THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 30,1964 37 Today's Stock Market | nur presses on Pes shania C oin Shortage Spirals Upward Cop Corp 7 5% 45'2--i% Cop-Man 9 ¢. + +h 1 Cowich o 8 #8 mh Craigmt S16% 16% 16% Cusco N% 1% 11% Fi% Siaee 16% 16% Dome use in pimbali and similar machines, Officials here said Tuesday this practice has pread from New York State a far west as Chicago. --Pennies and larger coins are being used increasingly in various gimmicks, including bracelets and plastic paper-) weights. Fennies are being! mailed to householders in! sales promotions. One deter- gent now being sold here of- fers 12 pennies encased in plastic under the boxtop, in- stead of the normal 12-cent price discount The latest development came Tuesday when Finance Minis: | ter Gordon announced new lim- | 1) Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 510% 10% 10% $7 7 7. Stock Sales Husky bd Husky w 250 Husky Cw $0 $9 9 9 Husky 8 pr 1200 524 52% 57'% 450 Husky D wtzl00 450 imp Oi; 470 $52 51% imp Tob 147 $4 300 $23% 29 316% $9 -- 1) AM, STOCKS 'The Canad Sales ian Press bertale Stock Exchange--Sept. 30 (Quotations in cents uniess marked $. 1~-Odd jot, xd--Ex-dividend, xr--Ex- Astle) xw--Ex-warrants. Net change is from previous board-lot closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS nN Net High Low a.m. Ch'ge 0 «680 «(80 $156 15% 150+ val $25%4 25% 25% + "a Inter PL 146 --s bee a Bi +8 int SH P 1250 Inv Group A Alta Nat 725 $20% 20% 20% Jefferson x00 Alg Cen 0 S414 4M 44+ %! Jeff Bw Algoma 260 $744 74 oe Vi Kelly DA Alumini V10 $33% 33% Kelsey W cw LOOK WHAT Sit Ma 237% = Ve) 164 + V4 Va + | 2 $344 344 3a ieee ee 166 165 (166 410 410 410 56 255 255 ie Fos $37%4 37% 37% Duvan $20 East Mal 91% East Sull $28 al F Mar $554 § Frncoeur $924 Geco Mines a Gnt Masct 130 130 130 1% Giant YK $14 "4 4 filled orde: $94 Glenn xd Dn 12 2 12 = bar pieces piling ba 300 350 Goldale YY ee re igo y here despite a tripling 3 $5% GF Mining 25% 35% 354+ \a\0f coin production at the Royal Alum 44 pr $0 $48 iia an-- | teow pts Sorts Canadian Mint in the last three 2 81% 17% 17% hoy fase ted oe w Gunnar | i 'a u pit Lakelend wi 3460 Neca | The mint expects to turn out tay Laure Sec * Hollinger , close to 600,000,000 coins this a wh Jn Leu Fin int Helium ! "|year, 50- -per-cent more than last Levy so iy Ad | a De u Levy A pr It is working double 57% STV Levy 8 pr es Shifts, six days a week. It is Hy Se % ay tspce Hy "ladding new equipment and has su B 33 LebG lor installed one new coin $109% 10934 10994 ei --¥,|press in a washroom. 8° Tm 8B 5126 Yim dea "| Meanwhile, requisitions for A sii 565 550 55 --1lo |COiNs by the chartered hanks to 155 155 --4 ithe Bank of Canada in the Jan- Stock Sales By DON HANRIGHT OTTAWA (CP)--The demand for © coins has ex- ploded to new heights. Int Nickel Int Util Int Util pr Abacon Abitibi Abit pr Ackind Alta Gas 190 Alta Gas w 1690 9% 194 9% 350 5% Argus $214 21% $174 17% $15% $12 $21% $8% $8% Jacobus Joburke 7000 509 530 500 1000 920 1500 1600 2000 159 800 33 --M% $32 x S11% 26 ' $3514 ' ] $302 $s 5% +e) MB PR WA 15\e 24 WA 15% vy Maher 100 A 0% +% M Leaf Mill 165 15%4 + % $24 Mass-F 1490 $: 29Va--- %4) Louviet --"\ a 29% + Ve 252 + Ve 0a +% Na+" 4+ Ve 734 $4614 $294 $25' 30 $40 $71' $694 $732 $2 2 32 $10% 10% 75 «(175 $15% 154 15% 995 985 99! 9% 67% 67% 1% 11% 21 2 5a SV 5AM4 $4\% 374 374 182 18% v5 125 17% 17% 4 7% 7% 9% 9% - o # 4% APA + 120 "120 2% 20% 5 50 SO 145 145. 145 $13% 138 13% 450 46a 29% 25% "0 NN" OA 732 9% $42% $120 $20Vs Dist Seag Dotasco Dom Glass D Magnes Dosco 24% 1" 13% i Dom Stores 22% Dom Tar Dom Text Du Pont East Ch Tr € Ch Tr ets Exquisite Exquisite pr Falcon Fleet Mfg Fraser GS W or GL Paper 3% 2 2] %" 16% 19% A Lid Man, Mian, 30, ae 7 To Death DETROIT (AP) -- A former mental patient calmly told Tuesday of killing his wife,| small daughter and five step-| children with an axe and a hammer. The seven, all hacked to} death, were found earlier in| blood-splattered rooms of the| suburban Troy home of one- time Royal Oak, Mich., city fireman William G. Gravlin, 30, more recently a factory worker. Oakland County Prosecutor William Lang said that Grav- lin, jailed on a first-degree mur- der change, spoke freely of the slayings, admitting them with- out remorse and blaming "fam- ily trouble." | Found in various rooms of the! one-storey -house in an isolated) wooded area were the bodies) of-Gravlin's wife, Bette, 40; and) = one child by Gravlin, Bette| Dorrie, 15; Paul, 12, and Wal. ter, 10. The latter five were Gravlin's stepchildren. Each body was wrapped in| a blanket. To each was pinned| a note of identification. Another| note said "I love you. I'm sorry, it couldn't be helped." | Graviin himself disclosed the slayings. Walking along a neighborhood street about 8 a.m., he flagged down a motorist and told him| to call police. Birth Control : Rid: Illegal? TORONTO (CP)--The .Chil- dren's Aid Society of Metropoli- tan Tononto has decided to re- fer some clients to birth control | clinies, although it regards le- gality of such action as debat- able. Seciety Director Lloyd Rich- ardson said the board, which! includes some members of the) legal profession, passed the res. olution unanmously Mr. Richardson said the ac tion is not consciously in de- fiance of the Criminal Code but conceded that it is a "debat- able" point as to whether it is actually contrary to the code. 'We felt that we were en-| tithed to this action under thé) code as it now stands," he! said. Under Section 150 of the code, | it is an offence to advertise or} have for sale of disposal any "instructions" intended or rep- resented as a method of pre- venting conception. But convic- tion can be avoided if- the per- son involved "establishes. that the public good was served by| the acts that are allegéd to con- stitue the offence." Mr. Richardson said social workers will be instructed to refer married couples to one of several hospital clinics in Tor-| onto for birth' control informa-| tion if they feel the couple will benefit. DOUBLE STARS There are more than 64,000) double stars known to astrono- mers in the universe. | | MEPC Mid-West Montex Mon Mont Moore Net Drug Noranda Ogilvie Pac Pete Pembina Price QN Gas Rap-G A Rothman Salada Sec. C Corp Shel Shell Shell Shop Simpsons SKD Slater A w Stee! Suptest ord Tamblyn Texaco Tor-Dom Bk 2014 TFNnA. Tr Can PL 705 Tee Trans-Mt Turnbul! Un Gas xd U Gas A pr Versatile Vuican Wainwr nm 0D Walk Well Well Fin te West WCoast Tr W Suppl A W Pacific Weston A Weston B West A wts.128] 1000 990 1000 White Pass Woodwd A Zellers Aiminex Bailey S A Bantt Bata CS Pete C Delhi Cc Ex Gas Cdn Sup Oh 100 $19 200 8: Cent Del Charter Ol] 1000 173 Gridoi! Mill City NC Olis Numac Prairie Of}! wo; Decaita | Agnico Akaitoho Ail Pitch 2000 A Am Moly 1300 Ang Rovyn Ansil Area AN C Cop 350 50 400 310 310 310 sos) noon 220 $62 64 6! wO $11 n 100 $13% $567 $13% $49 $142 $12% $85 $48 $l11% $8% $19' 312% 36% 6% $19 (19 $27' 27" 695 95 $7. 0417--~«W7 $26 25% 26 100 6% 6! 300 840 840 840 --I0 1525 $26% 26% 2634 -- Ve 825 $23% 23'2 23% + % 200 $222 2% 24+ %! 250 $63 63 63 Ve $68 6812 6812.-- Ye Sav 3% tam + Mal atl $42% 42% 42% -- Ve) sbi PL rts4277 73° «71 ~«=72 | Berean 1350 $2 2 2 Patino 20 $10% 10% A+ % Siar 190 $24 24¥2 242 +4 Place Jo 'som 9% 9 Qvonto. 250 $97 9% 9% -- Quonto. 100 375 375 posal 30 +71.) Rio. Algom ot!) Ryenor \ 150 "190 'o Satellite $17%4 17% 17Va-- Ve, Sherritt $12%4 12% 12%+ Ye Sigma $16% 167% 16% sig 1818 $19 «619. 19 800 14200 1000 500 635 22 32 YW 0 $17 13 220 3 43 We | Macassa 5 Macdon or Foods Madsen Martin 6 Mattgml 16% 17 Maybrun 1% iN' Loce 3% 56% 13% ae 14a 12% 8 ATM WM 8% 19a 2% 5000 McKen 1000 Merritt 2000 Metal Mines 514 Min-Ore 500 Multi-M 13000 Nat Expl 2500 Neilo 500 New Cal 200 Neonex wts 1900 New Hosco 1690 N_ Kelore 100 Newlund New Rouyn N_ Senator New Taku Nick Rim Norbeau Norlex Norpax Northcal North ca n Northgate O'Leary Bros Can ! pr | wts Save 4000 33 144 44 138 (138 13% 13% 1% 185 Mtg Can 00 = ve 375 $3614 Ye $62 62 Gw Fin 1045 200 270 250 225 190 70 577 100 Ind A Silvmaq Sil Milter Siscoe Starratt Steep R Sunburs Tombil) Tribeg Tundra Un 'Buffad Un Keno Un Fort Utd Porc Upp Can Urban Q Vauze Wasamac Werner WwW Meler West Mines +10 100 $10% 10% 10% 215 $277 @ 27 100 $139% 13% 13% OILS 400 385 100 975 2000 144 1000 6% 200 345 566 91 0 3200 155 385 975 144 385 975 144 3100 63 20028 442 2 42 2200 325 325 5 3200 163 163 «(163 100 1000. Zenmac 4000 a mh mah Sales to 11 a.m.: 679,000. FOREIGN TRADING re $0 $352 35%2 35% 15% SY 1200 215 215 215 I ae ane sas MINES 1021 900 3 Lud 70 580 64 jh 400 240 9500 | Upper Can 2000 140 1000 Yk Bear 500 138 3300 ses 1000 Belleterre Bibis Bidcop Black Bay Braiorne IN-DOOR OUT-DOOR "Theale 450 450 613% 134% 13% rH. ee « Bae | | 14¥2 144 14¥2 +22 9 168 45 5 315 310 a v4 Cheskirk Chester Chib Coch ananaanan Regoourt 1300 M wilt 0 | We wh We -- VERYGODAANR pests A LDARENCE WENGAREN PRODUCTION 20% 204 Wa-- a 225 +2) 10 + al vear earlier. +% 4 ~~ | +4 +1 +3 1 7h + v\SPECULATION INVOLVED 2 --! +2 + % + Ms unthinkable to! miss 'TODAY the Unsinka@Ble | MOLY BRown ae, LUHRRIONS RE PES = PANAVISION'S METROCOLOR ccm: TOM and JERRY COLOR CARTOON FEATURE DAILY AT... 2:10 - 4:35 - 6:55 - 9:20 hd de de ddidndind dnda.Aod dd di Liversesd Hond SHOW STARTS AT DUSK Ph. 668-2692 NOW ...2 Great Comedy Hits ROBERT GOULET e SANDRA DEE ANDY WILLIAMS in "I'D RATHER BE RICH" color --also-- TONY CURTIS © GARY MERRILL "THE GREAT IMPOSTER" eoch evening from 7:30 (ine. Sundays) A de deddidddadaddndadadn dad db juary- August period this year $ a | were up 218 -per cent from a oe ee ee mint's sale of "uncirculated"' coin sets, the delight of numis- matists, HAVE ONE OF EACH These sets consist of one coin | of each denomination, The coins| are picked\ off the mint's) é presses with gloved hands to! the spread of parking meters,/ayoid scratches. In perfect retail sales taxes, and evi- lshape. they are encased in plas-| dently more saving of pennies.|tic and sold for $3 compared | |wiith a $1.91 face value. But there is also an element| The public demand for these| jof speculation. Fearing a short-|has swelled almost unbelievably | jage, retailers and others mayjin the last few years, In 1958) |be stocking-up on coins, sithe mint sold 18,000 sets. This has a multiplying effect: the| year it received 1,750,000 orders greater the shortage, the higher|before cutting them off at the the demand and so on in alend of April. It will be working |vicious cycle. until Christmas to fill these or-| Two new factors have|ders, emerged: The aftermarket for these --Cashing in on the exchange|sets is booming. Dealers al- discout, Americans are| ready are asking $10 for the known to be buying coins for!1964 sets. There is no end in sight to |the spiralling demand, author- ities say. They believe much of it is jcaused by a meal shortage, brought on by the imcreasing popularity of vending machines, . | Now Playing! BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 SHOW STARTS AT DUSK CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE "T COULD BE THE MOST TERING MOTION PACTURE | RAE EVER MADE SEE IT FROM THE BEGINNING! sirehoocx ALFRED 'The Birds" HITCHCOCRKS TECHNICOLOR' ¢ A Universal Release ROD TAVLOR- JESSICA TANDY' SUZANNE PLESHETTE mesetveeTIPPY HEDREN BOTH FEATURES ADULT ENTERTAINMENT NOW PZAVING- He Turns Hollywood Up-side-down in a madcap riot of fun! JERRY LEWIS As The "Errand Boy" Wi BRIAN SanLayY ADDED FEATURE Adventure in the Persian Desert "ESCAPE FROM ZAHRAIN" With YUL BRYNNER -- SAL MINEO MADLYN RHUE A RANK ORGANIZATION PRESENTATION ASETTYE, BOX. RALPH THOMAS PRODUCTION SAMANTHA EGGAR DISTRUTED OY JAMES ROBERTSON JUSTICE DOcTOR im DISTRESS IN COLOUR Guest Star MYLENE DEMONGEOT STARTS TODAY Feature Times--1:45-3:40-5:35-7:30-9:30 "shoe S15" DIRK BOGARDE aise starring DONALD HOUSTON BARBARA. MURRAY | IGA Beans & Pork 6 DOG OR CAT IGA PetFood Ill IGA MILK 6 IGA CATSUP 6° f PEACHES 5 15-0Z. TINS 16-0Z. TINS TALL TINS 15-OZ. TINS CREAM STYLE IGA CORN IGA CHOICE TOMATOES DELUXE INSTANT IGA COFFEE 20-0Z. TINS 20-02. TINS 6-02. JAR FOOD PRICES EFFECTIVE SEPT. 30, OCT..1,2 and 3 WHITE OR COLOURED Delsey Tissue 3 icc: 88° KOTEX 2 %%,88" 6 rece, 88° 2 Fat 200 88° REGULAR OR CHUBBIE KLEENEX PEAS, GREEN GIANT GOD FILLET MORTONPIES FRENCH FRIES ORANGE JUICE "FRESH PORK LOIN SALE!" LOIN ROAST O'PORK 45: =<55: CENTRE CUT LOIN CHOPS or ROASTS Ib. 69¢ 40 TENDERLOIN PORTION 3-LB. AVG. RIB PORTION 3-LB, AVG, ° aa "Bursting with Juice SUNKIST 'ORANGES 2 voz. 80° ADS 2 on 39° aie yg 25° E. CANADA NO. 1 GRADE SNOW WHITE H' CAULIFLOWER CRISP CELERY CANADA NO. 1 GRADE 3-LB. BAG BEANS OR NIBLETS RANDOM WEIGHTS CHICKEN, GOODNESS ME BRAND BOIL IN BAG PACKAGES FATHOM BRAND IN ol' 59), 89° 2 rca 29 § 3 sazins (98 ALPINE OR PRIMROSE CHOPPED 99° LB. Beef Steakettes 1-LB, 69° TABLERITE RINDLESS PKG. 45° 8 OUNCE PACKAGE 9 OUNCE PACKAGE TURKEY OR BEEF 4 OLD SOUTH Sliced Side Bacon Tablerite Wieners 1-LB. PKG. EXTRA A TOTAL $ IN BONUS OF TAPES » RECEIVE AN EXTRA $10.00 BONUS TAPE WITH NESTLES QUICK 10¢ off T-Ib, tin RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 BONUS TAPE WITH IGA PEANUT BUTTER BALLET SERVIETTES CREST TOOTHPASTE family size RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 BONUS TAPE WITH 2 Ib. SPAGHETTI or MACARONI." RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 BONUS TAPE WITH MONARCH MARGARINE 1A, ia. FROZEN BREAD DOUGH -- sent Vacuum Sealed Ti SLICED COOKED MEATS Conada No. 1 Grade - Produce of U.S.A. CELLO SPINACH DAVID'S CANADA MIX BISCUITS IGA CANDIES 29¢ Range 32-0z. jor | white pkg. of 250 6 oz. pkg. 10 oz. pkg. 99c 49c Pia. of 2 Pkgs. BRAVO 15-oz, SPAGHETTI SAUCE picin 2 'Fine HOSPITALITY APPLE PIE: r: 49c ' ONIONS 39¢ DEMPSTERS o. Pkgs. EXHIBITION ROLLS oe | 286 WE RESERVE THE RIGHT TO LIMIT QUANTITIES BRAEMOR IGA STEVENSON RD. & ANNAPOLIS AVE., OSHAWA COLLEGE HILL IGA CUBERT STREET OSHAWA MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON -RD. 5. OSHAWA DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE ST. E. BROCK OSHAWA 120 WILSON RD. S$, OSHAWA SOUTH END IGA BILSKY IGA BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONTARIO LANSDOWNE IGA $T. SOUTH anedewne wereey: Shopping Centre 7 <