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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1964, p. 3

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Bid To Prevent Swim Pool Fails TORONTO. (CP) -- A law- yer's wife, the only one of nine neighbors to object to a lawyer building a $12,800 swimming pool in the yard of his prop- erty in swank Forest Hill, lost a bid to stop him Friday in On- tario Supreme Court, ruled that sections of the Forest Hill bylaw on swimming pools are illegal. The bylaw nequires certain shapes and sizes of pools and a minimum space on the lot, and demands consent of neighbors within 100 feet of the| property -- all of: which the judge found illegal. March and obtained consent from eight neighbors, but Mors. Margaret French objected on the grounds that the pool would be directly under same of her downstairs windows. The village council refused him e permit and Mr. Davies took the matter to court. Mrs. French's application to be de- clared a party to the proceed- ings was rejected Friday by a Mr. 'Justice Dalton C. Wells BEARTRAP SNAPS CHOPPER By ED WALTERS It's a device called the Bear- trap which guides the helicopter to the deck, grasps it tight and hauls & safely into a hangar. The importance of the device is underlined by the fact that nuclear - powered submarines have removed the speed advan- tage that surface vessels previ- ously held over underwater craft. The navy, which specializes in anti - submarine warfare, de- cided that the combination of a small ship and helicopter could overcome the problem of keep- ing, up with the faster nuvlear- sobered subs, The Canadian navy's VA10 experimental squadron was set to work to devise a means of landing a helicopter safely av-erd a destroyer-escort even Mr. Justice Wells. in bad weather, CAPSULE NEWS Careda, Equipment of Canada, designed with minor tre track that runs in a slot in ring e is hoisted to the helicop- cable lowered for the purpose. probe in the aircraft's belly. A winch hauls down the helicop- ~ with tension tl Beartrap frame, Navy Secures Helicopters The squadron, made up mostly of young sc'entixts and engineers, experiments in 1956. It proved within a year that landing a 10-1un helicopte: on tne deck of a small warship was feasible but that some method of securing the aircraft immediately on aoa was Te- quirea, along with a hangar. GUIDED BY WINCH Fairey Aviation Company of assisted by Dowly the prototype system which, adjustments, ap- pears to be what is needed. The Beartrap is a_ six-foot- square steel frame with a cen- the deck. From it leads a cable er by means of a messenger The cable leads through a being kept by aircraft's hovering ability. When the probe enters the two sliding rails are fired by hydraulic THE OSHAWA TIMES, 3 Seturdey, September 26, 1964 ~ rolling through an arc of 31 de- grees, Pp degrees with the flight deck heaving up and down as much as 20 feet a Mackenzie class vessels. Beaver's Ashes Placed In Bust NEWCASTLE, N.B. (CP)--A crowd watched in silent tribute newspapers at the age, of 12. Sixty years later the square was deeded to him in appreci- ation of his benefactions to this community on the Miramichi pressure. They come together and nip the probe. Another ca- ble pulls the Beartrap and heli- copter into the hangar. if the 'copter is not in a direct fore- and-aft line it is straightened when the Beartrap is moved over chevron-type centring rails bolted to the flight deck. The aircraft can be secured] within four seconds of touching) The urn first rested on a ta-|, down. The Beartrap, controlled|/ble behind Lady Beaverbrook. by an operator from a console,| 'ter it was placed in the statue can do its job while the ship is|base, stone masons sealed the Bank Will Appeal |ments were erg Large Court Award ments were closed to enable at- tendance at the service. About 2,000 school children were grouped in the area along with TORONTO (CP) -- A repre- sentative of the Canadian Im- perial Bank of Commerce served notice Friday that the the province's premier and lieu- bank will appeal a court award tenant - governor, cabinet and legislature members, town and earlier this month of $960,000 and $415,000 interest to Brilund| county officials and boy scouts. Mines Limited. River in northeastern New Brunswick. He was 85 when he died at his home in England June 9. The service was conducted by Rt. Rev. H. A. MacMillan of Toronto, Moderator of the Pres- byterian Church in Canada. cial With Lady Beaverbrook were Sir Max Aitken, Lord Beaver- 'brook's son and successor, and Lady Aitken. Woman Is Ruled Fit Stand Trial arson. He had pleaded guilty to setting a number of fires while chief of the fire brigade in this municipality south of Vancou- ver. He was sentenced concur- rently to two years each on a total of 55 counts of stealing gasoline from the municipality. SEES UNEMPLOYMENT WINNIPEG (CP) -- Ten per cent of Canada's population will be unemployed 50 years from now, Dr. F. C. Cronkite of Sas- katoon, chairman of the Prairie Regional Employment Commit- tee, said Friday. "In a few years' time anyone who doesn't have at least a high school ed- ucation will be on the unem- ployment list," he said in an interview. " The notice of appeal was THREATEN GRAHAM __ filed on the law firm represent- BOSTON (AP) -- Evangelist); rilund Mines, Billy Graham has been threat- i, ened with death several times recently, police diisclosed Fri- day night. The Boston Garden, where Graham spoke to 13,909, was searched by police after a bomb threat was received. Nothing was found and the meeting was not disturbed. PLAN A-POWER WASHINGTON (AP) -- The taken the first step in getting a nuclear power plant for Roches- TORONTO (CP) -- A county jcourt jury ruled Friday that Mrs. Francis Sousa, 35, of Tor- onto is mentally fit to stand trial on a change of wounding the mother superior of a Carm- lelite convent April 25. Mrs. \Sousa is alleged to have --Oshawa Times Photo |stabbed Mother Monica and at- ee -------- |tempted to ignite her habit after sprinkling it with a fluid which smelled like lighter fluid. UNDERWRITERS HOLD CONGRESS IN OSHAWA gress held Friday in the Hotel Association. Herbert V. Wil- was ---- hg Ryall a meas i tj innipeg, is Room wi . Leslie Brazier, Genosha. J. Arnold Burdon, liams, CLU, of Winnipeg CLU, regional vice-nresident left, was the guest speaker. also shown. The program as speaker, He is president of the Simcoe- started at 9 a.m. and con- Muskoka Life Underwriters cluded at 4 p.m. Luncheon "eUn 3 | meras Dont Show _LATE DEATHS DROP PRICES SANDFORD, John Henry TORONTO (CP) About Hospitel Sr darordey, sephora 2%, briny half the service stations in Met- John Henry Sandford, beloved husband! ropolitan Toronto were selling of Gertrude Sandford, and father of Mrs. gasoline well below the usual A Vy Rabbits On The Moon n 1 | ence forma), and Mrs, Phylti : ' . i predic Nagpal Paer cbse Dovald price Friday. Regular grade By JORIE LUELOFF The Eskimos say that today'sjof which continue. gasoline was selling for as low Carry) of Whitby; in his 8ist vie. gin Plog , : "4 0 NEW YORK (AP)--When the} moon-gazers can be grateful for|weight today. phe dh toy Re gh the ciapel Mon-|as 34.9 cents a gallon instead of receiving line forms to welcome|the bad temper of a magician) | In ancient Rome, farmers Te-|day, September 28-at 2 p.m. Interment] tne ysual 41.9 cents, One station the first earthman to the moon,| who lived long ago. He made alligiously followed this rule| Oshawa Union Cemetery. operator said the price has been it might include a rabbit, Hia-| trip to the sky to create the sun When you want something tO) warp, evans J. H. movie downward gradually for watha's grandmother, lovely|one day and took with him his) grow or increase, tend to it dur-| entered Into reat at his tate. residence! 4° last three weeks. In Wind- maidens, doves and a wood sister, who had begged to gojing the waxing moon; when you|Claremont, on Saturday, adie lsor, Ont., prices have dropped Chairman A. Frank Godley, centre, president of the Osh- awa Life Underwriters' Asso- ciation discuss the day's program at the 1964 Central Ontario Regional Sales Con- stype of TRAVEL. 668-3304. Jahlich. | OPENING MONDAY, to 573 KING E. 725-3594 Free Delivery! representative of @ cross-appeal of Mr. Justice Campbell Grant's judgment. Brilund is claiming that it should have been awarded an additional $272,000 which it con- tends the former controllers of the company spent on them- selves, and another $75,000 that had been paid to another com- pany. Mr. Justice Grant had made the bank in it had been completely cleared up...He said the minister was HE'S AN ASS' admitted to hospital for a week or 10 days for observation and ter, N.Y. The AEC téntatively accepted a proposal Friday for a 260 - megawatt facility that the award against connection with a complex se- ries of financial transactions in- volving Brilund. LIBERTY, Mo. (AP)--Asked if Republican Senator Barry Goldwater would make a good president, former president investigation and was "per- fectly chipper." ENDORSE JOHNSON | SIGHTSEEING would be constructed 19 miiles east of the city on the south shore of Lake Ontario. The pro- posal was made by Rochester thief. along. For some reason he be-|want something to dry, cure or| eH eather sere ana aenrt s low as 26.9 cents a gallon. The cameras of the recentjcame angry with her and/decrease without decay, tend to/father of Elizabeth (Mrs. Allan Fryer) of . : g . U.S. lunar rocket Ranger| burned the side of her face with|it during the waning moon; if Cleo. E Ginger) of celery, end PICKERSGILL IN HOSPITAL caught none of these, but cen-|the sun. Angry and humiliated,;something is to _Temain UN- joving step-father of esa rebate ro OTTAWA (CP) Transport Min. Sena legends say they are = away to become the|changed, do it during the ark "Pickering and dear, brother of Merylister Pickersgill 'entered hospi- : ? if | (Mrs. ooper: taremont, 5 ' "Since the beginning of time, As for the "man in the moon"| The theory eventually _be-|ter ot, claremont, Wiliam of. Oshavsr word eww d ev" ae cor the human race has regarded|--a figure similar to all chil-/came broader until it was grad-|/ Delle ad gee gpl t, Sarab| + grea Mr. Pickersgill's the moon wit!: 'ear and fascina.|dren in the Western world--jually discerned that lunar| sophia, Florence, Alie, and Judd, ail de- air davaggylt } :. , 'ic! an hs tion. there are several explanations/phases actually do influence ceased. Mr. Ward is resting at Mccecnms execiltive vate - influ That heavenly body is all tied) of his arrival. many areas of life such as the poms ees bl Sa chaeaenel minister had a bout with A up with primitive tribal dances,] A German story tells of an| Tse and fall of tides. aptist Church on Tuesday, 2 bg during the Hymne oF -- nursery rhymes, pagan worshiP|old man who cut sticks in the) 'The association of the moon app Praigedcicihore and peer superstition./forest on Sunday. When a pass-|with health, both mental. and the centuries it haS/erby reproached him for work-|physi¢al, is timeless. Hippo- symbolized contradictory forces! ing on the day of rest, the wood-|crates 'himself recommended --good and evil, life and death,!cutter replied, "Sunday on|that no physician ignorant of male and female. \earth or Monday in Heaven, it's|astronomy be cntrusted with) The South Pacific islanders,|all the same to me." The stran-| the treatment ci disease. | according to Captain Cook,|ger's retort was: "Then bear} And, of ccurse, the theory imagined the moon a lush coun-)your bundle forever! And as|that the moon exerts a strong try to which white -winged) you value not Sunday on earth,|pull on men's minds has sur- doves carried seeds which/yours shall be a perpetual|yived through the ages contrib- sprang into groves of fruit! moon-day in. Heaven. You shall) yting, among other things, the trees. stand for all eternity as alword To many groups the earth's| warning to all Sabbath break- | 0 | language. satellite was not merely a geo-\ers." And there he remains to Truman, a Democrat, said here Friday: all over the country.' "Just read his speeches, and you'll see hel/endorsed President Johnson 2 knows nothing about the presi-| "lunatic" to the English|dency. He's made an ass of], Democrat for the presidency NEW YORK (AP) -- The Scripps - Howard Newspapers \Friday for election, supporting |for the first time since Frank- graphic location--it often had a this day, the bundle of sticks) real personality. still on his back. From Australia the moon was; If only a fraction of the crea- regarded as a mischievous be-| tures said to reside on the moon MONDAY. WOODBINE ENTRIES , SEPT. 28 \lin D. Roosevelt in 1940. CHARGED WITH MURDER | DORCHESTER, N.B. (CP)-- Reginald John Colpitts, 18, . of ing who flitted about the uni-|really do, astronauts might bet-| verse causing trouble. In a par-|ter be anthropologists. ticularly pesky mood one day.) One of the most famed resi-| he swallowed the sun god, SO/dents is the rabbit sent there the story goes, causing the first)hy Buddha. The prophet was eclipse. jwandering through the forest As Iroquois legend tells it, the}one day, lost and hungry, when heavenly symbol of romance is|he met a hare who said, "If really the home of an Indian/thou art hungry, light a fire, maiden. Banished from earth/kill and roast me.' Buddha because of her constant com-}made a fire and the rabbit, plaining, she spends all her|true to his word, jumped in.| time weaving a forehead band.|Overcome by the sacrifice, Once a month she stops long|Buddha rescued the animal at enough to stir a kettle of boiling/the last minute and,. using his » Gi hominy and her cat unravels) magic power, placed him on the| Se, A eainae arn aig all her work. Thus, she is con-'moon to live forever. Magic Shan, nda 113 demned to weave forever, Along with thousands of leg-| Ramblin Wreck, Dittfech 116 knowing she'll never finish herjends about the noon there have/2¥¢, Ci": Harrison j07 task. developed superstitions, many'stone of Gold, Hale 113 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000, ($3,500) claiming, 2-year-olds, 7 furlongs. Blue Week, Davidson 11 Georgia St., Harris X106 Mandotas, No Boy 109 Bulpawati, No Boy 107 The Rodent, Hernandez 107 Doll Odell, No Boy 114 Pentron, Lanoway 115 Cruisin Thru, Inda 10? Royal Stitch, Robinson 107 Scotty K., Dittfach 110 Harvonian, Rogers 114 SECOND RACE -- Purse $1,900, ($2,500) claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 6 furlongs. Xerxes, Davidson 116 Jessie B. Good, Robinson 110 Roman Bertha, Gubbins 112 Madame Christine, McCauley X105 Penepopie, No Boy 116 Also eligible: Ansman, Our Johnie, Gomez 113, THIRD RA - lat CE Purse Preag oa | Honey, No Boy 111 | Moon Base, McComb 114 O'Ken, Bailey 114 | Chopstick, No Boy 112 Select Sin, Fitzsimmons 109 No Boy 116 1 2-year-olds. (division of Ist), | Eveson, Walsh 109 |Ambiguity, Dittfach 107 | White Wheels, Harris x105 | Lucky Draw, No Boy 112 | Caterpillar, Maxwell 114 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2,000, | $00) claiming, redl prog: poll Can oe and up, foal: miles. | Big Boots, No Boy 113 | Breconing, Herre x17 | Friend Willle, Hale 115 Fairmagoria, Harrison 5 Deal Me Aces, Parsons X114 Majestic Hour, Leblanc 119 liagara Drift, No Boy 115 cedar Saal 18 p's Sis, Armst: Whitville, Maxwell trad beg FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 claiming, 3-year-olds, 6 furlongs. hie Smart Flyer, Fitzsimmons 109 Tin Pan Alley, Maxwell 107 Mount Market, Dittfach 117 Launch Out, No Boy 119 My Problem, inda 117 Brief Wind, Anyon 209 (QUINELLA BETTING) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, "'Lor- enzo al 2-year-olds, and 70 yards. ee Garden King, Maxwell A-113 Reetwaif, Anyon 113 C. U. Later, Bailey 113 Lucky Marine, Gomez 114 Nearctic Heir, Robinson A-108 Whirling Rich, Fitzsimmons B-108 Scadadie, Dittfach 113 Greek Sait, Fitzsi Misty Bandit, Hale 115 City Stable and f. A. sherman B-120 entry. B--C. Smythe entry. SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $3,000, Club," all i 5 Ke olds and up, one mile and 70 yards. ios Reap The Wind, No Boy 119 Teardrop Lane, Armstrong 113 Swerve, Parsons X118 Barbara, Harris X113 Dr. Giddings, Dittfach A-126 Tres Sueve, Maxwell 116 Greek From, Fitzsimmons A-126 Lebon ML, No Boy 121 Bive Light, No Boy 116 A--Willow Downs Farm entry. BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,100, ($3,500) claiming, 3-year-olds and up, 1% miles on Marshall turf course. Chance Cover, Remillard 123 Sitver Beau, No Boy 116 Ramsey 2nd, Harris A-X111 Hop Hop, Dittfach 113 Black Raven, Davidson 110 What. A Question; Parsons B-X104 LONG AND COOL AT CELEBRATION There was one big celebra- Merchants 10-5 in the seventh tion Friday night after Van- and deciding game of the couver Carlings won the Mann Canadian Senior lacrosse Cup by defeating Brooklin championships in Whitby, Alex Carey drinks from the while teammates watch. | --CP Wirephoto- | Dandier, No Boy 112 "| Bobby Brier, Walsh 119 |. Also eligible: Crystal Fire, Fitzsim- Bain, Harris A-106; B---Mrs. J. T X--5 lbs. AAC. POST TIME 2.00 P.M, Tripi and J. Sikura entry. $2,000, ($3,500 »7 one and one-sixteenth /tenar, 43, was sentenced Fri- \Moncton, was charged Friday with capital murder in the stab- _|bing death Wedn-sday night of 'guard E, J. Me.terton at the Maritime penitentiary here. |Following a 10-minute court ap- |pearance, during which Col- |pitts was manacled hand and foot and watched by five uni- ) Gas and Electric Corporation and the General Atomic divi- sion of General Dynamics Corp, OUTLAW BAATHISTS BEIRUT (AP) -- The Arab Socialist Party in Lebanon was outlawed by a decree issued here Friday, the national news agency reported. The party rules in neighboring Syria. ONE MORE FISCHER ABERDEEN, S.D. (AP)--The Fischer quintuplets' new sister and their mother are reported by St. Luke's Hospital to be "getting along fime."' Mrs. An- drew Fischer, 31, gave birth to her 11th child Thursday. The baby weighed 10 pounds, seven ounces. formed guards, he was re- jmanded until Oct. 1. He is serv-| jing 22 years in penitentiary for jarmed robbery. | CHIEF SET FIRES | SURREY, B.C. (CP) -- For- -|mer fire chief Fran Louis Myt- |day to five years in prison for N Mortgage Money? al Cc Real Estate Broker Day or Night - 728-4285 | | GAN_YOUR BABY ESCAPE TEETHING PAINS? 'another minute. Just squeeze ORA-JEL from tube to gums. Presto! Pain relieved. Ask for safe, effective ORA-JEL, COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa 728-7515 AL ' tines ot Insurance Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 PLANNING A... © BANQUET © CONVENTION © MEETING First Class Facilities For 20 to 400 Guests Quality Service Experienced Staff RESERVE YOUR FUNCTION NOW! 723-4641 GO. wove Yitiel een hh Tri In U rts aune' ips In 4h Wenenass in Connection Wi Drivers Expenses @ Sightseeing. Photographic EAST AFRICAN SAFARI Price $1,695 -- Canadien Funds from Toronte Rate Includes; Round Trip Air Fare @ Hotel Accommodetion with @ 3 Meals Per Day «6 Fees @ Surface Transportation, including SAFARIS COMMENCE FEBRUARY 15 AND JULY 15, 1965 All Transfers To and From @ Pork Entrance Are ® l E R For Further" fi HOWAR Mr. Howard, leased to r appointment, AJAX SHOPPING PLAZA Phone 942-6690 who will be visiting EAST AFRICA in October wil call on you to discuss your veeation TRAVEL BUREAU it be in detail. Please phone We Reserve The Right To Limit Quantities g FOR LADIES $ W DK FROM TF 0D. TIMEX WATCHES 0.D.H. MON. SPECIAL @ MAIN FLOOR » MON. ONLY SPECIALS OPEN UNTIL 10 P.M. DAILY -- SATURDAY UNTIL 6 AND MEN Tapered fit. Sizes 38 COMPARE AT 9.98 6.77 \Y Nevins W di $ COMPARE AT 15.50 oe LOWER Yi \ PROCTOR SILEX TRON Fully automatic for ironing jay ease. FOR PRICE SAKE AT. 0.D.H. FILTRO & Dry COMPARE AT 12.95 e LOWER LEVEL © Ladies' Oversize Fall and Winter Weight Streichie Slims FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. @ MAIN FLOOR » COFFEE PERK Fully automatic... 2 to 9 cup: FOR PRICE SA Black only. to 42. Merino Model wool end 10% COMPARE AT 6.98 @ MAIN 7.97 CANADIAN MADE WOOL BLANKETS 60" x 80" FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. 90% Rayon all eolors. By Bodyg 'COMPARE AT 1,65 4.99 FLOOR @ 9-CUP s. KE AT 0.D.H. COMPARE AT 3.50 LEVEL @ Giant 10-Gallon Polyethylene GARBAGE CANS with lock-on lid. FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. @ LOWER LEVEL @ Processin: PRICE 2.88 ONLY MEN'S f: Underwear BRIEFS uard Bikinis 100% Nylon Stretch, FOR PRICE SAKE AT 0.D.H. _@ MAIN FLOOR 2. 32-Exposure Deal 35 mm Anscochrome 50 ASA COLOR FILM included in price. FOR SAKE. 32-Exposure DEAL. e@ LOWER LEVEL @ Adults Only Allowed Specials No Where For Price Sake It's OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE ' 038 King St. W. At Garrard Rd. aa VAS nanan SANS ANS AN SANSANSANS ANS

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