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Oshawa Times (1958-), 22 Oct 1964, p. 15

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THE OSHAWA-TIMES, Thursday, October 22, 1964 15 JACK 'DEACON' ALLEN Managed Many Fighters lTokyo Olympics Point Standing OSHAWA BOWLING NEWS NICKLE PLATE LEAGUE Top bowler for the week Is Fred Taylor with a nice neat 677 triple. Keep it up -- Anodizers 0, Auto SPORT FROM BRITAIN Los 17, Lucky Strikes 15, Head Pins 15, . Balis V1, Alley Cats 11 and Gay Six 1. 0 -- B. Strutt BT) (321, 249, 709 , 209), B. Keenan COF LEAGUE Sorry, last week's report didn't get in, it is. Dick Stata made the charmed circle with 721 (298, 250). O'Reilly Over Other 600 triples were -- 241), S. During Promoting Days TORONTO (CP) -- Jack (Deacon) Allen, 71, a fight pro- moter for more than half a cen- tury, died suddenly Wednesday night after an apparent heart After llth Day TOKYO (CP)--Following is the unofficial point standing after 11 days of competition in the Olympic Games Wednesday (based on the traditional scor- ing system of 10-5-4-3-2-1 for the first in each Wes State 665 (213, 241, 212), Joan 660 (204, 257), Bea Allen 654° (212, 212, 212, 230) and Jim Nemish 600 (222). Singles -- Ev Stata 270, Joyce Full ing 225, George Morgan 224, Bob Gibbs 220, 209, Frances Gibbs 214, Molly Hart- shorn 214, 204, Claude Glassford 208, Allan Masters 220, 209 and Morris Davey 205. Points Taken -- Blows 3, Bamps 0; Suds 3, Misfits 0; Nomasd 2, Jems lif T 683 (258, 248), BHI Elliott 677 (258, 239), He e son 652,-C. Lockhart 634, Bailey 629, J. Catton 610 and W. ski 608. 200 League -- D. Ogden 256, J. Yake- mishyn 252, 230, W. Weroski 251, E. Behm 246, A. Vyfschaft 242, J. Smith 235, M. Carl 233, B. Thornbury 230, D. Wilson 279, 226, B. Gibson 216, 201, ), S. Hobbs 706 (276, 218, 212), 243), B, Clarke 693 (313, 221), B. Hard- ing 669 Sosnow-|M, Short ( D. Abramoff 706 (340, John Surtees Has Burning Ambition By LIONEL LINDGREN (253, 225, 21), R. J While practising for the 1963 ered, 'Surtees won the Italian },_L. Gibson six placings W. Beach 212, H. Comer 211, L. Raby 210, M. Coburn 210, C. Albin 204, 205, P. Traynor 208, D, Morrison 203, R. Cole- shaw 202, G. Fitches 200 and H. Lette Peps 2 and Duds |. For this week, Dick Stata did it again 75 (205, 201) 'and a neat 309. Only two more made, 600, Bob Gibbs 655 (250, 208) and. Norm O'Reiily 622 (230). A 200 Singles -- Molly Hartshorn 266, Stan| Lemon League D. Morrison 99, H. Hartshorn 241, 203, Bill Elliott 231, Wes|Rolls 86 and L. McCullough 93, 87. Liovd Stata 222, 215, Joyce Fulling 225, Ev Steta|McCuough has recenty ui e an 217, Frances Gibbs 215, 213, Bob Dart/operation. He therefore has a good ex- 214, 202, Dunoan Lowden 214, tts al cuse for going info the Lemon League. Blair 211, Dorothy McDonald 210, Wal But what aibi these other two hardy Dorothy Elliott 202 and|perennials have to offer is hard to 201. imagine. Shovid be interesting though. Points Taken -- Jems 2, Duds 1; Blows 2, Misfits 1; Suds 2, Bamps 1; Peps 2) LAKEVIEW LADIES LEAGUE and. Nomads 1. | Your secretary regrets having to report Team Standings -- Blows 10,. Suds 10,|that our president, Dorothy Zedic, has is 6. | Misfits 8, Duds 8 Peps 7, Jems 6, No-|found it necessary to resign from the) High Triples -- Al Hardsand 752 (282.| sports. mads 6 and Bamps 5. fo health ressons. We slt/20, 260) Act, Brent Jt! Nnamea| Ne won the recent Italian |league, due sincerely hope thy will be able| Harry Fayle 676 (282), Joyce | yf UAWA LEAGUE \to return to our league before the season | 655 (240, 212, 204), Doug Pelow 655 (210,/Grand Prix but placed second Team Points -- Group 1; Goch 4, Bola-|is over. We 'have been fortunate though| 208, 237), Al Haley 649 (228, 201, zy)lin the American Grand Prix at hood 0; Meads 3, Home Appliances 1;\in having Vera (Chickie) Freeman take thei Dave Bowler 642 (206, 225, 2M), E i jand drove his Ferrari to vic-| Romania Tummy's 3, Harry's 1; City Barbers 3,|over the presidency. Thanks Chickie! | Tonkin 638 (270, 221), Dot 631|Watkins Glen, N.Y. | id - Acadian Cleaners 1 | The Pepsies took six points from the| (239, 219), Jim Huxtable 616 (221, 235), | With ote championship race|tory in the German Grand Prix. | . Netherlands | Group 2: Johansens 3, Houdaille 1;|Boobs to hang on to first place, but the|Mo Allin 611 (215, 223), Harold Cream- ite a i | 3 | New Zealand | Stevensons 3, Russ 1; Local 2784, 2, Dur.| Beetles are right behind, having takenler 610 (238), Lily Rae 608 (222-227), Eric| remaining, he is five points be-|' While racing at Goodwood in ie |no 2; Esso Service 2, Foley's 2. eight points from J obi eg aise 3. ween ty Coo Corps % Giliord| tira plone, aking abs pole om the| Horry Keve' 01" (336, 20). . Purkey i-Rite 3, Bergs 1; Can. Corps ird place, taking six ints from yi 4 Finland Town and Country 3, Tony's J. |_| Aces and 'the Ladybugs end Moonspin-| 290 Scores -- Harold Dervent 272, Ray|Place Jim Clark, o Team Standings -- Group 1: Tumey's|ners split four points. 3 |Branton 263, Harold Cornish 257, Pete) world champion. . Canada 12, City Barbers 12, Meads 1, Home Ap-| Team Standings -- Pepsies 32, Beetles) wight 207; Gen Bryant 734, Stu ight 236, 3 ¥' Th } Surti . pliances 11, Harry's 10, Goch 10, Bole-|30, Blowhards 26, Ladybugs 24, The Boobs | c ell 233, Hugh Hutcheson 232, Joan e only way surtees can . Denmark 0s | Camp gh nd i ; Yugoslavia Chin N aie Mi we spin-| Brydon 230, Isabel Hubbell 229, Art Korry | finish on top is if he wins in : is 14, Moudeilte 19, s 10. |225, Norma Norris 223, Clarke Hub! ic j ; . Belgium |Stevensons 12, Durnos 12, Loeal 2784 9,| 600 Games -- Gale Laverone 651 (302),|22, 204; Oscar Morrison. 222, Ed Leslie Mexico while Hill fails to place. - Switzertand Russ 9, Esso Service 7, Foley's 5. Vera Freeman 617 (223) and Eva Evens|21, Jim Morrison 215, Madeline Morri-/That's unlikely. Korea Surtees, 30, from Surrey, first . Iran . Trinidad-Tobago Group 3: Can. Corps 17, Al's Bi-Rite| 612 (234, 205). son 212, 200; Jack Mcintosh 211, John! 14, Town and Country 12, Tony's 11, Berg's! 200 Games -- Theresa Regimbal .269,| Norris 211, Olive Morrison 209, Olive Mc-| 10, Scugog 9, Sherriffs 4, Gillards 2.|/Pat Elliott 243, Del Tomina 236, Beal intosh 208, Dot Haley 203 and Ab Burr/became world motorcycle C. Crandall 834, D.|Allen 230, Georgina Harding 226, Bonnie 993, pe ; ry Brown 795, D. Hodgson 784, A, Anderson|McDermaid 212 and Evelyn Ouellette 200. champion in 1956. He took the hoseeh 330, STORIE PARK LEAGUE title again in 1959 and 1960 and Ethiopia . Argentina Jamaica High Scores -- 780, H. Burke 759, P. Beachemin 756, R High Singlé -- Bea Allen Welsh 755, R. Wilson 745, J. Trott 732, J. High Triple -- Vera Freeman 679. High Triples -- R. Wood 796, A, Ander- K son 140, C Wilson 347. Re Person 703, B,|W2S made a member of the Or . Bahamas . Cuba attack. A native ef San Francisco, few were clear when he ar- rived on the Toronto scene but some of the fight mob recalled that he had promoted a Jack Johnson fight as early as 1912. He managed many a fighter but some of the better ones got away from him. He once han- died Jimmy MclLarnin who later became world welter- weight champion. His last fighter was George Chuvalo. Allen and Chuvalo parted Z company two years ago. Since id Ks then the Deacon confined his 2a fistic operations to a little, sec- . ee ondfloor gym over a cigar ship JOHN 'DEACON' ALLEN and billiards parlor on west-end Queen Street. his arm a barbecued chicken Next to boxing, he loved|and a copy of Racing Form. horse-racing and good food. He} Only an hour earlier he had in- died on his way home to his| vited geo bP deleted Er -nong _ |Globe and Mail sports. editor, bs: gl quarters after work-!14 share ditmer with him - at Woodbine race track} The Deacon won his name be ied he ae rnp beer 3 because of his saintly mien.| prea ero e public relations One thing he was always reti- bes : cent about was his. age. His When firemen were called 10) driv '¢ licence gave. his birth revive him after he had col-|S" Vers scence gaye Ms OY lapsed in the foyer of his apart-| date as Jan. 26, 1893, but friends LONDON (CP) -- John Sur- 207), 8 Smithitees, a man with a zest for . T ee , E Atkinson speed, has been world motor- met Shire (99-53), 3.,cyele champion three times. ianeer (48a, R. Cospins (9409), m.'Now he would also like to be Burgess 66 and. Keenan 61 recognized as the best on four . PLATA FAMILY pene --" ' ' ms 'oom. ings -- Jalacks 17, Cream-, His chances of winning the $n. Three "E's tar eins "teund "12,| workd auto-racing title this year Beatles 12, Lucky Thirteens H. Crezy | are slim but he has proved he Elghts M1, Alley Cats 10; Wuobells "belongs with the best in both Le Mans he pushed his Ferrari around the track at an average of 183.11 m.p.h., one of the fast- est times in the trials. His luck broke in the actual race, however, ana he was forced out after a promising start. The jinx struck again in the Italian Grand Prix when cooling system trouble forced him to quit. He finished well down the charts for the 1963 world championship. He started off well this year Grand Prix to move up among the top three. The race was virtually two separate battles, Surtees and American Dan Gurney fighting for first while Clark and New Zealand's Bruce McLaren duel- ling between themselves, Plug trouble put Clark out on the 27th lap. c GUNS Bought @ Sold @ Traded @ Repaired at ART'S GUN SHOP 18 Bond St. W. 728-9731 event): United States Russia Germany Japan Hungary Italy Britain Australia Poland . Czechoslovakia . France . Bulgaria 6441-3 46113 263 1-2 176 1-2 166 1421-2 141 131 117 81 73 68 ~ sy Seer fae the Die Hards. The|H. Hughes 607 (230, 216), Bill Berta 605/hind leader Graham Hill's 39} August he crashed at 100 m.p.h.| and four points ahead of third-| and suffered concussion. Recov-' last year's |Logeman 731, J. Smith 729, B. Maeson High Average -- Bea Allen 202. , ror . : Short 692, G. Arkwright 687, W. Morris|\der of the British Empire in D. Davis 715, Stovin 712, H, Huntley 1706, P. Lyzon 697, R. Murray 688, K GUYS AND DOLLS MAJOR 687, J. Sawdon 672, D. Pierson 655, K.| j 7 iti j it | Kobb 686, A. Borovsky 683, T. Krout 673,, More fine bowling this week with! wilisher 643, H. Williams 643, J. Porter 1961 in recognition of his sue-) A. Parkin 673, A. Hruska 656, R. Mc-|Cookies over Sabers 4-0, Trotters over Big | 632, L. Locke 623, D. Wood 621 and G. CESS. Gregor 653, A. Taylor 651, &. Forestail| Six 3-1, Roybits over Legal Lights 31 end) Kiilingbeck 605. | 650, H. Godfrey 647, N. Olesuk 647, B. Call Farmers over Bali Hi's 3-1 Over 200 -- J. Scott Jr. 282, J. John- ment house, they found under said he was at least 75 ETHIOPIAN MAKES GAME OF TOKYO MARATHON RUN By JIM BECKER TOKYO (AP) -- The five- minute mile isn't much. But 26 five-minute miles, plus a lap around the st® dium for good measure, is That's what 32 - year - old Abebe Bikila, the Ethiopian army sergeant, did Wednes- day in the marathon. And he did it with his shoes on. Abebe also won the mara- thon in Rome in 1960, running barefooted, but his time there didn't compare with the 2 hours, 12 minutes, 11.2 sec- onds he ran in Tokyo on a cloudy, cool day along a road lined with trees and Japa- nese. Abebe thus became the first man ever to win the mara- thon twice, and ran the 2% miles, 385 yards faster than any human ever had before. He did it with a steady plodding stride, never looking back, never changing expres- sion, only occasionally wiping the sweat from his mous- tache with the back of his hand. MILLIONS WATCHED Millions watched him ev- ery step of the way over the Japanese television systems which use equipment that makes the stuff in the United States look like the original used by Thomas Alva Edi- son. Abebe plodded into the sta- dium, blocks ahead of his nearest pursuers, and trotted once around. He raised his arms to break the tape, and then he ran over to the infield grass and flopped on his back and did some bicycle-like ex- ercises with his legs in air Then the he faced crowd, waved three times and bowed. | He hard The next fellow into the sta- dium was Kochiki Tsuburar of the home team, but staggering when he burst into view. Only steps behind him was a big blonde Englishman, Ben Heatley, who caught the Japanese on the home stretch and beat him home SAVED THE BRONZE The Japanese runner still saved the bronze medal--and that meant the Rising Sun flag was going to go up in the national stadium for. the only time in these Olympics. One after another the run- ners plodded in, some sprint- ing at the end, some just staggering across the line. "Moh sukoshi, moh suko- shi,' shouted the Japanese. wasn't even breathing 'A little more, a little more," | and then it was over the line. An 'hour later they were still plodding across. Some were gathered up in blankets | and carried off to the dress- ing room. Meanwhile, under the grandstand, Abebe was talk- ing to the press; his replies sometimes passing through three interpreters--from Ethi- opian to French to English to Japanese. He ran in shoes, he ex- plained, because he always does. He would have used shoes in Rome but they didn't fit he was | Our os look after your oil furnace if They're on-call 24 hours a day, Call Us Anytime CI. 43 KING STREET WEST, OSHAWA 725-3581 own Service: Men will it were their own. Wt, J JOHNNY LOMBARDI Presents Direct From Italy & Ed Sullivan Show RITA PAVONE NICOLA PAONE SUNDAY, OCTOBER 25. 8 P.M. DAVE CLARKE FIVE BOBBY CURTOLA MONDAY, NOV. 2, 8 P.M. . Kenya Austria Tunisia Ireland . Brazil Portugal the | Formosa Afghanistan Bermula Ivory Coast Chile Peru Spain Venezuela son's goal late in nesday. Lou Mayhanovich ee tons MS Sates Ite NOD ~ got 1-3 Late Score Gives Toronto Blues Tie TORONTO (CP)--Tom 'John- the second half gave University of Toronto | Bateman (96, 140) 236, followed by A Blues a 2-2 tie with McMaster] (ai 97) 8 (134, 79) 213 and Eve Wakely BLECTRICAL MAINTENANCE § a 2-2 ith McMas 5 | 300 University in' an intercollegiate | senior soccer game here Wed-| !04 Vi io (50, 53) 103 and Freda White The result left McMaster in \first place in the western divi-| 253, 213); Ron McKeegan 655 (247, 227)i| Charuk 201 and Dud Mills 201. sion with six points. Blues arej Betty second with five, with Univer-| sia 602 (240). sity of Western Ontario third) and Guelph University last. the | jother Toronto goal. John Ander- | son and Dave McAusland scored for McMaster. 647, G. Parfitt 646, S. Rout 643, J. Kei-!| Standing -- Trotters and Farmers mow) son 256, J. McLean 243, 226, W. Scott Sr. 210, M, Nash 209, M. Craddock 208, J 610, G. Godfrey 610, V. Conlin 609, G. Mc-| Over 700 -- Guys: Frank Hill 760, Yvon Taylor 207, A. Williams 206 and D. Red. Knight 609, A. Popadyn 607, E. Stovin|Rymbal 759 (306), Ron Swartz 735 (303), knapp 205. 605, H. Armstrong 605, J B. Gedge 600. tracks, where he entered a 24- | . , | He quit motorcycle racing be-| tause of a contract dispute with| gan 642, K. Johnson 637, D. Tilk 630, R.|sharing the lead with 13 points each,| 243, B. Kane 237, M. Knipe 233, J. Per-|the firm sponsoring him. | Scorgie 630, B, Kemp 629, F. Trowsse Cookies 12, Roybits 11, Bali Hi's and Big! son 730, C. Nash 221, E. Lehay 219, V. His auto debut was' at Good-| 628, T. Edocs 622, G. Holbrook 619, T./ Six 10, Legal Lights 7 and Sabers 4 Craddock 216, S$. Powlenchuk 214, M 4 eteery = ; Fraser 619, S. Lebreton 618, C. Rout 616,| Select Class -- Arn Greene 873 (32%,|Knipe 214, A. Sargant 211, 227, J. Scott; wood, one of Britain's major C. Moore 616, W. Lewis 613, B. Coleshaw/ 313). ane 10 Corby's soft, smooth, true Canadian whisky. Aged 10 years in wood. Now available. Worthy companion of Corby's fifteen year old Park Lane. H. Corby Distillery Limited, Montrest \ "imile scratch race for formula Seven 603 and| Ron Jay end Menwing Swartz 727 end pi eridiows, -- Hibbert's 14, College's '3,| junior cars and placed second, imcoe's 12, ston's 12, Cubert's 11, ry ; Dolls: Loretto McLean 782 (315), Joyce! menivave's 'Il, Hillside's 10, Mill's 9,|¢ree minutes behind Clark. HARMAN PARK LEAGUE Bell 760, Laura McKinlay 735 and Mavis! Burton's 9, Tresanes 8 Cromwell's 8 and = The men's high bowler this week was) '@ylor 712 Oxford's 3 : JOINED FERRARI Bill Meinichuk with 847 (288, 246, 313).|. The high team total was bowled by! Congratulations Ruby on @ nice triple Surtees was flooded with of- The ladies' high was Diane Davis with Rovbits with 3,611 and the high single! of 703, On Saturday, Oct. 31, everyone is|, ° " » 7 670 (227, 209, 234). by Legai Lights with 1.270. expected to dress up and a prize will be fers from car manufacturers to 600 Bowlers Lovise Kornic 606 (214,| High Averages uys: Ron Jay 273,/given for the best tume. Gar Kil-\ have him represent them in in- 218, 174); Bill Wassell 633 (229, 229, 175);| Al Perry 255, John Trott 254, Loyd Sabins| lingbeck and Winifred Scott won the hid: 1 atignal races, Hi decided t Sonny Lawrence 607 (163, 256, 188); Don-| 242, Reg Hickey 238 and Harold Ballem|den scores . S. He eC 0 na Reid 609 (211, 233, 165); J. Melnichuk | 237, Dolls: Bernice Buday 255, Joan Roger ciub is (Haul go Italian and signed with Enzo 676 (281, 183, 2¥2); Fred Carey 608 (193,|250, Joyce Bell 236, Lou Himes 231 and E i 4 209, 206) and Eugene Zarbeiny. 664 (196,|Mavis Taylor 223. Note: The high aver-| There were three doubles in the Club Ferrart to drive his famed red | 241, 227) eges do not reflect present week's bowl-/36 League this week. Ruby Lene 447 devil cars. i | -- Gary Carey 266, Pam|ing. | (268-179), Marion Harding 425 (241, | ------ Irene Carey 228, Tom! arn Greene really turned it on this Ht and Gladys Gwilliams 400 a |Lodge 204, 220, Danny Rukaruk 237,| i " This i ay ; Adeline Robinson 206, 226, Pete Gow 28,|crir cvecis' Inobewling but Invellotner| High Scores -- Betty Stonebridge 290 Marlene Major 208, John Gow Sr. 201, . Loretto McLean: looks headed for|@nd Eva McCabe 210. Janet Laundry 220, Jim Montpetit 201,|% big year. The high averages are really| Points Taken -- Rockets took three Judy Baxter 202, Terry Perkins 217,| something when you have two Dolls hit-| Points from Maples, Maple Leaves grabb- | Pansy Johnston 231, Glad Maclean 228| ting around the 250 mark. Some of the|@d two points from Buttons and Belles jand June Morris 219 | Dolls from last year who should be right|90t two from Misfits. | Lemon League -- Jessie Davies 84, 53, hi sh he' , with | Beity Robichaud 58, Anne Boyle 61, Fred| Senet Peel in OO ieee It' rough | Maples. 13, Belles 12, Rockets 7, Buttons Montpetit 85, Bernice Hughes 88, Sadie! to get going. \4 and Misfits 4. Eassell 91 and Pam Montpetit 52. Millie Bilida, the Whitby Doll, is still| -- ret ae) | unheard of. Bernice Buday, our Bowman- HUMORESQUE BLIND LEAGUE ville Doll, Is really shooting high with High bowler for this week was Harold | 255 } da Team Standings -- Maple Leaves 14, Your LEAGUE) Satisfaction Games -- Bud Manning 27%, Jean | Is Our Aim 50) pred Rha Pg! Markalous m0 af Be "nc ¢ rank 236, John Jukes 219, Ross : land 213, 216, Betty Corbett 216, Ruth A ars Carry 55) 1 7 jetty | | Solski 210, Wayne Thertell 208, Sam Stain- | Our GUARANTEE Me rer ea Bleck rt (253, Ronen Sar bon Cy ener on bios | KELLY DISNEY USED CARS Ltd. 1200 Dundas E. Whitby 668-5891 | BUDGET TERMS | DROP IN 97) 138. With handicap, Clara Suddard (54, (47, Black 640 (226, 216); Pearl Mc-| 600 Games -- Shirley Stainton 669 (203, | eegan 631 (251, 245) and Mac MacDon-| 279), Bud Manning 653 (279), Dan Charuk | | 647 (251, 200), Bill Corbett 646 (223, 247), | 200 and over -- Ed Roberts 240, Doreen | and Bill Cook 638 (248, 225). | Kelleman 239, Bob Brown 234, Ted Smith! Total Points -- Amprobes 13, Shorts 13, | | 232, Warren Miller 225, Ella Roznik. 219,| Dizzy Dynes 13, Mighty MHO's 12, Blow) George Haines 211, Evelyn Williams 210,|/Outs 10, Refuses 6, Breakers 6 and Re June Hill 209, Ray Brown 205, Bill Skefton/ filis 5. 204 and Muriel Roznik 203. Teams Standing -- Beetles 8, Missels 8, WIRE AND HARNESS LEAGUE Team standings Pin Pickers 23,| | Crackpots 8, Kingpins 7, Blue Bombers 3) and Hobos 2. | Go-Getters 20, Flyers 20, Jesters 19, HI! there are 18 Clairtone Sound Units--come in and play with them and take away a lovely brochure { 149-156 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH 2 DAYS ONLY OPEN DAILY 7 am. till 6 p.m Fri. Till 9 p.m. PAINT BRUSH with every order of a gal- lon or more of Glidden Paints. THE SIGNET Slim, contemporary sound unit with an AT5 record changer by Garrard and Euphonics cartridge. AM/FM/FM-stereo radio. Second-year proven all-transistor system. with a 5-year warranty. Has a black, finished back for perfect sound and may be used in front of a low window or as a room divider. Rocker-key controls. Oiled walnut. 58" x 16" x 26". 499.00 ity GLIDDEN paints. And Only, Friday and Saturday, (Oct. 23 and 24), only, we will give you with the purchase of a gallon of paint or more, a paint brush valued at 2.25. Take advantage of this offer and buy your paint complete range on display UINRNNN 174704101 yannveangeasitil GLIDDEN PAINTS If it's paint you need, we can fill your every requirement with the complete line of qual- 'natant Fa a ' Glidden: QS now, for 2-Days now... see the in our showroom. HOUSE PAINT GALLON SPRED SATIN QUART 9.40 2. SPRED LUSTRE HOUSE PAINT GALLON QUART 95 10.15 | 3.25 THE FINEST PAINT YOU CAN BUY !! 78 CLAIRTONE stereo for the informed buyer SPRED HOUSE PAINT GALLON 9.70 3. QUART ENDURANCE HOUSE PAINT GALLON QUART 10 9.70 3.10 ~ Enjoy RUTHERFORD'S JAPALAC ENAMEL GALLON l 2. | 5 QUART 3.70 EXCLUSIVE BUDGET TERMS OPEN THURS. & FRI. NITE 'til 9 P.M. OSHAWA of MILLWORK & BUILDING SUPPLIES LTD. 1279 SIMCOE NORTH 728-6291

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