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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Sep 1964, p. 8

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\ F.S. MacNeil Weds Caroline Magee In St. George's Carol Elsie Boychuk Becomes Bride of Robert Wilcox, Toronto Carol Elsie, daughter of Mr.| The best man was Byron Wil- and Mrs. Harry Boychuk, Osh-|cox of Scarborough and Master : awa, recently became the bride|Robert Yonik, Toronto, the ring| The marriage of Caroline May of Mr. Robert Wilcox, son of|bearer. The ushers were John|Magee and Francis Sinclair Mrs. John Wilcox, Toronto, and|Edmiston, West Hill; Andrew|(Frank) MacNeil was solemniz the late Mr. Wilcox. The cere-|Boychuk and Donald Boychuk,|ed recently in St. George's Me mony took place in King Street|Oshawa. moriaj Church, 'The bride is United Church with the Rever-| At the Flying Dutchman Motor|daughter of Mr. Norman Magee! and Mrs. Doreen Magee bridegroom is the son, of Oshawa. and Mrs. maid of honor was in blue" and the others in tur- quoise. Their formal gowns with elbow-length sleeves were fash- ioned with back fullness accent- ed at the waistline by two rose- buds. Their headdresses were pleated organza wedding bands with matching over-the-face' veils and they carried tear-drop cascades of white chrysanthe- mums, tinted to match their -| gowns. Mr. Ernest MacNeé) was his sang "O Perfect and "Ave Maria' ac- companied by the organist, Mr. Rhyddid Williams, Given im marriage by her father, the bride was attired in a floortength gown of white silk organza over taffeta, The skirt was fashioned with sheath front and softly pleated back fullness and a cathedral panel train. The bodice of Guipure lace was styl- ed with elbow-length sleeves and a sabrina neckline, outlined with embroidered leaves of matchi lace. Her bouffant, fingertip veil of illusion was secuted by petal headdress edged with seed pearls and she carried a bouquet of white, baby Sweetheart roses corsage. The bridegroom's mother wore a three-piece beige suit with coffee color jes and a corsage of rust chry- santhemums. The honeymoon was spent in norti.ern Ontario. For travelling the bride donned a black, light- weight wool suit with a red hat, black accessories and a corsage of red ti Mr. and Mrs, Wilcox are mak- |j ing their home at 65 Presteign| Juliet cap of jewelled onganza avenue, East York. held her shoulder-length --scal- Guests attended loped veil and she carried a Ridges, Gormley, Toronto, Con-|cascade sprajy of Queen Elliza- ' iston, Beamsville, Scarborough,|beth yellow roses and stephan- Miss Irene Boychuk was the /viontreal. Whitby, West Hill and otis. maid of honor and Miss Helen ; ; The maid of honor was Miss Boychuk, Toronto, and Miss m8 a Pa. PAR ESOS BEE PENCE TER Karen Mason, Scarborough, bridesmaids. The junior brides- : |maid was Miss Kathy Boychuk, | Oshawa. | The senior bridesmaids wore) streetdength dresses of white) silk onganza over é ed with a scoop neckline Fall Fashions For Boys & Girls Choose from rack after rack of the latest styles from in- oF ae daughter of the late Mr. and ST. GEORGE'S UKRAIN- THE REVEREND. A. M. Mrs. John Eugene Bosley, IAN Catholic Church was the setting recently for the mar- arrived from Poland prior to the event is the Mrs. Ivan Syhlowy and the bridegroom is the son of Mrs. Michael Chomyn and the late Mr. Chomyn. | and John David Gow, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. John T. Gow, all_of Oshawa. --Ireland Studio Butler officiated at the mar- riage im Cedardale United Church of Pamela Jean Pat- nicia, daughter of Mr. and Owen-Reiley Wedding Holds Oshawa In St. Columba's United Church, Priceville, Ontario, Glenn Edward Owen, son of Mrs. F. A. Getz of Oshawa and the late Revenend A. E. Owen, took as his bride Gayle Donalda, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Don- eld Reiley of Priceville. The Reverend J. A. C. Kell Interest tthe ushens were Mr. Nelson Con- roy, Levack, Ontario. and Mr. John Theberge, Toronto. A reception followed in the church hall and the bride's mo- Wemen Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 ther received in a turquoise blue brocade sheath with jacket, 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, September 29, 1964 black velvet picture hat, black accessories and a corsage of) Chantilly lace over Wedgewood blue taffeta, styled after the bride's gown with sheath fronts and softly pleated back fullness, | finished with an obi bow and) |matching blue pillbox hats. The} junior bridesmaid wore white) |shandalay with a full skirt, \blue cummerbund and an obi bow. They carried white chry- fants to size 14, Charge ond Budget Accounts Invited. rs "The Best Costs Less At" vJolulNicfA|cIE OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE santhemums, tinged with blue. Ladies' man-tailored SHIRT 97° 4 Target Sale! American Beauty Sweetheart Incredible value! Sanforized 100% combed. cotton tailored shirts with roll-up sleeves, Choose from three. fashion-wise collars . . . the new petite, button-down or convertible. White, Blue, Black, Red, Pink or Beige. Sizes 32-38. Ancus-GRAYDON CARPET COMPANY 282 King W., Oshawa @ Tel. 728-6254 Oshawa's Rug and Carpet Centre Broadloom-Tile-Linoleum Ladies' Corduroy CAPRI PANTS 97 1 pr. Don't miss this money-saving opportunity to stock up 'on these popular wide wale. cor- duroy capri pants! In Black, Brown or Blue. Sizes 10-18. Rug Cleaning Target Sale! Tempting Toppers When it comes to Apple Pie, as it surely does in October and on through winter, we suggest varying the usual cheese accompaniment by sometimes serving a Rarebit Topping, or on occasion a Biue Cheese one. Read on for specifics | Girls' Orlon® Pile ESKIMO PARKA eg. 14.98 jarget Salef 12:77 Limited Quantities! The luxurious won- der of Orlon® pile with rayon quilted- to-wool interlining. Wide braid trim a around hem and at sleeves in true Eski- | mo fashion! Heavy duty zipper. Two deep lined pockets to plunge nipped fingers in. Rea, Royal, Ivory. Sizes ee gen Girls' Stretch PLAID SLIMS Reg. 6.98 4:99 Target Sale! Treated with marvelous easy-care Scotchgard® finish, Adjustable waist zipper, removable inste: straps, side pocket, Blac Watch, Hunting Mac- Kinnon or Small Red Plaid. Sizeg,7-14. *Reg'd T.M. WILL BE OUT OF BUSINESS ALL DAY WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 30 Rarebit Pie Topping... Is none other than just what it says, Cheese Rarebit... but dressed and spiced up to crown any apple pie with glamor and a touch of the gourmet. Make up your favor- ite Rarebit recipe using old Canadian cheddar cheese for zesty flavor. Might add just a whisper of cayenne to it too. Then serve this elegant ver- sion of a cheese sauce--hot over apple pie--garnishing with a dash of cinnamon. Picture-pretty and appetite- appealing! IN PREPARATION FOR BIG THINGS COMING THURSDAY Watch Wednesday's Paper for Details at OSHAWA DISCOUNT HOUSE LseamenAtalwe Btue Cheese CANA Topping... On apple pie, puts it into the gira ae gourmet class again, flavor- wise, yet everyday-ish by way of approach. Add Canadian blue cheese to the usual but- ter, flour and brown sugar mixture for a crumble top for an apple crisp. Fora 9-inch pie we suggest a half cup each of brown sugar and flour and a quarter cup each of butter and crumbled blue cheese .. . let- ting it bake in a hot oven, 425° for about 45 minutes. And Fresh Pear Pie... Is truly delicious with a Ginger Cheese Topping... : in which cream cheese is beaten fluffy with cream then studded with slivers of preserved ginger. For a 9-inch pie, beat togethertwo (4-ounce) packages of cream cheese with enough milk to moisten, Stir in a quarter cup or more (you be the judge) of chopped preserved ginger. Refrigerate the topping till it's time to serve it in generous scoops on pieces of your best fresh pear pie! We DIAN SHERRY LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMATION 723-7253 PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR RELIABLE FURNITURE - INTERIORS 728-9474 187 King St. Eost @ CUSTOM DRAPERIES @ FINE FURNITURE © BROADLOOM ~\}. 723-7928 ) <7 JOIN NOW! Si Ladies' Afternoon Bowling Leagues OSHAWA PLAZA BOWLING LANES KING & STEVENSON RD. PHONE 723-2631 @ FREE INSTRUCTION FOR BEGINNERS @ FREE SUPERVISED NURSERY | Walker's Target Sale iso Family Aftairl a Ls 4 f WaALKER'S = STORE HOURS: DAILY 9:30 A.M. TO 6 P.M. THURSDAY & FRIDAY 9.30 to 9 P.M. PHONE 728-4626 @ AMPLE FREE PARKING Bring Your Friends and Bowl .. . It's Healthful, It's Inexpensive, It's 'Fun! BRING THIS AD FOR ONE FREE GAME! ! e (GOOD MON. TO FRI. TO 6 P.M. FOR LADIES OPEN PLAY ONLY) Prepared by the Home Economists of THE CANADIAN. DAIRY FOODS SERVICE BUREAU 147 Davenport Rd., Toronto 5, Ont Personal Home Decorating Service NINETY-SIX KING ST. EAST BD ang el PERSONALS lin ee - roses, The bmidegroom's mother) "O Perfect Love' and "The chee pas. sheer over taffeta | Miss Louise Palen of Bran-.awa General Hospital last week, Wedding Prayer", accompanied|™ & draped sheath, a matching) 4. Manitoba, and Mars. C.|the committee in charge of the by Miss Isabelle Karstedt, To- pink maribou hat, beige acces- Knudson and Miss Gail Knud-|autumn project met for a brief ronto, 9g thse Being of ivory! con, Blind River, Ontario, were|period, to make definite plans The bride who was given in|", nye guests at the marriage of Mr.|for the mammoth bake sale mantiage by her father, wore a|. Mr. Lome Creighton of Oven|J. Edward Taras, Whitby, and| which is to be held in the cafe- floorlength gown, made by her-|" acted as master 0! Cere-! Miss Bernice Johnston at Ni-|teria of the hospital in Novem- self, of white peau de soie with vrs teh 2 ,|agara Fails, recently. ber, Mrs. F. C. Malloy is con- . EN i le donned a navy blue vener of the home baking, wit! a flowing train and lace cum-| if cranberry red hat, navy : e z each: |e me baking, with merbund. Her headdress was a} 2 vor d nd Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Hornich,| Mrs. James McCansh as co-con- long, white lace mantilla and blue and white accessories and/Gienforest street, have return-|yener,. Mrs. C. M. Elliott will] | pje "Trimmers" her 'pouquet was composed of|@ corsage of win-red roses, for/ed from a motor-trip in the/be in charge of the afternoon| | . a red roses and stephanotis. the honeymoon trip to the Mari-| New England States. While injtea. Mrs. Chanles Robson will Deck out the Thanksgiving es. é New Hampshire, they werelhave change of the amrange-| | PUMPkin pie with midget The matron of honor Was) Mr. and Mrs. Owen are mak-| guests of their cousins Doctor| ments regarding the dolls of all cheese pumpkins". Cut a Mrs. Isabelle Kurzawski, T0- ing their home at 42 Toronto| and Mrs. Bruce Kelly, Colbrook,|nations, and Mrs, Alex. Ross| | 3™4!! package of'cream ronto and Miss Ann Gordon,| street, Guelph. New Hampshire. and Mrs. J. R, Walker the! | Cheese into 6 portions, rolling ae and wand aera Guests were present from Osh- she Chatinn Caneel, cm emnme table. : each into @ bell. Oraw ' scphsina a *S-|awa, Kitchener, Toronto, Lon-| Mrs. Charles Langfield, Osh- pumpkin-like grooves in each maids. |don, Hamilton. Cayuga, Thorn-| awa and Mrs. Harold Crawforth, | Among the guests at a dinner); ne, emphasizing them with They wore semi-formal gowns|bury, Flesrerton, Windsor, Mon-| Miss Maud Cameron, Mis. J. E-| art at The Cole tani civen by| | Yellow coloring, and press @ of cornflower blue peau de soie|real, Tilsonburg, Barrie, Dur-| Whitehurst, Mrs. H. W. Q y a vu & ¥| | whole clove in the top of with matching lace jackets top-|ham, Owen Sound, Miami, Fia.,|¢mill and Mrs. A. H. Mitchell, | Mr. and Mirs. Harold E. Morgan, | each. Chill before placing: ping the sleeveless bodices. be and Guelph. _. w4 ea was Mr. Mongan s| them round the pie, just inside metron of eI a9 gaa | orandmother, Mrs. Thomas! ; the crust edge. Good with white chrysanthemums and | Fails last week. Benns of Claremont who was| | apple pie too of course! ee tees. Fesy sare heed Old Country Club Mrs. Peney Davis, Oshawa,|celebrating her 98th birthday. | dresses of the same Mowers. | and her sister, Mrs. R. " oe go romeyoe Saturday Dance Welsh, Courtice, have recently| . Members of the Ladies' Aux-| was brother's man returned from a three week /iliary to the Royal Canadian Le- | Is Well Attended vacation in England and Wales.) gion, Branch 43 who are attend- D E | : : Visiting - relatives in Cardiff, ing the annual Convention for leaconess xp. alns The Oshawa and District Old| South Wales: Swindon, K ent,| Legion Auxiliaries, being held in ' iC » Club held its first dance| Bristol, London and Bath, Som-| North Bay this week, are Mrs. New Curriculum of the season last Saturday ev-|erset for the first time in over|Norman McEvers, -- president; . ening at the Kinsmen Hall 'with|30 years, both noticed a vast|Mrs. Robert Williams, Zone 7 an excellent turnout of members|/change in the way of life and)\Commander; Mrs. Alfred To N minster UC and friends attending. felt that the English had ad-|Lavender; Mrs. Alyn Eltiott i i deacon- aster . ies was Mr.| vanced almost ag far as Can-|Miss Barbara Lavender, Mrs. gd gy on Aygo ag ee be aoe me wes aie | ada but that ther way of life|Daniel Guiltinan, Mrs, C. E. Education of Northminster Unit-|way, set the lively Geraldo band was much more relaxed Vermoen., Mrs. Frank Grant, ed Church, was guest speaker att | and the dancens a brisk pace Ottawa's mayor, Charlotte cee are Bouckley, and the September meeting of North-/throughout the entire evening. |. p Mrs. Roy M. Lang. minster United Church Women.| Seen dancing were Mr. andj Whitton will be the guest of The meeting was held recently'!Mrs. David Boakes, Mr. and|honor when the National UNI-| Remember the name... in Remembrance Halj of the|Mrs. George --_ Mr. je bd for Hallowe'en Committee) -- -- church. Mrs, Arthur Watts, Mr. a sl ti ae At Miss McKee led a question and|Mrs, Alex Air, Mr. and Mrs. aad 'a showing of . inter i answer period on the new curri-| James Thompson, Mr, and Mrs. national chikiren 8 art-at the To-), culum which has been introduc-|James McKeever, Mr. and Mrs.|Tonto Art Gallery on Thursday ed in the United Church Sunday|Jack Gaskell. Visitors among) evening. Last week; Mrs. D. K. pain hh 5 dengpeanony ail S00 none pores gs ing be Stiles of Oshawa, a member of terial sted, revised|Smith of Hamilton and Mr. and| the committee, assisted with the| and evaluated in all types of|/Mrs. W. Robinson, of Brooklin|selection of art work from well Sunday schools across Canada,/and a special visitor was Mrs./countries at the home of the|l before it was sent to the pub-/Byme of Edinburgh, Scotland. |chairman, Mrs. Kate Aitken.|y -jisher--She-explained--that_each| Building "Fund prizes went 10} Mr. and Mus. Stiles will be division of the Sunday school|to Mr. John Lockwood, Mr. B.| guests of Mis. Aitken at a buf.|' would have a three-year cycle|Myers and a door prize to Mr.| fet supper prior to the art show. | of study and that the over-all/Michael Zygorchi while spot) | ; theme for this year was '"God|dance prizes went to Mr, and|_ Following the meeting of the and His Purpose'. Mrs. Leonard Riley, Mr, and| Women's Auxiliary of the Osh-| The speaker requested that! Mrs. Eric Hodgson, a -----_-- parents read the material' in| During the intermission, re- the course before jumping to the|freshments were served by conclusion that the sensational!membens of the Ladies' Group. items in some newspapers were _-- true. Miss MicKee said that statements taken out of con- text could be very misleading, and she suggested that some of the statements made in the press, were done so for pure sensationalism Mrs. John Payne and Mrs. Kenneth Farrow were in charge of the worship service, which) contained a story about Walliam Wilberforce and his struggle to bring about equality mg peo- ple in England, and particularly |; to stop the slave trade there. | Mrs. James Semple, presi- dent, conducted the business session. Mrs. Wilfred Anthony gave a report of the bazaar, and dessert tea, to be held Wednesday, November 4, in the church halls. Refreshments were served by the Rossland Unit. ° LADIES! No Baby Sitter, No Car Fare MR. BERNARD Of Leading Toronto Solons Experienced Hoir Stylist HOME APPOINTMENTS PHONE AFTER 9 P.M. 728-9317 9-N-14 J

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