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Oshawa Times (1958-), 3 Oct 1964, p. 5

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AB Ti a Ly Le lala iig WHITBY And DISTRICT - Manager: John Gault Dunnies Make Ready For Another Season Tel. 668-3703 theif pe ah The Metro league this year The ey season 15. NOW UPON) will comprise nine teams all in us, The Whitby Dunlops will one group. The teams are Neil . their -- camp at the . " Whitby arena weekend.| McNeil Maroons, who will play Manager Ivan Davie announced] out of the Ted Reeve Arena this Oct. 17, Neil McNeil will play here in Whitby at 7.00 p.m, On Sunday, Oct. 18, Whitby will travel up to play the Neil Mc- 8.00 p.m. On Saturday night, | high What to do in case of fire in; the home, How many people can honestily claim that they could cope with this sudden, and, in many cases, disastrous emer- gency. : The answer, as every Fire De- partment knows, is very, very few All too often the cost is very nl, in thousands FEUER GAG ANENADTR THEE SEDFAER ATMEL hg Gilt Me og TT Check And: Make Sure, -- It Could Save A Life Hooded Gang Suspects Due In Montreal MONTREAL (CP) -- said Friday Following negotiations for > last night that the first practice for 19 a.m. today. Jr. B league. Manager Davie announced that the practices will be split into two shifts of an hour each to give his coach a better chance to look over the large field. year; Markham Seal A Wax, Etobicoke Indians, North York Maple Leafs who will play out of Downsview (they are the for- mer Lakeshore Goodyears), Weston Dodgers, Dixie Bee- hives, Brampton Seven Ups, St. Michael's College and Whitby. Georgetown and Schomberg are not in the league this year, Manager Ivan Davie has been busy lining up some fine exhibi- tion games for his team. The first one will be here on Oct. 10 when the Weston Dodgers will be 'the visitors. On the 12th Whitby play in Weston. On Thursday night, Oct, 15, North York Maple Leafs are here at final game of the pre Neil team in the Ted Reeve arena starting at 1,30. And the tion Week is held every year. Here in Whitby the Week runs is Monday until Oct. 10; trail will be on Oct. 20 when the Dunlops will travel up to the Downsview arena to tangle with the North York Maple Leafs. In all it looks like a good pre- season wanm up for the fellows, The schedule will open here at the Whitby arena on Saturday night, Oct. 20. AH home games for Whitby this year will be on Saturday night at 7.00 p.m. except when the Oshawa Generals play at home on Saturday night; then the Whitby home game will be played at 2.30 in the afternoon. Vimy Ridge Nears 40th. Anniversary Vimy Ridge LOBA No. 639 held its opening meeting of the season Monday, Sept. 28, at the 100F Hail with Worthy Mistress Sister Evelyn Weeks and Deputy Mistress Sister Viola Rintz pre- Devotional exercises were con- lucted by Chaplain Sister Lila Wilde. Lecture was repeated by Sisters Beatrice Dalby and Lila Wilde. ? During a ston plans short business ses- were made for the , Oct. 26 brate the 40th year of Lodge ac- tivities. It was first started Oct. 24, 1924. The following Lodges will be étending the celebrations: Queen Mary Lodge, Victory Bow: UNITS, GROUPS -|and family, formerly of 306 Ar-| blished _resi-} WHITBY PERSONALS © Mr. and Mrs. Tom Currier (the former: Patricia George) have returned from their honeymoon in Europe. They spent five months touring Greece, Italy, and England, in- cluding several weeks living at Gabrion on the Island of An- dros. They are now taking up residence in Toronto and con- tinuing their studies as post- graduate students at University of Toronto. Out-of-town guests who attend- ed the Stelter-Willett wedding held at Maravian Church, Bou- derheim, Alberta, included Mrs. Reginald Willett, Whitby. Mrs. Eugene Russell, Colorado Springs, Colorado, Mrs. Carol Ogilvie, Merritt, B.C., sisters of the bride. Mr. and Mrs. George Mackenzie, Brooklin, Mrs. John Dixon, Brent, also relatives and friends from Edmonton, Taher, Saskatchewan, Bouderheim and Lamont. Twenty-four Mary Helen Clark recently celebrated her 12th birthday. T celebrated her 12th birthday. To tained some of her friends at a birthday dinner. Jeffrey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Campbell, is celebrating his first birthday Sunday, Oct. 4. Friends of the family wish Jeffrey many happy returns of the day. Faith Baptist Church Wom- jen's Missionary Society held its "Work Night Meeting" Thurs- day, Oct. 1, at the Church. members _ busied themselves working on a "Crazy Quilt", also stuffed animals for the nursery, other members as- sorted material for quilting. At the close of the meeting Mrs. Sid Wade led in prayer. So- cial convener, Mrs. Ed Abram- off served lunch assisted by her committee. The next work night will be held Thursday, Nov. 19. Department appeal for whole- |hearted i e0-operatiion. | During the week the Fire De- partment will be making a com- plete fire check of ail factories, apartment blocks and schools in the town. Nothing will be missed; and by so doing the local volunteers are hoping to minimize the risk of fire, o In addition the Fire Depart- ment wish to bring 'further points to the public notice. Firstly, and most important, winter is coming on at an ever faster pace and now is the time | for house furnaces to be checked over, | Secondly the age old problem \of destroying the fall leaves. | Light a fire, by ail means, but from and the Whitby Volunteer Fire| able. partment literature even goes so fer es to say that a family should hold a meeting to dis- cuss escape noutes and other plans which would come into effect in case of fire. Most advice con- cerns the occupants of two. and three-storey buildings. Literature describes the need for an escape route in these houses as 'vital'. Main halls and stairways be- come superheated chimneys when a building is on fire, Thus they are i bie. To stop the quick spread of fire i are advised to close ail doors and windows -be- fore turning in for the night. | U.S. BUSINESS Dockers NEW YORK (AP) -- Another big strike cast a cloud over the U.S. economy this week. This time it was a walkout by. 60,000 members of the AFL- CIO International Longshore- men's Association, which shut down ports from Maine to Texas, | The strike, which began Wed-| nesday at midnight, ended Fri-| day. They were scheduled to) jreturn to work Friday nigh?. Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Walters) " thur CLUB CALENDAR street boro. Their friends. wish them) ings. street west, is opening her bers of the House of Windsor AUXILIARIES TOPS | Chapter IODE. \13th birthday"Meaday, pc 5.| |H companions of borne | Women general inecting Bobby, son of Mr. and Mrs.| Don F. Banks is celebrating his is school and friends wish him happiness in their new surround-| ); | Whitby | dence at 36 Annis road, Scar-| MONDAY, Oct. 5 tig Credit Union banking Whitby Baptist Church Ex- Mrs. Roy Howe, 301 St. John/Plorers All Saints Anglican Church home Monday, Oct. 5 to mem-| Evening Guild | TUESDAY, Oct. 6 | Red Cross work room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd St. John the Evangelist CWL St. Mark's United Ohurch many happy returns of the day, WEDNESDAY, Oct. 7 | Shipping circles estimated the \strike cost the economy $200,- | 000,000 a day. | The strike was enjoyned for 10 days by a federal judge act- jing on a national emergency |declaration by President John- |son. CENTRES 'ON SECURITY The dispute between the dock |workers and the shippers cen- jtres around wages and job se- leurity. Meanwhile, was reported in negotiations in jthe General Motors. strike. that jhas idled more than 250,000 workers across the U.S. Efforts were directed at sett- ling local demands by the union. Clouds Outlook Strike plants which produce parts for competing Ford Moter Co. and Chrysler Corp., which already have reached agreement with the union. However, GM began laying off non - striking workers as it ran out of storage space for parts. : STRIKE AVERTED Elsewhere on the labor front, a U.S. - wide strike against General Electric Co, was averted when the company and the International Union of Elec- trical Workers reached agree- ment an hour before a strike deadline. There had been apprehension that the GM strike would hurt the steel industry but Iron Age,| a trade publication, said the) steel market will not be af-| fected for several weeks. Last week, steel production dipped for 'the first time in eight weeks. The wtput of 2,480,000 tons was off one per cent from 2,506,000 the previous jcluding the alleged leader Vic- their return to Canada where they face a total of 30 of rape, theft with violence, fused to transport cause they were considered too dangerous. First reports said they be flown to Montreal in migration department and were driven in a van be- cause New York ainports were fogged in Friday. However, a QPP spokesman said he did not know why they were being brought to Montreal by van. Police said Messier and Fac- chino were among six suspected members of the gang who over- powered their guards and es- caped, The remaining four, in- HOPE'S HONOR rg ain Ny oN Ngan petegpning ah Year-Round University -- Seen Of Small Value TORONTO (CP) -- There would be smail financial sav- ings from the year-round oper-/e night|ation of Canadian universities, and the academic disadvan- increase tensions and fatigue in| teachers and students. | Faculty members could be deprived of time each year for! research and study, which in| the long run would defeat the] purpose of the universities, the | report said. Competition would| be more difficult, since this free} time. was one of the chief at-| i SE orf finish university more quickly, others needed the free time for Leslie Townes Hope, better known as Bob Hope, is only the second man to have received the Congressional Gold Medal for outstanding worldwide serv- ice to democracy. Sir Winston Churchill is the other. NEED A PLUMBER, » ALERT § QUICK?, WEVE THE SERVICE - MAN T0 D0 THE Family Monuments Created To | | wou» | Requirements : | STAFFORD BROS. LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 week but still was close to the "s top. "a the other hand, the GM sore One-Stop DECORATING SHOP @ Wallpaper end Murels : . The 'prime consideration in the nine U.S. @ Custom Draperies © CLL. Paints and Varnishes |) @ Broedicom and Rugs © Flo-Gloze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. S., Whitby oper WG pei ti eg a O n universities studied appeared to SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $16.00 on your auto insurance, See... Insurance 218 DUNDAS ST, E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 MOODIES RESTAURANT | Pickering Villege Hwy. 2 et Duffin's Creek PHONE 942-1012 Sei SUNDAY 4-8 P.M. MON. to FRI, -- 12 NOON to 8 P.M. @ Various Salads @ Many Different Selections @ Hot Dishes the day. -| Almonds Ale United Church] The UAW left. some 80,000 { | workers on the job at GM strike out sharply into automo- street, reason being that Mrs.| bile production. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH No. Boychyn attended a meeting be- ing held at Yorkdale Plaza by the newly formed a!i-Canadian NUYU (NEW YOU). | This is an entirely Canadian organization and all funds being received will remain in Canada. Members of the newly formed Club in Whitby are considering} changing from TOPS to this all) Canadian NUYU. This Canadian organization! 4¢ Brougham are celebrating|Parish Hel wees | pers offers speakers, nutritionalists,| their 58th wedding anniversary| St. and exercise advisors and) literature is provided to be used! at meetings. | It is most important for any ladies interested in joining this group to attend the meeting of September 29 at Mrs. Boychyn's| home and obtain more informa- tion. The motto of the NUYU CLUB is "Join the movement to self} improvement." 2 | UCW UNIT 3 St. Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 3 held its first thefall season at the! Church parlor. Mrs. R. A. Smith opened the meeting with an article "Time Bank," stressing thé necessity of making good use of the 1440 minutes of everyday. | The worship service was con-| ducted by Mrs. Ross Hall with) the theme "'The Kingdom of} Godd." Mrs. Kathleen McKelvie| read the scripture. Mrs. Cyril Heard, secretary- treasurer, gave the minutes and the treasurer's statement. Mem- bers. were reminded of the thankoffering meeting Tuesday, Oct. 6 at 8 p.m. and also the net Unit meeting, Oct. 15 at 2:30 p.m. Mrs. Harold Quantrill presen- ted a chapter from the study book "God and His Purpose." After an interesting discussion period, refreshments were ser- ved by social conveno> Mrs. William Stonehouse. | will be. members of the family Group Oct, 5 at the home of Mrs. Wil-| liam Scott, Cochrane street. Cheryl, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waller is celebrat- ing her second birthday Monday, Oct. 5. Friends of the family wish Cheryl a happy birthday. Mr. and Mrs, Arthur Carlton brate the occasion a family gath- ering has been arranged at the| home of Mr. and Mrs. John) Carlton, Pickering. Attending | | | | Miss Laura Jacques, Mont-| today, Saturday, Oct. 3. To cele-| | with their children, grandchil- dren and great grandchildren. 4 Presbyterian|Benevolent Rebekah Lodge Women are meeting Monday,|No. 132 Hillerest H and S Association| TOWN OF WHITBY NOTICE | TO ALL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE TOWN OF WHITBY Representatives of Organizations of the Town of Whitby are hereby invited to a meeting regarding Centennial Celebrations to be held on Wednesday, October 14th, 1964 at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers, 405 Dundas St. W., Whitby. THURSDAY, Oct. 8 Salvation Army Women's Home League St. John the, Evangelist Sal-| esian Guild | SM. John's Anglican Church} Mark's United Church Women Unit No. 2 Whitby Garden Club | Whitby Baptist Church Cub Packs | FRIDAY, Oct. 9 Red Cross Senior Citizens Social Club Pentecostal Church Young! People's Christ Ambassadors. H | AUCTION NOTICE UNDER INSTRUCTIONS RECEIVED FROM THE TRUSTEES of The Whitby Malleable Iron and Brass Co. Ltd. ene of Cenada's lergest manufacturers of Blenkets -- Hames -- Buckles -- Luggege Hardwere -- Seddiery -- Herdwere, ete. Located at Breck St. N., Whitby, Onterie WE WILL SELL THE ASSETS BY PUBLIC AUCTION without reserve on Wednesday, Oct. 14, 1964 et 10:30 @.m. plece by piece to the highest bidder or lots tto suit ot the above location Whitby, Onterle, Sale consists of the following: CARDING MACHINES PICKING ROOM BLDG, No. 4 2--72" felting looms @ 60'. carding machine @ Walker Picker @ opening picker @ pad stuffing machine @ cushion stuffer @ card rolling grinder, etc. Shh & MOULD ROOM BLDG. Ne. 5 real is a weekend guest at the} home of Mr. and Mrs, Frank! Carr, 601 Stewart street. Wednesday, Oct. 7 Hillcrest Home and School Association are holding '"'Meet The Teach- 2 Lat 8 p.m. Installa- 9 tion of officers will also be held. Principal Jerry Stachow will in- troduce the teachers who 'will: outline the curriculum for the| year, lunch will be served, All parents invited to attend. ANNOUNCE AWARDS OTTAWA (CP) -- The de- fence department Friday. an- nounced awards to three Cana-| dian soldiers in recognition of service with the United Nations force in The Congo last Janu- ary. Brig. J. A. Dextraze, 45, of Montreal, was made a com- mander of the Order of the! British Empire fer "superb leadership and control" during rescue operations that saved the lives of more than 30 mis- sionaries and students. Lt.-Col. | Paul A. Mayer, 47, of Ottawa, and Sgt. J. A. Leonce Lessard, 41, of Quebec City, were |awarded the George Medal. BROC WHITBY "MA an With MARJORIE MA K Evening Shows Start 7 and 8:20 SATURDAY MATINEE AT 1:30 SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL HUMANE SOCIETY TAG DAY THIS WEEK ALSO -- 2nd Feature Attraction PA KETTLE GO TO TOWN" IN, PERCY KILBRIDE National WEEK OCT. 4 - 10th The attention of all citizens of the Town of Whitby is directed to the follow- ing recommendations for the prevention of loss of life and property by fire. All dwellings, public buildings, stores, warehouses and factories should be carefully inspected by their occupants, and all conditicns likely to cause or promote the spread of fire should be removed. All theatres, hotels and other institutional buildings should be inspected and provision made for all changes necessary to protect occupants in case of fire. Fire drills should be held for the children in all schools, for the inmates of oll institutions, and for the employees in all factories, in order that a greater degree of safety be ensured by acquainting the occupants with the best end most expeditious means of exit in time of danger. Spécial instructions on the subject of fire prevention should be given by the teachers and by municipal officials in the schools and such appropriate literature as may be available should be distributed to the pupils! This co-operation of all citizens of the Town of Whitby is respectfully solicited in the above matters, L. H. INKPEN Chairmen of Fire and Communitty Services Committee, BRUCE CORNER Fire Chief Pp set Gp of patterns & moulds to manufacture complete line of soddlery hardware potterns, military slides and Sam Brown equipment. FOUNDRY BLDG, Neo. 6 Squeezers @ Vibrators @ core boxes @ flacks @ wheelbarrows @ cupola, WOODWORKNG DEPT. Wood lathe @ drill press @ jointer @ toble saw @ ete. QUILTING & SEWING PLANT | "Fat ise--2 7-quilting --uinion_special blanket binder @ 4-Singer quilting sewing machines @ 3-Singer lock stitchers @ Singer bagging machine @ U.S. whipping machine @ pad roller @ cutting tables @ riveting machines @ etc. FORGING SHOP Forging presses @ drop hammers @ singlend punch @ 40 ton punch press @ anvils @ kick presses @ blowers @ small tools @ etc. HAMES DEPT. i Steam chest for homes @ bending machine @ patterns @ ete. TUMBLING ROOM @ POLISHING ROOM @ PLATIN@ ROOM MACHINE SHOP Lathes @ drill presses @ planer miller @ planer @ keyseoter @ shaper @ drophorhmers @ small tools, etc. STAMPING ROOM 15 punch presses from 3 ton te 40 ton capacity @ apin riveters @ hundreds of die shoes @ ete. z WIRE ROOM 3 shuster wire machines @ 3 ton of coll spring wire @ nose guard machines @ dies @ etc. SMALL TOOLS DEPT. 25 bench vises @ 25 leg vises @ hammers @ wrenches @ jacks @ files @ twist drills @ scdles @ pipe cutters @ threading tools @ etc : OFFICE EQUIPMENT s 5--Taylor sates @ desks @ chairs @ cabinets @ adder typewriter @ 3 IBM time clocks @ coat racks @ kardex files @ addressograph machine and plates @ etc. : INVENTORY Tons and tons of rivets @ bolts @ spring wire @ brass @ tool steel! @ tongues @ steel strips @ yellow brass @ scrap iron @ copper strips @ sweot pads @ horse blankets @ homes @ luggese hardware @ 'cardboard cartons @ cloth lining @ bindings @ snaps @ buckles @ harness buckles @ loops @ squares @ trace carriers @ saddle furniture @ ornaments MATERIAL HANDLING 15--2 wheel trucks @ 20--4 wheel trucks @ floor scales @ ete. ? LANDS & BUILDINGS FOR SALE OR RENT BY PRIVATE NEGOTIATIONS. APPROXIMATELY 2 'ACRES. DETAILED INFORMATION UPON REQUEST. PUBLIC INVITED Inspection date @ Tuesday Oct. 13, 1964 from 10 @.m, till 4 p.m, and morning of sale @ terms cash or-certified cheques, for further information contact the office of the Auctioneers. TRANS-CANADA LIQUIDATIONS LTD. 192 Bay St., Toronte 1, Cenede, Ph. 366-5658 Caneda's Ind and Liq WE GO ANYWHERE lel A | | | } | | i ! | | | | | : 419 BROCK STREET NORTH REV. DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister Affiliated with "The Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches of Caneda'"' 9:15 AM.--"Faith Tiding" Broadcast, C.K.L.B. 1350 on your dial. 9:45 A.M.--Bible School Hour with a Class for you. 11:00 A.M.--Morning Service of Worship PASTOR'S, SERMON-- "IN REMEMBRANCE OF ME" 12:00 Noon--Monthly Communion Service 7:00 P.M.--A Great Evening. Service of Sermon and Song PASTOR'S SERMON-- "THE AWFULNESS OF BEING LOST IN ETERNITY" Wednesday, 2:30 & 7:30 p.m. Fall Rally of the Cannington-Sunderland Association SPEAKER--REV, HAL MACBAIN, SARNIA The Public Cordially Invited Your Whitby Churches ' REFORMED REV. GERRIT REZELMAN 10:30 A.M, ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. | UNITED CHURCH DUTCH SERVICE 7M ENGLISH SERVICE ST. MARK'S Rev. J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D, "EMMANUEL. 403 ROSSLAND ROAD WEST EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED Miss tla Newton, Deaconess Mrs, J. L. Beaton, A. R. C, T. HOLY COMMUNION 11 A.M., 7 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL Corner Byron et St. John Minister Intermediote, Senior 11;00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Infant Care, while porents worship. 11:00 A.M, Nursery core ond Junior ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN Mrs. P. N. Spratt, Organist 9:45. A.M.--Sunday Scheel Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A, "THE AXE-HEAD, FLOATED!" tion during Divine Worship _ WHITBY BAPTIST CHURCH Rev. Joke Mekieod 88th ANNIVERSARY SERVICES 11 A.M. AND 7 P.M. Guest Preacher: DR. ROY C. COOK, B.A., B.D., President of the Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO CELEBRATE THIS HAPPY OCCASION AND HEAR THIS OUTSTANDING PREACHER Organist Mrs, W. Summers, A.T.C.M,

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