LADIES' A. ALL WOOL COATS in assorted colours of: emart aA Division of the $. $. Kresye Compony Limited OATS cherry, teal, brown, mink, grey and black, Sizes 6 to 16, With Mouton Collar. B. ALL WOOL COATS in assorted colours of; cherfy, teal, brown, mink, grey and black with Mouton Collar. Sizes 6 to 16. C. LAMINATED FLANNEL COATS with Mouton Collar. Assorted red, _ blue, brown, black and grey colours, Sizes 5 to 15. LADIES' NYLONS 3 Pair for 91° Fiest Quality Seamless Mesh Nylon Hose with Sewn Toe. Each pair in attractive poly bag and bonded in 3's. Assorted colors avaliable. Sizes 9 to 11, LADIES' LADIES' APRONS DRESSES Asiaied Ce 'oe Silk, Honan Silk ' and Surah Silk fabrics to choose f Half Aprons with 1964 calendar. Assorted . Sizes range from: 12 to 20 and "16Va to pink, blue, rose colors, 24/2,