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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Oct 1964, p. 25

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THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursdey, October 15,1964 25 27--Real Estate For Sole CARL OLSEN REALTOR 27--Real Estate For Sale GUIDE REALTY LTD. 27--Real Estate For Sale JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. 27----Real Estate for Sale W. FRANK "| 177 Church Street, | Bowmanville 623-3393 25--Apartments furnished < oerme TWO-ROOM pote No eenaren. bry new op oo as monna ieee | Chope' to Houdaille and south GM. 723-2066 ROOM AND 6 RD, single, and ae Sem. . home cooked yan neve space, 26--Rooms For Rent 20--Room and Boord ROOM AND BOARD for ory close to north General Motors. worker 17--Mole Help Wonted TRACTOR TRAILER 17--Mele Help Wanted OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION REQUIRES A 27--Real Estate For Sale SCHOFIELD-AKER oy 136 Summer DRIVER Steady employment. Reauest- ed experience on city driving: LICENSED BODYMAN (Class A Mechanics' License would be on osset). 40 Hr. week, excellent em- ployment benefits. Apply ¢ only, givi ence, to MR, L. J. ALGAR 100 Simcoe St. South | Oshawa All replies will be held strict- ly confidential, ssesctanigiiaes ONT. EXPERIENCED SALESMAN Salary and Commission. SALESMEN & AGENTS Pr ly employ ed, who is searching for a Tne 'ingesting woof psf limited only to his own efforts, A company of over 150 yeors of successful operation, will give you on optitude test to help you evaluote this posi- tion, If you decide this con be your field, we will continue ona full training basis with p.m. ot Genosha Hotel CAREER OPPORTUNITY Due to advancement in our organization we have an opening for an aggressive young man with or without previous soles experience, to train for management, Must be neat in appearance and Company benefits. of experience to BOX 647 Oshawa Times WILL EXCHANGE $4. per week for 15 General Motors, jhours of your time, Write Box 331, Osh-\variety store, etc. jarrangements can be made, |709 The Oshawa Times. Apply | lificats to Bi 343, Oshawa) stating qualifications to Box shawa!o3_ Wanted To Rent. awa Times. PERSON to train as desk clerk \T | CLERK for retail hardware store in Ajax,|TWO- OR THREE-BEDROOM hovse, by | CHURCH STREET 174, furnished single lfull time, experience required. Apply in 'family, in Oshawa, Whitby, Bowmanville, Must be age 25 yeors old. Benefits, Apply in writing to: P.O, BOX 1470 Furniture and Appliance Opportunity for advancement to manager position. 'Apply in writing giving full details 22--Offices, Stores, Storage OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES STORE FOR RENT Occupancy October Ist. Ai proximately 350 sq. ft. Loca- tion Simcoe South opposite Adelaide House, For further information call, 725-5132 Blvd lroom in private home, Apply MARY tY STRE EC ie a bs dy Telephone 725-0145. BURNISHED front room with bitehan privileges. 725-i66'. FURNISHED bedroom for man only, $8. weekly. Apply 202 Oshewa ATTRACT IVELY FURNISHED ROOMS 4,silable in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 fET, north end, furnished! home, 2 bathrooms, park- for gentie- oF without . After 5 p.m, call "rent, Gente . South, 726-3286 __| wean 1 HOSPITAL. rae room. Twin Suleble two Apply 58 ned @i home "erage. business girls Aberdeen Street af efter, 4 om. ;, furnished room, am, suitable tor , south end of city. 'y central. suit 102 Elgin Street East. clean, single FURNISHED ROOM, Osrewe Shopping C entre eres, suit one or |Abstainers, please. "Perkin. Call | ELGIN- STREET EAST 12, housekeeping room for working gentle man, and 1 723-1641, near North General Motors STORE FOR rent, > Shopping | Contre, near hospital. $8 weekly. Non-drinker only. Excellent suitable for restaurant, financial LARGE furnished room, suitable for "two Write Box'persons, north-west area, Laundry facill- tles. Telephone 728-4145. iON STREET, 25, single rooms for DF sanemen. Apply above address. room, private entrance, gentleman pre person to Ajax Hardware, Alex Shop-| Ajax, Brooklin vicinity, References. Tele-|ferred. Apply to above address. 'ping Centre. phone 725-5675. ONE CENTRALLY located furni nished |FHREE TO FOUR ambitious men reed-|BUSINESS MAN and family require 3- light housekeeping room. Well heated. Pri- jea to add to our sales staff Training| bedroom home in good residential eres. | |provided Apply 299 Simcoe Street South! Telephone 728-7894. NOT just another job "Ontario opening worth up to $1,000 in @ month for repre- sentative over 40 to contact heavy equip- ie sent and' fat, cuners. Air Mell B, Dcoeetey HOME: hee Dickerson, SW Petroleum, 534 N. Main, |Ft. Worthy Texas. installers for new home jyeer round work in Toronto. Telep |OXFORD 1-309 days, ROGER lafter 6.30 p.m, collect. '18--Mole or Female Help Wanted -- EXPERIENCED nu-serymen tor season, IMMEDIATE pay, eventually room and board: home for rent, new, as willing to work some even- ings, good starting salary with liberal commissions and bonus. All benefits, leads fur- nished on equal opportunity with employees. Write BOX 437 OSHAWA TIMES WANTED Man for local light delivery. |good \Telephone Bowmanville 623-2837 Trejbal, Mearns Avenue |20--Room and Board and Shopping Centre, 728-9287 13-970 . Hospital and North | Motors, $16. weekly, 728-3577 \pply [BROCK STREET EAST, 147 -- Room |and board for gentlemen, wiiling to 'share Single beds. Central to downtown. Apply Hayden Macdonald Wholesale 30 William St. West, Oshawa TWO MALE dispatchers. Typing neces: rin above address. sary; some knowledge of Ontar! -- Son Vines Swing shits. Write Box 'ao, Ost '!17--Male # Help 'Wanted INSULATING GLASS MANUFACTURER requires experienced man for PRODUCTION MANAGER We have a client in Western Canada who requires the above position filled. Our client is the largest monufacturer of aluminum windows' in Western Canada, They are presently manufacturing sealed units but wish to expand the operation. High salaries avoilable and a bright future for the right mon Phone or Write Robert Scolnick, Vice-Pres. INTER-PROVINCIAL COMMERCIAL DISCOUNT CORPORATION LIMITED 1541 Davenport Road, Toronto, Ont. LE 6-1115 Jerry water, Private beach. Reasonable. ROOM and board for "hice quiet gentie- man, lunches packed, good meals, park- ing, five-day week. Close to South GM OFF WILSON ROAD SOUTH -- Room and board for young women. Willing to | share; home privileges. After 3 p.m., call | YOUNG LADY BOARDER wanted. Good [eneelse clean, warm room. Close to down- General ROOM and board "for gentleman willing fo share near General Motors south plant unches packed at 147 Mill Street, Call OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN f TRANSFORM LAMP By ALICE BROOKS Make elegant decorator ghades--it's easy, thrifty! IMlus- 4797 SIZES 34-48 magic! Make an YOUNG gentieman has two - apartment wants two congenial men willing to share. GM workers. pre- ferred, Telephone 728-3858 TWO-BEDROOM apartment buliding. Available |ONE-ROOM apartment jwith refrigerator and | middie-aged lady or gentleman }200 King Street West or telephone 723-| | $804 $SIX-ROOM apartment, King Sireet, New 'castle, Bath, garage, November | trations, directions. Lampshade old lamp look new for littl Duns mart uate TO SIZE 48 fabric or paper. Pattern 7125: for 6 shades. By ANNE ADAMS 24--Houses for Rent ences required. W. Frank Real Estate, Ltd, Dial. 623-3393 FOUR-ROOM house, sink and toilet. no! WANTED IMMEDIATELY -- Duct work | firnace, commireetions monthly. Apply. 34 Mill. Street aT BAY RIDGES -- three-bedroom house, |LARGE single room, quiet clean home, | $100. Phone Bay|5 minutes from on Colborne Street. West, imeediate possession, | Ridges, 839-3115. ate bath. Sulit one or two adults. Tele phone 723-3078. CLARKE STREET--Two furnished rooms! for light housekeeping, including refriger- ator, Oshawa. Reter-) 728.3420 after 6 p.m. FURNISHED room, gentlemen, GM em- ployees. Telephone 723-6844, $50, SINGLE room for rangette, television. $15 weekly gentieman, ; Clore to south GM. Abstainers. Call 725-8645, four corners. Gentleman only. Apply 135 Celina Street | SEVEN-ROOM house | iat posses- | sion, Adults. Near bus stop and hospital, Telephone 728-9733. POSSESSION, west end, phone builder, 942-1600. 25--Apartments OXFORD PARK TOWERS One Block from G.M, South Plant 86 APARTMENTS One, Two and Three Bedroom Immediate Possession Balconies, Elevator Service Fully Equipped Kitchen Broadloomed Corridors Swimming Pool Take advantage of choice lo- cation by making deposit on lease now Exclusive Agents GUIDE REALTY LIMITED REALTORS. 16 Simcoe St. §., Oshawa OPEN HOUSE From 6 to 7 evenings SEE MODEL SUITE LUXURIOUS LIVING SEE THE VISCOUNT 300 Grenfell Feoturing large master bed- room: with walk-in closets, broadioomed corridors, im- pressive lobby, beautifully landscaped lawns, immediate occupancy. For rental infor- mation see supt. at THE DIPLOMAT 340 Marlond Ave., Apt. 111 728-4283 apartment -- in 1, 120 monthly, 723-6897. heated. Suitable for business Available November 1 after 5 om, 723-4797 TWO-BEDROOM apartment FOUR-ROOM apartment, boards and refrigerator, hot and = cenid water, electricity and heat included, pri jvate bath, parking, near bus stop, Tele |phone 723-6826 |THREE-ROOM fiat for rent, |loeated. Wired for heavy duty. bath and entrance | Cail 725-6869 FOUR-ROOM apartment, with stove and or telephone 725-2997. facing 3-bedroom soem FOR RENT: Ideal teacher or secretary. Full kitchen. privi- 723-6844, "for female , furnished | single room, sult "GM em ployee, Apply 55° Ritson Road South or! bedroom gentle. new! November Fully furnished Stove, Suitable for) Apply | garden. Available Phone Newcastle 987-4232. MAPLE GROVE -- Nice, bedroom apartment, possession. Children welcome, $75. month ly. Call Bowmanville 623-2811 |MOTHER AND CHILD (preferably {n- jfant) to share apartment with seme, Day care given, Calj 723-4569. |COZY newly furnished apartment, |rooms 'and bath, private entrance. Very \central clean, two- Immediate! "other three couple Phone anytime to sub let $125 monthly. Call Dunbarton, 839.4137 kitchen cup centraily Private No children, please unfurnished, refrigerator, heat \ed, $110, monthly, main floor, complete ily private. Apply 102 Rosehill Boulevard One of the loveliest dresses to| THREE-ROOM, one-bedroom apartment Tele- topes. Oshawa Bivd. South near King hone 726-3045, |27--Real 'Estate For 'Sale KEITH PETERS | Realtor 728-7328 103 King St. East AUTUMN SPECIAL Main floor complete with bedroom and bathroom, fire- place in living room, two bedroom upstairs, brick home, oil heating, perfect location, close to St. Gregory's. We ore very anxious to show you through this home with hard- wood flooring throughout, ex- cept fot kitchen and bath- room. Home is 17 yeors old ond well kept. Phone Bill Ratcliffe, 655-4457. FAMILY MAN AND INVESTOR Here is a way to beat living costs and still be close to your work in town, Good 9 room brick home, paved drive and garage. All con- veniences, a good north end location ----- Low down pay- ment. Coll Robert Johnson, 728-2548 i $1,000 DOWN yeor old brick bungalow, $ bedrooms, oversized fur- noce, low heating costs, broadioom in living room and holl, T.V, antenna, fenced lot, storms and screens. Call Bill Irvine 728-2868 VERY LIVABLE Bose Line Road, Whitby -- Large ranch style bungalow with attached garage, beau- ° tiful stone fireploce, built- in stove ond oven, large lot 100' x 200', circular drive. All this in a country like setting, close to 401 High- way. Coll Earle Allen, 725- 7782 SALE OR TRADE $17,700 FULL PRICE ~ Only 2 years old with 3 bed- rooms, living room - with broodioom, dining room, kit- chen, mahogony cupboards and trim, 4 piece tiled bath, extra 2 piece bath, close to schools ond bus. Asking $2,000 DOWN. Call Rolonde Tierney, 725-5207 INCOME PROPERTY OSHAWA 35 suite prestige apartment building. Excellent location. Electrical heating Many features. Showing ex- cellent returns on your cash investment. Only 2 years old. Fully rented and a waiting list. Con be shown 'by ap- pointment only Call BILL GOVERDE D. W. McQUAY REALTOR Whitby 668-5848 Toronto 925-2965 SELLING CALL DON HOWE Real Estate Member Oshawa and District REAL ESTATE LIMITED Reol Estote Boord 10 acre lots neor Maple Grove --~ $5,000 - $1,000 down. 10 acres with trout stream near Haydon--$5,000--$1,- 500 down. Newcastie--13 building lots -~~$11,000--terms. Orono --- Outstanding ronch bungalow with ottached gor- age. Very large living room, dining room, 2 fireploces, 2 4-piece bathrooms. Nicely londscoped. Only $25,000 -- $7,000 down. Bowmanville--Scugog Street, 8 room brick home on a large lot. Asking $14,500 -- terms. Ontario Street--7 room brick 2 bathrooms. Freshly decorot- ed. Asking $14,800--terms, Highway No, 2, just east of Bowmanville, 7 room' frame house with born on lot 300' x 200'. $6,000----$2,000 down. McLeren's Beach, Scugog lslond---3 bedroom cottage on nicely treed lot. Fully fur- nished. $5,500 -- terms. Call 623-3393 After 9 p.m Jack Whitemon 723-6365 Pot Jeo 623-3077 Ken Hockin 623-5055 Herb Cooper 623-3393 Joe Bornoski 723-2202 Ea Newtonville | DOUGLAS J. M. BULLIED REALTOR 723-1168 -- 723-4391 Immediate possession -- 3 bedroom brick 'ranch bunga- low with attached gorage and hollywood kitchen, Located on © large landscaped lot. Full price $18,500 with a mod erate down payment ond bal- ance on one mortgage. North West -- 6 room brick home in this very convenient location, 3 bedrooms, sep- orate dining room, family size kitchen, broadloom in living room, 4 pc. both with extra stool in basement. Priced ot $13,400 with a down pay- ment of $2,400. Ajax -- Immediote posses- sion on this 6-yr. old brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, com- bined living and dining room, nice size kitchen, 4 pc. both, basement rec-room oreo plas- tered. Home needs decorating ond can' be purchased with a:ltow down payment, North East -- Immaculate 2 bedroom brick home with de- tached. garage, modern kit- chen, 4 pc. bath, living room with fireplace and wall to wall broadioom, separate din- ing room and finished rec- room, This home is in excel- lent condition and can be purchased for a down pay- ment of $3,500 with bolonce on one mortgage. 333 KING ST. WEST Members of the Oshowa & District Real Estate Board 29 NEW N.H.A. HOMES Hillsdale Terrace E, of Ritson Selling Fast Under $500 Winter Bonus RANCLIFFE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. SEVEN 1965 MODELS Priced from $15,950 Down Payments from $1,790. Less $500 winter bonus. Bungalows, split levels, 2 storeys, garages, carports, built-in ranges, ovens, storms, screens. Mony other extras. Directions: From Ritson Rd. go E, on Rossland one black Follow model signs South to Sales Office. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. |Also choice Aesales from $13,300, | Exclusive Agents H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker 723-6431 After 9 p.m, Call 723-4134 ARMSTRONG HOMES WHITBY Priced from $13,900 Down Payments $795 Fecituring built-in range and oven, storms and = screens, hooded exhaust fons, vanity bothrooms, stone fronts, cor- ports plus many other extras, PHONE SHIRLEY MUSKAL 723-4134 or 728-1363 623-3950 LAKE SHORE FARM, 160 Acres, good barn, 7 Roomed home. Over 2 Mile Lake frontage. Asking $45,000. Terms. CHRISTMAS TREE FARM 160 Acres with over 80,000 Christmas trees, stream, pond, Stone House, BEEF FARM, 200 Acres with excellent buildings. Brick home, all modern convenien- ces. Stream, 150 Acres work- able, Asking only $32,000. Terms. HIGHWAY FARM, with A-! Buildings, Painted barns, new drive shed. Large. stream. Brick. home, all modern con- veniences. Asking $43,000. Terms. BEEF FARM, 230 Acres. Lorge barns. 8 Roomed home all modern conveniences, Asking only $25,000. Terms, BEEF FARM, 171 Acres with excellent buildings. Large stream. Located near Peter- borough. Asking only $25,- 000... Terms. HIGHWAY FARM, 140 Acres with large pig barn. Stream. Excellent 8 Roomed brick home. All modern con- veniences, BEEF FARM, 400 Acres with large borns. Excellent 10 Roomed brick home, All mo- dern conveniences Large stream. Close to a town, Ask- ing $50,000. Terms BEEF FARM, 200 Acres with excellent buildings. Large stream. Asking $37,000. Terms. DAIRY FARM, as a going con- cern, 200 acres, 65 head of Holstein cattle, Full line of machinery. Over 10 Cans milk quote. Asking only $64,- 000. DAIRY FARM, Good buildings with stable cleaner in all barns, Over 600 Ibs. milk quota. All mo- dern conveniences in house. Asking only $27,000. Terms. 192 Acre farm with good buildings on paved road. Lo- cation 2 Miles from_Lind- soy. Asking $25,000. Terms. GENTLEMAN FARM, 130 Acres with 2. streams, 2 ponds stocked with trout. Brick home, all modern con- veniences. Asking price $24,- 900, Terms. 200 Acres with 2 barns, 8 Roomed brick home. Asking only $28,000.' Terms. 100 Acres farm, commuting distance from Oshawa with 2 barns, 8 Roomed home. Ask- ing only $18,000, Terms 100 Acres. 100 Acre farm with born; 8 Roomed home, bathroom, furnace. Price only $12,500. Terms. 53 Acres with strong streom, located east of Newcastle. Price and terms arranged. Donald Mountjoy - Guy LeBlane Idso Wiersma - Ross Davidson _ JACK RICARD REALTOR 71 King St. East Bowmanville Tel, 623-2503 NEAR ORONO. 56 acres with streom, Good barn, No house. $16,000 with $6,000 down. SEAGRAVE AREA. 100 acres with two'creeks. No buildings. Smaller acreage can' be ob- toined if desirable. Full price $11,000, Terms. 3 BEDROOM COTTAGE on 13 acres with o fast stream. Very attractive locale. About 25 miles from Oshawa. $7,- 800. Terms. NEAR BLACKSTOCK, 3 bed- room brick bungalow with at- tached gorage on one ocre of land, Good water supply. School bus to the front gate. Asking $8,500 with only $1,- 000 'down. 120 ACRE DAIRY FARM neor Port Perry. Good pro- ductive land. Good buildings. Pond. Asking "$44,000 with terms. NEAR NEWCASTLE. Fairly new 2 bedroom brick bun- golow, Very attractive. $13,- 000 with $5,000 down KOWAL REAL ESTATE 52 King St, W. Bowmanville! 623-2453 APARTMENT SITE About. | acre right in the centre of Bowmanville, The best location thot is avail- able, Total price $18,000. ACT NOW! 16 Simcoe St, South REALTOR 723-1121 ALBERT STREET Older type home with opart- ment for an income, contoins two kitchens, three good sized bedrooms downstoirs, 2 up-_ stairs. Close to schools ond churches, Lot is large with exceptionally good vegetable gorden. Close to downtown, Asking $11,500.00. EARLY POSSESSION 3 bedroom brick bungalow in quiet residentiol orea over- looking City of Oshawa, Sel!- ing below gt aa cost at only $14,200.00. WHITBY N.H.A, resale priced ot $12,- 800. A lovely 6 Year old Split level brick home, with 3 bed- rooms, $1,500 will handle. Large fenced londscaped lot. Corries for $102 P.I.T. See this tonight! Don't be too lote! SEMI-DETACHED Large 6 room semi-detached brick home with full base- ment. Fenced in lot, Down poyment only $1,500.00. | GARAGE | BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY| One storey concrete block building about 1500 sq. ft. with o five room brick bun- galow about 10 years old, situated on a main thorough- fore. in Oshawa. Presently operating os a body shop but zoned. MIA _ industrial which would permit uses not usual to most outomotive ser- vice properties, bought for $29,500 and at the moment we have an adja- cent property on which there is a five room brick house that can be bought for $13,- 900 in cose you need extra land for expansion. One or both of the dwellings could be rented to help purchase the property or make it a profitable income investment. INDUSTRIALLY ZONED This property hos a large old- er home, well maintained with 2 kitchens, mew forced cir oil heating, over-sized garage where auto repairs or any other small industry could be corried on SWEEPING VIEW We are proud to offer for your inspection this almost new FOUR BEDROOM two storey brick. The roomy living room has excellent woll space and the full dining room will accommodete your suite to excellent odvantage. These rooms broadioomed, A family room with french doors lead- ing. to a lorge rear yard. There iso 2 pc. tiled powder room and a 4 pc. tiled both- room, with vanity. Direct en- try to double gorage, All this "with @ panoramic view from évery window. Don't miss see- ing this home! NORTH-WEST 5 room, 2 storey home close to St. Gregory's Church and school. 3 large are modern kitchen, 1% bath- rooms, nicely decorated, Ex- cellent condition. Carries for $75.00 per month, principal and interest. FULL PRICE $8,900 Spacious 4 room bungalow with stone front end owning. Modern kitchen, 4 pc, bath- room, extra room in base- ment. This attractive bungo- low has low taxes ond one should see soon. CENTRALLY LOCATED Attractive 3 bedroom home, minutes from North G.M. plant, Large kitchen, seporate dining room, situated on a well landscoped lot. REASONABLY PRICED Small family home in quiet residential orea. 2 bedrooms, modem kitchen. Fenced in yard. Low taxes. /APPLE HILL . SPLIT LEVEL This home is only 4 years old. Owner leaving the city and must sell. L-shaped living, dining_roem, modern Vikon copper kitchen. 2nd level has 3 generous bedrooms and a 4 pc. tiled and. colored both- room, A family room ond nicely finished laundry room on lower level. Direct entry to attached plastered gar- age. Large and well landscap- ed yard, Give us a call todoy. BRAND NEW N. E. AREA Large 4 bedroom brick bun- aalow, completely finished with No. 1 oak floors, mahog- any trim, Beoutiful kitchen, storms ond screens, 'The spao- cious living room has sealed - light windows. This home comes equipped with mony méte extras than are usually found in a home for $16,- 900. Open daily from Con be™ 723-2265 MUST SELL Vendor toking big loss for immediate sale. 5 Room Heights Whitby. Will accept $11,100 with only $800 down. BETWEEN OSHAWA AND WHITBY Low taxes - High value. Just listed. Almost new bungalow with 1.200 sq. ft. living space. Attractively located on lot. Low down payment. money by buying this now. Much below today's cost. SACRIFICE Owner has been transferred after having this custom built 4 bedroom home completely decorated, landscaped and finished with many extras. Only require $4,500. down so call now. NORTH WEST Beautiful ranch bungalow which is close to all schools and shopping. Many extras such as gorage, floor to -ceil- ing fireplace, steel fencing of rear yard. Apple and full grown cedor trees on this large lot. Owner transferred. So hurry now for appointment to inspect. MOST ATTRACTIVE 5 Room brick bungalow with carport in nice area. Close to public and separate school St. Hedwigs). Just listed and should sell fast. BEAU VALLEY | NEW 4 BEDROOM HOME | Available now. Many extras such as stone front, stone fireplace, 2 baths in this lovely, 2 storey home in pop- ular Beau Valley. N.H.A. financing. Hurry and see this. NORTH WEST AREA 6 Room modern brick bunga- low with attached garage. Immaculate condition. Close to transportation, both public and catholic schools and shopping plaza. Broadloomed, Professionally finished recrea- tion room, finished foundry room, large landscaped lot. Immediate possession. Ideal for growing family. Call for on early appointment. 5 ACRES - TAUNTON RD. Frontage 555. Depth on side road 380'. Lovely lot for im- mediate building. Asking $5,500. with $1,000, down. Make' an offer for prompt sale. For full particulars call 723-2265 OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M, Charles ov . 723-7996 Marg. Hal 723-1358 Steve Marks we Moaible Boudreau . Margaret Lee ... Allan Thompson . Irene Brown .... Bill Johnson Reg. Aker Bill McFeeters ... 725-1726 360 King Street West _ FREE PARK PARKING _ METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. E. 728-4678 ELEGANT SUBURBAN LIVING 7 room ranch with a attech- ed garage, large well land scaped lot, exceptionally well finished rec, room with bar, notural stone fireplace. All this for only $22,500. Shown by appointment only. LAKEVIEW AVE. Neat and clean as a pin, 3 bedrooms large kitchen good sized living room, extra high painted basement, grounds well landscaped and fenced. A_ real gem at only $13,- 500. DOVER STREET 6 room - 3 bedroom with walk-out basement complete- ly sodded lot, All extras in- cluded, Only $15,395. with reasonable down payment. Early possession on this one. JULIANA DRIVE odern split-level - 6 rooms, extra large kitchen plus fin- ished rec-room and attached goroge. Electrically heated, fully decorated and on a newly paved streét. Asking $19, 200 for this gem -- 6%4% N.H.A. financing on one mortgage. COLLEGE HILL Near Corpus Christi -- beautiful 6 room bungalow all oversized rooms, taste- fully decorated, some broad- loom, extra high _ base- ment, paved drive. Asking only $15,500. Call. tonight for appointment. to inspect. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Joe Maga Ken Hann Jack Osborne Bob Johnston Dick Barriage Beaverton Area See Talbotside Park, Large treed lots on river, Boaters paradise. Easy access to Lake 723-1133 » V.L.A, PORT PERRY -- Six room, two storey home in ex- cellent forced ie ACRE LOTS --- on Port. Perry Highway, 6 miles from po ay $400.00 per oc sma poyment. Jim Brody ot 723-1133, evenings 728-0483. SOUTH EAST -- Lovely 10 eel old 1% storey brick _-- pet! Oe anal ae. ive. Listed yo any $13,000. with terms. To see call Wes, El- liott. ot 723-1133, evenings 728-0581. DUPLEX LOT -- 55 x 190, south-east location, Full price $3,800. Call Wes, Elliott ot Hela evenings 728- ¥; TRIPLEX EXCHANGE -- The owner of this large 4 yeor old, 3 suite, 2 bedroom, apartment building complete with fridges, stoves, washer and dryer will sell or ex- . Change. Here is your chance to trade your home on this excellent apartment building which shows an excellent re- turn on your investment, lo- cated on Lansdowne Drive. Call Henry Stinson at 723- 1133, evenings 725-0243. NONQUON RD,--Attroctive five room bungalow with paved drive and attached garage, Situated on large lot close to schools, transporto- tion and shopping. built contoins many extros, Call Wes, Elliott ot 723- 1133, evenings 728-0581, CENTRAL ---- Older two stor- ey brick home contcining -- large living room, full dining - room and kitchen downstairs, ond three longe bedrooms ond © bath up. Ideal location. See this for value, call Jim Brady * ee a gihd evenings 728. 299 KING ST. WEST ~ 723-1133 OLIVE HOWE REAL ESTATE 218 Dundas St. East Whitby 668-5853 PRICED RIGHT This three bedroom bungalow in vernon condition, close Is. Full price $13, 800. Phone 668-5853. We have a Triplex - Six plex and Fourplex for sale, enquire ot our office todoy. Phone 668-5853. Grocery store dnd gos pu . located in Whitby. Sag "ter ' Information and ask for A rey Moore 668-5853. One and a half storey older home, centrally located. $2,- 600 down will buy. Phone 668-5853, Semi-detached, three bedroom home In good 'condition, own- ata Phone 668. Commercial . site, centrally located in Whitby, lot size 99' x 192') Ask for Marion Somsen. Athol St. One and a half storey home in immoculate condition separate dining room, stone fireplace, rec. room, landscaped central lo- cation. Low down payment to one mortgage, ask for Audrey Moore. Evenings call Marian Somsen 725-9750 Audrey Moore 668-4088 Pauline Hobbs 728-2179 Phyllis McRobbie 623-7159 or 668-8981 ED DISNEY REALTOR 82 Simcoe S. 723-2333 EXCELLENT BUILDING LOT, 80 x 188, north end, close to Camp Samac, 7 ROOM BRICK HOUSE on 3% acre lot, fully renovated, new furnace, bath, near store on main road. Would make excellent home for a com- mutor, Price $12,600 with good terms. BUILDING LOTS, surveyed ond registered, in Whitby neor new High School, 6 ROOM HOUSE, 44 x 55 corner lot, zoned Cl. Very central, GOOD BUILDING LOT, on Solina Road, Approximately 11 acres, excellent garden soil, adjacent to BA service station. H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker PRIVATE SALE -- 769 Bastgien Drive,| The ranch bungalow, lot SI' x 175' many oy $2,900 down payment. Telephone THIRTY-FIVE CENTS (coins) grace the holiday scene -- curve| centrally located in Whitbb, $65 monthly | Private bathroom, privat 'ance, stov for this pattern (no stamps./--qior flattens your face, simplelenm termmane' Telethons oeaI00 please) to Alice Brooks, care Oflvines with side- pleats are slim-|oNE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apariment Simcoe by Trent Canal. $2,- 500. 138 ACRE FARM with large modern brick home, campi Jack Maclagan, Mara Pt, | site on Pigeon River. Would ; Beaverton 426-9151 suit church camp, Boy Scout camp, etc. Good fishing, Off H. Keith Limited, Realtor Toronto ~ 9 om. to 9 p.m. 725-8068 723-2537 725-3454 725-5701 725-7732: O.P.P, PREMISES Provincial Police pre mises at Bowmanville offered at o reasonable price. In top condition. Presently leased at a very good rental, Requires $3,000 down, Shows about 30% return on investment. Don't wait! Leon Manitius Lloyd Corson Roy Flintoff Nick Siblock Lucas Peacock 725-4330 Edith Gifford 728-0768 Kenneth C. Toms 723-1121 Steve Englert 728-5581 Ernest: Mueller 728-0208 Jean Peacock 725-4330 Wolter Mittler 728-7083 Richard A, Young 723-7183 Anthony Siblock 725-4362 For. full particulars call main road 34 miles, 4 ACRES scenic building site in Kendal Hills on Ganaraska River, A playground of dis- tiction, aie DOWN buys this five-room "gunga- low with attached garage. Full price only $11,000 with one mortgage. Call S$. D. |Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-6286. NEW five-room brick bungalow with car- port located in Kingsmere Gardens, Ma- Call: hogany. kitchen cupboards, double sink, storms ge age eae Lh but a few of the mg ie hte hot extras. Cal . BD, Hyman Real Estate » UVisne S ' oes tech y 28-6954 © LOT 100 by 180, restricted suburban aree,|1 HAVE CASH and time payment buvers south of Camp Samac, Asking $3,300 cash. | waiting for fectapier fh al First time! 3 FREE PAT: FIFTY CENTS (50c) in coing|KIN@ AND GIBBONS. "Large two-bed- EVENINGS neighborhood of prestige homes, Spacious| 7269474 or 2-800 evenings. Pau! Ristow) A. L. Hooey thing! Send 25c. NUMBER |FOUR-ROOM apartment, R applique, for beginners, ex-tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario, |All conveniences. Central, Children welsimodern conveniences of built-in renge,| Dymond Drive, 725-6887. eee nt. Sronrece:, Monert tye 723-1121 ond | seed eaG ee "De AUS RN EARNER MONE HBR HE The Times, Needlecraft) ning Jail modern: conveniences. Dial Whitby] "RII "ut Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Ontario) printed. Pattern 4797: |Se8s hae II HORNER © 36, 38, 40 42, TWOBEDROOM apartment, in' new ACTIVE. REALTY NAME, ADDRESS. yards 45-inch fabric, 1. Call 7259328 | ene a big, exciting 1965) (ng stamps, please) for this pat- ian' sae nasrece: ae October, 17 | $300 DOWN. Sroom frame | house w with ora: $85.'BRICK ranch bungalow 1 Jive | Orice $7,900. Contact George Koornneet, 1; "4 Whitby 468-2920 ungalow in an executive 623-7264 toys, afghans, linens,|NamM DRESS, S$ ial Whitby poo oys AME, AD TYLE|° ~FeikcoMtalned, "Wvingroom, 3 bedrooms with man-sized| Ut P. Kowal Jr 623-5868 OOELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16, order to ANNE ADAMS. io Newcastle $55 _ monthly Telephone | closets and bullt-in storage, vanity in bath PRIVA See mag om mal entertaining. Large kitchen with! stantial down payment eeiraa a storey. Close to Nassau Street, .Big tiv GUIDE REALTY LIMITED Telephone 725-2671 home sold, call Bill i hnston, we ! loven and dishwasher. Bree: kitehen, four: bedrooms. This property Is Rc Heat johnston, Schofield. oe om Ue tae ne dessizns,|ry:ROOM:sparimnt, sive and. refrg- (gorge, Large landscaped lot with' pov @n| also zoned for duplex. Full price. $11,500,| SAVE A500. ona splitlevel or --ranch| INCOME, TWO-STOREY HOME --Con-| Aker Limited. 728-1066 ' Only $2,500. ° a * _ ' "Op plumbing, deep bi y Want Ads Dont FREE PATTERN --- any one} ____ |witt modern oll. tunece, 'Ne neg }FOUR-ROOM apartment, unfurnished, |EXCLUSIVE, clean si<-room nome wih ighway 115. residents See oe oe NULIBER, Women's Sizes 34, 'apartment building, stove, refrigerator | plainly P. 44, 46, 48. Size 36 requires 27%| washer - dryer free. Available November | s | 8- aluminum siding on 1% acres of 9) Catalog! 20. de-) jtern. Ontario residents add 2c|private -- three-room apartment, re 72 lor |soll. This is a handyman's specter 'rut signs -- smart stoles, jackets,|caies tax.: Print pla nly SIZE, triosrator, stove, central Whitby, | +1 $800 DOWN for this completely new and | No, 4 glass shower enclosure in bath No./ low, 2 bathrooms, a complete quilt patterns--pieced| pete of The Oshawa Times, Pat. ONE. AND TWO-BHOROOM epartinert® | [pts mily room for family fun and in-|sionally landscaped. Near schools. beautifully remodelied one and a half fashion' and fabric rivate er Ca eee order Asking. $21,800. 'Terms, Call. Harry] {lve acres land, lerge living .room, mod-! Month M Li k th D mirenc ry ¥ payments only $90. Call for ap- \ der the wint ks incen-|!rat. location, brick veneer, three béd-/CHEAP LOT! Centre - features plus coupon for ONF ling to babysit part time, Telephone o. Per ry, McGill Real Estate, Broker Gh Be tile "bathroom, recreation! pointment. Arthur Weinberger 725-8851 Heres oan From $1200. down, to one rooms, large living room with dining! Build how or Cone Star woe: Cost -They Pay | Wie choose! Send for new heal 8 decorated. Telephone 725-6705 for|two wathrooms and beautiful recreation|down payment. McGill Real ¢ Winter Pattern Catalog, 50c. further information, i |room, Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South,! Broker, ae A U Neweatie at THREE-BEDROOM brick veoser bunoe-|'MOrtaage. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377/eree. oak floors. Large. madern Kitchen, | Must Gell, Call Charles: Chaytor, 723-7996, cu|iow. Low down payment at 1424 Even-| HUNTING PROPERTY, 200 wooded acrea| ment 'on third floor, | rounds | rm eenner btdy Real atete, 'astate geline Drive, Oshawa. Excellent condi-|north west of Perth, Relig HD ideal for) end 'age. Private sale, 'rdeonone| fien, Telephone. 728-2570, hunting camp, Telephone 725-1089, Sasi K (Continued on Page 26)

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