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Oshawa Times (1958-), 29 Oct 1964, p. 25

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ae Hunt. Unit Convenes | The Hary -- of Simcoe Stréet United Church held their' ; r meeting recently. Mrs. 5. @ lA presided for re- ports ahd business. One min-| ge ute $f silence was observed in| 7 memory. the at Miss Miir-| | iel Oke, Mrs. ley remarked) on the various jobs which had been undertaken in the unit by Miss Oke. The group under the chair- pop ie remainder ats meditation on was faye 0 the. United Chur Training 9 at Albert College, Belle- le. Gives Talk On Liturgy Rev, J. E. Lawlor 9f St. Pat- rick's Church, Wildfield (near Bolton, Ont.) .addressed St. Gregory's Colihcll of the Knights of Columbus 'Tuesday. He spoké of the endorsation by the Vatican-Council in 1963 of the constitution on sacred) liturgy..He 'said professors are) to be trained to teach the Lit- urgy in seminaries. "Priests até to be given all! possible hélp t6 understand and| "The march of progress live the Liturgical life and share|Speedy Muffler Kihg since the it with their people," he said, [company was formed eigtt , |years ago is marked by a mile- stone with the apefiing of the lcompany's first branch at King land Gladstone streets. Jerry Hofftnan, général man: jaget for Speedy Muffler King, lsaid-today that Oshawa and dis#tict atito owners can now) Se famous 'speedy' service) at thé tiew location. "We have jmoré than 1,800 squate feet of space hére,"' he 'said, "and we SPRING IN perhaps owing to unseason- poly high temperatures, Benches in Queen's Park ate Outdoor activities more usually associated with spring have been taking place in To- 'Tonto these last few days, Speedy Muffler King Opens Here Friday operatéd by Doug Flieger, man- ager, and two installers. The Compahy . specializes in the swift and thorough, replacement of defective mufflers and -ex- haust systems. The King street west branch will also provide an up-to-date shock absotber replacement ser- vice, Mr, Hoffman added. The Oshdaw@ location is the only Speedy Muffler King cen- tre between Toronto and Mont- teal, the general manager point- éd out. Official opefiing cere- monies will be carried out Fri- day when Mayor Lyman Gif- ford i8 expected | to attend of BIRTHS FERGUSON = Gary aiid Jeatiette (nm Prenticé) of Hampton with to thank for thé aprival of twin gitls on Wednésday October 28, 1964 at Oshawa General Hos- pital. Also thanks to Dr. Rodgers and 4th floor stot. MIDOLETON -- Lyf atid Diane -(neé Nesbitt) aré co ert, to annouhee the safé Srival Of sriother son, weighing 10-168, |. e Cars as they Tuesday, October 27, 1964, at the Osh-| 2 deal with the ca awa. General Hospital. A birthday pres-| | come rolling: in." nt Bd rg ra <br. sks for| He explained, that the new uM a! \ ouiles Bepern *| three- bay = strc' ture would be OBITUARIES Canon G. Ongley, St. Géotge's Me moria! Church, | , Home| Fon OCTOBER tracted Unjversity of Toronto students combining studies with fresh air, and othérs who CREENWOOD ENTRIES THURSDAY, October 29 FIRST RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($2500) Claiming Three and Four-yeat-old Maid- ie fe. Huta," No Boy 14 Silverette, Walsh 109 Bronze Slipper, Smith 114 All Grand, Cuthbertson x104 eed Roman, McComb 112 Bridget' L,, Harris X104 Chie Whitefoot, Maxwell 112 Cool Jazz No Boy 114 Bulgy, Gorton iy Resolve, ez. Zebby, 'sat, tcliffe exrbe Mr, Bellachop,. Dittfaehi12 Also Bligibie: Line em Up, Parnell 118. SECOND RACE -- Purse $2,100 ($3500) Claiming Two-year-old'. One Mile _ Sporting Biood, Gornez 122 Chinese Sabre, Remillard Win Dixlé, McComb 110° Color Her Fleet, Parneli 107 Mandolas, McComb 109 Sail a Parsons X105 Salty Sultan, Gordon 117 Georgia Street, Harrts X109 THIRD RACE -- Purse $2,200 Maidens | Two-yeer-olds. Foaléd in Canatia: 7 Furs.) Headline, No Boy 115 Sweet Knot, Waish 116 Gripet, No Boy 118 Tony's Count, No Boy Allé Marie's Bid, Cuthbertson X110 Triple Aiisoe Se Miltioré ene 6 Miseniet, stable and J. T. ule on en ry FOURTH RACE -- Putte $2,100 ($3500) Claiming Two-year-olds. (Divn of 2nd) One Mile Lucky Draw, No Boy 114 Cruisin Thru, No Boy 114 Daylinér, Harris X109 Sly Eves, Maxwéll 109 Base; McComb 114 Perzaca, No Boy 112 m, No Boy 112 rangler, Mecorrib no FIFTH RACE -- Purse $2,700 "Oak Bay" Allowances Two-year-old Ore Milé Victorian .Era, Gordon 117 Admiral's Gift, Parsots X114 yh Willes, No Boy 117 Regal imagé, DitHach 114 Butterscotch; Fitzsimmpns 114 Markt Bid, Gomez 117 Blue Mel, bebions m Sunnyside NPA Bh The |Mosey On, She is survived by a daugh- ter, Mrs. Delbert Layton day, were held at the McIntosh Anderson Funeral Home, Wed-) Reid -- Mr. and Mrs. Elvin Reid are hapby to anndiincé the birth of 4 Soh, Kevin Dean, 8 Ibs. 12 ozs,, at the Oshawa General Hospital on Saturday, October 24, 1964, Thanks fo Dr, lfwin and nursing staft; also friénds for gifts, flowers and) # cards, A little brother for Rhona Coleen. | MRS, ANNIE ELIZABETH F BURNHAM Mrs. Annie Elizabeth Burn-| Anglican. |hain, 83, of Hillsdale Manor, a) Interment was in Mount Lawn DEATHS lresident of Oshawa for thé last|Cemetery. Methbers of the 156 years, died Wednesday if|Ladies Auxiliary of the Cana- AYLESWORTH). Wilfred Norman Oshawa General Hospital after dian Legion Ce, held a Suddenly in OsH#WA Oh Tuesday, October | Short illness. jservice in the Fun 27, 1964, Wilfred. M. | beet 9 slved) 'The former Annie Elizabeth) Tuesday evening at 7 p.m. Pr 3 the late Me, Aylesworth | Seager, she was born March 1,| Pallbearers were: Raymond Intosh-Anderson Funeral) 1881, in Maidstone, Kent, Eng-|McGillis, Ronald McGillis, Rob- Home, Servite in I ert agm mened|land. She married Williamjert McGillis, William McGillis, Cemetery, Wick. (OOF Service on Thurs-)Butnham in 1900 in Londén and)/David Coliins, and Thomas eeepc gn {caine to Courtice six years| Anthony. BURNHAM, Annie Etizabeth later. They moved to Oshaw4!. yrs. Collins died Sunday it on tn tke er A Oshawe two years later. lthe Oshawa General Hospital. 1964, Annie Elizabem Sbider in par sth Her husband predeceased her| tat, OF year. Beloved widow of William Burnham 15 years ago. FUNE 4 id lovin other of Mi Delbert La 3 fon. (rene) "Mrs Suramar is resting Hi Mire. Burohaiti Was 4. thein-| ELGIN GLOVER " lg he APL ge be A i Ib Funeral services for Elgin G. Then ef of Christ Memorial Angll-| unera 1 christ Weveriet Angiioen' 'church. tor ser-| jeah Church. | "Une" Glover, who died Sun- vice on Saturday, at 2 p.m. inferment Mount Lawn cemetery. DAVIES, Rebecca Jane hesday at 2 p.m. ' (Irene) of Oshawa, three grand-| at Cahaws Conarel Gove Sn eae children, Jean, Gladys ana) Rev. Stephen Saywell of" st.| in, her 100th year, beloved wite of the\Douglas and eight great-grand.|Stéphen's United Church con- ate Josiah Davies and stép-mother of! childrén. ducted the sérvice. Interment Leslie Davies of Mission B.C, Mrs. M 6t Adelphi, Maryland, : was in Union Cemetery. Biancne Clymite Ot ie Mn' Mabel Net|. The deceased is résting at the Saubeasers-"Were: Sen Tae? en of "Wooster, Ohio, and. sister-in- law|Gerrow Funeral Home until) *@bearers were: in of Mrs, Frénk HigginGotrem of, Oshawa. | noon Saturday. Archdeacon H.|S¢Y, Norman Lyon, Bryce nies. Davies is, asta. fi Meiners D. Cleverdon will conduct tun.| Reeves, George Sugden, Len thie. ey pel on Friday, October 30 at 3:30/ord] service at 2 p.m. Saturday) Hughes, Glen Hoskin. Pe er ee ee lin Christ Memorial Church. In-| Mr. Glover died Sunday in his LOCKE' S PUGRISTS -- {terinent will be in Mount Lawn) 30 Colborne street home, Funeral arrangements. and [Cemetery. | floral requirements. for all | | FUNERAL oF becasions | . MRS. JOSIAH DAVIES | JOHN R. LAMBERT OSHAWA SHOPPING |. Mrs. Josiah Davies diéd at] 'The funeral service for John CENTRE jthe Oshawa Genéral Hospilal|R. Lambert, of Columbus, who 24 HOUR PHONE SERVICE | Wednesday, Oct. 28 fter a two-|died Oct. 24 at the Oshawa Gen- 728-6555 week. illness: She was in her| eral HOspital was held Oct. 26 ag aN He -|100th year. at the McIntosh-Anderson Fi- Kindness beyond: Pricé, yet - | The former Rebecka Jane |netal Home. Rev. 8. J. Hilligr, GERROW Noble, she was born in Oakville |of Bradklin, conducted the sétv: on March 17, 1865; to the Latelica and ifterrent was in Pine FUNERAL HOME | Philo and Mary Noble. Ptior to|Grove Cemetery, Princé Albert. coer fgg woe ge or Chg The pallbearers were: Albert 290 KING STREET. WEST Glidden 'street. and Gordon Brown, George TELEPHONE 728-6226 |Sheehy, . Nortian Woodward, - She was predeceased by two} husbands, Edward Detettens,| Wiliam Gookinien, ent dome and Josiah Davies, whom she| jmarried in 1927 in Oshawa. |Edueated in Goderich schools, |she lived '1 the United States,} and then in Montreal before moving to Oshawa in 1925. A lifelong member of lSeventh Day Adventist Fiath, \t@! was held Wednesday at the |she was proud of her ties wit es Funeral Home, Rev. \the Binpire, ahd referred to ker-|Leonard Ware of St. Peter's An- lself as a United Empire Loyah jglican Church conducted the Mak. oi: """"|serviee and interment was in St. For memory is the only friend, Mts. Davies is |George's Cemetery, Hit 2 . Lprtally recriberes and sadly miksbd four stepe hildren: The on Belt were: "9 " by daughter Mary sonintaw Peter: qf Mission, B.C.; Mrs. Blanche|derson, « Beli, J. Hill, E. grandchildren Louise, Gloria and Susan Lietar GF Adelphi. Maryland: |Sharpe, J . Ryder, end J; Clie: Mrs. Florence Pim of Wooster,| 2 nae ecsreneaz neice Ohio; and Mrs. Mable Nelsen, | mea taro wl be News Media Blamed For Sweep sales Anderson Funeral Chapel, and} LONDON, Ont. (CP)--Magis- lwill be conducted by Fildér Rorivke tom ,|Pétcy Matuel of the Seventh |trate Donald B, Menzies. Wed- \nesday criticized news media ert ged ihlaw June Oy 'grandchildren, Day Adventist Church, Oshawa. | Burial will be in Union Ceme- for "advertising and éncourag- ing' the sale of sweepstake| FUNERAL OF CHARLES TEMPLAR The funeral service for Char- les Templar, who died Oct. IN MEMORIAM SHEYAN -- in loving memory of our Gear father and grandfather, Theodore) (Fred) Sheyan, who nga mys life one year 490 todey, October 29 God fook him hore, it 'ss iia will, But in our hearts we tove tim still; His memory is as dear today As in the hour he passed away. We often sit and think of him, Wher we are ait alone, survived by Leslie Davies HOLDAWAY -- In loving memory deer father and grandfather, Albert Hoe. away, Who passed away October 2, 1957. He it gone but Ant forgotten, And && dawns another year, 1h cur lehely hours of fhinking | Thoughts of Kim are always near. Bays of sadness still come o'er us, Friends may think the womsd is healed.) But they little know the sorrow That lee within the gt se ges * MOUNT LAWN MEMORIAL PARK @ ASSURES PERPETUAL MEMORIALIZATION @ EIGHT NATURAL FLORAL GARDENS Courteous information ot the Park Office Phone. 723-2633 MONUMENTS -- MARKERS RIMAR MEMORIALS 152 SIMCOE ST, S. OSHAWA EVENINGS 728-6627 -|tery. FUNERAL OF MRS, STANLEY. BAGG Funeral services. for Mrs Stanley Bagg of Kedron were) held Wednesday, Oct. 2 at 1 |p.m. in the Mcintosh-Anderson ~|Funeral Home. Rev, Frank Swackhammer of wie First Baptist Church con- ductéd the sérvicé, and = in- ferment was in Union Cemetery. Pallbearers were: Ken Mit-|H. H. Bick that the news media| son, Pascoe, and women a total $2,750 on convictions here of selling or disposing .of Irish . sweepstake| tickets. Magistrate Menzies OFFICE 723-1002 26) the at the Oshawa General Hospi-} lickels when he fined 14 men) Holds Meeting | Sunnyside Park Neighborhood) |Association held the October) house with C. ing. Reports from the various 'eommittees were received and plans for completing the kitchen was discussed, It was left to the éxecutive to purchase the needéd equip- ment, Plans for the fall were outlined and a social evening for, adults was planned for Sat: urday, Nov. 14. Anyone wish- ing to attend are asked to con- fact f#ither' C. Lavallee at 728-1219 or L. Edwards at 123- 2004. MP. Vacates Seat REGINA (CP)--An admission that he was "unduly retutned or elected as a member of the legislative assembly'. was filed with the registrar of the Re- gina courthouse Wednesday by former CCF attorney - genéral R: A, Walker. Mr. Walker, member of thé |legislatite for Hatley, Nied his admission under Section 25 of the Controverted Blections Act. The séction states that when such an admission, is filed and accented by Court af Queen's Bétich, the seat shall he dé claréd vacant, This would déar the way for a byé@léction ih Hanley. Mr: Walkef said admitting ir- regularities in the April 22 pro- vincial election in Hanley con: Stituency, as he had done, did Lavallé presid- meeting recently in the club-| TORONTO Shiet F A.M, grocks in ed $. eee from' previous. board-lof closing sale.) INDUSTRIALS Net Sales High Low a.m. Ch'ge 340 $14% 14% 14% 400. +5 34% 24% -- a Stock 4 Na 1g 9" ba! + A i 3 26% Fi 400 faa Malt 700 $248 24 ee % Can Perm 25 $) mH CAE iA 9% VA-- Ve 10% 1014 nwo Wo. 170 --8 1% 14% J 8 uu" wn+ VM 4} sometimes made it difficult to conéefitraté on thé books. =C P Wirephoto) 12 70 un 300 109 $244 $68 11% ni" $54 $52 67% u% M+ Ve 21¥2 212 -- Va) Sil Sa + Y| 51% ig kag ve Cc ind Gas CciL Cc Matec OPR Cdn Salt Cc Tire A Cc Util CWN G pr Cap Bidg Chemcell 1 Chemcel 1 p 250 Chrysler xd 225 Clairtone 100 | 200 100 1820 220 $25 200 $42V8 62 $39 z10 $16% 300 95 50 $17 $21% $65 «65 94 94 500 500 12% 2% 42% 25 42 rr + Ve} v x» 16% 16% 95. 7 21% 6 --% vA Ve 500 | 12% 4% -- Forever Pilot, Hérrison 119 --%\ Ice Cold, Harris X117 Garden King, No Boy 122 - SIXTH RACE -- Purse $2,900 adaen| Lea" Aone hi es oto Foaled in Canada, 7 Plain John, Marrs' x6 Queen's Law, Parsons X113 Muskoka, Fitesiffimons A-116 Top Ruler, Harris A-X114 Rare Port, Harris B-X114 Mixed' Colors, Gordon~ 117 Winkle,. No Boy 115 Prince Anthony, Aecwalt 8119 AM. P. Fleming and J. B. michaey éniry B-Gardiner Farms, os West Farms). and Hillcrest Stable entr: | (QUINELLA WAGERING) | 5 W 21% 312% $425 Coronation Coron 2 pr Coron w Crestork Crow's N Crush Int Cygnus A W. Car- SEVENTH RACE Purse $2,400. ($7500) Claiming Thréeyear-olds and up 7 Furs, Launch Out, Hatrison 115 Out of .Pockét, Leblanc 118 Li'l Eddy, Hale 116 Arctic Swifl, Swoon Star, Potts A-123 Arthur H., Walsh 113 Roman Lane, Annesiey Alls Thule, No Boy 113 Milator, Diftfach 13 Hannibal Miss; No Boy 117 A-D. A, Boddy and Mrs. Lb. Bélanger entry EIGHTH RACE -- Purse $2,000 ($2500) | Claiming Wyre olds and up. Foaled) in, Canada. One Mi Flippin Floyd, Walsh Ww Yancy, No Boy 119 Hutnbér Brbok,N6 Boy 116 Jessie 8B. Good, Parnell 113 D. Seven Deal, Fitzsimmons Vie Deal Mé ABs, No Boy 119 Zenarchal, Parsons A-X111 Stromaway, Harris X117 House Boy, Parsons A-X111 Eternal Lock, Walsh 116 Stone of Gold, Hale. 119 Copper Baton, No Boy 122 Also Eligible: Trust Him, Léblanc 116; Good Vibratjon, Remillard 119; Friend Willie, McComb 116; Sir orale Gor- don 3 9; 'Brlet 19; Kenny K., No Boy 1 sis 93 and P. HH. Rolman entry od fa 194 -- 1% 1600 bil r Weg G 255 $194 in 1% CALLS FOR RESTRAINT N. R. Crump, chairman of Ca- nadian Pacific Railway Co., says labor is going io have to exercisé "restraint on wage matters" 'and co-operate for greater productivity i¢ Canada is t& enjoy economic growth and reasonable full _employ- ment, Speaking to the Canadian Club in. Toronto. Monday, he ungéd the government to real- lize that social wélfate progratis jean not be bigger than Can- jada's ability to afford thet. sin, Fa Boy 119. Ad x5 'hs XX-7. Ibs AAC XXX-10 Ibs AAC iticandlh Time 1.30 p.m, COMMITTEEMEN. (Continued from Page 13) of becoming a white elephant. \It could be put to many usés: conventions, political meetings. Everyone benefits from 4 théa-| tre in a school.' Wallace Young, representing Oshawa and District Arts Coun-| §j cil: 'Many old theatres have been renovated, Lifidsay spent | |i $65,000 to fix theirs wp. Brockville fought its council to| presérve a theatre. There, is a| definite swing back to theatre. | (London hag built eight theatre- | type auditoriums.' ia In a written brief. handed tol g aldermen, Mr. Young claimed| a theatre would "stand out as a} §j dignified and unique gift'. Hé| suggested a separate building | a connected to, but not part of,| § a 6chool, "with its own en- trance for the public'. a Mr. Young listed 62 groups as/ § possible users. He 'said. the! "overwhelming number" of! t briefs (13) for an arts céntre or | espe 4 "must be taken serious- | Hé said this is where the ia of the centerinial eémmit- tee went _astray, POWER Tey. LEAN, TENDER OWING not litik the irregularities 'with any particular cafdidate. Liberal Industry Minister | Herb Pinder won the election in| Hanley by 30 votes ovér Mr. Walker on the basis of the offi-| jcial count of ballots, but Mr.| |Walker was awarded the seat! agreed| by two votes in a subsequent ju-! | with Assistant Crown Attorney |dicial recount. Monday, Robert Bmigh of Ralph Robertson, Wilfrid)make énforcement of the law| Saskatoon, lawyer for Mr, Pin: Robert - Prosser and/difficult in connection with lot-|der, had filed a petition in' 'Court ROASTS '7 CHICKENS™="3355 PORK Stock Ind Wire 2200 Ingersoll A 150 Inland C pr zi6 Inland Gas 700 1BM new IMC int By Int int rt pr Inter PL, Int Si P Inv Grp A ITL Ind 120 1245 1 130 300 QN Gas pr Revelstoke Rolland A Rothman Royal Bank Salada 270 Sayvette 500 Scot M L pr 7225 Shell Can 670 Shell | pr 275 Shell | wts 1550 Shop Save 200 impsons 200 350 280 $i 7 Slater Stéel 600 Slat B 5¥2 . 200 Steel Can 200 215 $634 Trans PPL Union Act 2 Un Carbide 1465 200 Pid 210 200 Wel) Fin rts 1850 Well Fin te 7225 WCoast Tr 190 Westfair 60 W Pacific 700, Weston ¢ Weston Wstn Jy pr West A_wts White Pass Wood Alex Y Kot a Zenith 300 22 $445 ans $154 100 $11% 1% 11% + | Ger 40 $10 "nmiedl a S60¥a 01h 01a p. +3. + 150 150 1% ae : "+t $16% 15) 99% 94 We "" 445. a5, $824 824 824 + W $91 907 Win -- Vo $27% 274. W% +" 4 5s 8 Ve 92% 9296 + Ve 33% 13% " a: ak Be Ya Ve 894 ila 11a 1 35Y8 358 35% NO 310 310 782 Be 1BYs 13% 13% 1 1398 1344 134 + % 13Va iP? gl" T "% 145 161 at ah % 8% 1014 it 10s -- 4 160 +5 m= 4 12 4 7a Ye 85% -- Ya] 144 + Ya} WYe-- %) i 3 -- a! $14% $11% 14% W"" 151 $i 1%, Wa-- Ye} $23% 212 23Ya-- Va| $78% 78% 78% -- Va) st 14 N% 345345 345 +5 $202 202 20% 519% 194 19% $284 284 2% 735 735 735 +8 $6 16 8 | $27% 27% 27% + Val $17%4 17% 17% + "a! 319% 19% 19% + Val $2658 2612 264 $3 8 ns ns Bava baa + ta! a w& | 13% 19% 0% 4) D+ % 10¥%4 | 10¥% | 26a -- Ve Gg $69 S137 sai $205 2014 si" 10% 10 $26¥e 26 ud tuo 300 tn +5 2. 2 15% 15% 357 Ye 3570 32 W4+ Vv 43. 3 $634 $16% $40 $16" 7 se 68 Py} "0 us +10 | OILS 60 oy 35 Numac 25¢ at your newsstand A feature report on why Oshawa is vital anchor of a flourishing industrial "golden horseshoe" 5 300 153 as 48 95 a ow 8 % 7:7 145 145 (145 sir 19% Pale 890 tH 730 132 (132 2B Bn 23 Bir BS ww 1518 183 153 nigh rv 1 a 1 -- --4 #1 Today' s Toronto Stock Market List % Soctk Sales igh, Low oth Orga Okalta $00 i i +m" ie vino 5 300 216 25 216 250 $15% 15% 15% 800 130. 130 190 3800 235 Tl 235 7" = 4 = re & ditetalzigautslagei -- E Bag +4 =; stasache sds 388 gg ase8 5. as +1 4 iy 74 + 4 a +1% rs ' #"t; va 8000 10 ioe a0 a Mt 300 ig) is A i + 160 +3 510 50 Mo TO 365 370 sh 87 87 WAN 7 "5 1 aM a "B+ 2 en 16H» ena " 30 605 9% 8 9 475 475 475 $31 = 30% «30% $75% 75% 75 1 130 130 19 19 1979 6 1000 13 13¥e 13M 600 2 25 42 156 156 iow toto , ey 8 uM 10% 0 134 a 46 Lh Bt J 3h 3% 3+ Ve 13000 20% 21 +1 to 11 @.m.: 1,267,000, FOREIGN TRADING 2 " 2 M4 % eh te afl 2000 109 if i a int I 'tn a Yukeno Zenmac Zulaps Sales Hud Bay inter PL int Helium 186 0 6810 «810 sit 1% WA D2 202 Wa +1 PLANT COMPTROLLER Required. by large multi-plant compony for Port Hope, Ontario. He will be responsible for both general Gnd eost océbuhting; and the pre- pération ond aridlysis of fineneial statem@nté Ghd fepérts. Désiréd qualifications Include R.1.A, training 6F its equivalent together with manufocturing experiénee. Preferably in heavy industry utili ing standérd eosts, Please reply in confidenes natn stn experience, age ond present salary to P, ©. Box 2700 St. Laurent, . Montreal 9, P.Q, OSHAWA IS GOING PLACES © Read about it todey in The Financial Post Canada's foremost business néwspapér ~ , ee ee ee ee ee | te ee le Poorer rrr titi GRAIN FED BEEF STEAKS..." New Crop US, Nodemne EMPEROR PORK BUTT cHOPSaS ace ___dauue ORANGE aa 2:29 cCADETTES | Arthur Green. jtéry ticket sales by publicizing] of éen's Bench dskin a) | | Mrs, Bagg died Sunday im the|race results and information on ine pe éléetion 4 "ae |Oshawa General Hospital. prize winnings. |claréd void under the Contro- FUNBIAL OF A fine of $1,000, the largest] vérted Blections Act on grounds JNER ont iNS j\levied against the group, was|of irregularities in election pro-| MRS) ELLEN, COLLINS imposed on Richard Carr, 50,| cedure. Funeral service for Mrs. Eljeh| of London. Police testified Carr} Mr. Walker earlier had of-| Collins of 254 Bruce street, were|wWas arrested as he tried to|fered to resign if Premier Ross eondiictéd ih the Melntosh|léave the city néar the énd ot/ Thatcher would call ah eafly) Anderson Fiunéral Chapel Wéd-| August with 1,089 sweéepstake) byelection, but Mr, Thatcher de-| nesday, Oct. 2 at 3.30 p.m, by|ticket stubs in his car, lelined to commit himself. CARD OF THANKS BOWMAN We wish fo thank dur réla- tives and friends for the beautiful cards "and many little kindnesses foo nuri@rous fo personally acknowledge, Which Added 80 much pleasure on our silver wedding 'enniversary.. Our heartfett thanks. he red and Sile Bowman' CpipES 2-29) A wi

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