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Oshawa Times (1958-), 26 Oct 1964, p. 17

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e 20--Real Estate for Sale Real Estate for Sale |20--Real Estate for Sale | |20--Keal Estate for Sale |20---Keol Estate for Sale THE OSHAWA TIMES, Mondey, October 26,1964 7 20--Real Estate for Sale KEITH PETERS | _ 29 New. | "OSU =™ | PAUL RISTOW | METCALF ISCHOFIELD-AKER| GUIDE REALTY 22ers. storese sat N.H.A. HOMES Reqi Estate Limited 723-2265 REALTY LIMITED Realtor~7 28-7328 | sale Tere €,of Rison BOLAH OOD Realtor "f 40 King $ e s PRICE IS RIGHT 16 Simcoe St. S. OFFICE SPACE aaa poe Seling Fast Under $500 |B ROTHERS 728-9474 728-4678 : Pa scisbier las Close $800.00 DOWN inter Bonus fi : } y ag $7000.00 full price, 4 room RANCLIFFE tir yon tor SUBURBAN BUT CLOSE QUIET PRESTIGE | Se toi. (7 ey nee eenene remeoee 98400, "| DEVELOPMENTS LTD. -- MORTGAGES -- For the family thot tikes iust | Long, lew rancher with ot- | distonce to Conkee ity | Se ttasis we Dee CONTACT ARTHUR ST. ' SEVERE1965 MODELS ATHOL ST. SPECIAL City "offers i sell within lan came Paige co roads, Carriés for with wel desoned curboord T. L. WILSON _ [2rt.or tug, Abeainess ' fi is i pie reach, cious " . monthly including inolude a i , one : 2% an ee "oe Priced from $15,950 boned thar - handlgrere with mony shade treés sur- fete <5 sehen, int. & toxes. Counter top is different and AT THE TIMES [aoa 8 eperiment_ for renl. i h i t how: 7 round this six room home. in L AREA original. Large living room $73 480: E80 aR eget Paroo wi ll A gag Sah 8, 'aeiny brick with Hot woter . oil heating ol GE yp oe an papiant ly ae with comer window, also Al month TV. aerial. storms and ne core : kitchen, bathroom, new rec. throughout for your comfort. tréctive ree. foor wit bar, west' -néor MoLoughlin High swing doors leading from the . STORE Ail canentanees,, Corral. Go screens. Bungalows, split levels. 2 room with bar. Original no- Cupboards to spore in the Paved drive, all of these ré- a6 Whe Pew High. \ to the entrance hell. FOR RENT waney erine | oe aaa storeys, garages, carports, turol trim throughout. - Fire- kitchen built to occomodate finements are tastefully Longe ranch bungolow with 3 pce. bathroom with vanity, avaiable Tei BROCK ST.: built-in ranges, ovens, storms, |. place ond many other éx- a growing fomily. Large dou- i his beautiful 6180 6 fotnily room. All nicely : ephorie 9 rooms, this would moke on screens. Many other extras. fros, only suitdble to you if | ble garage offers Dad plenty poorer Pa A Bev ottoched gorage ed Noor te | ecorated, j hirnin Beighi ean lnendaiate: Secundticy; lent income home in a Directions: From Ritson Rd. you are looking for the finer of room for a workshop, Of- beyond description. $25 000. ceiling stone ireplace. fot, A orkouk beearniee With Approx. 350 sq. ft. joeation asking $14,- 0 E. on Rossland one block closs of home. Call Mr, Ed fered at $2,000 down or best A "AVE. besutiful setting omong gor SIMCOE SOUTH nd _ washing, fed ? 880° with $2,100.00 dpwn Poiiow model signs South to | Drumm ot 728-5123 or 725- | offer. Call Earl.Solter ot 728- WINON ; end maple trees, Back yor ae | Telephone Whitby; . y Gian) | Per | ee 3474 oF 723-3052 evenings. | Attractive 3, bedroom brick | completely Caneel Baliga Opposite Adelaide House. | etaing television, central ication, free ' -9 p.m, daily. ungdlow with att gar- fundy fencing. ing sys- ai Oy a4 Neor hospital and St. 'Gr te ritbogpietlie Lato NEARLY NEW 'age in a prestige location. | tem is oil hot water boseboord MAPLE GROVE FOR INFORMATION | parking, one eault oniy. $55 mommy brifk it t- I Meee eae dicyh bi |Alo eholee Renan frm $13,300) hy Oe dom nd moothc DUPLEX PLUS Broun ver yard--tirced. | spe nhac, comic S| 3, ocr wit, tentewe @ | Call 725-5132 _ |S ---Resme fer Rent Exclusive Agents : ts less th t 4 i ; - an ighwoy 2 ot Preston Rd. |. will sdvé on the gross oe Vout con' ih "thit clsen 6 fod pe seagalepnting oh eek po tong reat 417 900.00. ae Priced 'at only $5,800. Buy pag Hing Cheriés Weae etter 's pam: ATTRACTIVELY ting, asking $14,500., H. GRIFFIN Teoh Manteca Nee. | Cente eee clos to | Coneket sachaive Opint 1 NORTH EAST AREA row ond have your home pet grey 4 living Sali extra Real Estate Broker You can't afford to pass he GM. South Plont Large 3 poaggyroee ament -- Custom built 4 bedroom home pon gees on this ex- 23--Houses for Rent ~e FURNISHED ROOMS algae se aroma al by. Ask for Mr. Roy, Yeo rg nd additional pri- completely decorated. Two lent. lot, TWO-BEDROOM house on Fox Street. For : COME PROPERTY 723-6431 ee Fat 40 a Dae part ar aH WINONA AVE. completely decorated. Te | EN MINUTES FROM: [itis pus col fei Avoiloble: in private home, ans f 7 nd 7 After 9 p.m, Call 723-4134 NEW --$14,700.00 Vestent opportunity at $4,- (Ansley Subdivision) stove and oven, completely De Abas IMMEDIATE postetson, fires bedroom Call between 5 ond 7 p.m. stores © ee ' . . 4 dl e rent, new, wi 1, ing apartments on Bowmanville | SHOPPING CENTRE AREA | 000 down. For details cop Lenaeaberesy ccuitraty will | fandscaped and many #88 | Lovely 2 storey home, it hos [wale prvi east, Rensonable, Tele 82 PARK RD. N. Misi) SOS, TH8 Propety SELLING Move right in, Modern brick | fact Vern Marien ot ee | deen 3. bedroom brick home | py this two month old home. | three good sized bedrooms, [pene eo oe Nec 8671 hes excellent potential, Eo- bungalow at shopping centre. uiticdnane evenings. | with double attached gar- Priced $18,900. @nd broodloom in living ond [Nos soamiy'" For "appeiniment" please 728-86 tons' fo Rg a ' ae '. CALL Sees ae wie: ADVANCE PREVIEW age. Radiant heating, broad- MOST ATTRACTIVE dining area, Noturel stone test oe 6 p.m, 720-4691. MARY Rar Ei, furnl same si oe a" crn. n if in livi - | ick bungalow ti I itchen. Whitby. | Foon, , bemnrogen 7328 for more information DON HOWE tion by calling Mr. Jack Ap- Nearing completion, and oh, gy 5 Ade Ser Dg Dsl Reh ow' oreo aS mie a iPro dyob every gies RE TL eating ste ing. Superior accommo ' 6nd appointment to see. _pleby at 728-5123 or 723- so attractive, A ground hug- forts dt oportmérit living yet public aKa senereit 'chest wits Sritriia GF Gubitiy, ate tease. Telephone 942-1510, man. 4 7 ' 7 SOUTH | % |.|KARGE bright furnished room In new ig Real Estate 3398. ging, red rug brick bungalow thé ddvaritaset OF hime -- ter, Heawies), Juat Wated hd doy, It is In 6 good lecétion SOUTH plant General aters, thoes Fee, MARSE. bright fereganed: oan dar 6 Suite | 725-7732 : INVESTMENT PROPERTY | with garage, trimmed in no- especially attractive to the should sell fost overlooking lake. Situated on |foom. Immediate possession. $111 month-|ed. After 6 p.m. call 725-8643, A ft tB iIdi Two stores, oné apartment, tural cba Six d pene vi family reaching alg? fa $12,900 VY acre of lond, close to -|l¥- Option to purchase. 728-5372. FURNISHED RISHED roam. in sin quiet home. "Lady in oe aay ey trance planter an 10. . . Nestled on 7 ; ° a ME YUE IEE --------_ lor gent i . Apply on teal . 9 Fe ca cischal yey Priced oo ee ania Buln. spection a must if you ore in $20.00 ee and or40,000.00 Five yeor old prick ttwte Bad school ond store. 24--Apartments for Rent Sireet East. Prone 725-224. Médernly equipped, 'fully [at only $11,000. Call S$. D. Hyman Real) Aij rented. A reol investment the' $20,000 market range. homes, this property will not room bungalow with large COMMERCIAL BLOCK er FURNISHED room iy 0 Nestev leased. 3 years old with 'Estate Limited, 720-6206. _ _| gt $35,000.00. Gross return Call George _Koornneef. at last long. Cal now for an omibination iving ond dining 3 stores ond 2 aportments on OXFORD PARK Street or telephone 7252198, $9 000 DOWN $13,800 FULL PRICE for a new fiveroom| $6 500.00. For more par- 728-9474 or 723-2859 even- appointment. cer Oil heoted. Only $2,-- | Simcoe St. S. close to employ- SOUTH END -- Nicely furnished bed- Call 728 0194 Af 5 |financing. Sent. BD. Hyfnan Resi Estate| 'ticulars call Mr. Charles Ran- ings. TRI-PLEX 900. down and one NUHA. ment, office. Excetlent returns TOWERS : satel ea bball ee oe. eee 728-5123 or 728- BOOMERANG! Only a few years old, good mortgage for balance. with good teants, owner 3682. lt location, excellent income 3 ANOTHER ONE: JUST must sell due to expansion of One Block from G.M. or oe Ap SOUTHWOOD PARK -- AJAX BOLAHOOD BROTHERS Vind. Besherit sae ney rg | feats: 3: aaah Bods LISTED IN THE business in onother town. South Plant LSonT Doe { ' INVITATION home, lot not too large ti referred Porting parking. Asking Gentleman __ pi eer i ing spece. LIMITED y hi | re ARMSTRONG 101 SIMCOE ST. N. Sin youbov th | BR fgonsie® doen Bey: | NORTH WEST AREA | My we neve ve piconrs of | 86 APARTMENTS -- |LAthe, ng nat orate Orage OPEN EVERY EVENING brick home ot a down pay- pn NINE In immeculate conditio ye ri showing you one of the nicest + [two beds, Sult two lackes B U | L T 1 mart OF $1,000, Yes,. the OPEN EVENINGS TILL sisting of 6 rooms. Modem 2 storey A " ited One, Two and : A ith 4 ; bo NR ss Re ' WHITBY | total monthly payment. in- DIAL 728-4678 brick ranch bungalow wit in a long time, 4 bedrooms, Three Bedroom CHURCH Street, 174 single and double H O M E S ; | cluding toxes is just $95.00. . ; stone front and atteched gor- comfortable living sap shed je conn ie ae $500 WINTER BONUS | fetter hurry, others will. Dick Barriage Joe Maga oge, Living room -- ¢om- orate. Sieg pein Pall Immediate Possession pref. FULL COST Call Earl Salter at 728-9474 Ken Hann Jack Osborne plete with broadloom, dining i Le . ; $14,490 FULL a | babs Johnater greg Reb place. A big family kitchen, : tens Weireenn, aut Priced from ne or evenings 723-3052. ___Bob Johnston | room has built in china cobi- brick of course, oil heated, o Bolconiés, Elevator Service | able for one girl or two willing to share, $ 1 4 3 0 0 0 0 th) or A a _ : W. T. LAMSON net. Compact bars gti _ real old time hedged garden Fully Equipped Kitchen aeerd it desired. 5 minutes to bus, Tele J " brick bun. Alby abd antes. PAUL RISTOW LTD. } : ei heap st price d in the heart of the city, Coll Sranponne --e, SINGLE ROOM for rent, parking With down payments from $1,300 StPTKE Grd. sciband - fully REALTOR REAL ESTATE rotag se het me ny now, to see this lovely home! Swimming Pool CIRCLE ROOM ter Pent toa a. 1 N:H.A, MORTGAGE | Geteretga, Celered aah Se Mae 9 Sida, An immaculate 3, bedroom finished recreation room iM $800 DOWN Toke adventoge of panics jo- FURmaaee teed) ae hehe. : P | . i . peer rmeeee | L021: BLP. sti i - " > ' a i depont on | pad veld lysed _ ey nae en wane bothrooms, wails = Sodded 'ftont and rear. | buneeiew en Guat diet ped hy gee on a : pM gece rig thee abi na dl making ee room, 5 r 'orms an » plu le iis | F ' 'oped lot, stone ; 4 . . Telephone 4 See eons right in the heart of Southwood Park, Watch for. | tens in these ee BILL' HORNER | in the north west area. This | patios, close to school. Sub- | session, Excellent condition. Seka FURAENED cigs Foern_oah GAL Oe Griffin Model Home Signs. Bullk and gua Srietd iy | ce eT. Re ae apeg -- need- ie mane kitchen, oil xclusive. Agents ployee. Apply 53 Ritson Road Sovth or : 5 washer an Ube: d. iM for Oppoint- ting, TV aerial, . MODELS OPEN DAILY 9 A.M. to 9 P.M Whitestrip Const. Co. Ltd. ACTIVE REALTY room with ber, priced for as APARTMENTS GUIDE REALTY |iwo ex ties roome. anions, oa Ph j , ick sale, can seen any : vate washroom, apply Al i H. GRIFFIN 668.8951 or 728.9335 LIMITED time by calling. EXECUTIVE HOME 2 to choose from, good loca- LIMITED Teleohone 7254068, i H. BATES at 725-1186 HENRY STREET e tions ond good sized aport- FURNISHED rooms wit Manderhill Real Estate Ltd. _ 728-5) 57 728-6923 Extra large 4 bedroom split ments. Call us now for more REALTORS ino close ern ea Tetepieene Tae cane i pneiesiniticinioeae \iniiiic italia rege yh AJAX 942-3310 ing house business in the heer! of Oshaws |VLA PROPERTY in city, Extra mice bus BUNGALON TO "Ait conveniencas.| 80x 175' lot, Lerge living COMMERCIAL LOT 16 Simeoe St..$., Oshawa -- |wairbY., Furnished, Tatt 2069 or 723-5160 after 6 p.m. ts trom 'Murrey | built-in stove fully decorated. Only $1500) t three bedroom, solid briek 26---Room and Board ceiling, ber with all acces- 723-5137, after 6 o'clock, Real Estate Broker REAL MONEY MAKER. Thriving room-| ' a ees | gyi solid Brock home on 6 details. Asking: $29,000. John Gravelle, 728-0594. ith lient tot i . | Josep! Bosco Realtor, 728-7977 | 9210" viwtord, 722-1021," Joseph Bosco Near No. 2 Highway, Bowmanville 623) room with two way fireplace. Eost of Oshawa, large corner OPEN HOUSE Mary Street Coat or elopnone ete. Came direct to Sales Office in Southwood Pork. Watch for | SAVE $500 on a split Teal or panch bon. |Reettor, 720-7977. | Or 728 ee | Dining room is large with en- jot, priced at only $6,300. F 6 to7 ; Armstrong Signs. tow ee, winter Sheng plan.| NEW three-bedroom brick eh with | STONE STREET, Beat this! $12,700 NHA trance on to patio. Custom Must be Sold @$ s00n 66 pos- fom evenings Boyle 723-4270. Joseph Bosco Realtor, . Neil L. 725-1018, Joseph| decorated. $450 down. Suitable terms, Im- finished recreation room with sible. It will poy you to call SEE MODEL SUITE 726-7377. Pade PR ab wy lmediate possession, 728-5372. brick fireplace from floor to now for more particulars, ° 4 Be AM In ton, tae. (oF, ' ; Open daily from quiet teh, sories, two caf gorage and os- ROOM and board for fice, quiet man. 0 Tait dive Waly Wot céllioleté 9 a.m, to 9 p.m. LUXURIOUS LIVING | 209! resi, tncis packed parting, ly feneed for privacy. Leon Monitius 725-8068 feo wees Cums ie ere: _of WINDSOR Ontario HOMES C & R D c) N €) S B C5 R N E $3,500 DOWN Wolter Mitte ee oea | SEF THE VISCOUNT |97_"Wented to Rent Only $102 per month includ- Ernest Mueller ee rst WARTS? soemartis boty Oe ing taxes buys this beoutifully Lioyd Corson by JEAN LORENZEN decorated home with recrea- | Lloyd S, Lofoy 655-3821 300 Grenfell Loo al ed amaclaacaieienslas Real E Ltd., Realtor tion room a inv room, ennet oms : ne at HOTEL GENOSHA REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE Extra two Sone pone on re- Tony Sack 725-4362 Featuring eh ara bed- |29--Automobiles For Sale creation room. teve Englert = room with walk-in closets, '218 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY DIAL 668-8831 ANDERSON RA, Noung 723-7183 | broadloamed, corridor. SPOT CASH HIGH SCHOOL Edi if ' , ; Tuesday and Wednesday, Nick Van Den Broek -- Clare Shank -- Ike Perry This lovely three bedroom Soe Pian 738 3454 priapors: vt | ye Me '| Good clean cars, Trade up or October 27th and: 28th : irony 4 yoo a Hes a | oy fal aa DODD MOTOR SALES i 'ills bi ! OSHAWA -- 11% STOREY BRICK -- $12,700 Egan Bags A GUIDE REALTY, LIMITED THE DIPLOMAT 314 PARK RD. SOUTH creation room, Two piece 723-942) ine | this is too with 75' lot, low taxes ond one mortgage poyment. This clean \ aa . OSHAWA TIMES PATTERNS A fie tt cca neiudng: nr orn ond exo lrge kitchen. Some aatros in- | 2hidn nou Panty of axe | Ser 340 Marland Ave,, Apt 11 | cluding carpets on stairs, expensive chandeliers in living room etc, Go with this well kept tro closet ond: serene space. Busines KELLY DISNEY, property. $2500 down payment. Bolonce $80.00 monthly. Asphalt drive with large cor- 728-4283 USED CAR LTD. PRINTED PATTERN om oe | Tee 1200. DUNDAS ST. EAST sa «sag torshal WHITBY -- 668-5891 : ' Sing the Prai INFANT DOLL PICKERING -- 3 BEDROOM BRICK -- $12,800 For full particulars call " GOVERNOR Chins nolan andl sad 5 723-2265 f Oshow WARDROBE Neat bungalow with large lot on Hiley Ave. is being socrificed for a quick sale, This spacious OPEN DAILY : . Liens paid off 11 by 17 kitchen i @ delight to ony owner with a large fomily. Nice start on recreation 9AM. TO9P.M Times Classified MANSIONS Trode up or down room will take only @ few hours to finish. You must see this attractive home before deciding Bili Jdieten 728-1066 Ads Always top quality on your home purchose. $2000 down payment. Charles Chaytor 723-7996 2 Bedroom Suite Marg. Hall 723-1358 _|893 DOWN. Three-bearoom Bungalow in Steve Moeko 728-5868 [2 os Einnore, Hae. "losepn| Immediate Possession $ ALL CASH $ HOME AND 3 ACRES Allan Bp sae nei 728-2870 | Bosco Realtor. Adul ' alee = raft we Maible Boudreau 728-2233 [$12,900 full Bri only. up or down, Liens paid In: Whitby. Suitable for light industry. Three bedroom insul brick home, bom, ete. Ideol i 723-2894 bungelow with natural fireplace. must be ee ey NICOLS MOTORS LTD. spot to setup small industry and have reasonable living. Full price $13,300. Owner must 725-3867. Me OL ee Se TELEPHONE 146 BROCK ST, NORTH sell this Investment property. Make offer, 725-0201 ~ - | 725-1726. Nano te eh cit hens sade we 07 a~ 17 12-720-2911 Across from Royal Hotel 360 King Street West Martin Realtor 728-5103. eo aes ie WHITBY 668-3331 K-MART SHOPPING AND S.D.A. CHURCH nor feet, Bieta tupavision, Reqveed for| ___. For Appointment SABYAN R quick sale, $2,000.00 each, Call Active! i ; m é vent, Nearby; this 12 year old stone and frame bungalow on Kendalwood Drive between Oshowa LIST WITH Realty 'Limited, 728-81 a Acie Neve, ceriperaien, Washeretyer. Abalts MOTOR SALES LTD, and Whitby, The cosy open stone fireploce with the warm crackling fire gives an atmos. j PRIVATE sale, fiveroom Insul Brick |OnlY., $115. monthly. Telephone Whitby phere of hominess to this 3 bedroom bungalow that you will enjoy. The lot is 100 by 208 STEVE ZURBA roe oes heated. Located on. helt-acre 668-5258 after 6. Prion donee hh with garden and small fruit trees, Taxes are low. Full price $16,800 with $3,000 down ond tot Rick ing DO. Sacelient Well THRER Tweneacer ew rem ie Nine tae es $100.00 monthly. You may have an extra lot here to reduce your unit cost.in this fast grow- ACTIVE REALTY Phone Alax 942-3730. - vember 15, For Revi lntormation éall : se irs. ing area. , ; LIMITED CHEAP LOTI Centre - Starr, Whitby. | 726-4866. 334 Ritson Rd, S$. Build new or Investment. Oniy $2,00.|TWO-BEDROOM apartment, north wed, 23-346 728-5157 Schofield-Aker Ltd., Real Estate. Ser eater' "Telephone 72076? Open Evenings. TBY BAPTI RCH BUILDING es - 7 , ere | after 3 p.m. i964 CHEVY 11, Bulomatie ¥ananileslon: WHITOY BATTS CHUNG PY LOT FOR SALE Dapanon wim pve ave excelg oy THREE ROOM sono, ir'57 Division Sireet." nn On 68 by 162 corner lot could be utilized for'any other church group. wishi to have @ Boset re wi Borex ila central ieotton, Possibly a lodge hall or some eaninereiol varnie wishing an economical One oni. on te hill ee rece pete tee ictiam bun: coon: beled eS bern siowatie poll gd Brag hE onl headquarters would snop up this solid brick 88 years old building. Property is well kept with ° ' Y i 1 GOTGE- . | osiow with @ natural fireplace. Asking|heat included. Nop threes Sireet siecle Bcc sie car, Apply 830 | steom heoting plant, 2. washrooms, kitchen, Sunday School room ond some class rooms. ous view, close to all con- 7%, Rr or are, ity oA ASP 4 South upstairs. Tat Boke as Bo. di 5 aa Full price $33,500. veniences in the eity. Fully |------------------------ "| FWO-ROOM self coniained bachelor Ro8rF. one owner, pipe, Ck Pee Serene serviced: Size 75' x 200', 21--Real Estate Wanted --|ime"", nest, and water wpniedl Reis" |195) FORD Fairlane 500, 2-lone, , | ne mediate possession, Cell after 7_p.m. matic, 'at bathe dla Bla te. i | Gyms WHITBY HOME & FURNITURE 725-2987 _- TO, SELL YOUR HOME j- serge | Sm Phone. TST. nee | | : FOUR-BEDROOM ranch style bungalow Wo i ge "1949 MONARCH -- 1 custom COZY COMPANION \ hy Three bedroom brick near school with 60' frontage and private drive. The Owner says sell with attached garage, paved 'rive, tarnily OR TERMS, LIST WITH ver Mh Se 'Sell er: $69.95. 1957 'oir ae oe ay 7 irtment economy | » 1 fi oN ' i By ALICE BROOKS | with steve, reftigerator, TV and other furniture or home clone. Full price with furniture |TfSIY cents! Living price 'apaAeh with JOHN F D WITH Ae eee et eT lit kaettee Behe $0 warm, good-looking -- en-| ° e 668-4307, $13,950 with $1500 down. Make offer with or without. substantial down payment, Must be seen. TWO-BEDROOM apartment, private en- i joy this knit jacket all year) ey | : Gover ct teeaie 8D. hymen Ree! BS. REALTOR 482 Albert 1964 OLDSMOBILE Fas, door, to be arr . Call Mr. Vy Veg bath. ae now. Apply *round. Cables form sunburst. tate Limited TWO-BEDROOM aperimente, haw Bulid| V8 'Adio a pert txtrae. 5.700 miles. Telephone 726-1408, Knit jacket hs one ~ _ GIBBONS ST. -- OSHAWA -- INCOME PLUS LOT Bee OO: ey ne cere eng) _cowmanville 623-3950. 0, "Carrer taleohene. 1985617 ater i igat CHEVROLET coupe, parial) Fe | sleeves also. Sun- drive, _ Mi Boyle, 77. CL@Al pam. ed, tery, » $550, peck arn, seers te, Sur BEST GIFT! a pemity wth 2 kha, 2 atrocities See rete el Cee 32.9%; 36-38 included. Use rented out os 0 seperate bachelor apartment and smaller living quorters for retired couple, TERRIFIC BARGAIN, 10s worey brick|LImited, Mr. Yeo, at 728-5123, 21--Real Estate Wanted {street North, whitby. rd sell yt : By ANNE ADAMS | or young couple starting out wishing low cost living. Full price $12,700 with down payment building consisting of store, 2bedroom 1959 CHEVROLET, 2d00r, i paint a A gee for| Delight a little girl with this os low 08 $1,500 considered, Extra lot here too! apartment and gereee. The velugble and mileage, A-\ | condition, sea, Thirty-five cents (eains) ar beautiful baby-doll wardrobe With lots of parking space Is Mutepie for M 0) V F | standard) transmission. - this pattern (no mee Ee The| Easy-sew pattern included bunt-| : ail Kinds at Seer ere Laat aera ot . i957 CHEVROLET, standard ; to Alice B oho S caitec raf t| ing snow suit, overall set, coat. ~ HOMES OF QUALITY WITH SORICHETTI $4,000, and the reasonable full price of sion, radio, discs. Sxcetlent bedy Oshawa Times Needlectat that, dress, slip, panties. Use £22,006 are ideal tor people who ike 10) = VAITLY THE PEOPLE THAT. ARE ae Dept., ; aa ¢ se ae a int scraps. We have been appointed sales agents for Peter Sorichetti ond Sons better built homes. and are looking for @ good iy ag 1964 BEL AIR Chevrolet 8 cylinder, fully, one cent sa ie MBER. NAME | Printed Pattern 4870. For dolls Inspect the four bedroom brick and stone bungalows now under construction in the exclusive busy main street. Can be seen by appoint. equipped, plus extras, tn beautiful « SORREAS. 18, IB, 14 18, 18, 20 inches Bouman Ave. district in Whitby. These 2 bath homes hove attached garage ond other [Reagan ti vin' Wemmareer SA MOVING REAL ESTATE Wo ne ee ss. | : te : dressed up features, Also model without gorage and others with carport. Prices $16,300 a : : First time! THREE Pe casts (S00) in coins to $17,450 with lew down payment. You must sée these homes under construction te ouey ee pe araite, AY ae 4 i Nee aahentte: aie Gare. Reoducret: act ae ot (no stamps please) for this pat- the an value ond arrange to move in before Christmos, Separate, Publie ond High te Py ee: coveleraly, Veep If you have an elder home and want to SELL, call the people that is Wien nese yinenied washers. e B ba 4 "| Schools nearby tod. 4 storms id pte $: signs -- smart stoles, jackets,|tern. Ontario reidents add 2c ' and screens $11,500. Phone Alax 942-4483.1 ean gel] it. For FAST! FAST! FAST! service call us now ot 728- | 1962 CORVAIR 2-door automatic. Excel hats, toys, aghans, linens jsales tax. Print plainly SIZE, RANCH style brick Bungsiow nly S18. lent condition. Price $1,480, Terms, After everything! Send 25 cents. "\NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE dpe HO seen. win) $157. A courteous répresentative will be at your door in 1 5 call 728-3768. fone d * . . ; DELUXE QUILT BOOK! 18\NUMBER, | |. ; terest and Texte, Poseeasion on aperevel.| four, NO OBLIGATION, he Wailers, also Gee res 508 Bloor Sire It pattersn--pleced| nd order NNE ADAMS, Real Estate Limited aniiian: East after 4, 723-2281 complete quilt pattersn--pleced| ogre of The Oshawa Times, Pat: ee | IS Pie: ' ; i and applique, for beginners, FIVE-ROOM brick bungalow, a 195% LAURENTIAN Pontiac, Vé, fully : South, Close Good condition. Apply tern Dept., Oshawa, Ontario. Wilson Road 16 school ; ipped, two-t experts. Send 60 cents now. -| NEW! 300 sparkling designs, 4.000 dow. Take over private mariana ACTIVE REALTY LIMITED 1e2 "Gibb. Street 725-6685. of $9, per cent. je Box 138, WHITE ; a » }Ushaw? Times. i Best iat Vana unin meee 5 exciting fashion and. fabric CARY Oe SE fate "ets 48 SIMCOE STREET SOUTH : atures plus coup or 1 : : Want-Ads Dont" |fnee eatrens~ 'any one L | sfinas: on Pa e oe Cost -They Pay | you choose! Send for new Fall-| - $12,900 including equipment; liberal 29--Automobiles For Sale | Winter Pattern Catalog, 500. ri. BoA Reale rssh, 728-5157 or ZEnith 9-2110 (Continued on Page 18)

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