; ' Big News In Tailored Garb - Trend For Lighter, Brighter VEgR59: 22 Ht b vite tity bist Hf g ee. toi pis sports coat color, usually mixed flying, nothing short of grizzly's embrace is warmer than a smooth leather coat or parka-length jacket lined in shearling. Many of these are convertible for double duty plus comfort is a 'leather suburban coat with but ° down front, zip-out pile lining, and a pile collar that can be buttoned down over its 'own leather collar. For apnes-ski, apres-skate or apres-you-name-it, fabrics. Olive is still a leading with- browns or grays. Crisper, crease-holding ma- ate the F) ' whipeords, hopsacks, and plain weaves come in a highly varied color-section, with sharkskins showing iridescence as well as interesting shadings, Here darker tones are important still, but the mediums and lights|TRAVEL-WISE brass-buttoned grow steadily in demand. navy flannel blazer co-ordi- In rainwear, a host of new|nated with medium - gray "lfabrics offers variety where slacks, packable felt hat, ail- weather outercoat and com- fortable handsome shoes. Ready for a trip abroad or anywhere! Travel Wardrobe Described For Men As Solid, Practical What clothes should you take' abroad Clothers| tion his clothing needs while in Society}warm), Paris (depend on its -|pleasant breeze at night) and --- extending from the fjords of Norway (where, despite the mid- chilly in the evenings.) to the near - tropic temperatures of southern Europe (where even tourists show down in the mid- day heat). ,|wardrobe! ~\ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 36,1964 Sy Boon For Boys Wash 'N' Wear to be a downright pleasure to shop for your school-son's fall cared for at home! The wash 'n' wear innovation now extends to suits, slacks and sport shirts as well as sweatens, jackets and coats mother's work load. rs Frowns Follow Tarpaulin Look prob- rae gw gece od etn ms Now -- a school-|9Y too many men who are over- ; f weight -- particularly those boy's entire wardrobe can b€ltampted to cover up or 'bk "= excess fat with clothes. hwith this oe tenoen " : slimmer took, every und counts, Sir, wie all designed to lessen the strain|spiring jokes about Omar the trip|on the family laundry bill and|/Tentmaker fight, but a slimmer man can h | Suits and slacks in plainjmeve more ; night gun, its apt to get & Dillard fancy gabandines, cavalry|might be at a disady twills and whipcords will iy feonian you 5! Fall's worst fashion is And If you suspect you may be in- , the word for you > diet, (You could, of course, and you advantage). Of need _ willpower,! pear in rugged blends of per cent "dacron" polyester fi- bre with rayon, while wash and wear fl is, styled in true It also takes into considera- 'London (can be cool or very being very warm), Rome (quite wanm during the day, usually a Athens (hot in town, cool in the poplin once had the field all to itself. New, richdooking gabar- dines and other twilled goods, along with quiet patterns in heather or cross-dyed effects, are being shown in all-weather coats Raglans with removable Demand By Men For Brogues In Lightweight Met Strikingly a suedellinings are on their way to be- leather waist-length Bavarian-|coming a fashion must. This coming fall, the mascu- line demand for lightweight Two Governing Factors Dictate brogues with a traditional heavy appearance has been hansomely met by newly de- veloped leathers. As a result, the new crop of leather brogues strikes a fashion balance be- tween solid masculine looks and Choice Of Bridegroom Attire . There are two governing fac-jbefore 6 p.m., and the festivi-)""y but welll-muscled, the tors that dictate the choice ofjties extend well into the evening,|new trimmer leather brogue the bridegroom's wedding at-jif it is required to change from|aclteves its beffy appearance tire: one is the time of day/daytime 10 semiformal clothes with lager perforations and when the ceremony is to be per-|to similar types of evening| Wing tips, pinkings 'ete! thes . grains. g the t i, the other is the type of/clothes 0 Oe oe continued popularity of high- from: friction. remains conservative. and cordovan are. top favorites. browns are exciting among the more adventurous. In line with the "more shoe" look of the brogue, the conven- tional heather oxford and slip-on are seen around town and coun- try sporting higher toplines, and vier|in some cases, brogue-inspired detailing. Surface tratments vary and include smooth condo- ditional foot comfort.. Smooth|between a wig and a machine leather linings assure freedom |copy, choose one. that has been hand Color-wise, the leather brogue|machine workmanship at the Black}back is not as important. If color However, antiqued lighter Interest |i the past, avoid harsh bleach- hills). tifully. If your budget permits |' able hairline, tural appearance Wigs And Wiglets Understudy Fall Hair-Do Stars Beautifully Wigs and wiglets are under-)wich, world's largest maker of studying Fall hair-do stars beau-|quality wigs (consider it an investment) ex-jical'and practical. They provide amine a Perma-Coif -- a full/convenience as well as sureness higi-faehion wig made of qual-|in having any desired hairdo ity European hair. This type of/at any time. Not only do they wig has a remarkably detach-|/provide countless styles, but completely na-|with proper care and cleaning, and realis-|quality pieces tic color in which hairs of in-|many. years." and hair-pieces, Wigs and wiglets are econom- will last: for Ivy League tradition, il come in blends of 75 per cent *'Orion" acrylic fibre with rayon. cold weather type, for instance, uses quilted trousers cuffed and creased for a slack-like ap- per. cent "Dacron" with cotton. The jacket is lined with "Orlon" || fleece, the trousers with quilted nylon. New woven shirts, dress and sport, will feature a variety of new surface interest in wash an important role in many of the new finitely tiny color-variati are blended to form one over-all color just as in your own hair. While the quality of the hand- made wig is of the highest level, excellent quality, value and service can be obtained from the machine-made copy. made Perma-Coif, but the hair is sewn to a fine net base rather than being , If you want to compromise -made at the front. The has been a problem ing, use a Chameleon Wig. To change color, merely shampoo the old color out and add the new! For complete cover, try the wiglet known as a HaloCoif. Also effective for digsuising or complementing a hairdo are the wide variety of wiglets. These can be worn at any posi- clasp accommodates the point of the pin so that it lies in flattened flattery flush on the costume. pin designs in three different combinations offer mix-and- | J INGENIOUSLY DESIGNED Five co-ordinated atch ensembles when inter- anged with two-row pretend Seamless Hosiery For All Seasons Re hy SS og &, Pet eX ane he SS tee ALLIGATOR Fall's Most Popular Look = in Shoes and Handbags' See our Fall collection in browns, blacks and greys. All in a variety 3 of the season's newest toe shapes . and heel heights. Prices from $18 to $150. pe ane : OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE the bride. ~.«:/< By the same token, some wed-|riding trousers, the. shoe fore-|van, fine grained and heavy eT te ope ot daytime dine parties are tempted tolfront has been heightened tol grained leathers. One of thejtion of the head to accent or The specific wear formal or semiformalleffect an unbroken line between|new leather textures is a high-|create a style and come in many 4 polished light grain almost fine|shades and colors. h to be considered smooth.! According to Richard Hart- pearl-mates ranging in length from 15-30 inches. Chameleon- like wizardry works wardrobe magic. carry thnough the hefty look -| while providing @ firm but flex- ible walking base, and light- weight leather uppers offer ad. Its time to get if ready Jor... a JUST ARRIVED -- and Topcoats CAN | BUY a new Fall Sr Ue Oe | | . / : 3 eridegroom wearing an} 4 rene * BBO, p eg fi f & at incorres cach 8 | ED RS DA al an e a : J Abt SY SONOS $ % : ' & ' oF A Wear the best dressed look Jothes are in order, that every smart Py 'American Institute of Men's and Boy's Wear. man approves. things to avoid ct accessory (such 'a white bow-tie with a pin ng the use of sticks during the ceremony, & ridiculous sub- military sabers); do. reach of any of the ing wear as a con- ps "ee os edding or for venience. ALL WOOL ENGLISH WORSTED SUITS In the lotest styles end petterns ONE LOW PRICE? It's really very siniple .. . come in and choose from the hundreds of suits available at Dunn's and with your purchase of any suit from 49.50 we will give you a topcoat free! Or you may. choose. a free sport coat or car coat instead. So ion't just sit there .. . come in and make your choice now! Men's and Young Men's TOPCOATS Hand finished, English Wool Cloths -- Sizes 36 - 46 99.00 TOPCOATS -ssosssessereeseess OOOO MERCANTILE DEPT. STORE Whitby Plaza - Whitby Young men are invited to "spruce up" their Fall wardrobe by purchasing on Dunn's easy budget plan. More Teen-Agers are shopping at Dunn's. : DUNN'S "Complete Charge Conveniences" OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 36 KING ST. EAST (Open till 9 p.m. Thursday and Friday) (OPEN TILL 9 P.M. FRIDAY) floor that's grease resistant and easy to clean, too! install it yourself and save! oy 15, per 9" x 9" tile m: NUWAY RUG CENTRE layered turtleneck sweater with Corner Church & Rich d Sts. \_Binld ert with tonk of @ kit \OSHAWA coe ae ohtocee