4 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, September 30, 1964 IN AJAX Request For Recreation eral parks. that 8 Plays In Drama : Festival ORONO -- Eight plays will compete in the town hall this \Thursday, Friday end Saturday |nights for top honors in the an- nual Orono Drama Festival. Money that fencing is needed for sey- Orono Firemen. Answer 4 Calls ORONO -- A fuel truck plung- ed over a bridge and overtuned near here Monday but no fire resulted and the truck driver "lcil that the pnoposed hotel for "| On Thursday night the Orono "\United Church Hi C group will present "Miracle at Potter's Farm, by Kathleen and Robert Howard Lindsay, directed by ae "dace od nny hould of. the i ire si ' get under way next week. The|Miss Madeline Tooley. hotel is for comple-| The Ajax Drama Workshop tion by May of next year. Thejwill present "'Express to San- finance committee also report-|tiago"', by Isidora Aguirre, ed that 96 per cent of thejadapted by Stanley Richards town's taxes far this year have'and directed by Frances Park- been paid. 'hill, A two-year term for council-) The third one-act hors willl be discussed at a spe-/Thursday, presented by the cial meeting 'Thursday evening. | Lindsay Little Theatre, is Mayor Smith said he felt a two-\'Queer Street", by John Don- year tenm could do nothing less|ald Kelly, directed by Miss Har- than save the town somelrieit Bate. money, The two-year term issue was rejected by Ajax voters in a lehiscite three years ago. Public works committee chair- man O. G. Ashley told council a bicycle rack not to cost over $100 would be placed in the On Friday, two plays will be presented. The Cobourg Opera and Drama Guild will stage "The Dock Brief', by John 'Mortimer, directed by Hanry Plummer; and the Pic-Ax Play- play oni BROUGHAM -- An Brougham United Church Expansion Plan Approved on washrooms, has been planned for} program St. John's United Church in sey rer at Highway 7 and the Brock road. _ An excavation and newly con-' structed basement under the church will provide space Pa proper Sunday class- |rooms, and a 20 foot by 20 foot |structune wil! be enected at the {south side of the church, It wiill ple of small classrooms. It choir room and perhaps a cou- is proposed that the entrance on the Brock road will be changed to face the south, where there is room for adequate parking. The s of this small community church are that its entrance is too close to the jnewly widened Brock road, and) that it has never had proper Money Bait | To Car Firm | QUEBEC (CP) Armand Viau, director of the office of | and for igreater Quebec, said Tuesday that Canadian financiers are lready to put up $3,000,000 to 1 $4,000,000 for development of an automobile assembly plant in | tihe province. He made his statement in |commenting on unconfirmed re-) | ponts that the Peugeot Com-| jivsals cr ce comes after months of deliber: dati for a _ contih. uousily increasing Sunday School population, the boys and girls having to meet in the church proper. The ney; United Church curriculum provides for more classroom activity, and less au- ditorium | programming. The decision for expansion a- tion by the church board, which at firs' had almost agreed upon the srection of a new church. It was found that the sturdy brick building was completely sound, and that the size of the congre- gation did not warrant a new structure. The cost of the expansion pro- igram is not exactly known as yet but it is estimated to be from $15,000 to $20,000. A can-; served' and the Hotner family 2 Charges Result In $60 Fine BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A | Audley Couple Receive Gifts AUDLEY -- The Rev. M. But- tans had the church service here jon Sunday morning, and also \celebrated the Sacrament of the |Lord's Supper, tham was received into church |membership by transfer of cer- \tificate from Kinsale United (Church. i Next Sunday, the Rev. R. T. |Norman, of St. Paul's United er with a bridal showor at the home of Mrs. Wood. The bride- - to-he received many useful igifts and thanked everyone. |Lunch was served and a plea- \Sant evening enjoyed. : Orono UCW Begin Season ORONO -- The women of} Rit DEE, Unit 5 met in the Friendship, Room of the church to begin) the new season of UCW activi-| Chrysler Gets 30% spel ate | Of Rootes Stock Group leader. Norma Long opened by reading from 'The; LONDON (Reuters) -- Upper Room"' and followed with Chrysler Conp., third prayer. U.S. automaker, said The secretary's report was has been offered proctically given by Joan Couvier and a'the 20,000,000 non - di i b followed, Shares in Rootes Motors. i ly i 'Chureh, Ajax, will be the guest ispeaker, |. More than 100 persons met at Baggotsville school on Saturday, evening, to honer Eileen Guth- } lrie and Leonard Waltham with ja miscellaneous shower, prior | |to their marriage on Oct. 10. ' |Fred Puckrin was chairman for the evening. Michael and \Chessy Zdanowicz played their jaccordions. After the gfits were proper parking. Police said) lopened, refreshments were partl welled =| |played for an hour's dancing. Heoes of Badong a ae Joim Czap left by train on) Donald Eames was fined $5 Sept. 17 for California, where he|and costs for failing to have an plams to secure a job and make|operator's licence. - | | his home with his sister, Mrs.| Andrew Ealick, Toronto, was) M. Znorik and Mr. Znorik in|fined $25 end costs for' travel-| Anaheim, |king 90 miles per hour in a 60-| The community club will meet| mile zone. this Saturday evening at the) Joseph Deroy, Toronto, was home of Dick end Mrs. Winter,|fined $10 and costs for travel- ithe remainder of the evening| Along with roll call she made a|SPonse to its £12 300, count of 36 friendship calls and/@ big but limited stake in the absence of the treasurer! British car group. Audrey Rutherford, accepted Chrysler said offers the collection and receipts from|Shares have exceeded catering to the teachers, on /Cemage Ohryster bid field day in Orono Park. Rootes. Olive Millson invited the 1 Ea it = to meet at her home in Oc- aie tober and Joan Couvier offered | 1,000,000 voting shares ; ' trol Rootes, and 94.96 to have them in November. ot the soak H zfe sks a 382 ffa,2 ¥F.2 i82 eral meeting on Oct. 15 and) OLD WORLD TRADITION was spent time. | Mrs. Len Pears and Mrs.) Charles Wood were co-hostesses | Monday evening when neigh- bors honored. Miss Cheryl Coop- planning for this! LONDON | BUNIONS =SUPER-Fasr- /Dp == RELIEF 1 = era Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads speedily relieve painful vass will be conducted through-|A game of euchre has been out the district in the latter|planned. part of October, under the cap-| Mr. and Mrs. Don Estes, Co- taincy of George Willson. jquille, Oregon, visited with! A sommittee formed to un-|their cousins, Mr, and Mrs./ escaped unhurt. shopping centne, Astiey also|&T. Ajax and Pickering will/pany of France is planning to ped peg ues, pesencyy The Orono fire department toid patel shoul a6 "illegal | Present "A Resounding Tin-|establish a plant on the out- fe eccneruae! used foam to spray the immed-|sign in front of the Ajax Sport kle', by N.° F. Simpson, di-|skirts of Quebec City. iate area and prevented a fire.|shop, He said the sign was in\tected by Barry Bateman. | wy yiau said his allfice has| The oil truck overturned when|bad taste and detracted from On Saturday, the New Play|been interested in such a proj- CREAM Helps You Overcome FALSE H includes two wheels went off the side of a bridge north of Brown's School and east of Newcastle. The| truck dropped 10 to 15 feet. | | The fire department answered) several other calls during the} past week, Early Sunday morn- ing they answered a call at the home of Ron Sutcliffe, when concern. centered on an oil space heater. No damage was done. Wednesday afternoon firemen travelled to the farm of Mr. and Mrs. William Tamblyn, east of Orono in the Antioch area, The alarm was given by neighbors who saw smoke coming from the driving shed, adjacent to the house. No damage resulted. Saturday afternoon the de- partment answered a call at the farm of Tupper Johnston, east of Newtonville, Straw in the stable was found smouldering and it was soon brought under control. the plaza. Workshop, Ontario County, will present "The Gentle Geran- TULIPS FOR AJAX Parks committee chairmanirected by John Paxton. R. J. Wright informed counc#!) >, w, om Gea saa | that'2,880 tulips will 'be pur- The Whitby Theatre Guild will chased for the town at a cost of less than $180. The tulips, red and yellow, will be planted Se an 4: Coward, directed by Joan Hill. wood avenue. Adjudicator will be Esse W. The Ajax police department|Ljungh. Convener of the Festi-| is receiving a 'telephone ma-|val is Mrs. Robert Johnson. Co- chine which. will receive and|convener is Mrs. Robert Cha-| send messages aill over Canada,|ter. The plays start each night) the United States and Mexico./at 8.15 p.m. The machine will be rented at $44. monthly and caills to any Ontario municipality will be will present "Still Life', by N mittee informed council that | made free of change. Councillor|two tmaffic signals will be in-| Robertson also reported that a|stalied in Ajax. The first signal | fire chief will be advertised for|wijil be at the intersection of with employment commencing|Bayiey and Burcher streets and| at the first of the new yeat.|the second at Bayley street end| Fire Chief Cecil Winters is re-|Harwood avenue. A fatal acci-| tining from his post, dent occunred at the Harwood ect for several years. " ; I-| He said Canadian financiers|Donald Beer, secretary; ium", by Frances Parkhill, di-\haye already been to the Peu-|Elticot, treasurer; and Mrs. |dertake the canvass |George Willson, captain; Mins Allan A. geot Company in Paris and on)W. Storry, publicity. their return asked tinue the talks. RUG AND UPHOLSTERY. CLEANING 728-4681 NU-WAY RUG CLEANING 174 Mary St. OSHAWA KRESGE'S SE ro oe | - FEATURE VALUES THIS WEEK! RED-HOT BARGAI FIVE EG aS NS FOR YOU TH pute Ladies' Bulky Knit stevie A A yin eta Jumbo Red Skin URS.-FR | HALF SLIPS | PR VED BEEP Ra vara HTN Ladies' Quebec's present 'Early Frost", by Doug-|General finance Corporation .t0 (er of the Church, condones the|Pucktin's cousin, Mrs. Clifford] las Parkhirst, directed by Bert| Participate 7 - co ete ong project, and dedicated it Heaver and the Pic-Ax Players|corporation head, Geran il- prayer. uae A Bap heh gt 'lion, has been in France t0 con-|-- L-SAT. Rev. A. E: Cresswell, Minis- by |Clarence Trigg and other rela-| jtives, last week. H | The Fred Puckrin family visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hollinger one even-| ing last week and met Mrs.| Looseness and Worry No longer be annoyed or feel ill-at- ease because of loose, wobbly false teeth. FASTEETH, an improved alka- line (non-acid) powder, sprinkled on your plates holds them firmerso they feel more comfortable. Avoid embar- Evans rassment caused by loose plates. Get : ' FASTEETH at any drug counter, of Weyburn; Saskatche-! wan, i pressure on sensitive spot, soothe and cushion it. Enjoy real relief as mil- lions do with Dr. Echelle -- recta argest - selling aid for Bunions! D! Scholls Zino pads LONDON WINERY LIMITED LONDON @ Ontagi@ CaANape NEW WORLD PERFECTION Rayon - Pleating with Lace = Trim. Small, Medium, Large : PEANUTS Reg. value 45c Ib. 37 tA rm _ CARDIGANS Reg. value 5.95 4.44 Assorted Colours Reg. value 98¢ (fs Assorted Colors "IN FOR BIG SUPER SAVINGS! Watch for Extra Special Values Every Week | MEN'S | WORK HOSE Extra Value Special AF File Wa in "T ht vial i LOOK! Check Our Stores For Many Non-Advertised Specials Every Day! 94 GH Pct ui Lanolin LIFE HAIR SPRAY Reg. value 99¢ a tin 13-oz. tins TO SERVE YOU! pairs for 2 KRESGE 10 DOWNTOWN OSHAWA 15 Simcoe St. South eibbatiss CATIONS nei wurst tat OSHAWA SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY CHEERFULLY REFUNDED