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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1964, p. 17

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LABOR PARTY PLEDGE Public Ownership In Steel Awaited In U.K. LONDON (CP)--Buried deep in the Labor party's platform is this pledge: "Private monopoly in steel will be fa goed = public own- ership and Now thai Uoreg "has formed Ye t, Britain waits debate and anxiety for of- pacer ay-ra on plans for the wget grad swung from vie hi to public and back in the 1050s. Had Labor won the Oct. 15 election with a big majority, na- tionalization of steel undoubt- edly would be high on Prime Minister Harold Wilson's prior- ity list, But because the social-| +; ists have an edge of only four in the 630-seat House of Com- mons, a few observers even be- lieve 'the government may move cautiously toward fulfil- ling its promises, The tiny Liberal pavty's nine votes may well wield unpropor- tional power because the two major Ss ggebo are so nearly equal in voting strength. Lib- eral leader Jo Grimond said his men will vote against national- ization of steel. AGAINST EXTREME LINE There are even hints that some right-wing Labor mem- bers would prefer Wilson to pur- sue a less extreme socialist line in his takeover of the world's fifth-largest steel industry, ex- lpected to produce about 26,000,- 000 tons this year. When Labor formed a govern- ment in 1945 it nationalized sev-; eral other industries before it| got around to steel. Then in 1951 it took over all 250-odd steel companies. But the Conserva-| pin eee power Jater that vor began selling the steel firms back to their origina) owners, Now only 'one company re- mains under government con- trol. The Wilson government is ex- pected to approach nationaliza- tion in a different way. Indica- tions are that the largest steel companies will be taken over * ledged higher in light trading on and the small ones left alone.jare, however, that the govern- This possibility has aroused|ment will try to bring steel un- more resentment among steeljder 'public ownership within a manufacturers than simple na-|year. The government's deci- tionalization of the whole indus- try. Labor officials won't talk about the possible pe all tion methods, Most indications sion is likely to be announced in the throne speech read by the Queen when Parliament opens Nov. 3. LBJ To Tennessee Barry To President Johnson opens his stretch drive in Tennessee to- bef while his Republican oppon- t in the Nov. 3 U.S. presiden- |tial election, Senator Barry Goldwater, 'heads. into Texas after saying it is common talk that the White House is mixed up in what he called '"'question- able activities." Goldwater briefly hit at for- mer White House aide Walter TOO MANY SPUDS The 20 tons of potatoes Ray- Line near Oakville Friday. mond Schofield was hauling His rig dropped 30 feet but he proved just too much for this old bridge on the Fourth eseaped with nothing more than a few cuts and bruises. Texas Jenkins Friday, then switched! 599 his fire to ex-senate aide Bobby Baker. He told some 12,000 per- sons in San Diego Friday night: "IT do not . .. see how an effective force for law and or- der can. be forthcoming from the White House when it is a common assumption in the length and breadth of the land that the White House itself is involved in questionable activi- ties." QUESTIONS REPORT | WOODBINE ENTRIES Saturday, Oct. 24 IDAY, \ctober 26 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2100. cso) | Rob hag be We Shamrock Li claiming. Two-year-olds, foaled in Can- ada. One Mile. Gun Artist, No eer 4 Silk n' Sapphires, Cutherison. A-X114 ia St., Harris xi4 » No Boy 114 Cruisin Thru, Inda 116 Sail Along, Parsons X110 tor tens irl, Potts 115 Het Honey, Cuthbertson X114 Lucky Brow. McCauley A-KI14 A--Mrs W Von Richthofen and F A Sherman Entry SECOND RACE -- Purse $1900. ($2500) fons Three-year-olds and up. 7 ris hae ne 'ege. Service, Walsh 115 Fiat Gypsy, No Boy A-116 Remister, Annesiey 118 Kenny K., No Boy 115 Hill, Maxwell 120 Final Award, Walsh 118 inyk Also Eligible: oe Line, Leblanc, 195; | ing, Harris, X115. A--M Cojocar and D R Getty Entry. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2100 ($3500) | claiming. Two-year-olds, foaled in. Canada Maytown, Bailey 1 No Rent, Guinbertoon xe Bingham, Walsh 117 Win Dixie, No Boy 115 Hat ag Herris X114 Scotty K., Dittfech 117 FOURTH RACE -- Mount Market Me. Flirt, Welsh 1 FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2700. "Cham- plain gd Allowances. foaled in Canada. One Mile, Flaming Triumph, Leblanc A-117 Queen's pg etl a ATT Arnmart, Gubbi Whirling. Rich, tortie xia Serene Cathy, "4 Abd Pilot, Leblanc 119 Purly Serk, Shuk M17 Windfields Farm Entry QUINELLA BETTING SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 dedaibane" Allowances. Thre "Bre- | e- year-olds. || 7 Furtongs. Pileriou, Leblanc 121 Brockton Boy, Shuk 116 Aged Dust, Ue) Recourse, Inde 117 0 us Ky. Quill,"No Boy 112 SEVENTH RACE -- Purse $10, Fons ed "Maple Leaf Stakes'. Three- 'a = fillies, foated In Conede, 'One Reckless Lady, Harrison 112 French Wind, Bailey A-112 A--Windflields Farm Entry BIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2000. ($2500) Three-yeer-cids end up, One Fur-} Faleun, Leblenc 115 » Harris X16 perky Lass, gh 5 alucina, Parsons X107 Rock Age, Hernandez 120 'urrytown, Cuthbertson X108 one Roman, Fitzsimmons 113 | Guiding Wave, Dittfach 113 Mystere, Cuthbertson X111 | Niagara Drift, Stadnyk 13 | Yukon Squaw, Armstrong 113 Also Eligible: Friend Wilile, No Drive, No Boy, 120; Eternal Lock, Walsh, (112; Royal Heavy Man, Leblanc, 120; » Potts, 13. X--5 Ibs. AAC XX--7 Ibs. AAC XXX--10 tbs. AAC _fosr Tima 1:30 eM. Kina Government | DMO Official | Better Thinks lered separate ana individual en- 8. 113; Flippin Floyd, Walsh, 117; Parksice minister of municipal affairs, Republican running-mate Wil- liam E. Miller said he ques- tions the FBI report made Thursday night to President Johnson in the morals case against Jenkins after an inten- sive seven-day check with some 500 people. Miller told New Jersey audi- ences the FBI cant' be sure that Jenkins <iq not jeopardize top-level secrets in his posses- sion as a senior assistant to the president. Goldwater said Johnson should have seen to it that a grand jury looked into the af- fairs of Baker, who resigned as secretary to Senate Democrats amid charges he used improper influence in° outside business Higher Prices, Light Trading In Bond Mart TORONTO (CP) -- Prices the Canadian bond market this week. The amount of day-to-day money decreased $5,000,000 to $215,000,000 with the rate in- creasing to 3% per cent from 3% per cent. The 91-day treasury bills showed a higher yield than last week's issue, coming out at 3.70 per cent. The 182-day bills were 3.74 per cent. Long-term Canada issues ad- vanced toward the week end. Gains of about % went to Gov- ernment of Canada 5% per cent due 1990 and the five per cent of 1988. The new issues of. the mu: nicipality of Metropolitan Tor- onto debentures totalling $33,- 500,000 was well received and sold quickly. OLYMPIC MEDAL TALLY U.S. And Russia Close At Final Counting TOKYO (CP) -- Final medal standing in the 1964 Olympic Games: Phillippines Tran Treland THE OSHAWA TIMES, Seturdey, October 24, 1964 97 Paper's Boss Says ITU Must Be Realistic TORONTO (CP)--J: vice-president 7S B i 26 28 Kenya Mexico Brazil Ghana United States Russia Canada Does Well At Display Hungary Poland Australia Czechoslovakia Britain _ _ Hee pds CDOSSON NS HH NW ROS OD Dr Bulgaria Finland New Zealand ania Netherlands Turkey Sweden Denmark Yugoslavia Belgium Canada Switzerland Ethiopia Bahamas India France Korea Trinidad Tunisia Cuba entina istan SSSS SS HHH HHH BNO MNHNS WAU] Pa Nigeria Uruguay Total eooosc ooooH lanl antantienl tent aS 0 163 167 174 504 (More silver and bronze were awarded for ties and two bronze were awarded to losers of semi-finals in box- ing and judo.) MONEY FOR SCHOOLS LONDON (AP)--An independ- ent survey reports at least $1,400,000,000 is needed to re- place unsanitary and inade- quate school buildings in Eng- land and Wales. The available monies budgeted for such re- placements through 1967 is $224,000,000, OLYMPICS ORIGIN The Olympic marathon stems from the feat of a Greek courier who ran from the Plain of Mar- athon to Athens to announce a Greek victory over the Per- sians, Mr. Cooper's letter was in an- swer to a letter from the mayor calling on the three Toronto daily newspapers to negotiate iseparately with their striking printers. The mayor's pied been on strike since July 9 but the papers have continued to publish. Mr. Cooper said the sugges- tion to negotiate separately was "not as, simple as ~~ = mayor) have been led to lieve." WAS REJECTED He said the publishers negoti- ated a settlement with the ITU three times but each time it was rejected by. union head- The Organization of American States comprises 21 nations of North, Central and South amer- ica and the Caribbean, a polit- ical concept dating back to 1826. MONKEYS DECLINE extinct with less than 5,000 sur- viving in the jungles of Sara- wak, Sumatra and North Bor- neo. OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian products won five industrial de- sign awards at the recently concluded Triennale di Milano Exhibition at Milan, Italy, the industry department reported Friday. Two gold medals were awarded for the Penguin, a fibreglass amphibious vehicle designed and manufactured by Pengor Ltd. of Carleton Place, Ont., and a holiday cottage de- signed by Paul Schoeler of Ot- tawa and built by the Canadian government exhibition commis- sion. Three silver medals went to F. Fentiman and Sons Ltd. of Ottawa for a canvas boat can- opy, Clairtone Sound Corp. of Toronto for a sterophonic high- fidelity recording and radio console and General Steel Wares Ltd. of Toronto for its dealings. designs of kitchen pots and pans. DRUG STORES OPEN THIS SUNDAY 12:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. JURY and LOVELL LTD. 8 King Street East Phone. 723-2245 McCORDICK DRUGS 360 Wilson Road South Phone 725-8711 LAW PHARMACY 1204 Wecker Drive He had come that way by mis- Phone 725-3525 ake. _--(CP Wirephoto). OSHAWA TIMES PATTERN FORT WILLIAM (CP) -- A provincial municipal. offi- cial says municipalities in On- tario no longer can be consid- tities Dr, L. R. Cumming, deputy told local government repre- sentatives Thursday that there lis the need for @ type of re- |gional government, a need to jattack problems on a common "baals, 2200 oon | | SERVICE STATIONS | OPEN THIS SUNDAY 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. 78 BOND BILL'S WHITE 352 WILSON RUSS'S CITIES SERVICE STATION 767 PARK RD. $. AND. CORDOVA RD. BISSONETTE'S SHELL STATION 381 KING ST. WEST * DURNO'S SUPERTEST STATION 574 KING ST. BILENDUKE'S ESSO STATION 1004 SIMCOE ST, SOUTH COOPER'S TEXACO STATION 410 RITSON ROAD NORTH SPUR OIL STATION MONTY'S B.A. STATION 284 SIMCOE ST. SOUTH ROBINSON'S B.P. STATION 574 RITSON ROAD SOUTH KENT'S WESTERN B-A 136 KING ST, WEST EAST From Chanel's newest collec- tion shown just weeks ago comes this elegant three-piece suit superbly adapted by Abe Schradar. Note the newest "Chanelisms"--- slightly longer, straighter jacket that fits easily, moves beautifally with the body. Note the traditional details -- disciplined cuffs with button trim, overblouse in the same fabric as collar and cuffs, Note too the way jacket seams flow into the line of the inverted |skirt pleats. Choose wool and |silk, dotble-knit wools, rich |satins for evening, Printed Pat- ltern M313 is available in Misses' Sizes 10, 12: 14, 16 and 18. Size ST. WEST ROSE STATION ROAD SOUTH PRINTED PATTERN CHANEL adapted by ABE SCHRADER NEWEST CHANEL DESIGN! 16 suit requires 35% yards 54- inch; blouse, jacket facings re- quire 1% yards 39-inch. Send ONE DOLLAR for Printed Pat- tern M313 to The Oshawa Times, Pattern Department, Oshawa, Ont. Ontario residents add 3 cents sales tax. Please print plainly YOUR NAME_,AD- DRESS, STYLE NUMBER and SIZE. Announcing the premiere edition of our couture pattern collection -- 57 of the world's most beautiful designer originals plus 50 cents FREE COUPON to apply to any One Dollar. pat-| »}tenn. Send 50 cents right now for Couture Collection 10. | SoS wH A2SSSOHH eH Deh H RAN NNW S EVERYBODY BENEFITS Young and Old Alike! GIVE the UNITED WAY ... to the GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST One drive .. . one contribution . . . and everybody bene- fits! Your Red Feather gift stays here in your community to help many worthwhile organizations and to aid people of all ages. This year give as naenercuy: ds you can ! © 20 Worthy Agencies Need Your Help! THE GOAL IS :275,90 Mail or bring your Donation to: GREATER OSHAWA COMMUNITY CHEST 11 Ontario St., Oshawa 728-0203 _ This Message Sponsored by: H. M. Brooks Limited Lancaster Hotel Duplate (Canada) Limited 240 Roleon Street, Oshowa, Ont. 29 King Street.W., Oshewe First Avenue, Oshawe, Ontario

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