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Oshawa Times (1958-), 20 Oct 1964, p. 15

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WEW luxuric luxurious four: je home, | by lot, Neer Pickering on rg " High- | duplex, 'led 'Seurecm and kitchen, range play td monthly or will sell. Telephone | and refrigera ALL OIE EP oY weory 18--Male or Femole + Help Wanted oe 7 tor room and 'tows. Sooremrhe 623-237. Jerry Mearns Avenve. 25--Aportments 25-- Apartments 27--Real Estate For Sale 127----Real Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate for Sele \27--Real Estate For Sale ve Ge» eng eg © SO eNOS A pe PELE ITE GIR THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tuesday, October 20, 1964 95 20--Room and Board ND D for one to share. Twin beds, 5 dey week. 6 o'clock. ROOM AND BOARD, single, and doubie room, home cooked ig \gesiang space, Apply 136 Summer's '22--Offices, Stores, Storage STORE * FOR RENT Immediate occupancy. Approx, 350 sq. ft. SIMCOE SOUTH Opposite Adelaide House. FOR INFORMATION Call 725-5132 _ OFFICE SPACE AVAILABLE In Times Building CONTACT T. L. WILSON AT THE TIMES STORE FOR RENT. immedia jate posses- sion. Apply 75 Charies Street efter 5 p.m. 23--Wanted To Rent SEE THE VISCOUNT 300 Grenfell Feoturing large master bed- room with wolk-in closets, broadioomed corridors, im- pressive --iobby, beautifully londscaped lawns, immediate occupancy. For rental infor- mation see supt. ot THE DIPLOMAT 340 Morlond Ave., Apt. 111 728-4283 LUXURIOUS LIVING Mary oles, eg sper! tment, ee aie & 'or four rooms bus, schools, Lg et, hot water. 3537. Sor --_ L. S. SNELGROVE CO. LTD. REALTORS 26--Rooms For Rent 723-9810 ATTRACTIVELY FURNISHED ROOMS Available in private home. Call between 5 and 7 p.m. 82 PARK RD. N. 728-8671 FES 0. iriver oo ye room Pteiete Telephone' 43 Park Rd. S. 725-5761 5% N.H.A, RESALE Spotiessly clean, 5 room, 3 bedroom brick bungalow just a few years old, some of the extras include, aluminum storm windows and doors, TV tower, nicely decorated 'and landscaped, a good home for the dollar wise buyer, list ot $12,900. with $2,500, CENTRALLY located. Nicel room and ly conveniences, TV outlet, $1), weekly. T GOVERNOR MANSIONS 2 Bedroom Suite Immediate Possession Adults only. TELEPHONE For Appointment LARGE kitehen with bedroom, floor, new cupboards, sink, Parking. 150 Celina Street 723-6549. Good _ condition 725-5079, 668-8560. TWO-BEDROOM apariment, in washer - 1, Call 725-9328. frig, suitable for trance, aiso » Apply 1 Agnes Street. Y furnished itchen. All ivate entrance 560. ONE room with tlemen, private en- space. down, call Sid Mortyn 723- 9810. 4 PARKLANE AVE, Owner with G.M._ transfer 56! must sell his 6 room bunga- TWO lerge nicely furnished rooms private ae near hospital. in low of just o few years, kit- $ult "main suit couple. 1960 JEEP two-wheel drive, custom cab. throughout, elephone f c |ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM. apartments, | ma; \all modern conveniences. Dial Whitby A Cc "ne wio'el apartment buliding, stove, refrigerator, FU dryer free. Available November FOUR-ROOM sgariment, seit-genrorney ly. couple or business fady. ail H conventencene- Reasonable Phone 726- NICELY furnished bedroom home stop. Gentlema: Caron, bri pita Call 723.7100. LARGE, furnished bedroom bed; also single room. Appl Own entrance, MeTY fr Lage FURNISHED aaa Sais belt ge A Phone. 723-98 LARGE orig front furnished bedroom two beds. it two respectable ladies or gertiomen to share. $7 each. weekly. of hospital. 728-2758. 723-1712 - 728-291 1\s near North General Motors, thol Street -- 1 ond iting room, cane. Girl downtown, FURNISHED single room. lose to hospital, Dial 728-9984, with double rescent or telephone lock. coe room, gutieble to for , wor' nice perk egy to me line poy Meetatte Centre. 114 Grenfell. Telephone 728-2065. In quiet bus in preferred. Apply 232 'Furnished light house- Clean, quiet. le 116 Tyler after 4 in Newcastle. $55 month 725-2539. All conveniences. Central. ONE-ROOM apartment. with refrigerator and stove. Suitable SMALL country or iddie-aged lady or gentleman. |TWO bedroom apartment in apartmen stove--and refrigerator, ONE- AND TWO-BEDROOM apartments. | si Children *wel- come. Parking. 300 High Street. 668-5093, > Fully furnished for Apply ~ King Street West or telephone 723 fown house wanted | 5804. by couple with two children in Oshawa-| TW wey area, Reasonabdie rent._Telephone} [pondinn: T sons. Teli treet East. ATTRACTIVE, furnished room for nice working girl or gentieman, close to bus, Wilson and Windsor Plazes. Telephone 723-4491. ONTARIO STREET, 77 Furnished single bedroom on re floor. Apply be tween 6 p.m. and 8 p. ent $90 FURNISHED room in quiet } ait home. Gentle 1st sf h,| Men-preferred, 474 Crerar_Avenve. HREE rooms for rent for sing jephone 728-6909. Apply 50 S wither anes Bedroom 'home, 'Duke of Eain| Rais "only. 728-8876 burgh Schoo! erea by Nov. 3, reliable sole farm. Phone 728-6446. BEDROOM house for recently transferred. Best Telephone 725-8972. HOUSE WANTED in Oshawa - | ge Alax area. Two bedrooms. nings. young 5 temniiy | references | available. Urgent, Oshawa and District.'R Whitby - Telephone eve- 'engineer with 2 pre-school--chil-+- en: house, Ajax- ember Ist. Write DUPONT dren desires 3 bedroom Whitby area around Nov: €. Almauist, 851 Retlaw Drive, Sarnia. 24--Houses for Rent Clean,| MODERN one bedroom aperiment in new |deluxe building, refrigerator, drapes, elevator, broadioom in halis and lobbies, ree balcony with scenic view. easonable rent. Enquire superintendent, Apt. 310 at a Marland Avenue, Oshawa, -- | SIMCOE STREET NORTH 499 -- Four- room upsteir apartment comaniataly. fur- nished. 3- stove iece bath, nicely 'ated, thea © nee included. Adults. only side BEAUTIFUL 7 new two-bedroom and din #room - apartment, L 942-11 iaeonoon "house on Taunton Road, te possession, $120. per month. immediai Telephone Bowmanville, 623-3950, SOUTH plant General Motors, NHA irnished. Apply Street. Cajt 728-4190. and ~ Hiving ing room, kitchen and bathroom, balcony, electric heat and light, refriger-| ploy: ator, stove, . laundry facilities, drapes, parking. Call 723-5416. Upper tor, Private entrance, $110. | monthly. Siniddie aged couples preferred. Petal December 1. 723-7202. FOUR-ROOM upstairs jepariment. "Private bath, -- unfuy Albert WARM, room in penene gent! clean, one furnished home. Apply 102 Bo Street East. DIVISION "STREET, 25, si rooms for gentlemen. Apply above je Tey FURNISHED room, ane GM em- ployees. Telephone 723-6844, SINGLE room for gentleman, south GM. Abstainiers, Call 725-8645, end dingle room, quiet clean home, 5_minutes. four corners. Gentieman only. Apply 135 Celina Street. FURNISHED si ie room, sult GM em Ritson 'ee. yg load South or 773-6844. 27---Real Estate For Sale PICKERING -- Two-bedroom epertment with batcony in triplex. Stove, refriger- @tor, free washer able two adults, 'No children. November 9. Call 623-3482, Possession | FOURS "ROOM unfurnished apartment, « conveniences, private entrance. Telephone 725-8704. Available immediately. BLOOR, SIMCOE -- Six rooms, oil heat. Close monthly. bo ag flow, 725-4521 or Sond 5S Bloor to General Motors, $95. dry' Alex 942-2401, Twos HOR DROOM apartment, pris er. Adults please. en-| bath. Available now. Apply) a 2 Albert Street 728-4190. : bbhbdd modern one-bed COUNTRY HOME, near room epértment eveilable eeeany: $110 per month. JOSEPH BOSCO REALTOR 728-7377 833 Simcoe Street South $10,400 FULL PRICE -- 5 room home in East Spacious lot, neor oll reall Asking $1, 000 Down. bed- ery 'central. Sult close to chen and dining room win- dows overlooking beautiful rear yard with full. grown opple trees, living room hos natural fireplace, 3 good size bedrooms, 4 piece bath with vanity, large recreation room, double windows, TV antenna, beautifully land- scaped, a home and district to be truly proud of, asking $15,900. with $3,000 down, call Ernie Wilson 725-8761. LOW DOWN PAYMENT Centrally located, quiet street, 6 room, 3 bedroom home, newly decorated, modern kit- chen, oil furnace, $75.00 per month payments with low down payment, call Ernie Wilson 725-8761. 2 BEDROOM BUNGALOW $9,900. Full price, reason- oble terms, recently reno- vated and loaded with im- provements, we invite your inspection, coll Sid Martyn 723-9810. |SIMCOE ST. COMMERCIAL 207 Ft. frontage, including 2 stores and garage, an op- portunity now to pick up some valuable property at a very reasonable price, call _ Ernie Wilson or Sid Martyn * 723-9810. 7 ACRES COMMERCIAL Located on No, 12 Highway north of Whitby, approx. 230 Ft. frontage, nice level land, open to an cffer with good down payne call Sid Rartvn 723-9810 25 ACRES --$5,060.--tuit with '$1,000. down, iust a few minutes drive to Osh- awa, approx.. 22,000 Ctirist- mas trees planted over a few years, an excellent hobby with a good profitable return, call Sid Martyn 723-9810 STURGEON LAKE 5 room, 3 bedroom summer home, insulated, lined and decorated, fully furnished in- cluding television, hot and cold water, 2 piece wash room, beautiful view, #6. 500. full price with $1,0 down, call Sid Martyn ay. asking --price-- 29 NEW Oshawa, Refer: ences required. W. "Prank Real Estate, Ltd. Diels 62-3393. 25--Apartments Telephone 728. WHITBY: oo 'epartment, water, large unfurnished rooms, centr: location ; ic one ~~ Lahey unturnier| ed room. Whi heen iment, & private 'efrigerator, balcony, entrance and bath. $20. weeki: heat and light, near | heat, las Root 70 after 5. [106 William Street West. hydro, water, free parking. Apply | NORTH END Modernized 2 storey dwelling, with goree and poved drive. $1500 Down. MARY STREET Very tidy 2 bedroom bunga- tow with paved drive. Asking $12,300 with terms. N.H.A. HOMES Hillsdale Terrace E, of Ritson - Selling Fast Under $500 Winter Bonus RANCLIFFE DEVELOPMENTS LTD. OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS PRINTED PATTERN FOR TEEN. FASHION MODEL DOLL 4891 THRIVING ROOMING HOUSE Located downtown and fully rented. Asking $29,000 with terms. Sally Wollace Elmer Fredin 725-6297 725-2753 SEVEN 1965 MONELS Priced from $15,950 Down Payments from $1,790. Less $500 winter bonus. Bungalows, split levels, 2 storeys, gorages, carports, built-in ranges, ovens, storms, SIZE 11%" YOUR OWN 'MINK' screens, Many other extras. Directions: From Ritson Ru. go E. on Rossland one block Follow model signs South to Sales Office. Open 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. daily. Also choice Resales from $13,300 Exclusive Agents H. GRIFFIN Real Estate Broker 723-6431 After 9 p.m. Call 723-4134 FOUR-BEDROOM ranch style bungalow with attached garage, paved drive, family room, natural fireplace, large lot, cen- traily located. Asking price $70,900 with substantial down payment. Must be seen. to be arranged. Call Mr. Gower at 728-6286 $. D, Hyman Real Es- fete Limited. ONE ACRE iots for sale, Trulls Road. Call _H. Bates: 725-1186 or 728-6923. tor 109 | by 180, restricted suburban area, Samac. Asking $3,300 cash. Joe Crawford Neil Compbell John Gravelle Murray Boyle Doug Skinner "BILL HORNER ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 TRADE your present home on @ new Cal S. D. Hyman Real Estete Limited. 728-6286 for more particulars. STONE STREET, Beat this! $12,700 NHA 6 per cent three bedroom, solid brick decorated. $450 down. aie terms, Im mediate possession. 728-53 TO CONTRACTORS ORLY. Commercial site for sale. Corner Rossland Road West and Highway 12, Telephone 668-5104 any- Camp Telnohone 725-2671. 723-1021 725-1015 728-0594 723-4270 728-4900 KEITH PETERS REALTOR - 728-7328 REALTY LIMITED 16 Simcoe St, S. 723-1121 $800,00 DOWN New heating, T.V. oeriol. NORTH-WEST per month, principal pa pool COMMERCIAL BUILDING LOT Simcoe St. N., 72 ft. x 148 ft, Call today for full parti- lors. MUST BE SOLD Only $1,500 down for this lovely 5 room brick home, recreation room and extra bedroom almost completed. We consider this is'a good deal, in this fine location. The price is only $14,500. Call to inspect this home to- night. CENTRALLY LOCATED Attractive 3 bedroom home, minutes from North G.M. plant. Large kitchen, seporate dining room, situated on a well landscaped lot. 100 ACRE FARM 8 room brick home and lorge barn. Good well, school bus ot door, Part of this property could be used as a sand and grovel business. COUNTRY ATMOSPHERE Yet just minutes from the city. 6 room brick bungalow with -- attached --garage---on Elizabeth Crescent. Cathedral ceiling in living and dining rooms, Hollywood kitchen and 4 pc. tiled both with vanity. nen basement with lots of for 'recreation room. lo 86 x 250 ft. and por- wor wooded, Full price $17,- IMMEDIATE POSSESSION | 2 bedroom bungalow in ex- cellent condition with 2 kit- chens, large lot commercial zoning. Asking $2,000.00 down, FARM -- 200 ACRES Asking $5,500.00 for this 200 acre farm with 8 room 1% storey house and born oll in good condition. Addi- tional 100 acres with creek fed notural duck pond ad- jocent to property con be bought seporotely for $2,- 500.00. Located just 20 miles sor rham on Hwy. 7. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION 6 room brick home with paved drive and gorage on McLoughlin Blvd. Must be sold, asking $13,500. 10 MINUTES FROM OSHAWA Lovely 2 storey home with 3 good sized bedrooms, broad- foom in living room and din- ing oreo. Natural stone in fireplace, Lovely kitchen. This home is in a good location on holf an acre of land close to schools ond store. Asking $17,500. KING STREET EAST 1% storey 7 room brick with 2 room apartment on first Fag Lot size 35 ft, x 133 Zoned commercial. Asking . i 5,000.00. 1 ACRE LOT With lovely 2 bedroom home overlooking the city. Suitable for V.L.A. Aluminum and stone: siding. Double garage ond - several fruit trees on the property, Open daily from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Walter Mittler Edith Gifford Anthony Siblock Lucas Peacock Roy Flintoff Nick Siblock 728-7083 728-0768 725-4362 725-4330 725-3454 725-5701 723-7183 723-2537 728-0208 723-1121 725-8068 Kenneth C. Toms Leon Manitius Steve Englert 728-5581 Jeon Peacock 725-4330 For\full porticulors call Guide Realty Ltd, 723-1121 paler ranch GUIDE 6 room brick house, North- bungalow in en executive of prestige homes. Spacious JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville, 14 Frank St. Phone 623-3950 50 Acre farm with brick home, barn. Asking $7,000. with $1500. down. 50 Acre good with 7 Room- ed home, barn, stream. Ask- ing $12,600. Terms. NEWCASTLE, 5 Roomed new, home with all modern con- veniences carport. Only $2,- 000. down. 10 Roomed home, oll modern conveniences on 2% acre, Located north of Oshowa. Only $1500, down. BLACKSTOCK, Roomed 5 new, bungalow with all mod) _ dern conveniences. Price $9,- 500. with $950, down, RAGLAN, North of Oshawa, 5 Roomed bungolow with all modern conveniences. Good size lot. Only $10,000 with $2,000. down, HAMPTON, 5° Roomed bun- galow, modern conveniences with 2 extra lots included. Asking $11,500. with low down payment. MAPLE GROVE, 2 Bedroom bunaglow with attached gor- age. Modern convenieinces. ond. and clean, Asking $8,- 5 COURTICE AREA, 7 Roomed home on large lot. Double gorage. Modern conveniences. Asking $12,500. Terms. TAUNTON ROAD, 2 Miles east of Oshowa, 7 Roomed home, 1728 sq. ft. floor space, on Y2 acre lot. Colored bathroom with vanity. Only $1500, down. NEWTONVILLE, 7 Roomed brick home, very modern. On double lot. Owner leaving area, Any offer considered. PONTYPOOL, 7 Roomed home, nice orid clean in ex- cellent state of repair. Only $1500. down. RESTAURANT. in-village with excellent turnover. No comp- etition, 14 Roomed building. Price and terms arranged. BOWMANVILLE, 5 Roomed home on large lot. Aluminum storms and screens. Asking $7,500, Terms. Bowmanville, brick home. on | | | | | | | | | | | REALTY. REALTY LIMITED 728-5157 SNAP ZONED M1B Real good home with 1 ocre of industrial land on Bloor Street, near the Indus- triol Park. This valuoble pro- perty consists of eight room house ond one double garoge and a storage shed. Listed ot $13,900.00. Owner leaving for California. WE presently hove a good selection of four and five bedroom homes in all price ranges, Give us a call and let us know your wonts ond needs. Dial 728-5157. OFF PARK NORTH Try an offer on this ranch Bungalow. Has been excep- tionally well cared for, pro- fessionally decorated and well landscaped. Nothing to do but move in and enjoy some comfortable living. Good fin- ancing at 6%. Act fast. Dial 728-5157. 284 WILSON ROAD S: SMALL FAMILY SPECIAL 1% sctorey with both on main floor, Handy for the small ones, The kitchen is real modern and Mom will enjoy her work there. Extra 2 rooms in basement com- plte. Lots of space for the children on those rainy days. Has a work shop for Dod also. Carries for $95.00 monthly with City taxes. Give us a call now ot 728-5157. HOUSES, HOUSES, HOUSES URGENT, URGENT We need old houses around. $10,000.00 or $11,000.00, in ary shape or size, run down or otherwise. All CASH or terms, Call 728-5157 now for a market valuation, no obligation 1015 DUNLOP EAST WHITBY $750.00 Down buys this--6 room, clean Brick» home with separate dining room, Near schools, and shopping. You couldn't rent a house for the payments on this home ot 64%4%. Act fast by calling 728-5157 now. Bill Horner Ralph Vickery Bob Johnston Dorothy Wood Mainstreet Only $1,000. conveniences. down, PAUDASH LAKE, 4 Roomed cottage with running hot and cold water. Asking $3,300. Terms. Donald Mouritjoy Guy LeBlanc Idso Wiersma Ross Davidson _ SIX SUITE APARTMENT ELGIN ST. WEST $15,000 DOWN 3% year old building in top condition. Price includes re- frigerators, range built in. Hot air oil heating, paved drive, Phone Bill Millar 725- 1186. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. $1,000 DOWN Split level style on cedar st. in Oshawa. 15 year term for balance. Contact Bill Millor 725-1186 or 725-2557 W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. LOOKING FOR A LOT OFF TAUNTON ROAD 71x 210 FEET $1900.00 dollars. will buy this large level lot neor schools and bus. Or builder will build you a home of your own choice. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. $800. DOWN SPOTLESS CONDITION PERRY CRESCENT Over 1100 Square feet in this modern bungalow. Living room over 21 feet long. Three large bedrooms, Pos- session on November _Ist. Hurry call Bill Millor 725- 1186, W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. TROUT STREAM 35 ACRES Columbus area, very scenic property with good roads all the way $635 per acre. Own- er will discuss terms. Phone Bill Millar 725-1186 or 725- 2557. W. T. Lamson Real Estate Ltd. $700 DOWN MONTEITH IN OSHAWA Six room brick bungalow, Owner will supply paint for decorating and purchaser is to supply the lobor, Posses- sion Nov. 4, 1964. Hurry for this one, Phone Bill Millar 725-1186. Pauline Beal Hertha Kirk Steve Lehon Steve Zurba Guy Bell Doug Wilson 48 Simcoe Street, South across from the Post Office For professional real estate service, GO AVTIVE. List your home with ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED, REAL- TORS 27--Reel Estate For Sale 27--Real Estate For Sale ACTIVE} SCHOFIELD-AKER LIMITED 723-2265 JOHN STREET 2 storey, 6 room brick home, Low down payment. Imme- diate possession. TAUNTON RD. WEST Lovely frame 4 room bunga- low, Immaculate. Nicely land- scaped. Fenced. Paved drive. Very large lot SOMMERVILLE AVE. Five room modern bungalow with large carport. Finished rec. room. Many extras. Fire- place in Living Room. IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Two storey 8 room home on Simcoe St. N. Good location. Close to everything. ROSLAND RD. WEST Lovely ranch bungalow. Three bedrooms, fireplace, attached garage, trees and fenced back yord! Many extras. Owner transferred. CHURCHILL AVE, 10 yeor old ranch bungalow with attached garage on good lot. Lovely shrubs. Private back yord with patio. Fire- place in Living room. Utility room off kitchen. Many ex- tras. BEAU VALLEY Brand new 'Montego"' bun- galow with split entrance and basement garage. New "'Tor- genol" flooring in vestibule and bathroom. Six rooms. Lots of closet space. BEAUFORT AVE. Custom built one-of-a-kind bungalow for the buyer who wants distinction plus quality. Has everything you could possibly want including a large lot, stone fireplaces, balcony off L.R., patio off CARL OLSEN REALTOR 723-1133 JUST LISTED NORTH -- A beautiful seven roomed brick home in very desirable lo- cation, contains 4 well decor- ated bedrooms with lots of closets, 2 attractive tiled bathrooms with vanity, lovely living room, separate dining » | fv? room, a kitchen any house- wife would love, plus o beoutifully finished rec room with fireplace 12 x 28. Very desirable lot, large carport. A property well worth your attention. Asking $22,000. -- Paget ol leaving city. Henry Stinson ot 733. 1133, evenings 725- RITSON RD. S$. -- Close to King, seven room red brick home, large rooms with nice sunroom, double garage, pay- ed drive, a for rooming -- or lo family. Ask- price $15,000 with $4,- i 10 down. See Wes. Elliott on this one. Coll 723-1133. evenings 728-0581. INCOME PROPERTY -- Col- lege Hill area, Here Is an opportunity to hove a home and an income as well, contains 3 apartments, one 5 room, one 4 room and bachelor. A substantial brick building in good repair. Ask- ing price $19,500. with terms, Call Jim Brady at 723- 1133, evenings 728-0483, NORTH WEST -- Lovely split level featuring attrac- tive living room and dining room, modern kitchen with plenty of cupboards, plus 3 good size bedrooms, 4 piece bath, attached garage. Large lot located on quiet residen- tial street. Priced at $18,- 900. with terms, owner will hold first mortgoge for bal- ance. For information call Henry Stinson ot 723-1133, evenings 725-0243 SOUTH EAST -- Bloor St. E. close to Farewell, extra nice 1% storey red brick home, 3 bedrooms, recreation room, and all in immaculate condi- tion, Situated on a very deep lot. An excellent home priced to sell at $13,000. with $3,- 500 down. Call Wes. Elliott +t pachliges evenings 728- 1 FINUCANE ST, -- Comfort- oble--five room. brick bungo- low In choice north west lo- cation close to public, high and separate schools. Features a split entrance, 3 bedrooms, large living room, modern kit- chen and 4 piece tiled bath- room, Asking price $13,500. with terms, To inspect call Jim ot 723-1133, ev- enings 728-0483. 299 KING ST. WEST 723-1133 SELLING CALL DON HOWE Real Estate 725-7732 FIVE-ROOM brick oungaiow, wi South, Close McGill Real FOR nog hl nl 'or rent, four room room "maderm tot, eouiitully sone We Jily'Treody, Noritvend.. Reason abie. Telephone 723- Fae ta as tee tas We Foo Sa Must be og gl S. D. Hyman Reel Estete 'aaa DOW WI porhans hoo two houses for $10,000. These houses ere also | on an eight suite aperiment site, Ong mort for Estate Limi 77-1551. ' city Limits -- 12 ie tered with % pheaine Road, partly zoned division site. All Survey Real Estate Limited, 10 Richmond sirest Eest, 728-7551. 10 ACRE lot 631' frontage on good road, 8 miles east of city limits. Asking $5,000, Easy terms. All Reel Estate Cited, 10 Richmond Street asl, 7a situated agrees ec per gh close to fe ene nice. Sat Asking $9,500, All er Real yo Es 10 Richmond Street East, bg . $1X-ROOM two storey brick home, 2 kitchens, new "gt Eden) school ecross road. Taxes only $ mortgage, for balance, All ques "Real Estate iserited, 10 Richmond Street. East, _ 728-7551. FOR SALE. Truck garage 0 x of Metel covered. Must be moved from present location. 100 Bloor Street Best, |Oshawa, Ontario. Reply to P.O, box 395, | Oshawa. SIX-ROOM ranch bungalow In Zion on @ large lot, recently decorated, Immediete possssion, Call r D. Hyman Real Estate Limited, 728-628 FIVE - ROOM Sy with _effeched garage Pe at $11,000, wtih $1,600, down, D. Hyman Real Estete Cimited ot 730-0286, NORTH-WEST area. Six-room ranch bun galow with recreation room, double car- port, L-shaped livi one ee Bf fireplace. Large kitchen, © Ample cupboards. Large mere Paves ene. 725-0413. A DREAM Is this wonderful modern one and half storey brick, Centrally Toate close to King East, Neat as @ pin, It consists of all beautifully large rooms, A deep weil et. ve ably priced. Terms arranged fo suit any budget. 'ca pied appointment Arthur Weinberger. 725-8851, BUNGALOW, Courtice area. Four rooms, situated on Ye-acre lot, all conveniences. Near No. 2 Highway. Bowmanville, 623-2869 and 723-5180 after 6 p.m. SAVE $500. on a split-level or = bungalow under the winter works Incen- tive bonus plan, From $1200. down fo one mortgage. Joseph Bosco, Realtor, 728-7377 EXCLUSIVE, clean six-room nome with 0 bathrooms 2 room. Apply 117 Oshawa Boulevard South, MOVING TO WINDSOR? We have @& large executive type ultra-modern ror oe caged in ' Isa ba td Lopes 4 Va baths, a nice poe Windsor, For et Seta Slease contact Nin Helen Radford, Avenue, Windsor. Phone POAT SALE -- 769 Eastglen Drive, ranch bungalow, lot 51' x ea down payment. T extras. $2,900 725-0658. eee wuld Centre - Sterr, Whitby. METCALF REAL ESTATE LTD. 40 King St. East 728-4678 EAST END Just listed, a delightful 3 bed- room, 5 room olay brick bun- golow, Good sized kitchen ond nice living room. Poved drive and nice landscaping. Priced ot $1, "3000 with a very reasonable down payment. Buy it now, it just won't last. 5-PLEX APT. Asking only $42,000 with o reasonable down payment. Income assured as all apts. hove been rented steadily with no vocancies, Excellent building worth much more to replace today. Call now for your personal inspection, COLLEGE HILL Neor Corpus Christie baeutiful 6 room bungalow oll oversized rooms, tastefully decorated, some broadioom, extra high basement, paved drive. Asking only $15,500. Call tonight for appointment to inspect. NORTH AREA 5 room bungalow with 2 ex- tra bedrooms in basement plus rec room with bar. Broadloom in living ond din- ing room and bedrooms. Lo- cated on a lorge lot 68' x 200' and landscaped to per- fection. Just listed at $17,- 000 with down poyment to be arranged, Do call now for further information, ond ap- pointment to inspect. SHOPPING CENTRE AREA Large floor plan, clay brick, living: room and modem roomy kitchen and dining area, 3 spacious bedrooms and 4 pc. tiled bath, all, in spic and span Build now Investment. - Only _-$2,000. Must Pi call chores Peer. 723-7996, Schofleld-Aker Ltd., Real $500 DOWN for this anni new ji beautifully remodelled one and 3 storey. Close to Nasseu Street. Big 4 Ing room with fireplace, ge kitchen, four is property also zoned for duplex, Full price $11,500, Monthly payments Fo Beate pointment. Arthur Call for ap 725-0851. 28--Real Estate Wanted TO SELL YOUR HOME FAST . ... FOR CASH OR TERMS, LIST WITH JOHN F. DeWITH REALTOR Bowmanville 623-3950 OLDER home wanted. Have cash buyer, Call Bill Johnston, Schofield-Aked Limited, 728: B-1¢ CASH suvER "Tames home In good area, sn Bey $15,000, Don Stradeski, Realtor, 29--Automobiles For Sale VOLVO SALES AND SERVICE JAKE and BILL'S GARAGE General Repair and Auto-Electric Service 449 Ritson Road South Oshawe 728-0921 SPOT CASH PAID FOR Good clean cars, Trade up or down. Liens paid off. DODD MOTOR SALES 314 PARK RD. SOUTH 723-9421 TILDEN CAR AND TRUCK RENTALS (All Makes and Models) CALL 725-6553 14 Albert St. KELLY DISNEY USED CAR LTD. 1200 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY~-- 668-5891 Cars bought and sold Liens paid off Trade up or down Always top quality TED CAMPIN Rec. room and double gorage. HENRY. STREET - WHITBY Extra special. split level with four bedrooms, large rooms, two fireplaces, finished rec, room, two-car garage, big lot completely fenced, and many desirable extras, Own- er moving. from Whitby. WHITBY INVESTMENT Well built year round motel Ieitereons 3 bedrooms with man-sized closets and bullt-in storage, vanity in bath No. 1, Lge! shower enclosure In bath No. 2, family room for family fun and in- formal entertaining. Large kitchen with modern conveniences of bullt-in range, oven and dishwasher. oat wt and je hand: pa' Call_Harry garage. Larg drive. Asking $21,800. T 0. "Estate, Broker, . Perry, McGill Real 728-4285. shape. Asking $12,900 with 1 only $2,000 down to N.H.A. mortgage $93.00 includes taxes. Buy now this one won't last long. OPEN EVENINGS 'TIL NINE Dial 728-4678 Dick Barriage Ken Hann By ALICE BROOKS Get busy -- knit your own "fur stole of mink or pastel. colored mohair -- then brush. | Alternate knit'and purl bands) for a glamorous stole, Wear it all year 'round for extra warmth. Pattern 7411: knitting directions for stole. Thirty-five cents (coins) for this pattern (no stamps, please) 103 King Street East UNFINISHED HOME Completely framed in with roof on, partly wired, large ronch style in the country 4 miles east of Oshawo. Asking price $7,- 000.00. Moke us an offer. Robert Johnson 728-2548, LOW DOWN PAYMENT Do not let your landlord raise your rent! We hove two -- 5 room brick bungalows that moy be purchased at a low down poyment.' For further information call Bill Irvine 728-2868. REAL ESTATE LTD. 67 King St. E., Oshawa RANCH style brick bungee only ite 7. NHA down THREE-BEDROOM brick veneer bunge-| monthly payments of soe y princionl 5 bs low. Low down payment et 1424 Evan-| ter forest and Lag Mire Le ria on_approvel. geline Drive, Oshawa. Excellent condi-| Cal Gower a . $. D, Hyman tion. Telephone 728- eat Mietate Cienited, DOLL WARDROBE By ANNE ADAMS Sew this exciting wardrobe for a child's teen-age model doll. Use glamorous scraps in your) Joe Maga Jack Osborne Bob Johnston to Alice Brooks, care of The sewi ; ng basket. Costs Bercr gs to Oshawa Times, Needle cr 2ttl make gives endless joy! Send fs lnow. tario 'residents add 1 sales tax. | Print plainly PATTERN NUM-|, Printed Pattern '4891 BER, NAME, ADDRESS. [dou Use scrape. PAT-| For 3 FREE ASKING $12,000. Close to north plant, 2 storey brick home, 3 bedrooms up, new furnace. Walk to work and save, sleep a little later. Call Eorle Allen 725-7782. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS Canodian National 'Railways. is -- for SALE AND RE- MOVAL two buildings located on the property known os the Boker property on Stevenson Road South in City of Oshawa, and living quarters on Hwy. No. 12, just north of Whitby. Lots of room for expansion on the 8 acres of land. Own- er wishes to retire. Buy now and expand ready for 1965 business. W. T, LAMSON REAL ESTATE An immaculote 3 bedroom bungalow with a large car- port.on a very quiet street MOTORS Temporary Location Meade's Sunoco Service Power Store Entrance FIFTY CENTS (50. cents) in exciting 1965|coins (no stamps, please) for 200 de- \¢ this pattern: Ontario residents jackets,|add two cents sales tax, Print linens,|plainly SIZE, 'NAME, AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER. DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 16| Send order to ANNE ADAMS, .complete quilt patterns --/care of The Oshawa Times, ~pieced and applique, for begin-| pattern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario * ners, experts. Send 60 cents) NEW! 300 sparkling designs, now. 5 exciting fashion and fabric enmecaemarieD ~ | featu plus coupon for ONE. FREE PATTERN .-- any. one Want-Ads Dont' FREE PATTERN -- any one Cost -They Pay lola Pattern Catalog, 50 First time! TERNS in big, Needlecraft Catalog! - signs -- smart stoles, hats,, toys, aghans, everything! Send 25 cents $15,900.00 -- DUPLEXED HOME King & Wilson district -- presently rented ot $75.00. each, gorage, 2 bothrooms, near transportation and shipping. Make us on offer. Call Rolande Tierney 725-5207. LAST CHANCE $17,900, for this beautiful brand mew brick bungalow with attoched garage, tiled bath with vonity, volances, excellent location. Must be seen. Asking $2500. DOWN. Prices up on new models. Call Arthur. Donaldson 728-7328. SHOPPING CENTRE Two storey brick home only three years old, very modern with many extras. Gloss shower doors in bathroom, stairs covered with broadioom, T.V. tower. This if a larger home selling for the price of @ emoll home, Phone Bill Retcliffe 655-4457, just south of the Chorlton Vrareport Yord, and described os follows: (1) Two-storey frame dwelling 24 feet by 30 feet 3 inches with attached frame' porch 7 feet 4 inches by 18 feet 6 inches. (2) One-storey' frame garage 18 feet 3 inches by 21 feet 6 inches. Note thot this property will NOT be vacated until November 2nd, and buildings MUST be removed by November 9th. Interested tenderers ore invited to pick up blank form of tender, contract, instructions to bidders and addressed envelope at the office of Mr. J. Smyth, Superintendent, foot of Albert Street, Oshawa. Tenders must be received in this office not later than October 27th. The lowest or any tender will not necessorily be occepted. R. G. MOFFAT, Area Engineer, Canadian Notional Roilways, - 20 York St., TORONTO, Ontorio, 588 King St. East WILL exchange 1959. Karmen Ghia for '62 or '63 small oar. Telephone Whitby 668-5060, 1960 OLDSMOBILE, "4door hardtop, power steering, power brakes, radio, a Well equipped. Very sharp! Dial 668-4278, ig 1959 VMUXHALL estate wagon, in excel- H. BATES at 725-1186 lent condition. One owner car, Telephone 728-6923 Aiax 942-0225 after 5. p.m. PRIVATE SALE: Three bedreoni Bunge ;|1959 TWO-TONE FORD Fairlane 500, aut 2 2. bathrooms, et Mi.) i meee Mia better radio, etc. Re spall iy senna. : u! motor @ transmission. I. stantial x lent condition. -- Dymond Drive, Fos.eas7. as Phone 725-1690. FOUR-BEDROOM home with. built-in stove and oven, attached carport, decor- ated and meny other extras. NHA fin- yur Call $. BD, Hyman Real Estate J in the north west area. This home features a built-in dish- washer and a finished rec room with bar priced for it quick sale, can be seer any time by calling. For full particulars call 723-2265 Open Daily 9 A.M. to 9 P. 728-223 723-799 723-135 728-5868 723-2894 728-2870 725-3867 728-1066 725-9201 725-1726 360 King Strdet West. Free Parking Maible Boudreau Charles Chaytor Marg. Holl Steve Macko Margaret Lee Allan Thompson Irene Brown Bill Johnston Reg. Aker Bill McFeeters 29--Automobiles For Sale (Continued on Page 16)

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