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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1964, p. 14

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4 4 I PAA SAG Pb* DINNER- DANCE AFFORDS AN EVEN] Heavy responsibilities were ~~ laid aside in the social atmo- sphere prevailing at the din- ner-dance sponsored by the Golden Jubilee Chapter Daughters of the Empire, in the Piccadilly Room of the Hotel Genosha last Saturda night, attended by many pro inent Oshawa citizens. The above includes, standing left to right, the Hon- orable Michael Starr MP and Mrs. Starr; Mr. John Vivash, Mrs. A. V. Walker and Al- Double-Ring Ceremony Unites Bonnie Cook, Robert Chadwick A double-ring ceremony united in martiage Bonnie Jean Cook to Robert Frederick Chadwick in Northminster-United Church, re- cently. The bride is the daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Fred- erick Cook, Oshawa, and her bridegroom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lee Chadwick, Newmarket. The officiating clergyman was the Reverend H. A. Mellow and the soloist, Mr. Ross Carter, Oshawa, sang "The Wedding Prayer' and "The Lord's Prayer" accompanied by Mr. John Robertson at the organ. Given in marriage by her father, the bride wore a formal white organza over net gown with a bell shaped skirt, scoop neckline, and lily-point sleeves. A double row of French lace edged the waistline and 1 hem. Her chapel train, attached at the waist by a lange bow was bordered with two rows of PLEASANT RELAXATION derman A, Hayward Murdoch. Seated are Mrs. A. H. Mur- doch, convener; Mr. A. V. Walker MLA and Mrs. John Vivash, regent of the chapter. --Oshawa Times Photo Church hall, where the bride's mother received, wearing a tur- quoise organza sheath featuring side-draping caught, by an or- iganza rose, and a scoop neck- line. Matching accessories and a corsage of yellow roses com- pleted the ensemble. The bride-| groom's mother assisted, wear- ing a three-piece suit of beige lace with dark brown accessor- ies and a corsage of Talisman! roses. Before the couple left on their} honeymoon in the New England States, the bride donned a two- piece gold and brown woo tweed suit, dark brown acces- sories and a corsage of yellow roses. On their return, Mr, and Mrs. Chadwick will reside in Newmarket, Ontario. Guests were present at the wedding from Oshawa, New- market, Sharon, Fenelon Fails, Ottawa, Bobcaygeon, Belleville, Pont Anne and Toronto. matching lace. Her headdress, a single organza rose, edged in satin, held her bouffant elbow- length veil of tulle and she car- ried a tear-drop bouquet of autumn gold roses and stepha- notis. The maid of honor was Miss Kathleen Hagle, Oshawa, and the other attendant was Mrs. Allen Reading, Oshawa. They were gowned alike in semi-for- mal dresses of gold peau de soie with bell shaped skirts and gold lace jackets with self bows at the front. Their headdresses were coronets of autumn gold roses and bronze chrysanthe- mums and they carried tear- drop bouquets of similar flowers. The best man was Mr. Donald Jones, Sharon, Ontario, and the ushers were Mr, Carl Cook, Osh- awa and Mr. Douglas Hines, Newmarket. SOCIAL NOTICES FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE Mr. and Mrs. Donald Andrew, Ajax, announce the forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Shirley Diane, to Mr. Murray Bruce, son of Mrs. Murray Bruce, Ajax, and the late Mr. Bruce. The ceremony is to take place on Saturday, November 14, 1964 at 3.30 p.m. in St. Paul's United Church, Ajax. | RECEPTION Mr. and Mrs. Alvin J. Hicks will be pleased to receive their relatives and friends on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary on Sunday, Novem- ber 1, from 2.00 to 5.00 p.m. at the home of their son, Mr. Rob- The reception was held in the ert Hicks, 886 Masson street. Jo Aldwinckle, Women': Women s Editor Dial 723-3474 114 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 28, 1964 Grass-Badour Nuptials Solemnized In Port Perry Port Perry United Church was the scene of a beautiful autumn wedding when Mar- lene Velma Badour and Carl Arthur Grass were united in marriage recently. The bride is the eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clinton W. Badour, Port Perry; and the bridegroom is the only son of Mr. and Mrs. L. Howard Grass, Oshawa. The Reverend Alec G. Rice officiated at the double ring ceremony and administered communion to the bridal couple immediately following the bridal vows. Mrs. Daniel Reesor, Agin- court, played the wedding music during the signing of the regi- sories and a pink sweetheart) rose corsage. The bridegroom's mother as- sisted wearing a sheath of beige lace and peau de soie. Her matching feathered cloche hat, and accessories and her corsage of roses completed her ensemble. Also greeting the guests were the bride's grandmother, Mrs. William Lyles, Oshawa, and the bridegroom's grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Grass, Colum- us. For the flight to Bermuda on their honeymoon trip, the bride chose an A-line styled dress of blue embossed crepe, topped with a cream colored coat with ster. The bride, escorted down the} aisle by her father, was attired) in a floor-length gown of de-| lustered gardenia white satin) which was designed and made| by herself. The empire fitted gown in its classic simplicity) featured a flowing train edged in, a wide band of heavy French imported lace and was 'topped by a removable matching lace jacket with bell-shaped, three- quarter length sleeves. Her tiara of teardrop crystals and pearls held her bouffant French illusion shoulder-length veil and she carried a cascade of white ing ivy. The maid of honor was Miss Elizabeth Badour, Port Perry, sister of the bride, gowned in a formal dress of American beauty velvet, with scoop neck- line and softly shirred skirt, ac- cented by 'a large self-bow and inset sleeves of matching chif- fon. The bridesmaids, Miss Bar- bara Grass, sister of the bride-| groom, Toronto; Miss Barbara gardenias, stephanotis and trail-| | a large lynx collar, black and |Eau Claire when they attend- 'led the picnic. | Bridal \the bride's brotherindaw, Mr. LODGES AND SOCIETIES (Prince Philip Chapter) The regular meeting of the Prince Philip Chapter, IODE was held at Adelaide House, with the Regent, Mrs. J. A. Mit- chell, presiding. Mrs. Mitchell graciously wel- comed the visitors, Mrs, M. Mc- Intyre Hood and Miss A. Go- heen, Correspondence was dealt with. The Regent drew the attention of the members to a flag peti- tion to be signed by those wish- ing to do so. The educational secretary, Mis. Frank McCallum, gave a most interesting report of the visit she and the Regent had taken to the adopted school at Mrs. Mitchell spoke to the pupils at the School and the teacher was most friendly and co-operative. An appeal was made for eye glasses for one family of children andj 7 members were also requested to donate any Christmas decora- tions for which they had no fur- ther use. Mrs. C. G. Luke, reporting for Mrs. Wallace Butler, secretary of services at home and abroad, read a friendly and appreciative letter from Choo Ok Soon, the Chapter's adopted Korean. Thanks were expressed for birthday greetings and her spon-| sorship money. u It was a delight to the mem- bers to have Mrs. M. Mcintyre Hood back once again, and an added pleasure to listen while Mrs. J. L. Beaton gave Mr. Hood's usual interesting report on World Affairs, dealing with the situation in Cyrpus and the} independence o: Malta, } The Regent announced that) the ways and means convener, | Mrs. J. W. Girard, would dis-| cuss another money raising proj-| ect with the members at the) next meeting, | Mrs. C. G. Lake announced that Mrs. Gordon Attersley, Mrs. A, S. Whattam and Mrs. Luke would staff the Tuck Shop| at Hillsdale in October. | ¥3 Permission was granted' to|50n of Mr. and Mrs. Norman purchase a Memorial Wreath|Allan, Oshawa. for the Cenotaph. The officiating clergyman was The meeting closed with the/the Reverend F. K. Malone and singing of the Queen, with Mrs.|the soloist was Mr. James Fair, Leo Glover officiating as Stan-/accompanied by Mrs. Gary dard Bearer. Booth. aiiness Given in marriage by her St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Bowmanville was the setting recently for the mar- riage of Mary Margaret Cowan, Bowmanville, to Reginald Arthur White, Oshawa. The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Connors, Bowman- ille, and the bridegroom is the HONEYMOONING AT LAKE PLACID Margaret Cowan, Regin Exchange Vows In Bowmanville Sthlock, Oshawa were Mr. | Fred: y and the ushers Ronald Simcoe, Mr Stévens, and . Robert | Young, all of Oshawa. : | . The reception was held at' the Royal Canadian Legi¢n Hall, Bowmanville, where the bride's mother received, wearing a champagne silk worsted Chanel type ensemble with a blouse, hand embroidered with crystal corsage of pink i bridegroom's mother assisted wearing a jade green brocade sheath with brown accessories and a cor- of yellow chrysanthe- mums. _ Before the couple left on their honeymoon to Lake Placid, New York, the bride changed into a brown worsted suit with a pearl- mink wedding-ring collar, brown hat and matching accessories with a-corsage of white carna- their return they will); tions: On reside at 291 hawa. Marland avenue, Guests were present at the wedding from Montreal, Point Claire, and Duvernay in Que- bec; Albuquerque, New Mi " Buffalo; Cobourg, Oshawa, "Bowmanville and Sarnia. { Studio HAIR DESIGN Salon of Distinction Call 723-5201 151 King St. Eost. 'hg --Ireland Studio ald White ST. GEORGE'S 43 Guild of St. George's Memorial Church, was "held" in" House recently, Mrs. L. F.°N. Hind presided. Ee, Mrs, N. J. Rhodes spoke ly on the aims of the ship Mission being in'the church. 7 "Mrs. Donald Fox and. Austin Hiltz gave their te the fall agai and than everyone who worked so hard to make it such @ 'sic cess, ad a It was announced that ther would be a dinner for the Great Chapter on Novembr 4 and the Christmas bazaar to be held on November 21, was discussed. Tea was served by the Mar- garet Hart Group. ws i. oo 3 a j i OLD WORLD TRADI WN LONDON WHNERY LIMITER LONDON @ ONTARIO CANaDa NEW WORLD PERFECTION Romanuk, both of Oshawa, and Miss Ileane Rahme, Bowman- ville. They were dressed alike in ming blue brocade formal gowns -with three - quarter sleeves, semi-bell skirts, and cardinal trains flowing from their shoulders. Miss Theresa Connors, sister of the bride, was flower girl. and wore a similar- ly styled dress with a small cathedral train. They all wore matching self wedding ring headdresses and carried cas- cades of white and matching blue chrysanthemums. The best man was Mr. Victor step-father, the bride was wear- jing a formal sheath of white jpeau de soie with appliqued TM) Iace edging the neckline and on | the pleats, caught by bows at |the sides of the skirt. A rose applique bordered cathedral train was attached by a flat bow. Her organza petal and pearl crown held her bouffant veil of tulle illusion and she car- ried a cascade of red baby roses. Her maid of honor was Miss} Bonnie Kehoe, Oshawa_ and the} other attendants were Mrs. Vic-| Party Rides To Receptio In 1927 Buick The bridal party were driven from the church to the recep-| tion in a 1927 Buick owned by! Earl McMillan, Oshawa, follow- ing the marriage of Margaret Mary Wilkinson, to Mr. Denny Bozic, Kingston, recently in Knob Hill United Church, Seat-| borough. The bride is the daugh-) ter of Mrs. John W. Wilkinson, | AAAAAA? tor Siblock and Miss Ruth| FOR THE FINEST IN DRAPERY MATERIAL in various colours & fabrics OB YARD & uP M. & C, Dry Goods & Draperies 74 CELINA STREET PHONE 723-7827 Oshawa, and the late Reverend | ¢ J. W. Wilkinson and the bride-| groom is the son of Mrs, Rad- mile Bozic, Kingston. The Reverend Paul Christen- sen officiated for the candle-| light ceremony. The soloist, a} former pupil of the bride, was/|¢ Miss Julie Main, Scarborough, |¢ who sang '"O Perfect Love' by |¢ Burleigh and "Wedding Hymn" by Handel. SCHOOL OF white accessories and an orchid corsage. Upon their return ple will reside at the Oxford Towers, Glen street, Oshawa. Guests from out-of-town were from Barrie, Toronts, Port Hope, Burlington, Simcoe, Belle- |ville, Bowmanville, Brooklin, London, Oshawa and Agincourt, Manchester and Port Perry. | SIMCOE STREET UCW 2 The October meeting of the Commingle Unit 2 of Simcoe Street United Church met in the ladies' parlor. The president, Mrs. Rex |Hanper, presided. The reports weré given from each commit- tee. Mrs. L. S. Bigwood was in change of the devotional and read Psalm 100 Miss Phyllis Glass, accompan- ied by Mrs. Ann Potter, sang the cou- her |was Mr Stuart Laird, Windsor.| Given in marriage by her bro- ¢ AT MASONIC TEMP ther, Dr. John W. Wilkinson, | Pittsburgh, ' Pennsylvania, the bride wore a formal white silk |¢ > >» LILLIAN MAE MARSH D.E.A., M.D.A, Ballet; Tap, Toe, Acrobatic, Pre-School, Kinderance, Character INFORMATION 723-7253 DANCING LE, 91 CENTRE ST. crepe gown with a slight train and a French Jace jacket. Her} glittering tiara held her waist- length veil of tullé and she car- ried a cascade of red roses and white carnations, The matron of honor was Mrs.| Gordon Johnston, Kingston, wearing a formal gown of deep blue peau de soie and a deeper blue French lace jacket. She carried a cascade of bronze chrysanthemums. | The best man was Mr. James| Siltala, Don Mills, and the usher JUST ARRIVED ,.. a shipment of fr: -- priced The reception was held at the home of the bride's sister, Mrs.} Claude Watson and Mir. Watson, Scarborough. two selections, "His Eye is on |the Sparrow," and "Jesus | Saviour Pilot Me." | Mr. Moffat introduced the) guest speaker, Major Fred| Guests attended from Toron-| to, Windsor, Detroit, Kingston, Kitchener, Oakville, Pittsbungh, Oshawa, Bowmanville, Have- lock and Scarborough. | OIL PAINTINGS various sizes, various subjects | $16.00 to $49.50 , These paintings make wonderful gifts. Shop early for best selection. LAYAWAY PLAN AVAILABLE Gerber from -- Gerber Baby Foods in special features: Now... too, are in glass jars It's true! Both you and your baby can now enjoy the advantages of Gerber Meats (Egg Yolks, too) in convenient, sparkling, sanitary glass jars. All the advantages you've liked in the other STRAINED MEAT BEEF WITH BROTH Gerber meats, glass. Note these McKenzie, Simcoe and Miss|Lewis of the Salavtion Army,| Marlene Shewchuk, Oshawa,|who spoke on the subject) were attired in similarly de-|"Life's Windows." | signed gowns. All wore large| Mrs. Jack Long thanked all! bows of American beauty vel-|those taking part in the pro- vet as headdresses and carried) gram. garlands of white chrysanthe-) Refreshments were served by | mums and trailing moss green|Mrs. Arnold Duke and her! satin leaves group. Mr. Harold Weir, Jr., Bur-| lington, acted as best man and the ushers were Mr. Robert Spencer, Whitby, Mr. Donald Badour, Hampton, and Mr. Ian Fraser, Toronto. A reception was held in the Hotel Genosha, Oshawa, where the bride's mother received wearing a semi-formal sheath of 'French blue embroidered lace and peau de soie, featur- ing a swinging back panel, ap- pliqued with lace. Her small leaf bordered pillbox in matching tones offset bone white acces- WESTERN OIL CO. | @ FREE @ Cleaning & 24-Hour Service @ FR Parts on your Furnace when: you purchase our fuel oil. 725-1212 Customeraft Furniture 1188 Simcoe St. S. 728-7271 1 Re-closable Twist-Pop caps for safe, stay-fresh refrigeration of unused portions of food. Sloping shape of jar'makes for easier spooning, 2 Shop-easy labels with bold, easy-to-read veriety names at top of labels speed selection «+. $ave precious shopping time. GREEN BEANS FRANCAIS Just before serving, drain the cooked green beans and add toasted slivered almonds and butter. é CONTINENTAL STEAM BATH Appointment for Massage coll 728-2460 of 725-2109 Gerber Meats for Babies are made from selected, government-inspected cuts. Special processing preserves true-meat flavours and insures a marvellously smooth, moist texture. Low in fat, they're an excellent source of growth-promoting protein. Strained and Junior Beef, Veal, Chicken. New! Strained Chicken and Veal. Gerber Egg Yolks have a creamy, custard-like texture, a delicate fresh-egq flavour. Nutritionally, they're £h-excellent source of vitamin A and iron aivd a good source of protein, AUSTIN C. A. BATHIE, D.C. Is Pleased To Announce That HELEN M. BATHIE, D.C. Groduote Of | . for Ladies p.m. for MEN am. te 1 16A Onterie St Canadian Memorial Chiropractie College 1949 For The Finest North American and European Style Meats and Pastries DELICATESSEN @ SPECIALLY PROCESSED IN OUR OWN PLANT @ ' 2 Locations: A DOWNTOWN ENTRE 12 SIMCOE ST. N. 1 728.5487 Is Now Associated With Him In The Practice Of CHIROPRACTIC 647 SCUGOG STREET , PORT PERRY PHONE 985-2192 : MARRIED IN Hampton United Church was the setting recently for the | marriage of Eva Alberta, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence W. Yeo, Hampton, to Edward Oscar Haass, son | of Mr: and Mrs. Herman | Haass Sr., Taunton / --Phote by Henry Haass s HAMPTON ay va WAYHE'S 78 Simeoe N. Telephone 723-1411 Bables are our business se. Our Only business! GERBER BABY FOODS, NIAGARA FALLS, CANADA | | { L OSHAW SHOPPING C 728-111 ~

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