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Mg Ch'ge 1% 6 ss 35 OS = @6¢ 8 = Su 3: 4 4 40 W% 10% We-- 270 20 20 «+14 4064 OCO*S4 bigs 2 Wat br % +1% 4 -3 "a 60 «+10 5 70 70 --10 29% 2% 972% 72Va 72% 29 212 2199 +7 We WA-- 2 ~-- Va mu +3 -u +3 5 . 3 1s M% % "a 0 | i 4 19 49 $11% 11% 11% 6 6 % =I 935 995 935 --S 362 36V2 369 +1¥2 500 30 500 +5 7 ST 225 225 bd 209 Ss 33 Ve 209 6 oe Se 2% 2% 2Ya-- Va)' 35 4 A. Toronto Stock Market | Listings Stock Sales ng Low Ay UA cn'ge eS +1 ins sis iu e+ % 19700 15 (4 + 500 90 2 500 7) VW 146 +3 41 +5 3200 HO 32 +20 12¥a 128 12a-- V2 wooo 15 16 16¥2 16% 16% 120 lm 120 +1 ae See | 34 3 Wat Va 95 85 65 HS 10Va 18¥2 18 oa Paramaq Pax Int Pick Crow Preston Qué Chib Que Sturg Quemont 120. 12 $10% 102 i= as "Ee aS ae 00% 37 Rockwin --2 " OBITUARIES % 4 MRS. H. 8. SANDERSON CHESLEY -- Mrs. H. 8. San- |derson, 78, of Chesley, died 68%2-- Thursday at her home after a heart attack. | Born in Pinkerton, |the former: Nellie P. Campbell. | she was 20 10 +%|She had lived in Chesley since} |1910 and was a member of St. %4| John's United Church and was a "life member of the Mission | Circle, 6 +8 mnt Surviving are her husband, ,,|Principal of Chesley Public "| School for 40 years, whom she '%\married in 1910; two sons, % | Arthur of Ajax and Dr. Robert of Windsor; one brother, Dr. Hardie Campbell of Windsor; one sister, Mrs. James (Flor- ence) Preston of Stratford and seven grandchildren. The body is at the Emke Fu BUSINESS BRIEFS ve) neral Home, Chesley, where the A be in) p.m. Saturday by Rev. Stevenson, Burial will .|Chesley Cemetery. MRS. ANNE JACKSON In failing health for a year and. a half Mrs. Anne Jackson,| 736 Albert street, died this moming at the Oshawa General Hospital. She was in her 5lst| year. A daughter of the late Mr.} and Mrs. Anthony Drayton, deceased was born Oct. 4 1914, $ | By THE CANADIAN PRESS FINDS DISCREPANCY Rio Algom Mines Lid. says \it has discovered a discrepancy + "slof $2,400,000 in the scrap in- |ventory of its Atlas Steels di- |vision. An interim report to 7? |shareholders says a new sys- jtem of scrap inventory controls | uncovered a difference of that mr) |amount between physical 'stocks +4 |and book inventory. The mat- + ler is under investigation, WINS' CONTRACT Bilis - Don Ltd. of London, Ont, has been awarded a | $2,794,000 contract for construc- jtion of the first phase of a new néill said the first stage will con- j of a fivé-storey medical|) | wing with single - storey ad-|} sist | ministration and occupational 4% \therapy wings on either side. +2 a ». = 9 380 380 «(380 M4 2 «112 U4 WA 4h ws Ww i A % 0 5 WV 180 $17 wt --s tin dealers in the first eight months RADIO SALES UP | Sales of radios, excluding auto radios, by distributors to of the year totalled 236,054, a *n 2.12 per cent increase from the wisame period of last year. The tail fin of Craig Breed- love's Spirit: of America jet car juts out of a canal at the Bonneville Salt Flats in wes- tern Utah. That's where the car and Breedlove landed af- funeral will be conducted at 2! «Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 6s +5 +3 500 100 Stock 33% 500 172 17V2 Wa + Va FOREIGN TRADING Cabo! mn Hn H ans Stl wt 200 860 860 * 65 Halli noo 38 100 495 495 a 5 300 $73% 73% 73% +1 20 215 25 715 --10 1000 128 128 12% --4 1200 228 228 228 --2 100 400 400 200 930 925 930 +5 East Sull Hud Bay Madsen Raglan Siscoe Sullivan Un Keno |lived most of her life in Oshawa. Mrs. Jackson is survived by two sisters, Mrs. Mary Mullen lof Penetanguishene and Mrs. Pauline Stire of Toronto, and four brothers, John of Toronto, Frank and William of Oshawa land Edward of Windsor. | jat Kamarno, Manitoba and had The memorial service will be}; lheld at the Armstrong Funeral |Home, at 2 p.m. Monday, Oct. 19. Interment will be in Osh- awa Union Cemetery. Rev. A. | Woolcock, rector of St. Mat- |thew's Anglican Church, will |conduct the service. Friends are asked not to call| thelat the funeral home before Sat-) leaders, lurday_ afternoon. IN THE CANAL ter setting a world land speed record. of 526.26 miles an hour Thursday. The parachutes de- signed to slow the car down failed and it skidded six miles into the canal. Breed- By JOSEPH MacSWEEN ee (CP) -- The pussy- smile of peony Wilson el an intelligence of swiftness and jong - efficiency. James Harold Wilson, 48, the man who persuaded the British Labor party to doff its cloth cap and don a white coat, is leading the socialists for the first time in the -- for the Oct, 15 Wilson, with his Foss 0g on memories of John F. Kennedy, having even edapted from the late United States president, whose autographed photo is in the living room of his modest suburban home. "I want to get Britain mov- ing again," says Wilson, his matter-of-fact Yorkshire accent at the far end of the scale from Kennedy's Boston twang. "What is wrong with our s0- ciety is that those who make the money are more regarded than those who eam money. "Government by amateurs" is a favorite target for the scom of the lifelong socialist-- and you can be sure the "am- ateur" he has most in mind is Prime Minister Sir Alec Doug- las-Home, | YOUNGEST LEADER Youngest of the three party Wilson "towers'"' over his | Labor colleagues--if a smal- love, unhurt, swam 15 feet to safety. It was the second time in three days that he broke the record. --(AP Wirephoto) With a CASCADE 40 electric water heating appliance you can use all the hot water you want at ONE LOW FLAT RATE. The CASCADE 40 produces hot water electrically 6 TIMES AS FAST AS AVERAGE USE DEMANDS... but... your water heating bill never increases. For information, call: your hydro LIVE BETTER ELECTRICALLY 4 b /OSHAWA PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION, PHONE 723-4624 ~-- In Co-operation With -- WHITBY PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION AJAX HYDRO ELECTRIC COMMISSION PICKERING PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION PHONE PHONE PHONE 668-5878 942-0500 942-2930 a new scientific Britain evokes|#€ the | Cal FG PE PO ORS NLT REY OE CE Tet Nip ENE EON ED! Feces ee ake Sooo eo minister, president of the board of trade, in nearly 150 yearns. The British are traditionally not theology," as he once put it. 'Wilson, Quick, Efficient, Attempts J.F.K. Tactics and wine and |He has moved from left to cen- ltre im the party. | "No one knows where Harold) Wilson stands or where his) loyalties lie," writes Mark Bon- | | Liberal party. COMPETE WITH FATHER Wilson and his 82-year-old father, Herbert, like 'to compete with one another by multiplying _.|two sets of four figures in their heads, The old man claims Har- old is slipping. "Perhaps it ts his evident |cleverness that is off-putting," says one periodical, "His ob- vious self-sufficiency; the im- pression he gives of having year before it was asked." rdvairy for years, Wilson watched a Tory top-level strug- gle with amusement. He grimly reported that R. A. Butler, Tory No, 2 man, once met for- mer prime minister Harold throat." Wilson enjoys the enthusiastic support of fellow pipe-smoker| pe vey Lord Attlee and in his austere approach to life is similar to ham - Carter, a power in the) al Macmillan et the airport and ery "gripped him warmly by the 5 that of the post - war Labor) ,"p prime "Nye eon poe ores 8 food reckless talk 3 ye tS ul atte , was born in Yorkshire, March 11, 1916, WOODBINE ENTRIES SATURDAY, OCT. 17 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 ba gen gd three- and four-year-olds, 1 Kalght O/Glin, Gordon 10? Benedictus,.No Boy WP idson 'Lorelei Stadnyk 108 Choppy River, No Boy 10? thought out every question a| Ber Involved in party leadership |Wet Claiming, three sion of Ist), 1 1-16 miles, pine Princess, No found, Prien, Harris X104 Good Ovation, No Boy W4 Also Poe FOURTH RACE -- Purse C three-year-olds (Divieton jawey Bive, Fitzsimmons 117 PIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 Claiming, three-yeer-olds and up, 6 Boise RACE -- Purse $1,900 ($2500). furiongs. THIRD RACH -- Purse $2,000 ($2500). end four-year-cids (Divi-| 64 le: Selectim, No Boy 109, "5 end A. M, Cuddy entry # 'ages (97800). |S Curb wat x11 Pikes Anthony. Maxwell AMT | Swoon Dittfach 119 be | Eddy, i. p "i onstancia io Boy {Sone % Victor ia Hillorest Steble entry | QUINELLA BETTING) SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,900, land' allowances, two-year-olds, 7 | Later, Maxwell A-117 Davigten, 8 oe. ¥ No Boy 1 snoron Inert Wally Wallace, No Boy B- 708, Royalatache, Remussen 120 River Perty, Gomez 116 Caledon Colonel, Walsh 10 Bahia Blanca, No Boy A-114 Misty Bandit, Hele 113 wage ser Ranch end Mrs. W, 8 entry p--Siattord Farms entry PB gb dod bl bon -- Purse a "Durtiam Cup Stakes Handicap," 12. ag and wp foaled Ls) Soda, te fhaneaiet, Shuk A-117 Already Dia, Armstrong 11¢ Albion Star, Welsh ce 'idson Ship, Con Artist Gordon 0. » Gomez "ay . Dey, Remillard 126 rH. A. Grant end H. W. Knight, Je, EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ( carne: three-year-olds end up, 1 bad Potts 112 bas) jessie B, Black' Raven, West Four, Waish Rasmussen Copper Baron, inde 119 Vedes, No a Pe se Noa X--7 tbs. Xm0 fos, AAC POST TIME 2 PM. m2 fr. PORTION HALF LOIN. ces AT 55516905 Specials effective until closing Seturdey Oct. 17th. RE TENDERIDIN ens HALF LOIN ( PACKAGE STOCK UP bet ll K SAVE FS ye ee Rich & Creamy "© #SAVE.2a@** (REAM'G IN THE CONVENIENT zipe HEINZ "TeMATe KEICHUP MASTER PACK TENDER *sAve Bt PEAS: FRESH FROM THE TROPICS BANANAS . J {los ae] 07, 3o8 37-