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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1964, p. 13

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FLARES at eaten a ee. ee OLYMPIC PREVIEW New Zealanders Hope For Strong Showing By J. C. GRAHAM Canadian Press Correspondent AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP)--New Zealand hopes for at least 10 Olympic medals, possibly three of them gold, from the 68 ath- letes going to Tokyo this month. The team includes three former Olympic champions -- Peter Snell and Murray Hal- berg, who won the 800 and 5,000 metres respectively at) Rome in the 1960 Games, and Peter Mander, a gold medal- list in Sharpie-class yachting in 1956 at Melbourne, who will compete in the Finn class this time. The team's 16 officials in- clude two coaches--one each Previously coaches have never|rowing have been kept in full been included officially on New| swing Zealand teams. Even the worid- Track athletes train through- famous track coach Arthurjout the year--10 miles a week Lydiard went to the 1960 Games/|of winter roadwork is not un- as an unofficial visitor, his ex-)usual under the Lydiard sys- penses, paid by track enthu-/tem and the distance runners, siasts, chief New Zealand medal-win- His success with New Zealand|ners for many years, treat rain, athletes, particularly Snell and/ hail and snow with indifference. Halberg, led to his designation) Onl as the official coach for 1964,|available for the swimmers and they have worked under severe TRAIN IN WINTER handicaps compared with their The team, selected months|northern hemisphere pbb be small heated pools are, a A es ans Se emira-prace pronze medal mm the marathon at Rome, couldn't make the 1964 marathon team although he qualified in the 10,- 000 metres. Jeff Julian, winner of the "Little Olympics" mar- athon at Rome last year, and R. L. Puckett, who beats him at home, are strong possibili- ties for a medal. BAILLIE A THREAT Bill Baillie, who wins races at anything from the half-mile to able to take the time off from 2 the 26-mile, 385-ard marathon, work. ROWERS TOGETHER The nearest thing to a long- world records for 20,000 metres term joint training program was undertaken by the rowing sod the one-hour run, He is eight. All young, single men from many parts of New Zea- nage they moved to Auckland a year ago and got jobs in the city. They trainel daily before and after work in the basement of a large house made available by a rowing supporter in re- turn for gardening services. any race as won when he is on the track, erie Young, winner of the shot put and discus at the 1962 Brit- ish Empire Games and fourth in the shot at Rome in 1960, before going to Tokyo, has been) |who were able to train outd battling heavy odds to reach) lalmost to the date of their de- lparture for Toko at the end peak form in the depths of a of Ségheinber, particularly wet and bleak! No jengthy Olympics training southern hemisphere winter.|camps are held in New for track and field and rowing. Such sports as yachting andland, Athletes generally te i. Sports Panel Picks New Zealands Team For Olympic Games By J. C. GRAHAM | Canadian Press Correspondent} |association, AUCKLAND, N.Z. (CP) -- Al three - member panel has the last word in choosing New Zea- land's Olympic and British Em pire Games teams. The method is novel but {t works, despite occasional grumbling. Its acceptance can be gauged by the liberality of public contributions .to the up- keep of the teams. Nominations are made by the governing body of each sport, usually after setting competi- tive standards. Then the impar- tial panel, selected by the New Zealand Olympic and British Empire Games _ Association, hears arguments from dele-| gates of each sport in support} of their nominations, The selectors then pick the team, reporting their reasons. "|judged capable of performing ishot. This year's team includes tion from its own funds--bal- ance from previous tours and fund-raising efforts. To send category B athletes abroad, some make permanent levies on all affiliated members. Raffles, en- tertainments, sports meetings, donations and. many other sources make up the balance. In Auckland, hometown of 29 of this year's 68 athletes, the local amateur sports association conducts a door-to-door appeal before every Empire or Olym- pic Games, The canvassers are athletes from every sport, even those unrepresented at the Games. A householder may be visited sank by a 13-year-old girl basketbal- HOLD RAFFLES ler, an international known The money paid by the Olym-|runner like Peter Snell or Mur- pic and Empire Games Associa. lray Halberg or a football or tion for category--A athletes/oricket hero. Businesses and comes mainly from govern- |municipalities also make dona- with the strongest claims, are \financed almost entirely by the with a small bal- ance to be made up by the national sports body concerned. Category B covers those with credit but with less-notable records. These are included in the team, provided their na- tional sports body pays the 21 in the first category and 47 in the second. No athlete has ever been left) off a team because of lack of funds. Donors invariably come to the rescue when a sports body's resources are inade- quate. Athletes are chosen in two categories. Those in category A, amount is paid by the associa-| ment grants. A small additional] | tions. Team managers and coaches the responsibility of the SPORTS IN BRIEF jare sports nominating them but many officials raise their own jexpense money. ROUGHIES SIGN CRAIN REGINA (CP) -- Saskatche- Crain, cut earlier this season by Mont- | Of approximately $123,000 re- that centre Nonm Ullman had/|suired to send this year's team signed his cotract for the com-|to Tokyo, about $33,000 will jcome from the government and Any earned by New Zealanders at Tokyo will bes Teturnineg, together with |termination cannot be ignored.| sport bodies || Marise Cham berlain, former (won, eae Band way, 400 - metre world - record The best hopes for gold med- S/als are the distance runners. "/Snell is perhaps not quite the runner he was in the year or two after the last Olympics when he lowered world records at 880 yards and a mile almost at will. But he has broken four minutes for the mile regularly and could rise to the occasion either in the 800 or 1,500 me- times in the 800 metres. In spite of the eight's dedi- cated training, a four - oared crey from Auckland is rated the most likely to win a rowing medal in Tokyo. Field hockey, cycling, eques-| trian, boxing, wrestling, gym- nastics, weightlifting and swim- trek ming teams have been nomi- Halberg, a veteran at 31, will|"@ted but their medal chance defend his 5,000-metre title but |ATe not rated high. is likely to be a greater threat) at 10,000 metres. Startling per-| formances at the close of the} SATURDAY New Zealand track season|| The Singing -- Swinging -- showed that his fantastic de-| BOBBY MINNS and his orchestra Direct from 12 Record Breaking Barry Magee, who won a DANCE | TONIGHT That still leaves the fantastic be breaks four minutes for the|"@S mile and this year established ominated for 5,000 and 10,000); metres and no one can count)... Two women athletes are pros- a pects for minor medals. Val- holder, who runs close to world! weeks et Toronto's Famous Old Mill J) Couples only. Dancing 9 p.m, till 12 #) Reservations 723-2143 -- 725-1843 |) |Mike Dutt To Ride A Yamaha In Grand Prix maha factory team riders for Grand AT LAST! BY MAIL! NEW quality poperback books SAVE up to 15% tool! Fiction and Non-fiction, (No. second hand books). Free tists Paperback Book Post, 573 Eglinton Avenue West, Toronto 12, Ontario, Canada. Fed OCT. 7 RAYMONDA (Glazunov) OCT. 8 SWAN LAKE (Tchaikovsky) ®*t Opens Mon., Oct. 5, One Week Only LENINGRAD BALLET OCT. 5 CINDERELLA wrepation) OCT. 6 CINDERELLA Ping 9 SLEEPING BEAUTY OCT. 10 HIGHLIGHTS Met. Ag 4th fve, Saveneps ply IGOR DISTANT EVES, 8:15 Mon.-Set., Matinee SEATS ON SALE 11 AM.-9 P.M, $3.00 '7 "$10.00 "GET" THIS WEEK - AS USUAL FEATURING "THE JOQUERS" Admission 75° @ Dress--Shirt and Tie OCT. 10... MISS RED FEATHER STEWART GRANGER ERNIE KOVACS FABIAN and CAPUCINE IN COLOR JOHN WAYNE "NORTH TO ALASKA" High Adventure In the Gold Country "The Comancheros". in COLOR with JOHN WAYNE LEE MARVIN INA BALIN PAW BILTMOR Eee 6:30 P.M, PHONE 725-5833 ert SUNDAY XY PUBLIC INVITED To Attend POSTAL EMPLOYEES' SEMI-ANNUAL DANCE Old Time - Modern | Ss ADMISSION--$1,25 eN s' $ 360 KING ST, W. (below CKLB) SUN., OCT. 4th in person the LINCOLNAIRES with host DOUG CRYSDALE Dress: Shirt and Tie HIDEWAY -Saturday, Oct. 3, 1964 9:00 to 12:00 KINSMEN COMMUNITY CENTRE 109 COLBORNE ST. W. @ CHARLIE COCHRANE'S ORCHESTRA @ BAR REFRESHMENT @ ADMISSION $3.00 PER COUPLE FOR INFORMATION CALL 725-8192 RK SaaS Be NORTH OSHAWA WESTERN HORSEMEN Presents -- Eighth and last point Award HORSE SHOW Ribbon Presentation Day Trophy Winners will be Announced for the Sea~ son. Games on Horse- back with added attrac- tion, Suicide Race, real Alouettes. The Western Football Conference Roughrid- ers, who meet Hamilton Tiger- Wings. Last season in 61 games) perms mt as a result of he scored 21 goals and 30 as-| Public donations. Cats in Hamilton Sunday, also|!sts for 51 points, He is the 7 seem laies announced that end Dick Cohee| 15th Wing signed. | suffered two broken ribs in the|-- | last game against Edmonton) AW poo Foe Regal lalaaataat EE RE TN Homart Positive-Seal Self-Storing Aluminum WAKEFIELD, RI. (AP) -- Storm Doors and Windows The Finest Protection Available Tootell made the 1924 U.S.) Olympic team despite an ankle} 14" Positive-Seal Aluminum Door Located at: TAUNTON & RITSON RD. NORTH (FIVE POINTS) TIME 2 P.M. TO BE HELD ON SUNDAY, OCT. 4ih "PETER FAK: BARBARA RSH won uno Mgt a (oD TAT RT + ets Sem by LA MOLE reeyoureonecantiermonesFRINK SINATRA » GORDON DOUGLAS » DATO SCHVARTE Sarr HOWAROW.KOCH A PC PRODUCTION -TECHAICOLOR™ PANAVSIN-FROM WARNER BRIG, RANE p )| THEA' FEATURE TODAY ,. . 2:05---4:25---6:55-----9:25 | DWARFING THE MIGHTIEST!! 43-45 Simcoe St. N. injury suffered 10 days before) the tryouts and, at the games) in. Paris, he won the hammer throw with a toss of 174 feet, | 10% inches. ULLMAN SIGNS CONTRACT | DETROIT (CP) -- Sid Abel, | manager-coach of Detroit Red) Wings, announced Wednesday) "The LAUGHS sre WILD. the [ovine WONDERFYy ' Queen's University Department of | TECHNICOLOR" TECHNIRAMA PLUS "RAIDERS «ti Adar atertalaenent) University Extension Extension Tutorials "| NOTICE THE HISTORY 2 TUTORIAL CLASS which was to be held this Saturday, October 3 hes been CANCELLED. The next lecture of the series will be held on October 17. FOR 1 WEEK ONLY!! Every Nite and Saturday Matinee Matinee from 4:30 to 6:30 Dance, Dine, Listen and Live It Up to. the Rock and Roll and Rhythm Blues Tunes of the Famous "SCEPTRES" at the SPRUCE VILLA HOTEL WHITBY, ONTARIO Matching Aluminum Window, Sale Price......++0++0+ ] ] 97 (Up to 59 united-inches) BOX OFFICE OPENS 7:00 ADMISSION 75¢ CHILDREN UNDER 12 FREE Other doors as low as .... 49.95 'Tony Curtis The Kiwanis Club of Oshawa Inc. A ati nape Christine Kaufmann PRESENTS ON A NEW SCREEN MORE THAN TWICE THE PREVIOUS AREA First Travelogue in the 1964-65 Serie: "INDIA - LAND OF THE SPECTACULAR" by RUSS POTTER Monday, October 5 8:15 P.M. SHARP Central Collegiate Auditorium SIMCOE ST, SOUTH We are pleased indeed to welcome Mr. Russ Potter to Oshawa for the first time, He comes very nigh ly recommended by no less an authority than the Saturday Evening Post. His subject holds unlimited promise of scenic beauty, glamour and the fascination of the 'Mysterious East', We will pay a visit to the .Dalai, Lamo, Exiled Sun God of Thibet, have breakfost with Nehru, explore the cave temples of Ajanta ond Ellora and the Gardens of Shalimar. We'll be quests at o Hindu wedding 'and be privileged to watch the beautiful three-thousand yeor old temple dances. Our journey will toke us to Delhi, Renares, Amritsor, Kashmir, Calcutta, ete, etc. This is truly an outstanding event in our travelogue history. Season's Tickets (6 travelogues) 5.00 Season's Tickets (Students) 2.50 May be purchased from any member of the Kiwanis Club of Oshowe, or et the Auditorium. ? Here's What Makes the Big Difference... 100% More Weatherstripping Both back and front of each side of glass panels has automotive- type wool-pile insulation Panelsslotted in vinylchannels Draftproof, rattleproof protection even in gale force winds Extra thick aluminum frame pea win LARRY STORCH* MARTY INGELS * JULES MUNSHIN JACQUES AUBUCHON ana PIERRE OLAF Screenplay by LARRY MARKES & MICHAEL MORRIS and WALDO SALT Screen Story by RICHARD M. POWELL and PHILLIP RAPP + Based on a Story by DOROTHY CRIDER 'Directed by MICHAEL ANDERSON + Produced by HAROLD HECHT + agate Strong, completely rustproof, = never needs painting. Windows feature full length vinyl channels, eliminate unsightly clips. Panels remove. from inside for easy cleaning. Remove - in seconds. Low cost installation ean be atranged. . Coll 728-9411 for details, L A Universal Release dn Eestmen COLO, PLAZA sTARtINe! ee 1:30 P.M, Avoid Disappointment Come Early TOMORROW | LAST DAY.-- DOCTOR IN DISTRESS For Reservations Phone 668-3386 e Enjoy our fine Cuisine Sundays 4-8 © Generel A $1.00 Students 50 each log

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