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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1964, p. 2

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STINGER TAKES OFF FROM INSTANT AIRFIELD ao: A.U.S. Marine Sky Hawk *e¥Yet fighter, with missile might slung beneath, takes off from =--an "instant" airfield at Al- meria, Spain, on the second day of joint U.S.-Spanish man- demon- stration of Navy's set up por- almost will", Navy Seabees and Mar- euvers today. table _ airfields : THE IMAGE MAKERS In a "at ines put down the field in four and one-half days. Fighters from Madrid) <LBJ 'Lustful' Says Barry 'Barry 'Reckless --LBJ By STANLEY MEISLER Associated Press Staff Writer between the Goldwater. Democrats and Wis., Tuesday night, Miller said Johnson was arranging President Johnson and Barry, 'The stakes in the election|the political wedding' of - big Goldwater worked today at pro-|jare success and survival, Gmoting Johnson playing. war games. Goldwater pictured an opponent lusting for power. the Republican power, by fear of the exposure of wrongdoing in high places, by fear. of punishment and by hope of special privilege." And Goldwater, in a speech) for a rally at Cedar = , Iowa, also attacked the candidacy of the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, Hu- bert H. Humphrey. "He (Johnson) has the sup-| port of many traditional Demo- . orats," Goldwater said, "who accept his party label, without looking beyond it to see that in - handpicking Hubert Humphrey , as his successor he has kid- napped the Democratic party-- tied it up in a neat bundle for eventual delivery to the Ameri- cans for Democratic Action, the most effective radical socialist » organization in the land." N.M., described brother, | Miller, Albuquerque, a ; what he called the differences images of each other.|Johnson said. 'The issues are pictured an opponent/recklessness or responsibility."' ' . , business, big labor, and big gov- ernment," He said this -was the "We cannot," he continued,|S4me concentration of power "and we will not play the war|that destroyed freedom in Nazi game of bluff and bluster. That/Germany and Fascist Italy. risk is too great." In another speech, class The Republicans vice - presi- dential candidate, William E. said President Johnson was using "arm-twisting, polit- ically patronizing techniques" including defence contracts to lure the support of business- men, In a speech in La Crosse; |. In New York, Republican Sen- this one | tor Kenneth Keatin, prepared for delivery from papal 'eating and the steps of Los Angeles city hail, Jonoson said: "We are going|seat, Robert F, Kennedy, went the Democratic candidate for his full speed ahead. We are not/on television in consecutive half- going back to a past of mud-jhour periods Tuesday dling and make-believe, mud-| Each acoused the other of duck- slinging , politics and mildewed|ing a face-to-face television de- policy." Humphrey, arriving in Ken. tucky early today, in prepared remarks said 'there is abroad in the land some of the same reckless, heediess temper which dragged Kentucky and the 'na- tion into conflict" 100 years ago, Some people, Humphrey said, "would set brother against against class, race against race, state against state, region against region." RAPS METHODS night. bate. APPOINT COACH PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pitts- burgh Pirates manager Harry Walker announced Monday the appointment of Clyde King as pitching coach, King 39, of Goldsboro, N.C., was a pitching coach in the St. Louis Cardinals farm system and managed baseball clubs in the Southern Association and the Interna- tional League. He pitched in strip. (AP Wirephoto via cable | U.K. TRADE WALL OTTAWA (CP) -- It now ap- pears that less than 25 per cent of Canada's exports to Britain will be affected by the new Brit- ish import surcharge. The previous government es- timate of 33 per cent was scaled down Tuesday after comparing the detailed surchange exemp- tions with Canadian exports to Britain in the January-August period. Those exports totalled $792,- 219,000. It now is estimated that the surcharge of 15 per cent would apply to approximately) $182,200,000 worth of these goods or roughly 23 per cent of the total. Thus in one sense Canada will) be better off than her major competitors in the British mar-} ket. The surcharge will apply to about 57 per cent of British im-| ports from the European Com-| mon Market and some 48 per| | Woman Beaten | WALKERTON, Ont. (CP)-- Mrs. Roger Eliictt told the On- tario Supreme Court Tuesday that she saw Alfreda Keeshig throw Aleda Weidrich to the ground and "'bang her head on the gravel road like a rag doll. Mrs. Keeshig, 30, is on. trial for the non - capital murder of Mrs. Weldrich, 30, Mrs. Elliott's daughter, on Cape Croker In- dian reserve, about 40 miles north of Owen Sound, Aug. 16. She pleaded not guilty. Mrs, Elliott ici the court she/ ran to look for help for her daughter and when she returned a short time later, found her unconscious. The victim died later in hospital. continuing. Mrs. Elliott said that all in- volved had been drinking dur- ing the evening. The trial is cent of her purchases from the U.S. in the January - August period, However, the surcharge be- cause it applies to all manu- factured goods,and many semi- fabricated materials hits partic- ularly hard at government trade promotion efforts. HITS METALS The other major category af- fected is 'fabricated ma- terials," an export classification that includes all the lumber and metals and covers about half Canada's total sales to Britain. up nearly 35 per cent from a year earlier. Some of these materials will be exempt from the surcharge. For example, metals shipped just as they emerge from the smelter or refinery will not be taxed on entering Britain. This includes aluminum ingots, cop- per refinery shapes, zinc and lead pigs and blocks, ingots and so on. nickel The great majority of the Canadian metals shipped to Canada Furthest Ahead, Less Than 25% Taxable These sales reached $398,698,000 Britain go in this unwrought form. Similarly, rough - sawn lum- ber will be exempt but dressed lumber will be subject to the surcharge. Wood pulp will be ex- empt, but newsprint will be taxed. Almost all Canadian chemicals also will be subject to the surcharge. Completely exempt is _ the}! foodstuffs category. This year, eight - month, shipments. under that heading totalled about $200 000,000, approximately the same as last year. Committee Named To Study Electoral Reform OTTAWA (CP)--Another step towards electoral reform was taken Tuesday a few hours after the wheels started to turn for another election on the same 'Like Rag Doll' ii" State Secretary Lamontagne announced formation of a five- man committee to study ways of limiting election expenses. Nelson Castonguay, chief elec- toral officer, announced he has asked returning officers to re- vise their lists of polling sub- divisions by Dec. 15 so he can | start sending out election mate- rial. So far there has been no hint of an election date, and most speculation points to a spring contest. Mr. Lamontagne said the question of limiting election ex- penses is a complicated one, touching the roots of the demo- cratic system. It has become particularly important recently because of the cost of advertis- ing, especially on television. AGREE CONTROL NEEDED BIRD GIVES BIRD TO EARLY BIRD WINDSOR (CP)--A hunter jumped the opening gun on the pheasant season Tues- day, but the bird escaped unscathed as did its pur- suer. The pheasant flew through an epen window in a sub- urban industrial plant and out an open window on the opposite side of the build- ing. It was followed by a .22 - calibre bullet which lodged in the wall. The pheasant season in the National League for Brook- lyn Dodgers and Cincinnati Reds, , Essex County opens today. WEATHER FORECAST Definition Of A Trouble-Maker -- MP HAMILTON (CP)--An Onta-jdifficult for English - speaking |it will probably spread eastward|Lake Ontario, Windsor, London, tio member of Parliament be-|Canadians," Mr. Aiken -said in|throughout most of eastern On-|Toronto, Unity Synopsis: Cold air has moved into Northwestern Ontario and ' Cooler Tonight Cloudy Tomorrow Lake St. Clair, Lake -Erie, Lake Huron, Niagara, Western Hamilton: Thursday the enquiry. Spokesmen for all opposition parties agreed election ex- penses need to be controlled. Electoral victory should not de- pend on how much a candidate can afford to pay for advertis- ing and other help. The five-man committee is to ures to limit and control fed- eral election expenditures."' It is to study the problem in Can- countries. | Francois Nobert of Trois-Riv- ieres, Que., a former president of the Quebec Liberal Federa- tion and director of trust and insurance companies, will head Coldwell, "inquire into and report on the|lawyer and Liberal desirable and practical meas-|committee : nances in federal and provin- cial : Norman Ward of the University ada and the experience of other |of jscience teacher and author. M. J, COLDWELL Members will include M. J. former national leader of the CCF party and an MP for 23 years who recently was made a privy councillor, |and Arthur F. Smith of Calgary, a Conservative MP from 1957 to 1963 and former chairman of the Commons estimates com- mittee. ARE MEMBERS The other members are. Gor- 'don R. Dryden of Toronto, a campaign man handling fi- contests, and Professor Saskatchewan, a_ political Mr. Lamontagne' said at a press conference later that the committee whether to hold public hearings, when to begin work and when to report to the government. itself will. decide $1,683,471,003-WORTH Defence Spending Hits Highest In Seven Years OTTAWA (CP) spending in the 1963-64. fiscal -- Defence|there was practically no change. Officials said it was not ex- year rose to its highest point in| pected that the government's | tenance the last seven years, officials|policy of switching some main- disclosed Tuesday. costs to new equip- Despite slashes in some navy| ment would take hold in the sveaking. Parliament told the Commons Tuesday he is confident the sep- aratist movement in his prov- ince will disappear but he won- dered what would happen then. of the disappearance of the but can anyone in atists?"" heard, while pseudo - intellect- were carrying the separatist 'Separatists Will Vanish But What Follows Them?' OTTAWA' (CP)--An- English-jh . Quebec member of e said. A group of seven French - speaking intelléctuals had published Canadian. Mani- festo, which he praised as @ valuable document, and swt cal leaders were being heard with their moderate views, Bryce Mackasey (L--Mont- GIVES GUARANTEE real Verdun) said "I am sure French - speaking eo t House guarantee the disappearance -of 1 A year ago, he said, he was ssimistic about the. situation in Quebec. "I thought we would 4 lose the battle of these people's minds by default." The voice of d moderation was not. being uals, "prostituting their roles," movement into universities. a But the situation has changed, | 5 While Mr, MacKasey said he the eventual the English - speaking separ- prepared to p Bag ve A ; speaking Canadians still be de- nied some of their in some provinces? Would some basic rights oors of industry stil' be closed speaking Cana- 'o French - jans? He said it should be remem- bered that the separatist move- ment contains many sincere people who are against violence nd who sincerely believe an in- dent Quebec would offer : unlimited opportunities for the Managed News lacr'e scones sity, Ang May Go -- Says Premier should be remembered these people are entitled to SAULT STE. MARIE, Ont. (CP) -- Premier Robarts said their: opinions. Mr. MacKasey said newspap- ers outside Quebec province pro- vided the publicity "on which. the lunatic fringe breeds." He couldn't understand why the CBC and newspapers gave such Tuesday that if the govern- wocasre te tie eee fore: ment's policy of producing its own taped radio television and news releases does not seem to be working out, the idea may be dropped. He told a press conference, jhowever, that the program for A moratorium should be de- | providing taped releases free to; radio and TV stations in the |province has not been used to a large enough extent as yet to determine whether it should be discontinued. "Everyone seems to think that we're trying to slant this thing for political purposes," Natural Childbirth Less Morbid TORONTO (CP) -- Natural childbirth makes mothers feel Mr, Robarts said. "This is not ---- 'ooee' sceaueae --. our intent. Q lower morbidity, says Dr. H. The government' has engaged] joyq Miller, chief of obstetrics Don Fairbairn, a public rela-|a+ 'st Luke's Hospital, Cedar tions' man and farm broad- : ARTHUR SMITH The terms of reference would enable the committee to con- Sider the possibility of paying part of the election costs out of the federal treasury. The pos- sibility of limiting political ad- vertising rates charged by TV and radio stations would also be studied. The committee would exam- ine election-expenses laws in Quebec and such countries as Britain, France, Australia, New Zealand and Scandinavia, MAY WAIT Mr. Lamontagne said the gov- ernment may wait for the com- mittee's report before. proceed- ing with the proposed revision of the Canada Election Act, in- cluding lowering the voting age to 18. Mr. Diefenbaker. said the in- vestigation and action to limit expenditures on election cam- paigning will be welcomed both by members, defeated candi- dates and the public at -large. New Democratic Party Leader Douglas agreed. If the day comes when elections can be bought by large campaign funds, a vital element 'in democ- racy will be lost. Redistribution of Commons constituencies is to be under- taken and while Mr. Castonguay also has been named senior commissioner to redraw the electoral boundary maps, a bill setting out the basic priaciples has bogged down in tne Com-| mons this session. caster, to tape interviews with the premier and cabinet minis- ters on various topics. These tapes are distributed free to any broadcasting station that wishes to use them. WASN'T SURPRISED Mr, Robarts said he was not|Prenatal education and support surprised at news'"' criticism the policy drew the opposition parties. However, he was interested in the amount of newspaper edi- torial comment against the idea, "If it proves not the proper thing to do, we may drop it,'"' he said. Premier Robarts and 15 mem- bers of his cabinet arrived here from Port Arthur by air Tues- day on the second stop of their three - day tour of northern and northwestern Ontario. from Rapids, Iowa. At the same: time, natural childbirth makes the babies more alert, seldom needing stimulation, he said in an inter- view. Dr. Miller is a guest here on the Natural Childbirth Asso- ciation, holding a seminar on during labor. Dr. Miller said he had found that natural childbirth cuts the average time for the duration of labor by half, And it is bet- ter for the baby if the mother is an medicated during child- birth. COSENS & MARTIN Insurance 67 King St. E., Oshawa 728-7515 fhswene Res: 725-2802 or 725-7413 jold."" CRICKETER DIES LONDON (Reuters) -- Joseph Filliston, 102-year-old "Father Time of Cricket," died in hos- pital following a road accident, it was announced here Monday. A former professional cricketer with Staffordshire and Suffolk who had been umpiring for 51 seasons, Filliston was knocked down by a motor-scooter and had his right arm and leg frac- tured. He gave up professional cricket to umpire when he was 50. He announced his retirement Feb. 10 of this year--his 102nd birthday -- 'before I get too HEAT WITH OIL DIXON'S OIL 313 ALBERT ST. 24-HOUR SERVICE 723-4663 SERVING OSHAWA OVER 50 YEARS an interview. |tario by tonight. A gradual dis-jsunny with cloudy periods. In an address to about 50 stu-|sipation of the cloud during the|Winds northwest 15 to 20. F : dents at McMaster University,|day in southern Ontario should} Eastern Lake Ontario, Geor- ish Canadians with- the -prob-|he said the basic cause of mis-/enable temperatures to rise to gian Bay, Haliburton, Killaloe: lems of French Canada. understanding between French| quite high levels today to be fol-|Thursday sunny with cloudy pe- Gordon Aiken (PC -- Parry|and non-French Canadians was|lowed by a sharp fall during the|riods. Winds northwest 15 to 20. Sound - Muskoka) said he willlover the meaning of Canadian/|night. Timagami region North Bay, try to erase the misunderstand-| unity. -------------= | Sudbury: Thursday variable cloudiness and cool, Winds ings and prejudices many per-| The French see unity in di-| 'i sons, including members of his| versity whereas the non-French St |northwest 15 to 25. | ripper | Algoma: Clear with a few jcloudy periods Thursday. Winds and RCAF ~ equipment pro-| first year. | grams, defence expenditures in| The defence budget for the the fiscal year ended March 31,| current 1964-65 fiscal year is 1964, amounted to $1,683,471,003, | $1,526,000,000. It calls for a cut the biggest outlay on defence| Of nearly $250,000,000 in person- since the $1,759,426,000 spent in| nel, operations and maintenance 1956-57 when the Liberal govern-| Costs to $1,126,000,000, a figure | ment was last in office. which many officials now say| The Liberals, who again as-| they doubt will be achieved. sumed power in April, 1963, ha}, The main reason 'for the promised to reduce expenditures| 1963-64 increase in housekeeping Lunch Hour -- 1300 te 2:00 P.M. on defence department house-|€XPenditures was a $46,000,000 keeping -- military personnel|P@y "increase for the armed iJ costs and operations and main-|forces and a $76,500,000 addi- get a beautiful tenance--and increase spending| tional government contribution 4 : nu wu" to the armed forces' pension fund. ' xX ; ie 2 SE ES | : . on new weapons in equipment. picture of your child ; gan a tour of the province here _Tuesday night to acquaint Eng- TZ) 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. : Friday Night until 7:30 P.M. x Saturday until 5:30 P.M, own party, have concerning |see unity as one language, one jehec. culture and one nation, joined "Extremists in Quebec have ether in one purpose, he 4 a It jnorthwest 15 to 20. made a dispassionate approach{gaid. ~ | ' ; "nd : pines re Sona ' 1! jsunny with cloudy periods. Jack's Ruby Winds northwest 10 to 15. DALLAS (AP) -- A forme But in the last fiscal year the trend was in the opposite di- rection, Military personnel costs rose to $659,695,011 from $631,- 234,615 im 1962-63 and operations Forecast Temperatures Low tonight, high Thursday: Windsor . 46 stripper, Diana Hunter, 23, is trying to breathe new life into the dark and dingy Carousel Club, Jack Ruby's old strip- tease emporium in downtown Dallas. So far, customer response has been slow. St. Thomas... London Kitchener .. Mount Forest. Wingham .. Hamilton ....... 0 St. Catharines..... and maintenance costs soared to $716,234,836 from $605,180,074 the | previous year, | In fact, these two categories of defence expenditures rose to their highest point in the peace- time history of the armed ©) <ew. e. Toronto ..... Peterborough ..... forces. RISES SLIGHTLY } Spending on equipment rose | slightly to $282,598,479 from) $258,368,788 but as a percent- age of the total defence budget | GET THE BEST MEDICAL CARE PLAN Phone: 942-3787 ONTARIO (COUNTY) CO-OP MEDICAL SERVICES has this plan COMPREHENSIVE COVERAGE SURGERY -- ACCIDENT -- MATERNITY -- X-RAY -- HOSPITAL VISITS -- HOME and OFFICE CALLS -- DRUGS -- AMBULANCE SPECIAL NURSING Yearly Premium--Family $112.00---Single $56.00 ~ Tor, ONTARIO (COUNTY) "O-"P MEDICAL SERVICES -- R.R. No. 1, Locust Hill, Ontarie Please send detells of your coverage te: Thé(new owners clearly hope to cash in on the notoriety the establishment attained after Ruby shot Lee Harvey Oswald, accused assassin of President| 1} John F. Kennedy, last Nov. 24. They advertise the éntertain- ment as "the most talked-about burlesque show in the world." Mrs. Hunter, a former per- former at the club, is running the Carousel for an investment finm which apparently took over the mortgage. Asked whether she has dis- cussed the club with Ruby, un- der death sentence in the county jail seven blocks away, she said: q "No. I've tried to visit Jack a couple of times at the jail but they wouldn't let me see him." PAUL RISTOW LTD. REALTOR 187 King East - 728-9474 Sudbury ... Earlton .. Sault Ste. Marie... Kapuskasing ...., White River.. Moosonee ...« Timmins '.....%. NEED Mortgage Money? Real Estate McGILL "1 Day or Night - 728-4285 Bring oll the children under 12--1 5x7 only, 79¢ <4 taken singly or 1 5x7 Group only $1.00 'per iid. You'll see the cutest expressions and professional poses captured by our friendly lady photographer, Select from finished pictures, NOT PROOFS! Extra finished 8x10, 5x7s and wallet size will be shown ot unbelievably low prices your epprovel, Example: Wallet size less than 65¢ each in groups of 4 same pose. WE GUARANTEE INDIVIDUAL SATISFACTION -- BRING A FRIEND -- | Announcing! | | ST. JOHN AMBULANCE DOWNTOWN STORE Tuesday, Oct, 26 and Wednesday, Oct. 27. OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE Thursday, Oct. 29 through Saturday, Oct. 31 ZELLER'S RETAILERS TO THRIFTY CANADIANS Senior First Aid Training Course Tuesday Evenings Beginning Nov. 3 AUDITORIUM DR. PHILLIP'S SCHOOL Simcoe ot Rossland | (Name) Interested parties invited to register; Phone St.John Business 668-4666. Residence 725-4191 | (Address) L This request does not obligate me in any way. ye see eee

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