VERGIAWA THEE, 17 Wednesday, October 7, 1 OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS PARTS AND SERVICE LEAGUE High Triples: J. Ven Dyk 868 (214, 332, 2m); O. 753 (286, 267); B. 2 (251, 22A, 217); J. (206, 248, 368); K. Smith 684 (225 270) 668 (265, 205); H. F. Peterson 630 (249); 'Neill 621 (218, . Gor. . Lindsay 219, T. Barclay 230, J. Laverty (216, 203); Y. . . Robin- . Moreau 201 and T. Collins } Lemon League: J. Olliffe 98, $. Nott J. Stire (99, 72); M. Burgess (96, 93, ) . Coppins 92. MOTOR CITY MIXED LEAGUB able to say that ell teams will et full next week. 718); Ross Westlake 657 (233, 242); Jim Goodes 649 (308); Inez Curl 647 226, 248); 647 (260, 209); Jack Ander- eon 644 (201, 267) and Bus White 603 (205, 216). Frank Chumbly 220, Flo Williamson 219, Avre Wells 216, Chuck Ford 213, 204, Joe Cardina 207, Nae Ji 209, James 207, Eve Clarke 206, Cecil 206, Smith 206, Lois Wet- ean 205 and Ross Clark 200. ORANGE LEAGUE BOWLING Poole 205, 218, 204, J. Goodman 257, 253, 21, Sam Plume 262, 213, Lewis Coe 213, Paul Herrington 219, 200, Jerry Stronge 201, Eric Miche- 210); Herold Ethel Tonkin 613 (243, 206); Hugh Hutche- gon 612 (273); Bert Wight 605 (228, 214), end Ernie Dickens 604 (246, 208). 200 Scores -- Pet. Hardsand 271, Haley 265, Eleanore Laverty 249, 241,_Jim_ Morrison 239. 230, Clarke Hubbell 229, Hughes 222, 21 ley Keys 219, Al. Hardsend 214, Marg. Arnold 214, Marj. Carswell 218, Jack Mc- Intosh 212,.Doug Pelow 212, Ed Bowler the ica hae ie 3 aiso picked up a shutout vic- meeting with the Siuggers, :' (Group 1)_-- Ozarks 7, Goot- 5, The Hicks 5, Jey- 4, Dutch Treats 3 |, Strikers 7, rockets 6, Newcomers The Oilers 3, The Sluggers 1 and Lucky Scorers -- Ozzie Keeler Stovin 817, Bob 793 (346), Joe Vasko 770° (345), HIM 766 (336), Jim Hardie 765 Hyman 763 Ga 864 (319), ), L. Seott 751 Bee ao eee ee ar A Division of the & %. Kreege Company Limited Calling all men to the Biggest Top-Coat value of the year at K-Mart, Here's your big opportunity to buy your Fall Top-Coat at « sense- tionally low price! Buy 2 if you like! You can choose from a tremendous range of styles for Dress or Casual Wear including:-- 3-Button Top-Coots, Reversibles, Hip-Len Stadium Coots Collars, Knitted Collars and Many aga ee Sipe Only K-Mart's Big Buying Power can make this Sensational Off Possible. Hurry! At the Sensational, i pa ional, Low Price of $14.99 supplies REMEMBER! YOU CAN SAY... "Charge it" WHEN YOU SHOP WITH A K-MART CREDIT CARD