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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1964, p. 10

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VICTORY LEAP! 'Chuck' McKinley of U.S., is shown leaping over the net, to shake bands with his beaten oppon- ent, Fred Stolle of Australia, in the singles match of play, at Cleveland yesterda most came & cropper, oe Bi @ the he caught his left foot in the Davis Cup Chailenge Round iy. McKinley, as canbe seen, al- when GRID SEASON OPENS The North-South High School football doubleheader last at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Sta- a gee ; fans and were rewarded with |kervillle to Oshawa'South' Teams Sweep Ex. Twin-Bill jone by Hraynyk efter he anc] : night|Bob Cooper had taken -- turns \lugging the ball from midfield @ roating success as|to the ten. The other major] 1 turned out to eee the|came on a pass from Jim Bas |: Daryl Hudgin. JUNIOR GAME O'Neill started the junior con- test as if they weré going to wipe Central Collegiate off the field. On the first play Mike St. Thomas got loose on a tricky and was pulled down A penalty 'Neill touchdown on the ext play and the South took over to dominate play the rest of the quarter. Nick Hraynyk scored the only major for a 6-0 South lead. In the second quarter, Mc- Collegiate and Voca- yard play by Billy Fitches call- _ |ed back on an offside to nullify top of the net.He won 6-1, 9-7, 46 and 6-2. --AP Wirephoto. SPORTS MENU By Geo. H. Campbell SPORTS EDITOR "Everything From Soup To Nuts' Doubles Match -D ¥idown to 0' chance) missed opport |chance to score against Central gave up one touch- combe scored on a 14-yard run. |'This one was set up by a 45- yand pass and Farncombe to Bob Stevenson. SENIOR GAME The only touchdown in the senior contest came as Donvan took advantage of an MCVI penalty et midfield to retain possesion of the ball and then finished off the ensuing drive Neill as Evic Farm-| 5 run play from]! SPORTS | CALENDAR TODAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL OASA Senior "A" Playoffs-- St. Thomas or with Peter Kaplan going over from the five-yard line. However, the game was filled with near misses as all teams had excellent opportunities to score and then muffed them when in pay: dirt. : Central had two fine chances to ecore as a 50-yard run by Joe Krasnaj took the ball to the O' Neill 20 in the second quarter, two plays later. The second munity came just at the end of the third period as a John. Rajkovic to Larry Bobyk pass and run play took the ball from the Central 25 to the MCVI five, where it was lost on downs, but a point by Donevan resulted later in an exchange of kicks between O'Neill and Donevan in the fourth. McLaughlin big lost their Could Be Key For Davis Cup CLEVELAND (AP) -- It's the case of a team against two THE MANN CUP will stay in the West for another year, * Last night's seventh and deciding game, before a packed * house at Whitby Arena, was @ disappointing one for the _ Brooklin-Whitby-Oshawa fans (and most of the Eastern "neutrals'") but there was no denying skill and quality-- = vancouver Carlings deserved their Canadian championship "Jaurels last night. The inspired Brooklin team roared into * action from the opening faceoff to build up a 4-0 lead and "for the first ten minutes of the opening frame, it looked "to be "in the bag" for the Easterners. But ability and ~ experience, spiced with determination, suddenly became "evident as the gutted-stick artists from the West found their stride. As a matter of fact, Brooklin only scored " once after the first 10 minutes--and that was practically * a gift -- a free-throw, penalty shot, awarded 'within a few feet of the Vancouver crease. The second-guessers have "it that Brooklin should have won the series on Monday good layers in doubles today and the United States is count- ing on that to gain the decisive edge over Australia in the Da- vis Cup Ohallenge Round. "There's no doubt 'about it, the doubles match is the key to the series," said Vic Seixas, the American captain. "It looks as if the team that wins the doubles will take the cup." The tandem match, almost al- Scoring seven runs in the seventh inning, Toronto Samdy's TV went on to defeat Scugog Cleaners Junior Girls 14-7 in the PWSU Ontario Junior Softball Finals here at Alexandra to wys important in these best-|ast night. The win evened ti of-tive battles, took on added|best 2-of-3 series at one game significance. after Friday's split each. of the two opening singles. Ruth Foster, who lost the Toronto Girls Beat 'Scugogs', Series All Even |duties. They combined for eight |strikeouts, but were touched for Chuck McKinley, No 1 ranked from San Antonio, Tex., beat jittery Fred Stolle 6-1, 9-7, 6-4, 6-2 but Roy Emerson, Austra- opening game to Scugog 14-6, went all the way for the second time and allowed only eight hits. She struck out nine and} The winners exploded for their seven runs on six hits, including a home run blast by Moe Harris. Marilyn Shultz started on the mount for Scugog, but lasted only until the third, -when Sandra Paradise took over. the FEDERAL LOAN HELPS PLANT MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP)-- Governor Philip H. Hoff had good news for a Roman Cath- olic priest Thursday: A fed- eral loan will finance his hockey stick manufacturing thel but it was nuilified by a fumble| plant Hoff told Rev. George St. Onge the small business ad- ministration has authorized a loan of $111,000 for tie plant, which the priest is opening in the smalj Canadian border town of Richford, Vt. 'The plant will provide em- ployment for up to 75 persons. It is the latest project of the priest, who has been in local development work in northern Vermont for 13 years. Father St.- Onge formed Richford Enterprises to get the plant under way but plans to withdraw once it appears on its way to success, In a state House of Repre- sentatives ceremony, Hoff said several SBA loans have been arranged in Vermont since he took office, "but this is the most exciting one we have had here in Vermont." Smiling as he looked at the priest's Roman collar, the governor added: "Of course, Father St. Onge doesn't stand to get rich by all this." Production will begin at. the end of the year,Father St. Onge said. 18 hits, 16 of them singles. Nancy Puckrin, Linda McCord and R. Hill had two hits each for the losers. Paradise and Pelow shared the others. Remember When?... | By THE CANADIAN PRESS | Franchises of O itawa -|LAWN BOWLING Oshawa Tony's, at \Park, 7.30 p.m.; ist game of 2- -8 Southern Ontario cham- lof 2-out-of-3 finals. Mixed Doubles Tournament (fruit prizes) at Whitby Lawn Bowling Club, at 10.00 a.m. SOCCER Oshawa and District Assoc. (Lancaster Cup Final) -- Rang- ers vs Italia, at Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadium, 8.00 p.m. BASEBALL OBA Tyke Championship ord vs Oshawa Legion, at Alexandra Park, 2.00 p.m.; ist game of 2-out-of-3 title series. FOOTBALL Ontario Junior Conference -- Oshawa Hawkeyes vs Toronto Lakeshores, at Toronto Lake-| shore, 10.30 a.m. SUNDAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL Oshawa City and District Assoc, "City Championship Finals' -- Scugog Cleaners vs Bad Boy Appliance, at Alexan- dra Park, 3.00 p.m.; 3nd game of 3-out-of-5 series. MONDAY'S GAMES SOFTBALL Oshawa Civil Service League Championship Finals -- Thomp- son's Plumbing vs Wood's aa ze Joanne Goulet Gives Battle Before Losing By DOUG MARSHALL SANDWICH, England (CP)-- i ing zi it fas: asf i : ii 4 | iy Afternoon Leagues | Now Forming Oshawa Plaza Bidg. King end Stevenson SEE OUR AD ON LADIES PAGE FOR DETAILS There Are Special Benefits For All BUSINESS EXECUTIVES AND SALESMEN Sater te ten soe Coe definite advantages when ; cae of a you lease a new... No insurance costs . . . No maintenance costs , . . One rate covers everything on one or two yeer lease items... Phone or come in for full detelts. MILLS AUTO LEASE PHONE 723-4634 LTD.» 266 KING ST, WEST Transport, at Alexandra Park, 8.00 p.m.; Srd and deciding game of title series. Oshawa Minor Assoc. (Ki- wanis Bantam McLaughlin Coal & Supplies pionship Finals) -- Storie Park and Sunnyside Park, at Radio Park, 5.45 p.m.; $rd and de- ciding game of title series. Oshawa Minor Assoc. (Midget Round-Robin Playoffs)-- Connaught Park and Nipigon Park, at Fernhill Park, 5.30 p.m.; sudden-death game, to de- cide right to meet Storie Park -- announce -- Faster 24-Hour Delivery Service -- With our Fleet of -- RADIO-CONTROLLED in League Championship finals. SIGNS of all descriptions Plastic, Mesonite, Plywood, Metel, Paper, Cotton, ete. D \.-IN TRUCK & Neon, DELIVERY TRUCKS !! i Budget Plan = Automatic Weather-Controlled Deivery J Senators and Philadelphia VAN LETTERING lia's cham-|Walked six, but was never in| ~ night, that they had it made on Wednesday and then let " victory slip through the webbing. Last night -- for the "ast three periods, they were completely outplayed -- not outclassed, but definitely outplayed. Vancouver dom- inated the third quarter so well that fans at the south end of the Whitby Arena almost forgot the color of the ball --they only saw it about twice in that session. Posses- ~ gion, that was the secret of Vancouver's prowess and ~ with their size and power, they made this the deciding » factor. Superb ball-handling was their key and at times, "fAthey made it look simple, with a wizardry of passes and fakes that kept them always in full charge. On top of that -- the rebounds were coming their way -- it just wasn't Brooklin's night and in the end, the Easterners were being out-legged -- and that was the last straw. * But they went down trying hard and their loyal Brook- « lin fans gave them a great ovation when it was all over. = It's been a great season and while it would have been * in the history-making class to have a village the size of » Brooklin win The Mann Cup -- it just didn't work out that way -- but certainly, they made their mark and should be able to give it another great try, next summer. x x x x (WEEK-END QUICKJES:-- Oshawa Scugog Cleaners * were beaten in their Ontario Junior "B'" girls softball = finals, here at home iast night, by Toronto Sandy's. Don't = know when or where the third game will be played... < OSHAWA TONY'S learned last night that St. Thomas and = Hamilton Smart's were playing their third and deciding » game, Friday night in Hamilton. Don't know who won = it -- but the winners open the Southern Ontario OASA = Senior "A" finals, here at Alexandra Park tonight, at # 7:30 o'clock . . . BAD BOYS and Scugog Cleaners (Jr. = Boys) play the third game of their 3-out-of-5 "City Champion- ship" series at Alexandra Park tomorrow afternoon at three o'clock. Scugog lead the title round 2-0... , CONNAUGHT PARK plays Nipigon Park, in a sudden-death game, for the right to meet Storie Park in the Midget League finals, at Fern- hill Park diamond on Monday evening, at 5:30 o'clock. Win- ner plays at Storie Park, same time, on Wednesday night, in the first game of the finals . . . KIWANIS BANTAM League championship will be decided on Monday evening, 5:45 o'clock, at Radio Park, when Storie Park meets Sunnyside Park in the fifth and deciding game of their title series . . . THE ANS- WER! We were asked to submit some information, to settle a wager, concerning the famous game of years ago, be- tween Oshawa Generals and Toronto Marlboros. Oshawa de- feated Marlboros 2-1, on March 9, 1938, in Galt. The referees were the late George Hainsworth and Clarence Campbell. "Ab" Tonn and Billy Taylor scored the two Oshawa goals. : Marlboros' goal was scored by Bobby Laurent, with assists ~ going to Alex Smart and 'Peanuts' O'Flaherty. Note to F.A. --You lose again! UKTI E Pete EP eT eee ee * recogni, ng aye ag any' serious trouble. Sandy's led 2-0 after the first inning, added a single run in the second and increased their lead to 6-0 before Scugog came back with two tallies in the last of the third on a two-run home by C. Pelow. Connaught To pion, came back with a crush- ing 6-1, 6-3, 6-2 triumph over Dennis Ralston, 22 - year - old collegian from Bakersfield, Calif. With little hope of beating Emerson in the final singles Sunday, the United States' only hope of retaining the cup won from the Aussies last year is a second triumph over Stolle and a doubles victory. In the final singles, Ralston plays Stolle and McKinley faces Emerson. Foster was the hitting star for Sandy's with four singles in six times at bat. Tisa Vassair, Lee Oliver, Moe Harris, Dareyl Spencely, Bev Kolaski and Cheryl Spencely got two hits apiece. SANDY'S TV -- Vassair, If; Oliver, ss; Harris, 3b; D. Spencely, cf; Lowe, 2b; Foster, C. Spencely, rf. SCUGOG CLEANERS--Pelow, | Hill, 3b; Puckrin, of; Mc-| Meet Nipigon Midget Playott Connaught Park won its sec- ond defaulted game in a row last night in the Oshawa Minor Soft- ball Association's Midget League round - robin playoffs. Lake Vista defaulted the contest and Connaught was given credit for a 9-0 victory. Connaught will meet Nipigon Park in a sudden-death affair at Fernhill Park, Monday, 5.45 p.m., and the winner will take on Storie Park in a best 3-of-5 Italia Defeats Ukrainia Squad This week saw the last league competition game of the Osh- awa and District Soccer Asso- ciation for this season Dave Jack refereed this last of a score of good games, which in most cases were splendid enter- tainment for the Oshawa fans Poy and Ukrainia battled for ese last t 4 setter se Naight yeieg re a final series for the City Cham- the much stronger Italia club, |Pionship. f ; Tony Batista successfully. de-| The final series will start at fended Italia's net and five of his teammates each scored one|5-30 p.m. Storie Park Wednesday night,| \Cord, If; Schultz, p, 2b in 3rd; | |Paradise, 2b, p in 3rd; genes) lss; Clough, 1b; Turner, rf and| | | Sleep, 1b in 8th. | Your Satisfaction | Is Our Aim | | All Cars Carry Our GUARANTEE KELLY DISNEY USED CARS Ltd. 1200 Dundas E. | Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN | goal, Mario Pedretti, Fred Rohr, Adriano Didanielli, Bart Zizzo} and Sengio Latin. Tonight Italie plays Rangers in the final of the Lancaster Cup competition, 8 o'clock, at the Kinsmen Civic Memorial Stadi-| um. It promises to be an ex-| citing and all-out battle, since) both teams probably will bring| the best players onto the field. ome 725. OSHAWA'S LARGEST 1-Blue Sky Lew, Leblanc 13.40 3-Windlesham, Fitz'ns 5-Allbhai Forever, Bailey Start good, won driving Also Ran in Order: Swirl of Glory and Plentitude. QUINELLA, 1 AND 3, PAID 665.30 RENT-A-CAR MERCURY TAXI A771 AND MOST MODERN TAX! AND U-DRIVE--OVER 30 CARS AND TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE! $1.00 A DAY PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE GEO. RUTHERFORD (Oshowe) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST, Winner, b ¢, by Nahar 2nd -- Say Please by Jamestown. Trainer E Teeson. Pool 16,081 Quinella Pool 28,208 SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2300. Claiming. Three-yeer-olds and up. One and onesix- teenth Miles, Marshall Turf course (8) §Kiondyke Lil, Dittfach 10.90 5.10 3.00 B-Rococo Rogue, Gomez 44 2.80 4Recitatif, Balley 2.30 won driving WOODBINE RACE RESULTS Start good, Also Ren in Order: Mr. Flirt, Mystere, 'Raven Wing, Bronze Turkey and Faisun. Winner, dh #, by Thirteen of Diamonds-- Wayward Queen by Roya) Serenade. | FIRST RACE -- Purse $2000. Claiming. old maiden fillies. Allowances. Two-year-old maidens. 6 Furiongs (12) |Furiongs (9) Parsons 11.10 4.00 3.10/3-Tle Pilot, Leblanc , Dittach 3.3% 2.60|6Spice Bendit, Davidson 12.00|2-Victory Chant, Gomez " Stert good, won ' easily | Start. Also Ran in Order: Better Empire, Gay ~ Laughter, Chinese Sabre, irish Joe, Moon-|Tracey Gien, Merry Baraue, "it, Cousin Clem, Fleet Musketeer, Prince|Canute, Maytown and Nap Royal " Pormpell and Take A Mile, " i Winner, ch ¢ by Balakiave Ind -- Gam: |by Tudor Minstrel. Trainer W Thurner. ~boge by Goya 2nd. Trainer M Long. Poo! 39,343 * Pool Double Poot 40,947 | 900. Claim-| TeeTeeretes : é z ison SECOND RACE -- Purse $) "ing. Threeyeercids end up. «(2 ~Sanemen, inde ~6Sun White, Batley o'-Seoret Star, Dittfach Start good, for ell. but Round Sun, iving ee Ran in Order: Glad Roman, Noble Nakina, ~ score, Plucky Crest, ~ Doctor, Currytown, jc) 3,60|7Peaches Reward, Davidson 1.469| &Set. Bricker, Gomez won | Start good, won driv! 4 A-Jamaruilah, Miss Our| Prince Bubi |A--A M Cuddy end F Stronech Entry Sun, Champ, end Big Native. | DAILY DOUBLE, 12 AND 5, PAID $35.10|Winner, ch g by Primate -- Dov Doula!" Also Ran In Order: Malucine, Glen- |by Wise Counsellor. Trainer R K Smith, br g, by 8 je Star -- Winner, dk b or 9: ygon: 30,544, wLolsen by Gilded Knight. Trainer L Pool » Glardin, Pool © qHIRD RACE -- Purse $2200. Two-year-|One and onesixteenth Miles (5) 7 Fur-! 18.00 7.50 4.30 3.40 2 "| Winner, b g, by Jet Pilot -- Rainbow Tie FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2000. Claim. 6 Furlongs|'09. Three-year-clds and up. 6 Furlongs 6H 2.90 2.10 5First Minister, Dittfach 6.00 3.50 2.70 420 23.36) 3,80] | Also Ran in Order: Faithtul Tom, Hilt, Bassano, dune's Choice, Royai|Jean Goyo, Treasure Hunt 2nd and. A-|3-Quiet Nancy, Fitz'ns R | PIFTH RACE -- Purse $2700. Allow-|Our Boots. Trainer J Simon. ances. Three and four-year-old fillies.|Pool 58,324 Trainer R A McKenzie. Poo! 52,094 | SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2900. Allow. | |ances. Three-veer-olds end up. 6 Furiongs| ) (7 5.10 410 2.90 60 4.2 6.10) good, out } Also. Ran in Order: John's Champ, A-| Top Toggery, Dark Fairy and A-Royal | Spirlt A--Stattord Farms Entry f necessary giving Winner, dk b or br hy by Windflelds --| Teddikins by Teddy Wrack. Trainer N+ Julius Pool 52.197 5 i) EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2000, Claim | ng. Three-year-olds and up. One and one- |} sixteenth Miles on Marshall turf course! (8) 2-Wel)_ Now, dealer ond rug cleaner in ext prices low . 9.50 5.10 $201 2.70 3.10 4.60 Smith 5-Stromaway, Harris | Start good, won driving Nationa! Institute |speed, Trust Him, Vogel's Victor and El- jtoro The Great, Winner, b m, by Milesian -- Boots by ' Total Poo 398,339 NU-WAY RUG OSHAWA'S MOST RELIABLE RUG LEANING By NU-WAY RUG CLEANERS, the largest broadioom Eastern Ontario, Only NU- WAY Jet Cleans your rugs, a second and third time ra specicl attention to stains, returning them to your floors fresh-cir fresh and new looking. Using the most modern rug clean- ing equipment NU-WAY'S efficient methods keep . for example o 9 x 12° rug costs only $9.75. For fast 3 day service call now, 728-4681 NU - WAY RUG An es pg bao Member of the of Rug Cleaners Quakers of the National Hockey League were sus- pended following a meeting of the league executive 33 years ago today. Senators, five times winners of the Stanley Cup, returned in 1932 for two years before the team was transferred to St. Louis. SERVICE STAR Advertising Co. 402 Mary St. E., Whitby PHONE 668-2772 Cell Collect | "Turn To Modern Living With Oil Heat" TELEPHONE 723-3481 McLaughlin Coal & Supplies Lid. 110 KING ST. WEST OSHAWA a p; Kolaski, c; Gough, lb and|, 48 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH - OSHAWA == New in name, but well versed in experience -- that describes Oshawa's newest Real Estate Firm, "Active Realty Limited". Located at 48 Simcoe Street, South, across from the Post Office; Active Realty Limited maintains round-the-clock service to handle all your real estate needs, with door open from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED OFFERS A BRILLIANT ARRAY > OF EXPERIENCED PERSONNEL TO SERVE YOU BEST. é BILL HORNER Vice-President Hos spent most of his life In the selling field and his outstanding success over the last four years in Real Estate is 4 great testimony to his " ability, He is doing a bang- up job os Sdles Manager for Active Realty Limited. RALPH VICKERY President end Manager Hos dealt in real estate for 35 yeors ond has operated © real estate business for over 15 years. He is well known and respected in all phases of the business. He formerly operated Vickery Reol Estate There is « popular line-up of personnel, ready and willing to help you with your real estate problems. Pauline Beal, Hertha Kirk and Dorothy Wood, our congenial female personnel; have all had several years in the real estate business and specialize in the art of finding the right home for the right person. Steve Lehan, Guy Bell and Bob Johnston ere all names well known to the public in Oshdwa. These men have all -- at one time or another -- been in 'the automotive business and are experienced salesmen, heartily welcomed as new firm. OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. TO 9 P.M. CALL "ACTIVE" to Get Moving 728-5157 Where Real Estate Is SOLD... NOT Just LISTED! REALTY LTD. | LOTS OF "ACTION" Bae: STEVE ZURBA Secretary Needs no introduction to the public as he is noted for his friendly, thorough approach to all your real estate prob- lems. Steve is always ready to serve you with expert ad- vice and help. : > | DOUG. WILSON Treasurer ' Brings 12 years of active participation in real estate and is thoroughly experience- ed in new, resale 'ond 'sub- division development. Dou formerly operated D, W. Wilson Realtor, firm, assets to our RE-SALE HOMES NEW HOMES COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL SUB-DIVISION AND LAND DEVELOPERS APPRAISERS LOANS AND MORTGAGES PROPERTY MANAGEMENT

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