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Oshawa Times (1958-), 10 Oct 1964, p. 7

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ILLUSTRATED SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON As encouragement to Timothy, Paul recalls his own conversion and divine call to the ministry, despite his earlier bp ee ing of the church of Christ. -- Timothy 1:12-14. BIBLE LESSON Paul Provides Flashback To Days Of Persecution By R. H. RAMSEY is stopped, and his sins not only The first of the two. passages forgiven, but capable of, being assigned ed seared ae ae wiped away, we shall never most autobiographical of Paul's writi in his Pastoral Epis-| | know the power and the glory lof the revelation of God in tles. Though he had long since) Jesus Christ. been forgiven, Paul could not forget his own cruel persecution| It is evident that God's 'pur- of the church of Christ. How-|Pose in converting Paul, one of ever God's great mercy at the,the foremost sinners of the time of his conversion serves to| time, was to provide a superla- underscore his witness and|tive example for those bie glorification of the gospel. poo vie. yet " aa and in As he begins a detailed ex- acid desisehaibrta hortation to Timothy regarding) GOOD CONSCIENCE his ministry, he speaks of his} Now Paul begins his definite own personal call to the minis-) instructions to Timothy, with a try. In this service he has found | threefold exhortation to wage a both destination and duty; and) good warfare, to hold fast faith, he has found Jesus Christ suf-|and to do all things according ficient for the work to which'to a good conscience, empha- he has been divinely called. sizing the need for hearkening Now Paul gives us a flash-/to this exhortation by remind- back of the days before he knew | ing him of the tragic conse- the grace of God. He persecuted| quences to two other Church the chutch of Christ, not only} members who had fallen away in words, but in deeds of vio-| Additionally, prayers and lenee. and outrage. In spite of thanks are to be given for. all this, Paul obtained mercy be-| men, and the primary objects eatse his acts were those of ig- of these prayers should be norance, 'his conscience pure kings and those in high places but marred with unbelief. Thus, by widening the scope Paul moved from this state of the prayers, the vision of the of abounding sin to one of|soul that prays becomes wider. abundant grace through the re-| And, if the prayers are sincere, demptive power of Christ. The| the missionary work will bestowal of God's grace so) - looded his soul with faith and ve that his life was forever insecrated, mystically united ith Christ, the Saviour, and he re himself out proclaiming e gospel of God. In his next statement Paul makes the sweeping declaration Gospel, thus pre hy --I Timothy 1:15-17 LISTEN TO THE FAMILY BIBLE HOUR SUNDAY 5:30 to 6:00 P.M CKLB -- DIAL 1350 After conversion, Paul's soul is so flooded with love and faith that he consecrates his life to proclaiming the cripture -- I Timothy 1:12 -- 2:15. Paul charges Ti and Alexander, God's purpose. --IL Timothy 1: commission faithfully, reminding him of the tragic ends met by Hymenaeus mothy to carry out his who had fallen away. 18-20. Paul outlines the place of prayer, the dress, decorum and place of women in the living church. --I Timothy 2:1- 15. GOLDEN TEXT: I Timothy 1:15. By Alfred J. Buescher lens, it exports its own models to 'DEFECTORS SEEK ASYLUM STOCKHOLM (AP) -- Five young Czechoslovaks defected from a group tour in Stockholm, Swedish police report, and have expressed a wish to settle in Canada and hep oe, where they have ves ie seo a medical ene p ee government employees, @ the types and causes of indus- |e on @ " TRAILERS TRAVEL Although West Germany buys large quantities of British trail- Africa, Canada and the U.S, SPONSORS RESEARCH An Australian trade union has trial diseases and accidents. by HARMONY UNITED SPIRITUALIST |! NITED CHURCH 'CHURCH OF ONTARIO | 11. Bruce Street, Oshawa spread, bringing more sinners to salvation, all of which are good and acceptable in the fight of God The following verses are fit a with profound doc- Itrines in which the apostle re- |turns to the same truth we |found in 1:12, This reminding of Paul's divine calling serves but} to confirm Timothy's own com- mission; and to encourage him |to carry out faithfully all this commission implied. TURNS TO WOMEN After a brief statement con- cerning prayer, Paul turns to ing and persevere toward 4)! well - balanced state of mind through habitual self-restraint. They should busy themselves with "Sood works, learn in si- lence with all subjection and not try to usunp man's authority by teaching in the church. Paul goes back to the promi- nence of Eve in the fall of our first parents. The reference to salvation through child-bearing must be to the One born of woman, Je- sus Christ, through whom sal- vation comes. Though the pec- uliar function of her sex, from its relation to her Saviour, will be the medium of woman's sal- vation, that salvation is still conditional, depending upon the Minister Ross Metcolt A.R.C.T., A.C.C.M, Organist and Choirmoster 10:00 A.M. Sunday School 11:00 A.M, Kindergarten and Tiny Tots 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM A Heorty Welcome to All, SUNDAY, OCT. 11 2:30 P.M, HEALING CIRCLE AND MESSAGES 7:00 P.M. DIVINE SERVICE General Meeting Oct. 25. HARVEST FESTIVAL OCT. 18 | THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 10, 1964 7 individual's growth in holiness. GOLDEN TEXT: "This is a) faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Je- sus came into the world to save | sinners; of whom I am chief.""-- I Timothy 1:15. ROADS ARE WATER Sanawak's main highways are rivers and streams as matted vegetation blocks land traffic. the conduct of women in the church. They .should dress modestly, refrain from anything unbecom- | GRACE LUTHERAN PARK ROAD & HIGHWAY 401 Rev. Philip Fiess, Minister Vicor Dennis Heidorn, Assistant SUNDAY SERVICES 9:45 A.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 AM. DIVINE WORSHIP C \ TO SERVE GOD! ° that "'Christ Jesus came into/- the world to save sinners;"| ending with the humble note; "of whom I am chief." Until we, as Paul did, recog- nize this one fact as the mighty means by which man's ruin is repaired, man's downward rush GIBBONS ST. BAPTIST 230 Gibbons Street 9:45 A.M.--Sunday School 11:00 A.M. MORNING 'WORSHIP 7:00 P.M. EVENING SERVICE ALL ARE WELCOME FULL GOSPEL MEETING 334 Dovedale Drive, Whitby Rev, G. Greatorex of Kitchener, Ontario Sunday ot 7.00 p.m. & each night except Monday. at 8:00 p.m 668-5976 REORGANIZED CHURCH OF JESUS CHRIST OF LATTER DAY SAINTS (World Headquarters, Independence, Missouri ORANGE TEMPLE SIMCOE & BRUCE, OSHAWA 10:00 A.M. CHURCH SCHOOL HARMONY ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH 135 Harmony Rd. South Pastor Wm. Lewis 11:00 A.M MORNING WORSHIP SPEAKER SEVENTY--A, M, PELLETIER | 9:45 A.M, SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. "Thanksgiving" THEME THE EVERLASTING GOSPEL All ore invited to share in this organizational meeting, PHONE 728-9606 Discover The Difference OCTOBER I Ith 10:15 A.M Open Air 11:00 A.M, HARVEST THANKSGIVING ALTAR SERVICE 2:00 P.M. SUNDAY SCHOOL 6:15 P.M.--OPEN AIR SIMCOE SOUTH 7:00 P.M, SALVATION MEETING 2:30 P.M, TUES; -- HOME' LEAGUE 8:00 P.M. WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 14 HOLINESS MEETING AND FAREWELL OF DIVISIONAL COMMANDER AND MRS, REGIONAL "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU Res. 728-2426 BYNG AVE. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH REV, G, A. CARROLL, Pastor Mr. R. Smeroge, Director of Music Mr, G. Bateman, Song Leader Chureh 728-2931 SUNDAY 11 A.M, -- SUNDAY 7 P.M, -- BEAN baa Was healed of tuberculosis and becouse of his tremen- dous grasp on the scriptures, he is often referred to os the walking bible. "The Crowning Of The Saints" "God's Book Of Rememberance"' WEEK NIGHT SERVICES--7:30 P.M, TUES.--"FIRE FROM HEAVEN" WED.--"BELLS OF PENTEGOST" THURS,-- "SPIRIT EMPOWERED" SINESTER |} FRIL--"DIVINE HEALING ACCORDING TO THE SCRIPTURES" Albert Street United Church (Albert St. and Olive Ave.) MINISTER: REV, ALBERT E. LARKE Organist-Choirleader: Mrs. C, A. NAYLOR, A.T.C.M.--R.M.T. 11:00 A.M.--PUBLIC WORSHIP THE MINISTER: "THANKSGIVING" Little Children Cored For in the Nursery | 9:45 and 11:00/a.m. SUNDAY CHURCH SCHOOL CENTRE STREET UNITED CHURCH Corner King and Centre St. REV. ARTHUR. W. MAGEE--MINISTER Mr, R. K. Kellington, Organist-C Choirmaster | | | | | { | H i l | | CHRIST MEMORIAL CHURCH NGLICA.N MARY AND NG Short STREETS RECTOR: THE cag -- D, CLEVER ~~ PHONE eve yg Phone 728-0732 Assistant: J Osborne CHUREH OFFICE TEL, 728-825) 8:00 AM.--HOLY COMMUNION 9:30 A.M, & 11:00 AM--CHURCH SCHOOLS 11:00 A.M.--MORNING PRAYER Sermon -- THE REV, J, D, OSBORNE Nursery Care ot 11:00 a.m. Service 7:00 P.M. siete: PRAYER rmon ---. THE RECTOR WEDNESDAY -- be A.M, -- HOLY COMMUNION ST. GEORGE'S ANGLICAN CHURCH BAGOT AND CENTRE STS. The Reverend Canon F. G. Ongley, M.A.--Rector The Reverend R, G. Brooks -- Assistant SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th--NATIONAL AND HARVEST THANKSGIVING. 9:00 A.M.--HOLY COMMUNION 11:00 A.M.--HARVEST THANKSGIVING SERVICE. . THE RIGHT REVEREND G. B. SNELL---COADJUTOR BISHOP 7:00 P.M.--FESTAL .HARVEST EVENSONG--THE RECTOR Nursery Facilities available at the 11:00 @.m. Service |. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 15--HOLY COMMUNION--10:00 A.M. ZION CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH Temporary Place of Worship: DR. $, J. PHILLIPS SCHOOL (Corner Rossland and Simcoe Sts.) PASTOR: REV. D. N. HABERMEHL, B.A.,M.Th. 10:00 A.M.-MORNING WORSHIP Nursery care provided during 'morning worship 7:00 P.M.--EVENING SERVICE Tune into CKLB at 11 A.M. on alternating Sundoys (Services of Chr. Ref. Churches in the Oshawa-area) and ot 9:15 P.M. (Back to God Hour, each Sunday) SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 9: 45 A. A.M. 11:00 A.M.---MORNING WORSHIP "GRATITUDE -- THE SINEW OF FAITH" "THANKSGIVING FOR MORE THAN PUMPKINS" Care provided for small children during service. Plenty of Parking ot Centre Street. The Friendly Family Church at the Centre of the City. WESTMOUNT UNITED CHURCH Bond St. W. ot Rosehill Blvd. Qust north of the Oshawa Shopping Centre) Minister: Rev. Frank H. Ward, B.A. Interim Organist: Elizabeth B. Ward, M.A., L.L.C.M. 11:00 A.M.-- THANKSGIVING SERVICE SERMON: "PERSPECTIVES OF FAITH: IN EVERYTHING-- WITH THANKSGIVjNG" Nursery care for infants. during the service SUNDAY SCHOOL \.M.-----Junior, Intermediate, Senior Depts. ye ° The Baha'i World Faith All the divine manifestations sent by God into the world would have gone through their terrible hardships and sufferings for the single hope of spreading Truth, unity and concord among men. Poris Talk by Abdul Baha For further information write: OSHAWA BAHA'I COMMUNITY SECRETARY, 29 GLADSTONE Ph. 725-7578 Otfice 728-5371 KING ST. PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 611 KING STREET WEST E. Howard Kerr; Pastor 1:00 athe Moa Primary Peis. St. Andrew's United Church SIMCOE SOUTH AND BRUCE THE REV. JOHN F. G. MORRIS, B.A., $.T.M.,, MR, KELVIN JAMES A.T.C.M. Minister: Organist and Choirmaster: 7:00 9:45 A.M.--BIBLE CENTERED SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. MORNING WORSHIP Communion White Gift Thonksgiving Service P.M. EVANGELISTIC RALLY ENJOYABLE MUSIC AND SINGING PASTOR MINISTERING AT ALL SERVICES y AT THE ARMY" oo Major & Mrs. Fred Lewis Corps Officers 133 Simeoe South THURSDAY ONLY 8:00 P.M DENNIS WHITE Outstanding Notional Preacher Trinidad, "World Missions Do Beor Fruit" West Indies A FRIENDLY WELCOME TO YOU THANKSGIVING 9:30 A.M.--Senior, Intermediate and Junior 11:00 A.M.--Primary, Kindergarten and Nursery 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP "THE LORD GOD PLANTED A GARDEN" Giving thanks for the world around and the good eorth. Begining a series of sermons from The Old Testament, The meaning of creation in modern terms. $moll children and babes ere eared for in eur Cradie Room. King St. United Church 129 KING STREET EAST REV. L. WESLEY HERBERT, Minister Mr. Rhyddid Williams Choir Director and Organist Youth Department 10:00 A.M. Baby Creche Nursery and Chureh School 11:00 A.M, THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 11:00 A.M. "THANKS BE TO GOD" 1 Corinthians 15; 45-58 FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH HORTOP AT GLENWOOD Rev. N. Frank Swackhammer, B.A. Miss Judith Davison, Bac. Mus. I F SERVICES: 11:00 A.M. & 7:00 P.M. REV. PERRY ALLABY, D.D. Promotional Sercretary of Overseas Mission Department For The Ontario and Quebec Convention. THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH IN CANADA KNOX SIMCOE ST. NORTH (Four blocks from King) Minister Rev. G. W. C. Brett, B.A 454 Bader Ave. 728-6122 Musical Director Mr. Matthew Gouldburn, A.L.C.M, 9:45 AM, CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00. A.M. "SPIRITUAL BLESSINGS" 7:00 P.M. "WHO GIVES THANKS?" Come and Worship With Us - ST. LUKE'S Rossland Rd. W. et Nipigon Minister REV. BD, R. SINCLAIR, B.A, 492 Masson Street -- 728-9178 9:30 A.M, THE CHURCH SCHOOL 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP "ON GIVING THANKS" All Cordially invited, ST. PAUL'S KING ST. BE. & WILSON Interim - Moderator REV. D. R. SINCLAIR, B.A, 492 Masson St. 728-9178 Mr, Fronk Wolter Organist ond Choirmaster 9:30' A.M. The Church School 11:00 A.M. PUBLIC WORSHIP SPEAKER: MR. DAVID SAVAGE Rev. D. R. MeKillican, €.0B,, B.A., of Knox College. Solo: ae Be to God" (Dickson) Fred Denshom Anthem gel!) "9 Be_Joyful"' ALWAYS A WELCOME FOR ALL AT THE FRIENDLY FAMILY CHUN NORTHMINSTER UNITED CHURCH (CORNER: OF SIMCOE ST, AND ROSSLAND RD.) MINISTER -- REV, H. A. MELLOW B.A, ORGANIST -- MR. J. R. ROBERTSON A.R.C.T. DEACONESS---MISS SHIRLEY M, McKEE CHURCH SCHOOL SESSIONS 9:30 AM,--Primary: 6, 7,.& 8 Years Juniors: 9, 6, & 11 Yeors Intermediotes & Seniors: >, 10, 11 Yeors and over 10.48 A.M.--Beginners: 3 Years, Kindergarten: 4 to 5 Years, Primary: 6, 7, & 8 Years. 11:00' A.M. -- Sermon: "GIVING-THANKS" 3:00 P.M--SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM IN THE CHAPEL ' Fellowship Of Evangelical Baptist Churches In Canada EMMANUEL >'!MG9E PENTECOSTAL CHURCH 245 Simcoe St. S. REV. GEORGE €. SMITH Pastor: WORSHIP WITH US THIS THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 10:00 A:M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL AND ADULT BIBLE CLASSES PASTOR SMITH SPEAKS TWICE =. 1) AM. 7 P.M. "THANKSGIVING "VALUES" @ WORSHIP SERVICE @ EVANGELISTIC @ THANKSGIVING pispLatll PREACHING @ CHOIR @ ORCHESTRA "The Church .. + Where Happy People Bid You Welcome" * BAPTIST CHURCH Corner Evangeline & Philip. Murray Postor; REV, ERNEST WINTER 9:45 A.M, ~ BIBLE SCHOOL 1):00 and 7:00 P.M. REV. E. WINTER WEDNESDAY, 7:45 p.m BIBLE STUDY AND PRAYER A WELCOME FOR ALL CaLvary 11:00 A.M. 7:00 P.M. ey He oH Baprist CENTRE and JOHN STREETS Postor---REV, ROBERT B. LYTLE 9:45 AM.--BIBLE SCHOOL FOR --"LOVE THAT KNOWS NO EVIL" --'A REASONABLE FAITH" SERVICE BROADCAST OVER CKLB RADIO Wednesday, 7:45 P.M. -- Bible Study and Prayer Personal Counselling 728-8123 BABYSITTER SERVICE BY COME DOUBLE CLUB 12:55 NOON--Friendly Chot--Rev. John Porter ROSSLAND ROAD FREE METHODIST CHURCH 1042 Rossland Rd. W. East of Garrard PASTOR--MR. ROBERT BUCHANAN PIANIST--MRS, CLAYTON. KIRBY 10:00 A.M.--SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M:--SUBJECT: "WE THANK THEE" 7:00 P.M.--MR. MALCOLM RANDALL, B.A., OF ROBERTS Weslyan College, North Chili, New York MONDAY 8:00 P.M.---F.M.Y. Directed by John Holl WEDNESDAY 8:00 P.M.--Prayer .and Bible School Thursday, 6:30 P.M.--C.Y.C, Ages 6-14 FREE METHODIST CHURCH Erie St., off Simcoe $. Minister: Rev. €. M. Bright (Next efter Bloor $f.) Phone: 725-3872. SATURDAY EVENING FILM: "CENTREVILLE AWAKENING" THANKSGIVING SUNDAY 10:00 A.M.--FAMILY SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 A.M.--MORNING WORSHIP THEME--" THANKSGIVING AND THANKS LIVING" 7:00 P.M.--THE FAMILY GOSPEL HOUR THEME--"THANKFUL FOR ME" ° WEDNESDAY -- 8:00 P.M, -- PRAYER AND BIBLESTUDY FRIDAY -- F.M.Y. A WARM WELCOME AWAITS YOU, 9:45 A.M. -- Sunday School 11:00 A.M, -- REV. C. HOUSE 7:00 P.M. -- REV. C. HOUSE A.Y.F. Every Fridoy, 8:15 P.M.--"A program for Youth" COMING--MISSIONARY CONVENTION OCT, 25 TO NOV, 1 Rev. W. D Carlsen from Thailand Miss F, Eisensmith from Chicago SIMCOE STREET UNITED CHURCH The Church In the heart of the city with the World on its heart. MINISTER: REV, JOHN K. MOFFAT, B,A. Director of Music: Mr. R.:G. Geen, L.T.C.M, 11:00 A.M, "THE WORLD'S BEST TONIC!" Thanksgiving Appeal for Overseas Relief SUNDAY SCHOOL 9:45 A.M.--YOUTH DEPARTMENT YOUNG ADULT BIBLE CLASS 11:00 A.M.--CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT '---BABY CARE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE FIRST CHURCH = 64 COLBORNE $T. EAST Branch ef The Mother Church, The First Church ef Christ Scientist In Boston, Massachusetts, SUNDAY SCHOOL -- 11:00 A.M. SUNDAY SERVICE 11:00 A.M. "ARE SIN, DISEASE AND DEATH REAL?" Wed. Service (includes testimonies) 8 P.M. READING ROOM--CORNER ONTARIO AND BOND STS. Monday to Thursday---11:00 a.m, - 5:30 p.m. Friday - 11:00 a.m. + 9:00 p.m. THANKSGIVING SERVICE 10:30.A.M. Monday, Oct. 12th "THANKSGIVING" Spontaneous expression of gratitude for God's Goodness, physical healing arid other blessings will be given. ALL ARE INVITED TO THIS SPECIAL SERVICE Subject .

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