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Oshawa Times (1958-), 7 Oct 1964, p. 5

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/ WHITBY And DISTRICT CORONER'S JURY DECIDE... Negligence Blamed In Flash-Fire Death Tel. 668-3703 Negligence on the part of thejrunning beneath the LASCO Lake Ontario Steel Company and/ rolling mill. connected to a valve on a wall pipe that both he and his part- the Mel-Ron Construction Com- pany was seen by Whitby Cor- oner's Jury last night in its ver- dict at inquest into death of Walter Hicks. 'The Jury, under Coroner Dr. F. A. Cuddy, met to find when, The two men had mistakenly connected their pneumatic ham- mer to a oxygen line; and after the hammer had been operated on oxygen, and not the custom- ary compressed air, a flash-fire fed by the oxygen saturated at here had caused the where and by what Wal- ter Hicks, 29, met his death. Hicks, an employee of Mel- Ron Construction Company, was working at the construction site of LASCO in Whitby when he suffered fatal burns in an indus- trial accident July 7. Crown attorney Bruce Affleck stated that Innocenze Aloe, 43, 238 Ritson road south, and Patric Celestini, 35, 75 Hall death of Hicks who was stand- ing in the tunnel the jury was told. ~ Celestini said that he and Aloe had connected the ham- mer to a hose in the company mill because they did not have sufficient hose to reach the Mecl- Ron compressor which was parked outside and which is normally used to power the ner thought contained com- pressed air. The hammer was used on the line for approximately two hours before the accident, he said, He said that Hicks, a carpen- ter, had come into the tunnel at about 2.15 p.m. Sparks, he said, were com- ing into the tunnel from a weld- ing machine being operated in the rolling mill above their heads. "The fire started on Hick's shoulders and head. I tried to |put it out with my hands but my own clothes caught fire. "T ran outside and pulled my THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 7,1964 5) Town Official Cleared Of Stone Theft Charge A charge of theft against Pick- ering Township's Plumbing In- spector, John Finnegan, was dismissed at Whitby -Magis- trate's Court yesterday. West Hill contractor , Kurt Paul Vesely had charged that Finnegan, RR 1, Pickering, had stolen a quantity of field stone owned by him. In court Vesely said that he had purchased a pile of stones from a farmer and had drawn from the pile on the farmer's land as he had needed it. He said that on one of his trips to the stone pile he had noticed truck tire marks and a pile of cut stone. He added that he had asked the farmer if he had given any- one permission to remove the material and had received a negative reply. Under examination by the de- fence lawyer, Vesely admitted that he had had a conversation with Finnegan and had agreed to sell him stone at five dollars per ton. ¥ He said that after he noticed the missing stone Finnegan had come to him and said. that he | owed him money for the stone| he had taken, : | "Finnegan 'told me he took some stone and he owed me money,"' he said, but added that he had not gone to the plumbing inspector's house to see how much was used and to ascertain | how much was owed. The farmer on whose property the stone pile is located said that he saw Finnegan on his property splitting stone and that the accused man had readily identified himself and had kept on working. Fi 's defence ¢ that Finnegan was on the stone pile selecting rocks which he fully intended to pay for under the verbal agreement of five dollars per fon. | Vesely said that he had agreed | to sell the plumbing inspector | the stone but only if he was} there when it was taken, hae tae tool street, Oshawa, were working a He added that the hose was with a jack-hammer in a tunnel Toronto Girl Hid -- Money In Bra Money stolen from a Brook-|remanded in custody for two lin store was discovered con-|weeks 80 a pre-sentence report cealed in a young girl's bra,|could be obtained. Harry Jermyn was! Roy Kingston, 18, of Concord told @t Whitby yesterday. favenue, and 19-year-old James The money -- $165 stolen from|Peter Holland, of Palmerston Clarence Richandson's Brooklin avenue, were each charged with store on September 22 -- was|the unlawful possession of the found on the person of 17-year-| money. old Mary Paolone, of Dover-| They were each given sus- count road, Toronto, | pended Charged with the unlawful|months probation. passession of the stolen cash) Outlining the case Crown At- Miss Paolone was given a sus-|torney Bruce Affleck said the pended sentence witih 12 month's!niad had taken place on Sep- probation. tember 22. 'Three other Toronto youths, Three persons had entered the sentences with 12) | shirt and pants off and when I | last saw Hicks all of-his body was afire." . Evidence showing that two/ tags, connected to the valve, | stating that the valve was made | for oxygen, in small print, was) introduced. | Aloe said that he too had By CLIFF GORDON been under the impression that} Whitby Dunlops held another the line contained compressed | very strenuous work out at the) air and had helped connect the| local arena last night under the| hammer hose to it. | watchful eye of coach Pat Baker} | Both Aloe and Celestini were| and manager Ivan Davie. | jin the hospital for more than @| 'The team went at it tooth and |month following the accident. | nail for a full two hours before | "Hicks was standing under) the final whistle called the ac- | the opening (in the roof of the/tion off for the evening. They} | tanee? Ry 9 pg Aa the | will work out again tonight for| 'ie hte started on his héad| two hours from six to eight and and spread to his whole body. "jon Timea Seen Oe BeOee | Aloe concluded, | ane nine. in 1 i Technical evidence was intro-| There are still 28 players in F camp trying for the coveted 2 sg gg Fg Blane pe spots on the local team. Coach three hours before the accident| Pat Baker informed us after the land that they were different in| Work out that all positions are size to the air and gas pipes| Still open. There have been no |found in the building. signing released yet, if any have | +. been made. It is expected that appeared on changes concem-|store. Two of them had engaged | The Jury found that Hicks manager Davie will release a Dunnies Ready To Go For Exhibition Opener called for 7.00 p.m. The same) two teams go right back at it on/ Monday night in Weston. | We chatted with coach Baker | after the practice in regard to| how he thought the team was| shaping up. He had this to say: "The fellows are starting to get) into shape now and are getting | their wind. We have been cén- | centrating on skating, and had) them really going all out for | over half an hour tonight, just skating, also all positions are still wide open". | We can see from what prac- | tices we have taken in that the} new coach will be a real stickler for condition. He really puts the fellows through their paces. | Don't forget the first big game | here on Saturday night. | MAKE YOUR THANKSGIVING DINNER o BANQUET MAPLE LEAF MINCEMEAT 2 CHOICE PEAS OCEAN SPRAY WHOLE OR JELLIED 2-LB. TINS 83° 55° 49¢ JAR 29° 15-0Z, TINS 5-0Z, Cranberry Sauce 2.'>.< SWEET MIXED IGA PICKLES KLEENEX LUNCHEON 'tc "Aaa RADE "4 PREDRESSEp__ YOUNG 7? EYS C vous lb ---- Ib, C " Ib HENS 10-16 tb, R EMIUM --_ SKINLESS __ Ss Ave, SWIFTS' p ing the same theft. Carmen Franco, 21, of Con- @ond avenue, pleaded guilty to the thef 'Couples Club To Foster Greek Orphan &. Mark's United Church 4 W's Couples Chub held its month- fy meeting last Saturday, Oct. 3, in the Assembliy Hail. 5 \thhe owner in conversation. Then| had died July 19, at 1.05 a.m. in la request had been made for| Toronto General Hospital from Mr. Richardson to go to the| third degree burns and compli- back of the shop to get an item| cations caused by them, Ithe three wanted to buy. | They stated that the cause of | It was while Mr. Richardson|the burns was a fire in the was in the back of the shop| tunnel running beneath LASCO that, said Mr. Affleck, Cammen| caused by "some undetermined Franco reached into the till and| Source of ignition in the oxygen took the money. saturated atmosphere." few before the weekend. | There are four goalies seeking | | the job held by Ian Young last} | year. They include Dunc Wilson a Whitby product who has look- edgood so far, Ralph Moore, Mike Willoughby and Ron 'Hew-} Family Monuments reated To Individual son. | The defence core has been cut Requirements This was later found conceal- ed in the bra of Mary Paolone. WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs, Vernon Moore and Mrs. "The cause of the accident| down to seven for the' possible appears to be negligence of | five openings. Ralph Morrison, both parties due to a lack of|Mike Taylor, Jim Whittaker, communications on the use of| Ric Thompson, Wayne Chees- oe and the dangers in-/man, Don Bowen and Eric volved, | Chrisite. Ricky Gay, who had We feel that LASCO is to|been slated for a defence job blame to a greater degree for| this year with the Dunnies, has STAFFORD BROS, | LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 not having regulators or some| decided to call it quits for the "|Emest Humphreys attended as means of distinguishing the out- lets involved. delegates to the Royal Cana-| turned the meeting over to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Siersma who were in charge of the worship. | Mrs. Siensma favored the group} dian Legion Ladies' Auxiliary|having closer supervision of Convention held at North Bay. | personnel.' The Whitby Lions Club | The Jury recommended that "Mel-Ron Construction for not | with a meading entitled "What |their Fall Get-Together at the|f!! €a5 and inflammable Prayer Can Do", by Fultonj|home of Lion Norman O'Leary Oursler, also scripture reading|and Mrs. O'Leary, RR 1, Brook- liquids have valves which are not interchangeable, and that all pipes or valves be clearl time being as he is in Grade 13 and finds the going a little rough with hockey and studies. | The fellows up front are, Brian \Fletcher, Phil Solomon, Bill Las- | tic, Dan Sandford, Bob! Marshall, Kevin O'Shea, Ronnie Byrne, one of the more aggress- DECORATING SHOP Wallpeper and Murels Custom Draperies NAPKIN ECONOMY 5 COLOURS 2 KGS. OF 49° 75 2 PKGS, OF 55 400 COLGATE $1.19 SPECIAL TOOTHPASTE "';:;"" 88° Prices Effective 1 SMOKED HAMS Ib, 5 5 ry ry PREDRESSED RKEYS Teun 10-16 MS 20.24 TO EAT SWIFT FAMous GRADE ATTRACTIVE YAL G an PRICED LICED SIDE BACON LB. AVG, LB. AVG, 59¢ EXTRA THIS WEEK 1-LB, PKG, IN BONUS TAPES and closing prayer. lin. There were over eighty identified as to contents. 'live players in camp; Terry! C.L.L. Paints and Varnishes Members were informed that|Lions and their wives attend- Foster child from Greece Pany jing the barbecue and corn Otis no longer required support. |roast. Out of town guests in- He is now an apprentice in car-| cluded International Councillors pentering. It was agreed by/Brenton Rickard, Newcastle, members to support anotherjand Ross Oliphant, Peter- foster child, Fotios, nine years borough, and their wives and old and from a_ village near) Deputy District Governor. Edgar Agrinian in Western Greece. |Nicols, Port Hope and Mrs. Les Samuel of Stark Elec-|Nicols. Thanks are expressed tronics, Ajax showed a most in-|to Lion Norman and his wife Lane, who was withthe Oshawa Generals last year and looking Broadioom end Rugs Flo-Glaze Colorizer Points DODD & SOUTER Decor Centre Ltd. Phone 668-5862 107 Byron St. $., Whitby Pilson, Dale McLeish (absent! On Unsol d Lots jlooks sharper than ever this} Town Councillor | good in camp right now; Denis} | tast night due to the flu), John| Vesters, Paul Koster, a .real| Whitby Town Council has or-| year, Roy Hewitt and Mickey | derd a full investigation into! Flynn. | TOTAL § 3 4.0 RECEIVE AN EXTRA $6.00 TAPE WITH IGA Stuffed Olives ton san Kleenex Dinner Napkins onse Heavy Duty Reynolds Wrap rows RECEIVE AN EXTRA $4.00 TAPE WITH 30-02. BOTTLES . was decided to send good used teresting film followed by a dis-|Eve, also to Lion Herb Viss' cussion period on language la-|and his committee who catered, | buiding lots in town ownenship.' taste of real action here on Sat- Patsy, daughter of 'Mr. and|day boratories, EVENING GUILD All Caints' Anglican Church Evening Guild Branch held its} general meeting Monday, Oct. in the parish hail. day During the business meeting it Whitby Co-Op Auxiliary Matheson, | meeting this evening, Oct. 7, Mrs. Charles Wailer, is woollen clothing to Northern Ontario. Members| the home of Mrs, Mabel Lind-| fy please bring donations at the! ley, Gifford street: meeting of Oct. 19, an opopr- CBee tunity sale will also be held| Mrs. W. K. Cooke recent amongst the members, home- visited in Orillia members made jams and pickles wilt be her family, Mr. and Mrs. Perc} auctioned off with Mrs. Jack|Anderson and Mr. and Mr Wilson acting as auctioneer. |Bnuce Watson ments were made for | ftiends. cele-| Council at brating her eighth birthday to-| Councillor Bill Davidson. 'Siday, Oct. 7. Her friends wish] *:|her many happy returns of the| the meeting Councillor Davidson | also other |Wing, Tom Lavender, Laurie| Demands Action smoothy, Jerry Dionne who} er|the lange number of unsold) The Dunnies will get their first he move was made at Mon-| urday night in an exhibition en- night's meeting of the| counter when they host the Wes- the suggestion of|/ton Dodgers with game time Busy Month is ios might bring quick resuts'| For Town VON at! Later on in the meeting it was| mther suggested that perhaps; Miss Pat Leslie, Whitby's |the town realtors could be| VON nurse, made a total of jy|Drought in to sell the land. [139 visits during the month of| {,, Hither way the Couricil is go-| September. | pce Peat a me look ope it, Of these 124 were for nursing ns. | S a jump. A complete sur-|care and 15 for , - | vey has been ordered of the un-| vision, --_-- | so ae Pages ag 4.3|. The VON pre-natal classes Bringing the matter before commented that the posting of of the square dance to be held Oct. 30 at the parish hai with Mrs. |p, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Beddow,|to council at a later meeting.| {will be held every Wednesday Bot Wnderway last week. These|~ CASH RESERVES | CAN EARN | 0 4% IN A SPECIAL SAVINGS ACCOUNT | AT | VICTORIA. GRADE pRODUCE OF U.S.A, CAN. NO. 1 SEEDLESS GRAPES RADE PRODUCE OF U.S.A. CAN. NO. 16 CRISP LETTUCE BARTLETT PEARS FRASERVALE FROZEN 'STRAWBERRIES 2 }x<7' 69: Lady Beth Chocolates '5 87c 15-0Z, BOX IGA Ginger Ale Regular Reynolds Wrap RECEIVE AN EXTRA $2.00 TAPE WITH Midi Nylons 2 pair Frozen Limas Sausage Meat Cranberries 12" ROLL VENTURAS FORDHOOK MAPLE LEAP PURE PORK 2 OF USA, ToLB, Can NO. 1 GRADE BAG 12-02, PKG. 1-LB, BAG IGA FANCY TOMATO JUICE 4°: . 3 oronto, parents of Mrs. John! _--. Read ab Saget Harvey | Connolly, Whitby, are celebrat-| le as co-conveners. Tickets jing their 50th wedding anniver- available from Guild members. | cary Sunday. Oct. 25. Relatives| Town Greetings Mrs, H. B. Muckle spoke|and 'friends wish them aes Go To Queen briefly to the Guild members on| happiness ~_ - og tmee a cook book fons | A telegram wishing the 'or tentenniai celebrations! The Lee Avenue Ladies' Club| Queen "a happy d in 1966 for All Saints. Favorite|entertained at the home of Mr.| journey" on tee tiene dishes were asked from mem-jand Mrs. Peter VanGils, 216) Canada vin es fo bers. : Lee avenue, at a mixed dinner) wWhithy Town C st a oy Mrs. Tor 'Tompkins asked party in honor of Mr. and Mrs.! decision to send the men for donations of paint for the|Harold Wyatt on the occasion sage of wel a eee "Fantasy" to be\of their silver wedding anniver-| 4 Monday 'Sts bed held in the parish hall in De-|samy. Present were: Mr. and). of the Connell of ee cember. aes. Waiter Ockenden, Mr. and) tion of Councillor Bill David- Mrs. son, The meeting closed with George DePratto, Mrs. prayer followed by the show-| Gwen Fales, Mr. and Mrs. Sid- ing of the film on the building|ney Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Wil- of England's St. Michael Cathe-|liam Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. dral Coventry. 'Gordon Richards, Mr, and Mrs. BROCK. Evening Shows Stort 6:55 & 8:20 WHITBY Last Complete Show Starts 8:20 Tony Vandyk, Mr. and Mrs. Don Banks, Mr. and Mrs, Em-| est Douglas, Mr. and Mrs.| George Foster, Whitby, Mr. and| Ms. John Easton, London, Eng- | land, and Mrs. J. C, Fowler,| | Stratford, In the evening the hostess served a nicely deco- rated cake. | Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Comb. j}don celebrated their' second wedding anniversary Oct, 6. Their friends wish them every happiness. | Salvation Army Women's |Home League instead of its reg- poor] weekly meeting held a s0- \cial. evening to bid farewell to ; |More, Captain Reed. Lainie Bec arcs arcs Mrs. W. I. Burns will be Eaterralnenant, showing pictures of her trp to \ aska this past symmer at the TWO COLORED Whitby Garden Club meeting to ATTRACTIONS be held Thursday, Oct. 8 at 8 Dm. at King stiget school. / _ afternoon at the Fairview Lodge | auditorium for the next few) weeks. Classes begin at 2 p.m, '308 Dundes St. W . Whitby TROUGHTON MEATS Try Our New Budget Freezer Plan Nothing Down - 6 Months to Pay Red and Blue Brand SIDES OF BEEF lb. 47. CUT AND WRAPPED FULLY COOKED Picnic Shoulder Ib. 39° All Meats Government Inspected -- Fully Guaranteed -- PHONE 668-4633 STOKELY FANCY PUMPKIN MAPLE LEAF CANNED HAM IGA Coffee | 75¢ ROYAL Guest 1-LB, BAG IGA COLouRED MILD CHEESE WHITE-PINK 2 TWIN Ballet Tissue = white rinx2 Twin ABG Kleenex Towels pkG. of ABC Hospitality Pumpkin Pie "*" 45¢ Orange Chiffon Ring "sy74"'ry 49¢ i Graham Rolls £5 ,30¢ 0 28.07, TINS 2 ms 39° 14 -LB, TIN ' 1.39 CUBERT STREET BILSKY IGA 120 WILSON RD. S. MOTOR CITY IGA RITSON RD. 5. OSHAWA BECKSTEAD IGA COURTICE, ONT. DYL'S IGA 166 ADELAIDE ST. E. BRAEMOR IGA STEVENSON RD. & ANNAPOLIS AVE. OSHA SOUTH END IGA BROCK ST. SOUTH WH LANSDOWNE IGA LANSDOWNE SHOPPING CENTRE OSHAWA HAWA SUNNY MORN 1-LB, BAG 79° OSHAWA \ WA, ITBY

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