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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1964, p. 20

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- aed HOT WEATHER TIP PICKLE PLUSES UNITS, GROUPS AND AUXILIARIES i= Pickles taste eepecially sood| Did you know that pickles arb : z the thermometer soars|iow in calories and high in nutri: at the convention in North your body needs more salt.\tion? Pickles provide Vitamins That's because a medium-sized : rocessed 'dill pickle supplies A,. Bl, B2 end sdbstantial tended to a former member, rs. V.|half of normal ' daily salt re-|amounts of Vitamin C, and min- Mrs, Horace Nobbin of Toronto,|c; quirements -- plus vitamins andjerals such as calcium, phosphor- also the mother of one of the ; i 'ous, iron, and copper. i members, Mrs. Brian Cole. ---- V7 ssces=| SY JOIN NOW! Ladies' Afternoon Bowling Leagues OSHAWA PLAZA BOWLING LANES -- elephant sale took place. It was announced that at the next meeting Mirs. Claude Vipond will KING & STEVENSON RD. PHONE 723-2631 @ FREE INSTRUCTION FOR BEGINNERS : @ FREE SUPERVISED NURSERY A 20 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturday, September 26, 1964 TIMES HOME OF THE WEEK After welcoming all members back, a special welcome was ex- "a OLD COUNTRY CLUB -- {Mrs. Alfred Gower, was won by | the sea-|Mirs. Frank Roche, District Tt was announced that there a wodid be a night of cards on Auxil-Tyesday, October was held at Simcoe 4 with twenty-two mem- bers present, which included members, Mrs. Ronald Mrs. Jack Woodman. SIMCOE STREET UCW (Cameo Unit) The Cameo Unit of Simcoe Street United Church held its September meeting in the church parlors. Mrs. Harry Hawe presided and expressed her thanks to the members for their kindness shown her while she had been ill. There were fifteen members present and one visitor, Mrs. J. K. Moffatt. The reports were given. Mrs. Mourice Hutchison took the devotional period from the -|91st Psalm. She read Sg ad date was set for|cerpis from one of . A, J. mber 12, and t's|Cronin's books. for the bazaar. Miss Leah Garrow sang a solo| The attendance at the meet-| accompanied at the piano by |ings leaves much to be desired. | September 26 at the Kinsmen|Mrs. Jessie Fleming.. HAND-CUT, HAND-POLISHED LEAD CRYSTAL show her pictures of Malaya, and everyone is asked to bring) a friend. | LEGION AUXILIARY The Ladies' Auxiliary, Royal | Canadian Legion, Branch 43, | held its weekly meeting with the | i , Mrs, Norman Mc- Evers,' presiding. | The fall bazaar was discussed | and once again conveners of! booths are asked to bring in| goods to be made, embroidered, or wool for knitted socks or sets, also, donations for any booths, either in material or wool, so that work may be done ready| @ AMPLE FREE PARKING Bring Your Friends and Bowl . . . It's Healthful, It's Inexpensive, It's Fun! e. BRING THIS AD FOR ONE FREE GAME !!- e (GOOD MON, TO FRI. TO 6 P.M. FOR LADIES OPEN PLAY ONLY) OPPORTUNITY DAY, MONDAY! Met Ane ees e arr aie i. te . e Mrs. David Boakes, were made.|Mrs, Hutchison's group serving | Tea and cookies were served|a cup of tea. | by Mrs. Herry Davey, Mrs.| -- sT. GEORGE'S GUILD Hen Shope an Me Jee nyse metg the and still photographs of the Guild of St. George's Anglican Dominion 'Dey Folk Festivel|mrch was held in Cowen Parade were shown, as well es|ouse, recently. Mrs. T. 1 N. travel films ef Switzerland and|Hind presides ag by Western Canada taken by mem- Leonard Brash in the | Mrs. : yet labsence of Mrs. S. T. Hepkins. The weekly prize was won by|jhe treasurer's report was Mrs, Arthur Watts, and it was) siven by Mrs. Norman Hinds. | announced that the next meet-| Final arrangements were| ing will be held October 5, made for the annual fail lunch-) 1964. leon to 'be held in the Parish| |Hall on Centre Street, Septem-| TO ) ae LIVING, 12-9'+ 15-0 ied ate ° ._ te wt eet 0.R.A. AUXILIARY 1055 Sq.Ft. 3 9). fey oe Blueprints Include complete details for both BRICK VENEER:and FRAME construction: HOME DESIGN No. 642 An attractive compact house which has been designed for electric heating. However, provision has been made for chimney space if desired. TV room could be used as extra bedroom. It has a closet Now available at this news- paper office (or from address below) is. our new design book entitled Suburban and Country Homes Designed for Canadians," price $1.00 tax free. This 1964 edition in- cludes information on Cost of Building and Financing in Canada, Heating, Insulation, Constructional Details, etc., plus many outstanding new designs -- ranch, one hand half storey, split level, two- storey colonial, and duplex homes. Also included in this book are full details on how to order blueprints. over the stair. Without car- port, house could be built on a 40-foot lot. Design is for Brick Veneer, but full details for building in Frame are in- cluded on the blueprints. 1055 Sq. Ft. Standard Blueprints for this design No. 642 Cost $15.00 for the first set, and $5.00 for additional sets. They are available in Canada by return mail. (Ontario residents must remit 3 per cent Sales Tax.) FIRST AID TO THE AILING HOUSE By ROGER C. WHITMAN The Building Editor, Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ontario, AG Enclosed please find $1.00 for which send me Book of Plans entitled "HOME PLANNING GUIDE" Mail reauests 10c extra. (Please make remittance payable to The Oshawa Times). Name COOOR ROR O REO OE EEO OO REE ESO REET OREO E OO OE ESE OOEED Address SOPOP OREO OREO ER EREOHOEEO OE EOO OED EE EEE E EO OEEESOE® CRACKING PAINT QUESTION: My house is|brought out, after cleaning and) varnish on gently, following the about 32 years old; it is plaster-|thorough drying, by applying aldirection of the grain of the ed and insulated. I have painted|soaking coat of raw linseed oil| wood. Don't worry about ridges walls in the kitchen and bath-|and removing all excess oil after)made by the brush; these .will room. Each time before paint-ja half hour; if left longer, a/flatten out by themselves. ing (at least a day or two), the) gummy residue will form which) walls were washed and rinsed; |is almost impossible to remove) SPOTTED WOOD FLOORS the paint job looks perfect for|later. This treatment will darken| QUESTION: We purchased a about a year, then thousands of|the stone somewhat but enrich| house about six 'months ago and hairline cracks appear in the|the color; try a test area in anion receiving ownership found paint. I have used various top)inconspicuous place to see how|about 10 spots on stairs.and bed- quality paints, and each with|you like the result before doing|room floors. I am ready to redo the same results. I had a painter|the whole stone surface. lthe floors and would like the do the last job; the results were \ stains removed, as I do not have the same. What can I do to PAINTING DOOR: \earpeting; only throw rugs in remedy this condition? QUESTION: | We "have vinyl the rooms. What do you suggest? plastic accordion doors on the} . -- ye letter, closets in our vacation cottage.| ANSWER: I assume these are Aged pe caumad tae We plato repaint the bedrooms|all wood floors. Any finish on Aso Bho Bos in these two this year. Can the doors' ve|the floors must be removed acne for moisture-resistance; |P2nted also? down to the bare wood (some- or, if enamel has been used each| ANSWER: Yes. Use any good|thing you must do anyway be- time the gloss was not properly | Wality latex base paint on the fore refinishing); I recommend dilled (rubbing with sandpaper) viryl plastic doors; or a vinyl|ysing a floor-sanding machine, before applying the new coatin plastic coating in aerosol form|which can be rented at many sisal 8:\can be applied. Be sure the sur-|hardware or electric appliance RESTORING FIREPLACE _ {face is first cleaned of ary trace |service stores. QUESTION: We have a Ten- jof grease, wax, grime, etc., as} . r si ia | For dark stains: Try rubbing messee stone fireplace which wih any surface to be painted. area with No. 1 steel wool and a shows some smoke soot and). pPIMPLED TABLE TQ? _ |liquid floor cleaner for wood natural dust. How can I clean) QUESTION: I revarnished an|floors made by a nationally this and is there some oil that|yak table top after removing the|known manufacturer. If not is applied to bring out the color? |oid finish, Now that it is dry,|successful, apply a solution of The fireplace is six years old?|there are a lot of pimples or ------____-- -- ANSWER: Masonry: supplies blisters filled with air all over} ° . dealers and some large hard-|the table top. What do you rec-| Buying or Selling ! ware stores carry cleaning prep-|ommend? ° | arations for stone, brick and) ANSWER: The new varnish GUIDE REALTY masonry surfaces; follow label|finish should be removed and LTD. ditections carefully. Or scrub|the job done over. You may have ; _(gtone surtace with stiff brush or|introduced air bubbles (or blis-|] $ biex YOUNG Vice-President steel wool and a scrubbing pow-|tens) into the varnish by stirring|] . _ycas PEACOCK Sec-Treas. der or a mechanic's hand soap|it in the container. Or bubbles 16 SIMCOE ST. S., OSHAWA PHONE 723-1121 containing sand; then rinse thor-|can also be caused by brushing oughly with clear water to re-/the varnish on too vigorously or move all trace of the cleaner."'slapping" it on the surface "ONE-PIECE CONCRETE oTEP JUMEDIATE DELIVERY WALL UL a) CONCRETE PRODUCTS LTD. ONTARIO The September meeting of the Ontario Regiment Association, Ladies Auxiliary, was held re- cently in the Armouries with the president, Mrs. Clifford Bould presiding. It was decided to present the Oshawa Chapter of the Ontario Regiment Association with a cheque to help defray the ex- penses of the reunion. Representatives for Hillsdale Manor Tuck Shop for October are Mrs, Robert Andrews, Mrs. Hanry Wood, Mrs. William Mc- Neili, Mrs. Frank Roche. ber 30, at 1.00 p.m. The guest) speaker is to be from the Unit-) ed Nations and here will be a display of dolls in native cos- tumes. Tea was served by Mrs. 0. C. Richandson's. group. | SIMCOE STREET UCW (Helping Hand Unit) The September meeting of the | Helping Hand Unit of Simcoe} Street United Church Women was held recently in the Sunday School with a pot luck supper after. A. short business meeting was conducted by the president, The lucky prize donated by Mrs, Arthdr Morrison. THE HOME CHANDELIERS AND FIXTURES | SPECIALLY PRICED AND EXCLUSIVE WITH EATON'S OF CANADA , WORKSHOP The color of the stone can be Proper technique is to flow the| By RUTH W. SPEAR KITCHEN EFFICIENCY is increased with this stool to use for many tasks. The fold-back steps are always ready for réaching high shelves, It is easy to make with simple tools, and requires no unusual hardware. Pattern 382, which gives actual- size cutting guides, directions and material list, is 50c. Send order to The Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. | one ounce of oxalic acid (poison) | in one quart of water to dis- colored areas, allowing to re- main at least an hour, then rinsing with plenty of . clear water to remove all trace of solution. For light, or bleached, spots, applying matching wood stain to discoloration, LEAVE FOR CITIES Almost 1,000,000 U.S. citizens move from small towns to work || in major cities: every year. 1179--Gleaming crystal pendants and bobeches on white-coloured metal arms with brass-coloured metal trim. Five-light style. Approx. 19", diam, EATON Special Price, each w 29.95 FOR WORK OR PLAY this big table is easy to store and) may be set up quickly for a banquet or for cutting out) dresses. The children will like| it for games. Dad will use the folding base sections for saw horses, Pattern 372, which gives directions, illustrated steps and) material list, is 50c. It also is in| Packet No. 16 with three other! full-size patterns--all for $1.75. | Send order to The Home Workshop Dept., The Oshawa Times, Oshawa, Ont. rYAMES || '\O'MALLEY! I Construction Ltd. ! V 723-7122 | '@ Homes @ Additions Offi @ Remodelin Dees eee BT 10017/WE---Charming wall Beatket with 12 U- drops centered with six crystal pendants. Frame in WHITBY, by THE HON. JOHN Prime Minister of Ontario on WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30th, 1964 at 2:00 p.m, Russel Francis, Warden of the County of Ontario | The Public Are Cordially Invited to Attend THE OFFICIAL OPENING of the COURTHOUSE And County of Ontario ADMINISTRATION BUILDING at polished brass finish. Approx. 54%" diam. EATON Special Price, each 10.95 ONTARIO 1259--Contemporary close-to-ceiling six-light fix- ture with pear-shaped crystal drops. Arms and graceful leaf motif finished either in colour of gold or in white. Approx. 17' diam. 39 95 eeeee a7 P. ROBARTS, Q.C. EATON Special Price, each ALL BULBS AND INSTALLATIONS EXTRA EATON'S LOWER LEVEL, DEPT, 377 PHONE 725-7373 10018--Five-candle style ornamented with chains of crystal beads and prisms. Frame finished in col- our of gold, Approx. 19' diam, 4 95 EATON Special Price, each ® 1194--Exquisite triple-tiered single-light fixture combines 44 cut U-drops with 20 crystal icicle pendants. Frame finished in polished brass. Approx. » 9' overall diam, 24 95 Ate 2 EATON Special Price, each NOT ILLUSTRATED 1258--The Sponish Provincial influence in a six-light fixture decorated with lead crystal prisms. Metal frame in satin finish the colour of gold. Approx. 21" diam. EATON Special Price, each 1295--Six-light style lavishly decorated with spearhead and teardrop crystal prisms, bobeches and a cut crystal ball. Polish. ed brass-finish frame, Approx, 18' diam. 16" body depth. EATON Special 1430--Elegance for small rooms, halls, 'etc. One-light close-to- ceiling fixture with latticed metal cylinder in brass finish adorned with 48 new-style diomond-shaped crystal prisms. Approx. 8°' diam. EATON Special Price, each 1293--Six-candle style with brass-finished frame elegantly trimmed with 48 cut crystal prisms. Approx. 14" diam, 16 body depth. EATON Special Price, each 1191--Single-light fixture in polished brass finish, with 16 crystal icicle pendants ringed with one tier of pear-shaped crystal drops. Approx, 7" diam, EATON Special Price, each 10017--Single-light close-to-ceiling fixture in polished brass finish adorned with 12 U-drops and six crystal icicle pendonts, Approx. 534" diam. EATON Special Price, each Lyman A. Gifford, Mayor of the City of Oshawa -- ' EATON'S TELEPHONE ORDER SERVICE OPEN DAILY 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Thursday and Friday Night Until 9 % 7

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