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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Oct 1964, p. 15

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Father And Son Night - Climaxes Successful Minor Lacrosse Season season .of thrilis|Midget Leagues. In addition, accepted the Get Together Club each member of the. winning Trophy teams received an i : z 3 z Hs i te : i rial Trophy, donated to the/ trophy. minor lacrosse body for annual lf ef f ii 'Belarctic' Cops Woodbine Feature WOODBINE (CP) -- Belarc- tie rushed between horses on the backstretch to take the lead then fought head-and-head to the wire with Famous Road to win the sixth race at Wood- bine Wednesday. Belarctic's victory was a slight nose over Famous Road and her time of 1.09 2-5 for the 2istance was slightly behind the track record of 1.09 owned by E. Day, arctic actually looked like ca -|loser mid - way through the stretch but she rallied again and caught Famous Road at the wire. E f competition, by a group of citi- uns associated with the late Frankie Eddolis in the _ following bers of the Union Rod and Gun Oshawa, as : Olu: "ane te eet either rs or executive Lowe, Paul Vessey, Ron - rr the Oshawa Gen- kine, captain, Morris Stark, erals Junior Hockey Club. This Kevin Kirkbride, Wayne Cros- of donors included matz, Danny Morrency, Bruce Fudger, Lyle Lioyd, Stan Hoar, Kevin Conlon, Scott Mercer, Gary Lintlop, Peter Waildin- sperger, Brady, Mike Goleski, David Yuowa, Jim z f 3 : i , et : i = i i HH 2 a = 2 3 if z don, Neil Hezzelwood, T. H. Coppin and Geo, H. Campbell. The| In presenting the trophy to coach Bill Lowe, of the Union |Rod and Gun Olub, champions| Ralph lof the Novice League, Geo, |Campbell congratulated the men of the Oshawa Minor Lacrosse Association upon their success ? : i the awards SIGNS Neon, Plastic, Masonite, Metal, Paper, Cotton, ete, DRIVE-IN TRUCK & VAN LETTERING SERVICE STAR Advertising Co, 402 Mary St. E., Whitby PHONE 668-2772 Call Collect The wingers on Esposito's un- heralded line, rookie John Brenneman and Chico Maki, THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 15,1964 15 if NHL BIG SEVEN. With Bill Parsons riding, Bel-| Plywood, The leaders: 2 By THE CANADIAN PRESS Chicago's third line may have each earned a point. Brenne- man registered his first NHL found the scoring punch it ' latked jast season. ~~ and Maki was given an as The third unit, which seldom |--_ appeared on the ice and ac- counted for only 26 goals last year, produced two markers Wednesday night as the Black Hawks. blanked Boston 3-0 in the only National Hockey League game played. | Centre Phil Esposito scored, once and picked up an assist to move into a second-place tie with five others in the scoring race, New York's Don Marshall | leads with three points, | Esposito, Hadfield, New York HK Henry, New York 3. (22 players tied with one point) | Marshall, New York Nevin, New York 2 0 1:4 i-f 1.2 | e / » + + to all my past customers at Honnan Marine | P-4 a ' Soles | wish to extend my deepest appreciation for é } your patronage; your loyalty; and your foith in our ts, It has been @ pleasure dealing with each Your Satisfaction Is Our Aim All Cars Car Our GUARANTEE KELLY DISNEY USED CARS Ltd. 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 BUDGET TERMS DROP IN Harbour Road, Oshawa, |, personally, us ot Yochthoven will always be more than pleased to see you , . . whether you're buying or simply "looking! Again, Mony Thanks, EARL HANNAN Champions, . Gaels. Other guests included| Passed on, Manager Fred Whalley, defence-| Years. : : men Jim Hinkson and Joe| The speaker, in referring Kiwior, along with goaltender the contribution made to la-| sport to the lower age-4imit team in the PeeWee League re- ident; John Branch, secretary-|crosse, as well es hockey, by |Snow, Brian Wilbur, Paul Mur- veners Jim Latton, Glen Gracelitems of lacrosse interest, the |ski, Tony Houston, Tenry Lioyd} the 1963-4\crosse in Oshawa, as a team-) TOKYO (CP) -- An unher-| players of the Oshawa Kins- in' fairy recent|ger Jackson today won theltain, Jim Shortt, Andy Tor- It was Canada's first gold/Root, Andy. Krontje, Ken Cun-) Merv Marshaill, crosse in Oshawa by these three | coaches and executives was the@Wa Minor Lacrosse Association| Hungerford, of Vancouver, |ton, Wayne Taggart, Alex Chyz-| 'lin bringing back the popular Members of the Kelly DeGray levels in the city. He told of ceiving crests were as follows: the contribution made to la- Tom Christie, Sid Root, Rick treasurer; Henry Suddard and/the late Fnankie Eddolls, as a |doch, Wait Harrison, captain, Gord Lodge, directors, plus con-| player in Oshawa. Among other I R . |Wayne Rankine, Tony Budkow- and Gerry Sutton, speaker pointed 'out that) n owing and Harold Aru. | Guest speaker was Jim Bis-| Frankie Eddolis had played la- Bantam League crests to ate "Kelly" we alded makeshift Canadian crew Club were presented to the Lacrosse mate of "Kelly" 'DeGray and| "|men Club pr Oshawa Green| Chuck" Barron, who also had George Hungerford and Ro |following: Bob Goulding, cap- | Olympic gold medal in the COX-| nance, John Pearse, Bill Mac- to| less pairs rowing event. |Donald, Bob- Monaghan, Sid medal since 1956 in the summer | ningham, Larry Shrigiey, Brian| Most gratifying to the team|men, pointed out that the Osh- Olympic games. White, Wait Karas, Tom Wil-| " ' ; ate F and Jackson, of Toronto, cov-|\nak, Randy Wiles and Doug aplendid turnout of fathers, in- 4s fortunate to have had) ed the 3,000; metre' TodalReceon, | am» yh Pe palmale " re era tote v0 donated in| Course in 7:32.94. They have; Lloyd Gibson, president of! betta rw a uagesis @ memory of three names that| been rowing together for only|the Ontario Minor 4 continued success, two weeks. |Association handed out cresis, would always be associated) : a CHAMPS RECEIVE TROPHIES with the sport, in this city. It was only their second for-|to the following members of Highlight of the evening, of Mrs. J. L. DeGray and son|mal race. The first took place | People's Clothing _in the Mid- | course, as far as the young|"Ted" officiated in the pres-| Sunday when they scored a sur-|get League: Paul Wilson, Jerry | lacrosse players are concerned,/entation of The 'Kelly' De-|prise victory in the opening|Dionne, Charlie Brown, John} was the presentation of the four|Gray Memorial Trophy, donat-| heat to advance directly into Johnston, Mike Lewis, Bob handsome trophies, to the 1964/ed by the Oshawa and District] the finals. |Simon, Wayne Kot, Bob Cal- championship teams in the|Electrical Maintenance Club, to; The silver medal winners, |ford, Jeff Osborne, Zig Szcze-! Novice, PeeWee, Bantam. and'the champions of the PeeWee) Steven Josef Blaisse and Ernst |panski, Larry Lloyd, Roy Fish- WOODBINE RACE RESULTS |Willem Veenemans of The/er, ing, Jim ey, |Netherlands, chased the Cana-|Paul Smith, Ted Clark and Jack dians across the finish line in| Groat. Koes 7:33.40, } In recognition of their "fine : : | Genrmany's pair of Michael|Performance over the season, | Mgt awa ansean 7 Arlene (itl. [Solar Ance, Shereclon" Wer Pott, vernes| Schwan and Wolfgang Hotten-| Several nb Sigg Poona out 7-Take Notice, Shuk 18.90 6.60 4.40|Gem, Cruisin Thru, Eveson, Mage Queen rott, the pre '- Olympics favor-|for special praise. These were: : y pean a ee ene Seteck Bin lites, took the bronze medal in|(Novice League) Rodney Brady Beetoee sperees 3 winner, oy Bana -- mies od OY! 738 63, nd Ron Rankine; Peewee I 8 Sees Na Macaig: Wien wees shy ala e ; Biaisse and Veenemans, cur-| League: Tom Ronabeck and Renan' Worrior, Ain, Disler Deer ow.|nent European champions, and|'Tom Christie; Bantam a Maggie, Merlis and To The Victor end| Finland Jed the fleet of six at|Roy Fisher, Bob Goulding A-J.G. Ferintosh end to. 3.00 2.59(the stant. | Andy Torrance; Midget League: 3.50 300 Sprinting hard, the Canadians | Charlie Marlowe and Larry, H, to pull in front at . the mark, leaving the| GUEST SPEAKER gon rd | Bishop, who must be rated as Dutch and Finns more than a length behind. one of the top coaches in Can- It was a close race between|ada today, stressed to the in-| 3.20 2.60/ Sone Canada and The Netherlands,|terested youngsters the impor-| Poo! 29/103 Quinella Pool 32519 | with the German crew who|tance of hard work as the only 0d, won driving QUINELLA, 4 AND , PAID $129 | cought the Finns and were row-|way to make the grade. ynlzg Gan ,in Order: Golden Bubble,' SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $2200. Three-|ing in third place, a good dis-| The 34-year-old sports direc- '8, Choice, | Last Hurreh, Friend behind main, Jessie B Good SIXTH RACE -- Purse wee ances. Three-year-clds and up, fillies W. Taylor! mares. 6 Furiongs (7) | 4Belarctic, Parsons Winner, & ¢, by Take Away--Criticism, | 5Femous Road, Fitz'ns J cieniies Step. | 2Apache Dancer, Leblane 'reiner, W, F. Edmiston, | Start good, won driving "Poot 25,399, Double Pool 45,400. | Also Ran in Order: Golden Turkey, Reckless Lady, Teardrop Lene end Mus SECOND RACE -- Purse 91,900. Claim: koke. i three-year-olds and up, 7 furlongs! winner, dk b or br f, by Nearctic -- pal Rich, Welsh Beimon Rose by Chop Chop. Trainer M 6-Breconing, vis 9.0 3.90 3.40 Lon &-Weli Olled, Armstrong Start Wille, Lady "Bos|7ear-0lds end up. Claiming, 6 Furlongs | tance tor of CKLB, said his biggest muy Seuue - biol oe ia 2Wiator, Ditttach ss 10.00 a0 410) During the last 500 metres the thrill in 19 years of coaching | \ 'Peaches Reward, D'son 4 i { inni 'i in| 0 | Dutchmen hit hard with strokes|was winning. the Minto Cup in wi 6 Wild Drift -- S$ 1OMy Bi 1 P 50 2 Plume by Sun Ay Trainer 5, on. | Stor? Paceiysd 'won henily 4 }up to 38 a minute in a desper-|New Westminster this year. Pool 4,478. 'Ane Ren in Order: Ocean Peorl, Leo's ate effort to catch up with the! He said, 'The success of smi me ingel, Superior Parent, Pender On, Jee Canadians. Green Gaels was in the per- THIRD RACE Purse $2,300, maiden two-year-olds, foaled "in Canadd, about gna Village squire "8 SKY SP*K) But the Canadians _sprinted| sonality of the club. They work- | Sammart, Gubing 10.4% 3,90 3.40|Winner, ch g, by Vibrator -- Mil Me by|and dashed to the finish line, ajed hard and gave it all they| oMarket Bid, 38 ie ora tee BB eee length and a half in front of|had throughout the season." Lenighogen, Walsh An sy the Dutch. Bishop concluded his speech) Mert y f Pine siege : i Ane Ron In Orders Black Diver, Troi gAOMTM RACE <P vrse $270, Allow. Britain was fourth, behind the|by saying there are no short| Allience, Milliore Mahan, A---The Strang-| Miles on Marshall tur! course (i) "'Germans, Denmark fifth and|cuts in becoming champions, | ler, Headline, Young Fashion, Roy@!) 9.Mastor Matt H., H'son 6.70 4.10 3.20] Finland fell far back to finish/only practise and patience | Bunny, and And Alvin 2-Biq Rocky, Davidson 4,90 3.50) 03 ' ood NOSSe A~Valecrest Farm end W. J, Webber 10-Elm Wood, Leblanc 12.50| Sixth and last makes a good tac vince oe -- oe Also Ran in Order: Amajoy, Leader | MERCURY TAXI Lote Seretch--Ledy Alexine Lane, Mixed Colors, Green Meadows, A-| OSHAWA'S LARGEST AND MOST MODERN im. | Queen's Right, . " FOURTH RACE. -- puree 02:00, Cloiny | eer Nen end 'alone! Forever, TAX! AND U-DRIVE--OVER 30 CARS AND TRUCKS AT YOUR SERVICE! Canada, 1 1-16 miles (9) A--Windfields Farm Entry RENT-A-CAR *1.00 A DAY #-Enlyn Led, Fitz' 5.00 3.80| Winner, ch g, by Evi S-Brietsin, Anyon 4.50 4.20\ Jean by Eternal Lark 4D. Seven GEO. RUTHERFORD (Oshawa) LTD.--14 ALBERT ST, PLUS LOW MILEAGE CHARGE Caplan. Bid, Gomez ropeo -- Larking | » Trainer L Sil Deal, Davidson 3.30 vestri. Start good, for ali but D. Seven Deal, won| poo! 62,829 Griving. Attendance 6,326 Also Ren in Order: Deal Me Aces, Matucina, Humber Broom, Limbo Lad, Canadian Hero and Santa Teresa GUNS Bought @ Sold @ Traded @ Repaired at ART'S GUN SHOP Mamam by Adaris. Trainer J € Meyer, Pool 53,638. 18 Bond St. W. 728-9731 Total Pool 453,975 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2200, Claiming Two-yeer-olds. 6 Furlongs (12) SSpice Bandit, Davidson 9.590 4.70 2.90 2-Cocktaill Date, Dittfach 4,70 3.00 SJourney Home, Maxwell 2.40 Start good, won driving Hold it. This doesn't feel like Bonded Stock. Uur old bottle is no more. Remember the one with the friendly sloping shoulders? You could tell its shape anywhere. Most important, it was the bottle that contained Gooderham's Bonded Stock Whisky. One of the most popular ryes ever to see the inside of any bottle. Well our whisky's still the same (our blenders know a good thing when they taste it) : but we felt it was time for a new bottle. Happily enough, most people like our new container very much, It's tall and refined-looking (in fact, someone said, it's a classic already), However, to the few people who are still having a little trouble adjusting, may we offer this one suggestion. Remember, new bottle or not, it's still Bonded Stock Whisky. So try. not to let your emotions run away "with your sense of good taste. Gooderham's have been distilling fine whiskies since 1832 VERY USED see for yourself, JACK HUGHES DAVE GARROW VALUES ? LOOK NO FURTHER. We've the best deals you can imagine on.a wonderful range of top notch performers «+. and priced to please too! Drop in and CAR 1962 Van ENVOY > 1960 Ranchwagon FORD 1962 Sedan ACADIAN 1962 Sedan CHEVROLET 1960 Convertible CHEVROLET 1959 Convertible CHEVROLET 1957 Sedan PONTIAC 1958 Hardtop CHEVROLE . wi "SERVING OSHAWA & AREA OVER 40 YEARS" ONTARIO MOT 140 BOND WEST SALES LTD. A real "Jim Dandy" for this price ......... Just refinished completely, Priced away below the going market price. Come on in and take it for a test Ve 4000! vs iis oss beedenwn ass. A smart compact you'll love to drive. 4-door model complete with HUONG oor 0 sbins0b sb os eunnauny A smart 4-door model finish- ed in lovely Dark Blue and Ivory. Going for only ....., Complete with automatic trans- mission, power steering and radio, Take it away for only .., Here's a smart-looking, smooth acting beauty you'll truly want. Complete with radio .......05, 4-door model with powerful V8 engine. For this price you should give it a try. What a sharp car!' Turquoise & White finish. Complete with automatic transmission 725-6501

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