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Oshawa Times (1958-), 15 Oct 1964, p. 4

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@ THE OSHAWA TIMES, Thursday, October 15, 1964 "No Hunting" Bylaw Affects Councillor - crepancy, did not go before the board for approval. The OMB wished to keep a close eye on the township's financial posi- tion,. and its inclination to de- velop prematurely, Mr. Faulkner said that this) resolution was recommended because, although the OMB had never disapproved of a con- sent, they had held up negotia- tions of ratepayers for weeks and months, sometimes by writ- ing for information that had al- ready been given them. Consents are first approved by) the planning board after site| bringing in businessmen accus-| visiting and careful planning,| tomed to suburban living who/then submitted to council for ap-| have méved into the township.|proval. Council then forwards I think people of the township|them to the OMB for its sanc- should have some say in its|tion, and the whole procedure area, where it has been held!planning," said Reeve Laycox.|takes a matter of months, for several years. |'A person who operates his; «t's just a case of bouncing Mr. Newman explained that it|/business out of the township is)them back and forth," said the was target shooting, not hunt-/not normally as familiar with] ;eeye, ing, and that the bylaw was|some of the problems." "It's a ridiculous 'situation," passed to discourage hunting. It) "I think that the type of in-| sqqeq ouncillor Donald Waring. is for raising funds to go back|dividual you need on Planning|' 6 OMB is not merely Trub- into the community. |Boards are the ones who can| por stamping them, It is ask- Deputy Reeve Mrs. J, Me-jtake a long look at it, and do| ing ys to say it all over again." Pherson said that since a bylaw|some long range planning," said "We are holding the line our- had been passed to say "no/Councillor Wank. "I am think- selves." said Mr. P aulkner, shooting," that councillors'|ing in terms of true planning "without their help. There were BROUGHAM -- Last week Pickering Township passed a bylaw to extend the restricted area for the discharge. of. fire- arms, It includes the Jand east of Sandy Beach road, south of Highway 401; all of French- man's Bay, and the southerly 300 feet of Lots 15 and 16 in Range 3. This, together with a bylaw passed some time ago, prohibits hunting in the south- ern built-ip part of the town- ship, and includes duck hunting at the bay. At a council meeting Monday night, Councillor W. G. Newman asked, on behalf of the Rouge Hills. Lions Club, for permission to hold the annual turkey shoot on the second Saturday in De- cember, on his property, in this so many of the earlier members of the board. The resignation was accepted with regret, commending Mr. Craig for his excellent record, Mrs. McPherson recommend- ed a name that had been put before council some time ago, that of R. R. McLaughlin, ac- companied | by fine qualifica- tions. Mr. McLaughlin had been a summer resident for many years. Now a permanent resi- dent, it was reported that he was willing to assist the Town- ship in this capacity. "I cannot help but feel we are sistance of parliamentary repre- sentatives will be sought. NEW APPOINTMENT John Gome, commodore of the West Rouge Canoe Club, was appointed to sit on the Parks and Recreation commit- tee, replacing Gordon Shaver, who resigned some months ago. PLAN WATER SERVICE * The old building in Brougham | . which has been used as a town- ship hall for many years, has been declared by the South On- tario County Health Unit unfit REPORT FROM OTTAWA Crop Insurance Plan Studied By RUSSELL C. HONEY assigned to it by the constitu-| MP, Durham Riding tion. The great bulk of Canadian) The House of Commons con-| Wo'kers are covered by provin- \ ti se j | cial labor laws as the provincial |tinues to occupy itself with farm | governments -exercise their jur- jlegislation. In my last two re-li ation to legislate with respect Is Popular for use until facilities are in-| a" : Ne |ports I gave details of the reat woe ee 8 eid has been a subject of | Smendments to the Ferm ge ty slags contention among councillors | Provement Loans Act legislation| (ment does however, have) these many months, those re. |and the new legislation provid: | srisdiction to legislate on mat-| presenting 'ha isa wart de. |iD& for co-operative purchase Of lors concerning workers ins Gh ciaring it not of benefit to the |farm pee hig the Present dustries under federal jurisdic-| the rural areas donloring. [amendments to the Crop Insur-| 10% such a8 railways, steamship closure, for it is used both by|2"ce Act which will make that) acting banking and crown| Council and by groups from|!¢sislation more attractive 10 | agencies various parts of the township. provincial governments who} Se Last week it was proposed | Must agree to)\ participate in| MINIMUM WAGE that it become a community|/%er to make the benefits centre for Brougham rather|4Vailable to farmers in the par- than a township hall, ticular province. A resolution was passed that BREAKS NEW GROUND whereas the sum of $1400 was| In the midst of the farm legis- appropriated for water and ser-| tation Labor Minister Allan Mac- vices for the township hall in| wachen found time last week to the 1964 appropriations, that this | introduce a bill which will estab- installation be provided for aS|jjcp a federal labor code for expeditiously as possible, Vot- Hanada. In. introducing the bill sr - cig Mee ithe labor minister said "'it vey Spang " Donald Waring breaks new ground in the field ent Deputy: Riste Mre. MG. of labor standards not only in Pharson. Ganong ell ent this country but on the conti- Reeve Laycox, Councillors Hu- Adee ' wa ete degisiation te bert Wank and John Campbell. become effective on Janis +, 1908. "T am in favor of: water in The bill has been given first the Hall, but I know what is go-|reading only. It will be debated The new legislation features al minimum wage provision of $1.25 per hour. Other items of the new federal labor code in- clude a standard eight hour day and a 40 hour week. After one year's employment an em-| ployee will be entitled to two weeks' holidays with pay. 'Pro- vision is made for a minimum of seven pajd statutory holidays. Overtime must be paid on™ the basis of at least time and a half. While the provisions of this new federal labor code will apply only to workers in the in dustries under federal jurisdic- phones will ring off the wall if|functions, I think the better the it is not adhered to. |man you get on any board, the 5 |better for the township." iC 7 IN re We ae ne le: tans "We need good men who have Pires Phe an - "4 had a lot of experience in all volved,"' said Councillor Hubert} so : ; . Wank. "I've always been quite| ings,' agreed Counciitor pid concerned permitting somethirlg "ergs But we eso eer S a contrary to a bylaw -- and par.| balance of members who are ticularly when it involves a| here not only in the evermngs-- : ' a balance of people who live 140.consent applications approv- ed two years ago, just 100 last year, and this year only 52 so far." Councillor John Campbell re- marked that the OMB was act- ing in good faith for the town- ship's good, and Councillor Wank observed that it was pleased with the township's) financial sef-up, and ing to happen in the future,"| fully as soon as it can be reach- said the Aisabe is a good hall/eq on the parliamentary caien- -- a-landmark.' s Thile ; ad After each of the councillors dar. While the legislation ma) made their remarks -upon the be subject to some criticism as project, Councillor Newman to detail it will probably receive said: all party endorsation in prin- ii costs the ratepayers much ciple money each time we sit in ses- ee sion. It will soon have cost us tion it is hoped it will have the effect of achieving a greater de- gree of unanimity in provincial labor legislation. It is expected that this new legislation will} cause the provincial govern-| ments to consider raising their] |minimum standards for jworkers under provincial juris- The federal government can|diction to bring them in to line Sun, the} - mene sitting on council. here all the time -- who-work|dresent vee suggested that the/in the township." that the restriction would soon potice ctrief's preiay be sought. "I feel that we should have a|be dropped. | sale rari § pope ga vulner- man from Ward 2," said Coun-| Deputy Reeve Mrs. McPher-} able postion, said Councillor} oi}jor Spang. '"'We have two on|son felt it is wrong to ask mem- be goon a ny ee ae board from Ward 1 now." bers of parliament to intercede the law iphoasin | | A resolution was passed that} in this < _" a avcox 3 at|Mr. McLaughlin be appointed,| Councillor Campbe Reeve C. W. Laycox said that|™ : ; " : " aking the dere -| with Councillor Spang opposing.| "In business you are taking the a ee aeons isa Asia a 7 wrong attitude when you go over council in a bad position. ELIMINATE RED TAPE somiéone's head. I think 'we RESIGNS FROM BOARD The planning board recom-| should approach them and give W. Hardy Craig, former chair-| mended a resolution for Council/ them an opportunity to answer man of the planning board,|t© Pass. "That Dr M. Dymond; There are certain things we whose resignation had not been|2nd A. Walker, MPP's for Pick-| spend too much time at," said agreed. accepted from the board earlier|€Ting Township, be asked for! Councillor Wank. 'This all costs this year when he maintained|help in eliminating the neces-) money -- administrative costs. that changing the rneeting night|Sity of township requiring On-| 'phe members of parliament from Friday, nights to Thursday | tario Municipal Board approval | i) not be requested to inter- nights was not satisfactory for| for all planning board con-|cege at the moment, but the him, asked that his resignation/sents. |planning director will write a be now finally accepted for he} Planning Director J. H. Faulk-|jetter to the OMB asking for had many commitments andjner related how the OMB placed) relaxation of these restrictions, could not attend any of the|this restriction on Pickering| and forward it under the clerk's meetings. Township in 1961, following the| signature .If this fails -- and it Councillor Harvey Spang saidjagreement to develop Bayjsucceeds previous letters and that it seemed too bad to lose! Ridges which, through some dis-! visits to the board -- the as- the amount of the expenditure|/egisiate only tm those areas| with the new federal labor code. 'Honey Objects |Q To Dayliner Concellation | ener a lds OTTAWA--Durham MP, Rus-| sell C, Honey, has filed a formal Wig Sed: co: ----, objection with the Board of A Transport Commissioners ro thee poll on 'these tour ques Canada with respect to the pro- | are |posed abandonment of the CPR), Ate you in favor of a wigs |Dayliner service between To-|flag for Canada to take the ronte and Peterborough. rece of the Red rg sol "i ane a is convenient service is you .or would + SUp- oe eae ee yards jused by many Durham County|Port a Canada-wide medical dren have also registered. to|"¢sidents: who can board or|insurance plan administered. by bring the total to 1,032 leave the trains at Cavan, | the federal government? ae Seven activities "are under Pontypool, Manvers Station or}. - to ve ee way at the present time and 439|Burketon, Mr. Honey claims, |immigration? adults have registered for them,|, Mt. Honey has advised the) Do you believe that - there They are: Aquarium» Society, | 20a"4 that it seems only teason-|showld be greater p 547 swimming. senior. citizens |#0!¢ that this service should not|by. the federal government in square dancing. movie club;|?¢ "iscontinued until such time) the field of education? Aracha weeks gan ate the Board of Transport Com-| The poll-takers will be at the rine rksnop ra"! missioners has an-opportunity to four corners in Whitby Friday society. hear all parties at a public hear-|night and in Brooklin Saturday. The five boys' hockey leagues,|ing, He asked that the CPR he| atom, pee wee, bantam, mid-|required to continue the service | get and juvenile, have 416 boys| until the matter could be deter-| registered. The girls' hockey| mined by the board. | has 33 girls registered in the| ----------------- two leagues, bantam and mid-|anq November are art cl get. - craft class, girls' gym baske There are 267 children regis-|ball and figure skating, tered in the baton, tap danc-|' Adult swimming registrations ing, bowling and touch football! will take place on Oct.'13 and programs. 14, Four adult programs consist-|------- ing of conversat8onal French, great books, basketball and; duplicate bridge will start later Fastest Relief For This Recreation Program pinion Poll In Whitby -- BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- More than 760 adults and chil- dren from the Town of Bow- manvilte have registered for the recreation department's winter program, OLD WORLD TRADITION LONDON CREAM LONDON WINERY LMITED LONDON @ ONTARIO CAN bOe Between Toes this month: | The five children's programs! that will start later in October Painful Foot Trouble | This special size STEAM BATH jand shape Dr, Scholl's Zino-pads Appointment for Mossoge |for corns between toes stops pain al- coll 728-2460 or 725-2109 | most instantly . i it, CONTINENTAL NEW WORLD PERFECTION Wed. om. to pm. 116A Ontario to discuss it." \~ EATS HEARTILY The duck-billed platypus eats at least half its own body's weight each night, including up to 1,200 earthworms and 50 fresh-water crayfish JAMES 1 O'MALLEY! Construction Ltd. 723-7122 1° Homes @ Additions PF @ Offices @ Remodeling LUMBER Does it Again! ASHWAY "OFF THE CAR" SALE WATERPROOF FACTORY GRADE SANDED FIR PLYWOOD Va"x4x8 $93.12 38"x4x8 $3.88 Ve"x4x8 $5.36 "xX4x8 $6.20 sree 34" x4x8 $6.98 sheet sheet sheet sheet Du Pont now brings you Flo-Glaze' Colorizer' FIRST COME FIRST SERVED BUY ANY QUANTITY - Prices SAVE good to 6 p.m. October 20th. No. 1 MAHOGANY GRADE STAMPED BIG MILL PLYWOOD INTERIOR DOORS 0x 6-6 .......$3.44 VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE x, 6'10" Self Storing Doors $22.77 to $23.77 STAINLESS STEEL SINKS . . $8.99 COMPLETE ~ AJAX YARD ON ROWE STREET SOUTH OFF HIGHWAY NO. 401 AT. INTERCHANGE 66 PHONE 942-1221 BROOKLIN YARD Corner Highways No. 7 & No. 12 PHONE 655-3313 all others at big sayings too! CEILING GARAGE TILE DOORS hs tow Qs / 108 ron 39.65 complete) ASPHALT SHINGLES In Carton Lots MAHOGANY %," ECONOMY GRADE yi 2x 4's 8 FEET LONG; aes ; C > t EACH COMBINATION BASEMENT UNITS 32" x 24" each Custom MADE TO YOUR Measure INSULATION COVERS ALUMINUM Paints-- The surefire way to decorate this fall 1322 COLORS -- the widest selection in Canada, and the easiest color selection ever developed. A color wheel localizes color area for matching any furnishings, while a color album gives reproductions In shade and gloss value for an exact choice, Flo-Glaze* Colorizer* Paints are easy to apply for a smooth, even, washable surface, and. are color fast. Du Pont, developers of Duco* and Dulux* auto and industrial finishes, back their line of residential finishes with the reputation they have earned in Nylon and Cellophane? See your Flo-Glaze* Colorizer* dealer for your best decorating buy this fall. DOORS 21 88 EA, 2'0" x 6'6"" Ruggea Z ber doors. Storms, screens closer, windchain and all hardware included. 2'8" x 6'8" nd 2'10" ALUMINUM WINDOWS eS 58 35 G -- CUBIC FOOT BAGS DuPont... the name you can trust in paint. FLO-GLAZE' Colorizer PAINTS Reg. T.M. "AVAILABLE AT THE FOLLOWING DEALERS" PATTE PAINT AND WALLPAPER LIMITED 85 Simece Street North, Oshawa, Ontorio 725-3529 SWAN HARDWARE Oshawa Shopping Centre, Oshawa, Ong 723-3527 DODD AND SOUTER DECOR CENTRE LTD. 107 Byron Strect Sout', Whitby, Ontario 668-5862 CORRIGAN PAINT AND WALLPAPER Aiax Shopping Centre, 148 Harwood Ajax, Ontario 39 $0. FEET Avenue 942-1660 79: . "ed cA.

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