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Oshawa Times (1958-), 24 Oct 1964, p. 5

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WHITBY And DISTRICT itby Bureau Office 111 Dundas St. West Manager: Chris Dennett, Tel. 668-3703 Bless New School Sunday Afternoon Whitby's D enig O'Connor catholic School; Giffard street, is to be officially opened Sun- day afternoon. The ning ceremony and blessing will be performed by Monsignor Denis O'Connor, pastor of St. John's Church, To- ronto. Monsignor O'Connor is & nephew of the late Archbishop| Denis O'Connor in whose mem- ory the new school is named. The ceremonies, which are timed for 2 p.m., will be at- tended by members of the fed- eral and provincial govern- ments, the local municipal gov- erning bodies, officials #f the municipality, labor leaders and representatives from the boards and staff of neighboring schools. Members of the clergy, both Catholic and Protestant, have also been invited to attend. After the blessing ceremony the keys of the school will be Evening Guild Plans Square Dance) Plans for a 'square dance" to be held in the parish hall Friday, Oct. 30, were outlined at a recent meeting of the Even- ing Guild of All Saints' Angli- can Church. Mrs. Fred Reed outlined the arrangements for the event, say- ing tickets will be available from all Guild members. Mrs. Alex Scott conducted the meet- ing. | Members were reminded that} Mrs. McKibbin, wife of Rev.| John McKibbin of Port Whitby, | will be the speaker at the Nov. meeting. Mrs. McKibbin will speak on her work as a social worker in the downtown Toronto area. Following the business meet- ing an Opportunity Sale was held among the members with Mrs. Jack Wilson acting as auc- tioneer. Tea hi Group Planning presented to the Board by w. W. Rankin, the school architect, and W.' Smid, who was the gen- eral contractor. Principal speakers for the oc- casion will be E. J. Finan, In- spector of Separate Schools and representi the Hon. W. G. Davis, Minister of Education; Sister St. Helena, Superior Gen- eral of the Grey Sisters of the Immaculate Conception and Monsignor Denis O'Connor. During the afternoon Mon- signor O'Connor will unveil a portrait of the late Archbishop painted by Sister Palladia and donated by the Grey Sisters. The student choir, under the direction of Sister Mary Julia, will present a musical interlude during the program. All members of the commun- Accident Placed On Wrong Street In @ report appearing in Mon- day's issue it was stated erron- eously that A. W. Poulter, of Oshawa, was suing the Town of Whitby as the result of damage to his auto due to the condition of Hutcheson street. Mr. Poulter's claim against the town resulted from an acci- dent on Dunlop drive. He is claiming damages for an acci- dent to his car. Town council's insurance adjusters deny the claim, The Oshawa Times regrets any embarrassment the pre- vious report may have oc- casioned. Whitby Duplicate Bridge High Scores Following are the scores of the games played by the mem- bers of the Whitby Duplicate BROOKLIN BREEDER WINS TROPHY Bridge Club: East and West -- Miss Wilson | R, Roy Ormiston, Brooklin, | won the R. R. Dennis Pro- THESOSHAWA TIMES, ¢ Soturdey, October 24, 1964 5 guardian, Sister Grace Harris; TOPS CLUB Whitby Whittlers TOPS Club met at the home of Mrs. John Boychyn, Anderson street, for their weekly meeting. It was cided by members to choose the name Whittlers TOPS Club for this group. Three new members attended, Mrs. Boychyn extended a cor- dial welcome to all women in- terested in losing weight sensibly. A prize was awarded to the member who lost the most weight during the past week. A total of 12 pounds were lost for eight members, They all pledged to lose no less than two pounds before next week's meeting. Members also exchanged tele- phone numbers so they could help one another, if one felt like being on the verge of a "Food Binge" The award of ribbons to mem- bers each time,;they lose five | |pounds was dis ssed, WCTU MEETS Mrs. Mary Mitchell was host- ess for the meeting of the Women's Christian Temperance Union. The president, Mrs. Harold Quantrill, welcomed the mem- bers. A brief service of song and choral reading was enjoyed. record of 16 percent for milk and 190 percent for fat or @ ity are invited to attend the opening of this new school which forms the first step in Catholic education above the Grade 8 level. composite of 179.5 percent. The trophy was presented to the animal that had stood amongst the first three in any of the senior classes and had the highest compostie Breed Class Average percentage. This is the first year the trophy has been offered. Left to right: R. R. Dennis and and Mrs. Crossman, 76; Mrs. | duction Trophy at the East- |Pirie and Mrs. McCutcheon,| central Ontario Championship 1/6714; Mrs. Chubb' and Mrs. Holst Sh t Peterb Maundrell, 5; Mrs. Murty and| Holstein Show a ig |Mrs. Lee, 57%; Mrs. Pringle The trophy wae. won te Ae and Mrs. McIntyre, 55. brook Model Lady who was second prize aged cow, dry North 'and South -- Mrs, Jen- sen and Mr. Moyer, 4; Mrs.| and has a 305-day record as Win a three-year-old on twice-a te d Winter, 7714; | aL ' Bene ee inter. ic: | day milking of 18,775 bs. milk Those taking part in the devo- tional were: Mrs. Gordon Glenny, Mrs. Olive Robinson and Mrs. Ruth Pickering. Mrs. E. N. Grainger, a former member who has returned to Found In Plant ostesses were Mrs. Jim} GUEST SPEAKER Rev. Walter Keeney, pastor of Calvary speaker at the 13th. anniver- Sat ¥ ser vices.to 2 i Sunday at. Faith Baptist Church, Whitby. Mr, Keeney will be speaking at both the morning and evening services. Church, Buffaio, | New York, will be the guest Spratt and Mrs. Wilson, 61; Mrs, Baxter and Miss Forsythe, 60. OPEN LETTER Monday's fiery meeting of the Whitby Town Council, at which plans for the town's Centennial Project were discussed, has |brought the following open let- dent of the Whitby Chamber of Commerce. "Dear Sir, 781 lbs. fat, average buterfat test 4.16 percent. She has a Breed Class Average on this Position Of Chamber Cited By President made one wonder whether they |were preparing for this centen- |nial or the second centennial. "Did they not realize as'%me |member stated our times, that, ter from John Pantony, presi-|eyen though an application had| they then can ascertain the an-| been made for one project, it |could later be changed if the lfirst proved unacceptable. Yet, Roy Ormiston and Brian Rea- zin, Brooklin --Photo by Jim Rose. | Accused Jailed A Whitby man, found "wandering around" in a local factory, was sentenced to 30 days in jail at Whitby Magis- trate's Court Friday. Donald Powell pleaded not guilto to the charge laid against him by Whithy Police. Evidence was introduced showing Powell was found in the Stokley Van Camp plant at 1 am. Oct,23. He displayed all the standard appearances of a person under made for the establishment of|the nifluence of alcohol, and the Old County Building as ajWhen asked if he had any recreational and cultural cen-| money he replied "I came into ter. the world without money and "when I'll leave without any." Rigs Rico he was at the swers to questions raised at the |@ looking for a friend and 'dog-fight' of last Monday even-|that he appeared to be drunk ng: |because he was shot in the head two years ago and had not yet this has been done} UNITS, GROUPS, AUXILIARIES i} who was town after an extended absence, was welcomed, : The president checked on those wearing their white ribbon pins. It was suggested that in future each member be fined if her pin is missing. Mrs. Mitchell read an article from the White Ribbon Tidings. It was decided to continue with the 'Clip Sheet". Temperance course booklets have increased in price to 15 cents, but will be given free to any Sunday school desiring them. Highlights of the National WCTU Convention, held in Niagara Falls, were given by.) the delegates, Mrs. Mary Mitch- ell, Mrs, Olive Whitehurst and_ Miss Maude Cameron. The dele- gates were taken on a bus tour of Niagara Falls, Niagara-on- the-Lake, the Welland Cana] and right support Noble Grand, Sis- Noble Grand, 'Sister Mabel James; right support, Vice Grand, Sister Edie Hoar; left zel Rogers; Alma Dewey, Visitors attended from Stouff- ville, Ajax, Brougham, manville, Brooklin, Oshawa No. 3 and Sunshine Ledge, Oshawa. Sister Eileen Th musician, Oshawa West, was introduced by Sister Lena Pellow, The guard of honor, dressed in white various points of interest. REBEKAH LODGE | Officers for the ensuing year | were installed by a Brooklin | team at the recent meeting of Benevolent Rebekah Lodge. The new officers are: } Past Grand, Sister Gwen Hal-| | A.M. Ww. J, MOWAT Mayor left support) ti support Vice Grand, Sister Ha- Sister jompson, dis- trict deputy president of No. 7,| from TOWN OF WHITBY Notice: Re Daylight Saving Citizens ef the Town of Whitby ere reminded that Daylight © Saving Time, which hes been in. effect since April 26th, 1964, will come to an end on Sunday, October 25th, 1964 at 12:01 and ion. A new altar, made by Halton, added much to the room, A donation of $10 to th Victorian Order of Nurses was approved. as & FIND ANCIENT BURIAL - PERTH, Scotland (CP) -- A neolithic burial mound, a rarity. of its type, has been excav: here by a of si Leicester University. eral items found in the m have been dated to betw 2000 and 1600 B.C. * JOHN R. FROST Clerk ---- ton; Noble Grand, Sister Wanda Tizzard; Vice Grand, Sister Verna 'Atwood; recording secre- tary, Sister Donna Martin; fi- nancial secretary, Sister Isabel Saunders; treasurer, Sister Ida Simpson; warden, Sister Ann | Myers; conductor, Sister Sheila | Gordon; chaplain, Sister Greta Campbell; color bearer, Sister Lillian Luke; inside guardian, Sister Harriet Bayes; outside | The name of the wine... | SAVE $ $ ON AUTO INSURANCE If you are an Abstainer you save up to $16.00 on your auto insurance, See... RIEGER & OSBORNE 218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 moowcen © CANADIAN SHERRY Phone Brights for free home delivery! ¢) FORA HEATING SYSTEM THAT WILL BE A SENSATION, "WELL GIVE AN "B" HOCKEY OPENING © GAME Toronto Neil McNeil MAROONS vs. [0.H.A. JUNIOR "The Whitby Chamber of|if no application was made by 'ommerce wishes to place--on; Nov---9;--Whitby--could not --he) record its position concerning;considered for a Centennial establishment of a Recrea-|grant at all. tional and Cultural Centre in| 'The complete about face of jthe Old County Building as the) certain members over their pre- Christmas Auction | Mrs. Tom Farndale told mem-| CLUB CALENDA to.direct public attention to the|one wonder if the ears deceived. os Centennial Project, and/viously stated positions made linept manner in which town| "Surely it was the duty of this bers of Unit 7, United Church| Women of St. Mark's United Church, Whitby, that the recent bers who contributed. | It was decided to cancel the| November meeting due to the! general UCW meeting in which} the unit will be participating. | A Christmas auction is plan-| ned at the December meeting. | Plans were laid for the Nov. 3 and 4 anniversary dinner. Mrs. Ray Marshall and Miss Ila Newton provided the prog- ram on "'India."' A tape record- ing of an interview dealing with the life of women in India, in which recognized authorities took part, provoked a lively dis- cussion period Lunch was served by Mrs. R J. Minter's group. Artists Paint At Miners Bay The East Central Ontario Art Association held its fall painting over the weekend at Miners Bay | Lodge, Miners Bay, Ont, The perfect weather inspired the many painters attending to create some fine works. A lively | criticism period was held Satur- | day evening with the artists sub-| mitting questions tothe instruc- tors. | Tuition for the weekend was | supplied by two teachers, Miss Cc bake sale had been most mf cessful. She thanked the mem-|* MONDAY, Oct. 26 'o-Op Credit Union banking night Andrew's Presbyterian Church Explorers Ist Whitby Scouts Salvation Army Brownies Whitby Baptist Church Explor- ers Vimy Ridge LOBA No, 639 St. John's Anglican Church Ruth WA St. Andrew's Presbyterian Women Group No. 2 t. TUESDAY, Oct. Whitby TOPS Club Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club ed Cross worrk room Salvation Army Cubs 2nd Whitby Whitby Baptist Women's Society for Christian Service 27 St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 1)Council, who on Monday even-|Commerce believes the best in-| Both-Bergstrom, Brock street St. Mark's UCW Unit No. 4 jing last, treated us to a display] terest of the people of Whitby|south: and Wood, 1452 Brock Royal Canadian Legion LA WEDNESDAY, Oct. 28 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Chil- dren of the Church Women's Institute St. John's Anglican Church WA THURSDAY, Oct. 29 Christian Reformed Church La- dies Society Work and Pray Whitby Baptist Church Cubs Salvation Army Women's HL FRIDAY, Oct. 30 Red Cross Senior Citizens So- cial Club Pentecostal Church Young Peo- ple's Christ's Ambassadors SATURDAY, Oct. 31 lcouncil is handling this matter/hody of elected representatives for you, the poeple of Whitby. [to pilot the required by-law | "Everyone has the right to)through, so that the application |voice their opinion» which can|for a Centennial grant would be 'be done honestly, openly, and|filed with the Federal and Pro- | without rancor, and the fact|vincial governments by the \that the opinion. expressed does|closing date of November 9, Inot agree with one's own/1964. [opinion we all Testize, does "0!| GENEROUS OFFER | pinion wrong. re | "A person in public life, how- Of course, there are. many lever, has a duty to carry out| questions needing answers, and the wishes of thepeople he rep-| 'His is especially true. when one : dealing with public monies, . 4 is n_- does not mean that he but, the building complete with ldicatates to those people, nor|the Parking area, has, already "Two or three members Of|recovered from injury ESTIMATE WITHOUT) WHITBY DUNLOPS eouncil-have--worked-particular-| «a pitessit--was-later--than-t ly hard together with other in-|thoyght, but I can drink quite terested people to bring this', pit and wasn't drunk," he matter to this stage. stated : | OBLIGATION," "Councillors, the time for de-|------ Monuments cision is right now-- carry out the wishes of those who elected » SAT., OCT. 24] 7 P.M. WHITBY ARENA you to office and show that you can 'carry the ball' without fall- ing down. If the Town of Whitby loses its centennial grant by de- fault the blame is yours." J. R. Pantony,} President Whitby Chamber of| Commerce. | 5 ---- | Youths Fined For Consuming Two Whitby boys, John Rob- | Family Created To Individual Requirements STAFFORD BROS, LTD. MONUMENTS 318 DUNDAS EAST 668-3552 sapere sts o) | | 1 been offered to the town by the or oe pon Mion county council for the sum of $1) their : per year on. a 99-year lease,| s truly a fantasticaly generous} SERIOUS MATTER offer by these far sighted) "This may come somewhat of | people. a shock to members of Whitby) 'The Whitby Ohamber of of stumbling and fumbling for/will be served if their council) jwhich any football coach would|members call themselves im- have been dismissed immedi-|/mediately into special session ately. It might have been Jaugh-| and: able if it were not about so} '(1) Accept the offer made} serious a matter by the county council for the! "Some of the arrant nonsense|old county building. which was spoken that evening,| "(2) Prepares and passes the when council sought refuge in|necessary bylaw. a committee of the whole to dis-| "(3) Processes the application cuss - the centennial project, for a centennial grant to be} WHITBY PERSONALS Mrs. Frank E. Murray, RR 2,|many friends wish her a speedy | Whitby, has returned from aj recovery. two-month trip to south east England where she visited her perienced any trouble with their sons and ert Bergstron, 17 and James|' Wood, 20, were convic of} drinking under age and fined|'; $50 and costs in Whitby Magis-| i trate's Court Tuesday. | INTRODUCING OUR NEW CONTINENTAL HAIRSTYLIST Anton of London Anton has oll the creative ability of a truly fine hairstylist plus the wonderful foundation of old country training street south, pleaded guilto to the charge. The court learned that the boys were found seated in a car parked on Rossland road Oct. 17 The boys' fathers told . the court that they had never ex- - Because we know you will be happy with the results, please let us share with you. the cost of your first appointment... A 25% reduction on all of Anton's appointments for the that they expected mink tive Wiaks: that the offence was due to bad company, Justice of the Peace: Mal Femia delivered a stern wairn- ing to the pair and gaid that| if they reappeared on a simi- lar charge they could: expect much heavier sentences. | Phone now for an Appointment: 668-3061 BEAUTY CLINIC HAIR STYLISTS son-in-law daughter and family, Mr. and Mrs. William | Woodward, at Broadstairs, s| Kent. She also 'visited Mr. Mur- "\ray's brother, sister and family of London and Honington in Suf- Ethel Raicus, of Toronto and) Salvation Army Guides Mr. Peter Kolisnyk of Cobourg. | Salvation Army Timbral Brig- Paul Bennett, of the Art In-|. ade s stitute of Ontario, gave a fine | 5alvation Army Young People' talk on the institute and on the| __ Band new van he has acquired to} i folk take art to interested groups in| MAY RESTORE SALMON ' Ontario. NEWCASTLE, England (CP) Mrs. Jack: Henderson, of Those attending the weekend | Local authorities' on Tyneside) Madoc, spent a few days with from this area were Mrs. Joan|have approved a £29,000,009| her sister, Mrs.. Frank BE. Mur- Stacey, Mrs. Kim Armitage and|sewage disposal scheme which| tay. and they both visited their Mrs. Marie Pool, Oshawa; Mrs.| could be in operation within 10| sister, Mrs. Arthur McCreary of Ted Evans, Mr, Peter Van Gils|years. It is hoped the scheme' Toronto. and Mrs. Laurine Sage, Whitby; | will eventually restore the! Mr. and Mr&obert Emard| and and daughter cine spent! last weekend in CO¥pwall visit-| jing their parents Dr. and Mrs. lL. M. Emard. Francine, while} at her grandfather's, underwent a tonsillectomy operation. She is fully recovered and back to school. Mr. and Mrs. R. English, | and daughters, 'Terry, Sus, Judy, Laurie, Debbie and Nancy spent last Sunday in Belleville, | guests of Mr. and Mrs, Allan} Spencer BE Now Open! VINCENT BARBER SHOP 1026 Brock St. S., Whitby 2 Barbers - Free Parking 301 BYRON ST. SOUTH WHITBY Clearance Sale! Heated for your convenience Admission: Adults 1,00 me BRIAN FLETCHER Students (with cards) 50¢ THIRTEENTH ANNIVERSARY SERVICES FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH 419 BROCK STREET, NORTH REV, DeLOSS M. SCOTT, Minister 9:15 A.M, -- "Faith Tidings" Broadcast C.K.L.B. 1350 on your dial 9:45 A.M, -- Teaching the 'Whole Bible" in our Bible School 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. GUEST SPEAKER: REV, WALTER KEENEY, BUFFALO, N.Y. GUEST ORGANIST: *) MR, JOE PONTRELLO OF RADIO FAME GUEST MUSIC: LEROY AND DELLA SOPER, STOUFFVILLE 8:15 P.M. A GREAT "MUSICAL FIRESIDE" Featuring The Above Talent -- Joe Pontrello Playing Request Numbers. "There's Always o Welcome ot Faith" ST.. MARK'S UNITED CHURCH Rev, J. M. Smith, B.A., B.D. Miss lla Newton, Deaconess Mrs, J. L. Beaton, A. R. C. T. LET'S .,ALL GO TO CHURCH THIS SUNDAY 11 A.M. "WHO WILL BE SAVED?" 9:30 A.M.--Junior, Intermediate, Senior 11:00 A.M.--Nursery, Kindergarten, Primary, Infant.Care, while parents worship. EMMANUEL REFORMED REV, GERRIT REZELMAN 403 ROSSLAND ROAD" WEST WHITBY BAPTIST (Colborne Street West at Centre) Minister: REV, JOHN MeLEOD 10:30 A.M. Organist and Mrs. Lyla Cameron, ! Columbus. River Tyne to the salmon fish- ing river it once was. WHITBY wggenen BROCK Evening Shows Start ot 7 and 8:20 Saturday Matinee Starts 1:30 The annual bazaar and tea Of Recent guests at the horaat St. John the Evangelist CWL their parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. will be held Saturday, Dec. 5, in|s' ferskine, 118 Cedar street the parish hall. Convening the were: Mr. and Mrs. Gary event are Mrs. Helen Heffer and); owel] and children David Mrs. John Rousseau. In charge| Mark and Timothy of Tecum- of the various tables are: Draw) cop : tickets, Mrs. Vincent Mallon; | aprons, Mrs. John Vander-| Recent guest at the home of |pluym; homebaking, Mrs. Don|her daughter and_ son-in-law, Sullivan; tea tables, Mrs. Wil-| Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finan, was liam Gray; gifts and faney| Mrs, K. J. Craddock, of Hamil- goods, Mrs. George Mowat;|ton, who left on Tuesday from touch and take, Mrs. Ron Mor-|Teronto International Airport ris; children's wear, Mrs. Ed-/for a four-week trip to England ward Waring; quilting, Mrs. fig Harold Augustus and Mrs. Win-| Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Fitzgerald) nifred: Harrigan and family visited Mrs, Fitz-| ' gerald's brother, James) Prizes for the draw are on|Gauthier, student at Scarboro display at Rousseau Heritage Foreign Mission Seminary. House, 216 Mary street east. y Joan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. G. Langford, mem-|Mrs. A. F. Foote celebrated her |ber of the Viscount Greenwood) eighth birthday Oct. 22. Guests \Chapter, IODE, attended the| attending her party were: Cathy two-day semi-annual convention | Quantrill, Cathy Attwood, Deb- Thursday at Royal York Hotel,| bie Fydel and Cheryl Smith. Toronto. : || Mr. and Mrs.. Ron Fitzgerald, | Mrs. Norman Mantle, 506 Dun-|their son Eddie and daughter| das street west, is confined to; Marilyn, recently spent a week her home due to an injury sus-|in Westport visiting their par- }tained by a resent fail. Her! ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Muldoon. | CLAREMONT , ONT. GORD'S MARINE . PH. 649-2007 e BOATS dione Bea stied VINCENT BARRESE Mr. Barrese would 'like to correct a mistake in his opening ad. He wos a former barber of Btock UP TO 1 OFF ALL 1964 STOCK e@ MOTORS e@ TRAILERS Barber Shop, 112 Brock St. S. His new place of business is known as Vincent Berber Shop at 1026 Brock }) St. S. A cordial invitotion is ex- tended to all. Open Tues. to Sat. 8 to 6 P.M. PHONE 668-5312 BUY NOW AT.... GORD"S MARINE CLAREMONT--9 Miles North of Pickering on Brock Rd. ENGLISH SERVICE AND SUNDAY SCHOOL 2 P.M. DUTCH SERVICE 7 P.M. ENGLISH SERVICE Mrs. W. E. Summers, A.T.C.M. 9:45 A.M, -- BIBLE SCHOOL 11:00 A.M, == THE MASTER BUILDER 7:00 P.M, -- GIVE GOD A CHANCE EVERYONE HEARTILY WELCOMED Prayer Meeting--Wed., 8 p.m. Mrs. P. N. Sp 11:00 A.M. A social hour will evening Divine ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH CORNER BYRON AT ST. JOHN Rev. W. J. S. McClure, B.A. Minister 9.45 A.M, -- SUNDAY SCHOOL ° 13] ANNIVERSARY SERVICES The Minister will preach COME. AND WORSHIP. WITH US Nursery care and Junior Congregation during - Worship. ratt, Organist ST & 7:30 P.M. be held after the service.

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