the field, mow introduces long -- term 15 YEAR OPEN - Second | mortgages. Rorrow what you | need on the security of your home Repay in smoll monthly payments over 10 to. 15 yeors. Antenna Repair TRIO TELEVISION 171 BOND ST. E., OSHAWA 728-5143 TV SERVICE CALLS | For full details, coll 723-2265, (after hours 725-3376) | SCHOFIELD-AKER | Limited 360 King St. West $2.95 | Calls taken until 8 p.m. | TV ENTERPRISES 723-3553 TV SERVICE DAY OR EVENING 728-5286 OSHAWA ELECTRONICS city "Tv TOWERS, « antennas, pairs. All work guaranteed, Avenue Telephone 725-0500 2nd Mortgages UP TO 80% OF APPRAISED PROPERTY VALUE TERMS UP TO 10 YEARS NO HIDDEN CHARGES NO BONUSES NO BROKERAGE FEES YOU CAN REPAY ALL OR [Well Dri PART AT ANY TIME WITHOUT. NOTICE OR PENALTY. THE REALTY DIVISION OF also re 511 Dean Hing--Digging WELL | DIGGING by machine specializing in 30-inch tile. W. Ward, 204 Chestnut Street West, Whitby. 668-2563 or 668-3809, 52 or 723-9910. | |1--Women's Column PERMANENTS on special dressing, 396 Pine Avenue. 75 5363 SUPERIOR DISCOUNT: LIMITED 725-6541 Page Hair- Telephone 2--Personal AUCTION SALE SATURDAY, Sept. 19th, 1964 THE PROPERTY OF | THE THOMAS. SEMPLE ESTATE 1014 Centre Street South WHITBY ALL HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, Refrigerator, including TV Stove, etc., also 1961 BLACK FORD FAL- CON CAR, Power Lawn Mower, Garden Tools and 'many other articles. TERMS CASH THE FOUR-ROOM BRICK VENEER BUNGALOW WITH GARAGE, will be put up for sale the same day. charge if not ped 'within. , days Method of counting.--. Less than 24 words counts as 24 words, each word, Initial, figure or abbreviation counts as one 'word; phone number counts 2 words BIRTHS -- DEATHS -- SOCIAL NOTICES $2.00 per insertion with 25¢ ad- ditional charge if not poid with- in 7 days. IN MEMORIAMS $2.00 for the firs! 35 words and Se each thereafter, plus 2c per jine of verse 25c additional charge if not paid within 7 days CARDS OF THANKS $2.00 for the first 35 words and Se with 25¢ additional each thereafter, charge if not paid within 7 days COMING EVENTS $2.10 per inch (Display) $1.50 for the first 20 words and Sc each thereafter |@aRDENS plowea with Gravely Roto plow. Telephone Brooklin 655-3164. LEN BOWLER -- Landscaping and | gar- jdening service, sidewalk slabs, patio slabs, flag stones, planters, dry walls, \roto-tilling, asphalt, lawns seeded, sodded,| fertilized, power rolling, pruning, hedge clipping, fertilizers, trees, iging, nurs-| st Telephone 728-7787. |JOHN 8 RO U WE R LANDSCAPING| 728-6392 for free landscape design. Call) evenings, 6 to 10. Fertilizing, sodding, | seeding, evergreens, trees, etc. | |DARLINGTO RODEN SERVICE. rer all your garden requirements. |e rates, Bowmanville 623-3905. |SAY RIDGES, nursery sod, delivered, laid, peat loam. J, Atkinson, Pickering 839-3020 or 839-27 one: | FALL weed | tilling, 7 fertilizing and re-seed-| ing. Residential, industrial. General Lawn Spray Service, phone 728-4974 for Oshawa, Cobourg, Alax-Pickering, Bowmanville, Whitby, Port Hope as Eto trim? Call "Slim", Or cut them 17 Simcoe St. N. 27 Superior Offices in Ontario ~ MORTGAGE LOANS Moneys for first mortgages Interest at 7% Open Mortgages No bonus No charge for valuotions Mortgages and Agreements purchased Moneys for second mortgages Fast service. M.'F. SWARTZ 26% King St. East Biles, Ontario 723- 4697 TERMS, 10% down doy of sale, balance in 30 days. 'LEN PULLAN NGLISH TAILO} CUSTOM TAILORING BRITISH WORSTEDS SUIT & DRESS ALTERATIONS INVISIBLE MENDING Sale at 1.30 p.m. sharp, Loyal Pogue. R. D, RUDDY, O.C., Administrator of the Estate Auctioneer, ters, pipe threading -- dies toilet auger. PAINTER'S EQUIPMENT -- stepladders, aluminum exten- sion ladders, ladder jacks, steel scaffolding compressors, spray guns, wallpaper steam- ers, tarpaulins, blow torches, propane torches. BUILDER'S EQUIPMENT -- cement mixers, finishing tro- wels, wheel barrows, electric vibrator, air compressor, jack hammers, hand trowels, water pumps, portable heaters, stee? scaffolding, electric generator, ramset, power rollers, electric hammers, masonry saw, build- ing jacks, mortar _ mixers, mortar boxes, chain hoist, miter saw. electric plane, tar- paulins, sand blaster, power post hole auger, oscillating sanders, disc sanders, belt lene welding outfits, 200 amp, electric welders. STAN'S 223 King St. W., Oshawo Enter off Burk St. during road repoirs _ PHONE 723° 3224 ATTENTION TRANSPORT COMPANIES % acre for parking neor GMC south plant. Paved street, Write Post Office Box 552, Oshawa sonders, floor sanders, acety- © Sharpening & Rentals Ltd. | | ha | OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Three Qualified -- TYPISTS Required immediately with minimum of 5 years office experience. Must be accurate Age 30 to 35. Married, Pre- ferably no family responsibili- ties. Transportation necessary, APRARS, STEVENSON Sklar Furniture Co, LTD. 617 Victoria St. E, Whitby tee TOYS, FUN. $ $ $ We are looking for ladies who wont to earn extra Christmas money by working evenings, September, October ond November. We will train you as a porty demonstrator to sell a full line of toys and gifts. Commission, car, essential. No investment, deliveries or collections. Call now: Oshawa 728-3608 PART. TIME CAR HOSTESS A. & W.. Drive-In Simcoe Ltd. Requires students to work os cor hostesses, After 6 p.m, call 728-5731 or apply in person at 1327 Simcoe St. N, HOUSEKEEPER - COUNTRY HOME EAST OF BROOKLIN Hours: 8-5, Mon: to Fri. All electric appliances avail- a Four school age girls - 18 years, Drivers licence va references required. Phone Brooklin 655-3405 AFTER 5 P.M. or Write P.O, _BOX 2 COLUMBUS >. 9. Receptionist for large Oshawa Office For appointment call | Whitby 668-8181 HAIR STYLIST _ 10-12 PRINCE ST, 728-5311 | Removal of superfluous hoir, | Marie -Murduff will be in Sept. 21, 22, AUCTION SALE Sat., Sept. 26, 1964 Property of Mr. W. Parry 215 Mary St., East Whitby, Household effects -- Refrig- erotor (Norge), Electric Stove, walnut bookcase, 2 china | | Oshawa, ond |} 23rd, Phone Genosha Hotel on these dates for appoint- ment. ELECTROLYSIS 723-4641 cabinets, |__Cor RENT! ! ! New name brand professional equipment UNITED RENT-ALLS We rent most anything for most "S 56 ey ag 5565 iin Rd. S, & Olive Brides, ay: Bridesmids gowns, with or without clientele. Full or part-time work, Apply Riviera Hair Styling 136 Simcoe South 728-9651 PART-TIME Position available in Oshawa for Junior Stenographer. with pleasant personality. Some shorthand and typing requir- ed. For appointment, Must be conversant semi-automatic wire and. rod welding on fabricotion oas- semblies of angle, bar and tube, Write full particulars to BOX 408 OSHAWA TIMES FULL-TIME FURNITURE SALESMAN Required by 'Large Retail Furniture Store Experience Necessary BOX 31] OSHAWA TIMES CLERK-TYPIST For building supply dealer to type sales. invoices, contro! accounts receivable, record material usage etc. Typing and accounting experience necessary. Good wages for the right man, All company benefits. Replies kept in con- fidence, WRITE BOX 610 OSHAWA TIMES in Oshawa and surround- ing districts. CALL 725-4473 WANTED Liensed Reol Estate Sales- mon for long established of- fice. Must have late model car. Apply in person to Bowron Si & Gibson | REALTORS Whitby ras Brock St. Ss TRAVEL three boys 16 to 18 to assist circulation route manager immediate cash advance. $200 monthly running ac- count, For appointment 723- 6611 between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. TOOL MAKER LEAD' HAND $3 per hour for jobbing 'shop, Reply to Box 228 Oshawa a Times CARETAKER required for elementary School. Apply in writing sfating age, ex- perience and marital status to: Mr. F. E. Shine, Oshawa Separate School Board, PO Box 396, Oshawa. DRUMMER WANTE M Group, Reliable, versatile, abst 4 fer 25-45 age group. Good tig SME |Call telephone 766-8993. NEED 50 part-time paper boys |Whitby, Oshawa and Bay Ridges, Tele | Phone 728-) 1534, SERVICE STATION -2 attendant # for ¢ ornare, oil and pumps, Apply 525 King Street West, , Shopping Centre BA. TIME messanger, any have bl jevele. - Apply 14 Albert Street, [MAN experienced In tree cutting. Tele phone 725-9674, - THREE TO FOUR ambitious men need- ed to add to our sales staff. Myce J Provided: Apply 299 Simcoe Street Sou OMAR FARMS, in Ashburn requires apple pickers. Apply Omar Farms in Ashburn, TWO TRUCK drivers, for route work, $90 weekly. Write Box 238, haws Times. CLERK for retail nardware store in Alax, | Experience required. Apply in person te |Alax Hardware, Ajax Shopping Centre. |EXPERIENCED CARPENTER required \for framing house. $2.50 per hour and up. | Dial 668-5126, 18--Male or. Female Help Wanted PART-TIME. SALESMAN Required by Large Retail Furnitute Store Experience, Preferred, BOX 313 OSHAWA TIMES DATA PROCESSING MANAGER Require experienced manag- er for existing ,unit record installation, preferably with manufacturing experience, for ROLAND'S STEAK HOUSE Req@ires CHEF, COOK, KITCHEN HELP WAITRESSES Full and part time Apply in person 1626 Simcoe St. N. PART-TIME Collect an: established mon- thly debit, Experience not needed, no selling. Cor essen- tial, For interview write gives ing phone number to: P.O. BOX 86 Postal Station "'N", Toronto 14, Ont. EXPERIENCED durserymen for season, 2 'bedroom suites, | dishes, tools, a full set of | dishes, for twelve, many other | articles, a number of anti- | | CALL 728-7711 WAITRESSES required, 7 to 4 shifl and \4 to 11 shift, _ Apply Genosha Hotel. |FULL TIME sienographer required by }the Oshawa Separate School Board. Ap- ply in writing, stating age, experience and marital status to: Mr. F. E. Shine, |PO Box 396, Oshawa. T= Gi ie one honed entbrom, Gale Neo ana g ee © undred| chilaren, le er works, hours 8 to Ale . evenings. 7--Trailers guems sartiet'" wanes se fet ban'|5,, $20, weekly. For information, Mrs. _ » anniversa lin, Jptometrist DRIVING to Toronio, Bloor and Soadina TRAILER, collapsible, 6 ff, 6 in. x 1a W,{Facilities, bar," kitchen, parking, Me LU Anil all 5 WiCHARD BLACKS-06,--i50Gines MIDOLE-AGED lady to "babysit for two} area; arriving at 8 o'clock, Sleeps six, $275. Apply 281 Oshawa sonable rates, 723-2140, Sicget Nor Suite 6, Othewe. Telephoni papdengers, Telephone 728: 3426, Blvd. North, Drideamaian b peers childen, and do light housework, Tele- 4 ee ers, T Crinolines, | phone 728-9720 after five. | CAMPING trailer, small si : pl veils (P.S. Garters, too), For. as a Pesaro \3--_Pets & livestock pull, will sleep two ail site, easy to 'to mat EXPERIENCED help wanted for | coffee! 'Sieh _ ee |g rs Rentals All new styles. Ib 4 h | 4 | Sargeant's Rentals an ar and variety store, hours to umbing ond Heating BEAUTIFUL" baby budgies, ready "Yor "MOTE Price 8360. Teeonone 'abou [2 esate TEM (Hg, Sine. Cotlea Onn cai athe 1961 CHEVROLET '-ton truck with at-| aisle runi ALL TYPES of repairs and" "Femodeling, tha git ery strain. Apply Mrs. Broad, 'and # banquet Tapies, church Street South, 725-3932. new and used materials. Reasonable in East tached camper, sleeps four. One owner./Simcoe Str 5 y re jé-month- eet Nea Call 723-2414, CAPABLE GIRL to care for ié-month- ge Estimate free. Dial 723-1191, J. CORY J RANCH) Kennels. Registered LOW Mileage. Radio, good tires. 725- 786? WHEEL CHAIRS, hospi cia old baby while mother works. Live in. é German Shepherds, puppies. Champion HOPPER dump tra 1000 tires, Ux.) peeing machines, -- fal ase -- Goll Ser £ Des, PEED: ALL" PLUMBING and heating sun bloodlines. Stud services, Boarding. Quar-|bridge 852. | Ns lc t 'om, Telephone 725-3521, Harold H. Stark, Lid \!eF Norses, foals, Trailer Ashburn, Brook. ome eee ee Ald Rentals, 105 Beatrice, 125-1644, LIVE IN: Housekeeper, private room, ' | Plumbing Heating Jind Engineering, 255 Vin 655-4662 HOUSETRAILER, 1963 mode 18 ft 12 laren, -Renort fo Mra" Wika: Netievel Simcoe Sweet South. HOUND pups, born April, crossbred Sl@eDS five. Telephone 723-2624, --Articles Wanted |Employment Office, 314 Simcoe South. \from registered stock, Blue Tick and | f bay n 8--Hunting ART'S GUN REPAIR, 18 Bond Street West, Oshawa. Rifles, shotguns, pistols, American black and tan. Males $15. each, pe ce os te mn females $10. each, Call 728-6935 after 6 ancient and modern, bought, sold, traded, repaired. 728-9731, Hours 9to 9; Saturday 3 sewing. Afternoons -- only. Telephone xperts. Estab-|P.m. 9 10 6. 723-9583 between 9 and 12 a.m. 'ange of mate DACHSHUND puppies, registered, red |down. Lowest prices. Free estimates eventum | Free estimates. 725-5118 or 728-0610. ly room and "Bowmanville 423-2837, Trejbal, Mearns Avenue. COOK with experience wanted for Queen's Restaurant, 1024 Brock Stree? South, Whitby, immediately. Also barber wanted, Telephone 668-4640. 20--Room and Board MILL STREET 103 -- Room and board for 2 gentlemen, willing to share, lunches packed. Close to G.M. south plant, Park- (Wore Ads) AUCTION SALES $2.10 per inch per insertion DEADLINES WORD ADS 5 p.m. day previous. AND FOUND, crinolines, headpieces mink. stoles, dishes, tables,, veils, white fox furs, cuttlery, glosses, chairs, church runn- er SARGEANT'S RENTALS 463 Ritson S. 725-3338 --eeneeireatenens ENTERTAINING = mechanization of inventory Proce control, scheduling etc, Com- puter experience: desirable, but not essential. sie "PRIVATE and corporate monies for a beri} | PERMANEN mortgages; rm ENTS on specias. Mortgages and agreement of dressing. 396 Pine Av 'ale purchased, Creighton, Drynan Mur- 725-5363 gis joch and Victo i ictor, (See "B DRIVING TO TORONTO (Bathurst, King Street), arriving 7.45 a.m or will accept ride to same vicinity, Telephone 728-0507 after 6 evenings." Sidon, YOUNG LADY would like ride, Toronto, vicinity downtown, Adelaide West, arriv.| re ing 8.45 a.m, Telephone 728-7259 after 7.30 Page Hair. Telephone 'Instruction ONTARIO DRIVING SCHOOL Learn to Drive 1964 Models PICK-UP SERVICE ROAD TESTS ARRANGED Dual Control Cars Licensed Instructor Automatic and Standard Oshawa 728-6934 REGISTER NOW For lessons in the following: Piano Accordion -- Saxo- phone -- Trumpet -- Clori- net -- Popular Piano. For further information on lessons and rental instru- ments call "WILSON and LEE LTD. MUSIC STORE ee Ls Simcoe | St. N. 725-4706 EZE METHOD DRIVING SCHOOL Telephone 728-0881 Standard Rates LEARN TO DRIVE -- at the Oshawa Driving School reasonable rates, stondard ond automatic cars. Professional Instructors OSHAWA AND WHITBY ques se at 2 p.m. sharp. Terms. ash. Auctioneer LOYAL POGUE. 'Musical Services PIANO, + reea, pipe and - electronic; tuning and repair, instruments appr A. Hiddink, Ajax 942-1664, Please. apply in person to Personnel Manager DOWTY EQUIPMENT OF CANADA LTD., AJAX, ONTARIO ROBSON MOTORS LTD. Require the services of @ qualified Warranty. Payroll AND Cost Clerk Salary to commensurate with ability. For appointment Lost BIRTHS, DEATHS $$ 9.30 a.m. day of publication. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY Could: take & } column -- 4 p.m. day previous. 2 column or larger -- 10 a.m. day previous CANCELLATIONS AND CORRECTIONS 9.30 a.m. day of publication, BOX NUMBER RENTAL -- Se While every endeavour will be made to forward replies to box numbers to the advertisers as soon as possible we accept no liability in respect of loss or damage alleged to arise through either failure or delay in forwarding such repjies, however cased whether by negligence or otherwise The Times will not be re- sponsible for replies uncatied for in 20 day* ROOM and board in cl ome, home cooked meals, willing to share, tices to south GM, Parking space, GM employee only. Telephone 723-2786 ROOM AND BOARD, singie rooms, Ritson Road South, 559, or telephone 723-6844. ROOM AND BOARD for young lady or gentieman. Close to hospital and North Plant. Phone 725-2305, ROOM AND BOARD for one quiet man. General Motors worker pri Dial 725-3048, ROOM. AND BOARD for one gentleman, willing to share; meals; lunches packed; TV. Call 728-6747. ROOM AND BOARD for friends willing to: share. Single beds also private room. Centrally located; five-day week, 173 Rit- son Road South. ROOM AND BOARD in private home, for igentieman. Home cooked meals. Parking. No shift workers please, Veleptione CALL MR. SERRIDGE |saueceRooR suit two willing te BOWMANVILLE share. Available now. Lunches packed. 623-3396 jentle- erred, |2uq-Upholstery Service RE: UPHOLSTERING by hed 17 years. Compl SHAW AUTO WRECKING CO. Wants Cars for Wrecking. Parts for sale, alsoescrap iron ond metals, etc. bought. |finest tine ot Christmas cards. Wraps, Novelties, etc. Over 350 items. For free, |baeutitully illustrated catalogue, samples on approval and the fastest service, Open Saturday all dove Phone Jeandron Greeting Card Co., 1253 King! Street East, Hamilton. Ontario. sf 725-2311 -- 89 BLOOR E. paste | PIANO wanted, repair worthy. Best price|COQOK in small country hotel dining| boreronr aa acenbee offered. Write Sebastian Hohmann, RR 1,\"oom. Telephone Coboconk 454-3301. | ousekeeping cottages located| Oshawa GIRL ff 2 for lunch counter; also cook for| among shady evergreens, right on th®iWaNTED: 12 gauge pump or semi-auto-|kitchen; 2 shifts. wey Modern Grill, 345) beach. All conveniences, Facilities inciude| stasmicisth and sneer: bute ote |mmatic shotgun. After 6 p.m. call 728-8529, Ritson Road South. jong, horseshoes, badminton, volleyball, base-/ BOOKS "WANTED, in good clean condi-|RELIABLE woman ball, smal! games. Openings from Augustition. Pocket books and hard- cover edi-|children in. my 1S on, Rates reduced in September.|tions, Telephone Alax. (942 - 5305 jweek, After five, on Sn. 10s Write Surf iNage, Abid ee Elmvale sia Waseg2 WANTED -- piano, smail Cail EXCELLENT Opportunity for career "ot! ae. | 795-5444, }your own as a Beauty Counselor. Full or| HOUSEKEEPING cottages, electric, in- 113 cele ---- oot Alvcoit F Nn mia ROK side. facilities, fishing, skiing and' swim| ] 3 Great fOr: rer e ite =n Plage Sar Bagh 3 Business 'Oenertuniiies 325-9442 | RR 3, Burk's Palis. |SERVICE STATION and | snack bar with|WOMAN to mind children, two or three! -- - === living quarters, Consider equity in house|afternoo rf week for working mother, STURGEON LAKE, Sobcaygeon, col-|for equipment, north-west Toronto loca! Cah 7 " r tages for rent from August 8th, $45 andition, 459-4950 after 6 p.m. 5a BLIABLE TADY to look after two pre-| S5S weekly, All inside conveniences, Cal) 623-262 GROCERY AND | WERT store --ereeiin| AL age children, live-in, while mother --------- | corner location, years in business. works. For further information Yelephone) FOR SALE. Pigeon River -- 3 bedrooms |Four-room living quarters, garage. 728+| 799.2355 Inside conveniences, Take over or pay! gga, |= | $3,000. First mortgage Hampton, 263-2509.| FOSTER HOME wanied for one year lonly for boy, age 12: Healthy, good st} ALLENDALE ail} 14. .Emplovment Weeted Ident. Chit preferred. Tele-| ste elevision, phone ¥ | in its field iishe 2 ears. Complete range or |EARN EXTRA MONEY. Show Canada's ij ual ive jyears. Free estimates. Credit terms, el Dear ate Pe pyealadtae Telephone {Mattresses re-built. Furniture re-finished.| : Oshawa Uphoistering Company, 287 Dean FOR SALE -- 3¥2-year-old quarter horse, Avenue. 725-031). gelding, Western broke. Telephone 725-6494 REUPHOLSTER ond refinish "your furni-/ SCOTTISH terrier puppies registered ture by J. and J, Custom Furniture. Free Reasonable. Cali Pickering 839-2537 even. estimates Whitby, + _ 668-5753 or 668-5376, ings. ER Los and ola chairs, re-|ST. "BERNARD PUPPIES, registered par- covered like new. Get the best for iessjents. Telephone 649-2470 or write G. Nell, at Modern Upholsterers, 142 Simcoe $..R.R. 2 Claremont Call 720-6451. Free estimates, THREE KITTENS, seven weeks oid, CHESTERFIELDS | re-upholstered and re-/nicely marked. Free to good homes. Apply styled. Free estimate. See our material 266 Court Street, after. 5,15. Charlee erent ypaiion Upholstering, -75AWERICAN COCKER Spaniel puppies, AONE owt et) purebred blonds and goidens, males and 2 females. Make excellent children's pets. _ Sales and Service $20. each. 725-6473 GUARANTEED repairs to all wringer) SHETLAND ponies, matched team. Com washers and ranges. Free estimates. Cal! plete with Western saddies. Phone 728-1742 728-1071 0. REGULATIONS The Oshawa Times will not be re sponsible for errors, in advertise. ments submitted other-wise than in writing. not for more than one inser- tion of any advertisement, nor beyond the price charge for a single inser- tion of the advertisement in which error occurs The Oshawa Times reserves the rignt to classify advertising according to its proper classification In the case of display advertisements, | The Times will not be held respon- sible for more space than that in which the actual error occupies fn publishers endeavour to reproduce all advertising ag tho it ool 3 Hit pe gina in any form are 90--Summer Properties _ For Sale or Rent Apply 136 Summer Street. 17--Male Help Wanted per) nto i e » for days CHAMBERS' FOOD CLUB 933 RITSON' ROAD SOUTH any inaccuracies Owing to our ever expanding business, Chambers are offering contained therein Any advertisement cancelled betore publication will be charged one day's insertion IT'S EASY. TO PLACE A TIMES FAMILY WANT AD Cal) Classified Direct 723-3492 SAINT BERNARD. Registered, six H months, female. Good with children. Call Septic Service + eines SEPTIC TANKS cleaned, prompt service WN Sheph Calls, Walter Ward, 204 Chestnut Street! OaRMA N she = est, Whitby, 668-2563. 725-6753 FE cw PEDIGREE American foxhound puppies CILLIAN MAE MARSH, DEA Dancing _____ [Cheap for quick sale, Phone 668.3971 School, Ballet. Tap, Acrobatic, PrejM: ELIM, and TROLLOPE, | rio Land| "AUTO SERVICE in the < sihveniences. trampoline. Terrific fishing be RELIABLE -mother will give day care >' School, Kinderdance, Fridays, Saturdays,|/Surveyors, 11] Elgin Street East. phone section is the place for you to adver itanting Telephone 728-8204 between 7/to iAfant or small child in own home. CLEAN vo ee ten 72-4081, ltee # you fix cara 9 p.m. |South Motors area. Telephone 725-9313, Vinformation telephone Whitby eosin a chance of o sales career to a reliable family man. Better than average earnings with rapid promotion for a willing worker, Blue' Cross and P.$.!. coverage, pension plan and yearly/ bonus. black and Telephone male, months old. oaks furnished "collages, If you are bondable and would like to work with the top company ni oe all - call Mr. Taylor at 723-1163 for an appointment,

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