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Oshawa Times (1958-), 28 Oct 1964, p. 7

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oe cpa A ell BETA I AR a Si aie mi gpeiivon gc svete THE OSHAWA TIMES, Wednesday, October 28, 1964 7 School Board Member To Seek Council Seat AJAX (Staff) -- A member of the: Ajax Public School Board resigned at the board's Monday night meeting to run for town council in the upcoming elec- tion. Henry Polak, chairman of the board's finance committee, gave no reason in his official resignation but it was later about the two- term recently , Mr, Polak ] , at this time, in favor of the two-year term. He suggested that if a two-year term. ON BOARD SINCE 1958 ° Mr. Polak has been an Ajax resident since 1957 and began his law practice here in 1958. He was appointed to the school board in 1958 when William Le- gros resigned to become princi- pal. Mr. Polak a director of the Ajax Chamber of Commerce, said he had always been inter- ested in municipal politics. At its Monday night meeting the school board was also in- formed it had been selected by the Toronto Teacher's College' to allow practice teachers to teach classes here under supervision. An accident insurance ~policy has been taken out by the board to cover its members on their way to and from meetings. Premiums are $12 annually with a $50,000 maximum coverage for disability or death and $25,000 medical coverage. The school board, having re- served $66,000 under the Munici- pal Works Assistance Program to build a gymnasium at St. Andrew's Senior School, told council that it had released $22,000 or that amount to the municipality for its use. Under the agreement 'the board could use only two-thirds of the total amount or $44,000. Approval for the gymnasium is now being awaited from the department of education. SAULT TRUSTEES VISIT The board was also advised that three trustees of the Sault Ste. Marie Public School Board visited St. Andrew's Senior School on Friday, They had pre- viously attended the Public School Trustees' Association An- nual Convention at Toronto and visited Ajax on the invitation of Chain Saw Theft Case Adjourned BOWMANVILLE (Staff) The case of a Newtonville man charged with theft over $50, was adjourned Tuesday one week for argument in Bowmanville | Magistrate's court. are on the northside of Highway 2, east of Newtonville. Holland lives about a mile and a half east of them, Bartko also told the court he |had told Yarema of the incident} to the St. Principal A. J, V. Leeder and were taken on a ed in the semi-rotary as a preparation for high school. They also had the coun- selling and guidance program explained to them. nual D. J, Reid of the Ajax Board. Mr. Reid is the first vice-presi- dent of the PSTA. The visitors were introduced Andrew's staff by tour of the! school, Sault Ste. Marie is con- sidering the change to the sen- jor school system and the trus- tees were particularly interest- timetable The principal's committee re- ported to the board that the An- Teachers' Institute had been an outstanding success, and, from ail reports, the best in years. The Ajax Public School Board assisted by making Park- side Auditorium available and the members were accordingly thanked. Kindergarten teachers from the Ajax public schools and Principal Graham Pinkney of Lord Elgin School attended a speech correction meeting at West Rouge School. They re- ported the venture had been quite successful, Mrs. Margaret Ionson is a speech consultant in the Ajax Public Schools and has | an extensive program operating in all four schools. | Youth Held In Custody For Report BOWMANVILLE (Staff) -- A 16-year-old youth who escaped | from the Bowmanville Training | School after beating a guard) and robbing him of $98, was| remanded in custody until Nov') 3 for a presentence report. Ed Wildman, of Bowmanville,|@ few days later and it was| Sandy Francis Johnson had counsel for the accused, Kasper|then Yarema had discovered /been charged with robbery with| Holland, and Crown Attorney) Geoffrey Bonneycastle, both agreed that an adjournment tun-| til next week would be in order to present argument and also introduce more defence evi- dence. . Holland had pleaded not guil-| ty to a charge that on Sept. 4 he had stolen a chain saw, val-|'" from Nick) ued at over $50, | Yarema. the saw was missing. Yarema testified he had been to the market in Toronto on Sept. 3 and didn't get home until 11 a.m. on Sept. 4. He also testified that it was not until Bartko told him about the man coming out of his house did he know his saw was miss- "The saw," he said, 'was kept hidden under a blanket in a Mundy, violence, and car theft. Constable George Evans, OPP, told the court that on Sept. | 28, Johnson and three juveniles had made plans in the afternoon to escape from the school. | "Johnson was to hit. Bert a supervisor at the school, over the head when he wasn't looking." "He got the nod from one of the others, and took a 24-ounce Clipthem...Usethe This coupon is worth 20c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of J. & J, Baby Powder 12Ya-oz, -- 98¢ . (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) This coupon is worth 10c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of 3 tins ENFALAG | 15-0z, 31e each (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) | TOILET This coupon is worth at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of DEXTRI-MALTOSE 1 pound 1.19 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) A PPP This coupon is worth 25c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of SOFTIQUE Beauty Beth Oil 2'%4-oz. 1.69 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT.. 31/64) 20c } > > > 9 This coupon is worth 30c at an /.D.A, Drugq Store on the purchase of CORICIDIN 25 toblets -- 1.29 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) TISSUE Soft . . . absorbent and ovail- able in White and four colours, YELLOW, PINK, AQUA, LAVENDER Regularly 2 rolls 29¢ 8 it! 88c for m...Savemoney! They're good during our Fall Sale this week This coupon is worth 25 c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of BETTY BUBBLE Bubble Bath - 1.49 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) > > at an 1.D.A, Drug Store This coupon is worth 3lc the purchase of RESDAN 6 oz. - 1,50 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) This coupon is worth 20c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of " ALKA-SELTZER 25's size - 78c (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) 4 4 at an |.D.A, Drug Store This coupon is worth 1.25 on the purchase of G.E. Heat Lamp Kit 7.95 Value (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) § This coupon ; is worth 15¢ at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of MACLEANS Tooth Paste REG. 69¢ tube (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) This coupon : is worth 10c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of Glycerin Suppositories Infants' 59¢ pkg. (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) , 9 This coupon is worth 36c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of 3 Evenflo Nurser Units 8-oz. -- REG. 45c each (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) FACIAL TISSUES Soft Absorbent - Economical 400 single tissues Regularly 29e box 2 49¢ This coupon is worn 1-00 at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of . 1.D.A. Heating Pad 4.95 value (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) 4 4 4 4 > 4 4 2 4 4 4 at an I.D.A, Drug Store This coupon 3.00 is worth on the purchase of Schick Tooth Brush Cordless -- 13.95 value (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) This coupon is worth at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of BRYLCREEM Regulorly 79c (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) 20c 4 > > > > > 4 a J This coupon 4.20 is worth at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of G.E. Tooth Brush Automatic, 23.95 value, (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) > storage room in his house just This coupon This coupon This coupon bottle of pop into Mr. Mundiy's A neighbor of Yarema, Nick|tg prevent someone from steal-| offi it bi pasate Terme sce Pet aie salt in ors th ead preter Stan Rospond of the) Bowmanville OPP detachment, he had seen a black car parked) im Varema's yard at about 9 a.m. on Sept. 4. WAS CARRYING SAW | "I looked out of the window} Walter Yarema, 21, son of/of $98 and took his car keys, and) 7 and) serious General Nick, testified that Holland hadjstole his car." | come' to him on Sept. asked him if he would dig a few post holes for him. "Mr. Mundy", be said, "is in| condition in Toronto} Hospital with menin-! "I told him then that I didn't |gitis and is expected to undergo have time to do it. A ftew\a major operation." | and saw the car but couldn't|days later I met him at work in| see anybody in it. A few min-|General Motors, and asked him| utes later I saw a man com-|if he had been at my house on| ing out of the house carrying a|Friday, (Sept. 4), and he told AJAX COUNCIL | is worth at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of Hankscraft Vaporizer Model 2029.95 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) $ This coupon? OO is worth 50c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of Sylvania Flashbulbs 12's AG-1 or M2 1.68 value (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) Visit our store during Fall Sale week for big savings. Dozens of other bargains will make your trip still more 21c } This coupon 20c $ This coupon worthwhile, is worth 36c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of MODESS (Regular) Box of 48 - 1,85 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) > ES is worth 1.00 at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of Kodachrome 1 8mm Colour Movie Film - 4.95 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) This coupon 12¢ This coupon 70c is worth at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of "Idalarm" CLOCK. is worth at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of 1.D.A. FLOOR WAX at this Easi-Gloss - 1 tb. tin - 59e Regularly 3.49 extra (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) special iad This coupon low price! A POCPOOC ON PHILISHAVE This coupon is worth 30c is worth 26¢ at an 1,D.A, Drug Store SPEEDSHAVER at an !.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of Model $C7920 < A ' Two rotary blades mean o8 SNe Pair > BRECK SHAMPOO ; EXCEDRIN 36 Tablets - 1.25 smoother shaves. 20 ox. and Applicator - 1.99 r (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) ousilt 7.9 5 eo ie : . s This coupon This coupon Buy One : " ' is worth 15¢ S 3 is worth 25c Get at an 1.D.A, Drug Store > $ at an 1/.D.A, Drug Stort, ' One on the purchase of on the purchase of " ' FREE $ chick Stainless Steel $3 Bowling Shoes Bag 60-watt Roxor Blades - 5's 79¢ > Men's - 1.79 value . (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) « (COUPON EXPIRES T, 31/64) Inside Frosted ts fa ae bag " Gh? ee BULBS This coupon 35c 2 This coupon A9c ; at an |.D.A, Drug Store is worth is worth They're made in Canada, on the purchase of at an |.D.A, Drug Store Fully Guaranteed. SHAVING BRUSH © on the purchase of 2.98 Value Bowling Shoes Bag 3 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 21/64) Lady's - 1.98 value > q is worth > ¢ at an 1/.D.A, Drug Store q on the purchase of BAN Deodorant 1 ox. - 89e (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) Buy now for Christmas > ' Sanemapiiaies This coupon is worth 39c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of Dr. West's 3-Brush Special 1.38 value (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) This coupon is worth 39c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of FORMULA 22 Weampole 100's - 2.98 (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) This coupon is worth 1 5c at an 1.D.A, Drug Store $ on the purchase of LECTRIC SHAVE | Williams 3 ox, - 80¢ (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) gs $ This coupon $ is worth 2c § at an 1.D.A, Drug Store on the purchase of } AQUA VELVA Williams 4 oz. - 90¢ (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) (2 © 28¢ (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) q PUCCCCCCCTUCT. ono Pon PUVCCC. PUUCVCCUCC CT. ~ > This coupon is worth 10¢ on the purchase of TWO 39c AQUA SEAL BABY PANTS In any 1.D.A, Drug Store COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31, 1964 1.D.A. Brand, 100 ft, roll, REG, 326 CAPSULES --- 1.D.A, 250's, REG, 2.29 1.79 WAX 'PAPER 53¢ 1.04 MILK of MAGNESIA OVER 500 STORES IN ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU EASTVIEW PHARMACY | 573 King St. East, Oshawa 725-3594 'LDA. 16-0Z., REG, 57e 1D.A., 16 ox., 69e 40-ox., 1.39 45c TAW'S 1204 Wecker Drive : 725-3525 yellow chain saw, which he put|me yes. The next day he came| AJAX (Staff) -- Mayor H, M. i rth the back seat. He then drove |up to me and told me he wasn't|smith of Ajax was asked at the is wo away. towards the east." jat my gee the Friday be-| Monday night council meeting to at an 1.D.A, Drug Store Yarema's and Bartko's houses argh wife had been USING | express council's regret over the on the purchase of . recent death of the infant son of ' vistT DENIED |Ajax Police Chief G. C, Dunn. Cepacol Mouth Wash A ax Man Holland testified he had not|Mr. Dunn's four-month-old baby 5 or. - 70¢ been at the Yarema house on| died suddenly last Friday. | (COUPON EXPIRES OCT, 31/64) gone 1 bad about Garay ofter| CAPITAL BUDGET _-- P nm. | The Ontari ie To Attemd -- ine' test Ait Gi Io Stari Mania oar . Ont 2 OF 8 Bm twen|for its 1965-40 capital expendi. This coupon 39¢ This coupon 96 pn ; ee jtures budget. ¢ matter was ° : Kin Rall : I had given my wife my paY|referred by council to die' fi. is worth is worth Tieenin ee rg ge nance committee, 2 at an 1.D.A, Drug Store at an |.D.A, Drug Store Richafd irittin, director of\bank and then go shopping in SCHOOL TAXES on the purchase of on the purchase of public relations for National As-|Bowmanville. | A resolution from the Town of sociation of Kinsmen Clubs. will) Holland's wife, Angela, and | Trenton, asking Ajax support to Fountain Syringe NOXZEMA attend the annual fall council|his sister-in-law, Josefa Walter,)approach the Provincial Gov-| Viceroy" 2-quart - 1.88 Skin Cream 10 ox. - 1.45 meeting of the association's|testified they had gone to New-|ernment for more 'substantial (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) (COUPON EXPIRES OCT. 31/64) District Four in Calgary- Oct.|castle to cash the cheque andjeducation grants, was. filed by aA o~ 31 and Nov. 1. : jhad then gone to Bowmanville| Ajax Council Monday. Everett om A member of the Ajax club,|to shop. |Weatherall, finance chairman, Mr. Griffin was appointed to} Mrs. Holland said she had ar-|said the matter would come up office at the association's re-| rived home about 12.15 p.m. and/for study next year. cent national convention injher husband was still in bed. Banff. |She also produced a bank state-| POPPY DAY His responsibilities {nclude|ment that showed there had| The Ajax branch of the Royal publication of the association's|been a deposit of $50 credited|Canadian Legion received per-| monthly magazine which goes|to her account on Sept. 4. mission from council to hold its to 12,000 members in 400 clubs} It was at this point, the| annual Poppy Fund Appeal from | across Canada. jcrown and defense |awye'r|Nov. 2 to 7. On Noy. 8 a Re-| The association, now in its|agreed to the adjournment. Mr.|/membrance Day. parade will be} 45th year, is an all-Canadian|Wildman said he would get the|held from the Legion Hall to service organization for young|deposit slip and introduce it|the Community Centre at 2.30 men. It has international affil-;next week. p.m, where a Remembrance iations with service clubs in| ee Service will be held. Council ap-| Great Britain, South Africa, Aus-| nheblyed purchase of a vigrg tralia and Europe through its} P B | rom the town at a cost o! ls membership in the World Coun- ass y a W TRAILER cil of Young Men's Service Pariiasion ae and te Clubs. ee A Pitch ; ; : 1 to Gossin and: Silver) The national president John T B coun! Goldie of Toronto is at this time| 0 OITOW Sea rele ie 'al -- fgg Reiger HE rhe . Southwood Park subdivision. world council conference, this | or ibra Ct ae ee ae Pa year being held in West Berlin,| dF 2 if approved by the delegates at) ROWMANVILLE. (Staff) expense of the company. | "eo that conference the 1967 si te/Rowmanville Town Council, at| HOTEL SERVICES ' } will be Edmonton. a special meeting Tuesday night) Council agreed to pay one- Lady $s PLASTIC RAIN HAT FREE ? ss e approved a bylaw that would|third of the cost or $7,185 for the . * permit the borrowing of $148,000| water and sewage hook-up at the| on presentation of this coupon orestry u cote construction of the wey prcneaed new hotel on Station compliments of your 1.D.A, Druggist A second bylaw to authorize) = COUPON AXPIRES OCT. 31, 1964 Oo be rorme the acquisition of land for the) TREE CUTTING od purpose of widening Prospect| The Ajax Hydro Commission) Farm boys and girls, between|street was also passed. estimated that tree cutting the ages of 12 and 21, are in-| The bylaw regarding the 1i-|Street lighting purposes in the HALIBUT LIVER Ol vited to attend the organization|brary will now go to' the On-|north end of Ajax would cost meeting of the Ontario County|tario Municipal Board for ap-|$3,500 bringing the total light-' 4-H Forestry Club in the De-|proval. jing cost up to $13,895. Council partment of Agriculture Office,| A motion was also"passed to) Was, informed that the reason MI N ERAL Ol L Uxbridge, on Wednesday, Nov.|accept a loan from the Muni-|for the delay in this report was 4, at 8 p.m. |cipal Loan Fund for the purpose|that a street-by-street, tree-by-| The forestry club will be|Of constructing the library. The| tree survey had been conduct-/ under the direction of the On-|!oan will amount to $98,000 and|ed. The matter was referred by tario Department of Lands and|the grant that goes with it/council to the protective serv-| Forests, Richard Monzon, assist-|$24,000, The town, will save|ices committee. > | i] | ant zone forester, will be the/$11,000 over 20 years hy accept-|~_--<"<~;737}!ZEté'('(i'( rt!" » guest speaker at this meeting.|ing the Municipal Loan Fund's| THE NATION'S DRINK | The object of a 4H Forestry|loan instead of a' centennial | LONDON (CP) -- The world! Club is to stimulate interest in| grant, jrecord for drinking tea is still| : 360 Wilson Rd. S. 9 Simcoe St: N. 723-3431 28 King St. E. 723-4621 241 King St. E. 725-1169 the conservation and better) It was also pointed out by|held by a comfortable margin) management of farm woodlots,|/Councillor Ken Hooper that the/by Britons. Every year, inhabi- the reforestation of non-agricul-|library is not the town's offivtants of the British Isles -use tural land and'planting of wind-|cial centennial project 9.71 pounds of tea each' say the breaks and shelter belts or snow! "'No such project has been|International Tea Conieuition's| yet," 'be said. statistica, eo:

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