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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1964, p. 5

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, September 26, 1964 5 SEVENTH STRAIGHT MANN CUP TO WEST Carlings Outclass Brooklin the finst team in many years to _ Mth Period -\take the highly-rated Western| i Broan: @, Lofton" entry night to the wire . . . Tney|15. Vancouver: Warick gave the fans in this area some hong of th WHITBY And DISTRICT Whitby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Tel. 668-3703 wn Manager: John Gault By CLIFF GORDON a Usselman ioc Sib ba rst e finest Sr, Lacrosse that|per ty, sig geste ae N. az Fe Sees? Family Monuments 2 g | players; the sponsors who dug into their pockets to help make this team what it is today, and : q i 3 ing a helmet, made it 2-0 on a la. ill fe ee And in this case, "the fellows smiling so broadly and spoils' is the most expensive snuggling their prize so dear- trophy in sport, the $5,000 ly are Fred Usselman and Bill (that ain't ~ sentimental , Chisholm of the Vancouver friend), Mann Cup, emblem- Cariings. The Carlings, ater atic of world superiority in being down in the best-of- Senior Lacrosse, These two year. He worked untold hours getting players from all parts build up this for West was been in games. Bill Chisholm and Bob Babcock each tmiggered a pair with singles going to Bill Barbour, Ron Hem- merling, Gordie Gimple, John p Cervi, Fred Usselman and Sid § Warick. * For the gallant Brooklin team ft was hard-working Captain fine solo effort and the fans going wild. 'Bobby Allan, most series mare it 3-0 and things good for our . The referees awarded Cy Coombes a free throw, but he was outfoxed by Nestman in the winners' cage. Roy almost lifted the roof of the Whitby arena as he scofed on a biister- ing underhand drive. This. made the' score read 40 and the Brooklin fans were in fine cheering voice. Up to this stage the Vancouver team had not managed a shot on Pat Baker. Things soon changed, Carlings team, seeing that the East meant business, fought back strongly. Chisholm, on a perfect pass from Black broke the goose egg that Baker had held up to this stage. It was 4-1 at the end of the first 15 minutes of play. The second period was a bad one for our side as they failed the were : "~~ Glen Lotion with two and single seven semies to the Bnooklin 44 anry guson team 3-1, staged a Hollywood martes to] dhe . comeback to retain the bro- phy, which they have cap- tured three times in three years. . Mental Heath |bObby Allan: Best Campaign Opens The Canadian Mental Health Association kicks off its drive BY JOHN GAULT 'Man In The East | And he very often does, In the for funds Sunday, Sept. 27, and will continue it throughout the week, Each home and business in Whitby and sunroynding area will be visited by a Gan- vasser seeking aid in the cam- paign For anyone hesitant to give to this project, here are a few. If you saw Bobby Allan on the} Vancouver series, he was used street, you probably wouldn't/almost exclusively on the offen- pay him much attention. He is|sive, as Coach. Art Morton smatl, and balding, and soft-| wanted him out there when his ; jteam had the baill. But Bobby Allan is to senior) The stick and man become lacrosse what Gordie Howe is to| one. He stares straight ahead, hockey, and what Stan Musial|the ball held in the gut like a |was to baseball, and what Y. |live thing, The stick whips LA, Tittle is to football. ignacefully back and forth, like Si facts concerning mental' health) Bobby Allan is the PRO. in Canada : His team lost the Mann Cup --Mental illness cases in Hos-|to a classy powerful western pitals outnumber all others com- |squa bined. ged as the best player in the 10 wili|Semies. He won the Mike Kelly --One child in every | suffer 'a mental disorder re-/Award and proved ages again e east. quiring special care. |that he is the best in Jack Bionda is --Canadians spend only five 1 : ee aaa have ee mental health research. Pee gg --Mental illness costs Canada} ajian. Until I'am shown other- a total of $89,900,000 yearly for| wise, Bobby Allan is. the best. lost earnings and treatment, He was chosen the outstanding --Many persons do not get the| player, despite tremendous treatment they need, due t0/forts in the winning cause by scarcity of doctors, nurses, OF/Norm Nestman, John Cervi, facilities. \Gord Gimple and Fred Ussel-| --There is only one psychia-|man. : | trist to every 30,000 people. | He scored 12 goals and added --There are 75,000 patients in|11 assists to top all scorers in Canadian Mental Hospitals to-|the seven-game series. day. They number not getting) By lacrosse standards, Bobby much-needed attention is un-)is an old man. He is 29, and determined. |looks 35 until he scoops up that The Association has been in|chunk of -- and to existence for 50 years, and has|move, with it. : helped to bring the standard of| There is no effort. He glides treatment for the mentally-ill to|along, expression never - the level it is today. ing. When he comes on the floor, Contributions to Mrs. M. B.|the crowd is shaken into activ- Dymond, Chairman, Oshawa|ity. They know he is the leader, Branch, CMHA, 187 Simcoe St.|they know he is the man who South, - Oshawa. jean start a rally and finish it. BROCK Evenings Shows at 6:55 and 8:20 WHITBY LAST COMPLETE SHOW AT 8:20 ite ALt ABOARD ~ | Then the bail is gone, |team-mate without aim, but not id, but Bobby Allan emer-|accuracy, or at the net. a snake ready to strike. to a Or he fakes, drives, fakes, |shoots. Bobby Allan assists or |scores, | This was Bobby's fifth Mann the|C up series. Three times he played and starred for the wes- tern entry, and once with his hometown team, Peterboro. He was borrowed by Brooklin « because he was the best in the east, despite only playing part ef-|time for the Speedy Ems, He still ranks with the best in the world, to score a goal. Barbour was WHITE. GRANULATED $ BAG WHITBY DISTRICT HIGH SCHOOL BOARD And Its Advisory Vocational Committee ANNOUNCES REGISTRATION FOR _ NIGHT SCHOOL CLASSES Thurs, Sept. 24th and Tues. Sept. 29th 7 P.M. to 9 P.M. Closses will be formed in the courses for which there has been sufficient advance registration e MILLINERY .e OIL PAINTING @ SHORTHAND e TXBE- WRITING e@ BUSINESS MACHINES @ BOOKKEEPING @ CONVERSATIONAL FRENCH e@ ENGLISH FOR NEW CANADIANS .@ DRAFTING @ ELEMENTARY AUTO MECH- ANICS e@ INTERMEDIATE AUTO: MECHANICS e CAR- PENTRY @ WELDING e ELECTRICITY e ELECTRONICS @ MACHINE SHOP e SEWING @ INTERIOR DECORATING @ PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR WOMEN @ PHYSICAL FITNESS FOR MEN : REGISTRATION FEE $10.00 A moteriol fee is charged for some courses. Most classes will be held one night per week for a two or three hour period, REGISTRATION AT ANDERSON HIGH SCHOOL -- WHITBY LB LEAN MEATY SHOULDER LAMB CHOP } LP nv | campetis TeMalo 4 Ma | LIA ¢ res = a as thee z EE : i F 4 i 3 i 'i ite d if i | Hi j i ! a ig Warick were the snipers for the ned the feint hopes of the Brook- lin team with his second marker of the night. JUST TALKING: It has been a long hard season for the Brookilin team. They played 24 1 games, and now 2! play- off games. Of the playoff games eight of them have been in the last 14 days . . . It is no wonder that a true bunch of amateurs) who have to work hard aill day at their regular jobs will bow out to a well-rested club ... The Brookiin players can. hold -|There will be lots of second second|have done this and that winners while Glen Lotton fan-| 5 the executive who worked hard to help out along the way... Brooklin will be a name that will long be remembered in the Mann Cup finals, especially by Vancouver . . . It has been a had to s > 3 but there always has to be one of those . . . You did your best. Ld Created To , Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 guessers who will say we sh but you did what you felt deep down in your hearts was right , . . There is always one consolation. We will be back next year bigger and better, SUMMARY Ist Period Lotton (Ferguson) ... Ferguson dbus Allan 1, Brooklin: 2. Brookiin: 3. Brookiin: 4. Brooklin: Roy ; . Vancouver: Chisholm (Black) 03 Penalties: Vipond 1.19, Warick 2.06) Hemmerting 2.33, Baker 4.46, Chisholm 4.51, Hanna 9.26, Hemmerting. 2nd Period 6. Vancouver: Barbour (Warick) 7. Vancouver: Hemmerting (Gimple) Penalties -- . Lotton 14.4 7.57! Cervi 2.13, Madgett 6.51,/ 6. G6 | ard Period | 8. Vancouver: Chisholm - 258) 9. Vancouver: Gimple (Stevens) 5.47 10, Vancouver: 8: k (Chisholm) 11, Vancouver: Cervi (Gimple) .... 12, Vancouver: Babcock (Barbour, .Cervi) .. Penalties -- Henderson 6.45 | 8.05 dees 1427] 6.20, 10.58, Rut-) their heads high ... They are fan 12.13, a 7 ON WHITE EMPRESSES TO EUROPE Fares are now as low as $222 on White Empresses, largest and newest ships as at any-other time. Yo save an extra 10%. Like office. A/so enquire about Southampton for a holiday take advantage of Special Excursion Fares* featur- Ing a handsome 25% off the one-way Thrift Season fare. See your Travel Agent or any Canadian Pacific ess0) "TOP QUALITY ESSO HOME HEAT HEATING EQUIPMENT SERVICE (No down payment, 10 years topay) AT NO COST TO YO" For Full Details PHONE 668-2991 9:45--Rev. F. G. Potter School Rally n Session - IIlus- trated Lesson 11 A.M, & 7 P.M. "CLOSING SERVICES" of Harvest Youth Crusade JOIN THE CROWDS GOING TO HEAR THIS INTERNATIONALLY FAMOUS EVANGELIST FROM HAMILTON, ONT. Whitby Pentecostal Church 307 BROCK ST. N. REV, M, CASE -- PASTOR sienna -- Sun T'S THRIFT TIME on the St. Lawrence route. Yet you enjoy the same luxurious services and food BAPTIST CHURCH FAITH ; 419 BROCK STREET NORTH REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister Affiliated with "The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Conada" SUNDAY SERVICES 11:00 A.M. Morning Service of Worship Pastor's Sermon:-- Beginning a series on "THIS WE BELIEVE" 1. THE BIBLE as the infallible, inerrant eternal WORD OF GOD. 7:00 P.M. Evening Service of sermon and song. Pastor's Sermon:-- "THE AWFULNESS OF BEING LOST" u can sail both ways and 30 days in Europe? Then Union Castle sailings from in South and East Africa. ° MONTREAL-GREENOCK-LIVERPO *Going Oct. 1-Ni jov, 13, return any T.A.P.S.C. ship... ? information and reservations~ 723-2224 ourist Thrift OL T Season Fare from "sae. Citadian Prcific | 'TRAINS? TRUCKS /BHIPB/ PLANES/ HOTELS /TELEOOMMUNICATIONS WORLD'S MOST COMPLETE TRANSPORTATION SYSTEM DONALD TRAVEL SERVICE Oshawo---Whitby--Brooklin 300 DUNDAS ST, EAST WHITBY PHONE 668-3304 if PREACHER -- DR. ROY C. COOK EMMANUEL REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 403 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST Your Whitby Churches WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister; REV. JOHN McLEOD Organist summers, A,T.C.M. 10:30 A.M. 'ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M, DUTCH SERVICE 7 PM. ENGLISH SERVICE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED ST.. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Corner Byron at St. John Rev. W. J. S$. McClure, B.A, Minister Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist Mrs. W. OE, 11;00 A.M. "Where Do You Stand?' COMMUNION SERVICE 7 P.M. A YOUNG MAN'S ACHIEVEMENT Bible School meets at 9.45 a.m. with classes for all ages. Proyer Meetng Wed., 8 P.M. OCT. 4TH -- ANNIVERSARY SERVICES Nursery care and Junior Congrege- tion during Divine Worship 22 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH MEADOWS TRAVEL SERVICE PHONE 723-9441 nu d travel For 57. KING STREET. EAST FOUR SEASONS TRAVE PHONE 728-6201 ST. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D, Miss Ila Newton, Deaconess Mrs, J, L. Beaton, ARCT 11 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Dedication and Presentation of Books to Sunday School Pupils SUNDAY SCHOOL A.M.--Junior, Intermediates and Seniors A.M.--AIIES.S, Departments meet in the Church Hall : 9:4 10: 5 45

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