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Oshawa Times (1958-), 27 Oct 1964, p. 17

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nee: a ee ceeetinlinammnte ee ot INTO THE FIRE . . . Robarts Et Al Get A Northern 'PORT ARTHUR (CP Riot Jail JESSUP, Md. (AP) -- After stripping prisoners of scores of weapons at 'the riot - shaken Maryland House of Correction, officials picked up today the job of weeding out ers of continuing unrest at the prison. "We got about 36 trouble- makers, and there are about 20 more to go,"' said Vernon L. Pepersack, state commissioner of correction. "Once we weed them out and get them all assigned to one section, we'll be able to get this place back to normal again." He gave the appraisal early today after a cell-by-cell search by guards and state police yielded knives, clubs, chains and other weapons in pos- session of prisoners. Some were found in cells but most were tossed from the barred cubicles of the four- tiered cell houses as inmates set fires, jeered, whistled and shouted to distract the search- ers moving from tier to tier. At least four fires were touched off, but all were small and were quickly doused with extinguish- ers. Pepersack said a sit - down strike Monday left idle about 500 inmates in the prison laun- dry and workshops. He met with spokesmen for the strikers and received a list of griev- ances. They complained that a guard treated prisoners brutally, that an office worker was _ keep- r account of money pe poh ota credits earned by pd inmates, and that the prison commissary did not 'Going-Over" | a separate province. of "'one government for ministration. forestry students from most of the day, carrying esters away." Arthur college. ment, board of governors. The reminder that from Queen's Park. der Phillips. of the south and east." materials, power, land, trans- force. Trade Surcharge Criticized surcharge on industrial imports. ciation, of which Britain and Denmark are members. Haekkerup said Denmark wants consultations as soon as possible in the EFTA penma- nent council in Geneva and at catty a big enough variety of items. the next meeting of EFTA min- isters Nov. 19-20. ners, Mr. Robarts received a gentle reminder that some northerners would gladly form The premier alluded to the re- mark in an adrress to muni- cipal officials at night, ane cs e people" and emphasizing there was no regionalism in his ad- Travelling in a chartered bus, head College dogged the cabinet signs reading "'keep our brains in On-}dustny tario" and 'don't send our for- The students want a degree course in forestry at the Port The present two-year course awards a de- gree not sufficient to gain entry|Vincial to the University of Toronto, --and students have to go to the University of New Brunswick. Mr. Robarts told them it was not a matter for his govern- but for the college's some northerners favor secession from Ontario came in a brief the Northwestern On- tario Development Commission which said that some people be- lieve the problems of the north will never be recognized by "It has been said that the paghonoee of is a province within said association Geseral Manager Alexan- "Certainly "its physical characteristics, its problems, potentials and pros- pects differ greatly from those The brief referred to the re- gion as one of slow growth and semi-isolation, but said it pos- sesses the essentials of dynamic industrial development -- raw portation and a sufficient work COPENHAGEN (Reuters) -- Denmark's foreign minister Per Haekkerup, Monday sharply opposed the British La- bor government's decision to impose a temporary 15-per-cent He said the surcharge is not in agreement with the treaty of the European Free Trade Asso- Housing sented Monday to thi legisla-|h e ture's select committee on youth, said most of Ontario's c0-Op- erate with the federal govern- ment to ensure that Indians are given an opportunity for pro- gress and development equal to that afforded other citizens. Thomson Boosts Paper Prices LONDON (CP) -- Publisher Lord Thomson predicted Mon- day night newspaper prices will be increased by a penny as a result of the 15-per-cent sur- charge imposed by the British government on imported news- print. Canada sends 400,000 tons of newsprint a year to Britain, a government source said. Britain produced 672,000 tons last year and imported 642,000 tons at a cost of £35,000,000, including £22,700,000 for Canadian news- print. Finland's share was next at £7,900,000. The Position is complicated in that the surchange applies only to newsprint and not to pulp imported for the manufacture of newsprint. An official of the Newspaper Proprietors' Association, declin- ing to comment on the effect of the surcharge, said a regular meeting of the association coun- cil is scheduled for today and the tax increase will be dis- cussed. Prices now range from 100,000 Indians live in poverty| Rationing Draws | Opposition NEW DELHI (AP) -- Prime Minister Lal Bahadur Shastri's re ag for food rationing in ungry India has encountered pater opposition within his own political party. Chief ministers (governors) of India's. states told the prime minister Monday night they are reluctant to go along with his plan to introduce rationing im- mediately in all major cities with a population of more than ,600,000. The prime minister had wanted strict government con- trol of the sale of such items jas food grains, sugar, vegetable oil and cloth in eight cities, with summary trial for any mer- chant caught selling above the prices fixed by the government. The chief ministers, all mem- bers of the ruling Congress part,y objected, some saying Shastri's central government had been proven unable, in the past to maintain the flow of food grains it had promised to the states. Shastri and top aides are con- tinuing to meet with the chief ministers and may yet per- suade them to back New Del- hi's scheme for easing India's critical food shortage. But the initial rebuff Shastri Kas suf- fered has demonstrated that his Congress party machine is no longer strong enough to exert his will over his subordinates. Market, 'Firm, Quiet' TORONTO (CP)--The Cana- dian bond market closed on a firm and quiet note Monday after a morning of higher prices and active trading. Day-to-day money cost 3 per cent, unchanged from Friday. Supply was good. The ged treasury bills yielded 3.70 pe: cent and the 82-day bills 385 per cent. The long end of the govern- ment of Canada market was up about % to %, while short-term bonds advanced five cents across a broad front. Provincial bonds were mainly unchanged. The Hydro - Elec- tric Power commission of On- tario 54% per cent bonds due Oct. 1, 194 closed up % at 9% bid. The corporation and munici- pal markets were dull. three pence to sixpence (seven cents). The Thomson organization, which owns The Sunday Times, the Scotsman and many provincial newspapers, and Beaverbrook newspapers, Publishers of The Daily Ex- GREENWOOD ENTRIES TUESDAY, OCT. 7 press, The Sunday Express and The Evening Standard, have re- lied heavily on Canadian news- print. Some others rely on Brit- ish producers and others de- by iv gig oul, 2 'CE -- Purse $2,000 Maidens. end a hoacerclts. Foaled In Can-| fine' Line, No 's " Sursum -- Parnell 120 ean hag _ ion De Velspr' Mr. Bi Smal Paul, Armstrong, Any Porter, Boy pw 4 Eligible: Sir Axton, ino V7; --, Street, Harris X12; rah sth , Sutcliffe XXXH0; Bridget L. Sion Mr. Se eer iors oe ish A Ven cN*Retclitte end Mrs. @. Hilts ag (Nenjen) SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($2500) Claiming. Three and Four-year-olds. 107 5 Noble's Brother, Leblanc 110 ly Steg, No Boy 113 Miss Mar-Jo, Inda 110 anto, Harris X10 ee Eligible: Wenless Park, ley 105; Mery Elizabeth, Persons 107; Well Olied, Armstrong 110; H. V. Caplen, Weish 107; Devon's Pet, Hi ee A-110. A- A. M. Cuddy end Mrs. J. T. Tripi entry. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,300 Maidens. le. erzat Remillard A-117 omy Weaver, -- AMS Ganiris, No Boy 1 Maid of ng barenie "or Pyanleonge is onary Hs ore + y Ww id, Parsons X112 Royal bp vile -- w2 Tn' end L. Poloriato, $. Kero end Grovetree Stable entry -- Purse $2,000 ($2500) Tres, ood Four-yeer-clds, Divn 2eNemaeys g =o $33 z g " Bella Contessa Parsons X104 Breezy Maple Herrison A-109 A-Mrs. G C McMacken Entry, SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 aliowen- 1, Allruliah Herris X114 2. Elm Wood McCauley X114 3. Calrnarctic Shuk 114 10. Vaicutta Parsons X17! EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 (3900) clatming three year olds end up 7 furs. Shining Wings Dittfech 111 Dr. P. Mac Inda 113 Istand Flag Herris X110 Peaches Reward Dittfach 116 Superior Parent No od 19. Bobby Brier No Boy 6 Nekina McComb ic a barge we ghd No Argo ceoagerh ue ng 10. Ansm: jo Boy 1 1. Von Rich Welsh is X--S Ibs AAC. XX--7 tbs AAC XXX--10 Ibs AAC Post Time 1:30 p.m. Sener ep pend on local and imported newsprint. Theft Of Baby Spoils Birthday CHICAGO (AP) -- Today is Mrs. Chester Fronczak's 29th birthday--but there will be no celebration. Six months ago today, Mrs. Fronczak's one - day - old son, Paul Joseph, was kidnapped from her hospital room by a mysterious woman who posed] 500 as a nurse, Despite thousands of telephoned and mailed tips, police have no leads in the case. Ford Sales Hit All Time World High NEW YORK (AP)--Ford Mo- tor Company said Monday it set all time highs in worldwide pro- duction, sales and profits in the nine months ended Sept. 30. The announcement from the second largest automaker came as the biggest, General Motors, made ready to re-start four of its 23 assembly lines to- day: All have been shut by a 33-day strike just now breaking up. Ford reported nine - month earnings of $403,700,000 or $3.65 a share, up 16 per cent from $346,900,000 and $3.14 a share in the same 1963 period. Sales climbed 15 per cent to $7,127,- 500,000. Worldwide, Ford factories built and sold 2,923,166 cars, trucks and tractors, up from 2,623,902 in the 1963 period. 906 M% 14% Alta Ges pr 10 mo 0 +% Alt Gas B pr 75$107 107 107 Alta Gas w 200 960 950 960 +10 Algoma WS $74V%e The The Alumini wy $32 2 NR Alum 4% pr 25 $44% 44% 44% Alum 2 pr 1025 $50 530 50 +¥% Analog 30. 460 455 460 yee | w 300 160 150 150 --10 ni a P pr 100 $i4¥e 14% l4e+ Ve Al 6 pr 725 $% 2 2 All Sugar =105 916 6 OO Atl Sug A 70 $244 2M MM Auto El 100 470 470 470 Bank Mont 76 $682 68% 68% ---- Vo Bank NS 1530 $75%e 75/0 15/0 + % Bath P 40 $26%e 2% 2% Bath P A ms 0 Bath P wis 250 $102 10% 10% Mills 10 $% 64 64--% Bell Phone 637 $60 59% ie -- Ve Bow-M pr 55 $514 52 512 Br. 100 $8% 8% 84+ % Brazil 359 490 45 45 -- Br Tok 200 300 300 300 +15 BA Oil 12299 SiMe He MU BC 40 $33 32% BC Pack B 100 $17% 17% Wih-- % BC Phone 25 $65 65 Bulolo 1600 $7 7 7 +% Burns ms7 WF Ww Cabo! 70 vn DW W Cal. Pow 200 $23%4 239% B%U+% Can Cem pr 719 $9 BW Sug Z5 $25% 25% 25% Can Matt n 20033 B B--U Perm m0 $70 «70 = 670 new $3 35% e+ Ve CSL pr new 200 $62 62 612 200 $7 % Ms Brew 2155 $10¥e 10 10% C B Alm A 1400 $12¥2 12% 1242+ Ve Cc Chem w 200 9 960 960 --5 C Found pr 100 $lé% 18% e+ & GE pr 50 $43 a Cc imp Bk C 95 $682 ao ---% ! Gas 5 $1i% 15% V% cIL $22 1% 2 CPR 1147 $52M% 52¥2 52%4-- Ve Cdn Pet 225 $1344 13% 13% Cc Tire A 25 $412 414 41a % Chemcell 200 $16% 16% \é%e-- Ve Chrysler 740. $65' 65% Clairtone 845 $10%e WV 10% Clairton w 300 530 530 50 --J Con Bidg 190 $8 8 8 --h Con Bidg w 300 550 550 55 --10 Con M $ 700 $42% 422 42 -- % Con Paper 100 $4% 2% 4% Con Gas n 610 $122 1% 12%-- vw Corby vt 225 $20¥% Coronation 500 $6 Se 6 Coron 2 pr 215 $8% 8% 8% 2 500 160 180 10 Crain RL 100 $20% 20% 2u--V 1900 420 2 AS Crow's N 100 $16% 16% 16% -- Crush Int 405 $12% 122 12% + % Cygnus B 300 445 445 = 445 Dist Seag 7O5 $66V2 662 66¥2 D Bridge 241 $21Ve 21% 21% Dom Elect 700 $14% 14% 14%e-- Ve Dofasco 150 $23% 23% 23% Dom Stores 9800 $22% 22% 2h % Dom Tar $22% 22 Po Text pr 50 $1484 1484 i494 ---% Pont 125 $58 58 PRE Ion A 250 $10% 10% 0% ++% Frosst A 60 $19 18a Bs ds he GMC 160 $108 108 Soctk Sales High Low aim. Ch'ge GL Paper 230 $e Wh Wh-- ve Gr Weg @ WO $19% 19% W%-- Hardee O % % 15 Herd Carp 10083 23 2B Hd Carp A 2735 $0 D 2 Hawker-S = 5215 $744 7) 7 -- Home A 265 $192 Wie Wie-- Ve Home 8 325 $19% 19% W%-- Ve Horne Pf Oo 300 30 300 HBONG S86 6 WW Hur Erie 336 63 68 Husky 950 $10Ve 10% 10% w 700 6K Husky C w 2100 5 5 5 =i Husky D wt 805 405 45 45 --I5 lusky Apr 725 $53 53 33 OW V4 $56% 56 564 imp Tob 800 $14% 14% Mu-- % 200 $242 24¥a 24¥2 + Ve) Inglis - 225 400, 400 400 In) Cpr ngs S Inland Ges 400 $9% %% % Inland G w 200 $71 #1 9 Int Nickel 12 WM P1% NG Int Util 200 $27%e 27% 27% + Ve Int Util pr 25 $55V2 55Ve 55Ve Intp Dis 6w 100 70 7 1 +10 Inter PL 765 $73 93 Int SH P 100 35 35 WS 5 Inv Group 200 $13% 13% 13% + % Inv Grp A 100 $13% 13% 13% + % ITL Ind 25 Wh 8% 8% Jockey C 3S 455 455 455 Jock C pr 100 $10% 10% 10% -- % Jock 2 pr 300 $10% 10% 10% Labatt 300 $20 19% Wh-- ve u 750 $12¥a 12¥2 12'2 LOnt Cem 1600 370 370 370 Lakeland wt 275 445 445 445 Laura Sec 332 2 7M Lau Fin 270 $17%e 17Ve Wet Ve Lau F 63wt 200 445 430 445 +5 Levy Z5 $162 162 16 LobCo A 650 38% 8% 8% LobCo 775 $8% 8% 8% LobG 1 pr 375 $32% 32% 32% -- Ve Lob Inc 100 $7% 7% 7% Loeb M 250 $14 W% W% Maclaren A 225 $24¥2 24Ve 24¥2 Maclaren B25 $25 a3 1% B PR 670 $36 4 3m % M Leaf Mill 275 $16%2 162 16V2 Mass-F 1465 34 28% 285 -- Ve Mid Pac 1400 $5% 54 FWet+V Mon Foods 725 $7% 7% 7% tex 500 $12% 12% 12% + Mont Loco 300 $15¥2 15'2 15¥a+1'4 re 85 $564 56%, + Ve Morse A WO $l4¥2 14% 1. Net Cont wt 24 140 140 Nat. Trust 100 $25% 25% 25/e-- Ve Nie Wire 3% $182 18%2 182 Noranda 110 $42 492 2+ % NO NGa@s 5020 $23.22 23.22% 23.222 Nor Phone 500 $12% a z --v* NW Util pr 7225 $82 Ogivie 590 $14% ie 'an -- ve Ont Steel 50 $27% 27% W%-- Ve Pac Pete 800 $12% 12 12 --V PC Jewel 2000 $9% 9% 94+% Pow Corp 525 $144 14% 14% Premium 500 200 195 195 pay QN Gas 925 br-igg on ae QN G 63 Ww 400 Yern A 100 Sav Os en +1% Rothmen 2995 $24% on 24 3 % Romtield 100 200 200 Royal Bank 815 St me % StL Cem A 100 $3) Satada 615 $112 iW ie -- % te 350 350 350 Soot ML pr100 $20 20 20 --% Sec Cap C250 $6h 6% 6% Shell Can 26 $19% 19% 19% Shell | pr 75 $3426 8B ---% Shop Save 525 $16 16 16 Shop City 100 380 380 380 Simpsons 2 $27 7 Whe-- St Pav Po $12% 12 au -- Steel Can 588 $26% 26%. 26% Steinbg A 1275 $332 Et BY By REUTERS Even countries which will be hit hardest by Britain's sur- charge on manufactured im- ports welcomed the news of the British action Monday. A West German spokesman said the trade - balancing meas- ures were "unpleasant but not prohibitive" and that Bonn un- derstood the need for them. In Washington, t reasury spokesmen said there was no painless corrective, and that Britain had acted promptly and effectively to maintain the strength and stability of the pound. Ottawa, too, viewed tle Brit. ish decision as necessary and inevitable. A government spokesman said it had been ex- pected. There was evidence of relief in Ottawa at the non-discrim- inatory nature of the import lev- ies which apply equally to all countries exporting to Britain. There had been fears before- hand that Canadian goods might be especially restricted. The British have been making par- ticular efforts to correct their trade imbalance with Canada. The British currency unit in- UK Trade Wall "Not Prohibitive" creased strength in the money markets of Washington, Paris, Zurich, Switzerland and Frank- furt, West Germany. ADVERSE REACTION Among the few adverse reac- tions was the warning by lead- ing Swedish exporters that Brit- ain's 15-per-cent import' sur- charge was apparently in con- trovention of the Stockholu) con- vention that set up the seven- nation European Free Trade Association and of tue General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade. The Swedish exporters said these treaties allowed for quan- titative restrictions to be im- posed, but that Britain had dis- mantled its machinery for en- forcing these. In Geneva, the EFTA secre- tariat said the British state- ment was being studied and -- would be no comment go Paris, informed sources said the French government was unlikely to take any retal- iatory action, because the meas- ures were apparently a sincere bid to boost Britain's economy and Franco - British trade was not great enough to warrant re- taliation. LIGH LOOK TH oo - ob ghee $2,600 "' "Nore | lowances three year olds foaled BULB T WOOLWORTH'S == SS ANMIVERSARY SAL a | BULBS FOR 60 Watt or 100 " 'Stock Sales High Low a.m. cigs Stock Sales High Low e-m. chr Stock Sales tin ie fh Be $12%4 Dicknsn Nick Rim 20 4 Mw Emo Lite 296863 "368 34a! Dome Ws $204 20m S4--%] Nite " go 2 @ 12 + Exquite A w300 165 160 165 --5 | Duraine 1000 22 22 2a--1 365 100 WS 15 8 Falcon 25 $19 92 7974--l a 100 155 5 195 --S Norgold 100 8 8 8 om Fittings A 100 $13% 13% 1376 +1%| East 1409 530 525 525 --~10 Hy il sae Ford (23 96 Os E "mor. 290s sansa 10 | Norn cen "900 1 190 8 Siew See ety ie Bee es | coe ae ee 5 T Fin A 300 si4 W% 1Wo--Ye| Gat 1000 140 140 140 Opemiske bo A i Troneit "US Som foie Sut | GE 'Mining su 2 Al Pomour a ss ss aS Troms PPL yas fioet Me a AG| Goldroy a0 aah as 4 1 | eating 3100 $80 970 978 HO" Turnbull 100 $10%4 10% WA4+ | Grendroy 3000 21 9 2 Poe Expl 200 9 18 1% J Turnbull A p loo sas 20M goat Ya] Gui L 7000 16 W Wet Va| Peerless 25:00 6 1% 1% + Un Carbide 1035 $26%4 26s 26Ve Gunner 130 610 610 610 +5 | Pick Crow 1000 52 52 52 =f Un Gas 100 $24¥6 24% 24% + Ye} Hastings 2200 #5 #0 #0 +5 Placer 145 $404 484 0G Un Steel 125 460 460 460 Headway 1000 162 16% 16% Pow Rov 2500 55 55 55 Vanadium 100 80 80 80 --5 | Heath 200 5 § 5 +%| Purdex 00 12 5 15 WO 345 345 345 ieinger 200 $31% 31¥e 31% -- Ys} Qui 600 405 400 45 Versatile 5 $% N% Wh Hud 180 $75%4 7544 75% Qunston = i A: a ty? Wan ow 4s $36) 30 36 | inth cop" oo ss ae Guonton 500 010 I Weld 210 $14¥2 14¥e Téa Vo] 80 4100 250 239 249 +15) Raglan 00 WS WO MO 3 7 764 985 975 --0 eee oa ee ee ee Sh Ree ae "Sa foo ome toe | ee Cee ee es - W. Pacific > ie Wu % -- | Joburke 300 10% 10 1 --'%] Sarimco wow 6 w sine tng Jonsmith satellite 500 102 10Ve 10M Westen 8 460 sige oie toue "| Joutel ooo vid. Mod 42. | Sherrits 310 465 460 460 West A wst 201 950 950 950 Kerr Add 2600 705 785 7es +i0| $i Stend 1000 3 63 03 A 100 $25 25 25 K Amacon 7339 255 241 241 +20] Starrett, = 0D Ss te . ("tueut "aes gui vm vine wulliven «580 40S 40S 405 --B OILS Lakehead -- 1000 19¥8 Wie Tia + va] Temag 1200 12) 12) 128 iz tao 0 Oh ok on | x st le OS 8 oe Ang U Dev 200 4 2 2% --1 Lencourt 2000 6¥e bie 6% Tombil 2700 10 107 MO 43 Comerine 500 295 95 295 ao | Loredo 2000 183 180, 182 +2 | tormont 6000-27-26 26 + Ve € Delhi 1000 895 895 ans tig | Louvict Wee. We: 0k Wk Tribag 34) 164 162 162 --9 feos se | Bee saline my Ee Zz » WwW 7 1500 Cent Del 780 740 735 74 --@ | Magnet = 27s 2 U'Mining 7200 258 24 e+ We C West P = =400 1364 102-192 --2 | Maraigo joo 5 SS U Asbestos 100 265 265 265 tecier 500 We WM We+ | Marboy 2 Bw eB 1 Un Buffad 600 66 66 66 --2 Me" See | ice e's ss | te ke oe ee 350 350 350 Un Keno 800 920 N Davies 3500 23 Mattom! 90 $19 16% 19 Pore 1125 177 W W NC Oils 900 908 208,905 =e 1600 16% 16¥a 16¥s-- Ve Uroen a 2 ua n+ NCO whs RS Bate es Be intyre 490 $62%e 62% 622+ 4) Upp Can 190 137 107 107 Northid 5000 14 14 4 2 | MWat 0 9 2 B® --Vl Vespar 1000 20%2 20%2 20% Pamoil 00 5 5 OS Merril, 2000 70 70 West Mines 100 460 460 460 Permo 3000 32 3232 Meta on now W Surf | = 1000-21 21% 2144+ % Petrol 50O 0 0 ® Metal Mines 221 190 130 100 --S Witiroy 1200 158 156 156 --2 Erovo Gas 1400 200 199 200 pict a wae ie i Wiltsey 3200 10% 10h Oh" Teck Corp vi ne eu ee Muiti-M 1431. 25Ve 25¥2 25¥2-- ve ma = = + 7 Tried OH 500 228 228 228 =2 | Net Expl 4500 13 le Ya -- v4] Zenmec 1900 34Ve 34Ve 34¥a-- Ve W. Decale 1200 ws ms ms Nenad oe ss" --s| Sales fo 11 947,000. lew am.: . batigdeincag ae Nochex 'wis "a0 Yo ys " FOREIGN TRADING ex 400 New Hosco 1400°305 300 305 © Mosher 400 144 144 146 MINES N Kelore 3000 12 12 12 --? | Denison 100 $16 16 16 N Mylama 1000 73 13 13: --%4| Gunner 100 635 635 635 =i wae | Rie SS fn Be wl Gee BE aE 8 ve _ jscoe Stock Sales High Low a.m.Ch'ge| New Teky 1000 31 31 31 Un Keno 100 920 920 920 --I8 Acad Uran 8500 52 5 5 =--" Ail Pitch 2000 18 9 w +h Ang. Rouyn 300 Via WoW me ™ R ing. Rovyn i a," 3 Ee | INVESTMENT COURSE Area 3100 205 205 a Hi i T E T Ail'C, op 00 me ns ns" «4 Basic Economics . Handling Finances i. eee WEEKLY SERIES ase Belcner 13 3 3 3 7 | WEDNESDAY EVENINGS 8:00 P.M. elleterre Bethim 450 80 915 815 --8 T Bercon 1) os i ig COMMENCING OCTOBER 28TH Bleck 8 000 i 10% 10% Series Registration Fee $5.00 , runs' Bunker H ima 'a 2 Bp Casual Attendance $1.00 per session RL 200 $18% 18% 1e2--%|| OCTOBER 28th: MR, D. BULLIED C Austral 500 7 Va Oshewe Real Estate Board San' wea G we agin Property Investments--Real Estate--Mortgages Genera | De le NOV. 4th: MR. G. G. WATSON Cent Pet 100 192 102 2 +8 G. E, Leslie & Co. - Toronte fae om ne Eraluction of Common Stocks Chib M = B,4 B 3 zi NOV. llth: (Cancelled due to Holiday) 100 340 340 34 NOV, 18th: MR, G. W. RIEHL, CA, C Belek 1600 6 6% Sia--Ve Montieth, Riehl, Woters & Co. Suah? oe a ae ae Taxation Affecting Investment © Morrison 1900 11@ Né Me +2 || NOV. 25th: & SUCCEEDING WEDNESDAYS to be announced Con Negus s00. 4a Md gon Ni "ono wall" 5 a Limited Attendance onwest Cop Com 3100 45 ak -- Ye PHONE 725-1111 eves 0 ee ee pies and 1000 1 104 10M : Werf sap a phony vis" Programming Crowpat 4000 8 § --% ponso sown reation Department Cusco 1900 10 % 9 Gibb Street - Oshawa ing 1500 12 We 12 Delhi Pec 500 17% Wis Wet & sail / 'THE OSHAWA TIMES, Tussday, October 27,1964 17 ' Today's Toronto Stock Market Listings OPEN EVERY THURSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHT UNTIL 00 SHOPPING CENTRE O'CLOCK WATCH FOR THE ANNIVERSARY SALE CIRCULAR DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR SOON!

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