A NERVOUS TWITTER Home Not At Home 'Before TV Cameras By HAROLD MORRISON LONDON (CP) --Sir Alec Douglas-Home is politely ap- ao declares he wants to av an American- style contest in the British election, But behind this may be a touch of concern that the prime minister is no match for Labor Leader Harold Wilson be- fore the television cameras. It is obvious, said James Cameron in The London Sun, that if the two leaders held a TV debate in the style of Rich- ard M. Nixon and the late John F. Kennedy that Wilson would make '"'mincemeat" out of Sir Alec. The campaign for the Oct. 15 election is moving at a some- what slow pace with the em- phasis turning to such volatile domestic issues x a bagg «9 shortage, terest rates and the possible threat of a foreign trade crisis. These issues appear to be churning a rather unentihusiastic elector- ate but not of the kind that blows for one party or another. The professional pulse-takers appear to mirror the view that this still is a neck-and-neck ace between the Conservatives and Labor. ISSUES CHALLENGE Perhaps realizing he needs more powerful weapons if he is to knock the Tories out of 13 years of rule, Wilson has chal- lenged Douglas-Home to a na- tional TV debate. Sir Alec has dryly replied that after seeing the Kennedy - Nixon battle, he was cured forever. Yet some _ viewers, who caught a glimpse of Wilson and appearances, could not up some attraction for might provide devastating - comparing the relaxed, fatherly image that Wilson pr with the uncomfortable, stiff and nervous image conveyed by Sir Alec. The Daily Express, a strong Conservative supporter, Sir Alec's first mppestee a interpreted the prime ster's nervous twitter as jovial laugh- ter and confidence. The Guar- dian of Manchester, which sup- ports the Liberals, suggested Sir Alec appeared stiff an nervous. TESTS IN CANADA BONN (AP)--Seven. types of {German tanks, accompanied by up to 100 German technicians, officers and men, will be tested under Canadian winter condi- tions early in 1965, the West force ginning Deputy Monday. ecedl RUMP Masses Security Force "ma For Royalty OTTAWA (CP)--The RCMP has assembled @ huge task ing from police to frogmen to protect the Queen during her visit to Canada be-|' Commisioner Lemieux said Tuesday army troops, naval destroyer es- corts, frogmen to watch the hull of the Royal Yacht Britan-|Shooting panties nia and armored limousines are fordshire have fail all' being employed | Douglas-Home on separate TV\German defence ministry re-| €ommissioner Lemieux. de-| picks up the bails and flies help'ports. clined, however, to disclose the with them, that the aides number of involved or to police } comment on a report that the could be the langest ever assembled in North America, Prime Pear- ordered that no de- TOUGHEST DECISION of security revealed. F 's security during and Ottawa became @| "WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Warren commission report has|to Dallas had a strong influence: -\reopened the question ofjon security arrangements, and 'whether a president should be|they concentrated o crowd con- allowed to make decisions about/tro] and demonstrations as the "This own security, . There were some broad hints that a president probably would not be objective in assessing sordrggt emery ce 6 A ad Jangest crowds were ex- to ensure! crow, might subordinate security to|pected. |swoops on the local golf course, |Political or other considerations.| The problem of deciding There were strong indications|whether a president should be who plannedirequired to take the precautions President Kennedy's fateful trip wR. that A Pee ye fae ; f SPECIAL! LEAN 4 / / | PAA LEAN ARAN a P is \ \ | \ \ » \ Loin Pork Roasts | Rip END 314-LB. AVERAGE LB. a7' TENDERLOIN END 3%4-LB.° AVERAGE SPECIAL! LOBLAWS -- SMALL LINK 3 Little Pig PORK SAUSAGE -.- SPECIAL! a) CENTRE CUTS or CHOPS LB, 69° 4 * MINCED BEEF... ~~... i AY SEE THE ALL COMPLETELY BONELESS & EASY TO CARVE FINE SELECTION OF LOBLAW PROTEN* BEEF CUTS AVAILABLE ALL DELICIOUSLY TENDER & FLAVOURFUL DENVER ® MANHATTAN @ PENTHOUSE BELMONT *REG.D USER OF T.M. ORDER THANKSGIVING TURKEY NOW FOR BEST SELECTION YOuR ¢ SPECIAL! HOSTESS BISCUITS RASPBERRY eek TARTS SPECIAL! HALVES OR SLICED -- FANCY DEL MONTE PEACHE SPECIAL! ASSORTED Pillsbury Cake SPECIAL! REGULAR OR COLOURED SOLO MARGARINE... SPECIAL! HEAVY DUTY -- 18¢ OFF DEAL AJAX DETERGENT... SPECIAL! LIBBY'S FANCY TOMATO JUICE... SPECIAL! HEAVY DUTY Stuart House Foilwrap SPECIAL! WITH PORK AND TOMATO SAUCE VAN CAMP'S BEANS SPECIAL! by PLASTIC 50's ; SANDWICH BAGS PKG. c 4 BIS. PKG, - 1-LB PKGS. GIANT PKG, 18"'x25' ROLL BOX 20 FL. oz. TINS FRENCH CANADIAN STYLE SPECIAL! CLARK'S Pea Soup 29° wna | Mixes 2 oh 9: 47: 67: 2... 67: 59. 39: PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 30, OCT. 1, 2,3 SPECIAL! LOBLAWS "KITCHEN PRIDE" RAISIN PIE Iced Banana CAKE SPECIAL! HOSTESS Milk Chocolate 24-02. EACH 39: 39: BACH @ FROZEN FOODS e SPECIAL! MINUTE MAID ir 22 GI Juice SPECIAL! MINUTE MAID ORANGE 5 5. 4FL, TINS oz. JUIC 12 «FL, OZ. TIN SPECIAL! QUAKER STATE bane 2 99 AVAILABLE IN MOST MARKETS 11-02, PKGS. 28 FL. oz TINS 37: "NOW AT THEIR BEST! CRISP & SOLID! FIRE:-FLAME!--~ _ If not completely satisfied with any fresh meat . you buy from re» LOBLAWS he' % 25¢ - 29. ONTARIO GROWN FRUITS and VEGETABLES ARE NOW AT THEIR PEAK! | EXTRA STAMPS al EXTRA STAMPS TOKAY GRAPES ---- 2 -- FROM CALIFORNIA! NO, 1 GRADE! LUSCIOUS SALMON CANTALOUPES GARDEN FRESH! THOROUGHLY WASHED & TRIMMED CELLO SPINACH... 2 =: 39. ONTARIO GROWN! NO. 1 GRADE! WAXED TURNIP ee. POUND 6: WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 6-07, AERO TIN BLUE SPRUCE GOOD-AIRE Tt «COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 EXTRA LARGE SIZE 27/9 ererreeee 10-07, PKGS, WITH Couron & puRCHast OF OME 32 PL. OZ. BOTTLE WORNES PANCAKE SYRUP SEY Tae 12 COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 7 'WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 12-07. PKG. FARM HOUSE FROZEN PECAN COFFEE CAKE TR COUPON Expres OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 400'. PKG, SWANETTE FACIAL TISSUES TS COUPON exPegs ocT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF ONE 32 FL. OZ. SOTTLE MAZOLA SALAD OIL '76 --courde gxrmes OCT. 7 WITH COUPON & PURCHASE OF TWO 12 FL. OZ. JARS GATTUSO SALAD OLIVES 'TP COUPON Exrints OCT. ? fl EXTRA STAMPS SHOPPING CENTRE STORE NOW OPEN WED., TH URS., AND FRI. TILL 9:30 P.M. - DOWNTOWN STORES OPEN THURS. AND FRI. TILL 9 P.M. Who Cares For Leader THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesaay, september 30,1964 1] i ' pa? es "~ | outlined by his lone of the new safety. cannot own i 4 h | i | au a : P| i Ss : fi | aes The first shot was n and agents apparently seconds in two agents in the front the car. were virtually off from the rear compartment by a steel hand rail 15 inches above the back of the front seat, In contrast, agent Rufus |W. Youngbloo* is believed to have covered Lyndon Johnson, riding in another car, before the shot that killed Kennedy was fired. Youngblood was in a jump seat directly in front of Johnson. in the vice-presidential car. Officials of the secret service, FBI and the White House re fuse to discuss security precau tions but it is apparent that many changes have been made in secret service procedure. The renovated presidenti limousine now has its seats, occupied last Nov. 22 by Governor John Connally of Texas and his wife, facing the rear so agents can observe the president from an arm's length away. MATERIAL ADDED Presumably, bullet - proof or bullet - resistant material has been added. Agents assigned to watch buildings are more in evidence now and they are scattered throughout a motorcade. Johnson frequently changes plans and routes and somé times does not reveal his travel plans until the last minute. In the past few months, the scope of presidential protection has been greatly increased with the secret service frequently calling on the FBI for help. The service counts its agents in the hundreds while there are sey- eral thousand FBI agents. The Warren group said the secret service men were "'sub- stantially overworked" and their pay was below that of FBI men, The service already has instl« tuted a 10-month re-onganiza- tion program that calls for the addition of 205 agents and the expenditures of $3,000,000. US. Turkey Gives. Bird OTTAWA (CP) --Agricultiite Minister Hays said Tuesday night the federal government 'hes permitted imports of United States turkeys as part of @ broader police of freer trade in animal products He said in a brief adjourw ment debate that the govern ment has hesitated to impos@ restrictions on turkey imports because of Canada's commit- ment under the General Agree ment on Tariffs and Trade. E g3858 a 28 aa were restricted to 4,000,000 pounds for a full year under the former Conservative govern- ment, As a result of the big increase in imports, prices are dropping and Canadian Mr, Hays said the quotad were- by--.the..former.. government at a time when Canada did not have the know- ledge to compete with Ameri- can. producers of eviscerated turkeys. Imports now come in having to pay a duty of five cents a pound, one cent a pound freight charges, and about 1% cents: in the discount on the Canadian dollar, "Tt is true that 7,000,000 to jhave dried up as we expected they would," Mr. Hays said. PRIESTS FORM GROUP WASHINGTON (AP) -- Sone 200 Roman Catholic priests who fly planes have established the National Priests Pilots Associa+ tion, One of their aims, Rev, Charles Coriston, abbott of St, Paul's Benedictine Abbey, New= ton, N.J., explained, is to in- duce bishops to make greater 'Juse of aviation in furtherance of church work. This includes not only missionary activities but in certain: undeveloped areas agricultural spraying and pest control. EXPLOSION KILLS FOUR MANILA (Reuters) - An eX- plosion allegedly caused.by dy- namite blasting caps destroyed an apartment building in Que- zon city just outside this Phil- ippines capital Monday night, | kitting four children and injut- ing 19 persons, police said.