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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1964, p. 26

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Ge? 2): Pines Reali . : ~ CPP IY ever ey 26 THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesdey, October 28, 1964 PSE STANT , we hh ww yt v CAPSULE NEWS | Threw Eggs For Fun At LBJ's Car BALTIMORE (AP)--A youth confessed Tuesday that he threw the eggs that almost hit President Johnson Saturday. And he . He really was aiming at Theodore R. Mc- Keldin, the Republican mayor of Baltimore, the youth told the Baltimore News - American by telephone. The boy told the newspaper he threw the eggs "just for the fun of it." They hit'a photographer. MARX ON BRITISH TV LONDON (Reuters)--Groucho Marx has been signed by an independent British television company for a series of 13 half- hour interview-type shows be- ginning next June, it was re- ported Wednesday. Associated Rediffusion Ltd., signed the cigar-smoking entertainer for a reported £13,000. SOLDIER KILLED BY MINE VIENTIANE, Laos (Reuters) Mines killed one soldier and wounded six others when Lao- tian government forces tried to recapture Ban Khene village during the weekend, western military sources said Wednes- day. A government spokesman said T 28 fighter bombers strafed the village after it. was captured by the pro-Communist Pathet Lao on Oct. 15. NEWSPAPER 200-YEARS-OLD _ HARTFORD, Conn, (AP) -- The first issue of Hartford's first newspaper was published Oct. 29, 1764--200 years ago Thursday. That four-page news- paper was issued each Monday by Thomas Green. Its succes- sor, the Hartford Courant, claims to be the oldest news- paper continuously published in the United States. IN RUSSIA FOR TALKS MOSCOW (AP) Foreign Minister Paul Hasluck of Aus- tralia has arrived in Moscow WILL MEET OFFICIALS OTTAWA (CP) -- Citizenship Minister Tremblay said Tues- day he will be meeting with his officials "within some days" to decide upon legislation for an Indian claims commission. Mr. Tremblay said in the Commons all briefs from Indians have been received and analysed. | TO RUN FOR MAYOR OTTAWA (CP)--Joseph Louis PPG Sn Serr SS a PgR gi ag ng AG gh ig a een Pong saga " tot. yt y% ~-Soee U.S. Capital In Canada 'Striking' WASHINGTON (CP)--Amer-| ican private capital spending on| Canadian manufacturing in 1964) is expected to reach $710,000,- 000, or a third more than last SPS SF PS Ss Vv eV Teneo Says the report: "The revi- sion of spending plans cut across several majoc Canadian industries and was much greater-than in prior years. "It suggests stronger expec- tations of continued: growth in the Canadian economy and in foreign markets for some of these manufacturers, MAY HAVE HELPED "Recent actions of the Cana- dian government rescind- ing proposed tax increases and year, the United States com- merce department says. A report calls the figure a) "striking upward revision" from | the comparable estimate for! last year of $434,000,000. Actual 1963 capital outlays in the Canadian manufacturing fields by American private companies was $535,000,000. providing credit against certain limport duties when exports of automotive components are in- creased may also have induced some investments." cies ce, lie: Sid aa i ae '+ VS POPS G8 TSS STS FESS GEO OOS 8 OOS 6 EHO E VIE ETT OV OTE with subsidiary sales by Cana- dian plants $1,000,000 higher at $10,400,000,000. But the scale of such sales to the U.S. remained relatively constant at around $1,000,000,000 and Canada retained the major share or some $750,000,000 worth of exports. For 1964, U.S. companies have projected total capital outlays ep IGG te he ee oe 000 against $195,000,000 in 1963. department estimates American investment in Canadian subsid- iaries for 1965 at a total $1,400,- 000,000 or down from the 1964 forecast. 000,000 lower at $657,000,000 and the. mining investment $22,000,- 000 lower at $224,000,000. SOP SSSA TONG TOY sere ga Ee A EE A SEINE GS FOSS SPOTS SIS : 5 i a a a tld v to ban fishing at times and places which they consider nec- essary. The Chinese pore" gime has paid great , to developing fishery produc- ion, ; The Chinese coastline of more than 6,250 miles provides ex- tensive fishing grounds and the ae water area is also exten- sive. in mining and snuelting praised the law as a 'great step forward" and ¢alled on local authorities to test its pro- | visions thoroughly during a rou- jtine- trial period. The law sets out scores of types of aquatic products, from shrimps to whales and sharks, which should be protected and the minimum size and age at which they should be caught. It also empowers Jocal authorities Peking To Protect Fish Resources PEKING (Reuters) -- The Chinese government has intro- duced a draft law to protect and develop the country's al- ready considerable fish resour- ces. Newspapers here have Tentatively, the commerce re- Manufacturing would be $53,- on foreign plants and equip- ment of $5,900,000,000 or 16 per cent more than last year. Can- ada's slice of this, including manufacturing, would be about $1,500,000,000, or roughly a} quarter. | Aside from the manufacturing | Other main concl are that U.S. foreign subsidiaries in 1963 scored significant gains in sales totalling $31,300,000,000 or 13 per cent more than in 1962 comp of $710,000,000 this includes an estimated $300,000,- | 000 for the Canadian petroleum | industry compared with $375,- 000,000 last year, plus $224,000,-, Paradis, a retired steamfitter who has made three unsuccess- ful bids for a board of control seat, announced Tuesday he will be a candidate for mayor in the Dec. 7 civic elections. Ryan, president of radio station Controller Don Reid and Frank'). WHY PAY MORE MH AL'S BI-RITE MM} WHY PAY MORE CFRA, already have announced they will seek the mayor's! chair. Mayor Charlotte Whitton | has not yet said definitely what | she will do, | OVERSEAS TONNAGE UP | TORONTO (CP) -- Overseas | | tonnage through the port of Tor- | }onto was up 40,721 tons by Mon- |day compared with the same period in 1963, the Toronto har- {bor. commissioners were told Tuesday, A total of 791,034 tons to and from overseas points were handled this year com- pared with 750,313 tons last) year, despite a two-day wildcat |strike of stevedores earlier this | month. |REACH TRADE AGREEMENT VIENNA (Reuters) -- Austria and Communist China have reached a trade agreement and | decided to exchange trade mis- sions, reliable sources here re-| ported Wednesday. MISSILES FOR NAVY? ESQUIMALT, B.C, (CP) Rear-Admiral Michael Stirling said Tuesday defence Minister Hellyer's new defence policy might contain a proposal to equip the Canadian navy with missiles. The admiral made the comment at his first press con- ference as flag officer of the for a three-day visit and talks with Soviet officials. Pacific Coast. L'S BI-RITE WE BUY FOR LESS - SELL FOR MUCH LESS MEN'S Sport Shirts Long sleeves, finest selection of newest styles, DISCOUNT SALE PRICE 3.95 MEN'S WORK PANTS Senforized drill, Sizes 30 te 44. DISCOUNT SALE PRICE 3.95 WORK SHIRTS to match Sizes 14 to 17 2,15 Discount Sole Price colors, GREENWOOD ENTRIES THURSDAY, 0 ctober 2° Purse $2000. ($7500).| FIRST RACE -- two-year-olds. 7 Fur-) Claiming. Maiden tongs. | Chop Turkey, Maxwell 115 | Mahon. MoComb V8 » Harrison 120 Prime Princess, No Acanthus, No Boy Good Ovation, Amstrong 114 Devon's Pet, No Boy 110 Leader Lane, No Boy 107 Auturnn Souvenir, Harrison 111 Miss Avaion, inda 108 Bonn Annie, Stadnyk 112 Big Boots, Fitzsimmons 109 Wanless, McCauley X112 X--5 tbs, AAC XX--7 ibs. AAC XXX--10 ibs. AAC Boy 108 1 MN, WHY PAY MORE QR AL'S BI-RITE RE) WHY PAY MORE BOY'S Corduroy Pants Vq Elastic Woist Sizes 6 to 12 DISCOUNT SALE PRICE 3.95 BUY NOW and SAVE! A small Deposit will hold your purchase 'til Christmas . . Many more bargains to choose from. COME IN AND LOOK AROUND HEADQUARTERS "G.W.G" Cowboy King Jeans Texas Ranger Work Pants and Shirts Also "Carhartt" Jeans for Men and Boys BOYS' NYLON SKI JACKETS Sizes 8 to 18 9.95 35 SIMCOE N. 725-7951 Downtown Oshawa Discount Sale Price .. MEN'S NYLON SKI JACKETS Sizes 36 to 46 DISCOUNT SALE: PRICE 12.95 MEN'S COTTON OR FLANNEL PYJAMAS Plain colors or patterns DISCOUNT SALE PRICE 2.98 BUY WHERE THE BARGAINS ARE BOLAHOOD'S YOUR... = | | WE HAVE DEER SEASON OPENS FIREARMS Ithaca, ov. 2 INSULATED UNDERWEAR Warmth without weight. Designed to keep. you comfortable on the coldest hunting days. Sizes small, medium per ne ee °19.50 SHOOTING GLOVES pair 3.50 INSULATED SOX pair 3.60 INSULATED BOOTS 22.50 HIP BOOTS & WADERS You're left high and 'dry with Hip Boots... $11.95 ond Chest Woders . . . $18.95 from Auwiorizea for; Remington, Browning, Ruger Remington 742 (automatic) 308 caliber Remington 760 (pump) .308 caliber 19.95 Pane 29,95 Lee Enfield Sporterized .303 . Cleaning Kits A complete selection of Clean- "2 : ing Rods, Oils, Greases and veuler 52,95 by Cleaners. P Greb poir INSULATED HUNTING COATS AMMUNITION , For the deer hunter we have full range of shells, Bolahood's, all caliber os well as shotgun shells, SHELL VESTS Fully We have a wide assortment of insulated and proof. Large pockets, and zip- per front. Reflecting jackets available. Laugh at cold weath- er when you own one of these. $26.95, $35.95, $39.95. Pants $13.95 (unlined $8.95). ' BOLA 61 King St. E. shower- types including regular, insulated - or reversibles, A useful addition to the $3.95. hunter's equipment, From SPORTSHAVEN Call 723-2711 AND WATCH YOUR DOLLAR S-T-R-E-T-6-H FAR! WS 210W =Avd AHM BR 3iv-ia stv GRR 3uOW Avd AHM POST TIME 1.30 P.M, WHY PAY MORE [if AL'S BI-RITE [-WHY PAY MORE Purse $1900, ($2500) | SECOND RACE -- Claiming. Three-year-olds and up. 7 Fur-| Hidden Hope, No Boy Tullo, Leblanc. 119 Prince Ti Magic inda Santa Teresa, No Boy C-111 Also Eligible: Last Hurrah, Cuthbert- | ; Ambrose Gal, No Boy, 1107) , B-16; Cromisette, | mry. 8--F Junger end Mrs ® EB Fisher Entry. CP J Rock end $ Pedier Entry. THIRD RACE -- Purse $2000. ($7500). Claiming. Maiden two-year-olds (Divn, of Ist). 7 Furtongs. Young Fashion, No Boy 112 Bay Fiight, No Boy 117 Irish Joe, No Boy 120 Cousin Clem, No Boy 120 Merlis, No Boy 315 Miss Tiger Cat, Gordon 112 Ann's Reply, Leblanc 117 Headline, Anyon 112 Distix, No Boy 120 Ships That Pass, McGovern 115 Zeesekite, Stadnyk 115 FOURTH RACE -- Purse $2000. ($3500) Claiming. Three-year-olds. 7 Furiongs. Love Quest, No Boy 116 Guest Speaker, No Boy 11! Touchbutton, No Boy 116 Berwyn, Gordon' 122 Mr. Flirt, Walsh 117 Gay Van, Gomez 114 Falls Way, Leblanc 116 Roman Scholar, Stadnyk 114 Dula Gail, Armstrong 11) Choppy River, McComb 111 Mad Charge, Parsons XX109 Barbara Bain, Harris' X109 Also Eligible: Black Coral, Hernandez, 114; Dave's Mistake, Inda, 116. FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2500. Claiming. Two-year-olds. One Mile. Valecrest Lady, Walsh 107 First Feshion, Fitzsimmons 110 Freedoms Hope, No Boy 119 Bully Keane, Potts 1)5 Revelling, No Boy A-110 Chopstick, Harris X105 Balacomba, Parsons X17 Red Purse, McComb 114 Jamie Did, No Boy A-114 Take Notice, Dittfach 119 Reefwaif, No Boy 117 A--H Altman and § Cocomile Entry. ws ($7500); SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,400 ($6,000) Claiming, three-year-olds end up; miles. Reap The Wind, No Boy 118 Gray Mouse, Harrison 115 Kiondyke Lil, Fitzsimmons A-113 Bofiac, No Boy 113 Son Blue, No Boy 113 Rococo Rogue, McComb 116 Lat'n Bid, No Boy A-11S Apple, inda 118 * A--E. B se and T. &. King entry (QUINELLA WAGERING) SEVENTH RACE--Purse $2,200 ($4500). | Claiming, three-year-olds and up, 7 ftur-| tongs. Xerxes, Armstrong 116 Peter Pat, No Boy 113 Bala Roman, No Boy 116 Mitzi's Folly, inda 3 Winsmanship, No Boy 146 Popsaysno, Leblanc A-113 Also Eligible: Faultessa, Leblane A-118. S. Rotenberg entry EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($2500). Claiming, three- and four-year-clds, 1 1-16 A miles, Mary Elizabeth, Cuthbertson X107 569 DIE IN TRAFFIC OTTAWA (CP) -- Canadian traffic acetic ents in August claimed 669 lives and injured 14,835 persons, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics said Tues- day. Property damage was $12,- 037,000,. excluding that in Que- _ bec. The Quebee figure was not available. 1 +16 } Beautifu 9.95 sq. yd. To Complement a full line of Home Furnishings for spacious living OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS MODERN LEAF | Leaf Scroll Dupont Filament Nylon 15 Lovely Colors 12 and-15 foot widths 95 sq. 'yd. '8 18" x 27" THROW RUGS REG. $1.29 LIMTIT 2 TO A CUSTOMER 39: PALACE ROYAL... 100% Plush Wool . . + 13 Decorator Colors 12 and 15 foot widths | Reg. | $13.95 sq. yd. | | 95 sq. yd. has introduced a CARPET Visit our Showrooms Introductory Offer ! OM SALE EXTRA SPECIAL! AREA 9 x 12' VISCOSE @ NOT FOAM BACKS @ SERGED ALL AROUND $39.95 Nar REG. $48.88 DEPT. exclusive Jy ith Oshawa ood Products RUGS FELT PAD ROLLED WITH EACH RUG INDIAN RIVER... Fabulous Scroll Depth... Dupont 5017 Nylon... 15 Colours 20 Year Weor Guarantee Available in 12 and 15 foot widths Reg. '13.95 sq. yd. 95. sq. yd | | | COURTICE 728.) 611 OSHAWA WOOD PRODUCTS tts. SERVICE - QUALITY - DEPENDABILITY SHOPPING CENTRE 728-1617 Shop! Lay-Away Now For Christmas! Avoid the L Rush in Di Ladies' HOUSE COATS Ladies' PURSES ...... Ladies' BLOUSES Reversible SK! JACKETS from Ladies' JUMPERS ...... from Ladies' DRESSES ...... from .Ladies' CAR COATS .... from Ladies' WINTER COATS from All Wool SLIMS ...... from 8,98 Ladies' SKIRTS from 6.98 Ladies' BULKY SWEATERS from 10.98 LANSEA SWEATERS only 9.98 - 10.98 +. Mi her! i 8.98 3.98 2,98 14,98 7.98 14,98 19,98 39.98 from .cfrom GLOVES See Our Fine Selection of Gloves. Featur- ing: NYLON CHAMOISETTE; WOOL; KID; AND FUR LINED . all sizes and qoiors to select from. Qe ro 15,00 ,,. i} from Foundation Garments We Carry a full line of BRASSIERS and WIRDLES by such famous brand names as: EXQUISITE; JANTZEN; WONDER BRA! % Featuring:---Special "'D' Cup STRAPLESS BRA and the New COLORED BRAS, GIR- DLES and CUTIE PANTS. LINGERIE Choose now from our full selec- tion of fine FULL SLIPS --- 14< SLIPS ~--- NEGLIGEE SETS 4 SHORTY JAMAS CAPRI A JAMAS -- FLANNEL JAMAS, N por 2.98 TO 35.00 WE HAVE A FINE SELECTION OF SLIPPERS AND GLITTER SHOES TO BRIGHTEN THE HOLIDAY SEASON, From .sesese eee 2.98 and up from e@ Open A Budget Account ! @ No Down Payment ! e@ Easy Terms! @ Use Your Credit ! OPPOSITE THE ARMOURIES 48 Simcoe St. North Downtown Oshawa

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