A i ee anne HARD-WORKING students of O'Neill Collegiate and St Joseph's High School from ST Gregory's -- Separate School™ were rewarded recently with scholarship prizes from St, Gregory the Great Coufcil of +he Catholic Women's League. WEDDED HAPPINESS | --Mary's s Studio NEVER TOO OLD NAME CNR DIRECTORS MONTREAL (CP) -- For 70-| OTTAWA (CP) -- Appoint- yearold Mrs. Percita Dakin of/ment of five new directors of suburban. Dorval, she was not| |the Canadian National Railways | too old even eight years ago to) land reappointment of three ex- resume an active hobby--horse-|isting directors was announc ed| mee xf |"Tuesday by Transport Minister) back riding. Her childhood! piccersgill, The new directors training enabled her to regain| include Clifford A. Curtis, King- her proficiency at the sport|ston, dean of the school of grad- rapidiy, and this year she rode|uate studies at Queen's Univer- at the famed Reitverein-Freu-|sity and a recognized authority denau school of horsemanship inj}on banking and financial mat- Vienna, appointed for three years i ters, | | husband ja man and 17 DADDY'S BOY Celebrating his first birth- Mir. and Mrs. Glen Roy Fiin- day today is Jonathan Craig toff and Mr. and Mrs, Robert Francis Fernandez, Great- Fernandez, son of Mr. and grandparents are Mrs. Nor- Mrs. Aaron Fernandez, Dat- man Lehman >f Toronto and lington boulevard. His grand- Mr. Ernest Flintoff of parents. all of Oshawa, are Oshawa. --Photo by Hornsby LILLIAN MAE MARSH SCHOOL OF DANCING D.E.A., M.D.A, Ballet, Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character AT MASONIC TEMPLE 91 CENTRE ST. INFORMATION 723-7253 | for a night, /HOPELESS BATTLER. ihunt are not going to win this) \while {killing those lovely jdeer, other | closets | those | haven't THE OSHAWA 'TIMES, Friday, October 16,1964 7 Educationist Explains Advanced Programs At Supper Honoring Scholarship Winners Principal of McLaughlin Col- legiate and Vocational Institute, George L. Roberts B.A.Sc., P.Eng., brought relief to listen- ing students and comfort to their mothers when he told them that there would be a re- dpection in Grade 13 examina- tions next June and that the examinations would be shorten:| ed in time limits, This was in keeping, he said, with the changes in the concept of education demanded by au- tomation and the higher-geared way of life today. The final mark would depend partly on} the year's work rather than last! minute cramming and the psy- cological torture of writing for remote examiners. The new program was devised, he con- tinued, to stir intellectual cur-| josity and an analytical thinking in contrast to an accumulation of facts. A' multiplicity of programs had been set up to suit the stu-| idents and meet their needs and leapabilities: Three branches had been es- tablished in the five-year) course in preparation for uni- versity, containing at least 80 per cent academic study, as fol- lows: 1) Arts and Science. 2) Science, technology streettength trades. 3) Business and commerce. to. right, Larry Wilson and Di- anne Savoie (OCVI) and . Eileen' Menard and Ted » Marks (St. Joseph's). Seen with their spiritual advisor, Monsignor Paul Dwyer and per Principal, Sister Mar: Sheila, » are eft Betty Ann O'Reilly Married To Vernon Frederick Iverson Saint Mark's Church (Angli-;ronto, wearing a can) was the setting for the/brocaded dress with matching wedding last Saturday of Betty|jacket and blue accessories, Four year courses would also Anne, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.|carrying a nosegay of redijbe provided in all three B. F. O'Reilly and Vernon Fred-|roses and white chrysanthe-|branches for those not consider. erick Iverson, son of Mr. and mums, ing university. These courses Mrs. Donald Iverson, all of The best man was Mr. Brian/ Would lead into such careers as Oshawa. Hayes. The ushers were Mr,.| management training, public The Reverend Alfred Wool-|Roger O'Reilly, brother of the|relations, secretrial, stenogra- cock officiated. The soloists,|bridegroom and Mr, Douglas phic and skilled trades. Mrs. W. J. Neil, Mrs. T. E,| Robertson of Toronto. Simpson, Mrs, Ernest T, Dob-|. For the reception at Fernhill|that new and diversified occupa- ney, sang "The Voice that|Clubhouse, the bride's mother = Breathed o'er Eden," "Praise|received wearing a two-piece'|since 1958 My Soul, the King of Heaven,"| beige lace suit, matching acces- and "O Perfect Love,' accom and The bride was given in mar-| wore a blue riage by her brother, Mr. Ever-| matching accessories and a cor- ett O'Reilly. The bride wore an|Sage of yellow roses question, He refuses to give me afternoontength wedding. gown) During the reception a tele-;up. He watches every move I of carnatioy, white organza over|gram was received from the}make so there's no chance of taffeta, featuring scoop neck-,bride's sister, Mrs. C, A. Wine-| meeting anyone else. line and three-quarter length| garden 2°d Flying Officer Wine-| The only solution is to leave sleeves, The high-wasited bod-| garden and sons of Portage La|my family, friends and job and ice was overlaid with re-|Prairie, Manitoba, who were} move to another, state. Is it embroidered pearl studde d/unable to attend. fair that I must run while he appliques and scrolls of silk! For a honeymoon trip tojis free to stay put and prob- braid, the princess styled skirt) Niagara Falls the bride chose ajably take up with someone falling into bouffant fullness and; mint green dress with matching new? highlighted by a detachable|accessories, and a corsage of Please print my ietter as a train eaught by a self rose. A) pink roses. lesson, It's so easy to become double crown of crystal and) On their return Mr. and Mts.|involved and so difficult to get pearl held her tiara and scal-|Iverson will reside at 31 Buck- out.--UNA loped veil of silk illusion. She ingham avenue. Out-oftown| Dear Una: Your story reads carried a bouquet of red roses guests were from Rochester;|fine until you say, Breaking and white chrysanthemums. N.Y. Toronto, Winnipeg, Peter-|off is out of the question. He The bride's attendant was|borough, St. Catharines, and|refuses to give me up.' Miss Barbara Boynton of To- |Oswego, N. Y. Why does the decision rest piacemee with HIM? The man_ doesn't ANN LANDERS lace dress with! set-up and I'm the goat. Breaking off is out of the jown you. He has leased you for ment | Mrs. tions were bringing about changes in Grade 9 programs, some pupils profiting by 50 per cent academic work and 50 per! cent specific occupational train-| tng. These experimental programs had been introduced, he said, to fit the rising generation for qualified employment and to meet the requirements of the academic, economic and pro- fessional fields of a progressive country. Mr, the October meeting of the St. yregory the Great Council of the Catholic Women's League, at which scholarships of $50 each were presented to the girl and |boy from. St. Gregory's school jwith highest standing in Grade 12 and proceeding to Grade 13, and to the boy and girl from St. Joseph's High School 'with highest standing in Grade 10, In the absence of Mrs. Ray Scott, convener of education, Mrs. A. C. Love introduced the winners: Larry Wilson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Wilson, 26 Brock street west, and Diane} Savoie, daughter of. Mr. and Mrs. A. Savoie, 227 Kendal av-| enue, students at OCVI, and Ted Marks, son of Mr, and Mrs. Ernest Marks, 102 Adelaide av- LODGES AND SOCIETIES IODE (Golden Jubilee Chapter) The regular meeting of Golden Jubilee Chapter, LODE, took place recently at Adelaide A. Vivash, presiding. After the usual reports were read, two new members, Mrs. J.} "the chynski were installed by were read by Mrs, E. L. Disney, concerning the Oshawa Folk Festiva! and the Annual IODE Convention held in Hamilton, Two guests from England were present, Mirs. P. J, Hughes and Mrs. E. J. Freeman, The lucky prize was won by Mrs, Kerchynski. It was decided that extra money be sent this year to the chapter's adopted Greek. boy for his Christmas present, aind that a cheque be sent to a student minister entering his second year at Emmanuel College, The chapter will again. present awards in English and History at Central Collegiate. The guest speaker was Mrs. Annold Hambly,.who showed slides taken during several sum- mer visits to the Eskimo settle- at Lovungnipuk, in the Northern part of the Eastern Arctic. Accompanying the slides Hambly gave a very inter- esting and informative talk about life in the Arctic. Many of the Eskimo carvings come from this village. Mrs. W. H. Gibbie thanked Mrs, Hambly on behaif of all the members The meeting closed with the singing of "God Save The my | Queen'"'. Oshawa Diving Club Skin and Scuba Classes For Men AT THE Bors CLUB For Information ALEX MocDONALD 725-9704 Roberts was addressing| the, enue west, and Eileen Menard, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Leo- pold Menard, 630 Grierson street; students at St. Joseph's. Presenting the awards, Mon- |signor Dwyer congratulated the young students and expressed | the hope that they would con- tinue on to higher goals. Stress-| tion in the world today, Mon-| signor Dwyer pointed out that the student should not be ambi- jtious only for himself; that true ambition meant contributing to the welfare of others, the com- munity, the country and the world, | Sister Mary Sheila, principal of St. Joseph's High School, thanked St. Gregory's Council for the encouragement given the students by awarding the schol- arships, and extended her con- |gratulations to the winners, The parents of these stu- dents were among the honored guests, and corsages were pre- sented to the mothers and bou- tonniers to the fathers. The meeting, in the form of a pot luck supper, was held in St. Gregory's auditorium, The | president, Mrs, W. H. Boissoin, welcomed those present and ex- ing the value of higher aduca-|~ tended the congratulations of | St.. Gregory's Council to the! successful students and their parents. Seated at the head | table were the Right Reverend Paul M. Dwyer. Director of the Council, Reverend Sister Mary} Sheila and Reverend Sister Mary Constance of St. Joseph's| High School staff, Mr. George| L. Roberts, Mrs, Milo Pultz,| president of St. Gregory's PTA, | Mrs, Jo Aldwinckle, Women's Mr. Roberts further explained! House, with the Regent Mrs, J.| Editor of The Oshawa Times, | _ | BILL MITCHELL 623-7285 a few choice years but this | |\type of "'contract" can be bro- | iken simply by. non - perfor- |mance, and you know it. . . ' | Dear Ann Landers: I am 17, Advice To Wives P : jand a high school senior who j lhas been elected cheerleader. : fm |Our school. schedules the foot- jball and basketball games on Of Hunter-Husbands Friday night. I am allowed one igs, all [date a week. fii My parents Insist that Dear Ann Landers: Hunting reasons why he can't leave his|Friday night cheerleading is a season is here which means one| wife "at present." |date because I am out of the fight after another, I don't! The married man I've been| house and away from my stud- mean just for a few days either.| going with for six years insists | ies. This means I can't have a I could stand that. These fights |he will never cheapen our re-|real date all during the sports go on for months. jlationship, by giving me_ ex-/season. I've discussed the problem Ofjcuses.. All he says is, "We'll| My boy friend is in the stands the 'Hunting Husband" with|be married eventually, Have while I am out front cheering. other wives and here are the faith." The game is usually over at techniques we have all tried--| His children are almost | along with the results. grown. Their college education . Is this. fair?--CHEER- (1) Put your foot down andjis assured, 'His business is LESS LEADER say, "No. You can't go AGAIN thriving. His wife gives him no' Dear Cheerless: No Cheer- jand leave me and the chil-|static. He does as he pleases--|leading is part of school acti- idren."" They go anyway. no questions asked, We've been vity and should not be counted (2) Be nice about it and send/together almost every _evening as a date. ithem off with a big smile. They; ------------__--------____--_----_ take advantage and go twice as }much (8) Go along. Impossible. No woods are big enough for a and his. wife. The woods are plenty big enough for club members, |! however. | Another "thing our husbands! have going for them is an eight- jroom. club house. They tell us to be sure and. pack their best dress slacks and sport shirt in| case they decide to go to town | FABRICS 3000 COLORS TO CHOOSE FROM! By The Yard At HARLEIGH SUPPLIES (Oshawa Ltd.) Oshawa Shopping Centre 725-3012 000000000000000 WOOO OOOO BOOIOOWIIOIIOOI SOOO III So what's the answer, Ann?-- Dear Hopeless: Widows of the | buitle, so accept the inevitable. Your best bet is to keep bitsy your husbands are out brown-eyed themselves and each (You -heard me.) Get together for potluck sup- pers, Do your back Jetter-writ- ing. Wax the floor. Clean the and drawers. Read wonderful books you had time for, KEEP BUSY Dear Ann Landers: A mar. jried man with a girl. friend usually has three or more Rood | " FREE) HALLOWE'EN MASKS @ FUN FOR EVERYONE e FROM NOW -- UNTIL OCTOBER 31st -- OR WHILE THEY LAST FANNINGS' LAUNDERERS AND DRY CLEANERS WILL GIVE A HALLOWEEN MASK | FREE WITH EVERY DRY CLEANING ORDER DIAL 723-1149 FANNINGS' LAUNDERERS and DRY CLEANERS 25 ONTARIO STREET, OSHAWA Established in Peterborough 1898 -- Odorless Dry Cleaning rf 30 and I have to be home by |, © WATCHES © RADIOS © CRYSTALWARE © DISHES © CHINA "BURNS MOVING SALE" and her assistant, Williams, Miss Roberta Gates, Miss Loretta Gates, Mrs, A. C Love, Mrs. Miss Kate Connolly. The supper was convened by Mrs. Anthony Cebulski. Her as- 'sistants were Mrs, Leopold Me- nard, Mrs. Herman Lefaive, Mrs, Bruce LaForce, Mrs. Ed- ward Martin, Mrs. Kenneth |Broadbent and Mrs. . Thomas Simmons, J Mrs. I. J, Mr. Roberts was introduced by Mrs. Ralph Jones and thank. . Ralph Jotes ind ed by Mrs. Ralph Patterson. WESTERN Olt co. @ FREE cusantig & ory @ FREE @ Parts on your ioe? when you purchase our fuel oll. 725-1212 (), varteeniee peoowcee " CHATEAU-GAT wines LIMITED a Peete eanaee UY NOW ; Am 'I supposed to be satis-|M. Souch and Mrs. Michael Kor- F ns ~ ye,"' accom.|Sories and corsage of red roses fied because I can see him panied by Mr. Russel Flutter at} with a white fox stole. The) whenever I want? It's begin-|Regent,. Two special reponts, JEWELLERS LTD. the organ. bridegroom's mother, assisting, ning to look like a pretty weird|written by Mrs. W. H. Faint Moving. Sale Now On and SAVE for CHRISTMAS © RINGS © LUGGAGE © JEWELLERY © CLOCKS up re) OFF To 50 % REGULAR JEWELLERS BURNS 32 KING W. OH ow Wedding so lovely, , . Now! Thot most Important of all days, your wedding day, Is so close! You have plans and decisions to make... where to have your reception, where te procure your coke, , , the flowers. . . protocol! '{ we may soy 80, this is wt cater to your every wish; shoulder every problem .. . rere we would like to step in ond from orranging: your receiving line, to the time required: for photo- grophers ... + «. the place cards... your lovely wedding table, glowing in candlelight even the prettily bowed cake knife +» + . Suggesting a delicious selection of delicacies, expertly prepored by our Chef, of wh om we are most proud, It would be a particulor pleasure to show you our attractive reception and dining room; t seats up to 130 guests, and © twinkling; lastly, a charmi very own budget. It will be o collect at 623-337 BOWMANVILLE INTERCHANGE NO. 78 of course, custom toilored in one packoge deal, he downstairs banquet hall, whigh can be transposed for dancing in ing chonge room . and oll this, te suit your ur pleasure Call our Wedding Hostess . Fine YD atloinsiebi Hotel so romantic rears et os mete OT, sme! \ se UTRDUFLUSUnU OPER ee ue en MUTA UMA TT ee see cones recor