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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1964, p. 13

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Wik GAUGE AND GAME THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 26, 1964 OSHAWA Pheasant Season Opening Was Damp But Succesful By KEN ROBERTS heavily hunted try the sur- Pheasant season was off to ajrounding fields and fence damp start this past Wednes-|lines, leave the swails till mid- day, and this more than called|afternoon when birds will seek those birds. Yes, get in there|hole, and kick 'em up! That's exact-| E \iy the method we used open- CORNFIELDS : 4 ing morning in Pickering Town-| While this isn't my favorite ship. |spot for pheasant, it must be ;| 'The morning air was cool|credited with producing birds. and damp and a steady drizzle|Here, then, are a few hints on i morn ir. Much to|covering them, Keep in mind rectal clrey He einit dismay these factors, birds feed in the 4 | ing, and fly into the wind. many hunters. The roads were|Morning, and PM heavy with cars and many of | These two factors should de- spots were quite|/termine when and how you run /'heavily hunted. Throughout the|# cornfield, Your best time of r } Pours s in the morning. As morning we worked out fields| COUTSe is in and their surrounding swails,|fr the wind, you may run eith- on the hunter's skill to get/the refuge of their ace-in-the-| 34 BOWLING NEWS Lions, Stam MOTOR CITY STORE LEAGUE | 40 Games -- Ann Peters 492 (260, ane Cleta Wellman 448 (263), Lena Nicholls 438 (230, 208), Ev. Stinson 429 (245), Marg) Monell 416 (221) and Barb Harding 410/ 200 Games -- Marg Warlow 245, Mabel | se tt Pan the | -- , e le , irene | of 218, Kay Middiemass 217, Queenie Lounds/| By THE CANADIAN PR t 214, Bea Parkin 212, Mary McKnight a11,, The giants of the Western AL MIN 2, 96: 08 as |Football Conference meet Wed- Lovell 8, Gold Medal Clean "| nesday night in a clash that jothing 7, Swan's Hardware 6 could decide the 1964 regular- don carpet & Kinjock's | season championshi Upholistering 6 -- Thomson son plorship. Florists 1. They are British Columbia Lions, who lead the conference by one point after a 20-3 win Kernaghan 2 and Jordan's lover Saskatchewan Roughriders People's Ci 1, ers McBride 203, J.: Marshel202, 270, Archie Petch 203, 235, 211, 210, and Vince Hickey 208. Women's High Triples -- Carol Wood oy Joan Ellis 552 and Marilyn Burns 'Men's High Triples -- Bob Gardner 716, Eric Michelin 711 and Lewis Coe 649, High Men's Triple with Handicap -- ORANGE LEAGUE 200 Bowlers -- Bob Gardner 229, 216, LeMay Plume mpd ptclR ge pit Freda C in 204, Erie. Michelin|at Vancouver Saturday and ae 240, 270, 201, Bob Ellis 207, Bea Mac- GP oy " gary Stampeders, who edge Gui 213, B le 274, : Gilivary 05, Bit Keone 2 209 902, cry |fourth - place Edmonton Eski- Smith 204, Alex 214, George) mos 17-16 at Edmonton, Gill Talbot! B.C. has two games 'yet to \play, against Calgary Wednes- day night at Calgary and against Winnipeg Nov. 1 in Vn- couver. If B.C. wins one of its remain- Thanks to a shiny black Labra-|/®" With or against it, depend- '\dor Retriever my day was} saved and I wound up with a) i |hen and a good cock. The limit! ing upon your shooting tech- nique. Myself, I prefer fanning three Bob Gardner 796. High Women's Triple -- Joan Ellis 668. High Women's Triple with Handicap -- Louise Porter 691. Men's High Average -- Bob Poole 216. ing two games, Calgary has no chance to gain a playoff bye. B.C..winds up its season next 4\be a hen, I considered myself|apart, into the wind. Should lucky in view of the weather. | you flush the bird, he will fiy League game in Toronto. Also in on the play is former Mont- real Canadiens' forward Dick- je Moore (16), on Toronto ice position in the New York Rangers' goal during this sec- ond-period scramble in Satur- day night's National Hockey *ELLIS IN FOR PAILLE? as if Toronto Maple ard Ron Ellis (11) ver Marcel Paille's 'Weekend Action Knots NHL Race 14,180 Forum By TED BLACKMAN |given up just one goal in his, margin before Canadian Press Staff Writer |last three outings en route to| customers. Sid Abel is beginning to look| taking the NHL shutout lead) Crozier then blanked the like a hockey genius. with two. The Red _ Wings, in| punchless Bruins on 26 shots be- But that was hardly the pop-| the process, have climbed into|fore a disappointed Boston ular opinion last June when the) a four-way tie for first place.|/erowd of 11,476. The Bruins Detroit coach unloaded veteran'|It's not a coincidence. |have managed just seven goals were Eg Mice nyt Crozier blanked New York!/in six games. ational Hockey League dratt) Rangers 1-0 during the week to! __. Se re for $20,000. Toronto Maple Leafs | ek off his current hot streak.) AGAIN SETS PACE couldn't believe i, but gladly | puring the weekend he allowed| Delvecchio again paced the snapped him up. : _.|Montreal Canadiens only one| Wings with two goals while That left the Red Wings with) goal as the Wings battled to a| Norm Ullman and Ron Murphy a. virtually untried 22-year-old | 1.1 draw and shut out Boston) tallied their second goals of the youngster to do a man's job.|Bruins 4-0 Sunday night. | season. Maayan Gt el tn oe cas Toronto and New York fought] But the lead in the goal- |directly away from you. Do_not| PLENTY OF HUNTERS fire instantly, wait till he levels| As I stated earlier, the hunt-|off, this is the point in his| ing on opening day was quite flight when he is most vulner- heavy. Most hunters concerned] able. With this technique, there] themselves with the cornfields,|is no chance of the bird wait-| |true many birds were taken! ing till you pass and taking off! from flushing cornpatches but|behind you. | |just as many. were flushed | By THE CANADIAN PREss |'0™ the bordering fields and head on shots, these, to, some! ie x ames § . hunters, are more difficult, and) € -- on pe brea te; The nature of the pheasant,/at low heights birds can pass| the 'National Hockey I eague's Poth hen and cock, - to run in-/ mighty fast. If, however, you| individual: séorifie Tac "ee "| stead of flush. This is evenido catch him in time with your! individual scoring race. _|more so, when they are heav-|first shot, you're The defending NHL scoring|ijy hunted as on opening day.|should you miss, he may change champion -scored twice and|as a result, while chaps were! direction and afford you another earned two assists as the Black|«ombing the cornpatches, many|shot, In other words, there are [pesto : Nebo hd Now vont |bieds wandered from : these/ always two sides to every coin, | wers 5-2 § j | i / 'i : left. the rest of the Sack Pot cog mcd into the border. mente "_. that is quite ie rw Tai wise goals sad By running these bordering|the last ten yards of the corn nine assists fields, we saved our dogs for|field. More birds are lost by | Toronto defenceman Sent | tougher going in the swails as|careless hunters who speed up Douglas is second with eight|the day wore on and birds} just to get the run over with. |points, one more than third-|Sought shelter, In swails, fresh|A good rule here is to leave place Alex Delvecchio of De- dogs are essential, for this is the each corn run 'with the same troit. ace-in-the-hole pheasants use;|care you entered it. Bobby Hull of Chicago scored|You may pass within feet of/---------- = |three times against New York|them and they will not flush. | \t se his ] total to five,|Here @ fresh dog willl ferret | 4 i erea ea a foie ee cuts, arse] GUey Wins jat five points are Red Kelly| Age | . US. Invader Grand Prix in Leafs' uniform for the first time. The game ended in a 1-1 tie. --(CP Wirephoto) NHL BIG SEVEN With the wind, you get more} }and Don McKenney of Toronto} Maple Leafs and Red Hay of} the Black Hawks. | '|being three, of which one may)or four hunters, spaced 10 rows) ig; alright; |girls with 6 ' (264, 203, 202), Marg Hobbs 658 (295),|gan, Don Hottot, Bill McPherson, Dennis) rush through) Abel. | "If he doesn't do the job, I'll be. sitting out there in the stands like everyone else, won- dering what the devil went wrong," Abel admitted. "But I have the utmost confi- paced by Bobby to a 1-1 sawoff in the only other| scoring department belongs to! a ome ng ro preg Hull, whose three-goal perform-| Hull's three|.ance in New York ran his sea-| goals, whipped the Rangers 5-2) son total to five in five games. the following night. Stan Mikita scored twice and| Crozier turned back 18 of 19| earned two assists to open up| The leaders: A Pts, is Takes Canadian ; Championship Mikita, Chicago Douglas, Toronto Delvecchio, Detroit Howe, Detroit MEXICO CITY (AP) -- Dan Gurney of Costa Mesa, Calif., driving a Brabham, won the Mexican Grand Prix Sunday when Jim Clark, who led most dence in him--he's going to be| shots fired at him by Montreal) a four-point lead in the individ- a ~ in = nome ih aga | and lost his shutout bid at 15:11| ual scoring race. ee ee lof the third period draw in as! A New York crowd of 14,192 Abel' rediction appeared| f Wits ; vee ra ies many home games. watched Jim Mikol give them eak during Detroit's first three i : a : Alex Delvecchio had given the), brief 1-0 lead before Hull got games when Crozier allowed a)? Wings a 1-0 lead at the 57-sec- total of 11 goals. But look at Waal mkck Of the tinal' frame| to. wort 5 nai by beating Charlie Hodge, who} Rod Gilbert earned the Rang- | Mahovlich, Toronto | Murphy, Detroit | Hull, Chicago | Kelly, Toronto |McKenney, Toronto TORONTO (CP)--Will I Rule, owned by R. E. Dixon Jr., of Philadelphia, turned in a strong stretch drive Saturday at Wood- | Hay, Chicago |bine Race Track to win the | | $59,800 peace ee | With Ron Turcotte aboard, |WEEK-END STARS Will I Rule passed Canebora at | mid-stretch and came home 1% By THE CANADIAN PRESS |lengths ahead of the Windfields Roger Crozier, rookie Detroit|Farm horse. Greek Form, from | goalie who posted his second|Willow Downs Farm, was a |shutout of the season as the|Close third. : | Red Wings blanked Boston 4-0) The victory was the third in | Sunday night. |three Canadian starts for Will | Bobby Hull, Chicago' power-|I Rule and he went to the post |ful left winger, who talliedja commanding favorite to re- |three times to lead the Black/turn $2.80, $2.70 and $2.10. He |Hawks to a 5-2 victory. over|brought Dixon $34,800 with the SovurwwanaA Aanouwn ew tied 3, points 7. Chicago, played Detroit, played 6, won 3, lost 2, 'tied 1, points 7. Points: Mikita, Chicago, 12. a. 1-0 first-period lead. In J 10r A R ce | has five points and Boston one. rough, penalty - marred week-|spinal injury after he fell into|5, won 2, lost 0. tied 3, points 7. Sunday afternoon at St. Cathar-|Beausejour. Jim Patterson Goals: Hull, Chicago, 5. a Shutouts: Crozier, Detroit, 2. pions 9-6. Oshawa has nine|qucts in Kitchener's' rout of| LEADS IN SHUTOUTS faced 27 shots as the Wings out-|ers the 1-1 tie at Toronto with The weekend action left Mont- real, Toronto, Chicago and De- By THE CANADIAN PRESS poo caused injury to Peterbor- NHL LEADERS Niagara Falls Flyers emerged|ough defenceman Paul Curtis,! 3. aie CANADIAN PRESS end around the Ontario Hockey|the boards. Montreal got two Association Junior A divisimn. |goals from Jacques Lemaire and ines while Oshawa Generals|scored the only Pete goal. vaulted into second place over) Officials handed out a total] : of| Penalties: Brown, New York, points, one ahead of Toronto. | pamilton. 120 minutes. In other action, Montreal Jun-|-------- hotnante = Toronto, played 5, won 2, lost 0,| 5, won 3, lost 1, tied 1, points 7.) |New York Sunday night. {stretch drive win, and boosted | .Montreal's John Ferguson, |his total earnings to' $115,981. |whose power play goal late in} Ambassador Jon A. Belton the final period earned the Ca-/of Ireland, the representative in jnadiens a 1-1 tie' with Detroit)Canada of the country that |Saturday night. breeds some of the world's Rod Gilbert of New York,|greatest thoroughbreds, pre- whose first goal of. the season|sented the trophy. | enabled the Rangers to tie Tor-| In the $13,935 Grey Stakes jonto 1-1 Saturday night. Handicap, the outstanding two- eae rraemirer os year-old Good Old Mort failed WHITE UNLUCKY in his bid to win more than A Cambodian tradition re-|$100,000 in a single season. He gard white teeth as unlucky.|ran fourth to Des Erables and eamed $1,000, leaving him $45 Many Cambodians darken their teeth with betel nuts, or gold or|short of owner Ed Seedhouse's goal. | | of the way, broke an oil pipe on his Lotus, John Surtees of England, in a Ferrari, was second, appar- ently clinching the world driv- ing championship. Lorenzo Ban- dini of Italy was third in a Fer- rari. Clark, who had won two prev- ious Mexican Grand Prix, led through 64 laps. But, to the amazement of the crowd of 65,- 000, his car slowed down on the 64th and eventually came to a stop. Gurney, who had been a stub- |born second most of the way, \then swept into the lead and |kept it the rest of the way. He |said after the race he was sure he was going to win it in the 63rd lap when Clark's car be- gan spouting oil. Officials said later that Clark's Lotus broke an oil pipe on the 62nd lap, that Clark tried to continue but burned out the motor on the 65th lap. Surtees apparently won the world driving title on points scored in recognized races, with a total of 40 points. He had 34 going into Sunday's race and added six more for second. The freshman goalie has! hustled Montreal by a narrow) his first of the season. Rookie troit tied for first place with with 12 points, three ahead of|Who was carried off the ice on| Saudiabs: sidctresl, olavel Niagara Falls. nipped St.jone each from Craig Patrick, Toronto Marlboros, defeating|o¢ 197 minutes including four| idr Canadiens beat Peterbor-} - li Ron Ellis had given the Leafs jseven points each. New York their nearest rivals, after aja stretcher with a suspected Catharines Black Hawks 3-1|Norm: Ferguson and Claude Assists: Mikita, Chicago, 9. last year's Memorial Cup cham-| majors and two game miscon-| ough Petes 5-1 -at the Montreal Forum and Kitchener Rangers defeated last - place Hamilton Red Wings 8-3. Posting their second win over St. Catharines in three nights, Niagara Falls got goals from Mickey Cherevaty, Derek Sand-|- efs and Dave Woodley, with) oodley's clincher going into| an open net with less than a| minute left to play. Graham Freeham got the lone Black Hawk tally. | Don Marcotte of Niagara Falls got two majors and a game misconduct with 15 sec- obds remaining after he! hogtied Hawk goaltender Bob 'faylor and fought with Ken Laidlaw. Laidlaw got a major also. LOSE TOP FORWARD In a crunching, 26 - penalty) game, Oshawa lost their top- storing forward Ron Buchanan) for at least two weeks with a shoulder separation but man-) aged to outlast Toronto in a free-scoring contest. | Another rough and tumble af- GET THE REAL TASTE OF A CIGARETTE ° fl N ae weekend against the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, who haven't NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS LEAGUE |won in nine weeks. Calgary has landing -- Valleyview 20, Sunnyside ini 19, Fernhill 18, Kingside No. 2 15, King- jone game remaining. ed side No, 1 13, Rundle No, 1 13, Radio 11,, Quarterback Joe Kapp scor: Emerae No. 3 11, Glen Stewart 9, Rundie/the only Lions touchdown be- ge pik ig rightly over {ore 30,856 fans Saturday night. Thornton's, moved in front. alone, as|Peter Kempf accounted for the Rundie No. 1 held Sunnyside to a +1| majority of the scoring with score. Moving right up on their heels) tour field goals and a -convert comes Fernhill, also a shutout winner , . over Rundie No. 2. Kingside No. 2 held) Punter Ron Morris hoisted a single for the other point. Women's High Average -- Joan Ellis their position, winning from Eastview 3-1.) fo were 3-1 winners also, their vic-| ims being Kingside No. 1. The remaining) Reg Whitehouse kicked a field jame saw Glen Stewart and Kingsid }. ; ? soiting points. Kingside No.) coal for Riders' only score. en Yuill continued hitting big (245 average) with 790 (287, 252, 251) 40 lead) Flanker Bob Taylor scored the pack, |both Calgary touchdowns before 0 scores were -- Ed | 681) a. (244, 231, 206), Jay Shewring le: the| 72 (280, 229), Keith Smith 669| Madeline Ashmore, Bea Child, Nora Mor- Dorothy Davey 649 (288), Don Patterson| Hughes, Ev Cleveland and Ken Calder. lor 617 (236, 225), Ig Clark 603 (211, 208),| Ferne Buechler 602 (234) and Tip Buech-| UAW LADIES AUX, NO. 27 ler 602 (229). | High Doubles -- Elleen Smith 444, Joan Good singles were: Bert Alexander 275,| Slater 440 and Hilda Baker 407. Pat Belmonte 254, Orve Dingman 242,|_ High les -- Vi Coolidge 225, Ann |Mavis Taylor 231, Marion Dingman 224,| Gwilliam 216, Joan Hall 212, Rose Ellis | Fred Shewring 224, Ai Dick 223, 200, Dave) 204 and, Helen Fisher 201, There were 15 | Andrews 220, Chuck Grimbleby 219, Dom- | lemons! inic Belmonte 212, Betty Keip 211, Tom| Points Taken -- Try Hards 3, Stars Hobbs 211, 202, Nancy Robison 208, Wiif| Hawkeyes 2, Go Gi 1; Beattles 3, Guindon 208, Sandra Bent 204 and Bridget! Misfits 0; Gutter Snips 2 and June Bugs |. Dick 202, 202. | Team Standings -- Hawkeyes 15, Go No special "Lemon" this week, so we|Getters 12, Try Hards 10, Beal mention 'all Lemon Leaguers -- Gerry|Gutter Snips 10, Stars 7, Misfits 6 and Grimbieby, Shirley Reid, lla Sargant,| June Bugs 2. peders Take Crucial Tilts * 10,000 fans at Edmonton. Larry Robinson converted both. Jim Furlong completed the scoring with three singles to highlight a sensational punting perform- ance. _. End Tommy - Joe Coffey led Edmonton with 11 pass recep- tions to break the WFC season record set by Taylor last year, when the Stampeder caught 74. Coffey has 77 for a total gain of 1,112 yards, The league rec- ord of 1,123 yards gained is held by Ernie Pitts of Winni- peg. Eskimos have one game remaining. Coffey hauled in a 26-yard pass from quarterback Bill Re- dell for one touchdown, Half- back Butch Pressley charged up the middle for three yards for the other and centre Bill Mit- chell donated a convert and a 27-yard field goal. * McGowan Rallies To Win Tourney CORONA, Calif. (AP)--Jack McGowan of Largo, Fla., who squandered a huge lead in the early going, rallied for his. first U.S. PGA victory with a three- over-par 38-36--74 Sunday in the $40,000 Mountain View Open golf tournament. McGowan's 72-hole total was 66-68-65-74--273, 11 shots under par and four shots ahead rookie Dick Sikes. The victory ws worth $5,800, the most won by the slim pro in his four years on the. tour. Al Balding of Toronto finished jwith a 285 total, good for $700 %\in prize money. He had rounds of 72-71-73-69, Jerry Magee of Toronto fired a 72 Sunday, adding it to 72-73- 71 for 288 and $79. Tuesday, | | | | | | AT Bowmanville Community Arena Tickets On Sole At... @ BOWMANVILLE ARENA BOX OFFICE @ BISHOP'S SPORTING GOODS--151 KING EAST---- OSHA' OSH Thrilling O.H.A. Jr. "A" HOCKEY 8:00 P.M. KITCHENER RANGERS vs. - OSHAWA GENERALS ' HAWA e bay SPORTSHAVEN -- 61 KING EAST -- Oct. 27th THURSDAY & F UNTIL SHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE OPEN EVERY RIDAY NIGHT O'CLOCK WATCH FOR THE NNIVERSARY uckingham CqaillP Pwretm MORRIS B CO. LONDON CREAM Canadian Chony (OnbOn WE RY (MITER JONDOM @ ONTARIO Camave timiteo NEW WORLD PERFECTION KINGS OR REGULAR SIZE | PHILIP MORETS &.CO. LIMITED a

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