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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Sep 1964, p. 7

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Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 St. Gregory's CPTA September Meeting President Mrs. Milo Pultz 'wel the members to the THE OSHAWA TIMES, Soturdey, September 26,1964 7 camed ing. Sister Mary Bileen a MR. AND MRS, JACK P, WHITTICK Girl Guides Form Honor Guard For Whittick-Hamilton Wedding A guard of honor formed by the 6A company of the Girl Guides, escorted the newly mar- ried couple from the church after Gwendolyn Beryl, daugh- . and Mrs. marriage to Jack Paul Whittick, son of Mr. and Mrs, William George Whittick, all of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio pink with matching overskirts, shallow scoop necklines and above the elbow-length sleeves. Their were self wedding bands, accented by small bows et the back and held circular short veils, The maid of honor carried a floral hygaeay the te aan neipal of the Oshawa wi Separate Schools, to the mem- bers. The meeting atendance prize a by Mrs, Morris's bs financial eport. An announcement was made Mr. Ivan Wallace that a new topher Course was begin- rs. Milo Pultz thanked Mrs. Jack Spencer for her time and service given to the Tuck shop at Hillsdale Manor, A notice from St. Joseph's PTA that it is beginning: Satur- day morning movies in St. Gregory's auditorium this Sat- urday was read by the president. Mrs. W. A. Clarke spoke on ithe 'Harvest Festival'? Bazaar to be held in St. Gregory's auditorium, Sat., Oct, 17 from 2 o'clock till 7.30 p.m, Penny sale tickets will be sold. There 'will be many prizes, featuring a girl's or boy's bicycle. Mrs. Milo Pultt thanked all those involved in the sale of 50-50 tickets, especially Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Charbonneau, who sold 31 books of tickets. The 5050 draw was won by Mr. Robert Vallieres, R.R. 4, Bow- manville. . Mrs, Arthur Charbonneau, pro- gram convener, introduced Mr. William Fraser, Principal of the Brooklin Schools, who spoke on "Educating the Slow Learner," Mr, Fraser outlined the neces- sity of special classes for these CONVENER 'On behalf of the Naomi Branch of the Woman's Aux- iliary of Christ Memorial Church, Mirs. Gordon White is convening @ Night of Cards to be held in the parish hall next Wednesday evening. Tickets may be obtained from any membens of the Branch, SOCIAL NOTICES ANN LANDERS Dear Aun Landers: I am a boy & who has @ middie B aver- age school, At this moment my father and mother are down- stains fighting like a cou - animals. They are both My folks have had three serious eutomobile accidents in the past four years, The cars have all been wrecked..'The last! accident was so bad it was a miracle they weren't killed. Iam the oldest and have raised my brother and three gis- ters. In a year I will be through with high school, I want to go away to college, but how can I leave my brother and sisters? They need me at home and | love them very much, ow you help? -- CONFUSED | 1! Y FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs, Clinton W. Badour, Port Perry, wish to an- nounce the forthcoming mar- riage of their daughter, Marlene Velma, to Mr. Carl Gass, eon of Mr. and Mrs, L. H, Grass, Oshawa. The ceremony will take place on Saturday, Oc- tober 17, 1964 at 3.00 p.m. in the United Church, Port Perry, On- tario. FORTHCOMING \bury, Oshawa, wish to announce the forthcoming marriage of} their younger daughter, Lois} Marie, to Mr. Alan Ge rald| Vision, younger son of Mr, and Mrs. L. T. Vision, St. , Peters- burg, Florida, The 'wedding will) take place on Saturday, October] children and told of some of the problems confronting them) jin these classes. He also showed |a dislay of articles made by |some of the children from these classes. Father A. G, Quesnelle thank-| ed Mr. Fraser. Mons, Paul Dwyer thanked all) the members for attending and closed the meeting with prayer. A cup and saucer was won 'by Mrs. Fay Fehrenback for serving of refreshments. of white camnations pink "on ert roses and = ther ti carried similar .| Oshawa. Blake Branton, Oshawa. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal gown of white organza over angel skin with lily-point sleeves. The scoop neckline and of the bell skirt were ac- by two rows of lace sep- by bands of delicate pink |a' and a train fell from the waist. Her crown of seed pearls held her waist length veil of tulle illusion, and she carried a bou- quet of white butterfly and pink sweetheart roses and camelias. The maid of honor was Miss Colleen Clary and the other at- tendants were Mrs. Barry Cock- burn, Mrs. Peter Cox and Miss Joan Elliott, all: of Oshawa. They were dressed alike in -|spheres of pink and white feath- ered carnations. \Gnandview Golf Club, where the ling a gold peau de soie sheath The best man was Mr, Earl Whittick and ushering were Mr. Peter Cox, Mr. George Stewart and Mr. Rickie Whittick, all of The reception was held at the bride's mother received, wear- with a lace bodice and matching accessories accented by a cor- sage of white roses. The bride- groom's mother assisted, wear- ing beige French lace over an PERSONALS Plans for the fall UNICEF pipe were made this week ata District VU) Commit- tee at the home of the chair- man, Mrs. D. K. Stiles. Mrs. Walter Grigorenko, chairman of the Oshawa Hallow'en commit- tee, discussed ents for|s the educational and putbticity Al program within the city and the greeting card program was also discussed by the co-chairmen, Mrs. E, Pg Middlemass and Mrs. W. R. Milne. apricot satin sheath, a matching jacket with . three - quarter sleeves, taupe accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses, Before the couple left for a honeymoon in Bermuda, bride donned for travelling, a chocolate brown boucle three- piece suit with beige and brown accessories and a corsage of Talisman roses. On their return, Mr. and Mrs. Whittick will live at 319 Adelaide avenue west, semi-formal sheaths of delicate Oshawa. ANNOUNCE WEDDING PLANS Port Perry United Church will be the setting for the marriage on Saturday, Oc- tober 17 at 3 o'clock of Miss Marlene Velma Badour to Mr. Carl Arthur Grass, Oshawa, | according to an announcement made today by Miss Badour's parents, Mr: and Mrs, Clinton W. Badour, Port Penry, On- tario. Miss Badour is a gradu- ate of the Ontario Hospital, Whitby, School of Nursing and | is the granddaughter of Mrs. William Myles, Oshawa, and the late Mr, Myles. The pros- pective bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Grass Oshawa and the grandson of Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Grass, Columbus. PICKLE PRECEDENTS So you like pickles! Well, join the club! Charter members are such historical figures as Cleo-| patra, Americus Vespucius, |-- Queen Elizabeth (the fimst),| George Washington, and John Adams. Thomas Jefferson once wrote, "On a hot day in Vir-) ginia, I know of nothing more) comforting than a fine spiced pickle." When you need "HOME-NURSING" Cali a V.0.N. Nurse 725-2211 *Home-Nursing Core for EVERYONE" 7) lia HOUSEHOLD HINT. To avoid cooking failures, use| standard measuring cups and |SPoons, | LADIES! | No Baby Sitter, MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Salons Experienced Hair Stylist | FOR HOME APPOINTMENTS | PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 Guests from out-of-town at- tending the Whittick - Hamilton} |wedding last Saturday after-| \noon in Kedron United Church the| Were: Mr. and Mrs, Paul Antil, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Graham and Mr and Mrs. William. Mc- Knight, all of Courtice; Miss June Young, Miss Jean Stettler, | and Mr. and Mrs. Ronald! Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Braun | 'land Mr. end Mrs. Frederick| |Braun, all of Scarborough; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Mayberry, Bowmanville; Mr. and eo Gerald Burr, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Hardy Craig, Pickering; | Mr. and Mrs. Frank Panes,| the lucky cup prize, during the 31. 1964 at 7.30 p.m. in King} |Street United Church, Oshawa. For Unit and Auxiliary _Teports see page 20. Feet Hot...Sore...| Perspiring? Daily foot care with Dr, Scholl's Foot Powder helps keep feet dry, cool, com- fortable. Special medicated protection helps prevent Athlete's Foot, dispels foot odour,and relieves soreness, es S eaeaniihianeieneinianiidiamealinesell | Arthur); MARRIAGE | Mr, and Mrs. William Brad-| Dear Confused Boy: There are a number of possible solutions to this pathetic problem but I don't know enough of the details lastlfamily doctor, Drunken Parents Wrecking Home Life No teen-ager should have to pass up college to protect his brother and sisters against alco- holic parents. Other arrange- '| ments must be made. You need the help of someone who is on the scene -- an aunt ér an uncle a clergyman, your your favorite teacher. Seek help in that order, And have you heard of Alateen? This is an organization for ten- whe live with alcoholism. rite to: Al-Anen Family Groups, PO Box 182, Madison/be rere Station, New York 10, Dear Ann Landers: I am @ re- ceptionist in a physician's office. thing that is getting me down. It is distressing to see an im-|- creasing number of young mothers show up for appoint ments wearing tight pants and ee py transparent blouses -- hair up in curlers, sor in a. These women often bring their children with them, It seems to me they are eetting a poor ex- ample. When I was a_ child, I must speak out against some-|;;_ girls, She was By a halter (no, brassiere) and Bermuda shorts. Veliow, of women read your Dear Miss: Here's your letter to "millions of acta with an Well, it looks just ghastly. I sec- Dee's motion, A little) fespect can go @ long way! ito generate respect from your! children. Dear -" Landers: I am the girl who will soon six polo ago. - When my daughter and her dinner and i Bake aera to date about|} :| MILLINERY WORLD | 5 KING ST. EAST Under the Auspices of BETA SIGMA oe Presents FALL FASHIONS IN MILLINERY St. Gregory's Auditorium TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 29 - 8 P.M. tn Aid of Cerebral Palsy hat : Should I Just Li to bed (she has WANTED! -- Thirty, frlendty, || fun loving couples to learn the |) new wn style ¥ r oenee H coat Every edaeedey | t through the Wen @ Waser (shift work no problem). || If interested call 725-2744 or |) 623-2237. "going downtown" meant gett- to help you select the appropri- ing dressed in our best clothes. r r Qnoland STUDIO { In your Home, Church or Studio 14 21 ATHOL ST. W. 723-3680 Fall Fashions For Boys & Girls 'l -Chodse from rack after rack of the latest styles from in- fants to size 14, Charge ond Budget Accounts Invited, vo "The Best call Leas At' Nicfalcle|s OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE D.E.A., LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMATION 723-7253 M.D.A. | YOUR FREE BLANKET is ot Nuway Rug Cleaners PHONE US 728-4681 Y. W. C. A. Is Still Taking Registrations for Badminton © Copper Tooling Bridge; advanced and © Copper Enamelling beginners Ballroom Dancing © Coremics © Weoving Advanced Dress Making ° 'i Pit Closs Millinery Patterns ferwrdoy Meming Class @ Painting ond Drawing For There ore still @ few openings in the Tuesday Afterneon Boys' Swimming Classes. 1:00----Class for Begi Juni 2:00-----Class fer Senior. CALL 723-7625 diet and | | HOME MOVIE SERVICE Osborne, ail of Bowmanville; TITLES & EDITING FOR YOUR HOME MOVIES FREE BROCHURE WRITE | VERDREY PICTURES BOX 66, ISLINGTON, ONT. When Where How | TO PLANT? | Call The Friendly Expert!! VAN BELLE GARDENS "The Friendly Gorden Centre' 3 MILES EAST ON HIGHWAY 2 PHONE 623-5757 | JANET MacNEIL OUR NEW YOUNG CUP WINNING STYLISTS CAROL LOWE and JANET McNEIL and are now recommended young styl- ists under the capable direction of Trophy Winning Ben Abramoff, CAROL LOWE We are now in a position to offer the finest in. creative styling ond service six days @ week » Mendey through Seturday, PHONE 728-4351 For an Appointment Styling by BEN ABRAMOFF 360 KING WEST -- OSHAWA No Car Fare | Port.Credit; Mr. and Mrs. Fred-|_ erick Free, Toronto; Mr. emaercceiseameni: cocaine Mrs. John Townsend and Mr.| --Simplialyn and Mrs. Kevin O'Connor, all of Whitby; Mr, and Mrs. James) YOUR BEST B U Y sees MacGregor, Courtice; Mr. and} reg Floyd Hamilton, Bu a and Ajax. Mr. and Mrs. Richard hea the latter's parents, Mrs. Benson Dunn, street _north. Carpets. Dirty? BOOKMOBILE SCHEDULE A & P (North Oshawa) Thurs., Oct. 1-& 15 & 29 2:30- 5:00 Simcoe Plaza Eastview Ploze Rosslynn, Ploze Harmony Church Lake Vista Plaza Airport Plaze | Nu-Way Dry Cleans Fri., Oct. 2 & 16 & 30 Fri., Oct, 2 & 16 & 30 Set., Oct. 3 & 17 & 31 Tues., Oct.6&20 @ Thurs., Oct. 8 & 22 Pr. C. F, Cannon School Thurs., Oct. 8 & 22 Fri,, Oct, 9 & 23 Power Store (King St. E.) Tues., Oct. 13 & 27 6:00- 8:30 2:30- 5.00 6:00- 8:30 10:00-12:00 1:30- 4:00 2:30- 5:00 2:30- 5:30 © 6:30- 8:30 3:00- 5:00 2:00- 5:00 IN PLANT ON LOCATION TELEPHONE OSHAWA 128-468 JUUHEONOONOOAOUAEUTEUAU UTA FAMOUS BRANDS BEST STYLES - FINE QUALITY || | | Bras | Foundations Uniforms FREE ADVICE AND FITTINGS BY TRAINED EXPERTS 1 "EXCLUSIVE: '12 YR. GUARANTEE... 9 Year Free Home Service| lw ARD'S BEGoodrich y HOME AND AUTO CENTRE Simcoe S. at Athol 725-1151 0, eos on STOP Anscus-(;RAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa ® Tel, 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre | Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Rug Cleaning NOTICE To Our Customers FROM POWELL DRUGS As of Saturday, Sepiember 29th WE ARE CLOSING OUR DOORS Your prescriptions which we have had the pleasure of dispensing, can be refilled at... JURY & LOVELL 8 KING ST. EAST Aue? a STORE PHONE 723-2245 Thank You For Your Patronage OWELL DRUGS 35% SIMCOE STREET NORTH

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