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Oshawa Times (1958-), 9 Oct 1964, p. 8

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Women Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Editor Dial 723-3474 8 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Friday, October 9, 1964 Malcolm Douglas Dowden Weds Natalie Mary Salahub ed with scalloped Alencon lace, which was A honeymoon in Cape Cod, Massachusetts, and the New England states followed the marriage of Natalie Mary Sala-|A chapel train fell from the hub and Maldolm Douglas Dow-|shoulders and her shoulder- den in the Kingsway Seventh-|length veil was held by a clus- Day Adventust Church recently.|ter of pearl orange blossoms The bride is the daughter of| 2nd nylon leaves. She carried a Mr, and Mrs. Steven Salahub of formal cascade of Johanna Hill Lethbridge, Alberta, and the|Toses set amid. white Butterfly repeated as full-| length front panel over 'the skirt. , ' VISITORS FROM KRONBERG, GERMANY Walter Mihm and Mr. Mihm of Kron- os snscemianverianant antisite roses, Mr, and Mrs. YOU'RE NEVER T Tourists like to take home a souvenir of their visits to for- eign countries, and Mrs. Rob- ert Townsend (left), who is seen here outside the North- ern Ireland Tourist Office in Belfast, is no exception. While she was touring through Ire- land, a farmer gave her two of the famous large Irish potatoes, which she intends to keep as a momento of her visit. Mrs. Townsend, of Lon- desboro, is seen with her sis- ter, Mrs. Albert Bentham, rem A FUTURE SCHOLARSHIP WINNER This bright young lad could well be a scholarship winner about 1980. He is Kevin John Labanovich, the two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Labanovich, Whitby. His Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Walter Labanovich, Whitby and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Mantle, Brooklin. His great-grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hopkins, Brougham,- and Mr, Martin Labanovich, Port Perry 00 OLD NOR TOO YOUNG TO VISIT THE EMERALD ISLE : |Club, Toronto, Before leaving} bridegroom is the son of. Mr.| and Mrs. Malcolm Ernest Dow- den of Oshawa. Pastor E. E. Duncan offi-| ciated. Miss ' Lucille Lyzanchuk| played the wedding music with a violin solo by. Miss Aimee Plobete and Mr. Thomas Mc-! > of Portrush in trim, famous for pionship golf course. They |ya). also. visited the 'spectacular Reaidas pitas 5 : Edinburgh Festival, which is | The bride was given in mar- held every year in the capital | Tiage by her brother, Mr. Albert city of Scotland. Salahub. She wore a_ bouffant, --British Travel Assoc. Photo | floor-length gown of nylon sheer.| h rab tie asl al |The fitted bodice was embellish-| County An- its cham- Jarvis street, Oshawa, and her daughter, Mrs. Dorothy Little, They returned recent- ly from a four-week holiday in Britain, including two weeks in Northern Ireland. One of the many places which they visited was the seaside town |Marilyn Ruth Downey Feted At Showers, Parties, Dinners Mailyn Ruth Downey has/{Olub presented Marilyn with a been feted at many showers|table lamp, towels and many} and parties prior to her mar-|other useful gifts. Marilyn has| riage to Dean William Beatty to-| been a member of the 4-H fort morrow in Myrtle United | six and a half years and has Church, received her Provincial Honors. A miscellaneous shower was) A miscellaneous communitv! held at the home of Mrs.|shower was held in Myrtle Unit- Nicholas Differ, assisted by|ed Church Hall, where the en-/don Griffith, the teacher, who Mrs. Vincent Busitill, Oshawa.| gaged couple received an array] invited this snothens 26 the claan: Many useful gifts were present-|of useful gifts. They were also|raom after the tea to view the ed by her co-workers of Anca | presented with a set of TV\art work on display Laboratories, Don Mills. |tables, electric kitchen clock! Mrs, Garrison introduced Mrs. The co-workers of Anca Lab-|and a cherrywood salad bowl|Rhodes Letcher, the District oratories and Ovailtine had a |School Nurse, who spoke for a Ye a peogel raed Mrs. Howard Grills and Mrs.|few moments on the School| ed the ae Ge so rae intry | Robert Jones entertained the} Health Program under the Osh-| |party at the Town and Country), i aa4 at a miscellaneous!awa.Roard -of..Health, She en shower. Many gifts were pre- tanged on the various tests used (Vincent Massey School) The Vincent Massey' Home jand School Association held its| annual tea for the mothers of} the Kindergarten children re- cently,. with Mrs, Gordon Gar- rison welcoming the guests.| Mrs. Garrison introduced the principal, Mr. Gerald Harper, who spoke briefly, outlining the age factor used to decide which elass the children would attend.| He in turn introduced Mrs. Gor-| | KINDERGARTEN TEA | | \ fl Olshansky, Ridgeway avenue, and their daughter' Patricia The matron of honor was Mrs. Gerald Just, Willowdale, and the bridesmaids, Miss Leona Tadla, and Miss Marjory Lewis, all of -Willowdale, They wore full-length gowns of gold peau de soie and carried semi-cas- cade bouquets of Bacarra roses, gladiolus florets and pompoms, all shaded in golden tones with centres in orange-red. The flower girl who carried a miniature bouquet of the same owers was in a_ fulltength gown similar. to 'the others in white peau de soie. A TEACHER SUGGESTS Mr. Deiter Kuntz was. the best that mothers refrain man and the ushers were Rudy |from putting candy in a child's|- Reinhardt and Warren Tren-|school lunch, It just makes| chard. The Bible boy avas Allan|other children who have none Boutcher. drool, and also encourages A reception was held in the | them to steal if they leave the Hotel Genosha. The bride's: sis-| tom and are near lunch boxes. ter, Mrs. Nicholas Sokolowsky,|50 save the candy for home, St. Catharines, received in cee aie 3 beige sheath dress with acces- sories to match and a red feath- ered hat. Her corsage was com- =SUPER-Fasr.. /Q = RELIEF. 1=/ */ posed of red Sweetheart roses and white carnations. The bride- groom's mother, assisting, was | _ in a sheath of black lace Over) Dr. Scholl's Zino-pads hmagenta taffeta.with a match-| speedily relieve painful ing pillbox hat and a corsage of epot, soeken eu deep pink roses. cushion it. Enjoy For travelling the bride don-| fee! relief as mil- * ' lions do with Dr. ned a pastel, pink wool boucle suit with a pink velvet hat, black accessories and corsage of deep cently' of welcoming to Can- Mrs. Olshansky's aunt uncle, Mrs. ada, and Richard MARRIED TEAMS The Dominion Bureau of Sta- tistics reports that both husband) and wife are working in one of} every five of Canada's 4,000,000 families. Scholl's -- world's largest - selling gid for Bunions! | | | | | | | --tIreland Studio | SHOOTS INTRUDER NORTH BAY, Ont. (CP)-- When Mrs. Pierre Aubin tele- phoned her son Roger at. 7:15) | paws comi &.m. from her, home across the Street, it was to tell him she could see a bear trying to ; in the bedroom window. Roger's wife had just wakened him to|# tell him the same thing--she Anca, Miss Downey was pre-| sented with an electric mixer} and attachments and many} other gifts. A presentation was held at the home of Miss Janice Bird,| Brooklin. The 4-H Homemaking) PEPPER AND ONION RELISH 6 sweet green peppers (3 cups coarsely chopped) sweet red peppers (3 cups coarsely chopped) hot red peppers to 3 medium: onions | to 4 cups vinegar diluted to) taste | 1 cup white sugar | 1% tablespoons salt | Wash peppers and remove} seed cores. Wash and peel onions. Put vegetables through) coarse food chopper. Place in! large kettle, cover with boiling water and let stand five min- utes. Drain thoroughly. Boil vinegar, sugar and salt 2 2 3% |three minutes. Add drained veg- etables and cook until tender, bout 10 mimutes,- stirring occa- sionally. Pour into hot sterilized jars and seal. Makes about two could see the animal's head and| quarts. If desired, one half tea Roger hung up, then picked up bed- his rifle standing in the climb! room and shot the bear. | ng in the window.|spoon mustard seed and 1% tea- sented by relatives and friends,|0n the pupils, the immunization pink carnations Mr. and Mrs. Dowden are/ t D! Scholls Zino-pads Miss Jean |program, and opportunities. for assistance from this source. Mrs. Garrison thanked Mrs Letcher and invited all mothers to the next meeting, following which tea was poured by Mrs | Robert Peacock, program chair- man and served by the Execu:) tive Mrs. Jack Dewell and Mrs. Ross Porteous convened the tea | Gloria Cooper, | Brooklin, the bride-elect's maid' of honor, gave a bathroom and) personal shower, attended by| members of Brooklin Junior In-| stitute and Junior Farmers,!| where Miss Downey is president, | and a very active member of the Junior Farmers. On Thursday afternoon, Mrs. Algar Beatty entertained the bride-elect at a get-acquainted tea in Cannington, where the couple will be living. Following the rehearsal to- night, the bridal party and friends will be entertained by| the future bride's parents, Mr. | and Mrs. Allan Downey. making their home in Oshawa. @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT @ 2 Locations: DOWNTOWN OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE 12 SIMCOE ST, N. 728-1111 728.5487 cara -- For The Finest North American and European Style Meats and Pastries If hurt on the job, ask your employer to authorize Chiropractic care, "It's yours for the asking" 100 King St. E. 728-5156 j | spoons celery seed may be add- ed when vinegar solution is boiled. saepppeonco: ES a Aa ia: DRIVE OUT TO... or Juice Celery Hearts ond Rodish Roses Roast Young Ontorio Turkey Cronberry Souce and Dressing Boked Virginia Hem with Raisin Souce Broiled Salmon Steok in Keepers. Butter Roost Prime Rib of Beef Au Jus--Yorkshire Pudding Buttered Brussel Sprouts--Green Garden Peas Pan Roosted Potatoes--Porsley Boiled Potatoes Pineapple Delight Assorted. Fruit Pies Teo -- Cottee -- Milk ' 2.95 'Omporial For Service, Quality and Atmosphere /HIGHWAY 401 and WAVERLY RD. CHILDREN'S PORTIONS THE "Qmporial" RESTAURANT For a Delicious THANKSGIVING DINNER @ This Weekends Thanksgiving Menu ® Creom of Mushroom Soup 1.95 DINNERS SERVED SUNDAY and MONDAY @ WATCHES ®-RINGS @ LUGGAGE ® CRYSTAL "BUY NOW AND SAVE" DURING OUR MOVING SALE vet? 50% OFF JEWELLERY ~RADIOS CLOCKS CHINA a mf FRIDAY ... 9PM. FOR YOUR SHOPPING CONVENIENCE berg, Germany. They are seen here on board the QSS "rom the left they are Mr. Mihm, Patricia Olshansky in Mrs. Mihm's arms, Mrs, Ol- shansky and Mr, Olshansky. Mr. and Mrs, Mihm were on their first visit to Canada and enjoyed it so much they felt they would like to return again some day. While in Osh- awa they visited Mrs. Mihm's sister, Mrs. John Roth, Mr. Roth and family of Labrador drive and another niece, Mrs. Tibor Sandor and Mr. Sandor, Cabot street. had the happy experience yan, right after it docked. can te a ue How to get a BETTER REST When it's time to get up and you still feel | tired--maybe here is the answer. | times a slowing down in bodily function | may result in a systemic condition which | can cause backache and tired feeling. | That's when Dodd's Kidney Pills can be 4 of help. Dodd's stimulate the kidneys | to help relieve this condition and so help relieve the backache and tired feeling. | Soon you feel better and rest better. You can depend on Dodd's. 89 ialininiphlineceeisl eo MIMO bese peoovces ev CHATEAU-GAL WINES LateD RiAGARA PALLEs CARAER Famous Sunbeam Quality--Only '59° with complete home cleaning attachments of JEWELLERS LIMITED 32 KING STREET WEST 2-YEA EXCLUSIVE "HUG-A-RUG" RUG, FLOOR ATTACHMENT GUARANTEE EXCLUSIVE Sunbeam TOUCH 'N LOCK COVER IT'S MAGNETIZED R HOSE \ TILT-AWAY DESIGN 80 KING ST. E. -- OSHAWA 728- 1641 a

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